A Change of Plans

"You're bailing? Davin, no, please, we've been planning this trip fo-....Yeah, I understand, but we leave tomorrow!...yes...ye-okay...okay, fine. Hope it goes well for you. Yeah, talk to you later too. Loves..." With a sigh, Ian clapped the phone...

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Her Hunger

"Damn it all to the Abyss!" Bael kicked at a rock near his foot. He watched it bounce down the trail irritatedly. It rolled to a rest further down the rocky pathway, one he and the others had been following for a couple of days. He heard one of...

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Gaze of the Lacerian Lover

The village came into view as I topped the hill. It wasn't a large town, as far as I could tell, but it was still civilization, and that was good enough for me. I had been on the road for a few days now, and was much worse for wear than I would have...

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A visit

I pushed open the door with a grunt, practically leaning against it as I shambled into the entryway. My shoes went airborne as they were kicked off, the black sneakers unceremoniously plopping onto the floor. In my zombie-like state, I only barely...

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