Digimon: The Tamed Children Part 4

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#4 of Digimon: The Tamed Children

Well, that took far longer to complete than I wanted it to. Hope this makes up for it.

Warning: scenes of nonconsensual, underage naughtiness. For the love of god, don't read this if you're at all offended.

Ruki's Route

Let me out! she thought as she bucked and strained against her bonds. I'll kill you all, you bastards!

Even though she knew it was completely soundproof, she was banking on there being a camera she couldn't see that would show her determination to her captors, and they'd nervously let her go. As it happened, there was a hidden camera, but it was only there to alert her guards if she was about to escape. It also had the added effect of allowing her owners to watch her and get off on her struggles.

And while they masturbated to her struggles on the fourth day of her confinement, they watched in annoyance as Ruki was able to loosen one of her restraints enough to free her right hand. "She's very resilient, isn't she?" grumbled one of them.

"I wonder who she gets it from," teased the other.

"Very funny. Go let her out before we have to pay for the box too."

Having ripped off her gag and freed her other hand, she furiously pounded on the box door. "Let me out!" she screamed. She was genuinely surprised when someone complied. "About time!" she muttered, shielding her eyes from her first light in four days.

"Are you ok, Ruki?" her savior asked as she removed the rest of Ruki's bonds.

"Renamon, it's you!?" As soon as she was free, she scrambled out of the box, only for Renamon to pin her gently. "How could you do this to me!?"

"Well, I didn't," she explained as Ruki helplessly flailed against her former partner. "I have a new mistress now, and by extension, she's_your_ mistress too. It was she who ordered you to be trained as a slave."

"And you _let_her!?"

"I can't help that you just look so sexy." She flipped Ruki around, holding her arms in place as she lifted her up. She directed Ruki to a mirror and asked, "Have you ever really looked at how beautiful you are?"

Entranced by her own reflection, Ruki didn't make a move as Renamon released her and began to caress her nipples. "But I don't want to be a slave," she quietly whined as she sank into Renamon's embrace.

"Remember that night we spent together? We were each other's first times. But you wanted it to be the last time; you firmly said you were straight. That's all well and good, but what about me? Before you were bought, I fell into the embrace of our mistress. She showed me the pleasure a woman can give to another. Here, let me show you."

Renamon nibbled Ruki's ear while moving her left hand down to her pussy and inserting a finger. "Oh god!" gasped Ruki.

"This is the life we want for you. Beautiful as you are, someone was going to take you from us. So mistress met with your grandmother, and she convinced her that this was best for you. Now, nobody can take you away. No worries, no thoughts. Just ecstasy."

"I...I don't want to be just a toy," she moaned, trying to keep her head through Renamon's constant teasing.

"'Just a toy'? If you knew just how much we love you, you'd never say that about yourself." She stopped short of an orgasm, to Ruki's annoyance, and took her hand. "Let me lead you to your new room."

Knowing she wouldn't be able to overpower or outrun Renamon if she tried, Ruki gave no objection as she was led through her new home. Renamon slid open a door, and Ruki gasped in surprise to see her old room. "This is..."

"Looks perfect, doesn't it? Mistress spared no expense. This is your home. That is your computer. That is your bed. Of course, we added a few improvements." She led her to the computer, switching it on and tapping a webcam. "Now you give a show to everyone, if you please. We also changed your wardrobe."


Renamon opened Ruki's panties drawer, revealing a few pairs of erotic panties she'd never seen before, as well as a lot of toys. "In your own time, you can play with these toys as you wish. But when you leave, either mistress or I will dress you. Understand?"


"'Yes', what?" pressed Renamon, squeezing Ruki's hand.

"Y-yes, mistress!" Ruki hastily amended.

Renamon resumed her smile and guided Ruki onto the chair in front of her computer. "Good girl." She produced four green scarves from Ruki's drawers and said, "I'm gonna tie you up, and gag you, and blindfold you. You could probably rip these or slip them off with enough effort. Do not."

"Yes, mistress."

"It doesn't matter how tightly we bind you or gag you. You will make no effort to escape. Instead, you'll writhe about and produce muffled moans for our pleasure." Without a word, Ruki produced her wrists for Renamon to tie.

Renamon gently pulled Ruki's hands behind her and bound them together with the first scarf, before securing it through a hole in the chair to the seat tilt lever. She then spun the chair so it faced the camera, before using the second scarf to bind her feet together and to one of the chair legs. Ruki watched eagerly as Renamon straightened out the third scarf and started to place it like a cleave gag between her teeth.

"God, you'd look so cute with a cleave gag," gushed Renamon. "But let's do something a bit more interesting." She tied a knot in the center of the scarf and placed that in Ruki's mouth. She then wrapped the scarf around her head twice, covering her mouth entirely before tying it off. "There: the cuteness of an over-the-mouth gag, combined with a semi-ball gag." She typed a few buttons on Ruki's computer, and the webcam hummed to life, showing Ruki what she looked like.

Is that really me?_wondered Ruki. _Do I really look that cute? Seeing the eager look in Renamon's eyes, she pretended to fight against her bonds while making a few helpless squeals into her gag.

"Good girl!" cooed Renamon. "God, I want to grind my pussy against you, but right now, I need to put you on display for my mistress. So..." She pressed a few more buttons. "You're now transmitting live. Anyone who clicks onto this site can see you helpless and squirming."


"Don't worry about it. You've been trained to be an exhibitionist. And you get to show off without them being able to hurt you at all. So give them a show: mistress is watching from another room, too."

She is? wondered Ruki as she continued her dance. I wonder if Takato can see me too. She imagined seeing Takato on the other side, masturbating to the sight of her. Watch me, Takato! Cum all over when you see me! She let out a moan as she struggled, beginning to rub her legs to pleasure herself.

"Now the final touch," said Renamon, holding the last scarf. She wrapped it around Ruki's eyes and said, "Don't stop your show until you're touched again. The first thing you'll feel is the soft embrace of our mistress."

Her better judgment now gone, Ruki danced her helpless dance, and moaned her muffled song to an invisible audience. As much as she hated her audience and wanted rebel, she knew Renamon watching, and she simply couldn't bring herself to hate her. I'm only doing this for Renamon, she thought as she performed. Oh, Renamon...

In the other room, Renamon knelt before her mistress, licking her pussy. Her mistress in turn caressed herself as she watched Ruki's show. "She puts on a beautiful show!" she moaned. "She's doing it for you, you know, and you're not even watching it!" Renamon mumbled an apology, but her mistress simply squeezed her legs together, cutting her off. "You can make it up to her later."

The instant her mistress opened the door, Ruki snapped out of her trance and went silent. She was relieved to hear an extra set of footsteps, which she correctly assumed was Renamon. Her mistress placed her hand on her shoulder, causing her to jump. "We're gonna untie you now," said Renamon. "Don't move."

Ruki nodded in understanding, and she felt a pair of furry hands around her ankles to untie them, along with human hands to untie her wrists. Before she could experiment with her newfound freedom, her owners lifted her up and carried her onto her bed. The human lay down beside her and said, "We're switching to the portable camera. We're gonna give them a nice view of all your best parts."

A chill went down Ruki's spine as she recognized the voice, and realized she would never be free. _Mama?_she thought.

Renamon zoomed in on Ruki's breasts, which Rumiko gently played with. "Doesn't she have the most adorable tits? At her age, they're just aching to be erect, almost like they want to just skip the puberty process and pop right out." She then flipped Ruki onto her chest and began rubbing her ass. "And what a cute little butt she has. It's so smooth." She then began groping it, causing Ruki to mumble in discomfort. "And yet it's just so grabbable."

Please, mama,_thought Ruki as she shook her head. _I don't want people to see you having sex with me!

She played with Ruki's ass for a minute, switching between hard gropes and gentle caresses, before she suddenly starting spanking her, causing her to let out a muffled scream. "Hear that lovely scream? See her butt jiggle? See it turn into an alluring shade of red? And of course...it's a short distance away from her best feature."

She moved her hand down, until she stroked Ruki's vagina, causing her to let out a surprised yelp. No, no, no!

She flipped Ruki over and said, "Watch my little girl masturbate! She loves the fact you're horny over her." She whispered in Ruki's ear, "And if you don't, I'll ram a nice fat dildo up your ass with no lube."

Ruki screamed in rage and despair as she started fingering herself with her right hand. I hate you so much! I hope you just die!

Rumiko slipped off the blindfold and said, "Give them the peace sign, and scream that you love them."

"M lmmm ymm!" she sobbed as she gave a peace sign, still masturbating. "M lmmm ymm mll!" She whimpered as she watched Renamon unflinchingly focus her camera, stroking her own pussy. How could you do this to me...?

Her protests were short-lived. After she came for the eight time, and licked enough sake from Renamon and her mother's pussies, she became very docile. She could do nothing but watch herself act, letting herself get moved around like a puppet.

She was led naked before a tied-up Impmon, gagged with his own bandana and sporting a massive erection. "We caught him spying on us a few months ago. After we tamed him, he sneaks over on weekdays to be our living dildo." Stroking Impmon's penis she said, "Present yourself."

Ruki bashfully turned and spread her legs, bending over to give Impmon as much of a view as possible. "D-do you like my pussy, Impmon?"

Renamon undid Impmon's gag and screamed, "Yes, damn it, yes! Mistress, let me fuck her tight little pussy! I haven't cum all day!"

"Yes, and you've been very patient," said Renamon, untying him. "Go take your reward!"

As soon as the last knot was undone, Impmon practically leaped across the room and thrust his penis deep. "Oh, gawd!" he groaned and he started pounding. "Say you like it, bitch!"

"I l-love how you're raping me," sobbed Ruki, as her mistresses grabbed her arms to prevent her from struggling. She found herself pounded for five minutes straight, before her mind went blank.

When he finally blew his last, he hopped down and said, "My dick's dirty. Clean it up, bitch!"

"Yes, sir," she moaned as she dropped to her hands and knees. As she sucked his penis, she closed her eyes. I remember when I first sucked Takato's penis. After I was done, he'd hold me and lie that everything would be alright.

"That's enough," snapped Impmon, shoving Ruki's face away. "I gotta have some energy to get home." Giving a point and click to Rumiko he said, "Ladies," before he ran out.

"He made a mess," said Rumiko, helping Ruki to her feet. "Renamon, lick it clean, while I go clean off our new toy."

"Yes, mistress," agreed Renamon as she got down on all fours and began to lick the puddle of cum.

Rumiko led Ruki to the shower, where she proceeded to use the showerhead to personally stimulate every inch of Ruki's body. As Ruki started to fade out, Rumiko grabbed her arms and made her sit up. "Oh, no. It took me all this time to make you play, and you're not stopping until I'm satisfied. Now grind your pussy against mine!"

With each motion, Ruki let out a weak moan. She felt the revulsion of her mother as her sexual partner fade, and she imagined other girls she met as her partner. It soon dawned on her that she no longer cared what was getting her off. Her standards were gone: she would do anything to come, now. Her energy renewed, she started grinding back.

"That's it!" snapped Rumiko with a mad smile. "Make me cum, baby!"

"Yes, mama!" she cried. Her moans turned to sharp cries as she forced her all into her hip motions.

"Yes, YES!" Rumiko let out a final gasp as she hit her climax.

"Please, mama!" whined Ruki as she kept grinding. "I wanna cum too!" Rumiko pinned Ruki to the floor, and they shared a passionate openmouthed kiss. Oh god...look what I've become...

"Good, baby," said Rumiko. "But we have one final game, first."

Ruki soon found herself in her mother's room, sitting on Renamon's lap. The young lovers both wore ball gags, and quietly caressed each other's nipples, and nuzzling against each other, all to the entertainment of all on the other side of the camera.

"God, I love rubber," declared Rumiko as she emerged from her closet. She wore an all-rubber ensemble, consisting of thigh-high boots and shoulder-length gloves, with a top and garter belt combo. However, her ass, pussy and breasts were completely exposed, the latter shoved right out. "It's like a second skin, and it makes you feel so hot! Anyone who wears it right becomes sexier."

She switched the camera feed over to a stripper pole, and she began to dance. She shoved her ass out to the camera; shaking it, rubbing it, smacking it. She gyrated against the pole; she licked it, rubbed it between her breasts, and against her pussy. Her slaves were entranced, trying all they could to not jump across the room and start raping her.

She paused her dance, looking over in mock confusion. "Oh? It looks like my pretty little slaves want to have fun too. Sorry, but there's a dress code for this party. But I have just the thing."

She adorned her slaves in similar rubber clothes. The biggest different was in the tops: they showed more skin, and accentuated their breasts better. Renamon found herself promoted to a D-cup, and Ruki to a B. Their ball gags were replaced by open-mouth muzzles, hindering their ability to talk while leaving their tongues free to lick. Furthermore, their hands were cuffed behind their backs, rendering them helpless.

After a new camera feed was switched on, the slaves were led onto the bed, resting on either side of Rumiko. After a moment of quietly stroking their heads, Rumiko started massaging their pussies.

Oh god! thought Renamon as she bucked wildly. It feels even better in tight rubber!

Thank you, mama!_thought Ruki as she suckled Rumiko's breast, trying to move her knee to stroke her pussy as well. _Thank you for making me a slave! This is the best feeling ever!

She's so cute,_thought Rumiko with a warm smile. _I knew she'd make a better pet than even the most obedient child. After they writhed for five minutes, Rumiko said, "Enough. Time for sleep." She pressed a remote control button to end the feed, and turn off the lights. "Now, here's our natural heating process."

Ruki looked in bewilderment as Rumiko positioned her on top, her head resting between her mother's breasts. What's going on? At that moment, Renamon got up and lat atop Ruki facedown. Ruki let out a pleasurable moan as she felt her head enclosed between two pairs of breasts, while Renamon moaned at the sensation of her nipples directly rubbing her mistress's.

"When you're a good girl, you can choose to sleep like this," explained Rumiko. "Doesn't it feel nice?"

"Uh-huh," moaned Ruki.

"Normally I'd give you a vibrator to help you out, but you've been pretty naughty today, haven't you?"


"Good night, my darlings." At that moment, the last of Ruki's energy faded, and she was sound asleep.

The following morning, Ruki and Renamon were awakened when Rumiko stood up to make a private phone-call. She removed their handcuffs, and gave them permission to play however they pleased until she returned.

The first thing they did was remove their rubber garments, and Ruki used her newfound freedom to rub her body all over Renamon. "Your fur feels so nice, mistress," she purred as she stroked Renamon's breasts. "I want to rub my pussy against your leg while I suckle your breast."

With a giggle, Renamon said, "Go right ahead." Ruki flipped over and wrapped her lips around Renamon's nipple and began to use her tongue. "Oh, god, that's wonderful!"

Her fur feels amazing against my pussy! Ruki thought as she grinded against her leg. I wish I did this when we first had sex! I could've been doing this the whole time!

God, what a cute face! thought Renamon as she stroked her pussy. My darling Ruki has become a wonderful slut! The girls cried out as they reached their orgasm. "Oh, Ruki-"

"Shh, mistress," whispered Ruki. "Thank you for letting me cum. Let me return the favor." She slid down and began licking Renamon's pussy.

"P-please, Ruki!" gasped Renamon as her back arched. "Harder, faster!"

As Ruki obliged, Rumiko took in a show with Mori. Rumiko was completely naked, standing behind Mori while sliding her hands into her clothes, fondling her breasts. "Aren't they just the most darling slaves ever?" cooed Rumiko.

"Ruki does seem quite content in her submission," allowed Mori. "But that doesn't change the rules."

"Aw, have a heart. Renamon and I are just starting to enjoy our new toy."

"If you'd like to bribe me, I'll offer an alternate means of handling things." She gently nudged Rumiko back and pinned her against the wall, whispering into her ear as she reversed their roles. "Well?" coaxed Mori, masturbating her client faster.

"Yes, yes!" moaned Rumiko, and Mori led her to a climax in response.

"Good," replied Mori, taking Rumiko by the hand to ensure she kept her balance. "Then let's begin our appointment."

"Yes, of course." Rumiko opened the door and said, "You have a visitor, Ruki-chan."

Ruki glanced back, and with a gasp, went down on all fours and bowed her head. "Mori-mistress!" she gasped.

"I see you're enjoying your new life," noted Mori as she stripped naked. "Now, I'm going to enjoy you. I'm going to take you into your room and have sex with you."

"Yes, Mori-mistress," agreed Ruki as she stood at attention.

"H-hey, wait!" protested Renamon, still clutching the bed. "I was in the middle of-"

"Silence," ordered Rumiko, and Renamon closed her mouth. "Mori-sensei will do as she pleases. If it weren't for her, we wouldn't have such an obedient Ruki-chan, now would we?" Ruki cast a sad glance back as Mori led her out of the room. "Besides, we have some business to discuss."


"Before we went to bed, I was pawing both of you. Ruki-chan pleasured me back. You did not." She picked up a riding crop and snarled, "That's not easily forgiven..."

And so for the next hour, Renamon endured a severe punishment, while Mori caught up with Ruki. For the entire time, Ruki's hands were bound above her head, and she wore nothing but a ball gag. The camera caught every second of their playtime, as Mori licked the child all over. Though Ruki drowned in pleasure, watching herself on camera caused her to shed involuntary tears.

When it was over, Mori untied Ruki's hands, but left the gag in place. She led the young slave to the family room, where they met Rumiko and Renamon: the latter was tied in a complex web of rope around her torso, with her own ball gag and mitts around her hands, to prevent her from freeing herself. "I hope you enjoyed your break," said Mori, "because it's time for you to pay for yesterday's disobedience."

"I'm afraid so," said Rumiko with a sad shrug. "You have to go back into isolation for another week. It's the law, and my will. You will submit?" Ruki started to cry, but she nodded in agreement. Rumiko glided over and snuggled her daughter's face against her chest. "Aw, don't cry, baby. Now that you know what awaits you, you know it'll be worth it. You'll be free before you know it."

"Let me show you," said Mori. She took Ruki by the hand, while Rumiko took Renamon by the leash. She led them to the storage room, where a complex X-shaped chair awaited, on which was a latex suit. "Put on the suit, and sit down." Ruki needed no further prompt. While she dressed, she instinctively swayed her hips to arouse her mistresses. She then sat down, placing her arms and legs against the rests, through the conspicuous clamps. "There's a good girl."

As Mori secured the clamps and hooked up the various tubes, Rumiko said, "Isn't it better than some old box? Of course, the movement is just as restricted, but there's a special feature in this one: room for a second person!" Renamon shook her head and whined, but otherwise gave no resistance as she was strapped to the chair herself, so that she faced Ruki. "You get to keep each other company throughout."

"I'll hook up tubes to your ass," said Mori, "but not your pussy. That'll leave you to get fucked by anyone who happens to turn up. That'll teach you not to forget. But don't worry. Your mistress won't be lonely without you."

She removed Renamon's collar, who let out muffled protests.No, please!

"She'll take your place for a whole week!" declared Rumiko as Mori slipped on the collar. "You know she's very experienced in sex. She might even be so good, I'll just marry her and forget you. I might and leave you here forever!" The slave girls howled in despair at her suggestion. "Well, if that happens, I'll just say goodbye now."

The girls could do nothing more. The last thing they saw was each other's tears, as their mistresses prepared to blindfold the other...

Of course, Rumiko wouldn't really forget about her favorite toys. If nothing else, Renamon's constant rape at the hands of Impmon, Lopmon and Terriermon served as a reminder. As soon as the morning of the seventh day passed, she ran to unwrap her slaves, as eagerly as a child on Christmas morning.

No sooner were they free did they embrace their mistress and start licking her all over. Their treatment was successful: never again would Ruki refuse her mistress, never again would Renamon fail to please her mistress. And the three of them celebrated this new unspoken arrangement by having sex all day that day.

Over the coming weeks, they settled into their comfortable routine. During the day, they all did their separate routines. Rumiko continued her work as a fashion model, most of the time. During the other times, she posed for several porn magazines. It was said she already tried everything at least once.

Renamon became a housewife; she washed the floors, prepared dinner, and pretty much all the duties one might expect. However, she filled her downtime by having her own web show. She attracted a huge furry fan base. They loved her solo shows, but they also went absolutely nuts over her guest stars. Apart from the aforementioned constant visits from her fellow Digimon, she would also spread her legs for Guilmon and Leomon, who would sometimes wander from their shed, and let them fuck her in front of thousands.

Finally, Ruki returned to school, but not as normal. With the collar she wore, the students and teachers knew they could use her as they saw fit. They made her strip, made her gag herself, and made her indulge in any act they saw fit. Her school breaks were filled with penetration and spankings from her fellow students, while her class time was spent satisfying her teacher. Their homeroom teacher constantly called for study breaks, during which she was ordered to impale her ass on his cock, gagging herself. She felt the wandering eyes of all the students whenever it happened: the boys wanted to practice on her, while the girls were jealous of the easy competition.

She loved every second of it.

And those three sultry vixens would all live happily ever after.

The end...unless I come up with more to say.

Digimon: The Tamed Children Part 5

Warning: scenes of nonconsensual, underage naughtiness. For the love of god, don't read this if you're at all offended. Three Little Cubs It was a rather unusual sight, even at the fair, but nothing too obnoxious. The young man walked through the...

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Quiche's Conquest

She shouldn't have stayed after school. She _knew_ she shouldn't have stayed after school. The rule forbidding students from going to school after hours was there to keep the students safe. And no matter how quick on the draw she was with her...

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Digimon: The Tamed Children Part 3

Warning: scenes of nonconsensual, underage naughtiness. For the love of god, don't read this if you're at all offended. Xiaochun's Route In contrast to her older fellow slaves, Xiaochun pretty much resigned herself as soon as the lights went out....

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