Stripes and Chains 3 - The Real Nightmare

Story by Silversmith on SoFurry

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#5 of Stripes and Chains

Benjamin is finally home. His new home. Something isn't right though. Despite a willingness to serve the tiger shows just how resistant he still is. Mistakes are recognized, and the nightmare takes a turn for the worse as the dragoness vows to correct them.

Original Concept: avatar?user=67748&character=0&clevel=2 DragonTalon

Inspiration: Fates of the Unicorns Fates of the Unicorns


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Kelsura lead her tiger out of the stock room by her tail, stopping abruptly to turn to Calvin. "One other thing." she said to the calico, his ears peaking to show his attention. "Clean up that mess." she said with a sneer, nodding her chin towards the puddle of her slaves cum on the floor. The kitten looked sullen for a brief moment before giving the dragoness a bright smile.

"Right away Mistress." He said leaning down.

Kelsura continued on. Benjamin watched with some interest as Calvin began lapping the dusty puddle of milky white off the floor with his own tongue. He felt both a sense of satisfaction and revulsion. It made him glad to see his rapist licking up his cum off the floor as well as the dust mixed in. It revolted him that he didn't quite think of what just happened as rape. And what the hell had that cat meant by him being a closet case. He snorted, and then suddenly looked at his Mistress. She was eying him. He looked around and then smiled up at her, forcing a faked sneeze and snorting again, rubbing his nose on a wrist. She didn't say anything, just yanked on his neck.

The tiger was lead away from the stock room and further in to the building. It was a relatively quiet place he noted. A door at the far end of the hall opened. A dragon, big and blue with floor to shoulder wings, shorter than his mistress. He had a satisfied grin on his face. Behind him and walking on her hooves, wrapped in his tail by her waist was a magnificent beauty. He had seen few unicorns before, most of them preferring to stay in or close to the woods dangerously close to the border. While the dragon paid him little mind the unicorn looked down on him with sympathetic eyes. Benjamin took note of the gleaming metal collar around her neck, a red gem set into the front of it. There were other colors then green he noted, now wondering what red meant. The unicorn was lead away, her gate suggesting the whole thing was unwelcome but, like him, knowing she had little choice in the matter. A tug to his neck told him to hurry along.

The dragoness lead him into the same room the blue dragon and his unicorn had jet left. Inside there was little more than a high and straight backed chair and a table with cruel looking implements. If they were meant for torture there was no sign of it. A notable lack of blood and viscera. There was no scent of blood but a slight scent of fear. This whole place smelled of fear. There was something else in the air that he couldn't place. It made his nose burn and twitch.

"On your feet, and then sit down here." she said, leading him to the chair. He followed as commanded, shivering when he noticed the surface was warm. A sweet scent like honey and sugar filled the air he immediately sat in. Moments before that beautiful, horned creature had sat right here he knew. His neck was set into a metal semicircle set into the bottom of the head backing, the curved rods of metal closing around his throat, holding him in place as his arms and legs were strapped down.

Kelsura watched as his head would turn one way then the other, looking around with a mix of curiosity and fear. A cat is a cat regardless of size and species. "This chair is built to make collaring a slave easier." she explained for his benefit, just as another dragon he had not yet scene came around a corner carrying a thick roughly cut circle of iron. He noticed a tongue a groove on the end and a noticeable lack of a hinge or band or any thing that would allow it to open and close. He turned to look at Kelsura, a confused look on his eyes. While she was happy he was adopting proper slave etiquette, now was not the time. "Eyes forward." she said, taking a position to the side and out of the way

Benjamin simply whimpered his he turned his head to face forward again. The metal of the collar was open wide enough to fit around his neck, set to rest above the clamps that held him to the back of the chair. The dragon moved behind him, eye balling the positioning and making small adjustments before moving to a large wheel set on the side of the chair, giving it a spin. The collar jumped slightly as it was caught between two large presses on either side of the tigers neck. A hammer was used to place it back in proper alignment with itself. Satisfied the forest green dragon returned to the wheel, giving it another turn and the collar's back closed yet further on itself. A few more turns and the tongue was touching the opening of the groove.

"Its not exactly an art." The green dragon finally spoke, leaving the wheel and retrieving a glass vial. "I hate to use the word amateurs, so I wont. Those scale-brains at the slave camps just don't give a doof." He lumbered behind the chair once more. Benjamin felt the fur on the back of his neck stand on end as the scent hit his nose. Noxious, stingy, like the way the air smelled after a harsh lighting storm but much more potent. "I think they just poor the binding regent on with no regard for the stock." he drawled, speaking to no one.

Though Benjamin couldn't see it the dragon was using a class dropper to coat both eds of the collar in a clear oil. He could smell it though, and it assaulted his senses to where it made his eyes water. He tried not to move, a liquid with such a scent and what the dragon was talking about couldn't be good. But, his ass hurt from the reaming. The cat hadn't been very big, but he was big enough that it DID hurt. Forced to sit on a hard surface wasn't making it any easier.

"I've seen slaves come to these pins, welts on their neck and back." he continued, finishing with the vile and capping it again, setting it back and returning it to the wheel. He gave a grunt as he turned it, Benjamin's ears twitched. A sizzle coming from behind him. "You see, the oil is a binding agent." he now spoke directly to the tiger. His voice though suggested he just liked to talk period. "Activated through heat. As the- ergh- tongue of one side of the collar sets int the smaller- unf- hole of the grove, the friction between the two- huff, damn it- activates the oil and it heats to temperatures hot enough to melt the surface of most metals. Some times they put too much and it leaks before it can get too hot. But it steal leaves marks. Thankfully that's rare" He grunted with each turn of the wheel, now much harder as he was forcing the two end pieces together. He gave one last turn of the wheel and the collar popped together. The metal on the back seemed to bubble just a bit before settling. A quick filing with a rasp to remove the bubbled up metal and the iron looked like a single ring of metal. He gave the wheel a toss in the opposite direction, it spun freely on well oiled bearing and came to a stop with a clang and a shutter of the chair. He wouldn't let the tiger up with out given the back a small polish to make sure the connection was seamless.

The weight of Benjamin collar pushed down on his shoulders and effected his balance just a little. He gave a swallow, finding his skin and fur just touching the metal as his throat worked. It would be a constant reminder of it's existence even as he would grow used to its weight .He ran a hand along it under his chin, his eyes glazing as he stared impassively off into the distance. The enormity of it hit him. He was now undeniably a slave, and his life as it had been was completely over.

Juno had just finished cinching the belt of her leather kilt. Some dragons liked there slaves to go completely naked through all their affairs. In the lair of Mistress Kelsura only unmarked slaves went with out clothing. She wore a simple gray linen low cut tunic over the leather bra that supported her breasts. The vanity in her bunk reflected the kangaroo, who took the time to give her self a once over before polishing away a small smudge on the red gem set in her plain polished steel collar. "All right." she said, collecting both her whip and staff, the whip set to hang on a latch between her hip and back while the staff she kept in her hand. "Hello Claudius" she said to the shaggy gray-blue wolfhound waiting for her out side the female guard dorms.

Claudius barked in return, giving a grunting noise in his throat. He panted and wagged his tail. Like Juno, Claudius, or just Claud for short, wore a simple gray low cut gray tunic and belted leather kilt. Additionally he wore a sporran marked with a gold medallion etched with a trident gripped by a cestus covered claw. A former gladiator who had earned a stay of death after walking away victorious from thirty bouts, years of fighting and several nearly fatal wound and one too many blows to the head had left him shocked and addled. He was now incapable of speaking in little more than barks, whimpers, growls, and normal canine body language. When he was given leave from the arena and resold his price took a serious blow. Pre-owned, marked and scarred, and mentally stunted to an extent, and originally given to the arena because of his unwillingness to do little more than fight and attack his captors at every turn; he was considered damaged goods. The Mistress had found him just the same, chained and gagged, growling at any who walked by. They slave house was considering sending him back, a certain death sentence. The Mistress though had spent time with him in a single cell. When she walked out, she did so with her tail wrapped around Clauds hips. Years later she still would not say to any one what she had said or down to cow him. Those who could order it from her chose not to.

Juno was happy for this. She liked Claud, and unbeknownst to the other slaves, she REALLY like him. As they both walked from the bunk hall and through the maze of tunnels that made up their Mistresses lair she leaned against him. He gave a happy bark and panted, leaning over to give her the sloppiest lick he could muster. She pushed him away, ughing in frustration "Damn it, Claud. I actually got my fur the way I like it for once." she complained

Claud gave an apologetic whine and tilted his head. Her fur was so short their was little she could do to style it. He watched as she smoothed her now bristly fur back down. He panted, tail wagging. He liked her when she was wet, her scent was stronger which allowed him to smell her better. He REALLY like her scent, especially her special scent that rose when she was in the mood. She was always in the mood when he was around, but curiously not today. As she flustered with her fur he stepped behind her, lifting her kilt with his banded cudgel. Maybe something was wrong with her female parts, nothing wrong with having a look.

Juno thought differently as she jumped forward several feet on her powerful legs, flicking her thick tail up and knocking the weapon from his hands with a powerful slap that made his hand sting. "No Claud. You know I would love to." Ah, there it was. Her special scent. But only feint. She jumped around to face him, bending over to pick up his simple club and toss it back to him. "We have a job today, remember. We're not just standing watch over the lair today. Mistress is bringing in two new slaves. And we have to be at the ground level entrance before she gets here to take one of them the waiting hall" Claud caught the length of bulbed and banded wood out of the air, tucking it back into a loop on his belt and whined. "No, we don't have time for a quickie" she chuckled as she jerked her head for him to keep up. "Gods, is that all you think about? Horndog. C'mon" she chided playfully.

The walk would have taken time, but all guard slaves were familiar with the layout of the lair. While the design was built at random, halls and rooms added at the whim of several owners over the generations and added with no real rhyme or reason but each with a purpose, it was less maze like once one had several years of experience walking them. Both knew the way by heart to the ground level entrance and would in time arrive just as the large wooden doors were opened and the Mistress' carriage was pulled in, doors closing behind it.

"Welcome home Mistress." Juno said, taking to her knees. Claud joined her on the stone floor of the cavernous carriage house. He gave a happy grunting noise, barring his teeth while wagging his tail. Some would falsely interpret it as a sign of aggression, but every one in the lair knew Claud had his own way of smiling.

"Claudius, Juno." She greeted them, each with a stroke of the cheek and a pat to the head, motioning both of them to rise. "Claudius, see to Victor, Taylor, and Tyler. They've each earned some time in the wheel. Make sure its set medium and is to be left that way until the end of your shift. Juno, see to him." Kelsura gestured to her side. Juno let her surprise show. She knew the Mistress was bringing home a new slave, not that he would be such a large species of feline, a tiger at that. She found her self a little envious of his bright colors, thick fur (even though it was dusty and matted in places), and his stripes were striking. "He's off limits for now, Juno." The Mistress said, misinterpreting Junos expression. Claudius, for his part, simply sniffed at the cat before snorting. He panted, letting his tongue hand.

"Claudius." Mistress said reprovingly "The cat goes unharmed. Now, go take care of what I told you already." Her voice was just the slightest bit cross. Claud looked from Juno and then to the tiger. He gave a soft snort and stood, leashing the three horses and leading them away. "Juno, take him to bathe. He's gotten more than just a little...musty. And have him use the lavender oils."

Juno nodded "Yes Mistress." she said, pulling a leash from her back, snapping the lead to the tiger's collar ring and gave a bow of her head before standing, leading the tiger away. The trip to the slave bathes was a walk, the tiger making the entire trip on his hands and knees. Juno looked over her shoulder at him every now and then. His eyes were down cast and he had that gate of defeat she had seen several times before. "Most slaves last longer than you. Not even a one day and your broken?"

Benjamin looked up at her. His eyes were sad, lids sagging and drooping. He shook his head and lowered it once more. He sighed in defeat. "How many were sold by their own government, their own parents? How many were beaten near to death, brushed passed the edge of sanity, rapped repeatedly, treated like an animal? If I'm nothing more than property why should I act differently?"

Juno rolled her eyes. "Ancestors, you're one of those weepy types? You would be surprised how many furs have been sold for dumb reasons. One of the slaves who works in Mistress's office was sold by his father to pay a gambling debt. Boy has a sharp mind and an eye for detail, probably could have pulled his old man out of debt...sod. Some slaves...Some slaves..." she grunted dispassionately, looking down at the morose tiger. "Lets just say some slaves know insanity better than you or I should ever hope to. Every thing else, we've all experienced at one time or another. But, in this lair," and she smiled. "We are all treated with far better care than most slaves get else where. Even new acquisitions such as your self, provided you're on your best behavior of course." A few more halls and a few more turns and a set of thick wooden doors stood in front of them. Juno pushed them open, giving the leash in her hand a tug "And here we...ancestors no. Not them."

The doors opened to a room only slightly smaller than the carriage cavern. A small fall of water flowed from an opening in the far wall directly in front of them, falling into a pool that boiled. The pool flowed for several feet and then emptied into two large circular pools, both perfectly circular and inset with mosaics of bathing slaves and dragons, some of the depictions were of lewd acts. Vials, bottles, and beakers sat on a stone shelf between them, accessible by both. In one of the pools, laughing and giggling, singing soft tones and notes were five lionesses. All of whom stopped as the doors opened, turning and then smiling at the sight of Juno and-

"Whats this?"

"Who is that?"

"Its Juno and a pretty cat."

"Oh but the hansom kitty looks so morose"

"We'll cheer him up. A song girls! You all know the notes" And they each sang. There were no lyrics, just long notes that rose and fell in melody and harmony. Benjamin looked up with a bit of interest. The soft song making his ears twitch. Admittedly he did feel a bit better, the sound striking something in him. Just as he was starting to smile Juno walked forward, throwing her arms out.

"NO! No songs! No melodies, no sonnets, no ballads, not even so much as a limeric!" She shouted, yanking the tiger forward toward the opposite pool. "Mistress wants the tiger to bathe. I have to watch to make sure he does and does it right. I cant STAND your...your...shenanigans!" One of the lionesses rose from the water, hand on her hips. She was, of course, completely naked. Curvy, well endowed, and narrow eyed. "Guard Juno, theses are not shenanigans. The mistress wants us to sing in all we do."

"Its true." another said, pushing a lip out and giving a doe eyed pout.

"The Mistress wants poetry where ever we go" Said yet another, looking disinterested

"And until she has said other wise we shall continue." The one who stood finished.

"Only in the presence of her or other dragons, remember?" Juno was practically pleading. She found the constant rhyming annoying more than entertaining or eccentric. "And why aren't you in the water yet!?" she shouted at Benjamin, yanking his leash hard enough to jerk him off his hands with a yipe, rolling him unceremoniously into the water with a splash. That made her feel a little better. He had been ordered to bathe, he was stalling, if Mistress asked she would just excuse it as needed encouragement.

The lionesses huddled for a moment, softly whispering to one another. Even then their voices were like soft songs. The broke a moment later and each one of them pointed their attention to the guard slave. "Fine, we'll speak normally. But should word reach Mistress and she is displeased we'll make sure she knows it was YOU who ordered it." Juno nodded at that,walking along the stone shelf. She then gave a dispassionate shrug as she handed a purple beaker to the tiger. The each went back to their water games, gently splashing one another and conversing, or humming softly.

"Damned Sirens." the kangaroo said, popping the cork from the vial. "This is simple oil soap. Get your self lathered up and then rinse. I've heard you tigers really like water. Finish quickly and you'll have time to wade and relax."

"Can we help?" Five feline heads poked above the shelf, each one great smiles and bright golden eyes. All of them looking hopeful, one of them purring. Juno gave a sigh, turning to address them over the shelf, a hand on her hip while the other held her staff out at a slant. She looked them each over. Her inclination was to say no. "Ten hands are better than two." the middle head suggested. Rolling her eyes Juno turned, waving them all over.

"He's so gloom and doom he'll likely take for ever, if he finishes at all. Promise me you wont sing some kind of washing song?"

"Washing song?"

"What do you take us for?"

"Maids?" they all laughed as they eased them self into the same pool as Benjamin. One of them snatched the vial of soap from Juno, who simply huffed and walked away after unleashing Benjamin, leaving to take a post next to the door.

Benjamin sat in the water. He wanted to sulk but didn't have the where with all to do that. He barley acknowledged the five felines, each of whom lathered up there hands and all at once began scrubbing through his fur. The fussed and ughed at the patches that had tangled and matted themselves in sweat and dirt, loosely working them over and over until the fur could be smoothed out. He was aware that one of them knelt in front of him, pushing his legs apart and pulling them out straight to scrub his calves and hamstrings. She hissed softly. "Flute, come here, prop his ankle on your shoulder."

"Sure thing Harp." Flute said, hopping down from behind the tiger, his back having been thoroughly scrubbed and she just waiting for the others to finish. She sat down, letting Harp ease the tigers leg out on her shoulder while Flute began kneading on his calf and thigh muscles. Despite his dour demeanor Benjamin began to purr. "There we go..." Harp sighd. Flute giggled and then turned around, resting his leg on the opposite shoulder and bringing up his other, messaging the muscles along with Harp.

"Feeling better?" she asked, ticking the very bottom of his thigh, pressing down on the inside.

"Off limits!" Juno shouted, making Flute sigh softly in disappointment.

"Yeah..." Benjamin admitted. He was feeling better. He then blinked, looking at the two infront of him. "Flute and Harp?" he asked. The both nodded.

"I'm Harp." the lioness to the side of his legs said.

"And I'm Flute." The one under him answered.

"The rest are Drum, Violin, and Lute." The each waved or sang a note in response to their names. "We're all named after the instruments we play. More than that we're also each singers. Mistress calls us her Sirens." Harp was rather proud of that, as were the other four. "We've preformed all over the capital, some of the slave camps, even in the main capital on the Continent."

"Though that was a one time performance. Furs have since outlawed even the display of any thing remotely related to slavery." Drum put in with a huff. Her voice was slightly deeper than the rest, still feminine but more contralto.

"Wait." Benjamin rose a little, pushed back down by Drum, who just smiled and sat behind him, working his shoulders now. He didn't complain. "You sound upset that slavery of any kind has been banned by furries."

"We dont expect you to understand." Violen said in sing-song, her voice that of a saprano. "But we enjoy where we are. Mistress never expects more of us than we can put forward. Not only that, here we play with the best instruments, Mistress handles all our venues, and we're NEVER on loan. Its all payed for. Few or no other slaves can say they get paid for their services."

"ALL of their services." Lute chuckled, poking Violin in the cheek. "You should see what this cock-suck can do with her mouth."

"I'll show you what I can do with my mouth." Violin barred her teeth, pouncing on Lute and thrashing the smaller lioness. It looked violent but Violins screams and giggles suggested it was just rough play.

Harp smirked, waving Flute away and sitting up next to Benjamin. It was only a moment before both Flute and Drum shrugged, both pouncing into the ball of fits and giggles, adding their own efforts. What they added them to wasn't distinguishable "Its not bad." she said to the tiger. He just slumped again. "Hey now, none of that." She tucked an arm under him, hoisting him back up. "You don't see it now but eventually you will. You ever see a single fur unhappy since you got here?"

He hadn't been in the capital long, only less than a day. Benjamin wasn't sure if she were speaking about the whole city or just the tunnels and caves Kelsura called home. The later he wasnt sure of either. He had only seen the horses, two guards, and these five. Out of all of them though not a single one expressed displeasure. The opposite in fact. Juno had seemed deeply joyed to see the dragoness when she stepped into the cave. And the Sirens had nothing but positive words. "I don't know. I'm still looked at as property."

She nodded "Uh-huh, but VALUED property. Behave your self, do what ever is matter how disgusting you think it is..., ad just a hundred precent and I can guarantee you'll find this is a better place to live than...where is you come from? The furry Captail? A farm?"

"The South Eastern Consortium."

Her eyes widened. "Whoa. Really, but you guys are isolationists. What were you doing that lead to your capture?"

Benjamin sighed. It had only been a whole day since the nightmare started. He explained to her every thing. His assignment with the Consortium Ambassadorial Office, how he was supposed to be an observer and trade negotiator. How instead he was a 'gift.' How the Emperor had penned his signature along with that of his own parents and any immediate living family to a document handing over his very life. By the end of it he felt like sobbing again. Harp wouldn't let him.

"Still though. Its should have gone right to the w*aiting room." She tilted her head. She leaned out of to grab another vial. "Unless she felt she didn't have to worry about you." She pored the lavender scented oil over his head. It made her nose sting just a bit as she pushed it in through his hair and messaged the top of his head with her claws.

He enjoyed the sensation on his scalp. The smell bothered him though. He snuffled, wiping at his nose as the inside began to itch. He sneezed. "What exactly is the waiting room?" he had heard it a few times before. She dunked him, pushing him suddenly under the water. He choked and coughed, little time to hold his breath. He flailed under the water for a moment, the muffled sound of Harps giggles over head. He turned, curling his arm around her neck and pulling her under with him. She yelped and kicked as he held her, a great big goofy smile on his face. She kicked, landing a square blow to the crotch. He threw him self back above the water and gasped, bent over doubled It hadnt been hard but it certainly smarted. She popped back up her self, water spurting from her mouth and into his face, making him sputter.

"You were smiling." she said, panting. The others had ceased their play brawl and now lounged. He crossed his arms and she reached out to tickle him. Again he smiled, giggling and then bating her hands away.

"Whats the waiting room?" he asked once more, climbing out of the water. An arm tucked under his shoulder, Juno leading him away. He looked on, a bit sad as he was lead away from the smirking lioness and the others into another area off from the pools. Warm air filled it, pushed through holes in one side, holes on the air pulled the air out. He wondered at it for a moment, noting how he was swiftly drying.

"The waiting room, also called the training den, is where all new slaves are taken. Normally"

The kangaroo said as she stood to one side of the drying alcove. "Slaves who've yet to be broken and accept their place are taken there to undergo proper training. Or at least until their properly broken and no longer a real concern." She leashed him, nodding her head down. He followed the command to kneel and fell to his knees. "Obviously you're already on your way, and at the rate your moving its clear what you are."

Looking up he gave a distant confused look, not fully understanding "What am I?"

She smirked, giving him a pat on the head. He found that it didn't bother him like it had with April. He thought about the dragoness's admonishment and how she had allowed the calico to have his way with him as a lesson of his place in this world now. "You're a natural submissive, you just don't realize it yet."

The waiting room as every one had been calling it was a stone room no larger than the reception area back at the slave house, though much more spartan. There was a patch of hey, a set of two bronze pots that were pointed out as being his only means of...relief during the day. He was informed he'd wait here and behave himself. Juno had said she would be watching over him until her shift ended. She had refused to say more on before. He was tired and hungry. He didn't have the energy to push the issue much, plus a rap to head from her staff when he got too close, demanding answers. The strike had been swift and expertly delivered. Hard enough to knock him from his feet and force his vision to swirl. He groaned when he hit the ground, picking himself back up. He growled at her only to have the staff pushed under his nose. She shook her head and then pointed it over to the pile of straw.

Benjamin said nothing as he laid on his side, facing the stone wall. The straw only provided a modest amount of cushioning from the hard stone beneath it. He wondered what the point of a bath was if the straw was going sticking to and tangle in his fur. He rolled over to his other side, bored out of his mind and left with his thoughts. At least while being forced to crawl around he could focus on his predicament. But now here, in the silence-the aggravating, infuriating silence-and Junos insouciant expression every time he bothered to look at her. Fatigue hit him, his body suddenly aware of how tired it was. His lids grew heavier as the moments passed, each blink lasting longer and longer until eventually his eyes stopped opening and he slowly drifted to sleep.

He was roused, rather roughly, from a light sleep. He had only just started dreaming about places far away, far from here when but a few pokes from her staff Juno had woken the tiger. He blinked eyes that hurt even in the dull light. Juno was looking down at him. "Mistress wants you brought to her master suite." She said, hooking the leash to his collar. "It would be a bad idea to keep her waiting." When he tried to stand he was forcefuly put back down on his knees, cracking on the stone. Juno had fixed her staff between his legs, toppling him. "Crawl, remember?" she shook her head and he crawled after her on pain filled legs.

The room he was lead too was big, like all the others he had seen so far. This one was ostentatious in design. It was set up like a doubled bed room and living room. A circular sofa off to one side of the door, pillows littering the floor of exquisite quality and various colors with gold colored tassels. A large four post bed with a red satin canopy. The walls of the room were ornately carved into with various designs and images of parties, dragons and their slaves, slaves being punished, slaves submitting, drakes, and all other facets of dragon society and life. There was a draft, a soft breeze blowing from his right. There was a wide opening, too large for a regular door. The floor just outside the living suite had holes molded into it. Benjamin noticed several wood panels stacked and resting on the wall next to the door, the panels with posts in them. He quickly deduced that when closed the panels would be set in the holes in the floor providing a removable wood wall. It lead to a balcony that over looked the city. They were fairly high up. Kelsura stood out here, back to her slaves, the leather bound book from before held in her hand. "You can leave Juno, go back to your normal routine. I doubt the new slave will be a problem. Will you, Benjamin?" She smiled, looking back over her shoulder.

Benjamin flushed. A single twitch of the dragons tail made him flinch and he shook his head. "No Ma'am." he whispered just loud enough for them both to here. Juno nodded, giving a yes mistress before unleashing the tiger and leaving.

"Come here pet." The dragoness called, a snap of her finger and a pointed finger toward her feet indicating two bowls. With some misgivings he none the less slowly crawled his way out onto the balcony. "Certainly you're hungry. Its been a full day since your last meal." she said with out looking away from her book. The bowls he realized were intended for him

"You expect me to eat like an animal?" he asked, disgusted. "No, I will not be demeaned any more. I have been choked, treated like an animal, treated a DOG. I have been humiliated and..." He didn't want to think about Calvin. He looked down a the two bowls with revulsion. One was filled with bite sized cubes of raw meat, the other plain water. Raw meat, he felt his stomach turn. No fur save for those with cultural delicacies ate raw meat. He looked up with a start when the dragoness practically roared.

She threw the book down and back handed him off his knees in a single motion "I have been more than merciful with you! Far more than any other dragon of my status would afford you. And you would DARE speak to me that way!?" She looked down at him with baleful eyes. She spoke in a growl that could only be described as apoplectic.

He suddenly felt very small and meek and like he was staring at the personification of armegeddon . He whimpered as she looped her tail around his neck above his color, slowly coiling it around his throat. It seemed to be her favored form of physical punishment, or at least it was with him. "T-twice." He stammered. "Please... I...i didn't mean it. I'm sorry." he whimpered. He yipped as he was yanked forward, Kelsura having turned to walk toward a lounge chair set on the balcony. She sat, pulling him by his neck and taking him by his collar with a hand, moving him to lay over a knee.

"You begged before, I forgave you then. Why should I now?" She reached down beside her chair, lifting up a large wooden paddle, holes and been drilled through the middle. "Hike your tail.' She commanded. When he did the exact opposite, tucking his tail down she tightened her own around his neck, squeezing his throat shut. "Stop talking. You meant every word. Hike. Your tail." she slapped the paddle against his fuzzy ass the moment his tail lifted. He yowled, claws unfurling and digging int the wood of the chair. "If you damage my chair I'll take it out of your hide. Do not move. The only thing I want to see and hear is the jerking of your body and the cries of your pain." She swung the paddle again, the holes whistling and the wood smacking audibly.

She smacked at his rump, a steady and swift pace, pausing momentarily to rub his cheeks with the broad side of the paddle, softening the flesh under the fur, tenderizing it. She would wait until much of the pain subsided and then tease his cheeks to warm his nerves, sensitizing them before giving another hard set of blows. Tears stung at his cheeks. No mater how hard he begged she didn't stop. His pleading only seemed to make her strike him harder. "Please, more..."

"You're still speaking out of turn." She tossed him off her lap, standing, her tail falling limp from his neck swinging and smacking the bowls. Their contents sloshed and scattered over the balcony in a mess. He thought she had intended for him to clean it up, a test of some kind. "Did I tell you to move?" she shot at him as she strode past and into her room. "Wait there. I have the perfect tool for teaching slaves to keep their traps shut." She smirked. He couldn't have known she had just made a joke. Kelsura was an orderly dragon. Nothing was haphazardly thrown about or just stacked or piled. Every thing was neatly ordered. "Here we are." She said triumphantly.

Benjamin looked on sullenly. Mistress was displeased and he was about to pay for it. He was about to die. She was going to torture him to death with what ever she found and skin him and hang what was left of him up as a warning to every slave that came after him. He watched from where he lay out side, daring not to move, as she sifted through a chest of drawers and then to a wardrobe. She was talking softly to her self excitedly, that drone of questions people asked when they were looking for something. Thinking out load. He pulled his legs up, trying to curl into a ball. He didn't know was coming and he didn't want to. He didn't have a choice.

When she returned she held in her hand on odd...contraption. Shaped like a muzzle but inside where a set of levers and two plates, a spring pushed them both open. The levers were attached to two paddles, wicked spikes on one side facing the inside of the muzzle. "Open." she ordered. Hesitantly he opened his mouth. With her fingers through the cage of the muzzle she held the spiked paddles apart, the flats were pushed together allowing them to fit into his mouth, the spikes now above his nose and below his jaw. "If you open your mouth, the spikes will lower. They will push into the top and bottom of your snout. It will be...quite painful. You can still speak, but you'll have to do so with your mouth closed, through your teeth. Considering speaking through your teeth shows haughtiness and is extremely rude and insulting, its best you not speak at all." She explained as she tied it off in the back and looped a strap around his collar, a latch clicking. She dangled a small key in front of his face. "I'll decide when it comes off. You'll get another chance to eat tomorrow. Another the day after that, and the day after that. Eventually holding your mouth closed will feel more natural. You'll wear the Trap Jaw until I think you've learned your lesson. Speaking of..." she sat back down, lifting the paddle once more. She balanced it between her hands, tip to handle tip. "Do you think you're done here?"

The spring loaded plates in his mouth were already straining his jaw. He had to bite down to keep them closed and keep the wickedly spiked panels from crushing down around his nose. He whimpered. No matter how long she left it on he knew it would just be too long. Already the muscles in his mouth and gums began to ache. It would just be so easy to open his mouth. Looking up at her, watching that knowing smirk spread across her mouth. He took a deep breath, shivering and closing his eyes. He shook his head. No, they weren't done. She said nothing as she gestured to her lap with a sweeping motion of the paddle. He nodded and climbed up, laying over it again, tail hiked. The Trap Jaw showed him there were far worse things she could likely do than simply strangle him with her tail.

"Arms should be behind your back, slave." She said tersely. His arm rose and he crossed his wrists behind him. She shook her head, setting the paddle down for a moment to bend his fore arms up, crossing one over the other, wrists to elbows."From now on, when I say 'arms back' this is what I expect to see. Instantly. Any amount of hesitation and you will be punished." She lifted the paddle, giving it a vertical spin. She sighed, the anger passing to disappointment. "I realize now I've made a mistake. Something I do not often admit. Likely because I rarely make them. But, I was so impatient to get you home that I couldn't resist doing things my self." She swung, the wood swatting furry cheeks. He groaned, biting down hard., happy to actually have the plates, their leather coating giving him something to bite down on and endure the pain.

"The council and slaver guild had intended for you to be brought in through the usual methods. You would arrive at Border Town, as you had done. But, instead of a nice comfortable carriage waiting to take you in style you were supposed to be apprehended by our slavers." She swung again, a slightly lower impact to the bottom of his rump. New and fresh pain just barley overlapping the first. He cried out, mouth opening just a little and the paddles closing just as much. The fine points pricked his face and he clamped his mouth down, holding the whole assembly open. Another swing, higher. It compounded with the first two and his eyes stung with tears of pain. He moaned in pain, the sound coming out as a strained groan through the muzzle plates. "You would be taken, by force, stripped, beaten into submission regardless of how willing you were." another swing and another groan. His tail flicked, lowering just a tad and a strike right under the base sent it strait back up again "You would be led, dragged, or carried depending on your condition to one of the processing camps You would under go the same tortures and strains of every other slave and would arrive here, in time." She set the paddle aside, using her hand now to message his ass. Her circular motions were soft and for a moment he thought she was done. She gave a dangerous and dark chuckle as she picked another of her toys up. She held the pointed, bulbous implement under his muzzle. The drool that now dripped from the corners of his mouth dripped onto it, coating it. The tip was then pressed to his ass hole. She was not merciful or relaxed when she shoved the thick plug into his ass. He huffed and his eyes widened. He groaned as the short length slipped into him, made only slightly easier by the coat of spit on its surface. It was a humiliating feeling, similar to the sensation of that slave cats cock rapping his back side. And as she rubbed her fingers around its wide base, the motion making the plug stir inside him, the sensation transferred though diminished, it pressed on a part of him he did not yet know existed. To his own shock and horror, blushing while laying in her lap, his cock began to harden.

"You would have come to me, finally, weeks from now, mentally subdued and ready to be molded. But I prefer doing things my way. I gave you a chance to submit willingly. I said if you resisted me I would break you and I will hold to that. I gave you the chance to submit willingly. You could have been of my harem. Could have worn gold and diamonds, a collar decorated with designs of either your selection or even your own creation. Treated not as property but as a cherished pet. You would have slept on silk and cotton so soft. You would have eaten any food of your choosing, able to request it prepared to your liking, three times a day. Pleasures of the flesh would have been yours to indulge. With any in my harem; mine, yours, your slave sisters...your slave brothers. Never knowing hardship for the rest of your life" She pulled the plug back by the base, pulling it so that his clenched sphincter hugged around the shape of the bulb as is widened and then let it pop back in. "In time...I may give you another chance. That time, though, is now a very, very long way away. Instead you will eat what ever is placed before you. You will wear nothing but the iron around your neck and the steel on your face. You will sleep on stone covered with straw. You will live with less than the bare minimum of comforts. You will live WITH OUT comfort and will be subjected to the greatest humiliations I can think of on a daily basis. You are not Benjamin. You are not a tiger. You are not even a slave at this point. You are purely an object. You are a mop. You are a table. You are a toy. You will be treated as such. If you resist me again I will consider you broken, and will discard you. Do you understand?"

He nodded. Furiously. Pleadingly. He did not stop until he was told to. He was told to get down and so he shuffled, arms still behind his back. He made not a sound other than the simpering from the pain in his back side. He did his best to try and sit on his ankles but the slightest pressure made his cheeks ache and his bowels itch with the plug inside. His cock was hard and leaking.

"Go to the bed. Lay down. You can move your arms. This is the last night of comfort you're going to have for a looong time...enjoy it." she then waived her hand, sending him away to her own bed. He held his mouth tightly closed to keep the Jaw open, he relaxed as much as he could and tried to ignore the discomfort in his ass. He pulled his knees to his chest, wrapping his arms around them as he laid on his side. The twilight of evening gave way to the stars of night and only then did the dragoness move from the balcony to lay down on the bed, moving behind him and putting an arm over him. He did not so much as even twitch at her touch. No desire to move. If he moved he might make a mistake, if he made a mistake she would think him...broken. "Good night, toy." She yawned.

Too horrified to sleep, he was awake for a long time yet.

Stripes and Chains 4 - The Alternative

Original Concept: [![avatar?user=67748&character=0&clevel=2]( DragonTalon]( "DragonTalon") Inspiration: [![Fates of the...

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Stripe and Chains 2 - Measurments

Original Concept: [![avatar?user=67748&character=0&clevel=2]( DragonTalon]( "DragonTalon") Inspiration: [![Fates of the...

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Stripes and Chains - Benjamin

Original Concept: [![avatar?user=67748&character=0&clevel=2]( DragonTalon]( "DragonTalon") Inspiration: [![Fates of the...

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