Enthralled By Love.

Story by DamianGray on SoFurry

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It's been a wile since I last posted a story here but I think you might enjoy it. Woyld love the feedback.

"Its been three weeks. When are you getting out of the hospital?" Nazira asked.

She was a goid friend, and a constant pain in the ass. Always asking questions thay she knew I didCan't say I blame her though. Who knew g etting hit by a car would cause so many people to worry about you.

"I don't know. Nazi. Doc said it won't be till I'm able to walk again." I answer.

I look over at the canine that was my best friend. I know she was glad that I wasn't killed in the accede nt, but the signs of worry were still on her muzzle.

"Feels like I have been here for months now, and yes, I know it hasn't been that long." It was a poor joke on my part, but it was good to see her smile for once.

"Don't be silly. I'm sure you will be up and running in no time!"

I chuckle lightly at her comment. "I'll settle for walking for now." Again she smiles.

"Visiting hours are over." A voice called.

When I looked up, My heart seemed to skip a beat. Never befor had I seen such a beautiful creature such as this. He was a tall, slinder feline. Of what breed I could not tell. Even though he ware the usual doctor's uniform, what features I could see looked athleticly fit. His creamy caramel colored fur was what drew most of my attention.

"Mr. Gray needs to get his rest."

Nazira looked over at the doctor. "Where is Damian's doctor?"

As usual, no detail ever excapes her attention. She can be so annoying sometimes. I simply clear my throught. "I'm probly not Doc Jenson's only patient, Nazi. And no worries. I'm sure I'll be fine in this doctor's care."

Nazira chuckled softly, but I knew she wouldn't leave till she got her answer. What are best friends for if not annoying worried if something might be wrong.

"Well, ma'am, doctor Jenson only sets the bones and makes sure they heal properly. I, on the otherhand am Damian's new doctor, at least till I have him up and walking again." He gave her a reassuring smile, a smile that made me melt into the bed.

Yeah I know. It's sad to see a grown muscular cat melt at the sight of a pretty face and a lovely smile. Something about this guy screamed 'You will love me' and I seemed to be the only one who could hear it.

"And how long might that take?" Again with the questions. I know she means well but I want to tell her to shut up and go already. I don't though. I know her questions would be the same as my own. "This cat has people who want to see him walking again soon."

"No more then a few days, or as long as a week. All depending on how his healing goes. For now he needs his rest. Well that and I have to tun a cupple tests to see if he is ready to take those casts off his legs." The doctor replied.

This seemed to be good enough for her cause she nodded before giving me her usual hug goodnight. "Well. I guess I'll be coming to see you tomarrow night. Also, Rako might be joining me as well."

I give a giddy chuckle. Rako was this very sexy canine, and my old high school crush. Not to mention he was Nazira's older brother, and my other besty.

"Bout time he desides to come." I hug her back with the one I didn't have in a cast.

"You know that he hates seeing you in pain."

I nod. She told me once that he had the biggest crush on me but was always too afraid to ask me out. Of course he know I had a crush on him too, Nazira sucked at keeping secrets, but I was more then willing to wait fot him to get the courge to ask me out.

When Nazira finally left, I turned my full attention to my dreamy doctor. "Well. gotta love your friends. Always willing to ask the questions for you." I gave a light chuckle.

The doctor smiled and again I melt to such a handsone feature. "My wife is the same way." He chuckled softly. "Was she your girlfriend?"

Ouch. He was taken. well at least he can be a fantasy for the night when I'm fiannly alone. "No. Not even close. I'm gay, she is a lesbian."

He shook his head. "Figures. The cute girls always are." He gave me a playful wink just to let me know he was teasing. "Lets have a look at those legs."

It took little less then an hour for the doc to run through all his procedures. Going over the charts and x-rays done earlier that day. I was happy to see the progress of my healing.

"From the looks of everything, I have to say you will be getting your casts off in the morning. Around noon I will be coming in and getting you back on your feet. After what Jenson told me about the breaks, your first attempt at walking probly won't be so easy."

I could beleave it. I'm sure it's not that easy to walk again after having both legs broken in multiple places. Then again, that was the least of my worries. My legs may have been bad, but that's not counting the four broken ribs, two breakes in my left arm, and the hair line fracture to my skull.

"Glad to hear it. Will that just be the casts on my legs or all of them"

"All of them. Jenson will be in in the morning to remove them and from there you will be placed under my care till your released."


The days went by slowly. I fought through the remnents of pain left over from all the stiff muscles till I was back on my feet and moving at the old familiar paces. Was even able to run again by the end of two weeks.

When I finally was released from the hospital, there was a large home coming party, no dought set up by Nazira. That canine can come up with a party for anything, and never did her parties blow.

"Glad to see you out of the hospital."

"Glad your back on your feet."

"Can't wait till your back on the swim team. We have sucked without you." Responses that I was expecting to hear. I was crowded with hugs from friends and swim fans. I wasn't going to complain either. After so long in a hospital it was good to be serrounded by friends instead of doctors and nurses.

"Welcome home. I missed you."

I didn't need to look to know that voice. I smiled as I always did when I heared it. I turn to look at the canine my heart desired. His ruby eyes locked with my own sapphires fir a moment befir we both fell into eachothers arms for a fim hug. his white cheeks lightly damp from his tears of joy to see me as I gently rubbed my cheek to his own in a minor display of my affection tword him.

"Good to see you too, Rako. I have missed you. Shame you never came to see me, but I understand. It would have been the same if our roles were reversed."

I raise a paw to lightly caress his cheek, wiping away those hard to see wet spits. I give Nazira a smile and nod for her to distract the other guests while I dragged her brother off into another roon for a bit more privacy.

"I..... I want to ask you something." Rako's voice seemed to crack a bit, his cheeks staining a bit crimson.

I couldn't help but think about how adorable he looked. I gave a caring smile as I patiently waited for his question. Giving him a nod to let him know I was waiting.

"I... I w-was wondering i-if you would go o-out with me." his cheeks flushed a darkr crimson then before, that mixed with his studder made me pause a moment before letting out a tiny 'awwweee' about how cute it all sounded.

"Of course I will, Rako. I have waited a long time for you to ask me that. I would have asked myself long ago, but your sister said you wanted to be the one to ask."

I sit with hin on the couch in the livingroom of my own home. I pull him close, wrapping my right arm around his waist. My rainbow spotted black furred tail sways to curl ever so gently around his left ankle. We share a moment just staring into each others eyes before I lean in to seal the deal with a soft passionate kiss. A light purr rumbling though my chest as his tongue slowly slides out to caress at my lips. I welcome the muscle into my muzzle meeting his smooth tongue with my own rough muscle. By the sound of his slught moan I could tell he enjoyed the moment as much as I had. And just as quickly as our moment had started, it was abruptly ended.

"About damned time....." Fucking Nazira. Alway butting in when she should just be quiet. "....I was so tired of being the bith in the middle." She chuckled.

Regretably, I pull my muzzle from Rako's, glaring daggers at her for enterupting the moment. "You mind giving us a private moment?"

"Of course I mind, sweetie, but your parents are here." She gives a giggle before walking out.

I heave a sigh before looking back at the sexy canine in my paws. "I gotta take this one." I give him a soft smile, making him giggle a bit.

After about three hour of partying, and a few painful moments of parental annoyance, everyone finally starts to leave. As the night finally starts to replace the day, I had easily convinced Rako to spend the night with me. Didn't take much convencing either. We ended that night just cuddling in the bed till my lovely canine fell asleep in my arms, his head nestled on my chest as we lay naked under the covers.


I'll have another chapter to this some time soon. Again I hope you enjoyed.

The End OF Tyrony Chapter 2 (Intro)

A gift to my readers. Chapter 2 (Intro) ............................................................................................ "Ok. So you allied yourself with the dragon. And whats the deal with the human I thought they hated furs." A...

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The End Of Tyrony Chapter 1

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