Vulpine Overload

Story by Fox_Fusion on SoFurry

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#9 of Commissioned Works

Commission story done for Kaji -

This one features Sitku -

It also features Artie -

It also features me! :D

Interesting going back and reading this after nearly a year. I can see all sorts of stylistic choices I would never make currently. I see weaknesses and things that badly need fixing. But rather than do a complete overhaul as I should learn to do, I've left most of the story as is, with very minor tweaks and changes.

Maybe one day I'll do full edits of all my stories and try and publish a raunchy collection. That would be fun, wouldn't it? Would you buy it? :D

Kaji yawned, his arms stretching above his head and reaching for the ceiling that managed to stay out of his range as he sat up in bed. There were times when the ceiling could be so close to his head as to force him to duck to walk around, but today he wasn't waking up macro. Today he was just his normal self, as normal as a dragon-wolf hybrid could be considered. He smacked his lips, tasting the morning foulness that comes with a solid night of sleep. Kaji gagged and gargled, trying to get the taste to dissipate and be replaced with the more familiar and forgotten flavor of saliva.

The draolf threw the covers aside, exposing a toned black furred body with a grey underbelly. He kept his body slim, like a professional athlete who had no intention of ever doing any serious heavy lifting or using steroids to pack on more muscle. It wasn't quite a swimmer's build, but it wasn't that of a juiced up baseball player either. Somewhere in between is where the draolf liked his physique, with a nice set of abs showing under the grey fur of his stomach, but without pecs that kept him from being able to see the goods downstairs.

Said goods were currently burning, the mutt's overactive loins demanding attention upon awakening. His morning wood throbbed on his thigh, the twin fuzzy orbs propped up by his legs, giving the appearance of a pair of balls that were far too large. As he stood up, the sac jiggled and jostled into place, a pair of small eggs that hung a bit lower than the average male's endowment. His cock bounced in the air, pulling him towards the bathroom where the sound of water splashing on tiles came from, inviting him to join that melody and add a little splash of his own.

"Oh so you're finally awake," came the voice from the shower, hidden behind the curtains. Kaji grunted as he turned on the tap to the sink, forcing water towards his face. His dick rested on the countertop, making him wince whenever cold liquid splashed against the head. His early waking horniness kept his cock from retreating to his sheath, however. It wasn't going to go down until he got it taken care of by a specific fox. Kaji turned off the tap and pushed aside the shower curtain.

Standing under the spray of water, sopping wet and a mess of fur, Sitku was busy shampooing his body, working the suds into his snow white form. The arctic fox looked absolutely a mess under the water, which in Kaji's vision only enhanced the charm and beauty of his lover. As the draolf began to step into the shower, his wings furling in to prevent him from taking up all of the space and room, Sitku stuck out a paw to keep the mutt from climbing inside.

"I don't think so," Sitku responded, his own cock rising out of his sheath. "I've got work in thirty minutes, and we both know that we're not going to be quick about it." Kaji whined and continued to enter the shower anyway. "If you climb in here anymore, I'm just going to step out before you can do anything." Kaji got behind Sitku, the hybrid's arms wrapping around the fox's midsection, cock rubbing up to pert cheeks, teasing at the idea of penetration. Sitku ducked suddenly, his slick with suds body slipping out of the grasp. The arctic fox snuck out of the shower to grab a towel hanging off of the rack, wrapping it around his midsection in the same motion as he turned off the hot water for the shower. Kaji yelped as he got sprayed with a cold blast. "Serves you right for not listening," Sitku laughed.

The draolf readjusted the water. Once in the shower, his senses were working properly again. He had enough mental acuity to know that he couldn't delay Sitku from work. The income was too important for the vulpine to give up, though Kaji could have made them rich as they wanted. Even with Kaji's god powers, Sitku preferred to live his life like a normal person, with the added perks that a god could bring used only for some extra fun. And so Kaji respected that wish, the two living off of the earnings they made from work rather than what he could conjure for them. It did mean that they didn't have all day to play around, though, something the draolf would have loved to do non stop.

"You're safe for now then, fox. But when you get home tonight, you're getting a faceful of draolf cock." He grabbed his dong and wagged it at the now dried off arctic fox. The hybrid's dick was nearly exposed all the way, only the knot having not managed to escape the confines of the sheath. Sitku shook his head and tossed the towel at the showering mutt, who ended up with a faceful of linen.

"We'll see. Just try and keep it in your pants today, would you? I've been hearing stories from the locals about how you keep pulling people aside from their jobs, and then leaving them to recover after you have your way with them." Sitku sighed. "So could you keep your raging libido contained today, please? I want to have you all to myself tonight, no sex except with me. Capiche?" Sitku didn't wait for an answer, he just walked out and went to put some clothes on. Kaji dropped the wet towel on to the bathroom floor, where it landed with a splort.

By the time the draolf finished up with his shower, getting himself clean and letting his erection die down to sit uncomfortably in his sheath, Sitku was already standing at the door ready to leave. "I made you breakfast," the arctic said. "It's sitting on a plate, get to it quick before it cools down." The draolf nodded, his body still dripping a little bit of water on to the carpet floor. Sitku frowned. "Clean that up too, before you leave. We need groceries for tonight, so if you could pick that up it would be appreciated. And don't forget - "Kaji silenced the fox with a kiss.

"Who orders who around in this relationship, anyway?" Kaji mocked as he licked the fox's muzzle. Sitku giggled appreciatively. "You have yourself a great day, hon. Don't worry, everything will be just fine when you get back, and I promise you won't have to worry about anything today. I'll keep it in my pants. No matter how much they want it, those foxes aren't getting any draolf cock."

"You promise, but you're going to do something sneaky. I know how you work." Sitku beeped Kaji's nose. "You've got something worked up in that brain of yours to turn this into a game for you."

"Who, me?" Kaji retorted, a glowing halo appearing over his head. It bobbed and shimmered as he made puppy eyes to his lover. "Why, I'm the picture of innocence."

"I'll believe that when I come home tonight and you can guarantee to me that you've been faithful to your word. Believe me, I'll know. You'll reek of sex like you always do." The couple exchange a kiss and a hug. "Be well, love! I'll see you tonight!"

Kaji left the door open long enough to watch Sitku drive off around the corner, out of the mutt's sight. When the draolf sat down for breakfast, it was cold. A quick snap of his finger and it was back to a nice and warm temperature, hot enough to be pleasurable without the fear of burning the roof of his mouth. He scarfed it down, amazed at how hungry he actually was. The need for food always came second to the need for sex in the morning, but once he was eating it was hard to make him stop until he was satiated. Sitku had left just enough pancakes, toast, and sausage lying around to leave Kaji with a full belly. He burped, patting his stomach to enhance the overall enjoyment of having just stuffed himself.

"Well," he said to the dirty kitchen, "might as well get the groceries done just so I don't have to clean you up." Cool air greeted his still slightly sodden fur as he opened the door, letting the wind brush over his body, a gentle murr passing from his lips. A lady shrieked, drawing Kaji out of his reverie. Confused at first, Kaji watched as the female red fox covered her eyes and the eyes of her infant child, attempting to steer the baby carriage away from Kaji's house. He looked down, then slapped his forehead. "Right, clothing. I should put some of that on." The mutt stepped back into the house, hid himself behind the door for a moment, and then stepped out, clad in a tight pair of shorts that outlined his package in every detail. He hadn't bothered with a shirt, the perfect weather too gorgeous to be wasted on fabric over fur.

Hot cement met his paws as he walked towards the bus stop, the heated stone almost burning his soft pads, just the way he liked it. He couldn't possibly have asked for a more beautiful day if he had set it up himself. Verdant trees swayed in the breeze, children froliced on the front lawns under sprinkles and the watchful eye of lazy fathers drinking beer, and the cars rolled by with windows down and terrible music blasting. Kaji plugged his ears whenever some particularly awful piece of pop was driving past. Vacant skies left the sun shining without anything to stop the rays from bombarding every corner that the light could find. It hurt to look at a reflection on anything metallic.

When he arrived at the bus stop, Kaji pulled out a cellphone from his pocket to check the time. 10:03. He had about 12 minutes to wait before the bus would arrive, the act of idling not one of his favorite activities. It was why he wanted a second car, so that he could run errands while Sitku drove to work. But the arctic fox refused to let Kaji magic one up, and so they had to make due with one until they could save up enough money the natural way and pay for the extra vehicle. Sitting at the bus stop had some perks, Kaji knew, but they were far outweighed by the convenience of having a vehicle to drive around. He took a seat on a bench beside a vulpine who was busy wringing the straps of his knapsack. Kaji grinned.

"What's got you so wound up?" the draolf asked, his claws combing through the fur on his chest, attempting to find an itch that didn't exist.

The red fox jumped in his seat, the bag in his grasp whumping against the pavement. "Oh, oh it's nothing," he said, doing his best to avoid looking at Kaji. "You're very... no, nothing at all."

Kaji's ears perked and his grin split his face. "I'm very what?"

The vulpine flushed red on his white cheeks. He was a scrawny kid, probably no older than 19, the draolf guessed, and likely on the way to college for a lesson. The fox didn't have much in the way of height or width, but possessed that timid charm that begged for attention. He kicked at the ground. "You're very handsome."

A paw smacked against the fox's back. "I get that a lot kid. It seems to be natural here. All you foxes just can't get enough of this stud." Kaji thrust his hips forward, his bulge flopping upwards and landing on his thighs, emphasizing the full heft of it. The fox gasped when he saw the movement of that junk, how it seemed to pulse beneath the thin layer of fabric, almost like it was swelling just from being admired. "Normally I'd say let's have a little fun. but I sort of made a promise...." The fox whined.

"Just a touch? I've never seen anybody who wasn't a fox before. Everybody in this city is vulpine, you know." He was already reaching towards the black covered sphere that rested on Kaji's lap.

"Oh trust me, kid" Kaji managed between a gasp as the paw made contact with his jewels. "I'm well aware. Hey, don't get too frisky there!" He had to pull the fox's arm back to keep the student from squeezing and kneading at the mutt's nuts.

"Why not? You felt so good, can't I just touch for a little bit longer?" He was struggling against the grip of the much stronger draolf, the vulpine unsuccessfully reaching towards the package, the contents of those shorts more important to him know than the contents of his school bag.

"Oh look, there's the bus!" Kaji shouted, standing up and throwing the student to the side, the fox faceplanting into his own knapsack. Momentarily dazed, the fox lay with his muzzle pressed into the bag, oblivious to Kaji clambering to board the vehicle. Kaji took a seat in the back, next to a discarded newspaper that some previous patron had unkindly left lying around. The open page showed an article about the local lapse in work ethic, how employees were skipping shifts, or getting sidetracked during work. "Lazy Layabouts Slack Off On Shift" the headline read.

Reading about his own exploits allowed Kaji to consider just what sort of deal he'd made with his lover. Trying to not have sex for Kaji was like trying to not breathe for a lot of people. And it wasn't like it was his fault most of the time, either. Foxes just couldn't get enough of his body, and he couldn't blame them for their desire to enjoy it. From his sleek physique to a set of cock and balls that wouldn't quit, he was a dream for every vulpine that walked the streets. Kaji only gave them what they wanted, and that it coincided with his own needs was just a rather nice bonus.

He hadn't imagined depriving himself would be difficult, but it had taken a stroke of luck to keep from giving in to the guy sitting at the bus stop. The draolf had restraint, but it was so much easier to give in to the sexual urges than it was to repress them. His loins gurgled, unhappy that they were once more denied the right of release. Cupping them in his paw, he got to feel the full weight of them, how they pulled down on his groin, begging to have the tension dissolve so they could go back to being a more manageable size. When he let go of his orbs, they flopped onto his legs, the shorts stretched out enough now to have the fabric look like it was a second skin more than a covering.

"Excuse me, sir" a gruff voice asked, bringing Kaji out of his mental isolation. The draolf looked up to see a middle aged, slightly chubby grey fox standing in front of him. Looking around the gentleman, Kaji noticed that none of the other seats on the bus were taken. "Do you mind if I sit down next to you?"

"The rest of the bus is empty, though," Kaji stated, blinking his surprise away. "Every other seat would be more comfortable than one next to me, no?"

The fox shook his head, his grey pelt looking almost white with his age. "Well maybe I should specify a little more. I want to sit in front of you." He plopped himself down on the floor, his knees resting on the sticky surface of the bus. "Right here, to be exact. It's got the best view available, you see."

Kaji didn't see. "What are you looking at exactly by sitting over there?" He regretted asking it the moment it was out, his paws going down to cover his junk as quick as possible, but he reacted a bit slower than the vulpine, who had already begun reaching forward before Kaji was finished his question.

The contact of a thick, slightly calloused mitt on his genitals had Kaji moaning, his hips bucking and betraying him as he thrust into the rough grip of his admirer. Under the touch of the fox, Kaji's mind flooded with images of things he'd love to do the vulpine. Maybe fill up the guy with cum until he was too bloated to move. Or have the fox suck on some draolf cock until they reached the destination, and then stuff the guy into black shorts and get some action while shopping. Or turn him into his wildest fantasy, and then dominate him from the rear to make the transformation complete. Kaji's cock leaked pre as he debated the various merits of each of those plans while the grey fox continued to enjoy the warmth and size of the mutt's junk.

A bump saved Kaji from giving in to his urges. The bus tilted, the fox losing his balance and falling to the side, his paw grabbing on to Kaji's bulge and tugging it. Though the movement felt wonderful, Kaji had enough senses about him without the fox right in his face to realize that he wasn't going to hold out if this sort of behaviour continued. The mutt needed off the bus, or at least for somebody else to show up so it wasn't just the two of them. He groaned as his balls filled with the backlog of his seed, the stain on the front from his pre evaporating and leaving nothing behind to suggest that he had been close to ejaculating.

"Everybody okay back there?" the bus driver queried as he rolled the bus to the curb and put it into park. In his blue uniform, Kaji could tell that the driver was nothing short of a portly man who never thought about exercise. Rolls of flab jiggled as the driver made his way to the back of the bus, his brush tail swishing in a fashion that told Kaji all too clearly of what was about to happen. "I heard some noises, I figured I should come back and check." The grey fox on the ground was back to groping Kaji's balls, despite the draolf's attempts to kick him away. "It looks like you could use some help there, friend."

"No, really, I'm fine, thanks." Kaji held his arms up, trying to force the rotund fox to back away, but the bus driver was insistent, wiggling into place beside the passenger. The two foxes rubbed their paws all over the slightly swelling bulge in Kaji's shorts, making little noises of awe and wonder as they watched the meat harden, the balls sag lower, and the material tighten . It meant there was more for them to enjoy, some extra flesh that they could sink their teeth into and get a proper filling. Or so Kaji wanted for the first few moments when the vulpines had begun to service him.

"Guys, enough!" Kaji bellowed, using a bit of his strength to push the two vulpines aside. They looked up at him with plaintive eyes, the driver even whimpering in such a pathetic fashion that Kaji almost took pity on him. "Seriously, any other day this would be fine, and maybe we'll do this tomorrow if you want, but I made a promise today. So if you could go do your job of driving the bus, and you stop ogling and fondling me, then we'll be much better off." Kaji snarled. "Got it?"

Both tried to go right on worshiping the draolf junk, but were held off by Kaji's feet. With a sigh, he got up and walked off the bus, his wings pushing the pair back to prevent them from following him. He wasn't even close to where he wanted to be, but a walk was more likely to keep him from having those kinds of encounters than sitting on the bus for as long as would be necessary to get to the grocery store. He turned around to watch as the driver took his seat and the grey fox stayed at the window, staring through the glass right into Kaji's eyes. As the bus drove away, Kaji stuck his tongue out at the gawker in the glass.

On the short trek to the grocery store by foot, Kaji watched as the locals kept stopping in their tracks to stare at him. Some would catcall, others whistled, but the majority just stared, openly ogling and pointing to the package that wobbled as the draolf took his steps along the sidewalk. His balls were hanging down to mid thigh, and might as well have been on full display with the way the material clung to his genitalia. His cock didn't seem to be properly proportioned to his balls, the sheathed member large enough to make a mark in the shorts but not so big as to distract from the orbs. Kaji had to roll his gait a little to keep from crushing the precious cargo between his thighs.

"Hey! Mutt butt! What are you doing here?" The draolf turned towards the sound, his eyes flicking over the sign for the local fitness centre. A fox clad in grey shorts and a black tank top was exiting the gym, his red bag strapped over his shoulder. "Last time you were here it was just to get a bit of action if I recall." Aside from the black stripe that covered his muzzle and extended over his back down to his tail, the fox looked exactly like any other red fox. The vulpines braid was pinned between his shoulder blades thanks to the bag. "You thinking about putting on some mass legitimately?"

The draolf scoffed, his paws going to his hips. "Not on your life. Not all of us have an obsession with getting bulky like yourself, Zev."

"Oh come on," the cross-fox grinned as he stepped towards Kaji, black fingers tracing over Kaji's exposed pectorals. "You'd look mighty fine with a pair of boulders hanging from your ribs. And some arms to make your head look small. And those abs. Sure they look great now, but just imagine if they were eight bricks instead of just the flat expanse you've got right now." Zev's hand trailed down towards Kaji's waistband. "You should try growing other parts of your body instead of just your cock and balls." The fox gave that equipment a squeeze.

Kaji moaned, giving in to the familiar paws that were used to playing with the mutt's junk.

"Not today Zev, I promised Sitku I wouldn't sex it up with anybody else."

The fox pulled away immediately, wiping the paw on his shorts. "Say no more, I completely understand. If he wants you for himself, he shall have you, though it seems a shame to not get to share."

"You have remarkable self control to be able to pull away like that," Kaji chuckled. "Every other fox so far has been trying to get into my pants even after I tell them off."

"We're not all sluts and whores. Some of us have self-restraint. I'd like to think I do my species some credit."

"But foxes make such excellent cock-sleeves."

"Don't make me smack you in the grin, mutt." Zev snagged a quick hug and butt grope from the smug draolf. "Anyway, I'm heading home for some much needed food. You go enjoy your day, try not to cause too much trouble."

"You know that's not going to happen."

"A fox can dream."

Kaji quirked a brow at the retreating form of the muscular vulpine. All foxes were basically the same in the draolf's mind, wanting nothing more than to admire and worship his godly body. His loins proved how correct he was, having swollen once more with the backed up bit of semen that needed to be spent, but would only find release with Sitku. The draolf supposed he could have put an enchantment on himself to keep him from being attractive to vulpines for the day, or could have cast a spell to hold himself from ever reaching climax, but there was something far more thrilling in having to actively resist the temptation while making the desire that much stronger each time. The grocery was in viewing distance, the parking lot packed full of people busily running about with shopping carts and bags full of food.

Kaji shivered when he crossed the threshold into the store, his exposed torso fur standing on end to try and help fight the sudden cold. He had forgotten that the store had the nasty habit of running the air conditioner unbearably high during the summer months, turning the produce section into an oversized vegetable crisper. He didn't care to imagine what had become of the dairy section. The idea of sinking his teeth into frozen cheese sent a chill down his spine. Perhaps not wearing a shirt was not the most intelligent decision, he thought. When a fox walking past nearly rammed a cart into a stand of cucumbers, Kaji retracted his notion.

His shopping cart quickly filled with the various necessities of living: some fruit, a few vegetables, meat, meat, and more meat. He grabbed a loaf of bread on his way towards the dairy, dreading the unbearable cold that would shortly wash over him. The idea of using one of the wayward vulpines to cover his body for the duration of his shopping crossed Kaji's mind, but he decided that might be a bit too much of an abuse of his sway over the other canines. If one was to offer, however, he wasn't going to say no to the idea of having a living scarf to wrap around his body,

"You buying out the sausages or something?" remarked an arctic fox who was blocking the aisle leading to the milk and eggs. Kaji skid to a halt, the wheels on his cart screeching. "Because you've got the biggest one hidden away in there, and I'd love to share it with you."

Kaji groaned. "Artie, not today. Sitku said no sex."

"Who was talking about sex?" said the fox, who barely came up chest high to Kaji. "I was just doing some shopping, and noticed that you'd been hoarding all the meat!"

"Can we not talk about my junk, as much as I love that point of topic?" Kaji requested.

"Fine, fine. How about some eggs. I was going to buy some eggs. These ones seem fresh." Artie reached out to grab Kaji's junk, the draolf reacting just quick enough to keep the arctic fox from nabbing the goods. "You have to squeeze them to test for freshness, Kaji."

"Artie, don't."

"They look more like melons than eggs, but produce is just as good. Whatever you're selling, I'm buying." Kaji was holding the excitable vulpine at arm's length, attempting to keep Artie from playing with the prominent bulge that graced the mutt's front. "Come on, Kaji, just a grope. How about a squeeze? A touch? Maybe a sniff and a lick? You can't expect me to say no when you're walking around with a crotch big enough to be seen from the other end of the store, can you? That's just cruel."

Spectators gathered to watch the commotion. They slowly crept closer, a flock of vultures coming in to scavenge upon the already fallen prey. Kaji counted eight foxes in front of him, some fat, some lean, one with a nicely muscled build. Their vacant eyes and lolling tongues made it all too clear to him what they were thinking. A paw brushed over his thigh, causing Kaji to jump and lose his grip on Artie. The arctic charged forward, diving face first into the draolf's junk, tongue and nose working to bring the mutt to arousal as fast as possible.

Kaji tried to push Artie away, nearly kicked his friend aside, but the hoard of worshippers closed in, tackling the draolf as they clambered over one another to reach the golden apples locked within the black shorts. He gasped as he tried to come up for air, to get a breath of something other than sexually excited vulpine. His cock was fighting for space with his waistband, his member hardening and creeping up towards his belly button and a bit beyond. The fabric stretched with his arousal, keeping him as decent as he was going to get with the size of his junk. He could feel his orbs swelling, welling up with a mixture of his own pent up cum and the magic that he was using to fuel his own fire.

"Attention all customers, attention all customers. The Cashiers are going on break, as there have been reports of an orgy taking place in the dairy aisle. All customers are advised to head towards the dairy aisle if they wish to participate. Thank you for shopping with us, and have a wonderful day."

"Kaji?" Sitku asked as he shut the front door behind him. The arctic fox sniffed the air, but could not find anything other than the lingering scent of his lover and himself in the house. A quick search of the main floor revealed the abode to be empty. "Typical," Sitku muttered as he flopped onto the couch in the living room. "He probably spent all morning lounging in front of the TV and scratching his balls instead of actually doing the groceries. Supper is going to be late now. He'd better enjoy making it, cause I sure as hell won't." He flipped on the TV, intending to waste his time with some good old television until Kaji came home.

Muffled noises erupted from the front of the house. Before Sitku could check it out, the door burst open. "Back, get back you fiends!" came the voice of Kaji, hidden under oohs and ahs of what sounded like a dozen other men. Sitku poked his head around the corner, hoping to show as little body as possible as he surveyed the scene. Kaji was beating back some random foxes with the grocery bags in his hands. "Get out, this is my house and you aren't invited. Shoo, scat, bad foxes!" The door shut, a brush tail getting caught in the crack for a moment before the door reopened, the owner of the tail removing it and himself from the premises with a whimper. "Serves you right, you sex hound."

"Kaji," Sitku began, only to clasp his mouth shut when the mutt turned around. Somehow, the black shorts had managed to stay intact, despite the monstrosity contained within. The arctic had no trouble discerning what those pants were hiding, if such a term could be used to describe the display before him. Two huge, nearly volleyball sized nuts, their every detail outlined, blocked the majority of the view of Kaji's legs between his hips and his knees. Jutting upwards, midway between navel and chest, a thick log spewed pre, dampening the abused shorts with the substance. The twins gurgled, a fresh spew of fluid pushing through the fabric and dribbling over the sable expanse, coating it in a dull shine. "Kaji, what did you do?"

The draolf dropped the grocery bags at the entrance. "Exactly what you wanted. I didn't have sex all day with anybody, and you see what happened?" He pointed to his junk. "They were all over me, Sitku. All. Over. Me." Kaji shuddered. "It was like an orgy, except there wasn't any sex and they all wanted draolf cock. I barely made it out of the pile. If it hadn't been for Artie accidentally biting my arm instead of my cock, I don't think I would have." The mutt huffed, then groaned as his balls jiggled, the fabric starting to tear around the stitching. "Promise you will never make me do this again, hon. It's murder on the clockwork."

"Uh, that's nice." Sitku barely heard a word. His eyes were locked on the succulent bit of hyper flesh in front of him. He'd seen Kaji bigger, more endowed, but something about seeing all that draolf bulge trapped had Sitku's motor running on high. While Kaji tried to pull out some of the fruit he had purchased, Sitku was busy walking towards his lover and giving the mutt an affectionate kiss on the nose. "Screw the groceries. You, me, upstairs. Right now. Bring the goods. And keep them contained." Sitku patted the balls, causing a gentle rumble to escape from the draolf's chest. They went to the bedroom, Sitku's tail flicking in front of the mutt's eyes the whole way up.

The shorts did not last, however, as the size of the balls ballooned once more, filling up large enough to release them from their prison. They bounced with their new freedom, jumping between halfway to his shin and his knee, eventually settling closer towards the former. Kaji groaned at the incredible weight pulling on his groin. He grabbed it with his paws, hoisting the gems to help him climb the rest of the stairs. Sitku beat the mutt to the bedroom, the arctic fox already stripped and naked, showing off his hardened member for his lover. Kaji needed no encouragement to reach full arousal, his knot popping free of his sheath at the sight of the bare vulpine.

"I saved this just for you, hon. You ready for a whitewash?" Kaji dropped the balls, the force of their fall nearly pulling him to the carpet. Sitku ran forward, colliding head on with the orbs, the pair bigger around than the fox if he were to curl up. He rubbed his paws over the hefty sac and licked at the folds of the orbs, getting his entire body into the act of attending to Kaji's desire. The chimera leaned back, hands behind his head and eyes closed, his breath coming in pants as he relished the experience of finally getting to enjoy some stimulation without any guilt attached to it.

Kaji bit his lip. Sitku slowed down on the attention to the draolf's junk. But Kaji had spent too much of the day under the administration of various foxes, and no amount of easing off was going to keep him from blowing the motherload. When the mutt huffed and began to actively stroke his own cock, Sitku redoubled his efforts, his body clinging to the grey furred orbs, pulling and tugging on them to get every bit of pleasure out of them. Kaji howled, the seal breaking.

Pearly white cum smashed into the wall on the opposite side of the room, the splatter coating the various paintings and lamp fixtures in droplets of spunk. The second shot arced up and hit the ceiling, globs dripping down on the linens that covered the bed. Sitku tried to aim the cannon, and with Kaji's help they managed to point the climaxing cock towards different sections of the room, each volley coating a dry space in a paint of semen. Nothing was spared the wrath of seed. From night table to closet to ceiling lights, every inch of the room received ubiquitous treatment, Kaji's seemingly endless supply of cum tapering off once there was not a bit of the room that wasn't hidden under spunk.

Kaji panted, his slightly deflated balls resting on top of his knees instead of under them. "I think I'll need a second round before they go down all the way." He took a step back to see Sitku, lying on the floor, as sodden as the rest of the room. The vulpine, covered head to toe in a mixture of his own spunk and the draolf's, breathed heavily, lids shut tight to avoid any of the fluids from getting into his eyes. A huge smile creased his face, his tongue slipping out to lick off some of the residue that surrounded his lips. "I hope you weren't planning on cooking anything, hon." Kaji patted his balls. "Because I brought home supper."

While Sitku gorged open his dinner for the evening, Kaji smirked to himself. The ball growth probably wouldn't discourage Sitku from requesting that Kaji go another day in the future without sex , but it was a fun experiment all the same. The way the mutt saw it, it was a win-win situation for everybody. Sitku got a healthy meal, the locals got to enjoy the view of some sexy draolf, and Kaji got to tease everybody, making him the biggest winner of them all.

Don't Want

Dimitri dropped his pants, the belt buckle clattering on the wooden floorboards beneath his desk. He wrapped a hand around his cock, tugging on the flaccid piece of meat to bring it to full erection. The browser continued loading until a video popped...

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Buff and Fluff vs the Muscelid Menace

The red phone rang itself off the receiver. In the sky, searchlights crossed paths, forming the shape of a flexing bicep against the cloud coverage. A falcon dove in through the open window, dropping a rolled up parchment with an imperial seal on the...

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Clone Vores

"Urf, Kaji, slow down for a minute there, you gotta let the other ones settle in first." Zev's eyes rolled into the back of his head as his balls gurgled and glorped, the walls of his sac jostling about as the contents within shifted. "I'm all for...

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