Bear Puns

Chi-cling. The bells on the wrought-iron door cried when they were swung open. The large paw of the grizzly bear passing through it scrapped gently on the metal as he entered. This same dark alley, connecting to the same dark door, painted that same...

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Late Night Secrets

Any pun here is intended. i barely got over 200 words which was set as minimum. the big gray wolf crouched at the door of his baby girl, 12 at age, his only child, to find out about the moans and roar. his thoughts were already running wild.


On The Lamb

On the Lamb By CalexTheNeko Scott ran out through the bank doors his heart going a mile a minute. His clutched a small brown paper bag in his hands that contained the spoils of his endeavors. Several people on the sidewalk jumped back as he came...

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History Lesson

Although this ends in a truly egregious pun, it's not an entry in the "back to pundamentals" contest. my three entries are already posted, and they're more furry-based -- the puns themselves relate to furriness.

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New Beginnings

It was a cool night in mid-January, the clear, crisp air ringing with the sound of mirth and joy. The city was always alive, and tonight was certainly no different. Though it seemed there was one extra fur joining the streets tonight. Her name was...

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Rejection Slip

Dear Mr. Black Wolf... Thank you for letting us read your story "In Space, No One Can Hear You Hump." After careful consideration, we're going to have to decline publishing it in "Fire Plate." The characters are good, the futuristic setting is cool,...

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Halftime Entertainment

It's halftime of a pretty important game in the division. The Crystal City Sabretooths are top of the league, and us Yerba Whalers, just up the coast, are struggling to hold on to the middle. It's my third year as a pro football player, and I'm finally...

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GOD DAN IT!, DAN (part 2 of 2)

The next day I am plowing the soil for my little potato farm, Bret walks up and asks "Isn't it a little late in the year for potatoes?" I turn to face him and say "yes, but I had a bad growing year this year, the dirt was too tough, so if I rough-it-up...

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GOD DAN IT!, DAN (part1 of 2)

I giggle and say "don't you mean... god dan it" i laugh for some more and say "sorry, bad pun... had to, so what did you call me over here for?" he says "do you want to find treasure and get rich?" i almost spit-up and say "oh, god yes!!"

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Buff and Fluff vs the Muscelid Menace

"since i refuse to say your name as it's a freaking pun, i'm just going to say you. you are going down, you." buff sprung into action, his feline agility only marginally hampered by his musculature.

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Ameowzing Day

'oh god, are we doing more cat puns? i swear if that theory is true it must have been a 40 year old dad that went back in time and is making everything into a cat pun.' luna knew he should stop thinking so hard over becoming a cat anthro.

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Dreams of Tomorrow (Intro)

# Dreams of Tomorrow ## Chapter 1 # "...why, yes, I have some doctor friends. Should I call one?" I nodded and turned my back on the cat woman. There was only one thing in my mind: I had to protect that house. There was something coming, and I...

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