Wolfie Steel, Assassin/Bodyguard for hire. Part 9.

Story by Wolfie Steel on SoFurry

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#9 of Wolfie Steel, Assassin/Bodyguard for hire

Wolfie Steel.

Assassin/Bodyguard for hire.

Written by Vinnie Van Daz.

A/N: My continued thanks go to Linkin Doberman for agreeing to appear in my humble story.

The character of Linkin Doberman appears with the kind permission of the fur himself, LINKIN DOBERMAN, please do not annoy him by using his character without his permission, the same goes for the rest of the characters as they are owned by me and again should not be used without my permission.


As this story contains references and scenes of a homosexual nature, if you are not old enough to read such literature in your country, then DON'T. If you are not old enough and read it anyway and get caught, I will deny all knowledge. With that warning given, to the rest of you I say ENJOY!

Chapter 9.

It has now been four days since I awoke and found myself in a hospital bed. In my semi-concious state I had heard Senior Doberman talking to the guys, about the fact that he had managed to find out who it was that had beaten me and why, and more importantly where they were hiding out.

I stirred causing Tony to come back to my bedside, he placed his right paw on my arm, he was obviously not expecting what happened next. I clamped hold of Tony's paw, I began to bend his middle claw back on itself and I spoke.

"Now Tony, I'm sorry to have to do this to you my love, but, I want to know all the details, the who, the why, the where and the time"

Tony gave me his reply which was not the reply I was looking for.

"There ain't no way I'm telling you, you are far to hurt to do anything about it, so me and the guys will take care of it".

I now forced Tony's claw back as far as it would go, to the point where I thought he was going to pass out with the pain.

"Tony, those bastards left me to die, I want revenge. If I have to brake your claw to find out the information, rest assured, I will do it, sure I will hate myself afterwards, though probably not as much as you would hate me, but I would do it! Now, I'm guessing that if I push your claw a little further........"

Tony gives in.

"Aggggghhhh, okay, okay, I give in, I won't tell you, I will take you. Sheesh, to think that I once thought of you as a sub".

Tony called for the rest of the guys to help him get me out of bed and dressed, and ready for some sort of action, the guys did not like this idea one bit, but they knew that I wouldn't rest until I had watched the last breath issue from the Tigermercs muzzles. Once I was dressed the guys went to support my weight, however, I was so pissed that I just brushed them away. I walked out of the room with the rest of the guys and headed to the front desk, where I discharged myself from the hospital. Though the nurse was less than happy with the situation, she completed the paperwork and allowed me to go.

I limp out to the hospitals parking lot, and there waiting for me was my pride and joy, my Range Rover sport. Tony had brought it back from the airport, so he still had the keys.

"Tony, please hand me the keys!".

At first Tony refused, that was until I reminded him of what would happen if he didn't do as I asked, with a grudging look he handed me the keys, I unlocked the car and we all got in. I gained the address that I needed and started the car, reversed out from the space and headed towards the hiding spot of the soon to be dead Tigermercs.

We now pull up outside the hiding place and wait for our time to strike, Tony speaks.

"Wolfie, I know that you are angry with these guys, but why don't you let me and the guys handle them, you are in no fit state to fight".

My reply was short, but sweat.

"Tony, I'm way past angry, I'm extremely pissed, besides, how fit do you have to be to pull a trigger twice. I will go along with the plan, once the plan is complete I will even let you rough them up, but the final kill is mine.

1700 hrs. Right on cue, two hooded figures are seen heading towards their hideout, we all exit the car and head towards them. They get to the door of the hideout and open it and step inside, just before they get chance to close the door, Tony stuffs his foot inside and speaks.

"Hello, my name is Anthony Stone, to my right is Todd Styles, to his right is Senior Linkin Doberman and to my left is Wolverine Steel, Wolverine Steel I hear you say, why does the surname sound so familiar? Well I will tell you why, it is also the same surname that belongs to the Wolf that stands behind me, he is someone the two of you know quite well, his name is Wolfie Steel, he is the guy whom just five days ago you beat up and left to die. As you can see though he is far from dead, and before you get any ideas about doing anything to either Senior Doberman or Wolfie, take a look around you at the hardware that we are all packing, sure you may take one of us out, but that still leaves you with four very pissed furs. Now, we will all go inside and my boss here, Senior Doberman, will make a call to a friend of ours and set some legal wheels in motion. Whilst that is going on, we are just going to sit with you and wait".

With that, Tony and Wolverine forced the two tigers into the makeshift living area at gun point. Once in the room the tigers were forced to sit, I now had the chance to talk to them.

"You can relax for a while, have a smoke if you wish, it will probably be your last. Five days ago, you left me on the ground of the secure parking area to die, and I'm okay with that, hell it's one of the hazards of the job that I do, every time that I step outside as Senior Doberman's bodyguard, I know that it could possibly be the last. Have faith gentlemen, though you left me half dead, I promise, when we leave here, I will have finished the job. I know that you are identical twins, family, so I give you these last few hours to say and do everything that you always wanted to say and do to or with each other, that you either didn't get chance to do, or were to afraid to do, in short if you've ever wanted to fuck each other senseless, now is your chance".

The first tiger looked at his brother and the gravity of their situation finally began to sink in and he spoke.

"Mike, I wish that I had more time to say this, but I will talk until time runs out and at least you will know most of what I'm trying to tell you. It was never my intention to become a hired mercenary, but when our mother got sick, I realised that I had to do something, I knew that becoming a mercenary paid good money, my single regret is that I didn't talk you out of this way of life, sure, I knew that one day my life might end this way, but I should have stopped you from travelling down the same path and I didn't, so for that I'm sorry, my actions have now sentenced us both to a certain death".

Mike now looked toward his brother with tears in his eyes and replied.

"Dale, I have no regrets about becoming a merc and following in your pawprints. I am now resigned to our fate. I know that once this is all over, we will be together again, you, me and our mother".

I speak again.

"I have had a change of heart, fortunately for you two, I am not without compassion, sure, you guys did a real good job on me, I should be on a mortuary slab, but, call me soft if you have to, having heard you both speak so eloquently, I hear remorse in both of your voices. The answer you give me to my next question will decide your fate. If I was to give you the chance to get out of the mercenary business for good and into a fairly well paid if slightly mundane job, would you take that chance with both paws?, a simple yes will be enough to secure you a job, a no, however, and by the end of the day you will both be dead, it's that simple".

Both Tony and Linkin looked at me and their mouths hit the floor, so to did the mouths of Dale and Mike. Tony spoke to me.

"Wolfie, are you mad, I want them to pay for what they did to you, they should die, in fact, I'm not gonna wait".

Tony raised his gun, I then stood with my back pressed against the muzzle of Tony's gun and replied.

"Fine, you want to shoot them, do it, but your going to have to shoot me too. Tony, I love you with all my heart, there is nothing that I won't do for you, except I won't let you kill these two tigers, if they are to die, then they die by my bullet, if they wish to turn over a new leaf, then I'm prepared to give them that chance".

Tony lowered his gun, though I couldn't see him, I knew that he would be close to tears. I now look straight at Mike and Dale and speak again.

"So, what's it to be, new job or certain death?".

A sigh escapes from Mike's muzzle, though I knew it to be a sigh of relief, it was relief at being given a second chance.

"Mr Steel, I have heard that all of your friends and contacts love and respect you, I now see why that is. Myself and my brother, Dale, would like to take you up on the offer of a new job, from here on in we are no longer mercenaries, we don't even care what the new job is, we are just so grateful to you for being so understanding and willing to give us this second chance. On a personal note, I would like to apologise for the injuries that you received from our altercation, Senior Doberman is indeed a lucky fur to have bodyguards as loyal as you and your brother".

That was all I needed to hear, I asked everyone to lower their weapons and disarm, at first they were hesitant to do so, but they all saw the look in my eyes, it was the look that said that enough was enough.

Suddenly Linkin receives a phone call from Bootleg, to say that the legal route had been successful and that the Microsoft corporation had been forced to pay an undisclosed sum of money into Dobersoft's account and Microsoft's CEO had been forced to step down.

We all left the hideout and headed the short distance to the military store owned by my good friend Commander Michael T. Nash. We all entered the shop and Nash looked up at me and spoke.

"Twice in a month, you must be working hard, though I see that you didn't get out of your last fight without some cool trophy injuries".

I let out a strained belly laugh.

"Nash, these two Tigers are the cause of my 'Trophy' injuries. I want you to do me a huge favour, I want you to give them both a job, as you can see, they would fit in well in a military shop, you sure wouldn't have any more unruly customers. If you need someone to vouch for them, then please look no further".

Nash now spoke to the two tigers.

"Okay, here is the deal, you work well for me, I will pay you well, but if I have any trouble from either of you, I hand you both back to The Steel Brothers, do we have a deal?".

Dale and Mike looked at each other, then back at Nash, then back at me, then back to Nash and nodded.

Now I know what you are all thinking, God damn Steel's gone soft, why didn't he use his backbone and kill them while he had the chance?. My answer to you would be this, I pride myself on being a decent judge of character and when I looked into those two tigers eyes earlier, I saw the fact that they weren't really cut out for mercenary life, sure they were good at it, but I saw good in their eyes and I wanted to make it flourish to it's full potential, besides which, I was also going to be helping out an old friend.

Me and the guys head back to my car, minus Dale and Mike. Again we all clamber in and I drive us back to the house, we all enter the house and head straight for the main room, Senior Doberman looked at Todd his housekeeper and spoke.

"Mr Styles, I would appreciate it if you would go upstairs and make up one of the guest rooms for Mr Steel and Mr Stone to use for a while, Mr Steel is still not fully recovered yet, despite him discharging himself from the hospital, if he won't stay in the hospital, then I'm going to make damn sure that he will stay here and rest. Do you hear that Mr Steel?, I said REST and I meant it, any major meetings I have that require two bodyguards I will postpone, the rest I will be able to cope with just using Wolverine and Tony. Mr Steel, what you did today with regard the two tigers was truly inspirational, you had every right to kill them, but instead you took pity on them, you showed them compassion, Mr Steel, I take my hat off to you, it seems that your time in my employ just keeps on getting better and better".

Suddenly my eyes glaze over and my knees give way underneath me, as quick as a flash, Wolverine catches me in his strong arms, Linkin now speaks to Wolverine.

"Mr Styles won't have the room ready yet, so will you please carry Wolfie to my room and put him in my bed, Tony, for the next few days you are off duty, anywhere I need to go I will use Wolverine and Mr Styles, you are to stay here and look after your true love, god knows that he's earned it".

Wolverine did as he was asked and carried me up to Senior Doberman's room and lay me gently in his bed, Tony sat in the chair by the side of the bed and watched me sleep.

This was going to be one beating that I would not forget in a long time.