Big Kid Games

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A 10 year old otter gets to babysit his 5 year old sister for the first time and he's got a few games he'd like to play. Started working on this last year and left it for a while to focus on other stories but couldn't resist leaving this story unfinished. Yes I realize it's a bit long but ideas just cumming- sorry COMING to me and I added them to the story. Let me know what you think of it!

For Jake Slapper today was Christmas, the day he had waited for since his little sister turned three. On the day his sister Megan turned three one of her gifts was two three packs of big girl underwear. When she tried them on, Jake felt weird inside, seeing his sister undressing, her little vagina and wearing her new underwear made his private part go hard. Since then he tried everything to see her undressing, in her undies or naked again, sneaking peaks when he could, trying to peer into the bathroom when she went potty, or taking a bath, but because his parents were always there, he never quite got what he wanted.

Since they where still young, whenever his parents did go out, they always got a babysitter preventing Jake from seeing what he desired. The last few times a babysitter did come over, he usually went to his room and played video games, trying to drop hints about his disapproval. Megan on the other hand loved her brother (but not the same way he loved her), she thought he was so cool, and prodded him to play with her five or six times a day. Jake would go along with whatever she did hoping this would give him leeway when he would get the chance to play the "games" he wanted to. His parents where adamant about having him babysit his sister by himself, but seeing how much fun the two had when they played together, was enough to convince them to give it a try.

The whole day leading up to 5:30 pm was an eternity for Jake, planning the night, hoping it would work, and worst of all....waiting. "Jake, Megan, dinner" said his mom as Jake and Megan went to the bathroom to wash their hands. Megan was five now, but sexy as ever in Jake's mind, "race you down the stairs" said Megan, running out of the bathroom. "You're on Meg" he said running after her but not at full speed so she could win. "YAY, I won, I won" shouted Megan doing a victory dance, "yeah, you got me, you're getting hard to beat" he said lying. As they ate dinner their parents went over the rules, "you can have one snack, and one ginger ale but no more. I would like you to have a shower Jake, but you don't have to worry about giving Megan a bath tonight", Megan raised her arms in a cheerful mood. "and when we get home at 9 o'clock tonight, I want to see pj's on both of you" said his mother putting her shoes on. "Can do mom" replied Jake whose mind was far from the rules, "If you have any trouble, don't be afraid to call us at this number" said his father handing him a scrap piece of paper with a telephone number on it. "Alright, I guess we're off" said his mother giving each of them a hug, "now Meg, be good for your brother, I don't want any trouble" "okay mommy, I won't" replied Megan. With that the parents put their coats on, grabbed the car keys and went to the door, "have a good night guys" said his father, "bye-bye" said the two as they finished dinner.

"Just you and me Meg, I can only ask you behave so we don't have to get another babysitter" he told her, "I won't, I like playing with you Jake" she said, she wanted Jake to want to play with her all the time and not a babysitter and tonight he was the only one here. "Okay, plates in dishwasher Meg" said Jake trying to stay cool when his mind (and something else) was beyond excitement. "Here you go Jakey" said Megan handing him her plate and utensils, giggling, Jake hated being called Jakey by anyone, but his sister. When she said it made her seem more innocent in his eyes. "well as long as you don't call me Jacob, that's fine. What do you want to do first Meg" he asked her, " I wanna play on your xbox" she said gleaming. Jake closed the dishwasher and said, "sure thing, wanna race?" "yeah race, race, race" she said happily. "well on your mark....GO" said Jake getting a head start. "Hey no fair Jake" she said running after him.

They played xbox for about thirty minutes when Megan said "Oh, I got to go potty" she said, "here, I'll pause the game, go do your business" he replied as Megan hopped off the bed and ran down to the bathroom. "Alright, slow and steady, patience is a virtue" he kept telling himself, he heard the sound of the toilet flushing and a few seconds later his sister appeared at his bedroom door adjusting her light blue shirt and jeans making Jake take notice. "Everything come out alright in there Meg" he asked whimsically, "Yeah, I've been potty trained since I was three, did you think I had an accident" she asked, "just kidding around Meg, you're a big girl" he told her.

"Really, you think so" she said a little sad, "what's the matter Meg" Jake asked her. "you're just saying that to be nice, I'm too little to do big girl things" she said tearing up, "now Meg, that's not true" he said, "mommy and daddy don't think so, they won't let me do anything big kid (sniff) that's why I like playing with you, you treat me like a big kid and the babysitters don't" she said starting to cry. Jake was touched, it explained why she wanted to play with him all the time, but he never thought it would come out like this. "Come here Meg" he said giving her big hug, "you might be my little sister, but your a big girl to me" he said looking at her drying her tears. "You the best ever Jakey, I mean Jake" she said through her emotions. "Do you want to play some big kid games?" he asked her, "Yes please" she said. Jake gave a playful smile and said "you got it".

Jake's heart started to pound, his excitement level was at an all-time high. "We can play some big kid games tonight but we need to go over some general rules. First, no telling mom or dad or anyone about this, even the older kids, if we get caught we would both get in trouble". Megan knew this was true, if her mommy and daddy found out about this she would be in trouble for playing a big kid game. "I promise I will not tell anyone Jake". she told him, hand over heart. "Good, second, if you feel a particular game is too much and you want to quit, don't be afraid to tell me. I don't want you doing something that's going to make you upset" he told her pacing the room trying to be stern. "Yep, I promise Jake" she replied. "Third, it shouldn't be a problem but if you need a bathroom break, tell me, you won't be in trouble, pinky swear" he said holding out his pinky. "Pinky swear on the rules" said Megan grabbing his pinky with hers and shaking.

"Okay, this first game is called race against the clock" he said starting to shake a little, "in this game, one person stands still while the other person strips them of all their clothing. Time is up when the person's underwear is on the ground, then we switch and the other person goes, whoever has the fastest time wins, do you want to play Megan" Jake asked praying for a yes. Megan had never heard of a game like this, but she liked trying new things (except food) "Cool, I wanna play". "Great, as the youngest you get to decide if you want to strip me or me strip you first" he told her. Megan thought it over, "Hmmmm, I'll strip you first" she replied. "Okay, now to make it fair, since I'm bigger, I'll give you a three second advantage, you have to take my socks off first, then my shirt, then my pants, and finally my underwear, and you can't take my pants and underwear off at the same time, that's cheating, got all that". "Yep, ready when you are Jake"

Jake stood facing the clock on his bedroom wall while Megan readied herself to start. "I'll watch the clock so we know how long you took. Ready Meg". "Ready" she said, "in 3...2...1...GO!" he said as Meg lifted his right leg up and pulled his sock down his foot and off doing the same thing to his other sock. She stood up and pulled his red T-shirt up his chest, out of his arms and over his head and tossed the shirt on the ground. She put her hands in his shorts and pulled the garment down his legs and out of his feet leaving the boy in his blue briefs. Megan then went back up and grabbed the waistband and yanked his underwear down exposing his little penis, "Time, 15 seconds not bad" said Jake as he stepped out his underwear completely in the nude. Megan couldn't help but blush and giggle a bit as she stared at her brother's wiener which was getting bigger. "Your turn Megan, mind if I stay in the nude for this" he asked her. "Okay, but why is your pee-pee different from mine" she asked Jake, "I'll tell you later, let me face the clock since you can't tell time yet" he said.

"Yeah, good idea, ready when you are". Jake had dreamed of this moment for over two years, his penis was erect now. He took a deep breath "3...2...1....GO!" and with that he lifted her leg up yanking her left sock off then going to the right leg and doing the same thing. He stood up and lifted her arms up and pulled her light blue shirt up her body, off of her neck and out of her arms and tossed the shirt onto the ground. He knelt back down, put his hands into her jeans as the back off his fingers felt her panties, he pulled the pants down revealing a pair of orange panties with a yellow waistband and yellow bow. Jake was fully erect now as he put his hands in her panties and pulled the garment down her legs to her feet exposing her cute vagina. "Time, 12 seconds, I don't believe this we tied" he said gazing at her crotch, "really we tied" said the naked otter.

"Yeah, you must be really good at undressing Megan" he told her. Megan just giggled "hee hee, thank you Jake", she noticed how big Jake's wiener was and was curious, is it supposed to be that big Jake" she said. "Normally it isn't but, it gets like this when I see you like this, I hope that answers your question" he said blushing looking at the ground. "You mean nakie" she asked him, "naked, in your undies, when you get undressed" he said getting redder. "Gosh, i'm sorry Megan, I just made this game of the top of my head, I just wanted to- never mind, you must hate me, you can get dressed now" he said covering himself up and grabbing his own underwear.

As Megan pulled her panties back up, she then remembered how in her favorite movies (Disney Princess movies) when someones dream came true how happy they were. She went over to Jake who was sitting on his bed in his briefs pulling his shorts up his legs and said "Listen Jake, if your dream cam true you should be happy, not sad" she said putting her paw on his knee. "but I just stripped you naked, haven't I embarrassed you" he asked her looking down, tears in his eyes. "No, I'm not embarrassed, I've been naked in front of mommy and grandma, and I love them, you're no different. Mommy and Daddy don't me to be naked in front of you because your a big kid, but in my mind you should be able to see me in my underwear or naked anytime you feel like, because I trust you, you've never done anything mean to me, you shouldn't be sad" she said hugging him.

Jake felt a huge weight come off his shoulders as his sister hugged him, he never felt so happy in his life. His sister was comfortable with his fantasies, and wasn't feeling bad at all, he gave her the biggest hug ever and a put his nose on her forehead which made her giggle. "That tickles Jake" she said looking up at his face. "You wanna play some other games Megan?" he asked her, "I would, what game are we going to play?" she asked her brother. "First, go to your room and put a new set of clothes on. Socks, shirt, pants, underwear and meet me in the basement". "I won't be more than three tail slaps" she said gathering her clothes and running back to her room as Jake took his briefs off smiling all the while.

Jake paced nervously, his sister seemed to be on board with everything tonight but he didn't want to go overboard now and ruin everything. "Here I am Jakey" said Megan appearing at the bottom of the stairs wearing new clothes, this time she was wearing a pink Hannah Montana T-shirt, plad girl shorts, and purple socks. "Sorry, I took so long, I can't decide what to wear" she said feeling her shirt, her brother replied "that's okay, it just means your better at getting undressed than getting dressed". "Hahaha, you're funny Jake" she said as she laughed. "You've played tag before Megan" he asked her, "yep, I like that game" she replied, "well it's like that, but it's strip tag. In this game the person who's it has to tag the other person, and then that person has to remove an item of clothing and they can choose which item to take off, no specific order".

"Sounds like fun, can you be it first", "whatever you want, I'll be it first aaaaaaaand START!" and he was off trying to catch his sister but not too quickly, "gotcha, you're it" he said. "okay my turn" she said pulling one of her socks off. After a few rounds the otters were both topless and Jake was it again, "yes got you, you're it Meg let's see those panties" he said "panting". "Okay, off go my shorts" she said she undid the button at the top and slid her shorts down and kicked them off her feet. Jake went erect again, his eyes fixed on her princess belle panties. "I made your pee-pee grow again, you must really like my underwear", the game started up again and when Megan caught Jimmy he dropped his pants revealing another pair of briefs, this time they were bright red. "you look handsome in your undies Jake" said Megan adjusting her own underwear.

"Thanks Me-" "BRING, BRING, BRING" came noise from upstairs, "Oh crap, one sec Meg it's the phone" said Jake dashing up the stairs in his briefs, Megan went to top of the stairs to see what was happening. Jake picked the phone up "hello, oh hi mom" he said turning to his sister eyes wide open, his sister gasped thinking she had somehow found out about them. "Yeah, she's in her room playing right now" he winked at Megan and she winked back, "okay I'll call her right now. MEGAN, MOM WANTS TO TALK TO YOU!" he pretended to shout upstairs just to make it look like it was real. "COMING" shouted Megan going along with the lie.

As Megan "got" to the kitchen, Jake passed the phone off to Megan and whispered the words "thank you" to her and padded her shoulder. "Hi mommy, I'm having fun, Jake's a good babysitter, yeah, do I have to, fine mommy, love you too, here's Jake again" as she handed the phone back to Jake who looked puzzled. "Me again, okay, that shouldn't be a problem, okay, I promise not to look, yep, just fine, okay love you mom bye-bye". "I can't believe I have to have a bath, what made her change her mind?" said Megan folding her arms, "well, we'll think about that when the time comes, want a snack Megan?" he asked her. "Sure, can we have potato chips?" she replied, "just what I was thinking" he said pulling a bag of chips out of the cupboard. Megan's face lit up, "nummy", "how about we eat downstairs, I'd like to play another game sort of", "okay, but we haven't finished to other game yet."

As they went down the stairs, Jake said "how about we just take our undies off and eat our snack in the nude, plus I wouldn't mind seeing your little butt". "Can I see your butt as well?" she asked, "absolutely" he replied dropping his red briefs and turning around showing off his furry ass to Megan. "Hehe, it's cute. My turn" she said pulling her panties down and bending over giving her brother a full view of her sweet little furry ass. "That is so hot" he thought to himself, fully erect for the second time tonight. "Mind if we play the next game while we eat" he said, Okay, Jake" said Megan grabbing a handful of chips. "It's not so much a game, but I'd like to ask you some questions, is that ok", his sister nodded, unable to speak due to her mouth being full of chips. "Have you ever worn the same pair of panties for two days in a row?" he asked her, Megan giggled, "one time when I was in preschool, I has just got my new Princess Rapunzel panties and I wanted to wear them all the time. So when mommy dressed me in the morning, and after she left my room, I took my pants and undies off and put Rapunzel panties back on and she never found out. Did you ever do that?" she asked Jake, "remember my blue briefs from earlier tonight" he said winking at her, she let out a little giggle and covered her mouth.

"Have you ever slept in your panties or in the nude?" he asked Megan, blushing a little, "Hmmmmm, not that I remember, maybe when I was wearing pull-ups to bed, before I got my big girl underwear". "I remember that day, you looked so cute in your little undies" he said reminiscing, "You remember that day?, oh yeah, I got undressed in front of you and daddy and mommy because I really wanted to put my new underwear on, (slight gasp) that's why you liked seeing like that so much tonight. I can remember a few times when mommy took me into the bathroom to have a bath or go potty and you tried to peak in on me, right Jake". Jake was more red than his briefs as stammered " pretty well much i guess".

Megan laughed at her brother's embarrassed look, "Awww, it's okay Jake, I never knew I made you feel that way, do you want to see me go potty right now?" she asked him. "Sure, tell you what, you want to see me go pot-, I mean pee as well?" he said, Megan replied "okay, but let me go first, I really need to go" and with that she ran across the room to the downstairs bathroom and got on the toilet. "Here it comes" she said as urine started coming out of her pussy. Jake was entranced by this and a little horny as well, she finished up, grabbed some toilet paper, wiped herself and got off the toilet, "you're turn Jake". Jake sat on the toilet as his little sister watched closely as urine started coming out from his penis, "does it feel weird" she asked her brother. "No, it's always been like this, same thing with you and the way you pee" he said wiping his penis and flushing the toilet.

Even though it was June the basement was always a little chilly, "Brrrrr, i'm cold Jake, can I put my clothes back on or go upstairs". "Why don't we do both Megan, oh that reminds me, did you put the first set of clothes you wore tonight in your laundry basket already." he said pulling his red underwear back on. "Yep, just like mommy told me to" replied Megan putting her T-shirt back on, "well, with this set of clothes I suggest not putting them in your basket, otherwise mom will wonder how two sets of clothes ended up in your laundry in one night." said Jake as he put his shirt and shorts on.

At first Megan was grossed out by not putting worn clothes in her laundry, but she then realized that her mom would probably find out and she would be forced to tell the truth. "Okay, Jake I won't, I'll put my clothes back where I got them" she said putting her socks on. Jake had finished dressing when he said "thanks for understanding Meg, it's the way it has to be". He looked up at the clock "7:35, we've got time for one more game before we have to get you in the bath and have my shower" A pouty look came over Megan's face which Jake chuckled at, "hey tell you what, you've been so well behaved tonight, why don't you choose the last game we play" he said kneeling to her level.

This brought a smile to her face "Okay, ummmm, gimme a minute to figure out what game to play" she said standing up, "sure thing Meg". She paced the room looking like she was thinking deeply, "Jake always seems so embarrassed when i'm not wearing much, or anything" she thought to herself, "he's always been brave when i'm scared of something, I want him to feel good about his dreams" she thought as she glanced at her brother sitting on the couch watching her walk around the basement, as he anticipated her answer. She stopped walking, looked up and got an idea. "Ok Jake, were gonna play a game called prince and princess" she said giving her brother a playful look. Jake looked confused, "prince and princess, what's that?" he asked her, "your the prince and i'm the princess, you're going to do everything that prince does with me before my bedtime, except the way I want you to do it" she replied walking up to Jake.

"I have to be a prince" Jake said grimacing, "Come on Jake you'll like it, please play the game" she said begging. Jake knew he had to go along with her game, "yeah I'll play your game Meg" he said standing up. Megan smiled and said "Okay, oh Jakey look at the time, it's time for my bath, can you carry me upstairs" she said looking at the clock pretending to know what time it was. Jake went along with the joke, "I suppose your right, let me take you to your bath princess Megan" and with that he scooped her up and carried her up the stairs bridal-style.

At the top of the second set of stairs Megan said "can you put me down so I can get my jammies and a new pair of undies Jakey, but you can go and get me a ginger ale from the fridge, and get one for yourself" she said disappearing into her room. "As you wish my dear" said Jake wondering why she wanted her ginger ale now at bath time. When Jake returned upstairs with a can of ginger ale in both hands as Megan stood by the bathroom with pj's in her arms and said "follow me into the bathroom my wonderful prince" she said walking into the bathroom.

Jake was wondering if she meant her words towards him were "Right behind you sweetie" he said going into the bathroom as Megan tossed her pj's on the ground. "Could you turn the water on please Jakey" she said, "of course" he said turning the water on thinking this might be her "fantasy". "Now that the water is running, undress me anyway you want prince Jakey" she said with a smile, Jake went numb stammering " said", he was interrupted by his sister who said "who cares what mommy said, you can take all my clothes off, brave and handsome prince" she said getting a little mad.

Jake was taken aback by the last part, he hadn't seen his sister get that mad all night, "sorry, Megan, I didn't expect you to want me to undress you, I'm the brave prince you've always known" he said walking over to her and yanking her socks off. He lifted her arms up and pulled her shirt over her head with great force and throwing the shirt on the ground, "almost there honey" he said slowly pulling her shorts down and letting them drop to her feet. He gazed at her princess Rapunzel panties she had mentioned earlier in the evening with lust, "panties like these are not fit to be pulled down with my hands" he said in his best prince charming voice, with that he grabbed the front of the undies his teeth, exposing her young pussy and started pulling the garment down her legs catching Megan by surprise.

He got her underwear off her feet and brought it up to her belly still in his mouth.and tickling her stomach/chest with her own undies. "(laughs) that tickles Jakey, hehe" she said escaping his path by getting in the bath, "now off with your own clothes my prince, it's your bath time as well" she said getting her naked body wet. Jake took his socks, shirt and shorts off immediately and as he slid his red briefs down his legs showing his boner to his sister. He picked his underwear up from the ground and held it in front of Meg teasing her, "here you go Jake's underwear" she said giving the garment a kiss and giggling. Jake sniffed the briefs where the kiss had been made which caused Megan to laugh out loud, he threw his undies on the ground and got in the bath with his sister and turned the water off.

The water was the perfect temperature as the two settled in for a relaxing bath. Jake himself hadn't had a bath in some three years thinking they were a bit babyish, but enjoyed this sitting across from his sister. After shampooing their hair Jake asked his naked sister "Do you need help washing your fur sis" he asked her, "sure Jake, then i'll help wash your fur" she said turning around facing backwards to Jake. Jake grabbed the soap and squirted a dollop into his hands and rubbed the gel all over his sister's back making his way slyly down to her ass. "Thanks Jake, my turn" she said as he turned around while Megan put a generous amount of soap in her hands and rubbed the foam on Jake's back. Jake was immensely turned on by her touch and let out a slight whimper, "oh Meg, that feels amazing, would you mind doing my front now", Megan replied "sure Jake, whatever you say". Megan put another glob of soap gel in her hands as they stood up so the soap wouldn't wash away underwater, she rubbed soap on his stomach, up his chest, his nipples which made Jake even more turned on. She soaped up his legs, pausing at his thighs, "what about your pee-pee Jake?" she asked him, Jake replied "okay but be gentle" he said with a stiff wiener. Megan gently rubbed his penis and balls with soap causing Jake to nearly pass out at such pleasure.

"That was great Megan, can I wash your front now?" asked Jake, "okay Jake, make sure you get my pee-pee as well" she said standing, dripping with water. Jake lathered the gel and went straight for her nipples/chest feeling the tips with much interest, eventually working his way down her stomach, he stopped at her vagina, took a deep breath and placed his soapy right paw on her privates and gently washed it. "That really tickles Jake, it feels funny" she said giggling while Jake smiled and scooped up water from the tub and washed the soap off her vagina the stiffest he'd been all night. After he finished washing her Jake reached down and got the ginger ale he promised his sister "thirsty my dear" he said opening the tops to both cans and handing her one. "Thank you Jake" said Megan sitting back down and drinking her ginger ale as Jake smiled and drank his own, as he enjoyed the warmth of the water.

Twenty minutes and several burps later, the otters were still in the tub but the water was getting lukewarm, "time to get dried off Meg" said Jake stepping out of the tub. "(Sigh) that felt wonderful Jake" she said stretching and getting up and out of the bath as Jake started draining the tub. He reached for towels to dry himself and Megan off with, "here you go Meg" Jake said draping a towel on her back toweling her fur, while drying himself. He did a thorough job on Megan getting his last feel of the night, "alright jammies on Megan" he said pulling his underwear back on his slightly damp body. "Okey dokey" she said picking her panties off the ground and sliding her legs in the leg holes and pulling them up her legs, to her torso and adjusted the garment until it felt nice and snug.

"I'm gonna grab my pj's now, since I forgot to get them before our bath he said opening the bathroom door and headed for his room. Megan finished getting dressed and went to her brother's room, "um, Jake can I talk to you" she said peering in his doorway, "uh, sure Megan what's up?" he said inviting her in. Megan looked at the ground shyly as she said "when I told you to undress me in the bathroom and you were nervous and I got mad at you, I'm sorry, but you always look so scared when I'm in my undies or naked".

Jake knelt to her level and said "It's ok Meg, I just never thought that I would ever get a chance to do this, and I didn't want to hurt you or make you scared of me. I really love seeing you in your underwear, or naked, or undressing you, I was really nervous that's all" he said smiling shyly. Megan replied "you never scared me Jake, and you don't need to get nervous about anything, I won't tell anyone about what we did, i had fun tonight" she said with a loving smile. "I did do Megan, your a lot of fun to play with" Jake chuckled to himself at the double meaning. He put his paws on her arms and looked in her eyes, "In a sorta brotherly way...I...I love you" he said his cheeks bright red. Megan grinned and threw her arms around her brother's neck "I love you too Jake, your the best brother ever", Jake returned the hug as the siblings embraced for a good ten seconds until Jake broke the hug when he gave her a kiss on the cheek and smiled at her. Megan returned the favor by giving him a kiss right on his lips which made Jake's heart melt.

"Well we've got about thirty-five minutes before mom and dad get home, wanna watch a bit of a movie to look like we did something else" said Jake skimming over the DVDs. "Ok how about Little Mermaid" Megan said sitting down on the couch, Jake popped the DVD in and fast forward to last part of the film. Jake left the Disc in the DVD player so it fooled their parents, "will mommy and daddy be home soon, I miss them now" said Megan starting to fall asleep. "Soon Meg, very soon just a few more minutes" said Jake stroking her hair and catching a glimpse of the waistband of her underwear. "Hey, thanks for being so well behaved tonight Megan, I really appreciate it" he told her smiling, "you're welcome Jake" she said yawning as her eyes drooped.

Just then a car pulled into the driveway "look whose back Meg" he said pointing out the window, Megan got off the couch and went to the door as her parents entered, "Hi sweetie how are you?" said her mother picking her up, "I'm (yawn) ready for bed mommy" she said resting her head on her mother's shoulder. "I can see that, give your dad a good night kiss and I'll tuck you in", Megan gave her father a good night kiss as her mother took her upstairs "nighty Jake" she said holding up her pinky and giving a sleepy smile. Jake held up his pinky finger saying "night Megan" as she disappeared out of sight. "How was that?" asked his father, "oh it was fine. She was well behaved, played a bit, watched a movie, things like that" said Jake as he went got up and got water for bedtime "Thanks for looking after her Jake your mother and I haven't had a night to ourselves in a long time." After saying goodnight to his parents Jake went to his room, got into bed and quietly said "I've got the best sister in the world" as he dozed off to sleep.

Innocence Lost Part 2

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Innocence Lost Part 1

It was a beautiful summer day out in the rural woodlands, a few clouds here and there, gentle breeze a nice day for a walk. Rachel Bates sat on her front steps waiting for her friend Caitlin Johnston to meet up with her so they could head off to the...

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Itching to get home

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