Always Room for... Jelly?

Story by Dr_Frankenpaws on SoFurry

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The lupine creature sat in his usual place, apart from the rabble that usually cluttered

his current haunt. Occasionally, he gave a bored glance around the area, though he

had long since given up hope of finding anything interesting. He tried to recall the last

time his attention had been captured, even fleetingly, but a definate memory escaped

him. Too long, certainly; long enough for him to ponder finding a new place to visit.

That was something he rarely did, especially since so few establishments catered to

his... unusual tastes. Most banned them outright, and sometimes the furs who

practiced such "perversions" as well. Absently he mourned the loss of a time when

pedophiles were common - as was willing "prey" for such as he.

With a sigh, he shifted in his seat, leaning further against the backrest. It was getting

late, and he entertained the thought of giving up for the night to return to his room

upstairs. Even if he couldn't find suitable company, he did at least have his own paw. It

wouldn't be the first time he had "entertained" himself, and it most likely wouldn't be

the last. He had made up his mind to rise and do so, when a nudge to his hindpaw

distracted him.

He peered around, wondering if, in his thoughts, he had missed seeing somefur walk

past and trip against him. But no, there wasn't a single furson standing anywhere near

him, which left him to think it must have been his imagination. A second nudge proved

him wrong. He glanced down, expecting to find a fur hiding under his seat, hopefully a

cub or a kit playing a joke.

Instead, he saw a crystal ball about the size to fit comfortably in his cupped paws. At

least, it looked like crystal. It was perfectly round and flawless, with an ice-blue hue

that reminded him of a cloudless sky on a crisp winter day. Idly he wondered why

someone marred the surface with those two black ovals; it would have been prettier

without them. The wolf leaned down, extending a paw to pick up the ball, but drew

back suddenly when the two ovals shrank to slits, then expanded to their previous size

again. It took him a moment to realize that the "crystal" was alive, and it had blinked at


"What the..." he muttered, furrowing his brows in puzzlement. Again he reached for the

ball, and again it surprised him, this time by extending a pseudopod that wrapped

around his ankle. He drew a sharp breath of air as the rest of the thing flowed and

wrapped around the lower half of his calf, then began oozing upward. He tried to pull it

off, but he couldn't get a grip on it; though it wasn't wet or oily, it felt slick, preventing

his fingers from finding leverage. He couldn't stop it from continuing upward either,

and it quickly vanished beneath the leg of his pants, barely forming a bulge against the

fabric. A part of his mind realized that its passing didn't even ruffle his fur.

With a growl, he stood, and turned toward the stairs; he'd get to his room, where he

could shed the pants and pry the thing off him. He'd barely lifted one leg when he had

to suddenly sit down again, grunting with the impact. The oozing creature had wrapped

itself around his flacid member, giving it a warm rippling squeeze. With the length of

time since his last encounter with another participant and his previous thoughts, it was

no wonder he was hard in seconds, especially since the blob seemed intent on

continuing its attentions.

The wolf closed his eyes and gripped the edge of the seat, ears folding back against

his skull. The thing was milking him, flexing and shivering, moving in a gelatinous

rhythm that already coaxed precum from his cock. He clenched his jaw to muffle a

groan; it was one thing to perform in public with a partner - something he had done

countless times - but quite another to lose control himself around fursons that would

most likely throw him out of their place for public lewdness.

The pleasure was incredible, almost heavenly, unable to be resisted. He could feel his

breath quickening, pulse pounding, even his thighs trembling with the barely-

suppressed urge to thrust against the ecstasy. Relentlessly the thing worked over his

shaft, apparently uncaring of any discomfort he might feel. A sensation, more felt than

heard, like the buzz of a vibratior, shivered through his flesh from the living substance

that surrounded his sensitive member. It clinged tight to him, warm and almost loving,

but with a single-minded purpose more intense than anything he'd ever felt before.

With a strangled sound of pure pleasure, he gave himself to the thing, jets of cum

erupting from his cock to flood the cavity it formed around him. His spine arched, head

laying back, paws gripping the seat so tightly his claws dug gouges into the wood. And

still it suckled at him, greedily drawing out every drop he had to offer, until his head

swam dizzily, and spots danced before his eyes when he opened them. Just when he

thought he'd be unable to stand another second of the intensity, the little blob stilled,

and simply cradled itself against his crotch.

The wolf slumped back, panting, eyes unfocused. It took several minutes for his

muscles to stop twitching, especially since the creature would occasionally shift and

send jolts of painful pleasure through his oversensitive flesh. When he thought he

could manage it without falling, he stood, and made his way to the stairs on wobbly

legs. Somehow, he managed to get to his room and lock the door behind him, then

quickly stripped off his clothing and collapsed on the bed.

An odd sight met his gaze as he peered at the thing still nestled between his thighs.

Despite its lack of facial features other than those shiny black eyes, it looked to him as

if it were satisfied with itself. It blinked, and flexed its internal surface, the sensation

making him hiss and arch upward.

"What the hell -are- you?" he groaned hoarsely, extending a paw to rub the thing just

above its staring eyes. His tender flesh, trapped within the blue substance, didn't even

feel the pressure of his digits; its cushioing was amazing. It was then that he noticed

its previous crystal-clear interior was now cloudy, murkiest around the head of his

shaft. He realized that it didn't just trap his cum in a reservoir, like a condom, but

instead absorbed it. Even as he watched, the haze slowly faded, and at the same time

its surface increased, extending to cover more of him until it had grown by almost half

of its previous mass.

His eyes widened when he realized what it was doing. A gelatinous creature that fed

on semen? That apparently actually -enjoyed- the feeding? He didn't know if it could

feel its own pleasure, but still... It was like a fantasy come true. A slow grin curved his

lips, eyes narrowing as he watched the thing, its own gaze lidded as it enjoyed the

petting he was still bestowing upon it. The thought - and the possibilities that ran

rampant through his mind - slowly reawoke his drained flesh.

The feel of the soft warmth giving way as his erection met gentle resistance made him

shiver. He almost thought the thing looked surprised - and pleased - to find him

growing again inside its welcoming embrace, and he didn't intend to disappoint it. His

fingers continued their petting and kneading, rubbing over every bit of its surface he

could reach, showing his approval of its previous 'feeding' as well as the one soon to


Its motions were slower this time, more like the mouth of a gentle lover than a starving,

suckling kit. He watched through half-lidded eyes as only the semirigid flesh of his

cock showed the effect of its tender milking, finding the sight as fascinating as the

pleasure was enjoyable. He could see, too, his oozing pre as it was absorbed as soon

as it leaked from his sensitive head. It wasn't as much as last time, he knew, especially

with his first orgasm so recent. But the little thing seemed to be grateful for what he

had to offer, nor was he about to complain.

He considered simply letting it have its way with him again, but didn't think he could

bear to just lie still this time. Carefully, he rolled over onto his stomach, keeping his

hips arched. He lowered down slowly, until he settled onto the mattress, being gentle

in case the delightful blob decides to protest.

It didn't, and he sighed when he relaxed on the mattress. With a murr, he nuzzled into

his pillow, paws gripping the sheet beneath him. It felt so good to be able to undulate

his hips in time with the rippling around his shaft, a soft moan emerging from the

sensation. Slowly he rocked, toes curling into the cushion to push himself upward then

drop back. The "mouth" around him teased gently, just enough to make him want

more, and silently he adored it for that.

For a while, he simply savored the sensations, until need and desire grew too strong

to ignore any longer. When his movements became more intense, his shapeless lover

surprised him once more, this time by loosening its grip. That was enough to let his

shaft slide through its formed tunnel as it flexed around him, giving the impression of a

warm body inviting his invasion. A groan escaped his throat and his thrusts increased

in intensity; what a wonderful creature this was! It seemed to know just what he

needed and wanted.

He rocked against it with a steady, firm rhythm, his turn to be relentless. Previous

pleasures had taken the edge off his sexual hunger, allowing him to delay this time.

His newfound toy-pet constantly changed its own movements, sometimes rippling,

sometimes squeezing, sometimes vibrating. It tormented him with every eternal

moment, and he loved it for that.

He wished he could have lasted all night, as sweet as the pleasure was. But eventually

his need for release and the blob's hunger both wanted an end to the teasing. As he

qucikened the pace of his hips, it tightened its grip, as snug and warm as the most

perfect lover, but ever so much more enjoyable with its control of its tunnel. some

corner of his mind wondered how it managed to stay anchored in place as his thrusting

became pounding movements of his hips that would rock any other partner.

The thought was forgotten in an instant, the haze of ecstasy and the ache of release

taking over his body. Two creatures worked together to satisfy mutual desires, one

grunting, the other silent, both almost desperate now. With a heavy, shuddering moan,

he came once more, flooding his blue lover with his offering. Qucik, hard jabs ground

his cock into the kneading cavity as it drained him hungrily. He panted and moaned,

loving the pleasure even as it bordered on pain, until this time darkness overcame him.

He awoke hours later, with the early hint of dawn barely lighting his window. He was

sprawled on his belly, nearly spread-eagled, with one knee cocked upward. The blob

was still attached to him, and it had already coaxed him into hardness again. A sleepy

smile crossed his features, and this time he let it simply take what it wanted from his

drained body. It didn't take long; barely five minutes had passed before he was

mindlessly thrusting against its clinging form, flooding it with his seed. Sleep took him

again before his climax was finished.

Morning brought a repeat of its "midnight snack," and he wondered if he made a

mistake in not trying to remove the thing from him, if perhaps it was some sort of

sexual parasite. The worry didn't keep him from enjoying the fourth feeding as much

as the first three, however, though this time it lasted longer than the previous. Sore

muscles protested as he ground against the blue creature, needing the relief it offered

as much as it needed to be fed. This time he couldn't even stay concious until he

came; his last thought was whether it had managed to feed rom him while he was

asleep, maybe that was why he felt so exhausted.

Early afternoon, he snapped awake, belly gnawing in hunger. He rolled onto his back

and stretched, groaning as aching muscles pulled pleasantly against each other. He

realized the warmth and pressure was gone from his groin, and he sat up in surprise.

He quickly found his blob perched close to his body. His eyes widened; the thing had

at least tripled in size, and was cloudy throughout. It watched him steadily, then blinked

at him.

"Well good morning to you too," he murmured with a grin. His paw moved to rub over

its top, fingertips kneading gently. Its eyes narrowed, then closed, and it arched into

the attention. He could feel vibrations along its surface; he was amazed to realize the

thing was purring in delight. Almost as if answering, his belly growled, reminding him

that he had slept an unusually long time.

"Mmph, got to get something to eat, little one. Wait here, I'm going to order some

food." A light pat was given to it, then he rose, slipping on his pants but ignoring the

rest of his clothing. He padded over to the door and tugged the bellpull close by; he

didn't hear the ring, but he knew it would be answered quickly.

He wasn't disappointed. A spotted feline lad in his teens answered the summons, and

accepted the wolf's order, not even blinking at the size of the meal. When the cat saw

the blue creature on the bed, one eyebrow arched upward, and the wolf bridled at the

knowing look turned his way. With a curt reminder to hurry, he dismissed the lad and

shut the door, then returned to sit beside his new pet.

Was it his? He wondered. It -had- followed him home, so to speak, and let him feed it.

Let him? If anything, he had practically been raped by the thing. Although he had to

admit, it was cute and affectionate, and satisfied one of his favorite fetishes by feeding

from his seed. Would it stay with him, though? And would it want another of those

cock-devouring marathons from the night before?

The thought made him shiver, though he couldn't tell whether it was from anticipation or

dread. Absently he resumed kneading its upper surface, paw running over the smooth

pseudohide. They sat that way for several minutes, until his thoughts were interrupted

by a knock on the door.

"Come!" he ordered, and the door opened to admit a pair of appealingly-clad females,

one a siamese feline, the other resembling his own lupine ancestry, both bearing

laden trays. With his free paw, he motioned to the clear table, and they set their

burdens there. In unison, they both bowed, and retreated to the door. The feline

lingered a moment after her companion had exited, then turned to him with a slight


"Pardon me for speaking, sir, but I am glad you accepted the jiri."

"Jiri?" he repeated, peering at her in confusion.

She nodded, gesturing to the round creature at his side. "Aye, sir. The... creature at

your side... it is a jiri. They are very loving, very affectionate, but very, very picky." She

paused, and shrugged; he absently admired the effect it had on her chest. "It is not

often they seek the companionship of a fur. Rare creatures they are, sir, and stubborn.

Yours there had almost wasted away, looking for someone to attach to. It wouldn't

even accept tidbits from the staff."

"Wasted away?" he asked, then mentally berated himself for repeating what she said.

Again the girl nodded. "You saw how the poor thing was so small, and so clear?" She

waited for him to agree, then continued. "That's its usual size there, the smallest they

can get and be comfortable. Jiris feed on liquids, you see, sir. The clearer they are, the

hungrier. When they be hungry long enough, they... well, they eat themselves, will

shrink and shrink till nothing is left." When she saw him shudder, she nodded once

more. "Aye, sir. Horrible it is, and sad to see. But it found you, sir, just in time, and it will

be a loyal pet for you. Surprised I am to see it grown so much so fast. You must have

stuffed it full, though I never heard orders to the kitchen..."

His lopsided grin and sidelong glance at his crotch, then at the jiri, made her giggle,

and she shook her head. "Maybe it's not surprised I should be, sir. I hope you'll be

having a good day. Enjoy your meal... Both of you." With a bow and a grin of her own,

she retreated out the door, pulling it silently shut behind her.

"Jiri, mm?" he murmured, watching the creature as he continued his petting. "I

suppose calling you that would be like calling a feline 'cat.' I probably should name you,

don't you think?" It seemed indifferent to the suggestion, so much so that he could

picture it shrugging if it had shoulders. He--

Wait... How can a creature with no face except eyes, no -body-, seem to be anything?

Especially as blank an emotion as indifference. He stared at the jiri with narrowed eyes,

lips pursed thoughtfully. Emotions? Maybe...

"Are you empathic, little one? Are you giving me your feelings?"

Even though he was almost expecting it, the sensation of agreement and approval

surprised him. He chuckled and shook his head, then leaned down to nuzzle into its

rubber-like surface. "Well, if you can't talk, then I suppose that will work. Now... Why

don't we eat? Though not the same thing you ate last night! I need to recover my


For a moment, he thought the disappointment it sent his way was real, until he felt the

suppressed amusement beneath. "Oh great," he groaned. "An empathic blob with a

sense of humor." He could almost feel the giggle inside his mind, and he shook his

head again. When he reached to pick up his pet, it surprised him again by melding

around his paw and flowing up his arm, until it perched on his shoulder, wrapped snugly

around and under his armpit to keep itself still. He chuckled as it nuzzled at his cheek.

A few steps brought them to the table where covered platters awaited their attention.

He uncovered all of them - about a dozen, all full of succulent foods - and inhaled the

scented steam that wafted upward. Others were chilled, mostly fruits, things he had

ordered for his new companion.

He sat in the chair, and pulled the closest dish to him: an entire baked chicken, small

but marinated to succulence. He ate with a purpose, much like the jiri had the night

before, devouring the meat with relish. A hunger that was not his own nudged him from

somewhere, and he glanced to the creature on his shoulder.

"Sorry, Jiri, I didn't mean to forget you. But you ate last night, and I didn't." He grinned

at the 'I don't care' sensation it gave him, and he plucked a piece of fruit from the

nearest bowl. "Here, you greedy little ooze. And after I worked so hard for you, too..."

The impression of a raspberry blown in his ear accompanied by the jiri extending to

engulf the fruit - and his fingers - made him laugh. When he withdrew his digits with an

audible sucking sound, he wasn't even surprised to see the grease and juice had been

absorbed from them.

"Avaricious, that's what you are," he said, then returned to his own meal. The chicken

was stripped in minutes, leaving nothing but bones and gristle on the plate. He had

moved on to the next course, a selection of fried fishes, when his pet nudged for his

attention - and the use of his paw

When he glanced over and held his paw to the jiri, it deposited a small, dry lump on his

palm. He looked at it, puzzled for a moment, then realized that it must have been the

remainder of the fruit he had given it.

"Of course, you eat liquids... not solids. Well, at least you're efficient at it. I could make

a fortune using you to make jerkey." The indignation it gave him made him chuckle, and

he fed it another piece of fruit. They ate that way, in silence, him feeding it fruits and

accepting the leftovers, and it cleaning his fingers. When he was full, and even the jiri

eminated satisfaction, he sat back with a belch. His pet flowed from his shoulder and

onto the table, passing over each of the plates in turn. Each one was left shining like

new; even the juices that had gathered in the bottoms of the bowls were absorbed.

Watching his pet was fascinating; not only was it interesting, but the new colors

suffusing its interior were almost hypnotic. Pinks and yellows from the fruit juices

mingled with its natural blue color, giving it rainbow striations. It had gained a bit of

mass too, which wasn't surprising, with as much as it had eaten. Since it was too big to

keep its spherical shape, it was difficult to tell how much it had grown, but that didn't

matter. He was glad it was doing well, and he told it so.

The silent gratitude and affection it returned delighted him and brought a smile to his

lips. He reached to gather the jiri in his arms, then returned to the bed and laid down.

Loving tenderness was exchanged back and forth, both physical and emotional, until

they both dozed off.

When the wolf awoke, he found that the cleaned plates had been removed, replaced

by new ones. These proved to hold chilled meats and more fruits, things that would

keep until they both were hungry enough to eat again. He silently thanked the feline girl,

and returned to the bed, this time removing his pants. He curled himself around the jiri,

petting and nuzzling it softly until it too blinked awake.

"I find I want to feed you again, my little jiri," he murmured, guiding it gently to the

stirring flesh between his legs. Its own agreement and desire aroused him that much

faster as it engulfed his erection, nestling him snugly inside itself. The sensation was

better than he remembered, like entering a long-missed lover whose body melded so

perfectly to his own. Wasn't that what he had? No matter how large he was, or how

forcefully he moved, his pet would accept it, welcome it, even enjoy it as he does. It

wasn't an assumption; he knew, because it knew. It wanted his pleasure as much as it

wanted his seed. He sighed contentedly, the sound fading into a moan. How had he

gotten so lucky, to find a dream come true?

He cradled the jiri in his arms, then began to move his hips. He moved slowly, steadily,

losing himself in the pleasures of his lover's shapeless body, enjoying how it was large

enough for him to hold even as he slid through it. The jiri glided with him, this time

moving itself to meet his thrusts, the feel of his thighs and belly meeting its smooth

surface making him shiver. He squeezed it tighter, and quickened his pace, the bed

rocking beneath them as they moved together in an act as old as life itself.

It took a while for the change to penetrate his pleasure-enduced daze. There was

something warm and soft against his hips, wrapped around his chest, and tucked

under his chin He blinked, and looked down; the jiri's black eyes met his gaze... from a

face, complete with muzzle and ears. What would pass for arms and legs were tucked

around his body; even a tail waving behind it. He froze in surprise, eyes widened, then

leaned back to get a better look. What he saw made him shudder in delight; his little

pet had taken on the shape and form of a girl, much like the siamese that had delivered

their meal earlier. The only difference was that the jiri's size and inexperience made it

look... younger.

He became aware that the jiri was nervous and anxious, worrying he didn't approve. He

brushed those worries aside, lavishing it - no, he thought, her - lavishing her with such

positive emotions that she clutched him tight, grinding against him in a way that made

him shiver and buck in pleasure. He rolled onto his back, guiding her with him to

straddle his waist, showing her the right way to move her new body. He couldn't help

marveling at the way she was formed, his hands moving over every inch he could

reach, showing his thorough appreciation.

He guided her hips, rocking her against him until she picked up the rhythm, sliding over

him with the liquid movements he'd come to appreciate. The way she slid and moved

in waves captivated him, adding an exotic tinge to the pleasure. Gently his paws

cupped her breast buds, kneading them, coaxing her to form nipples in the right places

for him to tug and tease. With firm touches and encouraging thoughts, he helped her

form fingers, more specific bodily curves, even a pair of perked ears. The pleasure

made him want to close his eyes, but he didn't want to lose sight of her; he narrowed

his gaze as she settled into the pace he set for her, pleasuring him with her new form.

Gradually, he began moving with her, bucking upward as she slid over his hips,

nudging her body with his own to bounce her gently. They rocked together, him

teaching her, her enjoying the teaching, each sharing the pleasure with each other until

it multiplied, feeding off each other the way she fed from the result of his physical

pleasure. Each surrendered to the moment, losing themselves to the ecstasy, the

emotions of fur and jiri merged for what felt like an eternity.

When an orgasmic ripple exploded like fireworks through their combined

conciousness, they both at first believed it was the wolf's - until he realized he'd felt no

contraction of the muscles in his groin, no release of his seed into his pet's waiting

body. They stared into each other's eyes, surprised that the gelatinous creature had

felt her own pleasure, though he was definately delighted at the development.

Gradually he noticed that they had both stopped their movements, and a slow grin

curved across his muzzle. He arched his hips, grinding upward firmly, to be rewarded

with a shudder from his jiri. Carefully he settled back to the mattress, then in one

smooth movement, sat up then stood, cradling her in his arms with her legs wrapped

around his waist. He lowered her back to the bed and leaned over her for a moment to

place soft kisses over her feline features.

With his hindpaws planted firmly on the floor and his pet held gently but firmly in his

grip, he began to move his hips against her. Slowly at first, every inward thrust making

her shiver in his arms, he slid into her waiting form, the tunnel around his shaft rippling

and squeezing against his tender flesh. Having them both feel the pleasures of mating

made it that much sweeter, that much more enjoyable. Despite his wanting to linger

and savor the newfound wonder of the jiri's pleasure, having a double wave of lust rush

through him reinforced his desire.

The pace he set intensified with each thrust into the jiri, becoming quicker, harder,

pounding the sensations into each of them with a relentless hunger. He growled low,

hunched over her form to lick and nibble at her formed chest, paws gripping her waist

as his desperate movements threatened to shove her away from him with the power of

his thrusting. He couldn't stand it much longer; nor could she. Her surface rippled with

the effort it took to keep a defined form, eyes closed in concentration.

It wasn't long before the wolf exploded with his own climax, stiffening with a sudden

groan before grinding into his pet. His cum flooded her cavity, coating her slick surface

before quickly being absorbed, even as she rippled around him to milk more from his

twitching member. He growled again, hips moving with reflexive jerks that tormented

her, teasing her into her own release. The feel of a second orgasm that didn't originate

within his own body ravaged his senses, sending stars dancing before his eyes, every

muscle clenching with the suppressed urge to howl.

It felt like forever before they gradually calmed. When he noticed he had collapsed

atop her, he winced in chargrin and rolled onto his side. She had finally let herself lose

her shape and lay on the bed in a quivering puddle, though part of her remained

attached to his softening cock. He chuckled breathlessly, running a paw over her

surface, and she watched him with contentment radiating forth.

They lay like that for quite a while, communicating with tender emotions, as she

gathered the strength to meld herself against his chest. Slowly she regained the shape

he had helped her into such a short time ago, and as he smiled down at her, he

marvelled at how he was so lucky to find such a perfect creature to keep him company.

His mind turned back to the feel of her pleasures, and idly he wondered how she

managed it. Gently he withdrew his flaccid cock from her grip, replacing it with his first

two fingers. He probed inward, shivering when she flexed teasingly against his digits

as he prodded and caressed, looking for the source of her ecstasy. Extending as far

into her depths he could, he finally found what he was looking for - a harder node,

invisible inside her form but solid enough to be felt. As he rubbed against it, he could

feel the jolts it sent through her, and he chuckled again.

"Full of surprises, aren't you, jiri-pet?" he teased, wiggling his fingers against the node.

She stiffened a bit, and quivered against him; he could feel a slight embarassment

from her, though he didn't know why she would be. His free arm cuddled her against

his chest, chin resting atop her head, as he continued his slow caressing. Experienced

digits knew what to do despite her being so different from any lover he had ever had;

with their link, he could tell which way to rub brought the best response, how much

pressure gave the best sensation. He teased her steadily, relentlessly. Wordlessly he

manipulated her until he felt her approach the point of no return; cruelly he lessened his

attentions just enough for her to calm a bit.

Again and again he drove her to the edge, yet repeatedly refused to give her

satisfaction. She begged him silently, writhing against his body in desperation, but he

was relentless. He gave her soothing encouragement, quiet promises, loving the feel

of her pleasure, her need, as it washed over him. By the time he finally gave in,

nudging her just the way she needed, she had nearly gone shapeless again. The

intensity of her release felt like a silent scream against his mind that made him groan,

shuddering along with her as they enjoyed her orgasm together.

This time she managed to keep her form, and as he withdrew his paw, she gave him a

glare for torturing her so. He laughed softly and placed a kiss on her forehead, holding

her close to him. "I'm sorry, jiri-pet. I can't help playing with a new toy, you know."

She continued to glare, though he could tell she didn't mean it. It wasn't long before

she relented and simply nestled against him to enjoy his closeness. A soft mental purr

wrapped around his thoughts, making him smile as he petted over her form, teasing his

fingertips over her smooth surface. His thoughts swirled lazily through his mind,

focused almost exclusively on the creature held in his arms. Where did she come

from? Why did she choose him? Would she ever leave? That one he suppressed;

already he didn't want to lose his pet. And that made him wonder if she was somehow

manipulating his emotions, making him -want- to keep her.

But no. It might be possible, but not likely - nor necessary. She was something he had

been looking for, though he never knew until he found her. Now that he had, he wasn't

about to let her go any time soon.

A rumble from his belly interrupted his thoughts. He'd heard that the way to a man's

heart was through his stomach; could that be true for a jiri too? With a grin, he nudged

her. "Come, pet, let's get something to eat."

He felt amusement from her as she gently fondled his cock; he caught a "no thanks,

already ate" sensation from her. He laughed, and rose, taking her with him to the table.

"Well, maybe you have, but I need to replace what you ate, pet." Settling into the chair,

he placed her on his lap, reluctant to let her go even long enough to eat. She twisted

around to face him, and he was surprised to feel his still-soft flesh engulfed by her

again, though she didn't try to coax him into hardness - yet.

"Behave yourself," he growled playfully, reaching around her to uncover one of the

platters on the table. She nudged his arm away, and reached for a morsel, holding it to

his lips for him to bite. He arched an eyebrow, and smiled, nipping the roll from her

fingers; this satisfied her. She fed him lovingly, keeping a bite ready for him; this left

his paws free to distract them both by roaming over her new body. He was finally able

to sit back and admire the shape she had settled into, and he definately approved.

He'd always prefered younger girls, and the jiri had managed to satisfy that by

assuming the proportions of a young female that had barely begun developing. As she

continued to feed him, he let his thoughts wander

Was it just coincidence, he wondered, or did she know? Just because all he felt from

her were emotions, and concepts so general and almost formless that they were little

better than emotions didn't mean she couldn't read his thoughts. He supposed it didn't

matter, really. He'd like to keep her as innocent as she seemed - though she was

learning fast. Take the way she was moving her hips slowly against his, almost lewdly,

and the way she flexed and rippled around his shaft. It was already betraying him by

hardening to her attentions, and he sighed in mock exasperation.

"You are insatiable!" he groaned, ignoring the bite she held out to him to bury his

muzzle against her neck, nipping and nibbling there instead. The amused agreement

with which she replied made him laugh, and for a while the food went ignored.

To be continued...?

<{ A note from the Doctor: This was written at the request of Fangrel, my mate, who 'stars' as the wolf in this story, though names are never mentioned. The Jiri is a character of mine; while I didn't create the species, and don't know who did, I decided to expand on it to make it more 'realistic'. We have never roleplayed together with me behind Jiri - this was written when my internet was down, because he wanted a demonstration of the kind of creature it is. So.. If we ever do, you'll probably get another dose of this pair in story form. ;) Incidentally, this is the first story I've actually written. Wasn't sure what keywords to use. =x Feedback appreciated! }>