Post Holiday Blues IV

Story by Arktisk Raev on SoFurry

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#5 of Holiday Blues

Alright, so here it is. Kinda ran into a bit of writer's block halfway through it, so I'm not sure how much the quality was affected. Hopefully I made up for it by getting more quantity at least, 1,000 more words than usual!

As always, enjoy, and critique away! I need to know how good/bad I'm doing!







Well, there it was.

The event page on Facebook regarding the film festival and I had just clicked the 'going' button.

Like I said before, films aren't really my thing, and I would have gladly skipped it if I wasn't one of the discussion group's two coordinators. I felt obligated to attend.

Most of my afternoon after that point was spent playing ten minutes of one computer game, then switching over to another on my desktop in my room. None of them had been able to distract me for as long as they used to, something that worried me considering video games were really my only distraction at all.

I didn't go to the gym despite the facilities at work being completely free for us, which was just another nail in the coffin of my self-esteem issues. I wasn't comfortable working out in front of others, even if their stares and judgements were purely imaginary. I tried more than once to convince myself that the other gym-goers didn't care what I was doing, that they were focused on making themselves better, but it never really stuck.

I didn't follow along with my housemate when he started building his own furniture because... well because I didn't know the first thing about carpentry or tools, and I don't think I'd be able to stand the jokes of the others at the carpentry club, however playful they happened to be. I'd just end up feeling like a stupid pup, and I got enough of that feeling from myself.

No. Anything that involved going out or being around people wasn't something I was comfortable with, but some cases, such as tonight, it was necessary.

I looked around my modest room, the beige walls getting a tint of red from the light filtering in through my curtains. I sighed at the lack of pictures and decoration. I probably should attempt at some point to pretty it up, but I didn't see the point. It wasn't as if there was ever anyone that came in here for any extended period of time after all.

I looked down at my bed, neatly made with red and white sheets, and I suddenly realized that it was a mistake to have gotten a double. It was too big for just me, and while it did give me plenty of room to toss and turn, whenever I woke up it felt like a reminder of how alone I was.

My eyes wandered from my bed to my black and white IKEA dresser, full of clothes and my modest collection of panties. Not much inspiration there.

The only other thing that I could consider decoration for my otherwise empty room were my models, situated as they were along the top shelf of my computer desk.

Necrons; my favourite race in the Warhammer universe.

I was in love with their history, now that they finally had a real history with the new Codex that had been published.

I had decided to abandon the silver and green typically associated with the race, and instead used crimson, red, bronze, and skull white. These were probably the only things that I could truly be proud of, but even they failed to rouse my mind from its funk.

A large model sat unfinished next to my keyboard, the pieces not even fully painted or even set into a pile to keep them organized. It was kind of funny; I had lost interest in it right around when my depression hit back at the end of September. Haven't been able to touch it since.

I picked up my phone, checking the time. There was still about two hours until the film started, but I was known for being early for everything, showing up at the very least half an hour before any scheduled event.

I figured I might as well shower and get myself dressed, despite how much of a fan I was of just lounging about in my underwear, especially when my housemate was out of town.

I slipped out of the baggy short-shorts I was wearing and grabbed a simple pair of black boxer-briefs, moving out of my room and to the bathroom I got to call my own. Michael, my housemate, had a bathroom attached to his bedroom, which was lucky for me considering I could shower whenever I wanted without worrying about getting interrupted.

It wound up being a longer shower than I had originally planned even after I had finished soaping myself up and washing off. Most of the time spent under the scalding water was spent contemplating absolutely nothing as I just stood there staring at the floor of the tub. The steam was thick enough to cut with a knife by the time I stepped out of the shower and toweled myself dry.

I pulled on my boxer briefs and walked back to my bedroom, reaching into my dresser and pulling out my favourite pair of blue jeans before moving to the closet to grab a snugly fitting pink dress shirt.

Well, when I say pink, I really mean aggressive salmon.

I don't go out much, so I might as well dress nicely.

Before long I found myself heading downtown in a cab, nodding politely and responding to the driver's comments as best I could given how distracted I felt. The ride was blissfully short though, and I found myself standing out front of a nice pub in no time flat.

I walked inside and ordered myself a typical breakfast, bacon, eggs, toast, hashbrowns, and I topped it all off with an irish coffee, eager to start trying to relax myself with some alcohol. I sat in a corner booth, away from the dozen other patrons of the pub, and sighed as I looked at my phone, noticing two new messages on the hook-up app that I used on the odd occasion.

Chris was the first guy I had actually met in person from this app, not only because he could hold a conversation, but also because his display picture showed off his biceps quite nicely. I considered myself lucky that I had decided to log on that day when he introduced himself.

Where Chris had given me a proper greeting to kick things off with, these two new messages were just simple 'hey's'. One profile had a black screen for a display picture, but the other at least depicted a slender set of abs on what I could only assume was a horse.

I thanked the waitress as she brought over my breakfast, nearly drooling at the smell. I was suddenly reminded of why I loved this pub more than any other in town; their all-day breakfast. The pictures and memorabilia decorating nearly every inch of the walls was my second favourite part of this place, it gave it a truly homey feel that even made me feel a little less bitter about things.

I happily dug in to my meal, taking a break after every few bites to chat with the faceless horse. I couldn't help myself when it came to things like this. He looked athletic, and he was clearly the confident type considering he was straight up telling me he was looking for a fuck buddy.

His abs drew me in, but his bold openness made me forget about my insecurities enough for me to actually want to give myself to him, much like I had with Chris.

It wasn't often that I chatted with the kind of guy that found me attractive, so two hits in one weekend? My mind blotted out the fact that I had been told that Chris might be in to me, replacing it with the thought that for a second night this weekend, I could fall asleep in someone's arms, even if it did require sex beforehand.

"Wanna come over?" He asked after sending me quite the tantalizing photo of himself. And I mean himself.

His fat shaft must have been seven inches long, and it didn't even look halfway aroused. He had a big sack resting between his legs, filled with two massive orbs that nearly made me drool.

"You have no idea how tempting that is, but I'm already out with friends haha." I replied. I was honestly tempted to just go over to his place and be his toy, to be something that belonged to him for just a night, but I've got enough integrity to know that I couldn't just bail on friends like that.

"After ur done?" His persistence was flattering, but I knew all that he wanted was somewhere to bury his cock.

Sadly enough I wanted him to use me just like that. It was all I was good for after all; making sure someone else got themselves off. Considering how slim the chances were of me ever being in a relationship, I figured the best I could do was to be someone's one night stand.

"Definitely." I answered, delivering another blow to my already heavily damaged sense of self-worth.

He responded pretty quickly, giving me his address, just as I finished my meal. I paid for everything and left the pub in a flustered state, knowing what would be coming later that night.

I sat in the darkened theatre, watching with watery eyes as the lover of the main character downed a full bottle of sleep medication.

I wiped my eyes as the documentary style film came to its end and the lights in the small theatre turned up, illuminating a myriad of tear-filled eyes. It was a beautiful sparkling effect for the few seconds it lasted before the lights turned up fully and everyone began shuffling and preparing to leave with their friends.

I stood and pulled on my coat, checking my phone as I left the old style theatre and stepped out into the crisp evening air, avoiding dozens of people that were waiting together for the next showing.

I began walking down the street, heading for the waterfront as I found my finger hovering dangerously close to the 'call' button next to Jason's name. I didn't even notice I had gotten that close to calling the fox.

Garret had helped me forget about him for a while; our morning romp and proceeding workout did wonders to distract me, but now I thought I saw Jason everywhere. I even thought I spotted him in the lobby of the theatre, but it was probably just wishful thinking on my part. White fur at this time of year wasn't exactly a rarity this far north.

I was looking forward to our dinner tomorrow, but I also felt a pang of nervousness, something I wasn't used to feeling.

I wanted Jason. I knew I wanted Jason. The fox on the other hand didn't seem so thrilled about the prospect, though Garret seemed to think I could swing him around to like the idea of hanging out with me. To try for something beyond just sex.

It was about time I moved on from my past, to try for something I wanted. That started tomorrow at dinner, but for tonight, I think a bit of celebration was in order.

I moved my finger away from Jason's name and instead texted Garret, telling him that I was heading out for a night of dancing. I wasn't looking forward to getting hit on, it always happened; it was why I didn't go out to bars or clubs, but a few drinks and some crappy 'top forty' music sounded like a fun time right now.

"I'll meet you there sexy-pants." Garret texted back. I hadn't been expecting him to come out as well, but if he was around, the chances of actually having real fun would be increased.

"What's the occasion?" I asked, more than a little curious.

"Mel wants to hang out with us. She misses you and wants to spend the night with me." He said.

Melissa was Garret's love interest in his physical therapy class. The female wolf had captured his roommates heart near the end of their first semester together, but surprisingly enough, Garret had been too shy to tell her how he felt.

"You going to make your move on her then?" I worried that if the two wound up officially dating I'd be unable to ever cuddle with the cat again, but his happiness was far more important to me.

"I think it's high time I did. Lol" He responded. The puma could be adorable in situations like this. He had been talking about Melissa for months now, and despite his cool and collected outwards demeanour, he turned into a babbling coward when she was involved.

"I'll see you two out there then. Grad Club." I sent away the last text and pocketed my phone. By this point I had reached the waterfront, gazing across the river to the historic old Fort Mackabie.

With the weather as warm as it was, a layer of fog had settled over the water, wreathing the distant fort in a ghostly blanket that made me shiver inside.

It was unseasonably warm, but damn did it make for a spooky view.

I wandered down along the lakefront, enjoying the sensation the fog created as it swirled around the lampposts, making everything in the historic town seem like it was actually in downtown London.

I began wishing Jason was here hanging off my arm, then I realized that he probably wasn't the type to be out and open about things like that.

Still, just walking with the fox to get to know him better in person wouldn't hurt, even if he wasn't snuggling up against my side.

I wandered down the misty paths of the lakefront, ignoring the sounds of the city going on about its typical Saturday night business just a dozen feet up the hill to my right. I could easily spend all night out here, but I was contend with just kill half an hour before I decided to head to the club.

I picked up my pace when I got a text from Garret asking if I was there yet, then one from an unknown number that I could only assume was Melissa judging from the vulgarity and number of 'x's and 'o's at the end of the message.

All I could do was chuckle at her crude japes as I made my way away from the water and back up into the fairly busy sidewalks of Markham, dodging already drunk university students as I headed for the Grad Club.

The club was small; it never had more than fifty or-so people in it on a busy night, but that was just how I liked it. Tonight though, it seemed to have at least doubled its usual clientele.

As I walked up the pathway to the large two-storey house, I was called to from the second floor balcony.

"Hurry the hell up man! Your drink's getting warm!" Garret called down with a grin. Clearly he had already had a few.

Next to him stood a picture of feminine beauty. Melissa rivalled myself in height, and she definitely wasn't built like one of those models that look like they weighed less than a picture of themselves. She had a bit more weight to her, but she wasn't the type to take shit from anyone.

I had seen her lay out a linebacker with a single punch once. I saw it happen again when one of his friends had tried to avenge him.

Fractured jaw.

"Stop standing there and get your ass inside Chris!" She called down, waving down at me. She was wearing tight jeans and a button up shirt that hugged her body closely and showed off her strong form.

Tonight would definitely be a fun one.

"Awe come on Jason!" Sarah pouted at me as I headed for the exit of the club. "It's still so early!"

I growled inside my head, but I was practised enough to not let any of my annoyance show. I shot the slim lemur a smile and a laugh.

"I need to head home, I'm bloody exhausted." I said.

At least I was being honest about that part. The movie had been better than I had expected, but it still bored me to death. It didn't help that despite not knowing anything about the main character the film was based on, I saw her lover's death coming a mile away.

Seven rum and cokes had also done a bit to tire me. That is, seven rum and cokes that tasted more like rum than anything else. I was convinced I must have downed half a bottle of the stuff, and I was a lightweight to begin with.

The lemur saw me off with a hug, followed by the hugs of five of my other friends, each trying to convince me to stay. With smiles and hugs and laughs though, I was quickly able to fend them off, retreating into the surprisingly warm outdoor air.

I hadn't moved much at all from the chair I quickly claimed on the first floor of the Grad Club. I was out of the way, but still able to try to enjoy the company of my friends.

I sighed as I reached the sidewalk, glad that the hour and a half I had spent inside the club was over with. Now that I could hear my own thoughts I reflected on the people I had spent the night with, chuckling sadly that my presence seemed to bring them no small amount of cheer.

If only they knew.

My night started to spiral downwards when I thought I noticed the puma roommate of Chris's. I couldn't be entirely sure that it was him, but I wasn't about to get up and find out for sure. Even the possibility of running into the cat again was enough to make me feel worse about my situation with Chris.

I counted my lucky stars, on one hand I might add, that the cat and a wolf I could only assume was his girlfriend had retreated to the second floor soon after I spotted them.

It was another hour before I could reasonably excuse myself from the merriment, though even then it was a tough sell.

I decided not to dwell on it as I walked, well, stumbled down the sidewalk, trying my best to compose myself and save what little dignity I had left before I made a total fool of myself in front of the drunken partiers I passed on my way to the waterfront.

My pocket vibrated as my boots hit the concrete path running along the wide grassy strip of land that separated the lake from the bustle of the city. As I reached for it I became aware of just how beautifully foggy it was, making me feel like I was in another time and place.

While some might have thought of Jack The Ripper at the sight of the lamp posts wreathed in fog, I could only imagine that other time and place, imagining myself being happy and care-free. I wouldn't have minded just sitting on one of the benches running along the path, but the cause of my phone's vibration shook me out of my thoughts.

"U gonna cum ovr?" The horse's ignorance of basic spelling and grammar pained my senses, but luckily the alcohol I had consumed at the Grad Club softened the blow.

"On my way." I replied.

Liquor had one of two effects on me; it made me contemplative, or it made me frisky. Considering the only things I thought about when I got contemplative were depressing and caused no small amount of anxiety, I'm fairly certain I can say my subconscious was actively supressing any other thoughts and feelings and letting my roused foxhood make the decision.

I walked quickly to the horse's house, stumbling only once or twice during the twenty minute-long walk, hesitating only a moment before I sent him a text, letting him know I had arrived.

My cock swelled more when the horse opened the door and beckoned me inside. All he was wearing was a pair of baggy gym shorts, showing off his unquestionably beautiful body and that 'V' shape at his waist line that drove me mad.

I didn't even register that I had dropped my coat to the ground and had started to unbutton my shirt and pants while he stood there and watched, openly groping what I could see was a generously proportioned cock.

I disrobed down to my underwear and was just about to pull them down when he stopped me.

"Leave them on." He said as he pulled his hand out of his shorts. It was then that I noticed that the blunt head of his shaft was dangling down from one of the legs. At this point I wouldn't have been surprised if I started drooling.

He walked up to me, reaching around to grab my ass. He gave it a rough squeeze before slapping it. I winced, but the drinks I had were able to cover most of the stinging I felt. My own cock strained against the tight black boxer-briefs I was wearing, a damp spot quickly forming at the front of them.

The horse turned around without a word, walking through a wide archway into the sizeable living room of the townhouse. A large flatscreen sat in one corner opposite a plush looking couch that, while looking comfortable, also seemed to have seen far better days if the stains on it were any indication.

The guy wasn't a gentleman, but I wasn't looking for a gentleman at this point as I followed him to the couch. I fell to my knees in between his legs and stuck my muzzle up his shorts to lick and kiss at his thick shaft, fairly certain that if I wasn't already drunk, I would've gotten quite a buzz off of the guy's musk alone.

He let me know I was doing good as I swallowed his endowment by groaning and petting my head, but quickly those pets turned into pulls that forced me down further onto his cock.

I let my muzzle get used like a fuck-toy as he bounced his hips and pulled my head forward, not entirely caring how sore my throat would be in the morning. From the position I was in, I wasn't going to be able to swallow all of him, but he didn't seem to mind.

After a few jaw-numbing minutes of slurping away at his shaft, he gently patted my cheek and pulled my head away. I wanted to fight it and take him back in my mouth, but before I could even try he had stood up, picking me up along with him and sitting me down on all fours on the couch.

I knew what was coming next, and my rum-addled brain could only get more excited at the prospect at getting bred by the stud.

I moaned happily as I felt the back of my underwear get pulled down and shivered as a glob of liquid landed squarely on my tailhole. I hadn't heard a bottle of lube get opened, so I could only assume that the horse was using his own saliva for what was about to come, and the thought kind of got me more excited.

My foxhood went completely unnoticed as the horse positioned himself with one foot up on the couch and the other on the floor, and I swallowed nervously when I felt his blunt head press hard against my back entrance.

He wasn't exactly gentle with his insertion, and I couldn't contain the yelp that came out of my muzzle as a result of him stuffing half of his nine inch rod into me in the first thrust.

Well, I had been asking for it.

The pain in my backside quickly faded as the horse set up his own rhythm of thrusting, causing me to groan and gasp every time he hilted himself inside me. He was grunting as he pounded away, and neither of us really noticed when a tired looking bear walked through the front door.

I couldn't really tell considering the position I was in, but he looked to be in his late twenties, and just as fit as the horse currently sliding in and out of me, but thicker.

"Good looking catch Don." The bear said as he looked over at us with a grin.

The horse hilted himself all the way inside me, groaning loudly as I felt that now familiar feeling of having a load of cum shot into me.

"Kid's got an amazing ass dude." He panted, but he made no move to pull himself free. Instead, he started grinding against me, making those tantalizing squelching noises that drove me wild.

"Think your little fox would mind if I had a round?" He walked into the living room, peeling off his clothes as he went, which left me feeling excited despite obviously not having a choice.

"What do you think about that foxy?" The horse leaned forward and asked, his shaft slackening enough to flop messily out of me. If I had been less drunk, I would have probably made fun of the guy; he had only been in me for three minutes judging by the clock on the wall.

He must win a lot of races.

Boom! Wasn't too drunk after all!

Evidently though, I was more than drunk enough. My little internal joke had taken enough time for the bear to assume I was okay with it, because now his seven and a half inch cock was sliding past my lips.

"Nah man, I'm a blowjob guy." The bear chuckled as he hilted himself in my muzzle, taking a hold of the back of my head to hold me there before starting to thrust back and forth. "You think you've got another round in you? Seeing you balls deep in this guy was kinda hot."

Were these two a couple?

"Hell yeah man, this ass can keep me going all night." The horse chuckled as he gave my ass another firm smack before lining his rapidly hardening cock back up with my cum-drenched hole.

Wonder how many minutes he considers would be 'all night', I thought.

That thought was quickly derailed by the sensation of being impaled on the horse's shaft again while the bear slowly began picking up speed, his heavy sack starting to bounce off of my chin.

At least my spirits were high. Here were two hot guys, complimenting me, using me as if I belonged to them, giving me the physical contact I needed without the worry of anything emotional happening.

It wasn't long before my ass was filled by another load of premature horse spunk, and by that point the bear evidently had enjoyed himself enough that he poured his own bitter load down my throat.

I gasped for breath as he pulled his dripping cock from my muzzle. I thought that was the end of it; the horse was now sitting on the couch, his wet shaft laying against his abs as he panted from the exercise I had helped him with, while the bear left the room completely.

I couldn't think of anything to say as I stayed on all fours, not wanting to sit down for fear of staining the already dilapidated couch with the amount of seed in my backside.

"Feel free to use the shower. Second door on the right." The horse said as he patted one of my cheeks, turning his attention to the gaming system hooked up to the television as he booted it up.

"T-thanks..." I said as I stood up, shakily making my way to the shower, unsure of how to feel at that moment.

As I stepped under scalding hot water, I broke down and cried. One moment I was craving being used like I just had been, but now that I had been cast off like a used tissue I felt the lowest low I had felt in a long time. I rinsed my mouth with a few gulps of mouthwash after I had cleaned as much of myself as I could, and before I knew it, I was getting my ass squeezed by the bear as I left the townhouse and stepped into the suddenly chilly air outside.




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