Post Holiday Blues III

Story by Arktisk Raev on SoFurry

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#4 of Holiday Blues

Not sure how I feel about how this one came out, but then, I'm having a hard time with Chapter 4 too... Curses... Hope you enjoy regardless!






"Well, at least it's not cold out." I snorted sarcastically at myself.

I sighed to myself and tried to stuff my hands deeper into my pockets. It was actually a fairly mild day, only negative seven, but that meant that the snow was melting, turning everything around into slush, and creating that worst kind of wet cold that settled straight into your bones no matter what you were wearing.

My thicker coat of fur didn't help stave off the sharp cold, and even my black and white striped scarf and heavy leather jacket did little to keep me warm. I almost wished I had stayed back at Chris's apartment; at least there I'd be kept warm. Likely sweating through sex and cringing inside after getting called Chelsea again, but warm nonetheless.

More importantly than that; I'd be held.

I didn't pass by many other furs as I left the residential area Chris's apartment was located in, and those few I did pass didn't give me a second glance. I'm fairly certain they just assumed I was on a walk of shame.

Not really far from the truth.

I wandered down the main street of Markham, keeping my head down as I passed by numerous shops and historical buildings that normally would've relaxed me as I thought of days long past when those places were more than just cheap thrift stores and sub-par apartments and student housing.

I tried not to think of my sad excuses for being miserable, but that left my mind with only one other thing worth thinking about.

Chris and that damn puma roommate of his.

I hadn't even gotten his name, but that fact took a back seat to my thoughts about the wolf I had spent the night with.

So I was his first since his heart got broken, and here I was wandering through the gradually filling streets instead of staying in his bed, likely getting a morning romp in by now.

I'm a coward. A spineless coward that would rather wallow in my own self-induced depression than risk getting involved with someone who's actually had to deal with real emotional pain. He'd definitely be better off finding someone else, someone better.

I mentally slapped myself.

Who said he wanted a relationship in the first place? I cursed my mind for its wishful thinking. I always had a habit of assuming someone that showed any kind of interest in me wanted to get into a relationship with me, likely a product of the rarity of me registering such an event, but more than likely because of my vanity.

I did say I had some vanity in me.

My troubled thoughts were interrupted by a vibration in my pocket, and I had half a mind to just ditch the device in a trash bin. I let it hit the third ring before sighing in frustration and pulled it out. My hands were already numb, so a little more exposure wouldn't kill me.

The throbbing in my backside that was thanks not only to the abuse it got the night before, but also to the stiff and matted fur between my legs, made my voice come out a little more irritated than I had intended.

"What?" I asked sharply.

"Uh, hey," The voice on the other end of the line sounded familiar, but I couldn't quite place a name or face to it. "You didn't have to leave you know. I didn't mean to hurt you or make you angry."

Suddenly it clicked, and my voice caught in my throat.

This was another of my little quirks. Despite being socially awkward and hating those situations, I always would prefer meeting someone in person when it came to interviews or the like. I hate talking on phones.

"No, it's fine." I said. The lie came easily enough, which was only slightly worrying. I was rubbish at talking to people like this. "I enjoyed myself. I just kind of panicked when I woke up. Happens a lot."

"I see." Chris sounded unsure, and there was an awkward silence for a few moments before he spoke up again. "Well, if you'd like, I can try to help you kick that habit? Maybe take you out for coffee or something along those lines?"

I suddenly felt more horrible, which was surprising considering the thoughts I had been having lately. The confident gentleman I had met online and finally in person just the night before, now sounded more like a scared child. I knew that he had been cast off by whoever Chelsea was, and now, after finally finding someone he was comfortable enough spending a night with, I was essentially doing the same thing; casting him off after I got what I needed.

I began thinking that maybe his roommate had said something to him about their morning chat, otherwise I didn't think Chris would be willing to make this phone call in the first place.

"I... I'd be up for that." I couldn't tell if I was lying or not, after all, it's not like I hated the guy, but my pessimistic self wanted to cut this off before the risk of developing emotions took hold.

Some of that must have seeped into my voice, because, while sounding more uplifted, Chris's voice still had a hint of hesitation.

"Alright then," He said. "Tomorrow at six. The Sleepless Goat, the coffee shop on Slater Street downtown."

His voice made that sound more like an order, which sent a little shiver down my spine. His confidence at least seemed to be returning a little, but of course the bad part of my mind spun the entire situation out of control. He was only inviting me out so he could look me in the eyes to berate me and cuss me out for leaving in the first place.

Well, it was what I deserved for abandoning him so hastily. The least I could do was prove to myself that I was brave enough to face someone other than myself taking me down a peg or two.

"Jason? Jason, you there?" Chris's voice snapped me out of the small pit my consciousness had retreated to. Just in time, too, as I was just about to walk into a parking meter.

"Y-yeah, I'm here." I said, blushing despite the fact that no one was aware of my absent-mindedness. "Sorry."

"It's alright." Chris said with what almost sounded like a chuckle. I couldn't be entirely sure considering my ears were now quite numb from the cold. "Just be ready for tomorrow at six."

I didn't know entirely what to say aside from, 'alright', which seemed good enough for him for the moment as he hung up after bidding me farewell. I was thankful that I was at least able to hide my hand back in my pocket; it was starting to sting, which is never a good sign.

I sighed again to myself as I made my way down main street, not looking forward to the hour-long walk home, but I at least had my music. Music was always the best way to get myself calmed down, but I needed more. I'd have to see what my friends were up to tonight. I did recall hearing something about a film festival in town, but films weren't really my thing; I went to movies to get away from reality, not get slapped in the face by copious amounts of it.

Still, the thought of at least trying to be normal and happy by hanging out with friends at an old timey movie theatre seemed like the best idea for me. Perhaps a trip to a club after it. I needed noise. Not necessarily company, but definitely noise to shut the bad parts of my mind out, at least for a little while.

I resolved to find out what everyone else had planned, which wouldn't be difficult considering I helped run the discussion group that linked my closest friends in this town together. I don't know why I volunteered to help run it, I mean, I don't like social situations, so why would I willingly organize a group get-together every Monday and rhyme off questions to start discussions?

I cast that train of thought off the tracks. I just needed to focus on Rough Hands by Alexisonfire and get myself home without freezing, then I could work on draining my depression tanks with films and friends and likely rum.

Lots of rum.

I sighed as I hung up the phone. Jason seemed distant and extremely hesitant, definitely more than just the shy fox he appeared to be last night. I felt kind of bad for inviting him over just for sex, but I had intended to treat him to a nice breakfast and the invitation to go out to the film festival this evening, but at least he gave me a second chance to at least try to set things right.

"Well? What's the verdict?" Garret poked his head around the corner of the doorway of my bedroom, I felt like hugging him for pushing me to call Jason.

"We're going out tomorrow for dinner." I said with a half smile before looking back down at my phone with a sigh. "He didn't sound too keen on it though. Why'd I have to be so rough last night?"

My roommate walked in and sat down on the bed beside me, reaching between my legs to take my flaccid wolf-hood into his hand. I moaned and felt myself stiffen up almost immediately, grinding my hips forward to rub myself against his hand.

"This is why." He chuckled as he drew his hand away. I felt like begging him for help, knowing from past instances that he'd love the opportunity, but he interrupted me before I could say anything.

"You've kept yourself cooped up for too long, Chris." He said as he reached an arm around my shoulders to pull me into a sideways hug. "I'm honestly more surprised you only gave him two loads, and even more surprised that I couldn't hear either of you."

I was a wreck when Chelsea ditched me, which is probably what led Garret and I to start getting our release from each other. I had known he was bisexual, but I never gave myself much thought until I cried myself to sleep in his arms after that damn lynx broke me.

He was kind, and even at that period before my self-discovery even I could admit that he was hot, so, one drunken confession of absolute misery later, I found myself sleeping with him nearly every night. Not always for sex either, mainly just for the company.

I had tried to get out and meet people, to get myself back onto the market so to speak, but every time I thought things were going well, something would remind me of Chelsea, and I'd make my excuses and bail.

I wasn't proud of it, but thinking about the ex that ruined your life is a real buzz-killer when it comes to trying to find someone else.

"You're a bloody tease, you know." I playfully pushed him onto his side and stood up, my boxers pointed away from my groin thanks to the surprise groping I had received.

"I'm a great bloody tease!" He laughed and threw one of my pillows at me. "But I'm a wise tease also, and you know I'm right."

From where he was, he damn near blended into the black duvet cover neatly blanketing my bed. If he had remained completely motionless, I probably wouldn't have noticed him.

I caught the pillow and tossed it back at him, taking note of the tent that seemed to be growing in his own boxers. With a grin I stepped over to the edge of the bed where he lay on his side, making sure my package was lined up right where his head was.

"I agree. You're right, I would have given Jason more if he had stayed," I noticed that Garret was still smiling, though his eyes were fixed on my barely contained cock and his own was now straining against the confines of his boxers. "So what do you say, help a friend out and let him blow off some steam?"

I could tell he was tempted, and not just because the tent he was pitching gave a noticeable twitch as soon as I said it.

"Only if you reciprocate." He winked as he slid back on my bed so his head rested against the pillows. The puma hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his boxers and pulled them down to his feet, letting free his thick eight and a half inch shaft of pure ebony cat cock.

I don't recall taking off my own boxers, or the act of climbing over top of Garret's well-defined body, but in what felt like the blink of an eye I was nuzzling and suckling on the head of his shaft and getting rewarded with generous spurts of his pre cum.

I moaned as he took my wolf-hood into his muzzle, relishing in the feeling of his familiar tongue grazing along every reachable inch of my cock. It had been too long since the two of us had actually gotten this physical, what with being away from family for the holidays and the work that accompanied a fresh semester at college.

It certainly explained why I went so rough with Jason last night.

My thoughts were shaken as I felt Garret's familiar index finger pressing against my tailhole. He knew I'd never had anything more than that inside me before, and that that was the way I'd prefer to keep it until I met the right person, but at this point I'm sure he knew he could get away with pretty well anything and I'd let him.

I reached up with one hand, taking his large sack into a firm grasp as I slid myself all the way down his pulsing shaft, savouring his taste and his musk. I felt his free hand moving over my backside to cup one of my toned cheeks, and I got a little flustered. I took pride in my body, and to have it complimented in that way, even just a light squeeze, got me blushing.

I moaned around his cock as he pressed his finger deeper into me while still managing to coordinate his tongue to slide over nearly every inch of my cock. I tried to emulate what he was doing, but despite his moans of approval, I still felt like I'd still need a lot more practise before I reached his level of skill.

As Garret slurped wetly away on my shaft, I couldn't help but let out a growl. That noise; that wet sucking noise that drowned out the sound of everything else drove me to fresh levels of arousal. I couldn't stop myself from pressing my hips downward, trying to fit more of myself into his muzzle, despite the fact that he was already nose-deep in my sack with his lips just starting to slide around my rapidly growing knot.

A quite generous shot of Garret's pre squirted out onto my tongue as I slid up and down his shaft, telling me that he at least enjoyed the little spike of aggression from me, but the light slap my ass received told me he wasn't entirely appreciative of being taken by surprise like that.

I chuckled in my head. He liked getting it at least a little roughly too, which, while it wasn't always my preferred way of doing things, was still a good thing to know for the future. I knew that every now and then he liked getting mounted, but that was usually only after one of our rare nights out at the bars.

I thought about the last time we had drank together, how submissive the cat had gotten, how badly he begged for it...

Garret must have sensed something in me, because with one forceful press of his index finger and a squeeze of my knot with his other hand, I felt myself hit my climax.

I grunted as I pressed myself harder against him once more, growling loudly around the shaft in my muzzle as I felt myself fire rope after rope of my cum down his throat. It felt so good to feel that release that I was taken by surprise when Garret thrust his hips upward, painting the inside of my mouth with a large amount of his seed.

I pulled off of his dripping cock and got several smaller ropes of cum shot across the underside of my muzzle and throat. Typically I did the painting of Garret in the majority of our quick trysts, but on the odd occasion, I enjoyed getting a little messy myself.

For a few moments I enjoyed the sight before me of Garret's glistening shaft lying against his stomach, not to mention the feeling of the puma suckling on my own slackened cock trying to milk me for everything he could.

That's definitely something I enjoyed most about sex, the post-orgasm cleaning. Seeing Jason last night, and feeling Garret now, licking and sucking on my wolfhood told me they wanted more, that I had done well enough to make them want more.

I didn't want to move from where I was, I wanted to let Garret continue slurping at my now flaccid cock, but the puma gave my ass another light tap, telling me he probably wanted air.

I swung my leg over him, standing up next to the bed and giving a joint popping stretch.

"Jeeze man, I thought I was going to choke there for a bit!" Garret panted as he lay back on my bed, obviously in no real rush to move or cover himself. "I can't imagine what that fox went through last night."

His chuckle was the only thing that kept me from feeling completely ashamed, but my face still reddened.

"Well that serves you right for getting me worked up like that." I said with a grin as I walked over to my dresser to pull out my gym clothes. Jason's evasion of me made me want to burn off excess energy, and for once, considering the load I had just shared with Garret and the discomfort I had put Jason through the night before, I figured sex wasn't the best way to do that just now.

I moved to our large bathroom and brushed my teeth and gargled some mouthwash before getting dressed, noticing that Garret was following suit.

"You joining me for another workout?" I asked. We didn't often work out together since the puma exercised different groups than myself, but when we did team up, I'd help him with endurance considering I was more of the swimmer and runner type, and he'd help me with strength, since he preferred simple weight lifting.

"Another one? You consider what we just did a workout?" The cat laughed from his room before coming out dressed in sweatpants and a sweater. Looks like we'd be running to the gym, a nice half hour jog to keep ourselves warm and get limbered up. "You must be getting slow after being home for so long."

"I can still lap you half a dozen times on the track and in the pool." I teased as we walked down the stairs and past our kitchen and living room. We threw on our sneakers after making sure we had all of our gear before opening the door and stepping outside, gasping a little at the bite of the cold air against our faces. "What does that say about you?"

He patted my backside and laughed, starting off down the sidewalk at a pace I considered slow walking, but it didn't matter; I'd have him running alongside me soon enough as I gradually increased our pace.






And if you've made it this far, I assume you either liked how it went, or just can't stand not finishing something, no matter how bad it is.

Either way, criticism is always appreciated!