A Dragonair's Reach (remastered)

Story by Vulpsis on SoFurry

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#6 of Requested Pokemon Fapfics

Jeffrey decided to try some fishing at a Safari game. Unfortunately for him he becomes the catch when a mystical creature drags him in and carries him away to a hidden cave.

This request was done for an anon back in the /vp/ threads a while ago. The reason why I'm remastering all these old stories will become apparent in the near future~

Jeffrey handed his Pokemon over to the park's security and paid the $500 admission price at the front gate.

"we hope you have a good time!" the receptionist said with a smile as she handed him the safari balls. The several pokeballs adorned the safari's logo and were all minimized to fit inside his pocket.

"Thanks, wish me luck!" He said with a cheerful smile towards the receptionist as his guide for the safari game lead him outside. Up in the sky the sun was blazing down brightly, the clear blue sunny day didn't have a single cloud to shadow over Jeffrey's game!

"Well do you any preference on where to go young man?" The guide asked. He was a chubby and short man, one who was aged and adorned a nice thick brushy mustache. He was dressed to camouflage out in the wild where the wild grass grew. Jeffrey just had on his usual blue jeans and a white-t for today. Jeffrey looked up at the sun while using his hand for shade.

"How about somewhere by water? It's kind of hot outside." The guide laughed as he pointed in the direction of the shore and lead the way.

The two walked to the edge of the safari zone where a large lake rested. There several Pokemon ran to to the water for either a relaxing drink or a swim. Jeffrey and the guide laid on their bellies to watch from a short hill.

"You have to be quiet, one wrong move and all the Pokemon will run away..."

"Alright, I'll be careful." Jeffrey scanned the area trying to check to see if there was one he would like. A Venonat that was sipping up a drink at the edge? Nah. The Paras that was using lily pads to create makeshift shade? Although creative... he already had one. The Nidorino that was guiding cubs to the water and keeping a lookout? He wanted to... but he didn't want to take away the cubs' only means of protection. He sighed, maybe he was being too picky? The guide noticed his hesitance and grunted as he stood back up.

"You know I have a fishing rod, we can fish for Pokemon if you like." Jeffrey looked up to the guide and smiled as he got up as well.

"Sure, I prefer water Pokemon anyways."

All the Pokemon scurried away into hiding as Jeffrey and the guide boldly walked up to the lake. The guide handed Jeffrey a fishing rod whom already knew how to handle it like a pro. He pulled back and tossed the line in a single powerful and fluid movement. The cast reached quite far into the lake, the bait landing with a loud "plop!" as it sunk under the water. The guide was easily impressed by his throw and gave a low whistle.

"Say young man, do you fish often?" Jeffrey nodded.

"I come from Dewford island in the Hoenn region, it was my favorite pastime over there."

"Ah no wonder you prefer water Pokemon! You must swim quite often to!"

"Heh, ironically I don't know how to...oh! I got a bite!" Jeffrey struggled as he pulled back on the rod. He spun the reel back as fast and hard as he can while going through a difficult tug o war with his catch.

"You can do it young man!" The guide cheered on as he clenched his fists in excitement. When he finally managed to bring back the line a Dratini was attached at the end. Both the guide and Jeffrey gasped in astonishment at such a rare Pokemon being caught, its short and serpentine body wiggled as it was forced from its hiding place.

"Quick!" was all the guide said as Jeffrey hastily freed a hand and grabbed a safari ball. But by the time he got it out of his back pocket the Dratini freed itself from the hook and swam away.

He was still determined to catch a Dratini. Jeffrey attached the empty ball to his belt and handed the rest to the guide. He held them with opened hands and was actually happy to play a part in this hunt.

"Haha! Jeffrey! Reeling in a Dratini at his first game, maybe you'll be the one to catch that mystical Pokemon."

"Hopefully..." Jeffrey mumbled as he threw out the line again. It went just as far as the first time and landed with the familiar plopping noise. Almost instantly the bait was nabbed and forced underwater. Surprised, Jeffrey instantly pulled back but whatever grabbed it was too powerful and yanked the rod out of Jeffrey's hands while pulling Jeffrey into the water at the same time! He was shocked as his entire body was forced into the shockingly cold water, his hand clenching the rod tightly instead of letting go. He began to kick and splash his feet, the water being surprisingly deep for its size. He finally had some sense and released his grip on the rod, his body raising up to the surface as he tried to relax and gently kick his feet like he read in books. Finally he reached the surface and raised both his arms out at the guide, struggling to keep his head above the water so that he can actually breathe..

"H-Help me!" he shouted as he spat out water. The guide took something out of his backpack of emergency items and retrieved a floatation device that blew itself in a matter of seconds with a push of a button. He threw it over to Jeffrey, the device having a rope attached to pull back in victims. The device managed to land near Jeffrey as he reached over to it and held on to it as the guide began to reel him in.

"Don't worry young man I go..." suddenly a large blue Pokemon jumped out of the water. Its body was long and slender and wrapped around Jeffrey like a tentacle. He shouted one last time as he felt his body let go of the device as he was pulled through the water, whatever took him was swimming at a high speed as Jeffery's vision of the surface quickly disappeared...

"Gah! *hack* aghhh..." It was only a mere minute and yet his vision had grew blurry. He couldn't think straight about what just happened, it was like the fresh air was rebooting his brain like a computer. Jeffrey coughed up the water and took in sweet delicious air. It took him a few minutes of recovering before he could get up and look around. He was in a cave, a short cave with the only opening being a mouth leading deeper into water. He panicked, Jeffrey was breathing rapidly as the sensation of being trapped took over his mind.

"HELLO? ANYBODY THERE?! HELP!" his voice echoed back at him, but nobody replied. He began to panic even more and tried to climb the walls looking for a way out until he heard a movement from the water. Looking back he saw a head pop out the surface. It was a Dragonair, its black glossy eyes glared at him as it slowly slithered closer to him like a snake, its large sapphire body seemed to never end as it slowly slid out of the water. "you...were you the one who brought me here?" Dragonair nodded. "b-but why? Was it because of..." Jeffrey stopped and noticed that its tail was trying to wrap around his leg. Scared, he began to run towards the water hoping to escape; however Dragonair was more quick and tripped Jeffrey by simply closing its tail around his leg and pulling him in like a fish. He reached out his hands to cushion the fall but Jeffrey was quickly picked up by the serpentine Pokemon as it quickly coiled around him with its snake like body. Jeffrey's heart was racing as it wrapped around him again and again, he can feel the dragon's surprising warmth seeping into his skin as it coiled around him tightly like rope. Its head leaned in close to his, those dark black eyes watching as the light reflected off its ebony irises and showed him staring back. Jeffrey was trying his best not to look scared as it leaned in closer...and closer and... licked him.

"agh!" Jeffrey tried to turn his head but Dragonair just kept on licking him. "Hey! What are you doing?! Eating me like a lollipop?!" Dragonair tilted its head and giggled. The laugh carried a subtle feminine hint as the dragon looked genuinely happy. The sound and expression alone calmed Jeffrey down a lot. "wait, are you going to hurt me?" Dragonair looked offended as it gasped and shook its head. "well then...why?" Dragonair began to blush which made Jeffrey blush on his own, he didn't know why but he suddenly felt embarrassed. Dragonair then leaned in closely and gave Jeffrey a kiss, its soft blue lips met with Jeffrey's own as their tongues slowly slipped through and swirled around each other. When Jeffrey leaned back from the kiss and looked at Dragonair again his perspective changed. She was blushing even harder now, her shiny black eyes stared at his with a yearning gaze, her fluffy winged ears looked so cute and cuddly... she seemed... beautiful to him. He reached forward, a hand brushing behind the soft white ear and scratching behind it which caused the Dragonair to produce a type of affectionate purring sound. His legs wiggled against her constricting body, he was growing rather uncomfortable as his manhood grew between his body and hers.

"Hey...can you?" Dragonair noticed and loosened her grip only around his waist. Dragonair still held him up in the air, and leaned down closer to his pants. "Hey wait... what are you doing?" Dragonair bit at his zipper gently and slowly pulled it down, the sound of the zipper moving was all that could be heard in this empty cave for a few seconds before his erection bobbed out quickly as if it needed air itself. Jeffrey couldn't help but feel ashamed from how easily he was exposed. Dragonair giggled as the tip of her tail played around with his member, Jeffrey groaned as he felt her tease and play around with his opening a bit in such a tender and teasing manner. She was being gentle and yet the small tickling across his lips felt intense to him. Her giggling didn't help with the heat of the moment as well. Her voice sounded light and heavenly, and the fact that she was enjoying herself made him throb even more. That gentle tail tip gently patted in between the lips of his head, he had never been touched like that and the pleasure easily went from a giddy joy to a burning pleasure on the verge of becoming pain.

Her tail then moved away and began to wrap tightly around his cock, her majestically long tail coiled around his member a few times and slowly stoked up and down, those scales felt so thick and soft that he couldn't possibly think of anything that felt better. When she brushed up her scales gently scratched at his skin, as if taking care an itch he didn't realize he had without damaging the skin. When she brushed down though his cock would throb from the smooth soft feel. Dragonair cooed as she continued her treatment, and leaned down to kiss him more passionately than before. Jeffrey savored the salty sweet flavor of her tongue as he tasted every inch of the thin warm muscle. Dragonair quickened the pace of her tight and thorough strokes which caused Jeffery's entire body to squirm and twitch from the sensitive pleasure. He felt as if her tail was trying to pull out his seed, those soft scales rubbed roughly against his skin, tickling and massaging his cock as little squirts of pre spilled out. Seeing the little slip of the sticky liquid oozing out Dragon brought the tip of her tail to tickle at his head again, slathering the pre around as if it were some kind of batter. Dragonair then leaned back from the kiss, staring at Jeffrey with a half lidded daze filled with lust as she brought her tail over to her lips and licked the tip clean.

Jeffrey gritted his teeth from the sensual display. That little show alone made his hips buck as she continued pumping his cock with her coiled tail, he was trying his best to hold it back but knew that he would give out soon. He felt a small surge of pre shoot out from his oncoming orgasm, he heard Dragonair giggled as she suddenly ceased her movements.. Jeffrey held his breath, wondering what she was planning. She merely held him in the air still, coiled up in her blue serpentine body. He began to whine as he felt his orgasm fade away. He felt her grip around his body loosen, his toes began to touch the floor and Jeffrey stumbled and waved his arms to retain balance as she loosened entirely and let him stand alone.

"H-hey...why did you stop?" Dragonair blushed as she stretched her long body against the floor in a straight line, her neck and head rested up against the cavern wall as if she was trying to sit up. She only stared back, her face blushing as her eyes were opened halfway. She gestured down at her body by lowering her head. Jeffrey got the hint and scanned her body and noticed her sex about a quarter up from her tail. Her vulva was a puffy red, easily noticable since her underbelly was creamy white. He crouched down as he parted the lips gently with two of his fingers, Dragonair gasped as he began to slowly feel his way around and inside. Dragonair gave out cute moans as he began to slide a finger inside, her tight walls pulsed with life as it closed around his finger and coated it with a light clear liquid. He withdrew and observed his wet finger curiously, looking up at Dragonair who was panting from all the pleasure. He gave it a single lick, her juices had a salty taste with a subtle sweet aftermath, just the way he liked his treats. He then slowly suckled on the finger before going back down and sliding it inside again this time with a couple more. His fingers roughly felt her hot insides squeeze and throb around them as her breathing quickly gain pace. A squishy gooshy noise echoed the cave as he quickly rubbed her back and forth as he leaned his head down and licked up her fluids that leaked out.

Dragonair squirmed in place, she couldn't take it anymore. Jeffrey cried out in surprise as her body suddenly pulled away from his experimental fingers and whipped around him like a tight rope. He felt himself get dragged closer to her and before he knew where he was he felt her familiar salty lips press against his, her tongue overthrowing his and invading his mouth as she tasted him all over. Jeffrey submitted and reached up to stroke along the side of her smooth blue face as he felt his body continue to be coiled and moved around to her whim. When Jeffrey opened his eyes he saw he was sitting against the cavern wall with his erect cock exposed again. This time however her sex was floating over it, Dragonair staring at him with that lustful daze. She had wrapped around his waist only a couple times, giving him freedom of all his limbs. He stretched out his arms and held her head gently, stroking her behind her heavenly white winged ears. "Come on then... let's do it." She nodded as leaned in and nuzzled against him, her sex pressing firmly against him. She slowly pressed down further and further, her body shivered with the surges of delightful pleasure as she felt his cock rubbing her tight slippery insides, it was far larger and thicker than mere fingers. Jeffrey groaned as he felt her continue her movements, he traced his fingers down the nape of her neck and stretch further down and pressed down on the part of her serpentine body that was moving down on him. He gently pushed down as he bucked his hips to get himself to move deeper into her. As he reached in all the way he bucked his hips back and pushed in again, Dragonair shivered in response as he moved through her more quickly. Her tight walls massaged his cock as those thick liquids coated and lubed him, it slid right in with no resistance and yet there was so much friction Jeffrey had to hold his breath and try to hold back from moving too fast to avoid climaxing so soon.

Dragonair wasn't patient with how he was taking his time and before he knew it her powerful body squeezed around him tightly as she moved back before thrusting into him as hard as she can. Jeffrey took in a deep breath of air, her walls felt so slick and warm he almost came from the sudden surge of ecstatic pleasure her dragon pussy had around his thick manly member! Dragonair cried out as she delivered thrusts against him, again and again. Jeffrey couldn't do anything but hug around her long slender neck tightly as she rested her head on his shoulder, the two began humping against each other, the sound of her juices splashing filled the cave. Jeffrey groaned out, his primal instincts taking control as he got up slightly, his arms feeling her beautiful scales as he fucked her more and more, his cock twitching and pulsing as her insides seemingly absorbed his cock, soaking it in intense pleasure as she clamped and moved around her insides. She gave out a long moan, her voice filled with ecstasy and desire shouting as her head shot up. He felt her insides convulse madly, the thick liquids soaking his continuing to pump his cock. He growled as he continued to fuck her, she was cumming and at this rate he was going to as well. Her fleshy warm insides were seemingly sucking his cock in as he continued to hump in and out of her. Finally he gave out a curse and shouted as he felt his climax rise. His tip exploded with sensitivity as the pleasure exploded out of his bulbous tip and shoot inside of her. Dragonair's head dropped against his shoulder as she felt that warm sticky seed squirt inside of her. Each spurt finally put out the flames of her heat as her womb was satisfyingly filled to the brim...

The two fell asleep shortly after. When Jeffrey woke up he saw that she was still coiled around him, her head rested on his chest as she slept peacefully. For a second he thought he was dreaming until he remembered where he was and quickly stumbled up and startled Dragonair into waking.

"Oh shit...I gotta get back! I need to get my Pokemon and let everyone know I'm alright!" Dragonair loosed her body around him as she tilted her head. Jeffrey looked at the water then back at her. "Dragonair I'm sorry, I need to go back." Dragonair pouted as she shook her head. Her body beginning to coil around him again but Jeffrey stood firmly. "I'm serious, I can't stay here, I have family and friends who might be worried." Dragonair looked down, feeling rather guilty that she was trying to keep him for herself. She released her blue body and Jeffrey planted his hands on his waist as he looked around his surroundings. That's when his fingers slipped against something circular and smooth. He looked down confused and realized he still had the safari ball clipped to his belt. "Would you... come with me?" Dragonair looked up at him bewildered. He grabbed the ball and expanded it, showing it to her. "Come with me, that way we can be together. I promise to keep you with me no matter what." Dragonair raised an eye at him, as if unsure. "I promise Dragonair, I really like you..." He then leaned down and gave her an innocent peck on the cheek. She blushed and quickly looked away, making Jeffrey think if that was really the right thing to do, but then her tail dragged him closer and before he could even blink she forced him into another passionate kiss. Jeffrey gently planted his hand on the back of her head as he embraced it, her kiss made his head rush as he tasted back her salty tongue. When they let go she nodded her head slowly. Jeffrey felt so happy that they may as well have gotten married. Jeffrey opened the pokeball as she was transferred in, and within the same second she was sent out. The ID confirmed, he was now her trainer. As she appeared the two hugged again. "Alright...first things first, take me back... oh?" He can feel her tail wiggled around his open zipper, slipping in and rubbing his thickening member. He looked up at her as she had a mischievous grin on her face. He laughed as he felt a blush grow. "well I guess we can play one more time."

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Vulpsis CYOA #2

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