The Gryphon's New Toy

Story by Kotanye on SoFurry

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Personal use from the perspective of Istan the dragon.

Any feedback or criticism would be great! I'm always looking to improve.

The Gryphon's New Toy

When I awoke it was dark. I couldn't see anything other than black shapes. My head hurt as if I'd been banging it on a stone wall all night and everything was sore. What had I been doing last night? I tried to remember but it simply wouldn't come to me. In fact I couldn't remember much beyond my own name. I tried to stand but the ground swayed like the deck of a ship. I was in the corner of a dark room. I could see a few other figures strewn about, but no windows and no door. I stood again, the ground offered no purchase so I had to dig my claws in to its smoothness with every step. With one hand on the wall, I made my way toward the nearest dark shape that I assumed was a person. As I got close, the floor dropped from beneath me before slamming back up. The initial thud was followed by a low growl, I looked down to see that I had fallen on top of someone.

"Watch it, twit" said whoever had broken my fall. I quickly scrambled off of them. I could tell by her voice that she was female. A wolf based on what precious little I could see. She took a moment to get her bearings before looking at me. "Hello." she said plainly. "My name is Vera."

"Istan" I said offering a hand. She ignored it.

"From the pleasantly confused look on your face, you're new to this, we have to get out of here." She looked all around and then back to me. "Now." She half walked half crawled past me as the sway continued. I watched after her admiring the cute swing of her tail. She looked back at me,

"Are you going to help me, or are you looking foreword to a life of servitude?" She said

"What?" I stammered before I began to approach. She was about to speak when the rocking motion stopped and the ceiling opened letting in a flood of light.

"Dammit." she sighed, "getting out of this now is going to be a bit harder." All thoughts were expelled from my mind as I gawked at the creature above me. It was a gryphon. I had seen countless gryphons in my life but never like this. This one was hundreds of feet tall with rust colored feathers and a menacing grin on his silver beak that made me more uncomfortable than I already was.

"Alright, my friends," his masculine voice boomed, "welcome to your new home. Your lives are mine and unless you want them ended you'll do as I say." I nodded slowly before looking at Vera. Our eyes met just a moment. Before our captor's voice shook the air once again "Well, get started. Make me want to keep you alive." With that we were unceremoniously dumped into his sparsely covered lap. I stood then turned to look out from between our captors thighs. The room around us was small and I could see a small door a few hundred yards away. Vera looked at me then back to our captor. He was leaned back not quite looking at us. This was our first and probably only chance. With a nod we ran. At first we were side by side but I quickly overtook her as I had longer legs. We reached the edge of what I now saw was a gargantuan chair. After a quick look down and a glance back at Vera behind me I jumped and spread my wings. I heard the gryphon shifting in his seat above. I did not dare look back after that.

After a while of running, I was beginning to think I might make it. I only tripped on the rough wood once and while it was by no means close, the slightly ajar door was closer. But then he got up. I could hear the dull thud of his first step toward me, first the sound, then a rolling vibration through the floor beneath me. I sped up. Another thud, a little more speed. I was close. Another thud, a looming shadow, just a bit faster now. Then I wasn't touching the ground anymore. The air was squeezed from my lungs as the gryphon's talon closed around me. I struggled to breathe and pushed outward with all I had left. The world blurred past until I was before the gryphon's face. I pushed as hard as I could but his grip was stronger than all my combined force.

"Don't look so scared," the gryphon cooed, "I'm actually glad you decided to run. Now I get to show all your friends what happens when I'm disobeyed." I struggled harder for just a moment before another rush of motion dizzied me. The blur of colors finally solidified into a field of tan. There was a circle of black at the center of my field of vision. Slowly growing bigger. Then the smell came jerking me back to life with its potency. At first it was just a touch. The ring of muscle pressed against me from beneath smooth wrinkled skin. It was kind of soft. If you ignored the smell than it was. No! I had to get out of here! I looked up just in time to see Vera. She stood amongst several others on the chair. How could she just stand there? Then all was darkness. Darkness and warmth.

The rest of my body quickly followed my head into the sweltering chamber. There was a pocket of air but after that was exhausted, I would probably die. The walls rolled, carrying me back and forth. When I so much as moved in any way they would clench inward, squeezing away more of my precious, if foul, air. So I lay prone in my captors bowels for what felt like hours. After a while I stopped counting. Then I lost consciousness.