Erin's Return Prt.1

Story by ChibiCharmander on SoFurry

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About all that stuff about me losing my flame,I didn't lose the flame.the flame only dimmed for a while .I'm back to writing,and I'm starting back with a kick!

(Note) Keldeo's nick name is Tsunami,But i haven't used that name a lot for a reason that will be unveiled soon.

Solemnly,John and the others stare at a picture of Erin.Its been almost two weeks since shes been lost.They made a gallant effort but alas,To no Avail.They had begun fearing the worse."Its not fair!"John yelled out in rage."Why did she have to be lost?"No on tried to comfort him,most likely because they were thinking the same."John,we all feel the same as you do..."Blake tried to quell John's anger,but he only got the horns."You have No Ideal how I feel!,I've spent my Childhood with her!,We shared the same common goal!She was my Rival,My friend ,I had wished i had more time with her,then i would have tried to become her lover!"Blake simply added in his most calm tone,"Shut up.You think your the only one suffering?How do you think I feel!I'm her Pokemon so I'm pretty sure that's about as far as friendships go,and If you really wanted to be her mate,you would have grown the balls to ask her a long time ago!"There was a long silence after that,.Every second feeling like hours.

"Hey Let me In!"A small,feminine voice said from the door."Who could that be?"Lucario said in his most halfhearted voice."The person whose ganna release you if you don't Open the door"."No Way...Erin!"Lucario Punched down the door,scooped Erin up off the floor,And picked up the door all in one movement.

"We missed you so Much!"Tsunami beamed jubilantly."I missed you all too,But um I think there is someone you Cosmi guys need to thank for my Return"."That being who?"Cosmi questioned."Us"Said Shadow and Rufus,of whom were standing i the doorway."Who the hell are you two?"Blake yelled."Yo shouldn't speak that way two two people who just saved your master".Shadow rebudled."We've got to move...Fast,Shadow Celebi is coming!"Glaceon yelled."

"How do you know?"Tsunami asked."Simple,he gave me a psychic message,its not safe in this region anymore."."Oh so where are we going to go?Click our heels together and say "There's no place Like home!"John sighd."No,but we do have a Pokemon That can use Teleport"he said flicking his tail in Blake's direction."Yeah but only too places I've been,or seen.".Glaceon went inside John's bag for a second,then he pulled out a map book.Here! Teleport to here! hes almost come!"Alright,Alright,Everone join hands"And just like that,they were gone.

END!But the second part is being worked on....I only publishesd it like that because..well i felt like it!Now you must wait until i finish part two!*Luaghs Evily