Trough the Thorns

Story by tretron on SoFurry

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#2 of 'in scales'

the second chapter of inscales, i tried to get more of the chemestry going between the two characters, explaining the world in wich Dion is dropped and plotting out some relations. more back ground will come in the later chapters as i am working on more ideas.

'in scales' Trough the Thorns.

The Jarl? Why would he or she be interested in a dragon? Dion thought as he examined the boy. He did not show any fear towards Rakshasi but to Dion he was more afraid. The worst part was to Dion that he did not know how to talk to the boy. Sure he could communicate with Rakshasi but she mostly hold up the connection that was needed to talk. "Miss Rakshasi, I only ought to bring the message to you. I pray no distress but the Jarl herself kept her silence about the nature of the urgency." The boy said with much urgency. For Dion himself it was rather strange, the boy returned in English and Rakshasi kept on chatting away in Draconic. A shame was cast over him as soon he realised that the boy was better of speaking Draconic then himself in this form.

"Yenta wer Daariv batobot si geou confn mrith vi" She paused. Her gaze fixated up on Dion who kept quite all along. Her look betrayed some emotions to which she was speaking of. "Yth rigluin ekess seak wer yoweth levethix." She changed whatever she was starting off. Trough Dion himself did understand so very little of the Draconic tongue; He did realise Rakshasi had some concern at him.

"I will ma'am, I pray you to come quick with the wind. I shall send worth that you and your companion will be coming." With those words the boy bid farewell and left the lair. Now that Rakshasi was no longer distracted by the boy she could turn her full attention to Dion again. "seems you will see how the humans here life a great deal earlier then I have planned for." The smooth melody of her voice penetrated his mind again, not an unpleasant feel at least.

Through the sound of her voice would not calm him at least. The prospect of seeing a human village in this form filled his heart with fear. "What you think the Jarl would like to ask of you." He said with a nervous undertone in his mind. Afraid that his sudden appearance would startle the village and set the delicate balance Rakshasi had worked so hard for astray.

"I haven't gotten the slightest idea. Pray you not to feel too much distress. My sight in the town is not uncommon as they might make you believe. Once in a while when the trusted traders are in town I will go off to trade for some goods." She wondered of a bit as she prepared for the trip. She took out a rather worn leather back. Dion had never guessed a dragon needed any processions other than a nice hoard.

When his eyes wondered to what she might pack he saw the three eggs laying near the fire. "What about those?" He pointed to the eggs, rather afraid something would happen to them. Who or what ever send them to him clearly wanted to see them hatched unharmed. He would not even dare to provoke any entity with the power to send something trough space and time.

"They are fine as long as they are laid near the fire. They are too far developed for their genders to be determined." She said smugly as she packed the back with some meat wrapped in big leaves. She also added a fair share of gold from her private hoard. "Now we ought to go. I do not wish to keep the Jarl waiting for our audience for too long since you cannot fly yet." She pressed on as she secured the bag securely between her two wings on her back.

Dion pulled himself up on his two legs again, only to wobble a bit while he tried to remain balanced. He was still poorly adjusted to this form and he was still afraid to fall. Yet for his trip he could not hope for any support from Rakshasi, not wanting to look like an helpless child.

The trip took them to the edge of the forest and in the centre of the valley where a stream of water spilt the landscape. Overlooking the village with Rakshasi from a high point he could see the farms spread out. Only small dirt roads could be visible from the town itself. To the east he saw a great mountain with white snow tops. The foot of the mountain spread out into several valleys, to which the village occupied one. The rest of the forest around the village was green and overflowing with life. The village itself got a small stone wall. Dion counted around fifty buildings in the village; a church, town square and some other buildings he could recognize from this distance. Rakshasi took a deep breath of air . "Vi vorel kear ekess dresig."

"I beg your pardon" Dion said unable to know what she spoke of. "My apologies, I meant to say 'A beautiful day to behold.' I forget that you are not a speaker of my tongue" She answered a bit ashamed in forgetting the lack of draconic knowledge in Dion.

"Do more people know how to understand the Draconic tongue?"_Dion asked while descending onto the main dirt road that lead into the village. The forest started to thin out once they came close to the road. In the distance he could hear the water of the river that ran parallel to the road. _"A few yes, The jarl is one of them. Some traders that life here in Dunick also but not many."

"Dunick? The village?" Dion asked just to clarify it for himself. "Yes. We nearly reached the road so just be calm. The people will do nothing to you. Just let me do the talking"_Rakshasi ensured Dion, she was rather afraid that he would do something in a panic and hurt someone. She did not fear an angry crowd to attack him even if he did hurt someone. She stepped forward onto the road and out of the shade of the trees. _"Here we go" She said, leading Dion up to the city gate. Two guards in chainmail stood on each side of the gate. They wore a maze on the right hand and a small shield on the left. Their helmets where made of strong leather and a yellow cloth covered most parts of the chainmail. They gave a greeting nod at Rakshasi "Ma'am" they said while they glared with a distrusting look at Dion next to her. "The Jarl is waiting for you" the left guard said. Still eyeing Dion, his hand tighten around the handle of the maze.

Dion, always nervous around guards was not put to ease by this. He had great difficulty to walk on straight past the guards as his mind made wild vivid images of how they would attack him and...the train of thought was stopped as Rakshasi took his wrist. "Everything is fine" She said if she seemed to notice his displeasure and nervousness. In the meantime the village unfolded before them, the villages made way for the two dragons, nodding their heads in respect but kept a glare at Dion. "They are just not used to new faces, especially when they are scaled. Pray not to pay much attention" She slowly rubbed his lower arm while she said it.

Through the main streets the led Dion to a large wooden building with a cobblestone foundation. The village Square in front of it. The village square was filled with merchant stands with all kinds of goods; jewellery , food, spices and weapons. It was unlike any Dion had seen. Even the markets at home could not compare and the smells alone made him hungry. He eyes a roasted pig that was being gently turned over a fire in one of the buildings and he licked his lips, the sight made him hungry with a rather feral need for flesh.

"Later" She had followed Dion's look at the pig "I got some treasure to trade" and before Dion could reply he was pulled along into the great wooden building. The inside was well decorated with shields, swords and silken wall carpets. On the far end of the chamber an elevated chair was standing. The wood of the chair engraved with fine details and markings that looked rather Celtic in origin. On the chair a women in luxurious clothing was sitting. Her dress was made of fine fabric, on her side she wore a sword with a golden handle. Inlaid with gemstones of all kind and the sheath was decorated with fine detailed carvings. Her look was determent and serious while she looked over to the two Dragons. "Lady Rakshasi" she said with a strong voice, to the fabric filled with authority and dominance. It was not a sweet and gentle voice like that of Rakshasi in his mind, but a voice that could be mixed in with battle without any problem. "Have a seat" the Jarl pointed at the two chairs in front of her. They were constructed in such a way that it would give no problem with the tail and wings.

"Ariusjalil Arryn" Rakshasi said with great difficulty at pronouncing the English name, Though he could see no offence taken by the Jarl. Softly he followed Rakshasi towards the chairs and set down with some difficulty to manoeuvre his tail in the hole of the chair. He still hadn't mastered his own tail and he nearly tripped a few times. Rakshasi looked at Dion, not sure if she should laugh or sink in embarrassment. Sure the villagers could not see danger of a dragon who's biggest enemy was his own tail.

The jarl beaconed one of the maids closer. "do you wish for any refreshments?" she asked the two dragons. "Vi drisi di mead ornla qe d'nag..." Rakshasi paused "Do you wish for some mead?" She asked Dion while the Jarl looked over at him too. Clearly she expected him to say if he wanted some. "If it is not too much of a trouble."

"...Jiil drisiri di mead" Rakshasi added to the sentences she started. Her glare went between Dion and the Jarl "Dion tiric ti vucot wer ooble di darastrixi" Dion recognized his name, even when it was distorted badly. He almost recoiled in shame at instinct. "So Dion it is. Well then Sir Dion I hope you understand me none the less and may any questions from you come from Lady Rakshasi" the Jarl said politely. At Dion nod she resumed "Lady Rakshasi, why I let you come is because I have terrible news and your companion does not make the problem any easier" The jarl took a deep breath "The king send word that he grown tired of our failure to slay you. For 'help'" The jarl almost spit out the words of help. In the small break at the word the servants came to bring two bottles of fine mead for the dragons "He decided that the white knight of the north will be coming to our village after he finished his campaign in the east." The Jarl had a tone of displeasure and even grief in her voice. "I am sorry Lady Rakshasi, for the loss of your kin. I hope he will be slain like the beast he is by your fellow kin but until then you and your companion are in grave danger." The jarl looked sincere with a tear at her cheek. "If I help you the king will come with an army to knock down the gates and slay any of us for being a heretic. My deepest apologies but this time I can't help you my dear."

Dion looked shocked at the news and turned his head at Rakshasi. If a dragon could look pale it was certainly how she would look now. "Shilta wux tir tivol throdenilt?" She said with shivering voice filled with pained emotions. But the jarl shook her head "I am sorry Lady Rakshasi. I would have wished that the king would have been killed way before the kingdom would notice you. The only thing I can do is see if one of the smith is able to make you some armour." She turned away "Even if it means our alliance to you can be exposed if you fail to slay the beast" She referred with the beast to the dragon hunter oddly enough.

Rakshasi nodded "Si geou jihai tikil letoclo si shilta itrewic." Her mood was not much brightened with the promise of an armour. Dion doubted it was to any use anyway the dragon's skin already looked though as steel and an armour would restrict the movement. "Svanoa kiarf tairais yth tepoha?" she added with a bit more assurance. "We have a month with luck." The jarl examined a letter that was most clearly from the king which they spoke of. "So let us make haste and get to the smith" on the mark she stood up from her throne. Both the dragons did not even uncorked the mead, something told Jack that they needed the mead later on back in the lair.

The two dragons followed the jarl over the village square to the local blacksmith. He was busy hammering down some arrows. he was a muscular male of around one meter eighty. He had half long brown hair that was filled with dust and soot. He wore a brown leather apron. The forge was light up bright orange as a assistance pumped air through it. He was smaller but with the same build and hair colour. The master smith put the tools and the arrow away and looked at the Jarl "Jarl Arryn, Lady Rakshasi and..."He looked to Dion. "Sir Dion" The Jarl quickly said before the smith could ask any more questions

"Very well, Sir Dion. What can I do for you?" He asked a bit short of and impatience, the smiths filled with work yet to be finished. "I have to come to ask for an important favour from you" The jarl looked at the two dragons. "They need a set of armour each." The Jarl's words confused the smith greatly "They are bloody dragons, most of my metal is not as though as their hide. Why by the devine they need an armour." The smith protested a bit but was silenced by a growl from Rakshasi. "Because I say so" The jarl said short and dismissive "You have two weeks to make them a set each..." To which the smith wanted to protest more "I don't care for your work, but would you refuse help to Lady Rakshasi...after all she did rescued your wife from the bandits. The smith snorted a bit "I can do chain mail in two weeks...but nothing more. Maybe add leather for more protection, what kind of weapon it need to counter?" He asked as his gaze moved over the two dragons. "Dragon swords" the Jarl said short and pressing. "An hunter hum? Should have known..." He turned his look to the two dragons "If you stay here then I get my note book. I need some measurements"

He wanted to turn around to get them but the assistant already got them. The jarl smiled sour and left the two dragons with the smith after praying the three farewell. Dion felt rather awkward as his naked body was measured by the smith. From the tip of his nose to the end of his tail. The smith had great difficulty with the latter, it constantly swayed around and was almost impossible to get a solid measurement of. "Armour for bloody dragons, what a day it is" The smith grumbled under his breath as he finished up the measurements of Dion.

Rakshasi was lucky easier. She had a great deal of more control although the very tip of her tail was stills swaying angry. "All finished" The smith said when he was done, two weeks and I have it ready not sooner maybe later. Rakshasi looked none too pleased and turned away after a quick draconic thank you. Dion almost lost her as quick as Rakshasi made foot to the forest. He was afraid she would take aloft and leave him behind.

He found her not far from the gate a bit into the forest away from the road. She was sitting on a branch looking down at the dirt. A flame licked along the sides of her maw as she was talking to herself in draconic. She looked up once Dion came closer and was almost attacking him, but she recognized him in time and let him approach. He nor she said anything as he took place besides her, his clawed hand slowly took her arm and gave a gentle squish in it.

"I have been a fool" She started, breaking the silence between them. "I should never believe they could help me forever and now I also dragged you to certain death" The coldness of her voice made Dion's heart jump "Do not say anything of that sort" He tried to calm her desperately but to no avail as she snorted "What are you talking about. You do not know anything about dragons you are just a human trapped in a dragon's body. you are no more useful than a hatchling would be" She growled at Dion, she rather saw him going then staying. "I know enough to know that they hunt you for no reason. They fear dragons, and why? Because you are powerful both in body and mind. It terrifies the humans to know any creature can overpower them. The only reason hunters have free roam is because you are not organized. Do you really want to give yourself up that easily without a fight"

He hoped to change the mood of Rakshasi, it certainly did that but not in the way he hoped for. She stood up angry and glared at him. she jerked away her arm and hissed "I will never give up without fighting but you? You are a log on my leg! You can't even run or fly! how I am supposed to win if I got you to care for and those wrenched eggs you brought with you?"_The hardness of her voice made Dion silence in pure shock, he did not know what to say to improve up on her mood. Maybe he couldn't, maybe he should go. _"If you think like that..." He started slowly "Don't let me ruin your changed to keep on living." He stood up and walked away slowly, a knot formed in his stomach. Every step felt like razorblades cutting in his feet just from the emotional pain.

It was night, Dion was walking around all alone. He had gone off the road not wishing to see any more humans. He left Rakshasi at the log near the village. His eyes grew more red with dried up tears. It was true he did not know her for longer than a day but she already took so much care of him. It felt horrible to not be able to do anything back. His vision had sharped making him able to guide himself through the forest on only a quarter moon. Dammed bushes; He growled to himself quietly. The night silence was only interrupted with the sound of an occasional owl or some wild gain fleeing for him. A gentle breeze grizzled the leaves of the trees from time to time, the spring breeze felt rather cold to his scales. A shiver ran down his scales, he now understood why dragons sought out caves to sleep in; this dammed body was too fragile for the cold. He wondered if and how dragons would life in the colder climates as the legends had told.

A shade passed overhead followed by a breeze of air. Dion could not focus fast enough to see what it was, just some distance away he heard something stump on the ground. He gave a low warning growl, his chest vibrated in the resonance. Unable to fight he hoped that the growl only would scare anything away that was nearby. Yet the form was approaching him, the sound of footsteps on the forest floor came closer and closer until he saw a winged figure standing in the shades of the trees. He could not make up what it was, thus he started growling and baring his fangs in an action that felt like second nature. "Dion pray to calm down it is me" The sweet voice of Rakshasi said in an attempt to calm him. she tried to hide her fear quite well but it still underlines the tone of her voice and the occasional hiss and growl she made.

"How did you find me?" Dion was partially happy and partially frustrated by Rakshasi's presence near him. he mirrored her steps towards him by stepping backwards, that is until he stumbled on a dead tree and fell backwards. His head struck the ground with a mighty blow and his vision became black just for a moment. The moment was long enough for Rakshasi to move over to him and glare down at him. "I hope you don't make a habit of laying on the ground for me to find you" Dion snorted a bit at the comment "And here I thought you wanted me gone" He replied frustrated, he was offered a hand. With a bit of help he stood back on his legs again, brushing the dirt of his face and body. "With hunters on the lose? No, I would never be able to life with myself knowing I let someone go who needs protecting." Her voice was low and sincere. "So you tracked me down? Now what?"

A fierce look sprung on the face of Rakshashi "I learn you to fight" Her voice growled low.