Fetish Tales Transformation Examples

Story by Zylen Andel on SoFurry

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?These were ideas given to by my dear friend Apollojay89 (over on Fa) for the purpose of practicing my transformation skills. I think I did well, so I wanted to use these tiny tales as examples.

The first idea i was given was to turn my sona Zylen into a frilly pair of panties.

The second idea was for me to turn another of my characters Ruby into a shoe.

All characters are (c) to their respective players.

The stories are (c) to me, Zylen Andel


Zylen into a frilly pair of panties-

Zylen felt his body flush with warm blood as he felt the familiar sensations of the magic surging over and through his body. There was a blush on his cheeks that only got deeper as looked down over his body, his feathers thinning and merging together to form a sheet. The darker sheet rippled and with wind that wasn't there and the peacock felt himself getting lower to the ground. He quickly climbed on the bed while he still could and lay on his back, imagining what he might be turning into.


Moaning was the only real thing that the squirming avian could do as his body went the way of his feathers, flattening and thinning. It might've appeared painful to anyone watching the transformation, but Zylen felt nothing but warm bubbly effervescent pleasure. His arms stretched up and his fingers found each other and laced together forming a circle over his chest. Zylen always found himself amazed with the transformation process and now was no exception as his arms moved up over his head, his legs merging together and folding up over him face - which is now where the center of his back used to be.

His body had shrunk to become a very thin strip of bright purple fabric, with his legs forming two separate holes. The rest of his body filled in the shape of what the former peacock had been turned into and then the realization came. He was now a pair of panties. But the transformation wasn't complete just yet. His wings had thinned and shrunk like the rest of his body had, but they had thinned even more into see through purple lace. They fell into place around the panties that he had been turned into. He had no idea how long he would stay like this, but he did know that it would a long while before he could breath fresh air.

"Y...you look really cute." Came a soft and undeniably feminine voice. It sounded nervous, as if she knew she was doing something wrong, but wanted to risk getting caught. The owner of the voice came into view with a shy smile, and blush to her plump cheeks. The cow picked up the new panties in her hands and smiled at them as she examined the new garment. Deciding that the underwear was what she wanted she sat on the bed, slipping her shapely legs through the holes and then stretching the panties up over her full ass cheeks. She blushed and smiled knowing that one of her friends was now pressed between her thighs. For Zylen, there was nothing he could see, but smell her body and feel the warmth of her folds against him. If he could've talked at this point - he would've told her to take her time on her date tonight.

~~F~~ I ~~N~~

Ruby into a shoe

"I'm here Zylen. What did you need?" The scarlet colored frog asked with simple inflections that spoke of his innocence. "Wow! What are you all dressed up for?"

Zylen smiled and gently hugged his friend, offering the sweet natured frog more than a few loving gropes. The peacock stepped back and stood silent for a moment choosing his words carefully and giving Ruby the opportunity to check him out. He was dressed to the nines, his hair wrangled and tamed into a sleek ponytail that ended between his shoulder blades. Covering his lithe and toned upper body was a crisp cream colored button-up shirt, broken only by the stark drop in color from a white vest. The brightness of the clothes offset the dark of the blue feathers that were still visible on his face and hands. His lower body, as lithe and toned as his upper body, was also covered in crisp clothing. The soft gray dress pants were neatly pressed and creased where they should be, held up by a black belt.

When Ruby looked down at his friend's feet, however, he noticed a problem. One his left foot was a sandal that he could tell had been specifically made for Zylen's foot. It had and open toe and heel so they peacock could have a shoe, but one that wouldn't hinder his talons. His right foot was bare and in that moment the poison dart frog blushed deeply and looked back up to his friend with realization on his face. "Oh...I see now."

Zylen grinned and leaned close to the blushing frog, a blush of his own staining his cheeks a soft purple. "If you didn't want to...I'd understand. I just figured that we'd both enjoy the night. Me being able to see the show I'm being invited to...and I doing anything you wanted me to for the rest of the night."

Ruby heard that words and gave the proposal all of three seconds of deep thought before replying, "I'd love to."

Zylen grinned wider and kissed the frog's cheek, pulling a red jewel from his pocket. The jewel shined with an ethereal glow that made Ruby shake with desire every time he saw it. The next second a warmth spread through the frog's body as the jewel melted into him. The magic released from the red stone spread quickly through his shaking body, but Ruby felt no pain and no urge to escape. Looking up into Zylen's kind maroon colored eyes, Ruby wanted nothing more than what was going to happen to him. The thought of being so close to the sexy scaled soles of the peacock's feet for the next few hours was making him feel even hotter.

Ruby felt himself starting to shrink and it a soft moan escaped his lips before the sound was silenced. His body shifting quickly from its sturdy structure as it was changed by the magic jewel. His mouth opened - and kept opening - forming a circle that he knew was about to be filled by Zylen's ankle. While he couldn't see everything that was happening, he could his body flattening and folding in on itself to form the cushioned bottom of the shoe. He closed his eyes and let the transformation take place, joyously feeling his skin becoming the same kind of leather that he saw on the shoe Zylen did have on. Finally, when he stopped shrinking, Ruby saw that he was looking at the ceiling. His body was done changing, but his mouth and throat were still shifting into their places. His tongue stretched and laid over the rubber his body had become to cushion Zylen's sexy foot. The thought was one thing, but now seeing his fate from his new perspective made the former frog feel so aroused.

"There now. Thank you for this Ruby. I'll definitely make it up to you."

Zylen lifted his foot and gently slid his toes into the mouth of the sandal, grinning softly. Ruby didn't know how, but he could taste the scales on the bird's foot and he would've moaned out loud if he could have. But then the rest of his sweet foot followed and he swallowed that crocodile scaled foot, not caring at all how long this shoe was - he was not in a rush for this situation to end.

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