From Dusk Until Dawn- Ch1 Past and Present

Story by SorraSongbird on SoFurry

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#1 of From Dusk Until Dawn

Well this is a story that my friend Karah (ill make a link as soon as i figure out how) commissioned me to do for her awhile ago. She asked that i post it here and continue the story so, uh, that's what im going to do. votes and likes are appreciated, Comments are idolized. Hope you enjoy it.

This is a work of pornographic fiction. Do not read if your age or laws speak against such actions. (That means you!)

In the year 2015 the world was plagued with a new and deadly disease. The diseases effects were quick, severe, and extremely fatal, spreading to nearly every country on the globe in a matter of months. The amount of infection and death caused a global pandemic ending most wars and quarrels between countries as they banned together to find a cure. The disease was like nothing the doctors had ever seen, being resistant to all current antibiotics and means of treatment, and quickly decimated the population of humans. Having an in incubation period of just 5 days and a death time of 3 weeks, nearly all infected with the disease were either killed or put in a coma.

In the year 2022 the head researchers on the disease announced that they had a cure for the disease that was now deemed PAC 3. They said that it has shown to reverse all effects in the test animals and even was able to reverse the effects of those that were in a comatose state. The disease had burned its way through the world killing off 1/3rd of the population so this news was like gift from god. The doctors offered a trial for the cure to the public and were astounded when nearly the entire population signed up. Picking 250,000 the vaccine was administered with astounding results. All of the people that were given the drug were cured of PAC3 in as little as 15 hours, even waking those out of there coma. The cure was deemed the miracle drug until strange side effects started being seen in the patients and the true nature of the drug was revealed.

CH 1 Past and Present

"Sarah!" Mom yelled in her usual overzealous voice. "You are going to be late for school!" I sighed to myself. Its the last day of my last year in school I thought. Why can't she let me be for at least one day?

Fighting against the urge to go back to sleep, I swung my legs of the bed and stumbled into the bathroom. Wincing as I turned on the lights I went through my usual morning routine. About 30 minutes later I came out of the bathroom feeling less like a zombie and more like an average person again. I shifted through my clothes for something to wear, gota make an impression on the last day of school I figured to myself.

I was in the midst of deciding to go with either my favorite t-shirt or a blouse I had just bought when I heard another high pitched yell coming from down stairs.

"Sarah!" mom yelled yet again. "Get down here now! I am not allowing you to be late just because its the last day!" I sighed again, quickly put on the t-shirt and the jeans I picked out and left my room before my mom exploded.

I smelled the makings of a monumental breakfast being concocted down stairs and rushed down the steps when I experienced the strangest dizzy spell i'd ever felt. I was about half way down when I could barely see had quickly held on to the railing to avoid falling. After about 15 seconds the dizziness went away leaving me confused and in a state of realization as to why they place that awkward bar on the steps.

Figuring it was just me still being sleepy I continued down the steps and into the kitchen where my mom was busy at work with some eggs.It smelled amazing. My mom was a great cook but never had time with her demanding job usually being gone by now. "What's the occasion?" I asked sitting down at the table and announcing my presence.

"Oh..." She replied with a start, mind obviously somewhere else. "Well I didn't have to be in at work until 9:30 so I figured you would like a special start to your day with it being the last one in school for you." She half smiled and quickly turned back to her cooking. She was obviously hiding something so I figured I should at least let her know that her acting was terrible.

"Mom, What's wrong?" I asked in as sincere a tone I could muster up at 7:00 in the morning. My mom turned around and looked at me for a second.

"I'm just worried Sarah." she finally said in a soft voice. "Everyone is getting sick and ... and i'm just worried." I closed my eyes, talking about PAC3 with anyone was depressing, even more so when involving my mother.

"We just have to stay positive, Mom." I said reassuringly " The doctors announced that a cure should be ready soon."

Yah, but, who knows how soon "soon" is and... do you know Jeremy Stevens is in the hospital?"

"What! When?" I asked in shock. Jeremy was our star school athlete, being the head of the basketball and football teams. He was also my best friends, we had just talked like tw days ago.

"Yesterday evening." my mom said snapping me out of my rampaging train of thought.

"Thats..." I started then my words caught in my throat, tears threatening to well up in my eyes. "How is he?" I finally managed to say, voice barely a whisper. My mom closed her eyes for a moment.

"The doctors said he is in better condition than most of the patients that come in" She stated flatly.

"Thats good right?" I questioned. "That means that he will make it through the disease?" my voice was just shy of begging. Jeremy had been my best friend for nearly 15 years and now here he was on the verge of dying.

"Sarah..." she started then paused, as if trying to say the best thing without hurting me. "lets just talk about this at after school, I'll take you to the hospital to see him." she handed my my plate of food, gave me a brief smile then exited the room. I sat there for a while lost in thought and poking at my food.

An hour later I found myself in my first period Physics class, sitting in my front row desk while trying to hold my emotions together. Our teacher decided to do us a favor and show a movie on the last day of school so everyone naturally ignored the movie and started talking about their plans after school and into college, going about their lives as if nothing is wrong. I felt cheated, Their lives were unaffected by the death that I was facing, the pain I was enduring. All I could do was stare at them in envy.

I tried to focus on as little as possible, trying to just coast through my day ignoring all of the "I'm so sorry about Jeff"'s that I kept getting. Before I knew it it was the end of 8th period, the last period of the day. The teacher was talking about something to do with making the right choices but all I could do was stare at the clock as it counted down. I mentally counted the amount of time it would take before I could go see Jeremy, the amount of time he had before he too left me.

The bell rang shocking me out of the dark and depressing place my mind had just gone. I sighed, picked my stuff, said my goodbyes, and left school forever. I contemplated going right to the hospital but decided that I should go with my mom, she was good friends with Jeremy's family as well and would like to see them. When I got home mom was sitting on the couch fully dressed in her business clothes, eyes red from tears.

When she saw me she put on a fake smile. "You ready?" she asked. The two small words never had more meaning in my life. Was I truly ready to go see my lifelong friend on his deathbed? Was anyone ready for that? I closed my eyes, trying to block out the one million and one images I was picturing in my head and uttered the simple "Yeah mom, i'm ready." and with that we left.

We arrived at the hospital 30 minutes later after one of the most awkward car rides of my life. She was becoming more and more paranoid, glancing at me everytime I sniffled and even stopping the car when I coughed once. Needless to say, that didn't help my nerves at all.

After checking in with the front desk were given our surgical masks and we headed back to the wing of the hospital now completely designated to those with PAC 3. I wanted to burrow deep inside my self as we heard all of the coughing and moaning of patients who had mere weeks to live wasting away in there beds. The nurse leading us stopped fairly quickly showing us a room only a few doors back from the entrance. This was a good sign, they usually move the most sick patients to the end of the wing to try to help limit the amount of exposure generated by their presence. We entered the room and I had to choke back a sob as I saw the frail semblance of my friend laying unconscious on the bed.

There was a doctor in the room, along with Jeremy's mother and father, both of which stood up and walked over us. They said words but I have no idea what the words meant. I couldn't focus on much of anything other then my friend in that bed. Someone must have directed a question at me because they were all staring in my direction. Between all of the looks and the feeling of seeing my friend in his withered state had all the blood rushing from my brain and soon enough the world went black.

I awoke to bright lights. Blinking several times I started to look around and after seeing the white bed sheets and random equipment I realized that I was in one of the hospital rooms. I must have fainted and been put in one of the spare rooms I thought to myself feeling silly that I fainted, i've never done that before. I pulled back the covers so that I could get out of bed and realized that not only were my clothes missing and replaced with hospital scrubs that I had an iv and other various medical thingies attached to my body. A bit extreme for just fainting don't you think? I asked to my self. I swung my legs over the bed and just as I was getting ready to get out the door to my room opened and a nurse walked in. The moment she saw me she went wide eyed and rushed over to me pushing me back down on the bed.

"Oh please, just lay down honey" she said in a voice not hiding her shock that I was awake in the least.

"Hey," I said, a bit confused at this reaction "I... um feinted maybe a few hours ago and was wondering why I am hooked up to so much stuff. I mean this is a bit of an exagger..." I trailed off as she just stared at me with a look of awe.

"It worked!" I heard her whisper to her self in a voice that was barely audible. "What?" I asked, feeling a little uneasy with the way she was staring at me. "What worked?" She shook her head as if my words broke her out of a trance she was in.

"Darling," she started and paused trying to think of the words. "You have been unconscious for more than a few hours. when you passed out we ran tests and found that you had PAC3. You were in a coma for 3 weeks."

"Wha..." was all I could manage to say. "I don't understand. I feel fine!"

"Its the cure, they finished it about 2 weeks ago." the nurse said still in shock "I can't believe it works!" She moved towards the door and after telling me to stay put quickly left the room, leaving me to my spiraling thoughts. I was had PAC3 and was in a coma! I thought astounded. I was in a coma for 3 weeks, thats just... wow. I looked at myself as best I could in the the position I was in in the bed. I looked fine, perfectly healthy. This can't be true I decided pinching myself, just to be sure. Just as I was about say some choice words from the pain I felt on my arm the door swung wide open and about 20 people filed into my room. There were doctors, reporters, my mom and some friends but the person who stood out the most was the one I expected to see the least.

"Jeremey?" I said in shock.

"S'up sarah" he said with a small smile.

After that I was filled in on what had happened. Apparently I had contracted the disease and had went into a coma, but luckily for me the research on the cure came through. I was cured! Cured from the disease that was threatening life as we knew it, and not only me. Everyone who got the vaccination recovered and most were restored back to how they were before becoming sick. The researchers never told us what the vaccine was and no one cared, at least until weird things started happening.

3 weeks later...

I awoke to the annoying buzz of my phone. I sat up and looked at the clock, 6:30. Who the heck is up at 6:30 in the morning during the summer? I thought and answered my phone. "What?" I answered, not even trying to hide my sleepy voice.

"Sarah!" Jeremy yelled in the phone. "Sarah wake up! turn on the news there's something seriously wrong"

"Calm down, i'm going." I said and flipped on my tv. The news flashed a lot of pictures of protesting people yelling and chanting something I couldn't make out. "What is this?" I asked Jeremy.

" Its... Sarah the cure for PAC3, there's something wrong with it" he said breathing hard and sounding strained.

" Jeremey are you, ok?" I asked, feeling worried.

"Yah im, Ahhhh.... No, no i'm not sarah you need to go get help" I could hear the phone drop to the floor along with the haunting sound of Jeremy moaning in pain.

"Hello? Jeremey?" I said to the phone. I stared for it for about another 20 seconds before it clicked. Jeremy is in trouble! I screamed in my head, Threw on some clothes and ran out the door, car keys in hand.

After breaking no fewer than five traffic laws, I arrived at Jeremy's house. I jumped out of my car and sprinted to the front door. The Stevens lived in a relatively nice neighborhood and usually left their front door open so I busted in, glad that his parents weren't home. I ran down the hall and straight into jeremy's room "Jeremy!" I Screamed, frantically searching for him.

"mmmm..." he moaned obviously still in pain "Sarah?" he asked from the bathroom. I breathed a sigh of relief, silencing my brain that was contemplating all the horrible situations he could be in and quickly walked to the door. I gently pushed open the door, and screamed. Sitting on the floor was a monster right out of a horror movie. "JEREMEY WHERE ARE YOU!?!" I screamed stepping back out of the bathroom, searching around for any quick escape route.

the monster just tilted its head up and looked at me with light green eyes, Jeremy's eyes. "Oh. My. God." was all I could say as realization dawned on me. Jeremey just gave me a strained smile, obviously still in pain.

"S'up... Sarah" jeremy said, his voice deeper and more raspy.

"What the heck happened to you" I asked voice barely a whisper. I walked closer to him and got a good look at his changing body. His face was still mostly normal but had sprouted what seemed like, well, fur. it was very fine on his head, black outlining his face and traveling down his nose while white filled in the rest. His hair had been replaced with a mane of fur that was coal black. I looked down and saw that the rest of his body had changed more dramatically. His shirt was off revealing a thick coat of fur covering his well toned body. It covered his stomach and arms in a creamy white which turned to black as it traveled around to his back.

His arms were also completely covered in the fur ending in hands that weren't hands anymore. They resembled paws, complete with sharp looking black claws and tough paw pads on his digits and palms.His legs must have been growing a full coat of fur as well as his pajama pants were full to bursting. I looked down a little bit further and gasped as I saw his feet were no longer human anymore. They had shifted and looked like dog paws. They looked more animalistic than his hand-paws did and had longer claws to boot.

"Jeremey" I started and paused not knowing what to say. "W-What happened to you?"

" It was the Cure Sarah it... they did something. Its been turning people into animals."

"When did this start? I don't remember anything like this yesterday." I asked completely confused. They promised that the cure was safe I pleaded with myself that they tested it and it was perfectly safe.

"it started a few hours ago," Jeremy started, grimacing in pain as shifted positions "almost everyone who got the cure has started changing and... O god Sarah, Its happening to you to." My eyes went wide in shock and I looked at him not believing the words he was saying. He just stared at me and after a few moments nodded towards the mirror on the wall. I walked over and stared at my reflection. At first I couldn't tell that anything was happening, I saw my same old reflection staring back at me. Then I saw it, My hair was fading from chestnut brown to a very light blond. I watched dumbstruck as my hair shortened and faded completely starting at the roots and going all the way to the tip in 20 seconds flat, continuing to lighten until it was white.

I started to feel an itching sensation on my arms that seemed to be spreading out from my fingers. I looked down and, much to my dismay, saw hair poking through my skin. It started at the tip of my fingers and started spreading down my hands and up my arms. I grabbed one of my hands against my arm and found the white hair... fur to be rough thick and very dense. I turned around and looked at Jeremey completely confused as to what and why this was happening, when I saw his fact. His nose had pushed out into a canine muzzle with a thick, wet looking black nose at the tip. His normal teeth had been replaced with the sharp looking teeth of a canine while his ears had migrated to the top of his head where they formed large triangular dog ears. His eyes went from light green to that haunting pale blue of a huskie. Huskie thats what he was I thought as realization dawned on me.

"Jeremey your face" I started "you've turned into..." just then the most intense pain I have ever felt rocketed through my entire body bringing me swiftly to the ground. I could feel the bones and muscles of my body writhing and contorting inside of me, quickly changing forms. All of my attention was drawn to my aching feet as my shoes started getting tighter and tighter. I cried out moving as fast as I could to get the offending pieces of clothing of my feet as fast as I could, all but ripping them apart in my desperation to get them off. My feet were covered in the white fur and I could visibly see the bones in my feet shifting, some growing longer other cracking and shortening. Soon my once human feet were very canine hind paws even growing paw pads on the under sides. The cracking and shifting left my feet and moved full force to my legs which painfully contorted in my pants.

The Fur spread, covering my entire body as the changes to my lower half came to completion, leaving me on the floor panting. I closed my eyes willing it to stop, willing the pain to go away, but of course things never work that easily. The pain just migrated up towards my head and I mentally prepared myself for the worst. I felt the bones in my face Mold like they were made of modeling clay, my nose elongating into a canine muzzle, the teeth inside molding too into canine incisors. I stared at it as it pressed out from my face and ended with a black nose. I hesitantly took a sniff and almost gagged when my senses were assaulted with smells that I had never smelled before, being stuck in a guys bathroom had never been so unpleasant. I shifted my weight trying to at least relieve the stress on my back and sit up when I felt an excruciating pain in my back. I jerked falling over on my side and looked at my back just in time to see a little furry nub rip through my pants and extend down my leg. The extension grew a lot of the same white fur, getting fluffy and soft looking. It took me a moment to realize that I had just grew a tail. A tail!

The excitement was short lived as I felt more changes in my face as my ears migrated from the sides of my face to the top of my head. As they painfully slid I heard a loud popping noise in both ears and suddenly went completely deaf. Panicking I sat up and looked around trying desperately to hear something. My ears settled to their places on the top of my head and with another loud "Pop" all my hearing returned and with a vengeance. With that the pain settled into a small buzz as the final changes of my body were completed, leaving me completely drained in both spirit and body. I closed my eyes, sprawled out on the cold linoleum floor, and drifted off to sleep, Worrying not about what just happened or how this would change my life forever.

When I awoke I was immediately aware of two things. First and foremost was that I was in a bed, wrapped in blankets and hot as hell. I could have sworn that I had fallen asleep on the floor or ... something. Guess it was just a dream? I thought. The second thing I realized was that not only did I not remember getting into bed, but that the bed and room I was in was not mine. From where I was laying I could see most of the room and instantly recognized the Gray-blue painted walls and posters of cars and various sports players. I am in Jeremy's room I confirmed looking around to be sure. How the heck did I get in Jeremy's room! I tried to remember what I did last night but was drawing a blank. Sighing I tried to get out from under the inhumanly hot blankets when I realized a third, more disturbing fact. I wasn't alone in the bed. Someone had their arm wrapped around my waist and was... well, spooning with me.

"Jeremy!" I growled, a sound I never knew that I could make, and pulled at the arms that were holding me, turning around to give him a piece of my mind. What my eyes saw caused me to freeze in shock. There, lying next to me was a dog creature, which was thankfully still asleep. The creature was covered with white and black fur, black covering most of its body with white on its stomach and neck. Its face was the perfect visage of a Husky, long narrow muzzle with a cute black nose with pointy ears on top of its head. It rolled on the bed towards her, pushing down the blankets a bit, as if trying to give me a better view. The creature had a very humanoid body, nothing like the dog its face resembled. Its arms ended in two very strange paws that resembled human hands but had paw pads and looked a bit stubbier. I continued looking down the creature's body and soon realized that the "it" was a he as I could see his canid sheath in its full glory between his legs.

Once I laid eyes on his sheath I couldn't take them away. I started feeling all hot and flustered thinking, thinking about what was housed in side. The way the little pink tip poked out made me want to just... Ew I can't believe I am even thinking about that I thought to myself, giving my head a shake. I forcibly averted my gaze, looking back towards his face to make sure he was still asleep before I got up to go call someone. To my horror, he wasn't. I yelped and shuffled back falling off the bed when I saw the husky creature staring at me with its pale blue eyes. I landed on the ground with a hard thud, hitting the back of my head rather hard.

"Sarah?" I heard in a deep, sleepy voice. I closed my eyes, opened my mouth to say something but, instead, just monad out in pain. After the haze of pain that clouded my vision faded I opened my eyes to see that the creature was leaning over the bed, staring at me on the ground. cringing with fear, I looked away hoping that that he wouldn't attack me. "Sarah? A-Are you alright?" the beast said in a vaguely familiar voice. That voice, sound almost like... I thought, slowly gaining confidence and turning to look at the monster again. His eyes instantly captured my gaze, holding it there for several moments. They weren't menacing and ferocious as I thought they would be but were almost, playful? Definitely familiar. I forced my gaze away from the intense eye contact to see that he had his muzzle open in a doggish smile. His expression reminded me of someone, the person whose room I was in.

"Jeremy?" I said hesitantly. It couldn't be him, this monster. I thought in disbelief. The dogs smile grew wider as he looked me straight in the eye.

"Sup Sarah." The do... Jeremy said.

"OH! MY! GOD!" I whispered almost inaudibly. "What happened to you?" I reached up to try and touch his face when I saw something unusual out of the corner of my eye. My hand was completely covered in white fuzz and ,upon closer inspection, I realized that my palms and fingers had grown dark pads of leathery skin. "the hell?" I gasped as I used one hand to touch at the blunt black claws that were where my fingernails should be. I was still studying my hands when a rush of memories from last night flooded back into my head. Memories of pain, of fear, of watching Jeremy turn into a monster, Of me turning into ... Oh Shit! I screamed in my head as my eyes exploded open and I sat up to examine myself and almost cried at what I saw. my entire body was completely covered in white fur. my feet were almost completely animalistic in appearance, having short broad toes with padded under sides and blunt claws similar to those on my hands. I saw movement and looked to see that I had a Large, bushy, white tail that was twitching back and forth on its own. Fearing the worst I reached both hands up slowly towards my face to find that my nose and mouth had extended out into a muzzle. "I-I am a monster." I said to myself tears welling up in my eyes. I suddenly felt warm arms wrap around me from behind and jumped, nearly screaming. "Shhh" Jeremy whispered, his face nestled in the crook of my neck. "You are no monster Sarah. You are, well, beautiful." I snorted at that and instantly regretted it. I was bombarded with a myriad of smells that I shouldn't be able to detect. The dirty clothes in the corner of Jeremy's room, the chocolate bar in his dresser, the smell of old pain on his walls... the smell of Jeremy's arousal. I looked down and became instantly aware of how naked I was. my boobs were covered with fur except for my black nipples, and between my legs my fur changed to a blackish hue where I knew my mound was.

I Yipped in surprise, jumping up and made my way towards the bathroom. I found walking on my new legs awkward to say the least, tripping and almost doing a front roll, landing hard on the bathroom floor. I quickly got to my feet and closed the door, making sure to lock it. I put my back against the door and raised my hand-paws to cover my face. "What on earth is happening?" I asked myself quietly, sliding down to a sitting position. I sat with my head between my knees for a few minutes trying to not think about my current situation when I heard shuffling on the other side of the door. I could head Jeremey get up and walk towards the bathroom, knocking softly.

"Sarah," he whispered through the door. "I-I didn't mean to scare you. I'll go into the family room, you can," he paused, as if trying to find the right words to say to me. "you can come out when you're ready." and with that I heard him walk out of the room, shut the door, and walk down the hall into the living room. Once he was gone I realized that I had tensed up and let out the breath I hadn't known I was holding. I started going over my situation in my head. Ok Sarah, you need to calm down I told myself lifting my head from my knees and looking at my self again. This... This could be worse. I could be... Well, you know, dead. I turned my hands around looking at my fingers and the claws that protruded from them. I sighed This isn't working... I told myself. I looked around the room seeing the mirror above the sink. Maybe if i look and see what has become of me i won't feel so, wrong. I stood up, pausing for a moment to gain balance on my new feet. Eh, its kinda like walking on high heels without the pain I thought to myself, chuckling a little. I made my way to the mirror and was stunned by what I saw in the reflection.

The creature staring back at me was canine in appearance, but not like a dog. More like a... "A fox," I whispered "i've turned into a fox... thing." I was still confused and startled, but after looking at myself in the mirror I wasn't nearly as afraid. The creature looking back at me didn't look menacing at all. It was, kinda cute. I was kinda cute. I groaned raising one of my hands up to rub my head, pausing as one hand touch my ear. All of this is making my head hurt I complained. Sighing I examined my face more closely. as with the rest of my body my face was covered with snow white fur. Two fuzzy vulpine ears sat atop my head and twitched every so often when I heard a noise. I reached up to touch one again and found the fur around them to be soft and thick. Great I thought i'm like a big stuffed animal. I removed my hand from my ears and examined my eyes which were a rich amber color, complete with the distinctive cat like pupils of a fox. my muzzle was more narrow that Jeremy's was, giving me a more feminine appearance, with long whiskers protruding from each side. I opened my mouth and saw that my canine teeth had elongated and my once flat molars had reformed into perfect canine teeth.

I moved one of my hands towards the mirror, watching how the reflection did the same, until the cool reflective surface could be felt on the pads my fingers and palm. I'm stuck like this I thought this is no dream, and i'm stuck. Jeremy's stuck too and he... I paused. I had known Jeremey my entire life. I also knew that he has recently been crushing on me pretty hard, which was always weird. I mean you don't fall in love with your best friend right? i justified in my head. Its taboo and, well just makes things awkward. He seemed to be coping with this whole body change thing fairly well. He has to be scared but I guess he is just making the best of it i thought. "I'll make the best of it too" I said looking my reflection in the eyes and with a nod of my head I decided to go and talk to Jeremy about this.

But first of all i need some clothes I thought, looking around and seeing what remained of my old clothes. They were in shreds, most likely ripping when i grew... Fur. I just can't get used to saying that! I sighed to myself. I cracked open the door of the bathroom, making sure that Jeremy was gone. seeing that he was true to his word and had left me alone in his room, I quickly shuffled over to his dresser and grabbed a large t-shirt and some shorts to put on. The shirt fit well enough, it was baggy so it covered my furry body comfortably, but my tail made putting on the pants a chore. Giving up I just pulled the waste line down and let my tail hang out over the waistband and made my way towards the door. I opened the door to Jeremy's room and was almost knocked back by the wave of smells that entered my nose. Jeremey was cooking breakfast and i could smell every ingredient of the Buffet he was concocting in the kitchen. There was the strong salty smell of bacon, the rich smell of coffee, the buttery aroma from pancakes and probably 100 other delicious smells. I rushed into the living room faster than I had intended to, being guided by my growling stomach. The Stevens household was laid out so that the only thing dividing the kitchen and the living room was a small island equipped with bar stools. This allowed my entrance to be within full view of Jeremy.

"You that hungry?" He joked looking at me with laughing eyes. My cheeks and, oddly enough, my ears started heating up as I started to blush.

"No! I-I'm just,uh... A little hungry." I said lamely feeling the heat grow in my ears.

"Well then" he said chuckling to himself, " come sit down, it's almost ready." He kept watching me as I walked over to the island and pulled a seat. "You, uh, feeling better, Sarah? He asked, ears lowering a bit and shoulders slouching. Those small movements spoke more to me then his words, telling of his concern and fear for my mental well being.

"I'll be ok" I said "Just wish I knew what the hell is happening" his ears perked back up and his eyes sparkled, telling me he was relieved and happy.

"It's that cure for PAC3" Jeremey said bringing two plates filled with food over. He gave one to me before sitting down with his plate. I dug in trying my best to eat the food in a presentable way given my new body. "Something went wrong with it." He continued, "everyone who got the vaccine turned into half human half animal people."

"Everyone?" I asked completely taken aback. The vaccine was given to hundred of thousands of people and now all of them are...

"Yah, pretty much. There are a few people who are still human but for the most part everyone is now an "anthromorphic humanoid" as the news likes to call us." He scoffed a bit at the name but there was a look of worry growing in his eyes. "The president said not to worry, that everyone should remain calm."

I stopped eating and asked "When did he say this?"

"Yesterday, after you passed out" he answered, Shoveling food into his mouth with his fingers, utensils long since forgotten. " after you finished... Turning, I put you in bed and turned on the news to try and see what the fuck was going on. People were rioting and protesting violently all over the news. Was so bad that Mr. presy decided to do an emergency press release telling the public that they were going to invest all their means and money into figuring out what happened and fixing everyone as soon as possible."

"That's good" I said relieved. Back to normal sounds good. I started eating again, giving up on using my fork and spoon to put the food in my mouth and started using my fingers like Jeremy. Muzzles weren't designed to use forks I justified to myself.

"Yah well, I think they said it just to get the riot to calm down. The part that really aggravates me is that once everything was calm the government said that to help ensure the safety of all the citizens, all athros are to remain indoors under threat of persecution."

"What!" I almost screamed. "They can't do that! I-I need to go home, I mean my family has to be worried!" They have to be worried, especially mom. "They can't, they can't do that." I whispered. I got up and walked over to the couch and flopped down. They can't just keep us indoors, can they? I thought. While I was thinking on what Jeremy just said I felt warm arms wrap around me second time , pulling me into Jeremy's chest. He rest the bottom of his muzzle on my head.

"It's going to be alright, I'm here for you" he said and raised my face up to look into his. His ears lowered a bit and his eyes found mine, becoming glued together. He leaned in closer to my face and... And licked my mouth and nose in one long slow slurp.

"The hell?" I asked shocked.

" I don't know" he said chuckling to himself "seemed like the right thing to do"

"Well it wasn't" I said laughing.

"Well, how about this" he asked and leaned in again, angling his head and pressing his muzzle into mine. He kissed me long and hard, long canine tongue exploring my mouth. All I could do was stare wide eyed as he played with my mouth. He pulled away and tried to judged my expression. Well good luck with that I thought because I don't even know what to think. I sniffed the air and caught the scent of jeremy's arousal again, spicey and very masculine, but it was mixed with something else. It was sweet and a little tangy and I knew it was coming from me.

I have always liked Jeremey and I've always know he liked me but we had always kept our feelings secret on the chance that expressing them ruined the friendship we both cherished. I looked into his face again and saw his pale blue eyes soften, full of compassion, love for me. A rush of strange feelings and thoughts coursed through me, telling me to embrace your mate and to show him how much you love him.

Heeding the words I leaned forward and copied the kiss he had given me. It was my turn to do the exploring and I intended to do a thorough job. I ran my tongue across his, gently touching the two sensitive organs together, before I rubbed against the roof of his maw. After a while we parted again. I looked away blushing again. I can't believe I did that I said to myself looking up at Jeremey.

" Sarah" Jeremey finally said in a hushed voice " let me show you how much I've always love you" those words had quite the effect on my body, causing me to heat up and crave his touch. All I could do was nod and cling onto him as he carried me back to his bedroom.

Once in his room he sat on the bed gently setting me down in front of him and started giving me a massage. Starting with my back he worked his way down slowly easing out kinks and knots I never knew I had. I groaned damn that felt good! His hand moved around, slipping under the large shirt I was wearing and started rubbing the fur on my stomach. It felt... Well it's hard to explain. It was kinda like someone scratching an itch that you've had for a long time and tickling you at the same time. He pulled me into his lap as his hands continued to explore my body. One hand traveled up my shirt while the other caressed the fur on my thigh, making its way to my quickly moistening spot.

"Jeremey I..." I started but my words caught in my throat as his hand found my mound. All I could do was whimper as he started to slowly rub my sensitive lips, causing the dark patch on my shorts to quickly grow. His right hand continued rubbing my pussy while his left found my sensitive nipple and was gently swirling a finger around it causing me to start to shiver from the pleasure.

Both of his hands suddenly stopped and I grunted out a protest.

"Calm down Sarah." He said with a devious grin Grabbing hold if my shirt and gently pulling it off exposing my breasts. He did the same to my shorts, then his shirts, slinging both of the side like two pieces of trash. He moved me so that my legs were hanging off the bed then ducked down with his head between my legs.

"Jeremy! Y-you don't have..." I started until I was shushed by Jeremey.

"Sarah please let me do this, God knows I've wanted to for so long" Jeremey almost begged. I opened my mouth to protest but was silenced when Jeremey gave her lips a long, slow, broad lick from bottom to top.

"Mmmm" was all she could manage, his lick were like fire. Each broad lick of his canine tongue sent sparks traveling through my entire body.

"Jeremy!" I gasped lost in bliss as his tongue parted my lips, delving inside and caressing my inner walls. The rough texture of his inhumanly long tongue rubbed my inner walls and with every pass drew me closer and closer to orgasm. He withdrew his tongue a bit only to use his heavenly organ to caress my clit. That contact pushed my limits and eventually overflowed as I orgasmed. Girl cum flowed out and soaked into the fur of Jeremy's muzzle, causing it to darken and lay flat. Jeremey kept on his assault, licking and rubbing my most sensitive areas. Moments passed and eventually my orgasm died down to shivers as Jeremey removed his muzzle.

He stood up and leaned over me eyes meeting mine shifted a bit closer until something warm was touching my thigh. I looked down and saw that he obviously enjoyed locking me more then he let on. His penis was protruding out of his sheath and was very canine in appearance. He lined up his tip so that the point of his phallus was barely touching my lips. It brushed past making me shiver. I looked up and saw that he was looking at me with his ears down and shoulders slightly hunched, waiting for my permission. I looked him in the eye and saw the caring boy I fell in love with.

"Please, just... Just go slow" I whispered hoarsely. He wasted no time. Almost as soon as the words left my mouth Jeremey pushed his hips forward slowly, so slowly, impaling her on his hot canine rod. He pushed until he met a slight resistance within my body, my hymen, and with one swift thrust stole my virginity. I gave a yelp as the pain of his entry was felt knowing that this pain was only temporary. Jeremey was watching me ,waiting for my signal to continue, and I nodded when the pain died down.

Jeremey pushed in all the way to his sheath and then pulled out, only to push in again going a little further. The feeling of his penis massaging my vaginal walls was an experience I've never felt before. He was going in an agonizingly slow rhythm, teasing my innermost parts.

"Faster!" I demanded short of breath. And Jeremey happily complied with a growl, almost doubling his speed. All I could do was moan while Jeremey plowed into me. I started feeling a hard swell start bumping into my entrance every time he thrust in. The swell was much larger than the rest of his penis and before I could question about it. Jeremy shoved his hips forward with reckless abandon.He let out a feral snarl as he bent down, drawing me into his arms placing his maw near my head. My eyes widened as he took hold of the loose skin of my shoulder between his teeth and started thrusting harder and harder, slowly forcing that swell into me.

He he kept thrusting until that bulb forced its way inside of me. I opened my mouth to scream but all I could do was make a high pitched "yipping" noise as his thrusts came faster and faster. And then I felt his cock bulge inside of me, pulsing warmth exploding into my abdomen. He was grunting against my shoulder as his rod kept propelling molten cum deep within me. The feeling alone triggered the most intense organisms I have ever had. I moaned long and hard as he continued to paint my insides, releasing an almost endless stream hot cum into me. With his penis still in me he released my shoulder and all but collapsed on me panting hard with his tongue out.

"I love you" he said still panting. He turned to look into my eyes, gave me a smile and licked the side of my muzzle. This time that lick felt like heaven. It let me know that I was safe, that I was loved,and that Jeremy, my Jeremey, was here for me. Would always be here for me.

We stayed like that, him softly licking my muzzle and whispering sweet nothings, for about 30 minutes. After his knot he pulled out of me and flopped onto his back, completely exhausted. I placed myself next to him, listening to his breathing slow. After a while I started rubbing between his ears watching his chest slowly rise up and down as he slept peacefully. Jeremy. My Jeremey I thought smiling and drifted off to sleep.