A Familiar Apprentice 11

Story by danath on SoFurry

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#11 of A Familiar Apprentice

Continuing the story of Takajit, the tiger apprentice and familiar, and his teacher, Sul'ava, a powerful dragoness.

When I woke up the next morning, I was in the study with Sul'ava. Shi was laying half on top of me, arm arms wrapped around my midsection. Hir head pressed against my chest as I stroked hir deep blue hair slowly, purring softly as I watched hir sleep.

Shi really was beautiful. Graceful features, a long mane of silky hair, and the perfectly smooth, supple scales across hir body. I sighed and leaned my head back against the soft rug we lay on, smiling at my good fortune.

"Mmm... Taka?" Sul'ava said, blinking hir eyes as shi awoke.

"Good morning, teacher," I said playfully, grinning at hir.

"What time did we finally sleep last night? I didn't get in till near morning..."

"I think the sun was up by the time you let me sleep," I said teasingly.

"Oof... I'm not used to these late nights," shi muttered, hugging against my body more tightly. I purred, feeling hir scaled fingers sliding across my fuzzy chest. "Probably after noon already."

"Probably," I agreed. But I certainly didn't mind spending more time close to the dragon.

Shi grinned and kissed me on the cheek. "Come, let's get something to eat," shi said, getting up slowly and stretching. "I'll tell you how the visit to the village went."

I nodded and shi helped me to my feet. We went to the kitchen, and in a few minutes, shi had a meal ready for us. I made some sandwiches up as shi leaned back in hir chair and grinned at me.

"It must have gone well," I said, handing hir a plate from the cupboard. "You're in a good mood."

"I am," shi said, taking a bite of the sandwich. "Fixed the well up properly, and all the townsfolk - well, all the younger ones, at least - apologized for what happened. They understand now."

"That's good," I said, sitting down. I picked up a sandwich and took a bite as shi continued.

"Yes, and now we have at least one friendly town nearby where we can get supplies, if we stay here much longer."

"We're going to leave soon?"

"Yes, I don't want to be around this place too much, even if I'm starting to put it behind me," shi said, looking down momentarily. "But unfortunately, we won't be going far. One of the villagers gave me something that has to be dealt with soon."

Shi stood up, wiping a few crumbs from hir snout, and pulled the cloak shi wore the previous day from the floor where shi'd dropped it last night. Reaching into the pocket, shi withdrew a black rock wrapped in silk.

"This was my... my father's pendant," shi said, setting it on the table. "It's dead now - empty. Which usually means the owner is dead. Unfortunately, it's got the signs of a power transfer, which means my father may still be alive. It's hard to tell for sure."

"So we go look for him?" I asked. "I thought you wanted to avoid him, after all this time."

"If his pendant is truly dead, and he is as well, I have to know," Sul'ava said, staring at me intently. "I have to know for sure."

I just nodded my head. "I understand."

"Good. We'll leave tomorrow morning," the dragon said. I could see hir tail twitching and knew shi was feeling agitated, hir good mood suddenly gone.

"Well, we still have today," I said, smiling. "Don't worry about tomorrow quite yet, alright?"

Sul'ava smiled and nodded. "I'll try," shi said. "How far did you get on those books?"

"Through a few of them. There's a lot of information. But I understand much more about the pendants now."

"Good. Why don't we practice something?" shi said mischievously.

"I'm sure you have something in mind," I said, flicking my ears at hir. "You usually do, it seems."

"Well, it so happens I do! And I think you'll enjoy it." Shi grinned at me broadly and held hir hand out as shi stood up. "Let's go back to the study."

"I don't think the carpet is dry yet," I said, making hir laugh.

"Oh, don't worry about it. Now, come with me."

I took hir hand as shi led me into the study, but instead of heading for the desk, shi just spun me against the wall and kissed me hard.

I gasped as hir tongue pushed into my muzzle and automatically slid my paws across hir hips, shuddering as shi pressed tightly against me. My erection was near instantaneous as I squeezed hir hips, feeling the supple scales against my palms.

"Mmm... first lesson on how to use your pendant," shi murmured, breaking the kiss. "Like I said when we made it, sexual energy can be helpful when casting, and the pendant can store some of that energy. So we're going to recharge you, essentially."

I nodded, panting, as shi ground hir hips forward, making me moan loudly.

"Good thing you're a quick learner," shi purred throatily, nuzzling my neck. "You never last all that long."

"And whose fault is that?" I gasped, feeling hir teeth graze my sensitive neck.

"Mine, I suppose, though I hope you won't think less of me as a teacher," shi said, smiling, worries forgotten for the moment as shi pressed against me.

I slid my paws upwards, over the sides of hir heavy breasts, then over hir shoulders, groaning as I felt the dragoness's thick shaft push up into my belly. I never tired of the feeling, and hoped shi wouldn't either.

"Now, tune into your pendant," shi whispered. "Feel it against your chest. Listen to it - it's made from your essence, so only you can tell what it's saying to you."

"You mean... ha, it's going to start talking?" I gasped. Hir paw was none-too-subtly kneading my rump now.

"No, but it's got its own special language," shi said, rumbling deep in hir chest. "You'll know what I mean... just try it."

Though it was difficult with the dragoness's supple body sliding against me, I focused on the diamond. I was surprised when almost immediately I could feel it warm up, growing several degrees hotter than my fur was.

"There it is," Sul'ava said. "I can feel its power now too. Now, push your energy into the pendant. It's hard to describe, but you'll know when you're doing it right."

I nodded and leaned my head back against the wall, trying to concentrate. Sul'ava's mouth flitted over my neck again, making me shiver. But I kept up my focus on the diamond and tried to feed it energy the same way I would normally cast a spell, like I had starting the fire a few days back.

I started with surprise when the diamond grew hotter. I could almost see the magical energies flowing into it, wrapping around my body and Sul'ava's on their way to the core.

"I think... I think it's working," I gasped.

"Good... now, fill it up, but don't go too fast," Sul'ava whispered.

I shivered again as I pushed a little more strongly, feeling myself powering up the diamond pendant. It nearly glowed against my chest and I could feel the heat it put out. But Sul'ava was right - I could feel it filling, almost like filling a glass with water from a jug. I kept going until I knew the pendant could hold no more before relaxing.

"I think... I think I'm done," I said.

"You did good," Sul'ava said, pulling me tightly to hir. "You don't have to be doing what we are to recharge, but it's more fun this way and takes less time."

"Definitely more fun," I said, smiling.

"Definitely," shi murmured, pressing hir muzzle to mine. I gasped into the kiss as hir fingers wrapped around my erection. I groaned and leaned into hir, sliding my paws down hir backside and hips, as shi slowly stroked me.

I shuddered and, without warning, came hard. The intensity and suddenness shocked me as a moan escaped my lips.

"Feel better?" Sul'ava asked, smiling. "Using sexual energy like that can create these kinds of situations, another good reason to use pendants instead of depending on finding a willing partner."

"I see," I said, gasping. My legs were trembling from the force of my orgasm, but the desire and need was still present.

"You'll get used to it," the dragon said, smiling broadly.

I shuddered again as hir fingers left my still-throbbing erection, instead sliding around to my rump. Shi pulled me in close again, kissing me deeply. I could feel hir erection, thick and hard, pushing against my belly.

I grinned as I slid against hir, down to my knees. I purred as I moved downwards slowly, taking my time to enjoy the taste of hir scales on the way. Pausing to kiss at hir heavy breasts before licking the middle of hir belly, I let my fur slide along hir throbbing shaft, listening to hir heavy breathing, before finally lowering my lips to the thick glans topping hir enormous shaft.

I purred heavily as my lips pressed to the tip, shivering as I felt the large cock jump at my touch. Sul'ava hissed with pleasure as shi watched, I knew, as shi always did.

Pulling the big shaft slightly more horizontal, I closed my eyes and slowly pushed my muzzle around the thick head, purring as hir heavy scent flooded my nostrils. I inhaled deeply as I pushed down around the shaft, tasting hir thickness and seed as I went.

I let my paws wander, sliding first down the shaft, feeling its length and smoothness, before moving them to cup the dragon's heavy balls, then up, over Sul'ava's smooth belly and hips.

The dragon let out a moan of pleasure and slid one hand down over my ears, stroking my head as hir other went to the wall, holding hir steady as I pushed my muzzle more firmly down around hir thick erection. I loved pleasuring hir in this way, feeling the thick dragonstalk push down my muzzle; I enjoyed hearing hir gasps and moans, knowing I was doing that to hir. The payoff, I knew, was pretty fun too.

I slid my fingers down along hir thighs, letting my claws scrape lightly against the scales. I breathed heavily through my nose, luxuriating in hir scent, as hir thick erection trickled thick pre-cum over my eager tongue. The taste was strong, but enjoyable, and I started to suckle. I was rewarded with a stronger dribble and another moan from the dragoness towering over me.

I glanced up and, seeing the expression on Sul'ava's face, grinned despite the thick shaft pushing down my muzzle. Seeing my own expression, Sul'ava shook hir head and gripped my ears, pushing forward with hir hips playfully.

I lowered my eyes and closed them, refocusing on the task at hand. Even dragons look silly when they think no one is looking, I thought to myself, as I shivered again and brought my paws up to the base of Sul'ava's fat erection, stroking the pale blue flesh with my paws, milking it for more thick pre-cum.

Sul'ava growled with pleasure and shifted hir hips forward, pressing hir shaft into my muzzle. I purred heavily before the thick cock blocked off my throat. The dragon pulled back, then pushed back in. I shifted my legs, getting better position to receive hir thrusts, and shivered again, loving how wide and thick hir erection felt as it slid across my tongue.

Closing my lips tightly, I kept one paw pressed around the base of hir erection, though I was hardly able to reach a little more than halfway around. The other paw I used to grip hir hip and pull hir forward, encouraging hir thrusts. Shi tightened hir paw on my head fur and groaned as shi obliged, pumping forward more deeply, then pulling out till no more than the very tip of hir shaft was left in my open muzzle.

I gasped for air as shi pushed in and out like that over and over, feeling how hard shi was becoming, how hir pale-blue erection throbbed, spurting thick pre-cum now, as shi pumped forward and back. I did my best to meet hir thrusts as shi pulled my head forward, grunting as shi started to work the thick head a bit deeper into my throat.

I relaxed as best I could, and squeezed hir cock tightly with my paw. Shi pushed in heavily and held hirself there, just pushing against my throat, until the thick head slipped past. I gasped as shi pulled back, but barely had time to think before shi did it again, then again.

I could hear hir growls of pleasure and tried to keep up, but it was difficult - Sul'ava was large, almost too large, but I wanted to do my best to please hir.

I let myself go almost as a ragdoll as hir growls rose several pitches in volume and frequency. Hir hips pushed more urgently now and I could tell shi was well on hir way to a messy release. Gasping for air when I could, I released hir shaft and put both paws on hir hips, stabilizing myself as best I could as hir hips pistoned, thrusting hir thickness into my muzzle and throat deeply over and over again.

Finally, after what seemed an eternity, shi let out a deep, guttural moan and, gripping the sides of my head tightly with both paws, slammed forward hard, almost seeming to lose hir well-maintained control. Hir cock plunged into my mouth and down my throat, farther than before. I felt the blast swell up hir shaft, rolling through hir erection, until it exploded down my throat. I swallowed convulsively, unable to do anything else as shi pushed deep enough that my lower lip pressed against hir heavy balls.

I started to see stars by the time shi pulled back, and gasped and coughed as more thick ropes of dragonseed jetted over my muzzle and tongue. The dragon's fingers loosened as I bent over, coughing uncontrollably for several moments.

"Oh... Taka... I'm sorry, it was just... hah..."

Sul'ava could hardly manage a sentence as hir cock continued to pulse, shooting thick streams of dragonseed over me.

I managed to recover enough to grin and slide my sticky paws over hir thick stalk, stroking it quickly, and wrapped my lips around the flaring tip, eagerly sucking down hir seed. Shi groaned again, but the flow soon died to a dribble as I licked my lips clean, and purred heavily.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be too rough," shi said, breathing hard.

"It's alright," I purred, grinning again. "Just so long as you remember I need to breath!"

Shi grinned back at me. "I think we made a bit of a mess," shi said. "Should we take a bath?"

I slid my paw over hir messy erection, still hard, and leaned in to give it a long lick, feeling incredibly naughty as I tasted hir cum again. "Later," I said, purring.

"Two things, Taka," Sul'ava said, moaning lightly as I resumed my attentions to hir slick dragonstalk. "First, you are a bad influence on me. Second, there is a spell that allows a person to hold their breath for much longer than normal..."