Isiat's Biography, or something like it.

Story by Isiat Squire Carcer on SoFurry

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A Quick introduction (And far more informative) to my primary Fursona/Character, Isiat Squire Carcer. This is more simply a biography on his life, likes and interests, from which you can draw your own conclusions about him as a person. Enjoy!

Well, after looking Isiat's profile over, and realizing that it is disastrously out of date, I figured it was about time I posted up an up to date version of it for reference purposes. For reference, Isiat is a Arctous Keynari, a species of my own brain child, that can be read all about in the 'Encyclopedia Keynaria' within my stories gallery!

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Isiat was born in Leeds, England, in the Spring of '74, the elder of a set of twins. Born at the underground research facility of his species simply designated KFR - Leeds, he grew up living quite a sheltered life, with minimal exposure to the surface world, living as much of his species do entire within the secure confines of their hidden cities. After his fourteenth birthday, He got his first taste of life on the surface, and was immediately hooked. As soon as he was able, he left the comfortable life inside the facility and signed himself away to the Royal Marine Corps.

The Next twenty odd years of his life were dedicated to his job; Soldiering was something that came natural to Isiat, who had always had a fascination watching the garrison of troops at the facility drill and train. He held a certain admiration for them, and for their rigid adherence to order and discipline. However, being somewhat of a rebelious child, those traits didn't come quite so quickly to him. Spending the first year of his career being shouted at by instructors and officers alike, when he earned his first promotion, something in him changed. He gave to the troops beneath him as good as he had gotten, and quickly earned a reputation as a fierce fireteam leader, and then as a fierce section leader as the promotions continued to roll on. His entire conduct changed, and from an undisciplined little shit who had first joined, by the time he was first deployed to a combat zone he already wore sergeant stripes on his shoulders.

Troops who knew him often described him as a reliable leader, dedicated to the corps and to country. As soon as he returned back to England, without taking so much as a moment to catch his breath and enjoy his leave, Isiat was already filling out paperwork to apply for special forces training, hellbent on reaching as far as he could with his chosen career. Once he was approved and completed his commando training, he went on to take another tour during the Gulf War, before returning home after sustaining injuries and just as quickly moving on for S.A.S selection. It was a move he did not regret, and during his time with the 'Elite of the Elite', his rank and reputation continued to grow, until he achieved the high point of his career as a Major. With the better part of two decades of service under his belt, several medals, and a diagnosed case of PTSD, as well as a slight limp in his right leg, Isiat was finally discharged in late 2009.

Suddenly free to pursue other avenues of work, he declined the offer of doing something different, and instead signed on with a private contracting firm, running security for wealthy clients in combat zones. It was on one of these contracts that he met his wife, Shadi, and in early 2013, they were married at a ceremony in the Australian wine country where they honey mooned.

Isiat is loyal to a fault, both to his country and to his wife. Oft times he can come off as having a nasty cold shoulder, but he is typically an approachable and fun vulpine to be around. He has a flurrying bundle of twenty one tails, (His species grow more as they age) That he keeps in a braid or strapped across his back most days, but due to some shrapnel injuries in a few of them, he doesn't like them being messed with. He has a nick out of his right ear from a close call with a sniper, and often because of it, he can seem wary or over cautious at times. On the flip side, he also has a bad habit of tossing caution to the wind in the name of doing things he'll likely regret later, such as sky diving and other 'thrill-seeker' activity.

Ever an image of class however, when in public, he likes to stay well dressed and presentable, and can often be found nursing a glass at many of the local establishments. This is a habit he's been trying to kick, as he has struggled with some 'minor' in his words, alcohol abuse since his retirement from the armed forces, where he would often keep a flask of scotch on his kit to help 'take the edge' off of some of his older wounds. Still though, he drinks in moderation, never letting himself go overboard completely, much preferring to be in control of his mental state by sheer force of will. He likes to think he's more charming than he really is, but he does seem to have a certain level of charisma from his time as an officer, and he always makes an attempt to come off as polite, prim and proper, and can at times be quite the gentleman. In his spare time, Isiat enjoy's Golf, Swimming, Reading, Gaming and playing with his Son, Hunter, the newest addition to his little family, whom he values above all else. Also an avid writer, he enjoys spending long hours thinking up wild scenarios and plots to put to paper, but often has far to many ideas to write them all down. Regarding his faith, he is a member of the Church of England, and holds his beliefs dear to him.

Often times, he feels older than he really is, especially when he is sparring in the arena against comrades. Still, it would be unfair to call him out of shape, as physically, he maintains a very athletic figure, and often takes long jogs or swims to maintain that peak physical level. As an afterthought, he also keeps himself fit through his fights, which he considers a 'Spot of good sport', though the injuries he takes often outweigh any potential benefits of the physical activity. Primarily, he tries to avoid getting hit as much as possible. Other times, he views it as a way of keeping his PTSD in check by routinely confronting it, and it seems to have been working well for him thus far. Physically, he has several nasty scars beneath his fur (as well as numerous other scars that are harder to see) from an assortment of injuries. He has three bullet wound 'knots', as well as a long scar down his right leg when he was forced to grapple with a knife wielding combatant during an ambush.

He can be somewhat reserved in approaching strangers, preferring much like his training to simply hold a position or a seat and let others come towards him. He always takes corner seats when they're available so to have the best possible view of a room, and he dislikes being sneaked up on. He often gets lost in thought, and is easily distracted when left to his own devices, but when he does get involved in conversation, he can be a very lively and active participant, never afraid to share his thoughts on a topic or his experiences where they are relate-able. His favorite interests relate to his time spent in the service, but aside from that he openly will discuss just about anything with an open mind (and mouth) until the cows come home.

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