The Lion Speaks Up

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#40 of Confessions of a Gay Porn Star

Jimmy confesses.


A bit different format this time - hope you enjoy this, and do feel free to add you questions! :P


Hello, guys! I've received so many questions about my career and my life at the moment, lol, so I thought I'd run past a few of the most popular one sand try to answer them truthfully. Some of these got me a bit hot and bothered,, I guess! Don't mind if some of these were a bit naughty, or if my answers got out of hand.

So what's your real name lol?

  • I go by Jimmy in my memoirs, but my real name's only written on my driver's license and I'm not going to put that online, sorry. So I've got a penname lion name who's got stage names. Heheh. This is getting a bit confusing. I want to protect the privacy of my family, which would consist of Kurt and me at the moment.

So where do you live, dude? Can I hook up with you?

  • I live in Los Angeles with my lovely husband Kurt. I always like meeting new furs, but only on a friendly basis.

So...*whimper* monogaymous?

  • In my experience, a closed relationship has been the only way for me to get the kind of an emotional commitment I need from a relationship. Looking back from things in the past, they really were nothing more than extended hook-ups.

Not even for a wild night of threeway fun?

  • As an ex-sex-addict with a regular partner, I'd prefer not to mess things up. So, sorry about that. Kurt isn't too keen on the idea either. And believe me, we have talked.

Would u ever do porn again?

  • I get the occasional offer, but I have turned them all down. I don't have any plans to return to the adult entertainment industry in any capacity, and probably never will.

So how did you end up doing porn?

  • I guess I thought the idea was hot, and once I got a few shoots and then an exclusive contract, I guess I just ended up doing it and liking it and...yeah. Where did 20 years go? Lol.

Is making porn hot?

  • I did get off from being watched while doing it, but the actual sex is mostly pretended, and has very little to do with anything normal furs do with their partners. It's all make-believe.

How do you become a porn star?

  • Most studios are always looking for new talent. I'm sure going to any porn site gets you a link to a recruitment page. That is, unless you only go to one of those pirate sites.

But how do you become a STAR? I know most furs call all of them porn stars, but how do you become a real star?

  • How does anyone ever become a star? I don't know. Maybe it's just that every now and then someone embodies the fantasies of so many furs that somehow they end up getting more attention than the average performer. It really depends. I don't know how I became a star for a while. I just knew that there was steady for me for 15 years because of whatever assets I had. I've thought about it a bit but I'm not sure what really happened. Maybe there was some good marketing there.

Did you ever hook up with any of your co-stars?

  • What do you think? Yeah.

Is that common?

  • For getting laid, yeah, sure. There tends to be a lot of parties and a lot of horny guys.

Do you prefer good looks or intelligence when it comes to a guy?

  • I'm probably a really shallow guy and say that of course I notice looks first...but I suppose in a relationship it's all about personality, and chemistry you got with that special fur.

Was it ever hard to get it up (lol!) while doing porn?

  • That happens to everyone at one point or another, and yeah, to me too

Dude did you use to do porn with the name of Benny or something?

  • Yep. I did about half of my career under the performer name Benny Thicker.

Did you ever have sex with a celebrity?

  • I don't know how you define a celebrity, lol.

Do you ever get recognized?

  • Rarely nowadays. Sometimes, though.

What's the best part of being a porn star?

  • You get paid? I don't know. It all seems like it was another life, looking back to it now. I'd have to think about that a bit more, I guess.

Are u a top or a bottom? Seen you do both on porn.

  • I consider myself versatile, and I enjoy both, yeah. Maybe I'm bit more of a bottom nowadays. But that's just talking about anal sex. Dunno if there's much of a difference in everything else.

Do u and your bf enjoy dom/sub play? U like bondage?

  • We've roleplayed a bit but our relationship does not have any kind of a dom/sub dynamic, no. I've done bondage, but it's not a personal kink, no.

Do you have any dirty fetishes? ^^

  • Well I'm an exhibitionist, I like people seeing my body and watching me have sex. Not of the kind to flash myself in a park to schoolkids, so you're all safe, lol. I guess I'm pretty vanilla besides that.

Do you like canines? Please say u do!?!

  • Heh, sure I do!

What's ur favorite movie?

  • Uh...I'm not sure. Seen so many. Forgotten so many. Heh.

What does ur boyfriend Kurt think about your porn past? Is it a turn on for him?

  • It's just part of who I am and what I used to do for a living. I don' think it matters much to him, sexually.

Would you feel shocked if your boyfriend wanted to do a three-way maybe?

  • I'd probably be, yeah. We're pretty exclusive.

What's the biggest cock u ever saw?

  • Something like 14 inches on a horse....surprise, surprise.

Do you have sex toys? Lol :P

  • We have a few, yeah, nothing embarrassing about that.

Ever had sex at your workplace?

  • All the time? Hahah.

Does ur family/your boyfriend's family know you did porn?

  • My family knows, yeah. Kurt's family knows I did modeling, but we haven't talked more about that. I don't talk about it with my family, because there's nothing much to say about it now that it's over. I haven't been disowned because of it or anything, though.

Have u ever had problems because of your porn past like with jobs or?

  • I suppose the biggest problem is that I don't have education or a real profession at the moment. Never had the time for it. Wasn't really interested either when the porn money was coming in. But that's about it, I think.

Did u ever get paid for sex or hustled?

  • I've had many offers. Didn't go for it, though.

What's your favorite color?

  • Heheh. Various shades of blue, I think.

Ever thought of having kids?

  • We have talked about it, but it's not really something we are considering at the moment.

How do you keep in shape?

  • I do gym three times a week and go swimming. I've had to ease off running because of knee surgery.

Do you regret doing porn?

  • I wouldn't say exactly regret, but I could have made some different, possibly better choices in my life, yeah.

Well this is pretty blunt but what's your favorite sex position and why?

  • Hmmm...I guess I like classic doggystyle, and spooning, and missionary. I'm not weirder than that, I guess. I like positions where you can hold your partner and kiss and touch and do stuff. It's something I like, yeah. In porn, obviously, the positions are chosen to maximize visibility of the action to the cameras.

Did it hurt to get DPd on that one video I saw?

  • I think my butthole still remembers that video.

Is it hot to have group sex?

  • You'd be surprised how it feels in the end. I've had sex with multiple partners, though. Years ago.

What advice would u give to anyone thinking of doing porn?

  • Think twice about it, and then again. It can be a good industry but it's also a hard industry and you have to work hard and give up your privacy for it. Those videos and photos will be on the internet forever. Same goes for posting amateur stuff anywhere. Anyone can technically get to see it, and there's always the chance that even if you took it down, someone already copied it and is now spreading it on the internet. Seen it happen so many times.

Sometimes on your stories you've said that your cock is only 8 inches not 9 is that true it looks so big on video!!!

  • It's just a hint over 8 inches, but we rounded it up to 9 for advertising purposes. Camera angles mean a hell of a difference.

Have u ever had cosmetic surgery done or something? You look so different between Lance and Benny!

  • Have never had any cosmetic operations done to me, no. The difference is between fur styling and me gaining a lot more muscle mass, and a bit of acting, too, even though I'm not much of an actor.

Are you gay or bi or gay for pay?

  • I've had sex with women but I know that I'm into guys only, really. Have worked with all categories of furs, though, if you believe in labels.

Is it true that straight guys do gay porn?

  • I've done porn with guys who identify as at least mostly straight, so the answer would have to be yes. Whether you have to be gay or really sexually interested in guys to do gay, I don't think so. Some guys do it, I know as much.

Is that a turn-on?

  • I haven't ever thought about it much, besides purely physical things like whether someone had a great body or something.

Do u have a favorite video you did ?

  • I made so many, and it's been a long time since I watched them. I mostly just remember the personalities of the guys I worked with, some do stand out.

Do u get turned on by watching ur own porn?

  • I do, yes. All part of the showing off fetish, I guess.

You're a hot daddy-lion do u like twinks?

  • I do like twinks : ) Though my husband isn't one, heheh.

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