High School Memories

Story by Gorefang on SoFurry

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I ripped the piece of paper off my locker tossed it away. The image upon it was still flashing in my mind's eye, creating a disturbing, uneasy feeling in my gut. I walked down the freshly swept hallway of the school I had spent 3 years in so far looking in all directions for Rick like a kid who had lost his parents in a store. I finally turned a corner and saw him packed into a group of his friends, talking about the latest football game.

Rick was an all-star, he was an amazing running back, and the team could always depend on him to get them through in a pinch. This also made him quite popular, despite his well-known sexual preferences.

I reached up behind him and grabbed his shoulder to turn him around. "Hey Rick, can I talk to you for a bit...in private?"

His groupies were all looking at him then back at me. "Sure thing, Gore." He looked back at his 'friends' and gave a little wave goodbye.

When we got back around the corner I stopped him and looked into his emerald eyes, trying not to cry. "Some bastard drew a picture of me on fire and wrote 'Burn in Hell Fag!' over it, then taped it to my locker."

Rick saw through my defenses and embraced me, the warmth of his fur always made me feel more comfortable. "I'm...so sorry, Gore." His voice sounded a little shaky.

I looked up to see he had tears forming up in his eyes, the way it made them glisten hit me with a mixed feeling of awe and sadness. "It's okay, Rick. This kind of stuff really shouldn't bother me anymore, but I just can't get it out of my head. For some reason...my imagination actually brought the picture to life. I felt like I was burning..."

He let go to wipe a tear from his cheek, it almost hurt to see him do it. "Why? Why do they always pick on you?"

I just shrugged at the question; I really didn't have an answer. "I haven't the slightest clue, but my first guess...would be that the majority of this school loves you for what you do in sports."

His ears flattened and he lowered his head a bit, I could tell what I said made him feel guilty, and I hated myself for it. "Yeah, I guess you're right. I don't care about sports, I'll quit right now if they think they're going to get away with picking on you like this."

I couldn't have hoped for a better response, the seriousness in his eyes now was making my heart skip beats. "No way, you have to keep doing sports, Rick. You've been at 'em for your entire life."

The look in his eyes calmed, much like wind dying down after a storm passes. "You know I'd do anything for you, Gore...right?"

I reached up and licked at his chin, loving the tickling sensation it gave me. "I know, so do me a favor and don't worry about me unless the situation really calls for it. I'll be fine, and I want you to keep doing what you love."

He giggled a little to himself. "I love you, does that one count?"

I gazed back into his eyes, losing myself in the tranquil green. "Are you really trying to earn brownie points here?"

He kissed my nose and started walking back around the corner, beaming a big, bright smile at me. "Of course, never know when those may come in handy."

I laughed inwardly all the way back to my locker; Rick couldn't help turning any bad situation into a comedy. I loved him even more for being able to make me laugh when I wanted to cry. I grabbed what books I needed and made for Room 203, Physics with Mr. Engstrom.

He was a tall, brown fox. The funny thing was he was only 5 years older than we were. Fresh out of college and already teaching a high school class, something most teachers would dread since we older kids had a reputation for being disobedient and rambunctious. But this guy was just as childish as we were which made the class all the more fun to be in.

We were doing some crazy experiment, timing how long it took objects of different masses to fall from point A to point B, momentum. I was volunteered to be on top of the balcony in our school's auditorium to drop the objects onto the blankets.

Engstrom knew about me being gay, and also about me and Rick. He often poked fun at me during class for it, but in funny ways. Today while holding the bowling ball up, aiming it at the blankets he called out, "Pretend that thing is Rick and you haven't seen him in a week, I don't want you dropping it before we're ready."

I pulled the ball back to my chest and sneered at him. "Very funny. Excuse me while I fight the urge to throw this at you." I loved the ability to be open about my sexuality now, most of the kids had come to accept it, I only knew of one or two teachers that knew and they were okay with it. Somehow, our parents were still in the dark.

After Physics, it was time for lunch, this being a sad period for me because Rick had it at a different time. Today, however, he surprised me with a tackle as I was getting in line for food. "Geez, Rick. Was that really necessary? Why aren't' you in class?"

His maw was pulled back into a giant grin. "They're watching a movie today; I snuck out to come see you. I was kind of hoping for a reception, not an interrogation." He leaned down and licked my nose.

The attention at my nostrils made me giggle. "It's not that I'm not overjoyed to see you, I'm just in a bit of shock from being tackled to the floor."

I felt something now against my leg, I looked down to see Rick's hard member haphazardly tucked away in his jeans. "Come on, Gore. I'm hungry and only you can give me what I need." He picked me up and dragged me towards the bathroom.

When we got in, Rick did a quick search of the premises to make sure we were alone, and then ran back to me with his arms wide open. He picked up me and I wrapped my legs around his waist to stay there, holding on to his broad shoulders. This turned into a crazy menagerie of hugs and kisses that had us banging against doors and walls. Sucking each others tongues and stroking hair in a stir of raw passion we pitied most furs for not having the experience of.

Rick banged us against another stall door, this time reaching behind him to open it and pulled us inside. He sat me on top of the toilet and began undoing my pants, not once breaking the sincere trade of saliva between our muzzles. He reached under my shirt and pushed up, caressing my sides and chest and reluctantly breaking the kiss to lift it up and over my head.

Even though it was only a few seconds I was already missing the warmth of the inside of Rick's maw and went back for more, but his attention was already averted elsewhere. He was staring at the bulge in my boxers, and poked around the underwear until my member was throbbing proudly from the slit in the front. His eyes widened and I saw drool forming at the base of his maw. "Go for it, Rick. It's an all you can eat buffet."

His eyes came back to mine, he leaned forward and enveloped my tongue with his mouth, then releasing it with a groan. "I can't wait."

He got on his knees and started lapping at my cock like a pup licking ice cream on a hot day. It sent a shiver down my spine that I wanted to find a way to keep a hold of. The sight and sound of inconsistent licks turned into the disappearance of my member into Rick's muzzle and me moaning so loud I would have sworn half the cafeteria heard me. He knew exactly where to apply pressure with his tongue while bobbing up and down on my member, I was this wolf's puppet...and he knew how to manipulate my strings.

Our fun was brought to an abrupt halt when we heard the bathroom door open...it was too late, the smell of sex permeated the room and whoever had walked in knew exactly what it was. I saw two paws stop in front of the stall me and Rick occupied and heard a few short knocks on the door. "Alright, who's in there?" The voice sounded familiar, but I couldn't quite place my claw on it.

Rick finally released his muzzle-hold on my cock, not wanting to risk the imminent slurping sound before. "Who's asking?"

I saw the paws disappear for a second, replaced by the young, feline eyes of my friend Tony. "Oh, so it's you two, figures."

I reached over and unlatched the door, he eased it open careful not to knock anyone over. His glance was immediately shifted to my throbbing cock. "I see you two are having some fun."

Tony had never come out and said he was gay, but the way he was so comfortable around me and Rick kind of gave it away. I reached down and stroked myself a little, taking joy in the shy expression that formed on Tony's face. "Why, you want some?"

His glance hardened and he started to lick his lips, but he caught himself and shook his head trying to regain his composure. "Bah, no thanks. Cock isn't really in my diet." His words were cool, but the bulge forming in his pants betrayed him. He traced my gaze to his crotch and quickly turned to run out of the bathroom. "Thanks for the offer, though. You two have fun."

The interruption sort of killed the moment for us, Rick resumed the jaw locking and stroked my cock for a little bit before I broke the kiss and licked his nose. "Come on, let's get cleaned up before lunch is over. You need to get back to class before you get in trouble."

He rolled his eyes and groaned as he leaned down to lick up the pre forming at my tip from the stroking. He reached down and picked up my shirt and pants, handing them to me as he walked over to the sink to wash the sticky mess off his face.

I threw my clothes back on and splashed cold water over my own. "Don't worry, Rick. We can finish up later."

He walked over and hugged me from behind, nuzzling into my neck as he whispered, "I'm already counting the seconds."