Rain of The West The Beginning.

Story by foxy101 on SoFurry

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Do not read this if you're under the age of 18. At the moment it contains no descriptive sexual content, but it does contain violence and war. So no cubs! If you do view this, "It Is Not" my responsibility to age checks every one of you. Sue your parents not me or the site. Enjoy and leave as many comments as you like. Comments help me grow as a writer.


It was a Friday afternoon. The sun was shining, the flowers were blooming, and you could hear the laughter of children. Our young explorer Rain a wolf from the wind tribe was awake much earlier than usual, but he just couldn't sleep when there was an adventure to go on. You see; a few days ago The Chief of the village had received reports about a mysterious cave. Sky, "Rain's father", was the one leading the mission that discovered the cave, and he graciously ask The Chief if Rain would be the one to do the recon on this new landmark.

He believed this would strengthen his son on his journey through life. The Chief heard his plea and accepted his request. Of course Sky and his son were more than enthralled with The Chief's decision, and to celebrate there was to be a feast to send the young man on his trip. There were female dancers for entertainment, live music, and ample amounts of delicious food. Later that night Rain retired to his room for some much needed sleep, for tomorrow his adventure begins and he may not return for quite some time.

This brings us back to the current situation. Rain is at the ceremony saying goodbye to his friends and family, and Sky walks up to him looking right into his eyes. His father spoke to him, "Rain, you are becoming quite the young man and this journey will help you find your inner spirit. This journey will be long and difficult, but I have faith that you will overcome all your obstacles. Rain, make me proud. Make all of us proud. We will be awaiting your return. Now go! It will take you three moon cycles to get to the sister lands." Rain looks deep into his father's eyes seeing the amount of trust and pride he has for him, and with that he was off to start what may be his greatest purpose.

Rain is running through a meadow of flowers several miles from his village when he hears something rustling through the branches of a nearby forest. He drops to the ground using the flowers for cover. He peers across the field narrowing his eyes so he could get as close a look as he could. Trough the branches brakes out a huge cat demon franticly looking back as it continues to run through the meadow. Now Rains thinking to himself, "Why would a large cat demon such as that be running for its life?" Just as that thought passed through his mind he got his answer. An even larger snake demon rips up from under the earth keenly watching the cat struggle to get away. Though cats and wolves aren't the best of friends Rain had a strange urge to help that feline so he sprang into action drawing his sword and running strait for that cursed snake. He leaps into the air and slices into the beast blinding him in one eye. The snake hisses in pain and retreats back into its hole.

The cat demon approaches Rain, "Why did you save me wolf."

"Well first of all my name is not wolf it's Rain, and second of all shouldn't you be thanking me and not interrogating me."

"Such insolence do you know not to whom you are speaking too?"

"Well if you had shown some courtesy and introduced yourself I may be so kind as to oblige you with an answer."

"Is that not just like a wolf to be so oblivious?" "I am Ambassador Kuroki Hon? from the village of light in the land of fire."

"Well if I may be so humble as to ask. What business do you have here in the land of wind?"

"I was on my way here to purpose an alliance between the two lands when I was attacked by that snake demon no doubt another assassin sent from the land of darkness. They have been tracking me since my travels began, and try as I might I've yet to cover my tracks from that cowering disgrace of a demon Koomori."

"Well then if you are on such an important mission then it is my duty to escort you back to my village. I will protect you with my life."

"Alright then let's be off shall we."

Rain and Kuroki begin to make their way back to the village of the wind. Rain is continually cautious of his surroundings. After that last attack with the snake demon there's no telling what may be sent their way next. They stay close to the forest hoping to have at least some cover, but it was to no avail. The snake demon springs up from the earth causing the need to dodge flying rocks while continuously evading those poisonous fangs. Eventually they manage to get out of range, and were able to make an escape.

"Kuroki, why is this snake so relentless to capture you."

"Well, I'm sure his master wants me alive so he has no choice. If he wishes to live he will stop at nothing."

"Why does he not leave Koomori?"

"He cannot, you see Koomori is a demon of horrible strength. He uses the minds of his followers to do his bidding, and any who try to deceive him are quickly dealt with."

"Despicable, he is breaking one of our most sacred laws. He must be stopped."

"I agree, that is why it was decided that I was to travel to the village of the wind to combine our strength and take Koomori out of power."

"Then we must hurry if we are to make it to the village before nightfall. Most demons in this region won't approach groups in large numbers."

"Yes, but what if that snake demon appears again?"

"Well snakes track through heat sensory so we must find a way to cover up that heat."

"What do you have in mind?"

"There is a river nearby we could jump in to cool down our bodies."

"You should know that felines such as myself do not like the water."

"Do you have a better idea?"

The large feline thinks long and hard, but in the end decides it may be the only chance they have. So he agrees to follow Rain to the river. It was about a fifteen minutes before they reached the bed of the river. Kuroki was already on edge from the sight of the rushing water, so Rain decided to try and calm him down.

"Kuroki, don't worry I have thought of a way to cover our tracks without you getting wet."

"Really, how?"

"I'll carry you."

"That's impossible it must be ten miles to your village, and you would be walking against the current. You'll never make it."

"Do not underestimate me. My village has one of the strictest training programs in the land. This is like floating down stream for me.

"My, you sure are full of yourself aren't you?"

"Come on, that snake demon will surly find us if we do not move quickly."

Kuroki climbed onto Rain's back, and Rain jumps into the river. He starts making his way against the current, but the weight of the large cat and the strength of the River proves more difficult than he thought, but he was determined to succeed. After about seven miles Rain was exhausted, but still too stubborn to stop. Kuroki could tell how tired the young wolf was, so he decided to ask to be let down on land. He Explained to Rain that he was tired from holding on for so long, but that stubborn attitude just would not let him stop no matter how much Kuroki pleaded.

Rain continued up the river for the remaining distance when he saw the gates to his village. He was so relieved he hopped out of the water and made a run for the gate. He managed to get fifty feet from the gate before his body just collapsed. Kuroki was able to grab Rain and land safely on the ground, but Rain's body was pushed to the limit and he needed medical attention. Kuroki picked the wolf up and put him over his shoulder carrying him into the village. The sight of Rain in that condition caused those in the village to come running to his aid. The village nurse and a Rain's dear friend Hana was holding back tears as she helped get him to the medical room.

Five hours later Rain awoke in the comfort of Hana's arms. He looked up and all he saw was her beautiful eyes being distorted by her tears, so he said the only thing he could think of at the moment.

"I hope those tears are not for me. You know I love to see that beautiful smile you hold against me when you want something your way."

She just embraces him exchanging those tears of sorrow for tears of joy.

"You jerk, how could you scare me like that? When I saw that cat demon carry you through the village gates I thought... I didn't know what to think."

"Is that the way you treat an injured friend by calling him a jerk."

"Shut up!"

She pulls him into a loving embrace his body being held against her soft form. He just drifts off smiling as she continues to hold him against herself. Meanwhile Kuroki is discussing the matter at hand with Sky and the village Chief. He tells them the horrors that Koomori will spread across the land if he isn't stopped. Sky and The Chief think long and hard of what is to be done, but they soon come to the decision to join forces with the village of light, and fight alongside them in the

long battle that is before them.


The next day Rain and Hana exit from the medical center, where they spent the night, and head towards the villages bazaar. This was their favorite place to play when they were young. All of the exotic food and strange artifacts that were brought in from other villages it was like the circus was performing all day, but today was different there was no one in sight.

"Hana, what's going on I've never see the bazaar empty. Even when there's a storm the merchants will stay to protect their goods from being lost or stolen."

"Yes, but the doctor at the medical center told me that your father and The Chief were having a council meeting with the cat demon. There was to be an announcement of our military status. What on earth is going on?"

"We are going to war."

"War!", "What do you mean war?"

"A sick and twisted demon by the name of Koomori has gone against every law the ancients have enforced for thousands of years. So, Ambassador Kuroki Hon? from the village of light has traveled all this way to ask for assistance in the fight against evil."

Hana was in shock from hearing this news, but she had full confidence in The Elders. If they were to go to war then she knew it would be for the good of the village. She collected her thoughts and the two made their way to the council meeting. As they approached the center of the village they saw every resident patiently awaiting The Elders' announcement. Looking at the center of the crowd they saw The Chief, Sky, and the four other council members. The Chief began to speak.

"My people, we are in a crisis, but you must have faith. The demon Koomori is wreaking havoc over this precious land, and he must be pulled from his power. We the Elders have agreed to join our new found brothers, the tribe of light, along with all those who wish to fight against this evil force. The men will fight on the battle field and all women that have medical knowledge will stay at the military camp. The elderly, the children, and a few dozen guards will stay here at the village. It will be a long and treacherous battle. There will be casualties on both sides, but we will be victorious. Today we declare war on the land of darkness. We set out for battle in one moon cycle. That is all!"

To be continued...