Ch.I - Troubadours

Story by SiberDrac on SoFurry

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#1 of Seers and Fears

Hopefully, I've kept things properly in order. I wrote this a while go and tweaked it to fit into the world I've created, but I have may have missed some stuff. As per the usual, if you're under eighteen, you're too young for this, blah blah blah, yadda yadda, etc. Had a lot of fun writing this one; t3h p05t, 4 j00.

I wandered into the store. Grinning, I stuck a twenty dollar bill in my top hat and looked around the place. Only a few other people were there. I stayed far away from them. Those perverts were picking up all the toys, sampling them with no care as to who had or who would touch them. Staying against the side wall where most of the soft-core devices were kept, I waited patiently, hoping that this would work.

Recently, I had been told a wonderful secret. As many people knew, the most powerful people in any area had their own little 'troubadour' - a child-sized creature with the sexual endowments equal to or greater than a grown human's own. These creatures were humanoid, but with animal fur, heads, tails, and, more often than not, claws. They were bred for service of any kind, but given their physique, generally a single task was ever required of them. Those who owned them were the envy of all, as they were kept in impeccable shape, beautifully groomed, and equipped with controlling devices to keep them from running or harming their masters. They had been born, though very few knew, of the rift that I, Rachel, and Jason had caused. There were analogs in the Anthro world Siber stayed in - Siber told me they were called pygmies, and a lot of the rich kept them. However, they were nearly impossible to find.

The secret which had been divulged to me was this - every adult shop in the world with any class at all kept these little troubadours in secret places, so that not just any grunge off the street could put their filthy hands all over the gorgeous coats. The shopkeepers needed a little assurance of decency from their customer. Therefore, if the customer acted tastefully and offered a bit of a tip, a sign would be raised for a few moments only, at which point the customer could enter a back room, in which was held the infantile creatures.

I had chosen the best shop around my area. Naturally, those perverts of whom I so deprecatingly earlier spoke were actually rather wealthy patrons of the shop; that changes not their sickening actions. In my silver and blue shirt and black pants, with an ultrium ring set with sapphire glimmering on my finger, a gleaming black and silver watch on my wrist, and a shark tooth necklace on my neck, I convinced the owner, somehow, that despite my young age of twenty-five, I was perfectly capable of the maturity required to own a toy of such high maintenance. Moments after I had stopped moving, a blinking sign with the words "We don't screw around!" appeared in the back. I chuckled at the pun. I assumed that was my cue, and stepped nonchalantly rearwards. Curious, I took off my hat and checked it. As I had expected, the money was gone.

At the back wall, a man in a trim black suit and ruffled sleeves met me and showed me through a hidden door. "Thank you."

"My pleasure," he answered. "Would you like me to show you around, or would you rather choose alone?"

He'll be getting my business just for the double-entendre, I thought, impressed. Trying to pass off my youthful embarrassment as naiveté, I said, "This is my first time even shopping. I'd rather have a guide, please."

"Certainly." We entered the room. My eyes were met with wonder.

A lush wave of colors, fur, and charged sexual energy assaulted me. Simply being in the room stirred my loins, and I had yet to observe the merchandise. Serving as the three visible walls of the four hundred square foot room into which I was transported were dozens of cages, each holding a floor of wood chips, a water bottle, a plate for food, and, of course, a troubadour. Male, female, and the occasional neuter-ee or hermaphrodite, the small creatures, though not obscenely active, all showed off their wares to me the instant I stepped foot into their room. While some slowly masturbated, others felt themselves, and many simply posed, all in order that I might approve of whatever they wished to show me. A bright green fox gazed seductively at me while her hand traced a line from her collarbone to her gaping labia. I looked away, disgusted. A black wolf had two fingers in his tailhole while his other hand grasped and pumped his nine-inch gizmo. Again, I averted my gaze. That was not what I wanted to see. I tried to turn my attention only on those who were posing. They were beautiful.

A cream-colored fennec fox boy, fully erect, knelt placidly in his cage, gazing at me almost longingly with shining, creamy eyes. I made a mental note of him, but was trying to get a feel for the place quickly and didn't look very closely at anything. The owner, who had been allowing me a few moments to become accustomed to the sensations of the place, noticed me looking at the boy. "That one is Tatrix. He's been rented several times with but a single complaint - he's just too quiet. Never says a word."

I blanched. "Rented?" Thoughts of disease struck.

My guide noted my concern and guessed correctly its source. "Oh, don't worry about that, sir. Their blood is circulated and replaced after every rental and I see to it personally that they are thoroughly cleaned. I can assure you, we would not allow the spread of disease."

Thank God. "That's a relief."

"Of course, many still don't trust us, so we have marked some as virgins and others we recycle to allow them to become virgins again."

"How is that possible?"

He shrugged. "Well, they're not true virgins, really, but they are removed from any contact with society for many months and bound in such a way that though they are not harmed, nor can they pleasure themselves. After that period is over, we label them virgins, because their minds forget fairly quickly- the act of intercourse does not become part of long term memory, and their short term memory is usually lost after a period of about twelve months."

"You don't consider locking them away from all contact for twelve months a cruelty?"

"They were born and are bred for this purpose and this purpose alone. Without us, they would die; given their physique, they cannot survive alone. In addition, they would be taken advantage of at every turn. This is their only place in society. Mention cruelty to me again, sir, and you will be escorted from my facility." His face had hardened.

"My apologies. It just surprised me."

Immediately, he was mollified. "Understandable. The animal rights activists are on our asses all the time, trying to free these creatures. They don't understand that without us, every last one of these would be dead. Now, were you looking for anything specific?"

I hadn't really thought about it, to tell the truth. I had been thinking only along the lines of soft fur and a thick tail, but that didn't cut down on them much. "Not a whole lot, except that I have a liking for larger tails." It sounded weak, but he smiled indulgently and responded.

"Okay. In that case, I'll close the others." He raised his voice and called out to the high ceiling, "Close cages A4, A5, A8, B1..."

While he listed off numbers, wooden gates slid out from above the specified cages and closed over them, shutting off the dejected occupants. I looked behind us at the door, which he had discreetly closed. It was rubber. Nothing could be heard coming from this room.

When the coordinates had all been given, nearly twenty of the eighty-odd cages had been closed off. All those with thin or even below average tails were out of sight. I was curious: "Why do they all seem disappointed to be shut away?"

"Because we rank them based on performance, and among themselves, they have a competition. A1 is the top ranked. The current occupant-" he turned me towards one of the cages- "is Pixie." I looked in and saw a small, male rabbit. I couldn't see his eyes behind a black, glass band that seemed to be a form of sunglasses. This male had breasts, I quickly realized, and an extra opening beneath hir substantial package. Diagonally across hir shimmering, light blue body, there was a gleaming yellow streak. It stuck hir tongue out at me playfully and I was shocked to learn that the muscular appendage was forked. "It is popular primarily because it is the only true hermaphrodite we have. The others got the estrogen, but were born without the parts, and that's not something you can just put in. Or take out, I suppose. We've tried applying testosterone and the Y-chromosome to the girls, but they just come out... well, like this one here." He pointed me down a bit and to the the right (Pixie was on the top left of the entire room). "This is Greil."

I looked in on an olive green, girl hound. While she was certainly female, only her breasts and naked nether regions gave the lie. Her arms and shoulders were incredibly muscular. For my benefit, she pumped them and struck poses that flexed the muscles, which were certainly not constrained to her arms, and they nearly frightened me.

"They say she is a powerful lover, the people who rent her. But, she is not for everyone."

Thick green hair like tentacles flowed over her eyes until she pulled it aside, revealing purple irii to which I was immediately attracted. However, I had no interest in such a compact creature. At the moment, anyway... "Well, I do admire her greatly, but that's not what I'm looking for." Seeming to be satisfied with the compliment, the girl turned away as her door was closed. I looked back up at Pixie. In an odd way, I was intrigued by hir. There was no way I could know more unless I rented hir, though, and I had to make the right choice. "Is there a way I can... well, not so much sample as..." I grinned nervously, not quite sure how to put it.

The man smiled benevolently. "Sure. Let me get hir out." He held up a small card and ran it across a sensor on the cage, whose door immediately swung open. It walked to the edge of the cage, from which the owner hefted hir and handed hir to me. I held hir as I would a small child, laying hir back along one arm and holding hir against me. However, unlike what I would do with an infant, I gripped one of hir hard butt cheeks, just to test the muscle. It flexed that muscle for me, and I laughed.

It tipped up the sunglasses with one paw and, looking up at me, spoke without warning. "You want milk or cream, honey?"

I chuckled appreciatively and grinned. "I'm gonna bet either one of those is too expensive for me." It lowered its glasses again. Lifting hir rather large balls, I examined the then exposed vagina.

"That's real?" I asked in wonder.

"As real as a woman's."

"Incredible. But I assume it's infertile?" I let the orbs drop softly as he nodded in the affirmative, ran my hand along the fur for smoothness, then lifted the sunglasses again to reveal pure black eyes. I was in shock. "I can also only assume that this is way out of my price range?"

"It's four hundred dollars a week for hir, or ten thousand to buy." When I gaped, he explained, "It's too intriguing. There's a flat fee for one day, and it gets tried for at least a day by almost anyone we see." Marketing. Admirable, but satanic.

I carefully restored the creature to hir cage. "Well, I really wish I could, but it will have to wait for many years, I think."

"That's fine." The door closed on that one. "I can assure you, it'll be here for a long time."

"Is there no one willing to pay that much for hir?"

A look of perplexity crossed my guide's eyes. "I don't understand it either, but no one has bought hir, and we've had hir for several years now. It's as though people are afraid of hir, or something."

"Well, if I'm ever filthy rich, I'll come by and take hir off your hands. That reminds me of a question, actually." It was one that had been bugging me since I heard of the troubadours. "How long do these things live?"

"Excellent question - I was wondering when you'd ask. They usually live for about thirty years after they're bought."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Somehow, while the interuniversal medium mixed around to create these little monsters, it produced a trait that allows them to survive nearly indefinitely while they are around eachother. It's odd - we think it has something to do with the sex-based release of hormones and, as I'm sure you've noticed, there are a good plenty of those around here all the time."

I chuckled. All of a sudden, I heard a stifled moan from one corner. I turned just in time to see a purple doberman climax on himself. A creamy persian cat who had been watching him and pleasuring herself while doing so likewise had an orgasm. Immediately, I said, "Niether of them." I didn't want a creature who would be pleasuring itself beyond its control before I even got involved. "And close the doors on the black wolf and the green fox, too." Lowering my voice so others didn't hear and change their habits just for me, I said, "What they were doing - you know, the... ah.... probing- kind of disturbed me. Can you close the doors on the others like that, too, please?"

"Certainly. Close doors on A10..." He listed about thirty more numbers. How he had these traits memorized, I could not fathom. By now, I had eliminated nearly three quarters of my selection. However, I noticed that none of the males were having any trouble keeping themselves aroused, though I had clearly paid them no attention whatsoever since I entered the room.

"Also, close the doors for the purple, pink, and gray ones."

"As you wish. Close doors on A2..." Six more doors closed. My white fox, who had yet to move as far as I could tell, still remained.

"How do they keep themselves going without having any attention paid to them?"

He looked at me slyly. "They were born for this. You think a few minutes is going to take them down? Some can stay fully ripe for hours and climax multiple times."

I whistled, amazed. "Do they lose endurance with age?"

"Sometimes. Not often." He grimaced. "Clearly, though, some are far too willing to show off this aspect. Those two have caused me problems before. They'll be moving down in the rankings tomorrow. No one wants a defective product."

"What happens when no one buys or rents one after a long time?"

"Well, assuming they're on this bottom row here, we give them three months. After that, we begin trying to sell them to a cheaper store- keep in mind that you're in the medium to high-end area of this business."

I nodded, understanding. There were certainly less attractive troubadours in the world than the ones I had seen here. But - and I thought this, though almost unable to believe it - were their ones more so? It seemed impossible that there might be a higher level of troubadour than Pixie. A thought occurred to me. "In that case, do richer stores buy troubadours like Pixie from you?"

He grinned quickly. "Troubadours like Pixie, certainly. But Pixie's our personal wonder. No other store gets its hands on hir. All these others have been replicated many times, but Pixie's one of a kind."

"So, there are multiple copies of some of these."

"Of course. We can't make an indefinite number of original creatures. We have several copies in here, but your tastes have been so high that you haven't seen them."

"Well, I have always had a talent for finding the most expensive items in a store before looking at the prices." It was true. Until recently, at restaurants, it hadn't even occurred to me to look at the prices on the menu before choosing a meal. Afterwards, I would have to change my order once I realized that I wanted a twenty-four dollar entrée. Ah, greed. It was what had brought me here in the first place. I liked fine things.

"I feel I have to say this, though it is groveling, as a salesman does - you are clearly meant for a higher society than that in which you are now."

"Oh-hoh, and I am duly flattered," I said melodramatically. Sobering, I added, "Um, could you close the doors to the lower-ranked of any copies, please?"

"Sure. Close the doors to C5, C7..." Seven doors closed. He looked around. "You've narrowed it down quite a bit, sir. There are only twelve left."

I glanced around and saw a few things a I didn't like. "Close the doors on the beagle, boxers, terriers, and shi-tzu." Though the mop-looking dog was funny, I didn't have any intention of spending my money on her.

"Six left. Tatrix, who you know; this Afghan hound..."

"Close it on him," I murmured as he started to describe it. There was too much hair on that creature for my taste, though the real Afghan hounds were beautiful animals. The door shut. "And on the house cats." The two of them seemed simply too flat-faced for me. Looking around, I realized that of the three, I had left only one female. The dark blue panthress, though, as I realized, actually had no equipment. Pointing, I asked, "Is that like an uber-eunuch, or something?"

The man nodded. "Yes."


He shrugged. "I couldn't tell you, myself. But it's pretty popular, for some reason. Number B-9. Not to be overly vulgar, but I can't imagine why you'd look for sexual gratification in something with only two holes - one the least sanitary place I can think of - and no gadget with which to please you. It boggles the mind. If someone doesn't want one gender, why on Earth would they opt for something that wasn't the other?"

I hadn't the foggiest idea. Well, actually, as I looked at its exceptional visual appeal, I realized that many would rent that perhaps for their children, as a moderately intelligent pet-like companion. I kind of wanted it, too. "Well, close that door." I hoped it wasn't a sign I was gay, having only boys left between whom to choose. Both were foxes, too. "Who's this last one?"

In the lowest cage on the right, as far away from the door as he could get and facing away, stood a fox of swirling deep green and blue. I just assumed that of all the troubadours, he was the only one not sexually aroused in any way, shape, or form and had not been. The man sighed. "When you came in here, I had the odd feeling that you'd be left with this one as one of your choices. This is Sibra." The thing's ears perked at his name. "He's terribly violent and has yet to get aroused, even when we put another troubadour in his cage. Every customer who tries him comes rushing back into the store a few minutes later and practically throws him at us."

I was intrigued. "He attacks your customers?"

"He does."

"Why do people continue to rent him?"

"Because they all think, as I'm sure you do, that they can make him change. And they all run in and don't even pay me for letting them see him. I can't blame them, though."

"Why do you even still keep him, then?"

"Because people know he's here. They come just to see him, and as long as they're here, they rent or buy something else. On the whole, I think he makes me a profit."

"Could I sample him?"

The owner sucked his teeth. "It would be best if you did that alone, actually, because of all people, he hates me the most. I was not made to fight anything at all, even something a third my size, so I'll give you the key and you can let him out of your own accord once I'm gone. If you try anything funny, which I doubt, we'll know." With that, he dropped the card in my hand and left the room.

Before I opened Sibra's cage, I visited Tatrix again. I looked into his deep, paler-than-pale orange and cream eyes and almost wanted to get lost in them. He looked at me with the perfect mixture of longing and seduction. It touched me deeply and I wanted him, so much so that I actually reached through the bars of his cage to stroke his shoulder, with which touch he rather pleasantly cooperated. "Even knowing all that is an act, it's worked on me." He grinned. As did I. "I'm getting you. Let me just see if I'm getting him, too."

"Watch out for him. He's not easy to work with, but it can be done."

"Thanks." I almost turned away, but first said, "Get out of that pose. A troubadour with cramped legs does no one any good."

He didn't move until my back faced him, at which point I heard the underlying wood chips shift as he relieved his stressed muscles. I walked to Sibra's cage, where I knelt and looked at the creature's back. "Sibra."

The animal looked at me over his shoulder with a single eye.

"Let's talk."

In a flash, he ran, releasing a sound like a bark and a roar melded into one peculiar noise, and slammed against the bars of his cage before proceeding to growl fiercely at me. I did my best not to flinch while he gripped his cage as though it were a prison, while the others clearly considered the containers to be homes. I could see now that he was all but aroused. He was muscled leanly and his gray eyes sparked fires into me. "Let's not."

"Ah, but we already are. You are a curiosity. But you know that."

"Yes, I know that." He laughed madly. "I'm a wonderful curiosity. A possession. A toy." He was bitter. I knew how to change that.

"What else could you possibly be? A lawyer? An engineer? Come on, what do you think you are?" I spoke to fire his rage, pouring gas on a burning wound. When the fire burned out, it would extinguish in a flash.

"Born into captivity and raised to be a penis with a mouth and an ass. My birth was the result of a needle's rape of a test tube. I was thaumatically substantiated and genetically engineered to have no mind, and yet I have one. I am the anomaly; I, the perversion! And soon I'll be top of the line somewhere where everyone's too poor to buy me, and I'll just sit on a shelf and rot."

"How very morbid of you." My face didn't move a muscle.

"Better than having to show off to the faggots and whores here." He had relaxed in body, but in mind, he jittered with tension.

"Which you don't do anyway, so no one can see how sexy you really are," I jibed at him.

"And cute, right? That's what all the other ones say." He insulted me with a nasty tone.

"Oh, prejudice. Prejudice and stereotyping, before you can even prove my sexual preference." I was just talking to him, now. In reality, I wasn't gay; at least, not by my definition. However, I enjoyed (by a lot) the beauties of the male frame, especially furry frames like the one in front of me.

"Look at the two of us who are left." He flicked his head in Tatrix's direction.

"The women disgusted me. Most of them, anyway. The others, I just didn't prefer their species." Ugh, I thought. What a pitiful argument.

He clearly agreed with my thoughts and smirked. "Let me out."

"Will you fight me?"

"Of course."

I rolled my eyes. Of course. "Put on some briefs. I don't want that dangling around while I beat the snot out of you."

"Oh, does it distract you? You like it, don't you?" He grinned and shimmied suggestively at me, always with the mad light in his eyes. He was acting, and I knew it.

"Thespian, I could care less. To me, if I fight you, that's a handle."

He let out a short bark of laughter. "Pah. We'll see who's king and jester in your Grecian court. Let me out."

I did. The instant I heard the door click open, I dropped the key card and backed away. He tore out of the cage and sprinted towards my knee, which I bent towards him to knock him back. He merely latched on and raised one clawed paw to my thigh, trying to hamstring me. I brought down a crushing hammer fist into his side, knocking him off, but more importantly, onto his back. I stepped on his legs and before he could sit up to claw my calf, I had reached down and grasped his limp member and begun to hoist him with it.

His eyes shot wide open and he screamed in rage and pain. Using my other leg and hand, I pinned his arms to the ground, putting most of my weight on his limbs, rather than mine, and said, "Put on the damn briefs so that this is as close to a fair fight as it will get, or I'll grab your jewels with your scepter, jester, and see how dearly they'll sell." Still raging, but momentarily cowed, he bared his throat in animal concession. I stepped off him while he went into his cage and pulled out a pair of black briefs. Putting them on, he ran from the cage at my face, which had stupidly remained lowered, because I knelt. I threw myself backwards and flipped him into the air with my foot. As he fell, I completed my reverse somersault and leapt up to slam the flat of my arm into him and knock him through the air and into a third level cage, which he latched onto facing down and from which he looked up to snarl at me. Again, he leapt.

We continued similar to this a half dozen times. He wouldn't give up. I told him to recognize my superior size and strength as a natural advantage over which he could not possibly triumph. He only responded that the point at which he gave up was the point at which he could no longer physically move. I conceded the argument, and went on until that seventh time.

Panting and sweating, his fur slick with the stuff, though I had thought that furred animals had no body pores, he squared off with me again. The skin of his elbow and knee on one side had split where he hit a wall and coppery blood mixed with the salty odor of sweat; quite a shift after the earlier smell of the place. The other cages had been nearly silent. I wondered how they could know what was transpiring. Twice, a collective gasp went up as Sibra nearly lacerated my jugular vein, but it had done him no good. Though he had given me several bruises, I had come as close to breaking his bones as I could without actually doing the deed. Now, weak, he prepared to assault me again. His great endurance and strength had impressed me, but it seemed that this would be his final surge before he guttered out.

"Come at me. I know you will, little good as it will do you."

He sprinted towards me once more and though I stood, there was no reason to. I could tell from the onset of the offensive that he wouldn't last to the end. Kneeling, I intercepted his stumble and caught him in my arms. "No!" he shouted, trying to squirm. Rather, he shuddered from overexertion. "I will not be made into a pet! I will not be a toy! I will not bow!" His eyes stared into nothing, and I felt sympathy for him. In him I saw a kindred spirit of rebellion and belief in the soul. The trembling body in my arms was a picture of glowing coals and dormant firestorm.

"I'm not going to make of you a toy," I told him. That had never been my intention in procuring one of these troubadours. My purpose was simply to have this creature which, at those times it was not a pet or child, would grant me sexual satisfaction. It was apparent he and Tatrix would be niether; they were human. "I am not so evil as to do that."

His eyes fluttered as he fought to stay awake, but he could not. He smiled devilishly once, though. "How evil, then, are you?"

I only looked at him.

In a last gasp, he screamed, "Inferno burn and never die; so wither all, disintegrate; hot ashes so eternal, and still never I will suffocate!" I stared. Weird, weird creature. Finally did his eyes close in sleep, and I stood with him in my arms. My guide walked in from the door, where he seemed to have been waiting the entire time. He picked up the key from its place by Sibra's cage and closed the door to that one. Approaching me, he gazed in awe at the small body in my arms. "I am amazed, and not only at your acrobatics. No one has stayed with him that long, and never have I seen him sleep in the presence of a human, even myself, and I come in here all the time. I assume, then, that you want him?"

I nodded.

"Well, then I am prepared to give a great discount. What say you to eight hundred dollars for his purchase?"

Well aware of sketchy business policies, I immediately asked, "What's his normal price?"

"One thousand, but-" he held up a hand as I prepared to protest. I had worked for this; I deserved more of a discount than that. "I'll also give you any accessories you want for seventy-five percent off."

"That's more like it. Where are the accessories?"

He turned me to the back wall. "Here." Pressing a switch, he stepped back as panels on the fourth wall fell open to become shelves, on which were hundreds of assorted clothes, jewelry, and other paraphernalia. "The clothes are cotton and silk. The jewelry is ultrium, silver, gold, and copper, mostly with real gems."

I lay the creature on the ground. Finally, I settled on black leggings and a silver armlet. I also took a white toga and a man's golden circlet. Though he didn't know it, these were for Tatrix. It cost me a mere hundred fifty dollars prior to discount for the lot, so I suspected either that the metals were impure or I was being patronized, given the fact that I had been injured on the man's property. I settled on the latter, though the former did not strike me as altogether impossible.

Once I had finished, I asked, "And how much for Tatrix?"

"To buy?"

"Of course." With rent comes longing and obsession, save for movies. Better just to make the purchase.

"Two thousand. No less."

"I want him, too, then."

"I can assume this is going to be in cheque?"

"Yes." I removed my checkbook and then wondered how I would hold it and carry Sibra at the same time. I suppose I stood awkwardly enough to make the owner notice.

"Oh, just pay me in here. All transactions regarding this merchandise are regulated by me alone." I wrote out the check for thirty-two hundred, which included a tip, given his generosity and his good-naturedness towards me when explaining the nuances of this aspect of his trade. Accepting the cheque, he thanked me profusely, pocketed the paper, and released Tatrix from his cage. I dressed Sibra in his newly acquired clothes and gave Tatrix his. The fennec had already put on his white briefs (apparently each troubadour had at least undergarments, in case the customer bought no other, for decency in public) and silently donned the toga and circlet.

"I feel Greek." It was said with only the specter of distaste.

"Well, I don't plan on leaving you like that the whole time. Actually, I may as well buy now as any other time." I turned to my guide. "I'd like two pairs of blue jeans, two black and two tie-dye- the green-blue and the cream, please- tee shirts, and four more pairs of briefs- any color- for these two. Don't need them wearing dirty garments." I paid for the articles and handed them to Tatrix. Before I hefted Sibra, who was still sleek with sweat, the owner handed me a bottle and two small remotes, each with a dial and a button.

"Clockwise for more power, counterclockwise for less. Though it doesn't seem to me that you'll use them much. Also, a complimentary bottle of shampoo."

"Thanks." I picked up the dead weight of Sibra and carried him out with Tatrix at my heels.

"Thank you for your patronage, sir. And here's your hat." He tossed the hat, which my fennec caught, before closing the door with a final word. "Come back any time."

I drove back to my one-bedroom home several miles from the shop with Sibra lying across the back seat, a little bloody, and Tatrix sitting cross-legged in the passenger seat. Niether made a sound. Tatrix, elbows on his knees, rested his chin on his hands almost meditatively.

Normally, I would have wanted Tatrix to speak, but I was in a silent mood. Subduing Sibra had left me physically and psychologically content because of the energy it had taken. Once I arrived at home, the clean, whitewashed vinyl greeting me again, I carried Sibra inside while Tatrix brought the rest and laid the multicolored troubadour in a bathtub.

Instructing the fennec to clean him, I put away the new garments and, after turning the voltage down on the remotes in case I made a mistake, dismantled the electronics. If I had to resort to violence, I would do it on my own. When I came to gather Sibra's clothes, Tatrix had removed his, as well. He explained that I would want to wash them, too, because they were frequently left unwashed for months at a time while in the store.

"Well, in that case, if you would like, hop in and take a shower after you've finished with Sibra. I didn't mean to clothe you in dusty garments." He stayed silent.

Now alert to the dirt, I immediately ran all the clothes through the wash, using a special detergent which retained the colors of any apparel, white, black, or freaking rainbow. It was almost magical, if I hadn't taken extensive chemistry classes in preparation for a life of laboratory work. When I returned to the tub, both troubadours were standing naked on a towel mat, soaking it. I immediately gave them each a large towel that, though it dwarfed them, would certainly dry them off.

"Have you made a decision regarding your obedience, Sibra?"

"Yes." He looked at me. "It is just not going to happen."

Good God, do I respect you. However... "Fine. I'll return you to the shop tomorrow and give you the highest rating you've ever received. You'll be a puppet to serve others' whims for eternity, because you'll never get out of that place for more than ten minutes at a time." I struck as many chords as I could. He tried very hard to ignore it, but his voice shook on the next sentence.

"Better than getting ass-raped by some pervert for thirty years."

"That is true. But I already told you that I'm not evil and, added now to that, have no intentions of butt-sex." I made a gagging face. "That's disgusting. In even more addition, I don't mean to senselessly hurt you, either. Want proof?" I held up the dismantled buttons to the remotes, complete with dangling wires. Unbeknownst to them, I had actually left the devices nearly intact; they were just a little scrambled.

Their eyes widened substantially. "You trust us?"

I looked at Tatrix. "I trust you." Shifting my gaze to Sibra, I added, "I'm gonna try to trust you. While it's true that I bought the two of you for sexual pleasures, I'm not going to make that your life. It would have been had you shown yourselves any less intelligent than you have. I don't know what else you'll do, but you won't just sit at home all day doing nothing. Now, it's almost time for supper and I'm ordering out for pizza, because it's cheap and you two weren't. Except for the fact that Sibra got me a massive discount, but he doesn't know about that. What do you want?"

"Pepperoni," answered Sibra. Under his breath, he added, "please."

Still with huge eyes, Tatrix said, "Same here, sir. I mean, Master. Ah..." He squirmed.

"Jesus, calm down. I'm just Glen. I thought you didn't talk much, anyway."

"Well, I ought to get the title correct when I do, oughtn't I? And I'm not used to being asked what it is I want." He was humility.

I waved away the formality. "Make your obeisance as a man, while you are one. Do as you please while you serve me, but when you're a person, act like it. Though I suppose you've had little practice. Oh, and can I assume that you two don't have the same memory problems as all the others?" They nodded, and I let out a big sigh of relief. "Oh, good. I would have been distraught." I placed the order to the pizza place and organized the house somewhat, leaving the two to their own devices for the moment. I figured it would be good to establish a close tie quickly by acts of trust, a gift they had been infrequently given over their years of existence.

As far as I knew, they either did nothing or talked in the hallway near my bathroom for fifteen minutes while I waited for the pizza man, and I seriously doubted vocalization between those two. I got my pizza, pulled out a few sodas, and we ate. They didn't need much food and I needed more, so we finished the pie easily. Leaning back in my chair, I said, "I can't believe I bought you two. Besides my car and house, you are the most expensive things I've ever owned." They were still naked, but both were limp, though that did little to quell the lust in my groin. It mortified me, though I could not show that before them. "Do either of you feel uncomfortable with starting this evening? I'm almost embarrassed to say that I've been anticipating it all day." Somewhat nervously, in fact; I still considered myself a virgin, after all I had gone through.

"Yes," mumbled Sibra under pretext of rebellion. Tatrix saw something else, though.

"Wait a minute," said Tatrix, speaking up. "are you a true virgin?" Sibra's eyes went dead while the fennec's eyes laughed. "You are!" He turned to me. "Glen, you got more of a deal than you thought you did. They charge a fortune for most true virgins."

I could guess at the meaning of the term. He had never had sex in any way with anyone; had not even been put into confinement. "Have you even given yourself a hand job?" I asked. He shook his head defiantly, eyes downcast. My eyes widened. "Wow. Oh, wow. That's gonna be awkward."

"We don't even know if he can get himself up," pointed out Tatrix jokingly. The other glared at him, eliciting a withering look.

I nodded. "That's true." After a moment, I said, "You're still supposéd to be quiet, aren't you? Not that you're bothering me; it's just that the owner told me people didn't like that you were quiet."

The fennec flashed me a foxy smile. "I've never been in a situation quite like this one, I don't think. More, though, I usually have little about which to talk."

"Ah-hah. Well, I'm gonna go take my shower - I might want to use you later, I might not. Probably, I'll let you decided what happens. It would feel weird for me to command your every move." I got up and left them at the table.

Naked in my shower, I examined my own package, feeling insecure. At five inches when erect, I was smaller than either troubadour. Luckily, though, they had probably trained themselves to show no disapproval. Or Tatrix, at least. I halfway expected a verbal onslaught from Sibra. I wondered how that fox was going to act. Having never experienced orgasm, what would he do at his first time? I remembered that the first time I masturbated, I felt like I was getting sick. The sensation somehow evolved into one of pleasure, but the first time was odd. Would he act strangely enough to make it unenjoyable for us other two? No way to know except by experiment, I supposed.

I stepped out of the shower and toweled off, only bothering to put on some pants to be prepared in the unlikely event of having a caller at my door in the evening. Not that I led a lonely existence, but my friends were all at some football game I had had to skip because of a job interview for a future more permanent position in the research organization I was in earlier in the afternoon. It was still only seven o'clock, so I grabbed a Mensa puzzle book and sat down in front of the TV to entertain myself for a while. Feeling stupid, I then got up and turned on my stereo for some music. The "dining room," such as it was, was only a short ways away, so I figured if the two wanted to join me, they could. I noticed that the washing machine had dumped its load into the dryer and expected the above time to be soon. Given the disposition of these two, I assumed they would prefer to be clothed until the hour at which their services were called upon.

Tossing down the Mensa book, I sighed. Out of nowhere had come thoughts of my ex-girlfriend. She was beginning to annoy me. My mind, my intellect, was often disturbed with thoughts of infinite power and pity for the pathetic lives of most of mankind. I had given her an insight into that while we were dating some years ago, before I met Teva, and left her because she hadn't responded. It was an insight I had assumed would provoke a reaction of some kind; any kind other then, "Ah. I see." These were thoughts of grandeur! Of eternity! Of suffering I was willing to endure for the fantastic happenings for which I wished; and she passed them off, as if she were afraid to see them. And now she was talking to me about them again, and it was getting exceedingly uncomfortable, especially with her constant reminders that Teva was in Ireland. I stepped towards the stereo, letting the speakers blast the music into my ears and I achieved the nirvana of sound.

The nirvana of sound is an interesting phenomenon. Within it, I know nothing. I see nothing. I feel nothing. My ears, mind, and body are filled by the vibrations of the music. The music is my world; my thoughts are its melodies, my mind is its harmonies, my fingers and feet are its beat, my chest vibrates with its bass. I am lost entirely in the music, and there is nothing else. The volume turned all the way up, I began to think again. The music let me breathe, and then I could think of the irrationality of the world and not want to break something, because there was nothing to break. Only sound. I thought of how alone I was in the world, of the desolation of my currently meaningless existence. I had prestige among my fellow graduate students, yes; I had secured an internship at a biology lab, yes; I owned my own house and car, even; but that's not what I wanted. I wanted my philosophy to reach out to the world and change it. I wanted my fantasies to become life. I wanted to own a genetics lab and change the way the world saw itself, by bringing it into conscious contact with Siber's.

"Feel you then the music? and the ears of the fennec let you hear!" and a pill gives a woman a fox's ears to listen and create.

"Need you then disguise? Don't own it - be it!" and a lens melds with a girl so that like a chameleon, her eyes change on her whim.

"Seek ye the clouds...?" To give someone flight... Even my wings, only ocassionally visible to me, were only good for gliding; their shape and my human bone density prevented gaining altitude without first losing it.

And yet no one hears. No one feels. No one listens. No one cares. All is lost in the endless spiral which is eternity. I clenched my fists in rage, and the fury dissipated, evaporating through my flesh, and still the music circled, circled, pumping as my blood.

I felt one of them enter the room and turned, the music still fused with my being. The lights had gone out, save a blue lamp in the corner. On the top of the sofa sat Tatrix, his cream fur eerily lit by the sapphirine glow. It was Sibra I heard enter; he stood in the doorway, clearly amazed I had detected them. They had retrieved their garments, though Tatrix had opted for his street clothes, rather than the toga. I approved; that purchase had been quick and whimsical. Dressed in their color-suited shirts, it seemed almost as though they had melded with them, though I had intended each for the other. The contrast between Tatrix's fur and the black pants on him astounded me. He watched me, as he had before, his eyes with their look of longing and allure beckoning me towards him.

Barely remembering to turn down the blaring music, I went to him. Sibra watched from the door as I removed the pale tee shirt and ran my hands along the creature's small body, gently caressing his silken fur. I trailed my fingers through his lush tail while he began to stroke my face, my neck, my chest, letting his claws drag lightly across my bare skin.

"Lie down," he said softly. I did upon the sofa, and he disappeared behind it. A few moments later I heard hushed whisperings and the rustle of garments. I closed my eyes until I felt one of them crawl onto my chest, sharp pinpricks feeling oddly delightful. Sibra was there to my great surprise, and he had stripped. I felt his flaccid member on my chest and achieved my own erection at the touch. He moved on all fours up my body, finally staring me in the eyes and saying, "This is what I fought? There's nothing on these bones."

"I'm lean meat."

Turning around so that his butt was right in my face, he lay on me and undid the button and zipper on my pants. His cool fur tickled my waist near my groin and I had to fight hard not to spasm. Pulling the jeans and my underclothes halfway down my thighs, Sibra said, "Small, too. Is that really as big as it gets?"

A light chuckle issued from somewhere above my head. I pushed Sibra's tail across his butt with my hand so I wouldn't be looking right at it and said, "For your information, that is actually about the average human's penis. Just because you've been altered for larger endowments doesn't mean you get to make fun of me. And I heard you, Tatrix!"

Said fennec popped up over my face and said, "Boo." He pulled himself up onto the arm rest and stood, leaving me to find myself looking up at nine inches of white fennechood, the tennis ball-sized sack hanging a foot above my head.

"You could scare black people with that. Please tell me no men have you plow them with it." He grimaced. I cringed. "That's horrible. And highly disturbing. It seems like it would get stuck." Ending humorously, I tried to force the bothersome images from my mind. He giggled and I picked him up, turned him around, and sat him on Sibra's butt. The fox had clearly decided just to lie down and contemplate my equipment and though I could guess that his thoughts were not where his eyes were, I was tired of holding my hand on his tail.

Sibra jumped and expostulated, "Hey!"

"Look, Sibra," I joked, "There's another man riding you." The fennec obediently spanked his mount, eliciting a yelp from him and a laugh from myself. Before the fox could switch his position, I said, "As long as you're down there, take my pants the rest of the way off. I'm getting hot." He did so, much to my surprise, and I kicked the garments to some corner of the room. "Finally decided to let loose and have some fun, did we?"

Sibra didn't answer. He got up, pulling Tatrix back and knocking him on his chest and mine. He climbed on top of the sofa's headrest and looked down at us while I embraced Tatrix, holding him close. The creamy fox licked my ears and scratched the back of my head, bringing from me a soft "murr." His rod pressed into my abdomen and I, in a moment of lust, grabbed his firm buttocks and pushed him harder against me, bringing his head in for a deep kiss. When our lips parted, he smiled and whispered to me, "I can't work like this. He can't be an obstruction."

"He's not."

"He was, and he might be again."

"Ah." About that time, Tatrix dragged his tail across my nether regions. I gasped in sensation. I put my mouth right against the creature's ear and whispered to him. He nodded and a moment later, jumped against the sofa back, using his legs as anchors while he snatched Sibra from his perch and arched his back to land the fox on top of me. Having usurped the position, the fennec continued to stare at me. His gaze felt good.

I held Sibra fast and turned him so he faced me. Looking between his legs, I opened my mouth in surprise. "You can't tell me you're not even erect yet. Do you have some disfunction?"

He looked away nervously. "I don't think so. Plus, I don't want to be a part of this!"

"Dude! We're just having fun. I have yet to make a truly sexual move on either of you."

"You grabbed my ass," floated a light voice from above us.

"Yeah, well I can't help it if your ass is just that awesome." He laughed. I looked again at the fox's limp member. "That beast has got to wake up."

"Look, I really don't understand what the problem is..."

I stared him in the eyes. "Sibra, you are an organic sex machine. You can't have erectile dysfunction. And, you can't go another night without experiencing orgasm in your position and at your age- it's illegal." With that, I sat up and spun him in place, leaning him back against me. I ran my hands - they were naturally soft, rather than coarse, and mostly hairless (a gift from my mother's side) - over his small chest, stroking down his body over and over again. I nuzzled against the back of his neck and fondled him, keeping one hand at the level of his breast while I did so. As I had thought, this elicited a stirring in him. I could feel the blood pump into his phallus and wondered for the first time if he had ever even had an erection. "Have you ever even had an erection?"

"Yes! Every man and Pixie has had an erection. I can just control it."

"Clearly not," commented Tatrix from above. While I continued to gently knead the fox's balls, the white troubadour knelt in front of him and, grabbing his coworker's snake, drew his furred hands lightly over it, caressing it, coaxing it to its full length. In the space of two minutes, we had his full nine inches - that seemed to be the average size for the creatures - pumping hard and his mouth was issuing sounds between objection and pleasure. Watching over Sibra's head, I saw Tatrix lower his own to the rod before him and gently lick it. This first contact was followed by a short kiss and a long rub, the display clearly for my benefit. In return, I scratched the pleasurer's ears. His earlier moves were quickly changed to him clamping his lips around the pulsating member and sucking on it tenderly. Sibra arched so heavily into me that I felt a tingling of nerves where his head struck my solar plexus.

Ignoring my own painful erection, I gently pushed Tatrix's head back up and, while Sibra whimpered in nearly childish sexual pleasure, and began to slide my hand up and down said rod. It's marvellous girth kept me throbbing against his back, and I held him tightly against me as I tubbed, increasing my speed until I felt his heartbeat flutter like a hummingbird's wings, his pulse racing with excitement and his ears flushing scarlet. I could almost feel his heartbeat in his whole small body, and that made me hold him all the tighter.

Tatrix massaged and licked his blue-green orbs, putting on quite a display as he moved and stretched sinuously against my legs, pressing my thighs with his soft hands as he leaned forward into Sibra's lap. As I jacked off the fox, I began to slowly move him up and down against me, his tail twitching eclectically against my cock, exciting me with its downy feel. What had started as a fairly quiet act had nearly become a full-blown orgy, I realized as I saw Tatrix pleasuring himself with one hand, minus the volume.

Panting and groaning, Sibra was approaching climax. I felt his member stiffen further and flex against my hand, so I accelerated my movements, finding immense pleasure just in how much length there was to work with. With him sitting like this, it was almost as though it were mine.

As the first shot pumped up through his cock, I grinned and held it against his chest, sending the load into his face. Again he shot, and again it hit him across his features. His eyes and mouth were open in shock, catching and then releasing the thick, creamy semen, only some of which he had the sense to catch and swallow, and when he continued to cum after the first few blasts, Tatrix got up and stared emotionlessly at it.

Even though I kept stroking him, the climax had begun to subside. Tatrix straddled the fox and licked every drop of sticky jizz from his face, chest, and python, which immediately returned to full readiness. "Is it sweet?" I asked him. I had never tasted another man's cum- only, in my curiosity, my own.

"See for yourself." Pushing Sibra aside and nudging me onto my back, he kissed me, shoving his tongue into my mouth. I tasted the semen he had taken in, and it was sweet. I hadn't ever imagined that could happen, but it clearly did, because I liked it enough to take everything Tatrix gave me. Even without the taste, that kiss was incredible. My toungue snaked around his and our lips pressed powerfully into eachother before we released.

Gasping, I said, "Is it the same for all of you?"

He grinned alluringly. "See for yourself again."

Unbeknownst to me, he had continued to have fun with his own hand. Sensing an imminent orgasm, I rolled us over and put my head between his legs, getting my mouth above his pulsating anaconda. The sticky substance almost immediately rushed in and tasted as though he had eaten nothing but sugar for the past month. It was almost disturbingly delicious. There was so much in his load that I was forced to let some of it pool around his belly button while he gasped hard to control his reaction, which I attacked once his pulses had died down, though his rod had not. He giggled and spasmed as I blew a raspberry on him.

Sitting back against the couch, I realized that though I had enjoyed giving all this treatment, I had yet to receive any. I kind of wanted it to stay that way; much as I liked having them, I had realized that though troubadours were considered toys, rather than people, my conscience would still berate me if I fulfilled my own sexual desires with these two; as I had said to Raiden so long ago, I planned on remaining as much a virgin as was still possible until I was married, in his words, "to a ravishingly beautiful woman." Namely, Teva.

Tatrix got on his knees before me to serve the above expressed need.

"I can assure you it doesn't taste nearly as good."

"There are other ways to sate that desire, then..." he offered, again with his seductive eyes and swaying and rubbing his hips suggestively.

"Eww." I detested the notion of anal sex. Simply the idea of what had been where and was going where unnerved me.

"Actually, another part of our engineering is that that part of us is impeccably clean."

"Really?" I actually began to consider the idea.

"Yeah," confirmed Sibra, shifting so that he was sitting on the sofa next to me, legs splayed wide, his feet dangling like a child's. "It's really weird to think about, but it's one thing they remind us of every week in that place so that we make sure to advertise it." He covered his face with his hands and wiped the sweat from it, still trying to shake the strangeness of what had just happened. It occurred to me that, being a non-humanoid mammal, he shouldn't have sweated, but I ignored it.

"Glad you decided to join us."

Tatrix still looked at me in question, his nose an inch from burying itself in my lap.

I met his eyes and nodded, desire having won out. Immediately, he began work to put any pleasure slave to shame. His cool tongue stuck out to just barely caress my tip and his hands moved like silk over my sides and chest and thighs. He breathed onto my shaft tenderly, and I shuddered, closing my eyes so I couldn't tell what was coming next. He licked just barely harder, and then harder again, and again, and I could tell Sibra was watching from afar, and I could smell musk all around me in the chilly room.

Tatrix game my member a kiss, pushing his lips against it and rubbing them around before parting them and letting his teeth slide delicately down my shaft as he engulfed it, immediately clamping his lips down and drawing them back up the length, slowly, slowly, and slowing even more at the tip. My mouth was open as I panted with pleasure, and his hands kept feeling me, covering me in that silky feeling as he did it again, this time faster, and then again, faster, and then maintaining a steady, pulsing rhythm as I flexed and heaved air in and out, needing this release.

I couldn't hold it much longer and Tatrix somehow knew, drawing away and tauntingly breathing on me again, just blowing air so there was just barely enough friction to let me know there was goodness to be had, but nothing so much as to send me over the edge. "Come on, man," I moaned. "Just finish it."

I could feel his grin as he pressed it up against my balls, pushing his tongue out and sliding it up the shaft until he swallowed me whole, working just his tongue while his mouth stayed still, encouraging me to thrust just barely until, muscles clenched tight, I came.

I blissfully let the orgasmic shudders wrack me, feeling Tatrix clamp down and guide my hand to his throat so I could feel him swallowing, then relaxed my body and opened my eyes. The pale fox began licking the remainder of the substance off immediately, and I scratched his ears in gratitude. I didn't want to shower again that night. When he was done, I grabbed him and held him as I would a stuffed animal.

"Sibra, you look depressed."

"Naw, I'm just tired," he yawned, ambling towards us.

"It doesn't look like it," I mumbled around Tatrix's head, eyeing his still erect member. "But I actually am tired, as you can see. Man, I wish I had more endurance." My cock had softened nearly immediately.

"Practice makes perfect," murmured Tatrix, closing his eyes and resting his head on my breast.

"Seems like it would only decrease the shelf life."

He moved noncommitally. "Though it is vulgar supernaturality, odd things have been known to occur around us troubadours."

"Such as?"

He immediately rattled off a list. "Cured crookedness, cured premature ejaculation, higher sperm count, harder erections, longer endurance for guys and girls, greater control over... orifices, both male and female, firmer breasts, sweeter juices, and cured erectile dysfunction. Some of the rarer cases were bigger boobs, a longer penis, a wider vagina, stronger labia, a thicker penis, multiple orgasms for both sexes, and once, controllable flexibility over the penis and another time, the separation of the muscles around the vagina to allow, once again, greater control." I hadn't expected so many. "Some of it gets a little wierd."

My eyebrows rose significantly for a moment. "That's quite impressive."

"Glen, you're in the beginning of knowing troubadours. This is a fantasy. It may sound silly, but just because magic in sex isn't mentioned in the books doesn't mean it doesn't happen in them." It was the most he had yet said.

Nodding, I held him tightly and stayed on the floor, preferring the open carpet to the constraining furniture. "That's awesome." Sibra came over and leaned against my back while I hugged Tatrix like a teddy bear. Sleep came with the music still playing.