I Didn't Mean To

Story by Human Kid Jet on SoFurry

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This is another sex story that is based on the Geronimo Stilton Animated Series, this time, it's more like it's based off on what happened way after the episodes Attack Of The Killer Whale, The Gator Samaritan and Ravenrat but it's not a prequel or midquel, it's a sequel to my previous Geronimo Stilton story. Geronimo Stilton is just now off work, he's thinking of doing something now that he's off work but he's stopped by a female mouse police officer, she starts to ask him questions about someone she arrested and wants to know if Geronimo knows anything. Geronimo feels really nervous and is afraid that she's going to arrest him for something, he tries to relax but the female mouse police officer is a bit stern but than Geronimo panics and breaks down. The female mouse police officer realizes that she was too hard on Geronimo and comforts him, letting him know that she didn't mean to be so hard on him and she has a way of making him feel better in any other way she knows and Geronimo finds out she's a really nice lady, even if she's an officer of the law. This one female mouse police officer has shown she has made a few brief cameos in the Geronimo Stilton cartoon episodes in Attack Of The Killer Whale, The Gator Samaritan and Ravenrat but her name was never revealed so I gave her a name.

This story may or may not have ageplay in it this time but just lots and lots of size difference and maybe hyper play so it's something new I may or may not try out. You could say it's a sequel to "Fun On The Rodent Express Train" please leave comments in this story and leave a comment or two in my other story I posted recently too because I want to know how good my stories are from other viewers words but be gentle with the comments, it's been a while since I've been writting so I'm a bit rusty. I'm still not sure if I'm out of this writters block or not.

It was a sunny day in New Mouse City and Geronimo had just finished everything he had to do at work today, he was off and knew he had the rest of the day to do what ever he wanted, even if it was something fun.

"What a day." said Geronimo as he was leaving his office.

Geronimo Stilton was a young male mouse who appeared to be in his late thirties, he was six feet tall with green eyes, short brown hair, brown fur all over his body but white fur all over his feet paws, front torso, chest, belly, chin and mouth area. His voice was deep, mature yet sometimes sheepish, he had a tail that was at least two feet long, almost two inches thick and wide and he was wearing a green suit with a green suit jacket, a white suit shirt under the suit jacket, a pair of green suit pants and a red tie. He was headed for the hallway that lead towards the exit.

"Geronimo?" came Thea's voice.

Geronimo stopped and saw Thea coming over to him, she had given him a hug and looked at him.

"Geronimo, I had to call a mechanic to fix your car." said Thea nervously with an embarrassed grin.

"What's wrong with my car?" asked Geronimo starting to give her a stern look.

"Well, I remembered when I asked you if I could borrow your car to go run an errand or two but when I got it back here with it, the engine had a little problem and it turns out that it just needs to be worked on for a bit." said Thea explaining it to him. "I'm sorry about your car, I'll pay for the bill."

Geronimo knew that if he couldn't use his car to drive for a bit, than he'll either have to take the bus or go on foot but he felt good to know that Thea admitted what happened and that she will pay the bill for his car as it's being worked on.

"I'm glad you told me Thea." said Geronimo. "How long will they be working on my car?"

"About thirty minutes, maybe an hour." said Thea. "You could go for some ice cream while you wait, I'll be happy to drive you if you want me to."

"Thanks but I'll go on foot from here, there's an ice cream shop not too far away from here." said Geronimo flattered.

"If your sure, than okay." said Thea as she hugged Geronimo. "I'll stay here and make sure your car is fully fixed, if you need me, you got my cell phone number and I got yours, also, I got my cell phone on me just in case."

Geronimo hugged Thea back, feeling better to know all this as Thea was making sure his car will be fixed. After hugging each other for a bit, they released their arms from each other and Geronimo headed for the exit.

"Have fun and remember not to eat the ice cream too fast or you'll have brain freeze." said Thea as she waved at him.

"Thanks Thea and I'll keep that in mind." said Geronimo as he waved back.

Geronimo had walked out the door and was outside, he was walking down a side walk towards a local ice cream shop he knew and he remembered all sorts of flavors that he liked. Rainbow sherbet, strawberry, orange, lemon, cherry, even having a waffle cone smelled like sweet tasting breakfast in the morning.

"Excuse me, sir?" came a female's voice.

Geronimo stopped and turned to see who it was and he saw a female mouse walking over to him, she was a female police officer. She had a deep, husky, seductive, hot and steamy voice, appearing to be fourty years of age or older as she was six feet and four inches tall, with her height, Geronimo was tall enough to reach up to her chin, she had short, curly blonde hair that looks like it has a perm and it was kept up, giving the impression that it was long if kept down, she had brown fur all over but white fur all over her feet paws, cheeks, chin, mouth and under her nose and her tail was at least two feet long, almost two inches thick and wide. She was wearing her usual police officer's uniform, she was wearing a long sleeved blue collared shirt with gold buttons and two dark blue strips with one gold strip in between them on the shirt's wrist, a short sleeved white shirt under it, a red tie, blue pants with a brown leather belt and a gold belt buckle, a gold police badge on the right side of her shirt located near the shoulder and a blue police officer's cap with a gold badge on the front and gold police officer epaulets on her shoulders. The make-up she wore was dark red lipstick and her lips looked to be quite full, big, luscious and seemed to be kept soft and smooth looking from either using chapstick or lip gloss. She wore what looked like light blue gloves, her eyes couldn't be seen because she was wearing black tactical sunglasses and she had her usual police officer's gear around. Geronimo wondered what she wanted.

"Sir, I'm Officer Joanna Buffwhiskers, I'm with New Mouse City Police." she said as she showed him her badge before she continued. "Would you mind asking a few questions?"

"Yes sir...I mean yes ma'am." said Geronimo starting to become nervous from what he said.

"A few days ago we had arrested a criminal and he told us something that we want to straighten out and clarify." said Joanna as she explained. "I'm just going to ask a few questions is all."

"Yes ma'am." said Geronimo letting out a nervous sigh.

Geronimo felt his heart race from fear and nervousness, having a police officer ask him a few questions made him wonder if he was in a bit a trouble of any kind or if he did something wrong or if somethng happened and they wondered if he knew anything about it which would make him afraid to ask. He had tried to keep his fear distracted by looking at something, unfortunately, he couldn't find anything calming to look at and his eyes wondered around at her huge chest bulge from her chest area of the police uniform, they looked enormous but he tried not to look at them in case Joanna was to get forceful.

"Eyes looking at me, sir." said Joanna as she pointed at him than back at her.

Geronimo looked back at Joanna, knowing that he has to answer everything she asks, if he ran away, than she'd take him into custody for resisting an officer. He gulped.

"State your name." said Joanna.

"Geronimo Stilton." said Geronimo sheepishly.

"The criminal in question that we arrested had mentioned that the Stiltons were the reason why he was arrested but he stated that you may have assisted with him on something but we wonder if he's lying." explained Joanna. "Did you have anything to do with a crime or assisting a criminal in a criminal act a few days ago."

"No ma'am, I didn't do any of the sort. Me and my family were just investigating a scoop for our newspaper the Rodent's Gazzette." said Geronimo breathing in and out calmly.

So far, nothing was going wrong. Joanna was writting things down on a little notebook and and he wondered if she believed him or if she was skeptical.

"Where were you and your family after we had arrested the criminal?" asked Joanna still looking stern.

"Using our scoop for the Rodent's Gazzette news and for our newspaper. Than after that we had rested up and had some fun to relax." said Geronimo as his body shuddered.

She walked closer to him till she was right in front of him, face to face and Joanna was starting to look at him from head to toe till she was looking back at him from the face. Geronimo couldn't tell what her facial expression was because of the sunglasses that covered her eyes.

"Geronimo, you do know that if your lying, I could charge you with purgery, upstruction of justice, assisting a criminal in a criminal act and I could take you in. Do you understand me?" said Joanna as she was startng to sound very stern.

Geronimo saw her place her hand paw on her waist were her expandable baton was located, he could tell from the tone in her voice that she was giving him a full on last warning.

"Are you telling me the truth or telling me a lie, you better not be lying because I'm giving you a full warning if you are." said Joanna as her voice started to sound like it was becoming strict, she wasn't yelling but her tone sounded strict.

Geronimo felt his fear and nervousness over flow his mind and body, shuddering all over his body as he started to shead a tear, but once he sheaded one tear, it became more than one tear as he was about ot break into crying.

"I didn't do anything, I swear of it to the lord in mouse heaven." said Geronimo as his voice was breaking.

He didn't want to cry his eyes out in public in case he would make a scene so he tried to cry silently but it was hard to do so. Joanna started to look taken-aback by this and started to feel guilty for how strict she was being.

"Sir please, I didn't mean to be so hard." said Joanna starting to sound compassionate.

"I don't want to be taken in for something I didn't do or be beaten up like it was from a brute of a bruiser." said Geronimo grieving with a heavy breath. "Noooo-oh-oh-oh."

Joanna was overcome with guilt and shame that she pulled Geronimo in her big and strong arms and hugged him closely to her body yet with a firm grip, rubbing his back and letting out sweet, gentle and comforting shushes.

"Come on, it's alright, I'm not going to do any of the sort, come now, show me a smile." said Joanna trying to comfort Geronimo. "I'm sorry for being so hard on you."

Hearing her say this started to make Geronimo feel better, he was calming down as his crying was subsiding and he let out a few heavy sighs, breathing in and out less and less heavier. Both of them started to face each other, she dried his tears by wiping them away.

"Sir, do I need to call who ever is your emergancy contact, an uncle, an aunt or someone in the family?" asked Joanna starting to place her hand paw on his cheek.

"I'm starting to calm myself." said Geronimo softly. "Although why do you ask?"

"Well, I know I'm responsible for your emotional distress and I wondered if I should do that." said Joanna in a soothing tone.

"I'm okay, it's just police officers sometimes make me nervous in these situations, I don't mean anything by it." said Geronimo as he was pulling himself together.

Joanna knew that Geronimo had every right to feel this way with how hard she got on him and was relieved to see him feeling better after she had comforted him. She than leaned in and planted a kiss to Geronimo's cheeks, making him blush and grin with a cute giggle.

"Sir, could I ask you something, it's kind of personal." said Joanna as she started to rub his cheek.

"I'm all ears." said Geronimo feeling relaxed.

"Are you by any chance, you know, up here?" asked Joanna as she pointed at her head.

Geronimo was a bit confused at what she meant but he had an idea on what Joanna was asking him which only had one thing in mind.

"Are you asking me if I'm handicapped or have a mental illness?" asked Geronimo curiously.

"I was wondering if that's why you broke down." said Joanna feeling embarrassed to ask this question. "It's nothing to be ashamed of."

"I can assure you that I don't have any physical or mental disabilities, no physical or mental illnesses but I appreciate your concern." said Geronimo feeling flattered from how much Joanna was caring about his well-being.

She was now placing her hand paws on his shoulders and gave him a compassionate grin, than leaned in and kissed his forehead. Her kisses were not only making Geronimo blush but also loved as his heart raced from the compassionate affection.

"I'm actually off the clock from my job now, I could take you for some ice cream." said Joanna kindly.

"I would like that, please." said Geronimo politely.

Joanna started to take Geronimo by the hand paw and they walked towards and ice cream shop that wasn't far away. As they arrived at the ice cream shop, it was looking like a happy place, people could either eat outside on the tables and seats or go inside and eat. They sat down a a clean table that was inside the shop and Joanna got the ice cream. She got herself chocolate ice cream in a pint cup while she got Geronimo strawberry ice cream in a pint cup. Both of them were eating the ice cream they had and it tasted sweet yet they made sure they didn't eat too fast or they'd have brain freeze.

"Thanks for the ice cream, so sweet and good to the taste." said Geronimo happily.

"It's the least I can do for someone as sweet and sensitive as you." said Joanna as she kissed him on his forehead again.

Even Geronimo didn't mind the affection she was giving him, she even fed him some of his own ice cream to him like she was spoon-feeding him which was kind of something that would've looked cute and rather romantic to them from the looks of it. After they had finished their ice cream, they felt a bit better afterwards.

"Geronimo, are you sure no one out there has been bullying you lately?" asked Joanna curiously. "If they are, I can show them a thing or two."

"No one has been bothering me at all lately but thank you." said Geronimo feeling appreciated.

Joanna was relieved to hear that and she placed a hand paw on Geronimo's right shoulder and had him in a one armed hug, her other hand paw was placed on his chest where his heart was at, feeling his heart beating. Geronimo blushed and his mouse ears twitched a little, it was as if she was making a pass on him but she was only trying to make him feel comfortable.

"You know Geronimo, I remember seeing you and your family take down many criminals out there that me and the police have taken into custody and were punished for their crimes. That time when you and your family helped take down Captain Ingrim and his crew when they were poaching killer whales illegally, that time when you and your family had helped us take down one of our escaped prisoners that escaped from prison, that time you and your family stopped Ravenrat from doing what he was going to do with the world's information and so many other things you and your family have helped us with." said Joanna feeling admiration for Geronimo's help in the past. "You and your family have done so much good for us, your like heroes that fought for your country and survived."

"Oh thank you, we do our best to do the right thing." said Geronimo flattered. "For a police officer, your really nice and rather sweet."

Feeling flattered, Joanna pulled Geronimo in her arms for a firm yet gentle hug as she was rubbed his back in one hand paw and rubbing the back of his head with the other. Geronimo felt so comfortable and safe in her arms, he was having that dopey grin on his face as if he was being seduced by his true love.

"Come here, you." said Joanna lustfully.

Joanna suddenly planted her big, soft, full and luscious lips to Geronimo's lips in a passionate kiss, kissing him deeply as this was quite the big smooch and it made Geronimo felt like ice in the summer, his mind was going off wildly like fireworks and he closed his eyes during the big kiss as his heart started to beat a bit faster. After they held the kiss their for a while, they pulled their lips away in a loud and wet pop. This left Geronimo blushing and Joanna was blushing too but she realized that she unexpectedly kissed him and was thinking that it was inappropriate so she tried to come up with something to say but she seemed to like the kiss, making her wonder if the kiss was such a good idea or not but she remained calm from the looks of it.

"Geronimo?" said Joanna letting out a sigh.

"Yes officer Buffwhiskers?" answered Geronimo.

"Please, you can just call me Joanna." said Joanna suggesting him to call her by her first name.

"Okay Joanna." said Geronimo hugging her as she was hugging him.

She was starting to feel her mind become calm as she breathed in and out calmly and started to rub Geronimo's head a little more but slowly to make him feel relaxed.

"Geronimo, do you like me?" asked Joanna curiously.

Geronimo snapped back to reality and blushed, felt a bit nervous because he knew a police officer is always suppose to be alert, professional, not let their personal feelings get involved due to something affecting the situation of a case they're solving but he knew that since she's off duty, he could be truthful with her but he wondered how she would react from what he said.

"Well, even though when you first talked to me, I felt nervous and afraid that you were going to arrest me for something from the questions you asked me. Sure you were a bit strict but when you realized I was innocent after I had, you know, the way you comforted me and let me know how sorry you felt, even taking me out for some ice cream. I'll admit, you have been really nice and kind to me." said Geronimo as he explained. "Do you like me?"

Joanna was feeling admired by what Geronimo has said, she knew that he was feeling a bit nervous about her showing how much she was loving him from the kissing and hugging, even the kisses made him get lost in a world of romantic passions.

"Well, the way I saw you emotionally break down in front of me, I felt something that just made me feel overcome by compassion. It was like something made me want to come galloping towards your rescue and become your hero, like how Spidermouse always saves Mary Jane Mouseson." said Joanna as she admitted it. "My heart beats for you."

Geronimo felt like she was showing him love and affection from what she said, to him, it was like he knew she had a thing for him from how sensitive she found out he was when she realized she was a bit hard on him. Joanna started to rub Geronimo's chest with one finger in circular motion around his heart and giggled.

"You really do like me?" said Geronimo feeling happy.

"Will this answer your question, honey?" said Joanna huskily.

Joanna planted her big, soft, full and luscious lips to Geronimo's lips in a passionate yet deep kiss, making their worlds in their heads feel like them fireworks were going off like no tommorrow as they kissed each other. She was now kissing him more passionately as she was starting to make-out with Geronimo, holding him in her big and strong arms as she did while he was letting her do this.

"Joanna." moaned Geronimo into the kiss.

"Geronimo." moaned Joanna into the kiss.

As they kissed each other, it started to make them both feel aroused as Geronimo started to grow a big erection in his pants and after they needed to breathe, they both pulled their lips away from each other and took in a fresh breath of air and let it out. Joanna looked at Geronimo and saw the bulge in his pants growing.

"I'll take that as a yes." said Geronimo happily.

Joanna suddenly gave Geronimo's left cheek a big lick with her rather huge tongue which made him giggle, it was starting to feel erotic to them both.

"That tickles." giggled Geronimo.

After the huge lick, she was placing her arms back around his body to keep hugging him but she was stroking his chest in one finger in circular motion again where his heart was as she was advancing towards him.

"Geronimo, could we go somewhere to be alone?" said Joanna in a sultry tone.

"If you want to, than we can." said Geronimo as he felt okay with it but curious to why she would want to.

She kissed him on the cheek and both of them got up from their seats, she took Geronimo by the hand paw and they walked out the door of the ice cream shop, walking outside and once outside, she scooped up Geronimo into her arms and Joanna was now carrying Geronimo in her arms, bridal style. This was surprising to Geronimo as she carried him to where ever they were going, she was quite the strong female mouse to be able to carry him since he was at the average weight, he was thinking she couldn't be able to lift him but she was strong enough to lift him off the ground.

"Someone's been working out." said Geronimo sheepishly. "I can walk on my own two feet if that's okay with you?"

"Nonsense, I don't mind carrying you." said Joanna happily.

Joanna carried Geronimo over to what looked like her car, she had a navy blue colored Mercedes-Benz that had both front seats and back seats, it even had tinted windows. She had finally put Geronimo down gently on his feet paws and both of them opened up the doors and got inside the car. Joanna sat in the driver's seat while Geronimo sat in the passenger's seat next to her.

"Always remember to buckle up." said Joanna.

Both of them buckled up their seat belts and their seat belts started to hold them gently yet firmly to their seats. Joanna started up the car and drove off, she was going the speed limit so Geronimo felt comfortable through out the whole ride. They arrived at a parking garage that she drove inside of and drove around till they were on the fifth floor of the parking garage, she found a parking spot that was perfect for them since there wasn't another car on that floor to be seen. She put the car's gear shift in park and both of them were finally alone, they unbuckled their seat belts so they were free to move around the car.

"Now that we're alone, maybe we could talk about something." said Joanna as with a cute grin as she removed her sunglasses, revealing her icy blue eyes. "While we have some privacy."

She even removed her police officer's cap and placed her cap and shades in the glove box. Joanna than let the rest of her hair down as her hair was long enough to reach her shoulders when it's all the way down, seeing her eyes and face revealed made her look rather beautiful from looking at her and her facial expression was usually serious, a look of no emotion but her facial expression was showing to be caring and compassionate. Geronimo was curious to what she wanted to speak to him in private for but he suspected it was something personal and was willing to help out no matter what.

"If your wanting my advice on anything, I'm all ears. But if my advice doesn't help, there's always therapy." said Geronimo suggesting something.

"It's nothing like that." said Joanna.

Joanna unbuckled the belt she was wearing around her pants and placed it on the floor of the car, she even removed her police officer's duty belt and placed it on the car floor along with her belt. She let out a breath of air as she felt more comfortable without the belt and duty belt constricting her.

"But I could use a good listening ear about something personal." said Joanna as she reached out and rubbed underneath Geronimo's chin.

Geronimo blushed, giggled and grin from this and he scooted over to Joanna as she placed him in her lap, as he sat in her lap in the car, he felt her place one big arm around him to hold him closely to her while her free hand paw kept rubbing underneath his chin slowly. Geronimo's face was close to her huge chest area of her uniform which was making the erection in his pants growing bigger down his pants leg and it got tighter in his pants.

"Geronimo, my heart feels this overwhelming feeling of compassion and love. I've felt it when I saw you break down in tears from when I was so hard on you from all the questioning and I'm wondering if what I'm feeling is love...for you." said Joanna finally admitting it.

Geronimo felt a bit surprised at what she was telling him, he was realizing that there was a lot about what she was saying that was right, ever since Joanna saw how hard she was on Geronimo and saw how much it hurt him, she has been doing everything she knew was right to make it up to him and make him feel better. The kissing, the hugging, taking him out for ice cream and the love and affection from her was all the signs that showed it. Geronimo didn't know if he should feel flattered, appreciated or if he should feel loved from all this.

"Geronimo, do you like me?" asked Joanna looking at him as she stopped rubbing his chin and placed her free paw on his chest.

"Well, you have been really nice to me and you do have quite the beautiful face." said Geronimo kindly. "Are you trying to tell me you like me too?"

Joanna giggled and when she leaned in, she gave Geronimo's whole left cheek a long and huge lick with her huge tongue smothering his whole face which was starting to make Geronimo feel his arousal growing from that and it was quite the turn on to see her have a massively huge tongue. After the huge lick, she noticed the big bulge growing in Geronimo's pants and not only blushed but started to feel aroused.

"Well, I'll admit, seeing you in the newspaper when you got your scoop, you look so handsom, seeing you on TV when you got your scoop, you look so handsom and so cute, but seeing you in person, oh my, your so cute and adorable." said Joanna as she winked and smiled with a nod.

She gently lifted his face up to look at hers and he saw her lick her big lips with her huge tongue slowly yet in a sexy manner, it made Geronimo a little nervous as he knew what she was wanting or knew what she wanted.

"Geronimo, would you agree with me if I said I wanted to make you the happiest man in the world right now?" asked Joanna huskily.

"Joanna, are you trying to seduce me?" said Geronimo blushing.

Joanna nodded twice, giggled, blushed and grinned at Geronimo as she was starting to kiss his forehead again and was feeling his heart beat with her hand paw as if it was a love gesture. To Geronimo, he was flattered but felt nervous, wondering if it was a good idea or if any of them were up for it or he was probably a little unsure.

"Joanna, I don't know, you see, I'm sensitive and I don't want to get hurt, I'm not good with pain." said Geronimo starting to breath in and out a little fast from nervousness.

"It's okay, babyface. I'll make sure you don't get hurt, you won't feel any pain with me." said Joanna sweetly. "I'll be gentle with you, ya big and adorable mousie wousie."

Geronimo's breathing grew more calm and relaxed after hearing her say that, his heart beat eagerly from arousal growing at an immense rate and Joanna placed her hand paw down to firmly grasp his huge bulge that appeared in his pants. This made Geronimo moan and gasp from the touch.

"Okay, as long as your gentle with me, I don't see why not." said Geronimo as he felt safe for knowing this but he let out more moans.

Joanna instructed Geronimo to get into the back seat of the car by pointing to where he should go, he obeyed her and she got in the back seat of the car with him. She started to take off her gloves first and than she reached over to undo Geronimo's pants, she was successfull and pulled his pants and underpants off his easily, now his sixteen inched long, three inched wide and thick cock was fully erect and free along with his huge ball sac that was so large, it was as large as a baseball or larger. Joanna was really aroused by the sight, size and shape of it.

"Wow Geronimo, your huge, your compared to a horse." said Joanna looking surprised.

Geronimo blushed and felt flattered and Joanna started to scoot over closer to him, grabbing hold of his hips and waist. She leaned in and gave his whole huge cock and balls a big lick with her twenty inched long, ten inched wide and six inched thick tongue smothering his whole cock, balls and his belly in one long and slow lick as it made him moan loud.

"Oh Joanna, that feels nice, your tongue is so huge, ohhhhhh." moaned Geronimo.

Seeing her huge tongue from her large and wide mouth was sexually enticing to Geronimo and he felt everything become better once she was done licking his whole cock, balls and belly and she shoved his huge cock in her large and wide mouth, going balls deep inside it. He moaned from how hot, wet and slippery it was in there and he would moan louder as she started to suck him off eagerly while feeling her huge tongue licking and smothering his huge cock eagerly as well. The heat and tension in Geronimo's cock, balls and loins was growing inside him which tickled him everytime her huge tongue would touch his cock.

"Oh Joanna, that feels so good." moaned Geronimo softly.

Geronimo could feel her huge tongue keep on eagerly licking his whole large dick and he mostly felt it tracing the underside which was the most sensitive part of his shaft, it made him moan, giggle and shake a little everytime her huge tongue was tracing that part of his big dick. Having his entire cock in her mouth in there the way it was felt like it was going to be a really good blow job for Geronimo as he moaned and gasped from being sucked off this was by such a large female mouse.

"Joanna, your tickling it and it's a bit sensitive." moaned Geronimo with a giggle.

Joanna smiled and knew he was enjoying it, just needed a bit longer for his body to be used the feeling of his massive dick being sucked off balls deep, his body was slowly growing used to it and she started to suck him off a bit harder while her huge tongue was licking and smothering his whole big shaft a bit faster. The heat and tension grew a bit hotter, higher and stronger inside his sexual organs which tickled deeper. Geronimo moaned as he could feel his blow job starting to feel better and interesting.

"Don't stop, it tickles good." gasped Geronimo.

Feeling her sucking and licking his big dick with more power added to it was making Geronimo moan louder and he felt so incredible as it was happening. Geronimo felt Joanna rub his waist and hips and it felt good, it was like a sexually arousing body massage to him which was making his blow job feel even better and it gave his body something to focus on instead of the tickling feeling making him feel so sensitive. Geronimo was starting to feel everything in his body growing from the pleasure which meant his orgasm was building up.

"Ohhhhhhh yeah, kick it up a notch Joanna." moaned Geronimo with an eagered grin.

Joanna obeyed Geronimo as she was now sucking him off harder while her huge tongue was licking and smothering his whole big cock faster, it made his whole cock, balls, loins and body tingling all over from the heat and tension growing hotter, higher and stronger than before. She kept on rubbing his hips and waist like she was massaging them. Everything was feeling so hot and warm in Geronimo's body, he could feel his orgasm growing closer as his body was tensing up, even his tail was starting to tense up too by sticking out straight and it was only going to keep going straight the longer the pleasure was going to grow stronger.

"Ohhhh here it comes, it's gonna blow." grunted Geronimo.

Joanna knew Geronimo's orgasm was coming so she sucked him off with everything she had while her whole huge tongue was licking and smothering his big dick as fast as she could which felt wonderful to his body. The heat and tension was growing hotter, higher and stronger than ever inside his whole body, cock, balls and loins as it tickled the inside of his body as deep as it could with intense pleasure. Geronimo's body locked up, his tail stood straight out and he finally came hard inside of her large and wide mouth, moaning and gasping so loud that he was giggling at how much his orgasm tickled. Joanna swallowed every thick load of cum that shot out of his cock and into her mouth, not one drop of it leaked out of her mouth as she swallowed since having a big mouth made it possible to make sure not a drop leaked out.

"Ohhhhhhh Joanna, that feels nice." moaned Geronimo lazily.

It took Geronimo a while for his orgasm to come to an end and once it did, she pulled her mouth off his still hard dick. Joanna knew that Geronimo wanted more from the looks of his still hard and throbbing hard-on that stood up like a tower.

"That felt really nice." said Geronimo happily.

"Looks like you want more of me, do you honey bunch?" said Joanna as she kept her voice sounding sultry to keep him sexually aroused.

Geronimo knew she was right as Joanna got closer to him, she was now having her face close to his as she had a flirtatiously sly look on her face with a grin. Geronimo nodded as an answer to her question, he felt like he was powerless to resist her and her sexy voice was like a sexually intoxicating drug that kept him aroused. Joanna giggled.

"Than let Joanna show you the ride of your life, mousie boo boo." said Joanna huskily. "I'm going to give you some sugar, lots and lots of sugar."

He saw her start to take off her clothes when she backed up a bit, she took off her shirt, her pants which revealed her pink panties. Seeing her pink panties was a sexual turn on for him, she even took off the bullet proof vest and her white shirt. She was now only in her pink panties and pink bra which she took them off too. She was now fully nude in front of him. Joanna had a thick, wide, curvy, voluptious, large, plump, broad, muscled, a bit muscular body, her body wasn't fat and wasn't chubby, just big boned, she had a large and wide mouth with round and large cheeks that almost look chubby but it's only because she's big boned. Her massively huge tits were exposed, she had a good sized set of tits as her breasts were a good single 48K-cups, each boob was sixteen inches long, eighteen inches thick and wide as each boob stood straight up and never sagged, her butt was the same size and shape as her tits from the looks of it as her butt stood up straight and never sagged as well. All of her clothes were on the floor of the car.

"You like what you see, bubba boo boo?" said Joanna as her voice was sounding steamy.

Geronimo nodded and saw that her body was flawless, not one part of her body sagged at all, it was like looking at a perfectly sculpted body. Now Joanna crawled back over to Geronimo and started stripping him of the rest of his clothes and seeing his still hard erection was starting to make her so horny that she was definetly wanting him, once Geronimo's clothes have been stripped off his whole body, his clothes were now on the floor of the car as well, his slim yet well trimmed body was exposed and fully nude. Joanna gave Geronimo's whole cock, balls, belly, belly button, chest, nipples and face a big and body smothering lick which made him moan and it was sexually enticing to have a giant tongue smothering his whole body.

"Ohhhh Joanna, this feels good." moaned Geronimo giggling as it tickled him a bit.

After the huge lick was over, she slipped her huge tongue back in her mouth and started to help Geronimo lay down on his back to the back seats of the car while Joanna was starting to crawl on top of him, placing her hand paws on his shoulders to steady herself. She positioned her body just right and shoved Geronimo's huge cock inside her pussy hole, it went inside of her as balls deep as it could. Both of them moaned from how hot, tight, wet and slippery it felt inside. To Geronimo, it felt just like that when he was having his huge cock balls deep inside her pussy and both of them felt like a tight fit.

"Oh Joanna, it's a tight fit, please be gentle with me." moaned Geronimo.

"I'll make sure you don't feel any pain, babyface, your in safe and loving paws and I'll never hurt you." moaned Joanna as her voice was just sounding sexier and steamier.

Hearing her say that gave Geronimo comforting security and he moaned as Joanna started to steadily and eagerly ride and thrust his huge cock while he could feel her pussy hole firmly squeezing it, he watched her huge and busty tits bounce, jiggle and sway in front of his aroused and blushing face that seeing them bounce around that way only excited him further. Both of them felt the heat and tension growing inside their bodies and even made their minds have nothing but sexual excitement going through their minds. Both were moaning to the feeling of this.

"Oh Joanna, this feels much better." moaned Geronimo softly.

"Oh yes it is, I do hope you like big women with large bodies, big fannies and big, busty, super huge and juicey titties because large women make better lovers for you." moaned Joanna softly.

Geronimo nodded and moaned as he kept feeling Joanna riding his huge cock the way she was doing it, seeing them huge tits bounce around and feeling her pussy hole squeezing on his huge cock was starting to feel like sexual heaven. Everything felt hot and tingly and was only going to feel better than that the longer they kept it up, she kept her hand paws on his shoulders to steady themselves and to make sure no one fell over and slipped out.

"Kiss me, big boy, give your horny officer of the law a smoochie smooch." moaned Joanna giggling.

"Oh Joanna." moaned Geronimo excited.

Joanna leaned in and planted her big, soft, full and luscious lips to Geronimo's lips in a passionately deep kiss, both of them making-out while she even slipped in her huge tongue in his mouth to explore inside of his mouth. Both of them moaning into the kiss as their arousal was growing hotter and stronger inside, their tongues would wrestle a little from exploring each others mouths along with it.

"Geronimo." moaned Joanna kissing him.

"Joanna." moaned Geronimo kissing her.

As they kissed, they pulled their tongues back inside their own mouths and pulled their lips away from each other in a loud and wet pop, feeling their bodies arousal growing stronger, it was now time to kick things up. Joanna started to ride and thrust Geronimo's huge dick a bit faster and harder while her pussy hole was squeezing it a bit tighter and harder, making her huge breasts bounce, jiggle and sway in front of his horny face a bit faster as it would bounce up and down for his eyes and face to see. Both of them were feeling the heat and tension growing a bit hotter, higher and stronger which tickled their loins and sex organs teasingly. Both of them moaning and gasping, hearing Joanna's moans were really deep, husky, seductive, hot and steamy from the sound of her sexually enticing voice which was sexual music to Geronimo's ears.

"Oh Joanna, I love the way you tickle me there, ohhhhhh it feels so nice." gasped Geronimo.

"It's only gong to tickle more the longer I keep this up, I'm going to show you how big of a heart I got with plenty of love I want to give you." gasped Joanna.

Joanna leaned in and gave Geronimo's whole belly, chest, nipples and face another huge and body smothering lick with her whole big tongue smothering and licking his whole body, making him moan and giggle. After her gigantic tongue was smothered all over him, she slipped it back inside her large and wide mouth and kissed Geronimo on his chest, his nose, his forehead, his cheeks and lips and resumed her love-making to Geronimo. As their bodies movements increased with faster speeds and harder thrusts, everything was only growing hotter and stronger inside their bodies. Both of them felt their bodies start to sweat a little from the heat growing inside their bodies and from the way the heat wasn't going anywhere since all the doors were locked and all the windows were rolled all the way up and the heat and sexual scent was trapped in the car like a jar of pickles. All of this would just fog up the windows and make it hot inside.

"Don't stop Joanna, ohhhhhhh, your a really good lover." moaned Geronimo happily.

"Your turning out to be a champion lover at sex yourself, baby. Ohhhhhhh yes, your big momma's little baby, momma's mousie wousie." moaned Joanna steamily.

Even as the pleasure levels inside their bodies and minds builded up stronger, it even made their bodies feel like an orgasm could build up at any minute. Joanna kept her hand paws on Geronimo's shoulders but this time, she was keeping a firm grip on him. Geronimo's body would grow tense everytime it grew hotter and stronger and his tail would slowly start to tense as it would poke out straight a little, it was starting to become harder for his body to move which was a sign that their bodies were building up to an orgasm but it wasn't going to be for a little while longer. Joanna's massively busty tits bounced around Geronimo's horny face everytime she moved her body around and he was loving how them big breasts of hers would rapidly bounce around for him to see.

"Ohhhhhh momma, this tickles me so good, hold me when I'm going to blow up." moaned Geronimo as his breathing was a bit heavy.

"Ohhhhhhhhh yes baby, I'm going to rock your world from the inside out, ohhhhhh, ohhhhhhhhhhhh, momma's going to make you the happiest mouse alive soon." moaned Joanna in a sultry tone.

Hearing her sexy voice when she moans was turning Geronimo on even more which was like an aphrodiasiac affect, even seeing her huge an bouncy tits and her large and sweaty body had the same affect, even her huge tongue was having the same affect on him too. Both of them could feel an orgasm growing closer as Geronimo's whole body was growing more tense by the minute, making it harder for his whole body to move when he tried, his tail was starting to tense up as well as it was starting to poke out more straight by the minute, poking out more and more as the pleasure levels grew inside his body. Their bodies sweating all over and it got hotter inside, the sexual scent grew stronger inside the car which was only driving them nuts with intense arousal. Joanna started to ride and thrust Geronimo's huge cock as fast and hard as she could at full speed, her pussy hole was squeezing as tight and hard as it could while her huge and bouncy boobs were bouncing, jiggling and swaying in front of his horny face as fast as they could at rapid speeds. Both of them felt the heat and tension growing as hot, high and strong as they could which was driving them hornily insane. They were moaning loudly and the car was sort of rocking back and forth as they kept at it.

"Ohhhhhh I'm going to pop, can't move, tickles all over. Hold me, hold me." grunted Geronimo loudly.

"Ohhhhhhhhh Geronimo, come to mommy, she's right here for you, give it to her good, you handsom hunk of man." grunted Joanna in loud moans.

Geronimo's whole body tensed up to the point where he couldn't move an inch of his whole body in any direction if he tried to do it, his tail was sticking straight out all the way as if it was like pointing his finger at something with his arm sticking straight out, his mouse ears were wiggling a lot and it finally happened as he came violently hard inside Joanna's pussy hole, cumming so hard in a full on tantric orgasm which he shot rope after large ropes of cum deeply inside her body. It didn't take long for Joanna to cum just as hard as Geronimo as both of them moaned so loud that they were starting to scream and squeak in pleasured tone. Both of them sweated all over and it was really hot inside the car as the windows fogged up.

"Call me officer Buffwhiskers." moaned Joanna with a loud scream.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhh officer Buffwhiskers." screamed Geronimo.

Both of them were cumming really hard for a long time as they both couldn't stop cumming hard at all if they tried. Joanna was pounding his huge cock away rapidly faster and harder than ever while her pussy hole was clamping down as tight and hard as it could on his huge cock, her overly busty tits were bouncing, jiggling nd swaying in front of his horny face so fast that Geronimo was looking at both her huge and bouncy tits and her sexually horny face at the same time, his head would follow them huge tits bouncing up and down with his eyes and face. The heat and tension was so much hotter, higher and stronger than before that the pleasure levels were tingling and tickling their loins and sex organs as deep as they could. Moaning and screaming from the strength of the pleasure was almost too intense.

"Ohhhhhhhh Geronimo, your like sex with a horse but better, ohhhhhhhhhhh babyface that's where I like it." moaned Joanna as her sultry voice was sounding sexier the longer they kept going.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhh officer Buffwhiskers, I might pop a cork again." moaned Geronimo with a loud squeak.

Geronimo was right about what he said as both him and Joanna moaned so loud from cumming so hard for so long that they both came violently harder again in a second and much violently harder, stronger, rougher, larger, hotter and much more powerful orgasm than their first orgasm felt. Joanna was now riding and thrusting his huge cock faster and harder than full speed while her tight and hot pussy hole was now as clamped tight and hard on his huge cock that his huge cock felt like it was stuck in there, her overly busty breasts were rapidly bouncing, jiggling and swaying up and down in front of his aroused face so much that he couldn't look away if he wanted to. The heat and tension was so hot, high and strong that it was going over the limit from how good and powerful it felt for their bodies, tickling and tingling their bodies, sex organs and loins so deep that it was as if it was to the core. Joanna was holding onto Geronimo like he asked him to do.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhh baby, your the king of sex, ohhhhhhhhhh, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, your my cutesie poo." moaned Joanna huskily.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhh, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh officer Buffwhiskers." moaned Geronimo lazily.

They felt their orgasms go on for so long that it took a long time for their violent orgasms to come to an end and Joanna was now laying on top of Geronimo, holding him in her big and strong arms as both of them were panting hard from their intense session of passionate sex. Both of them were covered in sweat and the car was filled with the fog which had the tinted windows fogged up and the scent of the sexual smell that came from their intense love-making was filling the car up as well.

"Your a better lover than any man I was ever with, bigger than all of them." panted Joanna.

"Your quite the lover yourself, it was the best time of my life." panted Geronimo.

As they took a minute or two for a breather so they could catch their breath, they felt like they had the best time ever. Joanna started licking Geronimo's whole chest, nipples and face slowly with her whole gigantic tongue licking and smothering his body. This felt good to Geronimo but it tickled slightly.

"That tickles Joanna." giggled Geronimo.

"Your so tasty, big boy, so yummy." said Joanna huskily in a steamy tone.

After she stopped licking him and her huge tongue went back in her large mouth, she planted a kiss to his chin, his nose, his forehead, his cheeks and his lips. Once she kissed him on the lips, they both passionately kissed each other there and held it there as well. After kissing each other for a while, they pulled their lips away from each other and Joanna hugged Geronimo closely to her body and he hugged her back. They enjoyed the afterglow together for a long time, than Geronimo's phone was vibrating, he reached for it as it was in his pants pocket but his pants was on the floor of the car. Geronimo pulled the phone from his pants and answered it.

"Hello, this is Geronimo Stilton speaking on his cell phone." said Geronimo as he was speaking on his cell phone.

"Hey Geronimo, the people working on your car are done with your car, your car is up and running and ready and I paid the bill for it all. Do you need a ride home or anything?" asked Thea as she was on the other end of the cell phone.

Joanna planted a kiss on Geronimo's cheek which made him blush, he knew that they could go for a few more rounds or maybe one more round of sex and it made them both excited.

"Thanks for the offer but I'll be having a ride home with a friend of mine." said Geronimo kindly. "We're still on for watching a stand-up comedian perform tommorrow in town, yes?"

"Sure, Jeff Mouseham will be performing so we could use a good laugh at his jokes." said Thea with a little giggle. "Just remember, if you need anything, you got my phone number and cell phone number and I got my cell phone on me just in case."

"Sounds like a plan and we're all set, I'll keep that in mind." said Geronimo.

Both Geronimo and Thea said to each other a kind and happy good bye before hanging up their cell phones. Geronimo put his cell phone back in his pants pocket and Joanna was starting to rub her body against his.

"You up for one more round of me riding you like a horse?" said Joanna in a sultry tone just to sexually entice him.

"Ride me like a horse and treat me like a baby if you want, I got one more in me." said Geronimo excited.

"Come here, you." said Joanna in her sexiest tone of voice.

She planted a big kiss to his lips and both of them had one more round of intense and passionate sex together, even had much more violent orgasms than they did in their first round of sex which was better for the both of them. After their second round of sex was over, that was when Joanna helped clean up both her body and especially Geronimo's body of the sweat and cum, opened up the windows to let the fog and scent out so they could air out the car, got dressed once both their bodies and the car was cleaned of the wetness from the fog, steam and from the cum and sweat on their bodies and where ever else it was at. Than Joanna gave Geronimo a ride to the Rodent's Gazzette so he could go drive himself home, but before he went home, Joanna had given him both her cell phone number and her home phone number so they could keep in touch if they ever wanted to have some romantic and intense sex together or if they want to go out for some fun, even Geronimo made sure he gave her his home phone number and cell phone number so she could keep in touch with him a bit better. Joanna made sure that no one ever bullied Geronimo and made sure no one ever gave him a hard time, during sex, when she would be riding his big dick and both were about to reach an orgasm, she encouraged Geronimo to call her "Officer Buffwhiskers" as it was the kinkiest turn on for both of them.

The End

Fun On The Rodent Express Train

It was a sunny day and Geronimo Stilton was taking a ride on a train, it was the Rodent Express train that he has taken a few times before, even when him and his family once took that train when they were helping with delivering an old and priceless...

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The One Where Everybody Wins

It was a sunny day in New Mouse City and at the Rodents Gazzette, Geronimo Stilton was in his office, he lay near his desk as he was crying and grieving a lot of tears ever since the trip to Transratania him and his family had taken to help out their...

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A Chat With The Teacher

It was a sunny day in New Mouse City and a week had passed since Geronimo Stilton and his family had foiled Professor Franz Ravenrat's evil plans to still all the information through out the whole city and now the crazy professor Franz Ravenrat is put...

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