Tailesium - Waking Up

Story by Tehrig on SoFurry

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Ok, I figure it's been long enough. My self-imposed deadline is nearly here, and about half of the next chapter has been written. I managed to make a valiant push in the last month, but haven't quite reached the end I had in mind.

No matter - it's already 23 pages, and I'd reached a good stopping point. The end result of splitting the chapter is that the explicit content is all in this part, with the world-buildy stuff coming in the next bit. Good for porn-hounds, less so for the those who're interested in the setting, assuming they even exist.

Synopsis: Jacob Drake returns to the fully-immersive world of Tailesium, and re-acquaints himself with his hyper-endowed dragoness avatar. Messily.

Hope to have the next part out in slightly less than a year and a half. Keep yer fingers crossed. XP

To say that the arrival of Total-Immersion Virtual Reality created a seismic disruption in the entertainment industry would be akin to saying that television's combination of picture and sound presented audiences of the mid-20th century with a novel distraction from their radio shows.

It quickly became clear that users of the technology tended to focus on it to the exclusion of any other form of recreation. Polls conducted by trusted media outlets showed that ninety-five percent of those who received TIVR implants would practically eliminate their consumption of all other media. Movies, TV, ebooks, professional sports, traditional two-dimensional video games, even haptic-suit-and-goggles VR - all these paled, it seemed, in comparison to a hyper-realistic world limited only by human imagination, where one could be anyone or any thing they desired.

Uptake of the tech came slowly at first due to widespread suspicion regarding the safety of nanite augmentation, especially the kind implanted in the brain. Price, too, was an early barrier, and heavy government regulation only made things costlier. But, as fabrication and implantation costs plummeted and early adopters failed to become brain dead techno-zombies, the "Simmers", as they were called, exploded in number.

Unsurprisingly, the worldwide news media fixated on the aspects of Simmer culture most likely to shock the uninitiated. Tabloid TV shows, 24-hour news streams, and outraged conservative bloggers made hyperbolic hay of its unapologetic hedonism, drawing direct comparisons with the drug-addled narcissism of the psychedelic age. But, they said, even the most blissed-out Summer of Love survivor would blanch at the deviant ways in which this new movement expressed its sexuality. The only possible conclusion to be drawn was that Total Immersion Virtual Reality was breeding a new generation of sexually abhorrent, morally bankrupt, pleasure-obsessed psychopaths.

All that bug-eyed fearmongering still failed to stem what had become a burgeoning subculture. Few Simmers descended into the madness predicted by those bloviating pundits. Most _were_obsessed with their hobby, but then, how could they not be? Who _wouldn't_want to experience their deepest fantasies and desires in a nearly consequence-free environment?

Certainly not Jacob Nicholas Drake, age 34. In fact, just moments ago, he'd "jacked in", as the retro-kitschy colloquialism went, beginning a new foray into the digital world. No jacks were actually involved, however - in fact there weren't even wires, unlike what the cyberpunks of old had predicted. There also weren't any harnesses, thick masses of cords, or conspicuous cranial implants. All it took was a biometrically-protected receiver unit with an ultra-low-latency network link and a user with a head full of neural-interfacing nanites.

Having just left its flesh-and-blood body and awaiting a connection with an avatar, Jacob's mind presently floated weightlessly in a black, featureless void commonly referred to by the culture as "Limbo". Most Simmers considered this transition between worlds as the least enjoyable part of TIVR, and with good reason. Temporarily without a body, a Simmer in this state experienced complete disconnection from all physical sensation. That total sensory deprivation produced a sense of paralysis unlike anything else; even the user's arms and legs seemingly ceased to exist. Few newcomers could resist the urge to panic under these circumstances.

Being that this was only Jacob's second time, and after an extended period away to boot, he failed to keep his terror at bay. Essentially a disembodied brain at that moment, he couldn't even close his eyes or feel air cycling through his lungs. Mercifully, the physiological reactions normally accompanying fear like this were absent, as he lacked a heart to pound, or skin to glaze over with cold sweat. Less merciful, though, were his thoughts. They whispered to him in dark, maddening words that he could be stuck like this, forever.

Deep down, he knew that was highly unlikely; the time spent in Limbo was technically brief, only a few seconds at most. But the onset of time dilation, a trance-like, digitally enhanced level of consciousness, made it feel far longer. Excess adrenaline could even worsen the effect, so it was vital for a Simmer to remain as calm as possible until it passed. Unfortunately, Jacob was too far gone for that. As mere moments seemed to stretch into hours, he had plenty of opportunity to contemplate just what sort of catastrophe awaited him.

He wondered if the stress could give his physical body a heart attack. If so, how would he even know? Would it be painful, or would he simply flicker out of existence? Actually, with all the time weirdness going on, could he be dead already? What if his body was shutting down at that very moment, only he couldn't feel it?

He checked and re-checked his thoughts and memories, looking for signs of deterioration. If his brain was slowly dying, would he even be able to tell? Maybe he would go like HAL at the end of the movie 2001 , losing his mind piece by piece. He pictured that nightmarish scenario - bits of himself fading away forever as he observed helplessly.

Why had this ever seemed like a good idea?

Then, the blackness of his nonexistent eyes somehow began to fill with a soft light. With it came a vague recollection of what his body used to feel like, distinct from the nothingness before but still blobby and shapeless. He had arms, legs, and a head, although all were so poorly defined he almost couldn't tell which was which. There was something else there, too: a sixth appendage that seemed to float about aimlessly, unsure of where to attach itself.

The panic began to abate, just in time for his amorphous form to experience a sudden, forceful constriction, as if it were a lump of stiff Play-Doh being shoved into a plastic mold. He felt unbelievable, crushing pressure over every inch of himself. His mass, though indistinct, seemed far too great for the shape into which it was compacting, and though he felt no pain, a sense of claustrophobic terror gripped him. Had he been equipped with a throat or vocal cords, he would have been screaming them raw.

The light was getting brighter. It grew stronger, stronger, stronger, and...

Jade opened her eyes wide with a strangled gasp as sensation flooded into her new body. She felt tingly and ice-cold from head to toe, as though she'd just been pulled from a frozen lake. Unable or perhaps unwilling to move, she lay perfectly still, only vaguely aware of her short breaths and racing heart. She was on her back, in a room, atop some sort of wide, soft surface that yielded readily under her bulk. Her eyes struggled to focus, only able to make out an enormous skylight overhead, with a dim blue sky and blurry white clouds on the other side of it.

This was a new twist to the experience. Last time, she'd jumped directly from Limbo into a near-perfect digital replica of her human body. The transformation she embarked on following that had been drawn out considerably, allowing her mind ample time to adjust to the changes. And despite all of that she'd still had trouble coping.

Now, neural claxons in her brain sounded at full alert as besieged grey matter tried desperately to take in an avalanche of uncanny sensation. Every sense she had reported anomalies - from her enhanced draconic hearing and sense of smell, from her sharp eagle-like eyes, from a body that felt far too bulky and bore heavy appendages her human form had not. Even the saliva in her long, bestial muzzle tasted different than her human spit had. Her mind screamed "REJECT" and, like a frightful cornered animal, desperately searched for an exit that did not exist. There was no running from her own body.

As her panic spiked yet again, Jade suddenly remembered - now that she was out of Limbo, she did have an escape. Every Simmer recorded a "safe word" that would instantly terminate his client's connection, pulling him safely out of the virtual world. It could be spoken regardless of whether one's avatar should be able to speak. And there was no danger in suddenly disconnecting; while abruptly exiting the sim would be markedly unpleasant, Tailesium wasn't The Matrix. If she wanted out, she could get out at any time.

No,_she thought, squinting furiously at the fuzzy blue skyscape above her. _No, goddammit. I'm going to make this work.

She held her green-scaled right arm, shaking with frightful tension, out in front of her line of sight. Staring at it in determination, she rotated its wrist, flexing each clawed finger in turn.

_ This is me_, she repeated to herself in her mind. This is me.

Her brain slowly began to notice the correlation between commands its motor center directed to her arm and the alien appendage's oddly symmetrical movements. Its state of alarm eased somewhat, but still stubbornly refused to accept this development as an "all clear" signal.

Undeterred, she moved her left hand into view and slowly stroked its index finger along her other forearm. Despite being lined with tiny scales, its surface felt incredibly soft and smooth, and the touch sent a tiny tingling spark of electricity zinging through her mind. It zigged briefly about her braincase, then settled at the base of her spine and radiated a soothing chill that began to make its way down her back.

Jade sighed in growing relief as the electricity turned to a river of cool, refreshing water, flowing along her vertebrae and into the rest of her nervous system, snuffing the raging fires of anxiety in her chest and stomach. Emboldened, she turned eyes inward and looked at her prominent muzzle from both sides. She extended her long, lizard-like tongue and licked it along the side. Playfully, she pushed it out further and the glistening pink muscle almost flopped the entire way across, but found itself stopped by the raised ridges of a nostril slit.

Fear now reduced to smoldering embers, she clasped both hands to the end of her snout and made a sonorously deep yet feminine giggle. The tactile reminder that followed seemed to whisper in her frilled ear: yes, it's true - this is a part of you.

Her heart surged within her chest. It no longer felt like it was on fire, but instead seemed like a lighter-than-air balloon rising inside her, pushing hard against her collarbones as though it wanted to float up her neck and out her mouth. Adrenaline filled her veins, but this time from excitement, not fear.

Trading all remaining terror for glee, she let her fingers explore the rest of her head, running them through the soft black locks that fell from its peak and down the back of her elongated neck. The hair felt clumpy and disheveled, but that came as no surprise. It was totally normal, after all, to exhibit signs of bed head upon waking up from a long, long sleep.

Her digits inevitably brushed her delicate fan-like ears, and she stopped briefly to slide along their flared lengths and tease the frilly extremities. She shuddered as this summoned forth new chills to tickle the base of her skull like fingertips of a spectral lover.

After giving her ears a parting caress, her hands continued upward and quickly bumped against the protruding half-crown of horns at the very top of her forehead. Those she lavished with extra attention, using a finger to encircle both the large horns just above the mound of flesh where they emerged from her skull. Languidly, she slid along their burnished ivory lengths all the way to their narrow tips, and then tapped both spiky ends just to feel their sharpness. Then, with both hands, she gripped her horns and shook vigorously, delighting in how their inseparable connection to her head forced it to move at the same time.

From elsewhere on the bed there came a quiet "thump, thump" of something tapping excitedly against the mattress. She smiled - of course she hadn't forgotten her beautiful tail. Even though she couldn't see it from her present position, she could feel every inch of its serpentine six-foot length, the normally-absent fifth limb integrated flawlessly into her nervous system. Just like her arms and legs, she had an innate understanding of its position relative to her body. Using this knowledge, she curled its prehensile tip upwards and wrapped it around one of her digitgrade ankles.

Again, shivers of joy ran down her spine, this time reaching all the way to her groin. There, they sparked a new awareness, that of her outrageously oversized nether-bits. She could feel melon-like testicles resting heavily across and between her partially-spread thighs, and the lesser, but still noticeable, weight of her sheath atop them.

"Hmmmm," she groaned, closing her eyes and smiling dreamily. Slowly and sensually, she lifted and lowered each leg in turn and felt the ponderous weight of her sac as it rolled back and forth across them. Her balls were full and heavy, practically aching with pent-up payload. Above, her monumental sheath flopped stiffly from side to side with the movement. The pitch-colored leviathan inside had yet to emerge, but she could already sense the beast beginning to stir.

As she shifted her thighs, she couldn't help noticing a soft tingle as her labia rubbed lightly against one another. The supple female passage was well-buried, sandwiched between tail and scrotum, but determined to make its presence known. Following its brother's lead it awakened in its own way, velvety canal subtly moistening while the passage's nubby guardian thrummed gently to itself.

Grinning, Jade abruptly spread her legs wide, which freed the generous ballsac to swing heavily downward. It struck her muff like a pair of conjoined wrecking balls, sending a jolt of pleasure zinging into her brain, a tiny squirt of warm nectar slipping through her lips and spattering lightly across the backside of her scrotum.

"Ahhhhhh," she moaned sensually, closing her thighs and rubbing them vigorously together as if trying to start a fire with a pair of sticks. Almost instinctively, her hands went to her chest, where the majestic twin mountains of breast that dwelled there squished like firm lumps of Jell-o under her fingers. She craned her neck downward and saw them rising from her pectoral expanse; a pair of oblong, pumpkin-sized water balloons, massive bulks spread out across her upper torso in a rare case of acquiescence to gravity. Each of their summits was capped by a fat, two-inch nipple, surrounded by a veritable snowcap of dusky black areola.

"Oh God, how I missed you, girls," said Jade, sitting up slightly and nestling both arms beneath her tremendous tits. She hugged them close like a pair of big, warm, squishy pillows; they smished against both sides of her face, allowing her muzzle to nestle in their vast, golden cleavage. They were so big. So plush. So perfect.

Her loins tightened as her maleness communicated that it would no longer take these arousing events lying down. Her pussy seemed to agree, its lips growing hot and throbbing, thumb-sized clitoris going taut with such urgency it seemed to vibrate from the force of its expansion. Within moments, the fuck-heat in her lower half had escalated to the point where she half-expected to see a distorted haze coming off it like an asphalt road baking in the July sun. Her sheath throbbed mightily, its puckered mouth yielding around her phallus as it pushed its way to freedom.

An ordinary man would have been unable to resist the urge to satisfy himself under such conditions, but Jade was neither ordinary, nor a man. A roguish AI by the name of Hugo had recently given her a crash course in the art of resisting self-pleasure, assisted by an orgasm-blocking energy field. Before, she had wanted her male parts to be as big as possible before courting climax, a monumental task that had required that outside help. This time, though, she wished for something much, much simpler.

Sitting up and looking around, she took full stock of her surroundings for the first time since waking up. The bedroom looked almost exactly like it had when she'd viewed it through a pair of stereoscopic HMD goggles, but now seemed even more real without that pixilated buffer between worlds strapped clumsily to her face. Nothing could compare to actually sitting there in her bestial avatar, fine satin sheets brushing against naked scales, reptilian nasal slits filled with a tantalizing combination of newly varnished wood, fresh paint, and her own musk.

The dimensions of the room were so expansive they could have made kings and queens green with envy: forty-five feet on the longer side, forty on the other, with wood-paneled walls, dark marble floors, and tall vaulted ceilings that featured clear glass skylights near the center. Similarly huge was the bed, a lush, white-sheeted affair with ornately carved posts and headboard. It took up more than a third of the available space, the rest going to a pair of chairs, a table, and a mini-fridge on one side, and a wide floor-length mirror, vanity, and dressing screen on the other.

Despite the primal urges coursing through her veins like molten magma, Jade had to stop for a moment and admire the place. Half the wall to her right was taken up by an enormous picture window that looked out over a vast cityscape, the morning sun shining through the gaps in its partially-lowered blinds. A door off to the side provided access to a small balcony. On the other side of her bed was a wall almost completely made of thick glass, a door in the far corner. Beyond it an interior room of the building could be darkly seen, at that moment lit only by a few errant rays of sunlight.

Directly before her, well past the foot of the bed, she could see a large flat-screen television hanging from the wall, its panel dark. Flanking it on either side was a pair of doorways, the one on the left leading to the master bathroom, and the other into Jade's expansive walk-in closet. On the wall's remaining free space, there hung a pair of lavishly-painted portraits featuring feral dragons bearing striking resemblance to Jade herself. She'd commissioned them from a couple of highly respected artists, and liked to imagine that they depicted her ancient ancestors.

Jade smiled. Everything looked to be in order. Being locked out of Tailesium had given her a nasty case of separation anxiety, so she'd poured that angst into constructing a living space for herself. And none of it had cost her a single cent - the benefit of working in a medium made up of bits and bytes.

She turned her attention to the mirror. Three-paneled and floor-length, it looked much like the one from the laboratory where her avatar had transformed from human into its current state. That was what she wanted - to once again see the beautiful product of that long, arduous, painful process. Before engaging in the epic act of self-love she so desired, she needed to truly renew her appreciation for that self, that exquisite reptilian shell she'd created to serve as her mind's digital home.

That, and there was always the chance her avatar's model file had corrupted somehow in transfer, or an interim patch to the Sim software had included some undocumented changes to its file format specifications. Having a big floating red "ERROR" sign as a body part would be a definite turn-off, not to mention a serious social faux pas.

She enthusiastically attempted to lift from her back onto her hands and feet, but winced as her digitgrade "heels" awkwardly bore the weight. They weren't nearly as well-padded as a human heel would have been, and she found the feeling of skin against bone unpleasant, not unlike placing too much weight on her shins.

I'm gonna have to re-evaluate how I view my own body, she thought with a twinge of annoyance. Some of the assumptions she'd built up over a lifetime of human existence would no longer apply in this world. Day-to-virtual-day life as a dragoness might involve more adjustments than she'd anticipated.

Relaxing her legs, she instead turned and used her powerful arms to pull herself backward across the bed. Her tail dragged awkwardly between her legs as she went, while the motion also set her pillowy mounds to wobbling and caused her mostly-flaccid cock to sway back and forth. The serpentine thing slapped occasionally against her thick thighs while the cool, temperature-controlled air delightfully caressed her naked body. Thick wetness seeped over her tail in response, and she could feel liquid travelling up her expanding urethra.

Somehow, she managed to keep from blowing her load on the spot.

She reached the edge of the bed, and swung her legs around. Dismounting, she rose to a stand... and then toppled over backwards onto the mattress. Compared to what she was used to, her unusually-shaped feet were like a pair of unfamiliar stiletto heels.

Dammit, I learned to do this once, she thought.

She stood up again, this time wobbling and pinwheeling her arms slightly as the formidable masses on the front of her body threatened to make her spill forward. But before totally losing balance she reflexively swung her sinuous tail, and in the process re-discovered that it could act as a counterweight.

"Huhhhhhh," she sighed, finding uneasy equilibrium on her broad feet. Those helped too; their wideness made balancing much easier. The three thick, sharp talons they each sported didn't hurt either.

She took a cautious step forward. The room pitched sharply to one side, and Jade staggered, gritting her teeth. Vertigo, of course there would be vertigo. Last time standing, she'd measured a mere five-foot-eight, sixteen inches shorter than her present height.

She closed her eyes and sighed deeply, waiting for the feeling to pass. Why did Tailesium have to model so many unpleasant aspects of real life? Just because her inner ear should be freaking out didn't mean it had to. But no, they - the designers - simulated such things because they were just the means to an end: total realism.

Goddamn pedantic nerds, she thought. Sure, she could have a cock so big that a typical erection should lead to unconsciousness, but it totally wouldn't do for her to not feel nauseously off-balance in this situation. Painters and writers had no difficulty applying artistic license to their works, so why couldn't sim designers?

Her equilibrium seemed to be returning, so she opened her eyes and experimentally took a step forward. Still a little dizzy, she noted, but probably steady enough to walk. Slowly and somewhat gingerly, she padded across the rug-covered marble floor.

Totally fuckin' ridiculous. I get enough pain and discomfort living in the real world, why should I have to deal with it here? If I'm gonna hurt, it should be for a good reason. Like when I shapeshifted last time - that wouldn't of been so goddamn real if it hadn't felt unpleasant as hell. But this, this is completely unnecessary.

Still, despite all that internal griping, her chest still surged with excitement as she viewed the world from this new vantage point. She was so huge. Even though the room had been designed with her proportions in mind, it still seemed as though she towered over everything. What a monster of a beast-woman she'd become!

Then she reached the mirror and caught sight of her reflection. Breath caught in her throat as a familiar sense of dissociation crept over her like a miasma of suffocating fog. Just as before, she saw a strange creature looking back from that reflective pane of glass, and her mind rejected it utterly.

That wouldn't do. She stood up straight, hands on broad, womanly hips, and stared her reflection square in the eyes. It gazed back, deep purple irises glowing from within its reptilian countenance.

She swung her subtly serpentine neck from side to side, daring her mind to resist the obvious connection between action and reaction. As her raven-black hair tossed back and forth with the motion, she kept eye contact steady. Neither she nor her reflection blinked even once, the pair of them silently challenging their stubborn psyche.

Centering her head again she took a step closer, brow furrowed in concentration, and made a defiant decree:

"This. Is. Me."

Her brain, although slow on the uptake as usual, started to get the idea. Gradually, it allowed the sense of disconnect to fade, and as it did, the beauty of her draconic form became more and more apparent to her eyes. An unconventional sort of beauty it was without a doubt - not the kind that would get her a glamour shoot with Cosmopolitan.com, but captivating to souls blessed with a very particular - and strange - sense of aesthetics.

Her eyes glided over her massive seven-foot frame, admiring its Amazonian curves, swells, and bulges. "Big" was the watchword of her body-crafting philosophy, and every bit of the creature in the mirror reflected it.

Two massive mounds of breast hung tantalizingly from her barrel-like chest. Round and pert to the point of defying gravity, their weighty bulks still descended low enough to cast a deep shadow over the topmost ridges of her rippling six-pack. At their corners, a hint of pursed green skin suggested powerful pectorals lurking underneath, but they could scarcely be seen thanks to the gold-cleavaged love pillows stacked atop them.

Her elongated neck struggled to remain visible, in danger of being swallowed up by the raised contours of her trapezius muscles. Built like a pair of concrete bridge abutments, those cascaded down into powerful shoulders, much too broad and solid to be a normal female's. Likewise, the arms they supported would have looked more at home on a middleweight bodybuilder with their bulging biceps and triceps, to say nothing of the beefy forearms. Her hands, though large, were not "manly" but still proportionally bigger than a woman's, with five thick fingers tipped by savage claws.

Still, despite those traditional markers of masculinity, the ultimately feminine nature of Jade's gender-straddling body could not be denied. Her torso curved inward on both sides to a degree unusual for such a muscular figure, until the broad shelf of her hips interrupted abruptly with their fecund swells. Enormous "thunder-thighs", womanly in shape yet lined with taut sinew, led down from there. At the knees they transitioned into balloon-like calves, and then on to oversized, digitgrade footpaws that each sported three thick, taloned toes.

And then there was that massive manhood, her pride and joy. It drooped weightily from its wrinkled, fleshy home, jerking slightly in time with her heartbeat and drooling fluid like a drunken spitting cobra. Barely half-hard, it was as big around as a beer can and the length of a human arm. And still, in bold defiance of its already impossible size, it continued to grow.

Jade cradled the burgeoning shaft with her fingers and hefted it slightly, feeling its weight. In response to her touch, the head strained, puffing up a little larger as if trying to show off for its mistress.

N...no, you're not quite ready yet, she thought. Still got more to go...

At full mast, she would measure a stallion-shaming three feet, with circumference comparable to a 2-liter soda bottle. The encounter with Hugo had originally left her a few inches short of that, so in the process of revision, her inner obsessive-compulsive had forced her to round up to the nearest foot. Well, that was the reason if you ignored the fact that she was also an incorrigible size-queen.

That meant it hadn't been easy to stop there, not even slightly. Wistfully, she recalled time spent fiddling in the AlterEgo CAD software, moving sliders in the GUI, staring transfixed as her avatar's virtual tool swelled larger and larger. The sizes she'd contemplated were excessive in the extreme, but a variety of clever tricks and work-arounds could make even the hugest phallus portable.

Unfortunately though, and much to her disappointment, Tailesium apparently had some_standards of decorum. It turned out that not everyone liked to look at a penis the size of a city bus. Given what the world's denizens _would tolerate, it didn't seem right to call them prudes, but prudes they were, of a sort. Not nearly as prudish as those you'd find in meat-space, but still loud enough to have their opinions catered to.

It didn't bother her that much, though. Even with assistance, lugging around a telephone pole-sized dick would get tiresome after a while. Besides, Drew had assured her that a wide variety of means were available for expanding past one's base size, and that privacy was not at all difficult to find. She'd have to secure something like a football stadium for herself if she wanted to get much bigger than she had been before, but it was still attainable.

But why would she ever settle for just that? Drifting away, she imagined herself standing in a vast, empty field outside of the city, alone with nobody around for miles. She applied various tinctures and salves to her manhood and watched it sprout like a mighty sequoia, expanding longer and thicker, looming over the landscape, stretching to dimensions that were orders of magnitude larger than the paltry one hundred twenty-five feet it had achieved before. Her balls followed suit, pulsing and swelling out of control into twin behemoth spunk factories hundreds of feet in diameter that groaned and quaked as they filled with whole oceans of cum. And even her breasts joined in the fun, ballooning larger, smashing through all known cup sizes and inflating bigger, bigger, bigger, until they covered acres of terrain and their oil derrick-like nipples gushed sweet, milky nectar into the earth.

Something long and black intruded into the lower reaches of her bleary vision and she gasped, breath catching in her throat. Beads of moisture formed across her brow as the object bobbed higher and higher, until she could feel it brush against the outer reaches of her prodigious bust. The daydream instantly dissolved, but the reality that took its place was almost as wondrous as that momentary, far-flung fantasy.

Her yard-long tool throbbed insistently, struggling valiantly to shove its way into her cleavage while gushing a continuous flow of warm pre-seed from its tip. Now completely extended with every inch exposed to the elements, the majestic draconic rod tingled with excitation as cool air caressed its taut, turgid bulk. Hard as granite with a weight to match, it made Jade feel as though she were holding up a Scottish caber with her crotch. Her pair of roiling testicles, hanging beneath in their gold-hued sac, felt similarly weighty, like two bowling balls in a canvas bag.

Every pound of her heart sent torrents of lightning-laced dragon-blood rushing through her veins and into that monster member. It was so big. She had seen it far larger than this, but weeks spent in a human body had renewed her appreciation for such a relatively modest display of penile extravagance. Compared to the two-story townhouse that genetics had given her meat-world self, what bobbed before her was like the EmpireStateBuilding.

She reached out with a trembling hand. As her fingers neared the twitching, midnight-black pole, she couldn't stop from jerking slightly. It felt as though her cock were a powerful phallic tesla coil, casting arcs of prickling sexual electricity through the air around it. She held her hand close, as still as she could manage, fingertips mere centimeters from her manhood's glistening ebony surface. It tingled and sparked, radiating an inhuman heat from deep within its impossibly turgid mass.

That momentary hesitation didn't last long. She roughly grabbed hold of the draconic mast and, with brutal force, drove it deep into her scaly cleavage. Her long muzzle opened wide with a crocodile-like smile, then clamped down on the newly-imprisoned cock with the sudden speed of a predatory reptile seizing its prey.

Abruptly, the haze of arousal broke. Jade stopped, eyes going wide in surprise. Too late, she remembered that quickness was not the only way in which she was like a feral carnivore. With a bestial, wall-rumbling bellow of pain, she pulled her tender tadger from her toothy maw.

"Aaaaaaaah, dammit!" she yelped. "Fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck!"

So very, very stupid she was, letting lust take over her mind like that. She'd learned this lesson the hard way last time. But now, in a state of cock-crazed delirium, she had let herself forget the fact that her mouth could barely encircle the girth of her cola bottle-thick rod. Such a tight fit left no room for anything else, especially not two rows of pointed, saurian teeth.

She shut her eyes tight. The spots where tooth had touched cock throbbed angrily but didn't seem painful enough to be gushing puncture wounds. Carefully, she pushed it away from her breasts and into her field of view, opening one eye to have a look.

No damage. Not even a scratch. Her resplendent girl-cock stood before her completely unharmed. The tar-black cyclops stared impatiently at her through its one drooling eye, waiting for its mistress to collect herself. Preposterous, it seemed to say. To think that such a minor infraction could harm me! A dragon's dong is made of stronger stuff than that.

_ _ Thanks to the momentary shock, shots of adrenaline now mixed with hormones in the churning cocktail shaker that was Jade's circulatory system. _Damn right! S_he thought. _I'm not just some squishy, mortal human anymore. I'm a sherman tank that walks on two legs, an ambulatory brick wall, a scale-armored juggernaut with the strength of a hundred mustangs and twice their libido! I. Am. A. DRAGON... _

_ ..._ AND I HUNGER _! _

Violently, she again shoved her meat pole sideways into the tight, warm space between her breasts. The sternum-shaking force of the motion set her to teetering; disrupting the delicate balance she had on her still-unfamiliar feet. Jade was expecting this, however, and reacted by half-staggering, half-backpedalling, angling her body toward the enormous bed. Pressing her tits together with both hands, she kept her cock from slipping out.

The backs of her knees hit the edge of the satin-covered two-poster. With a small push from her legs, she flopped backwards onto that broad mesa of soft cloth, and it billowed out around her hulking form. She released her cock from its bosomy confinement, and it sprang into the air, spitting streams of pre-seed across her face and chest. With extended tongue, she lustily licked scattered droplets of it from her muzzle and grinned.

The instinctual parts of her brain, having the memory of a mentally impaired goldfish, demanded she immediately make another try at oral satisfaction. But the rational portion was still functioning and belayed the order. Instead, the supine dragoness took hold of her penis with one hand while holding the other in front of her, prepared to do what she should have done in the first place.

Two finger snaps and a quick upward jerk of her extended thumb was all it took to activate the custom morphing script. With a loud "SCHLICK" and a sickening slithering sensation, Jade's pointed cock-skewers retreated instantly into her gums. She shuddered at the unpleasantness of it, and the fires of lust inside flickered just slightly. But now, she was truly prepared.

She looked down, and the tip of her fat, mushroom-headed dick tickled the very end of her muzzle. The stimulating touch sent a new surge of blood into the massive tool. It strained, pushing against her thin lips, desperately trying for just a little more length so as to cross that threshold on its own into her warm, inviting mouth.

Jade smiled. She opened wide and leaned forward, welcoming her eager organ inside. This time its path was free of obstructions, and the fluid-spewing head slipped past the soft, fleshy ridge of her gumline without resistance. It made its way toward the back of her throat, her tongue gliding over its sensitive skin.

She continued to push it deeper and deeper. Caresses from her gums and wriggling tongue sent tingles of pleasure shooting down the formidable dong's long trunk, into what felt like an overflowing reservoir of arousal deep within her groin. Some of the excess spilled over into her female parts, and they quickly grew hot with shared yet unfulfilled yearning. Her pussy's unreciprocated desire for attention made her moan around her cock in frustration and rub her thighs together uselessly.

Ignoring it the best she could, she let her cock slither deeper and deeper. Soon it was past the deepest of deep throats ever attempted by man or porn star. Silently, she thanked her lack of gag reflex or need to keep an open airway for the accomplishment. But there was still so much cock left to go and so little space or flexibility remaining. Just a little past the halfway point, and yet drawing close to her limit.

She strained a little further... further... further... and then her thick abdominal muscles refused to compress any more, no matter how hard she tried. But even if they hadn't, her monster tits were already squeezed as flat as they could go, bulging out obscenely on either side. And, her esophagus was filled to bursting with throbbing dragon meat. Clearly, this was it.

Her overheated mind reeled at the realization of what she'd accomplished, yet still there was a tinge of disappointment. Anything was possible in this world. She should be able to swallow that pork sword all the way to the hilt; to gobble it up until muzzle touched sheath and every inch of cock was accounted for.

Rules can bite my scaly ass, she thought. If this were a private sim like last time, she could open up a console and enter commands to alter her torso's density attribute until it could fold in two like a sheet of paper. She knew how to do that now. But private sims were expensive and had long waiting lists. Talesium proper, although cheap and virtually always accessible, forbade "cheating" in such a way. Its admins treated it like a video game, assuming payoffs would be much sweeter if the "player" was made to work for them.

Under ordinary circumstances, Jade would have sympathized with that viewpoint. Not now, though. Not midway through an exhilarating act of autofellatio, with close to twenty inches of dragon dong lodged in her gullet. Talesium believed in the carrot-on-a-stick approach? Well, she wanted to snatch that carrot and do _unspeakable_things with it.

That would have to come later. She desperately needed to get to work with what she had. Which, to be honest, was still a hell of a lot. More than she was used to having. More than any human alive, that's for sure!

She pulled her head back, sliding several inches free. The movement provoked a powerful tingling in her cock from the part of it still trapped, and the head bulged meaningfully against her esophagus. Oh my god, she thought, closing her eyes. This is incredible. I'm doing this... I'm really doing this!

_ _ She pushed back in. Then out. Then in again. Each stroke sent more pleasurable sensations flooding down her massive mast and into her groin. A hand clasped the side of each breast and pushed them together, surrounding her seesawing muzzle in golden cleavage. A desire for release had already begun building in her loins, growing more and more intense by the moment. Parts of her mind began to shut down and cede control to animal lust in response.

All except one. The bit connected to her female sex refused to turn out the lights, its indignant screams of need practically echoing through her braincase. Being biologically male in the "real" world, Jade had forgotten her previous experience and in the process underestimated how powerful the feminine side of the equation could be.

Her libido, ever the chauvinist, demanded she ignore her pussy's pleas. Without a second thought she complied, sealing that yonic voice of dissent away as best she could and turning herself over to the pleasure of her male side.

Her lips gripped the saliva-slicked shaft as it pistoned in and out of her mouth with greater and greater urgency. The warmth of her lower lips faded into the background, a mildly-irritating background buzz drowned out by a tidal wave of testosterone-addled pleasure.

Not much longer now. She could feel the precum flowing down her gullet like an underground waterfall, and a familiar pressure was building in her pelvis. She clamped down even harder, shifting her gums' ministrations from caresses to a brutal massage. Prickly stimulation spread up and down the rock-hard tool, and its heat increased to the point where she half-expected it to start glowing like an iron rod out of a forge.

So entranced and overstimulated was she that the first salvo came as a surprise. Her balls contracted mightily within their ample sac, somehow lifting their ponderous bulks slightly as they discharged the first bit of their payload. Instantly, her shaft tightened and its mushroom head flared, a tremendous gout of semen firing from its submerged tip and almost directly into Jade's belly.

The emerald dragoness heaved in orgasmic bliss. She closed her eyes and let go of her love pillows. Instead, she leaned back and used both arms to hold herself up, prepared to bask in the utter decadence of her climax. Inch upon inch of cock poured from her maw, gleaming with fresh dragon-spit, as she straightened her torso. Finally, the head emerged from the depths of her throat and she stopped, letting it come to rest right behind her tongue.

She completed that transition just in time for the second contraction to hit. Hot jizz poured into the back of her throat, and this time she swallowed it eagerly, as though she were drinking from an intermittently-running garden hose. She'd barely finished with that when the third volley came thundering out her cock-slit, the fresh injection of semen greater than the first two combined. Her cheeks bulged, and she fought through a euphoric haze to down this new mouthful before the next arrived.

Too soon, her groin clenched and another burst flooded her mouth, somehow even bigger than the last, to the point where Jade could feel her cock being pushed out by the pressure. She shifted her weight to one hand and grabbed hold of her penis with the other, all while biting down hard with her mouth's gummy ridges. She thought of the prowess her human self had shown for chugging alcoholic drinks at all those parties he'd been to as an undergrad. This was the same thing, except that she was guzzling pints of her own goddamn cum instead of lager.

Something clenched between her legs and her swallowing almost missed a beat. Dampness oozed onto her inner thighs. Familiar warmth radiated out, spreading through her body, making her shiver. She recognized the feeling instantly as a sympathetic female orgasm, firing off without a single touch. It was pitifully weak compared to what she'd experienced before, but still distinct enough to be felt through the ecstatic onslaught coming from its male counterpart.

Sorry ol' gal, but that'll have to be enough, thought Jade.

The next ejaculation pounded her uvula like a speed bag, but Jade shifted attention in an instant and downed it, despite her stomach's increasing fullness. In fact, that had already begun to bulge out significantly, and this latest spunk injection pushed it even further. As her abdomen grew fuller and rounder, Jade's chiseled abs had slowly disappeared, sinking beneath her scales. Now she had a prominent belly like a Budweiser-swilling couch potato, a feature utterly at odds with her otherwise muscular physique.

But how much more can I take? thought Jade to herself. Her stomach felt tight like an overinflated balloon, taut as if near capacity but still not even close to painful. As she contemplated this, she twitched reflexively and her balls drew upward as still more man-juice began to flow. At this point each gout of semen was enormous, more than her mouth could hold, so time was of the essence. Could I actually... burst if I keep this up?

In a split second, she came to a decision: she didn't care. As her cock's gaping slit spat a record-breaking volume of creamy pearl jam into her muzzle, she responded by downing it in huge, throat-straining gulps. Even after that her gonads still had more to give, so she did the same for the next, and the next, and the next, chugging dragon-seed like a seasoned pro.

Still there was no pain, and its absence gave the increasingly-gravid dragoness license to revel in her swelling belly, now looking much like a woman nine months pregnant with twins. What she was doing - blowing herself up to incredible proportions with her own spunk - her mind swam with the sheer impossible perversity of it all. She'd transcended ordinary masturbation and reached some sort of onanistic Nirvana.

Her orgasm kept thundering on, showing no signs of dissipating. Jade's entire body jerked with each new pulse, even though the pleasure had crested several seconds ago. By her fuzzy estimation, she was coming up on half a minute of release, although it seemed like longer. Not as good as the reality-shattering experience of the Hard-Light Lab, but that just meant she had something to strive for in the future. And the self-inflation aspect was something deliciously new.

Even as she contemplated this her belly swelled to ever-greater proportions, now pushing meaningfully against her spasming spooge-conduit of a cock. More than meaningfully, actually. In fact, holding it in place was becoming more and more difficult.

Just then, her orgasm hit an unexpected peak of pleasure, perhaps brought on by that momentary realization. Her hand, already covered in excess runoff, slipped and lost its grip. In a flash her cock jerked free of her muzzle, pushed out by leverage from her tremendous midsection. It sprayed jism into the air like a loose fire hose, the towering pole whipping stiffly about as it cast goopy white rain around the room.

As this happened, her orgasm's powerful second wind continued. The arm she had been using to support herself wobbled, then gave out. With a muffled cry she hit the bed, her gravid belly wobbling like quick-set Jello, her titanic tits falling to either side of her torso with an audible flump.

The end was getting close. Her gonads grew noticeably tighter, entering their final gallop. Semen rained down from above, spattering across the immaculate satin sheets with wet slaps, some of it inevitably decorating Jade's face and bosom. She reached above her head with both muscled arms and flexed them in a languid stretch while letting out a long, deep sigh. An errant glob of creamy spunk hit her muzzle; she extended her serpentine tongue to lap it up, a satisfied smile spreading across her face. Her cock sputtered one last time, then went dormant.

Jade's eyes flickered. The sun was shining directly on her through the picture window, and her scales felt hot, like a basking reptile's. The lower half of her did, anyway; her chest and head fell safely beneath the shadow created by her belly, which was still swollen to a ridiculous size. She let out a wide-mouthed yawn, stretching her arms straight into the air, then laying them to rest on either side. Patches of crusty, partially-dried spunk on her arms and torso cracked and squished with the motion.

"Ewwww," she said with a smile. Had she actually fallen asleep and, if so, for how long?

She inhaled deeply through her nostrils and yawned. Unsurprisingly, the bedroom smelled quite different now, the thick aroma of sexual fluids overpowering all other scents. Directly above her, clumps of white dotted the skylight and the surrounding ceiling. Some of it still slowly dripped down onto the bedsheets, which were already dotted with great dollops of the stuff. Even the walls and furniture bore big spatters of dragon-spunk, and sections of the picture window were stained with it to the point where they looked to be made of frosted glass. Hardly any of the room appeared to have gone unscathed.

The overstuffed dragoness drummed on her belly with her fingers, making its tautly-stretched gold and green scales gently oscillate as their contents shifted ever so slightly. Despite the mess all around, most of her production was in there. The factories responsible, those heavy orbs that she could feel resting between her legs, felt empty and sated. Behind them, though, her poor pussy lurked all but suffocated, still buzzing slightly with unfulfilled longing.

She tried to put it out of her mind. Instead, she focused on what a load that had been - she could hardly believe that her "Stretchiness" Trait was enough to handle it all. But Drew's assistance at avatar finalization helpfully unlocked its upper tiers for her, which ordinarily would have taken a lot of in-world money to achieve. Being best buds with an administrator had quite a few advantages.

Greatly enhanced spooge output was another gift from her old college roomie. Her testicles had just produced several times more volume than should have been possible given their size, which of course was already inhumanly enormous. She forgot how big the multiplier was. Had it been three? Or five, maybe? Six? Hard to tell how much output she _should_have from balls so outrageously oversized - meat-space didn't exactly provide many useful references. In any case, it wasn't the maximum. There had to be something for her to look forward to, after all.

Like the innate ability to grow and shrink her cock, for instance. That one was particularly expensive, and not available at avatar creation. Plus, it came divided into multiple sub-Traits - she could buy the ability to change the size of just her sheath, the shaft, the head, her gonads, and so on. Packages also existed to allow alteration of curvature, overall shape, and to add various odd accoutrements. The level of customization available was nearly infinite, and if a Trait to perform some change didn't already exist, Tailesium allowed for user submissions. For those lacking in cash reserves, there existed one-use items like pills, salves, and injections that could be found or purchased to imbue the same effects, albeit temporarily.

Yeah, I need to get ahold of some of that, thought Jade.

Wait... the thought of Drew had just reminded her of something important. _Oh shit, what time is it? _ She was supposed to meet Drew in the lobby downstairs at 11. Her vulpine friend had insisted on being the first to show her around the city.

"Harlan?" she called.

"Yes, ma'am?" came a voice from an indistinct part of the ceiling.

"What time is it?"

"It is presently two past ten in the morning, ma'am," replied the house AI in a crisp upper-class accent. "Plenty of time before your scheduled rendezvous with Mr. Akari."

"Thank you," she said.

_Ren Akari. That's going to take some getting used to, calling him by that name. _

So, she had about an hour to make herself presentable. It would be best to get moving now then, as she didn't want to keep her friend waiting. She jerked her body, trying to sit up. That particular movement proved to be impossible; the attempt to compress her enormous midsection met a jiggly, sloshing rebuff.

Dammit. Okay, I have to do something about this. The easiest thing to do would be to let my body metabolize it. I think that'll happen eventually. But there probably isn't enough time. I could let it be, but do I really want to waddle out to meet Drew... I mean Ren... looking like this, with a gut full of spunk? He's such a pervy bastard he'd know what was up in a nanosecond, and this is already going to be uncomfortable, going out in public. Besides, I've never had a six-pack before, and I wanna show it off!

That meant the only remedy available was a trip to the New-U machine. All homes in Tailesium came equipped with one, free of charge, so that their owners could change avatars quickly and easily. Jade had placed hers in the closet, the door to which was just a few feet away from the bed upon which she now lay. Hopefully, despite her gravid state, getting there in a timely fashion was still possible.

She wiggled a bit, trying to gauge how heavy she was, and her belly rolled back and forth with audible sloshing sounds. She was huge, to be sure, but probably not immobile. The motion, though, produced tantalizing sensations that rippled through her nervous system. Lying there with a bulge in her tummy that far exceeded any pregnant woman's, feeling the thick, warm liquid roll about inside her with even the slightest of movements - it was clearly fantasy simply by virtue of its impossibility, yet felt as real as any experience she'd ever had.

*sigh*... So wonderful. Wish I didn't have a date to keep. I could just lie here all day like a lazy lizard, soaking up the sun, playing with my belly and my tits. This is just incredible, just... incredible. It feels so nice to have a stomach full of cum.

_ Hmm, I wonder what it would feel like to get filled like this from the other end?_

_ _ The thought brought the pleasure-starved buzzing of her female sex to the fore of her awareness. Jade grimaced at her mistake. She clenched her upper thighs together in an attempt to snuff the heat, but her neglected snatch would have none of it, this time. It had been silenced for too long, and demanded its voice be heard.

The tingling discomfort kept ramping up, up, up, and her labia began to throb so strongly she could feel her pulse pounding through them. At the top of the slit, she felt her thick clit push its way past its concealing hood. It rubbed angrily against the backside of her ballsac, indignant at how blatantly its owner had favored her male organs at its expense.

_ Just like a man to ignore a woman's pleasure_. The words came unbidden to her mind. She'd heard them somewhere before, maybe a line of dialogue from a movie. A sense of guilt swept over her, but she couldn't pinpoint exactly why. Was it related to her past sexual experiences? Sure, she'd finished early a few times in the past, but her partners had never complained. Not with words. Especially not those words.

But... was this what it could be like for the other sex? A raw, hurtful itch that a man, indifferent to pleasure beyond his own, might callously fail to scratch during that frenzied quest for his guaranteed climax? How many times had Jade's meat-self left his partner wanting? Did they secretly resent him for his masculine narcissism? Or did they just accept it; write it off as part of playing a game that nature and culture had stacked against them?

Possibly not. It could be that Tailesium's simulation of vaginal arousal wasn't faithful to reality. Maybe there was an undocumented feature causing it to be as powerful as it was. Maybe the developers had secretly dialed it up to levels far beyond normal, in hopes of encouraging promiscuous behavior from female avatars. Maybe it was just straight-up inaccurate. Women weren't as rare as they once were in the coding world, but statistically there was still a good chance that whoever created it didn't have any first-hand experience.

That's got to be it. Jade rubbed her thighs together again. Silently, she cursed that anonymous code monkey. His concept of female sexual need had no doubt come solely from exhaustive research of Internet porn, conducted in his mother's basement with the lights off and a box of Kleenex close at hand. And now the fruits of his lotion-stained labors were her cross to bear.

_Well, there's nothing for it. I wanted to be half female, and now I know what it's like. From the perspective of a sheltered computer nerd, who's probably a virgin to boot. And a misogynist. _

_ _ It actually surprised her a little, how peeved she was at that imaginary programmer. But not really - her loins were alight like a five-alarm fire, and it was all his fault. How she wished he could be there right at that moment, so she could give him a piece of her mind, and maybe a slap or two. Maybe even force the pudgy bastard to wipe off his Cheeto-stained fingers and put them to work, provide her some relief...

_Ugh, no! ...too far. Way, waaaaay too far. Besides, this sister's totally capable of doing it for herself. _

Her tail, which up to that point had been draped over the edge of the bed, rose up off the floor. Despite its considerable length and weight, she had no trouble curling it artfully through the air like some exotic, muscular serpent.

A familiar thrill associated with her extra limb returned as it moved. Some ancient part of her human mind must have been dormant since birth, waiting patiently for this blessed reunion with its long-lost appendage. Nothing else would explain how natural its movements felt, or how easy. Or the sense of wholeness it brought her, as though it filled a gaping void left behind by the practical yet unfeeling forces of evolution.

And now her tail, in its turn, would fill a brand-new void. If she could get it past everything that stood in its way.

Her tail curved back over itself. It approached its target with slow, sinuous motions, sliding into the tiny cavern created by her partially-spread legs and distended belly. Right past the entrance her spelunking tail-tip encountered an expected blockage, her heavily-compressed sheath and scrotum. Combined, they stood in the way like an unfortunate cave-in.

Jade thrust her tail tip underneath her scaly ballsac with as much force as the muscular appendage could muster. Grunting, she pushed, wriggled, and strained it like an earthworm on methamphetamines, mindful all the while of the prize waiting on the other side. She tried to grit her teeth but instead squirmed in discomfort as her toothless gums mashed together with a fleshy squish, making her pull them back apart_._

Her upper body began to shake with the effort, and her spunk-laden abdomen quaked like a waterbed. But, the space between gonads and mattress was just too tight. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't make any headway.

"Dammit..." she exhaled. "Why did I have to be so damn hung?" The thought of her massive male genitals, blocking access to her pussy with their ungodly hugeness, made her yearn for something just like them to fill that aching hole. The object her box so desired was close at hand, yet instead of providing relief it made it impossible. She felt like she could go mad with frustration.

"GAH!" she exclaimed, utterly fed up. She needed something long and solid inside her immediately, and clearly couldn't get it in her current position. The time for lying uselessly on this bed had ended. It was time to test just how much mobility she had.

She thrust forward with both arms extended in front of her, and failed once again to bend her swollen abdomen. The gesture was, just like the last time, totally futile. She stopped well short of the halfway point, wiggling her clawed fingers furiously, bullheaded libido refusing to let her realize the impossibility of her quest.

Finally, her muscles couldn't stand the strain any longer, and she flopped back onto the bed with an angry exhale. "Right," she muttered. "Fuck this."

The gravid dragoness began to rock her overfilled form back and forth. She started slowly at first but quickly built up speed, her sloshing belly taking slightly longer to reverse direction than the rest of her torso. After building up as much momentum as she could manage, she threw all her weight to the left, toward the foot of the bed. Her stomach followed with its weighty bulk, but this time didn't stop.

Jade found herself rolling end over end, pulled along by the bloated spunk-barrel of her abdomen. She grunted as her body rose into the air and then slammed back down onto the cum-encrusted satin sheets, which it did several times before careening off the edge of the bed. A half-second later, she hit the floor stomach-first with a loud "Ooof".

A little dizzy from the sudden, rapid movement, it took her a moment to collect herself. Once she did, she realized her cream-laden belly kept her elevated several inches above the floor. She could feel her tremendous sheath and balls hanging past the bottom edge of its compressed bulk, the latter actually splayed out across the cold marble. Her engorged, smoldering twat was now completely exposed to the open air, and celebrated its freedom with a fresh burst of feverish longing direct to her brain.

Jade didn't need the encouragement. Her tail, already on the job, rose from the ground and started to curl inward. Temptation was to just thrust it blindly in the general direction of her snatch, and let luck determine if she hit the right hole. Somehow, though, enough of her faculties remained to ignore that urge. Instead, she augered in slowly, tail obeying but still quivering with lust.

In another testament to her tail's total integration with her motor system, she hit the target on her first try. The tip lightly touched the surface of her slit, then slid cleanly between her inner labia with a barely-audible squish. Jade's reaction to the penetration was notably louder.

"Unnnnngh!" she groaned. The tingle of her exterior womanly bits felt familiar yet not at the same time. The action came laced with a partial sense of relief, like throwing a bucket of water on a burning campfire but only partially dousing the flames.

The sensations were pleasurable, but not nearly enough. The final vestiges of restraint slipped away and Jade's tail drew back slightly, then rammed itself in with enough force to blast straight through her birth canal and past the cervix. She cried out, not in pain but delight. In meat-space, what she'd just done would be excruciating; in Tailesium it only drove her enjoyment higher.

When the tail-tip struck her uterine wall, she stopped. Her vagina throbbed happily, now stuffed from top to bottom with thick, muscular dragon-tail. She smiled contentedly, glad to have something filling her at last, amazed at how far she'd gone. Such a wonderful place this digital reality was, how it repurposed the reproductive system into a vehicle for pure pleasure, inviting carnal acts leagues beyond what nature allowed.

She wiggled the tip of her tail, and laughed. The inside of her womb was apparently ticklish. Then the sensation hit a pleasurable spike, and she mashed bare gums against the edge of her mouth in an attempt to bite her nearly-nonexistent lower lip.

She shuddered in revulsion, but kept her tail going. It felt good, stroking her deepest point like this, but the feeling still had an annoying tinge of irritation to it. Plus, she doubted she could get off by frigging the edge of her uterus. And she very, very much wanted to get off.

Her tail retreated with an audible slurp and a not-inconsiderable amount of fluid discharge from around its point of penetration. The movement alone was enough to stimulate Jade's vaginal walls and the underside of her clit. She couldn't stop herself from letting out a gasp that gradually transitioned to a deep moan. _Oh my god, that felt incredible. I need more... NOW! _

Back in her tail went, gliding across the velvety, fleshy contours, making its way back up the now partially-dilated passage. It seemed to leave a trail of pure molten sunshine as it went, that suffused through the surface and caused her pelvis to glow a radiant gold. She made a guttural sound deep in her throat that steadily climbed its way up to the tip of her tongue as her tail penetrated further and further.

When she pulled back and started again, her sound abruptly and involuntarily switched to a keening wail. Her tail tip had struck an incredibly sensitive area, possibly her g-spot, triggering an instant orgasm. The light previously trapped in her pelvic region erupted like a solar prominence, moving out to engulf the rest of her body. It danced from cell to cell, neuron to neuron, flowed at the speed of light yet slowly enough that the moment of inception seemed to stretch out into infinity. Her cock, drooping half-hard from its sheath, pulsed in sympathy and dribbled some leftover spunk onto the marble floor. This time, its tiny, pathetic orgasm fizzled like a cherry bomb, overwhelmed by its sister's explosive fireworks display.

Jade arched her back, melon-sized breasts rising off the floor, spunk-bloated belly spreading out slightly further. Her nethers became like a bursting dam. Fluid flowed freely, rolling over her scrotum, momentarily making it into a miniature rendition of Niagara Falls.

The light didn't stop, now entering her arms, legs, and still-moving tail. Tears filled her eyes and her clawed hands clenched into balled fists. She screamed with ecstasy, the pleasure so intense as to be practically tortuous.

"Ahhhhhhhh, Gaaaaaaaaawd!" she yelled into the ceiling, energy finally exiting through her extremities.

Her head swam, brain marinating in endorphins. Her body felt pleasantly warm and peaceful, like the crackling embers of a cozy campfire. Part of her wanted to keep pounding, but the rest knew full well the peak had already been hit. Her tail went limp and slid from her gash with a wet _slurp,_flopping to the ground like a sedated python. Exhaling, she let the rest of her body follow suit, and sank into the plush, wobbly waterbed of her belly.

"Ohhhhh, beautiful," she sighed, smiling a smile so wide it could have split her head in two, "so beautiful."

Her long tongue unfurled, lolling out one side of her maw and swinging in the air like a pendulum. She contemplated panting like an animal, just to cap off the raw, bestial nature of what she'd done, as well as commemorate the body she'd experienced it in. That body didn't need the help letting off heat, though; despite the brevity of her sexual soiree, she'd worked up quite a sweat.

In fact, the exertion had rendered pretty much every part of her a perspiration-soaked mess. Her vagina was wettest of all, though, and as it throbbed and dripped fluid in its post-orgasmic glow, she felt her chest swell with love for the thing. Maybe it was just the novelty of having one, or perhaps loyalty borne of the experience it had just given her. But if it were a person, standing there in front of her, she would smother it with a great big hug. Sadly, that couldn't be done. A deep, passionate kiss, however, would be just as good. She had an idea or two of how to pull that off in the future.

Sighing, she clenched her thighs and shifted them slightly, just to feel her labia rub together. So very, very bizarre it was to have a warm, wet hole between her legs again, yet so pleasant and fulfilling at the same time. "Such a shame I can't bring you back with me," she purred. Truthfully, that sentiment applied to all her parts, but affinity for her girly bits had recently hit an all-time high.

Oh, so you really want one of these, eh? _ said a nagging voice in the back of her head. _Hope you enjoy gynecologists. Ever worried about yeast? How about bladder infections? Oh, and don't forget aunt flo and all the fun stuff she brings! Like cramps, mood swings, stained underwear...

"Shut up," she told herself. "Shut the _fuck_up, brain."

So what if TIVR let her cheat? That was beside the point. Tailesium's entire purpose revolved around wish-fulfillment, and her wish didn't include menstrual cycles. Plenty of women would probably eschew those given the choice, and thanks to medical science these days, some did. Anyway, she shouldn't have menses in the first place; dragons laid eggs. In fact, she'd already installed an egg cycle script in her avatar. Now _that_was going to be fun.

"Hmmmm," she hummed, wiggling her stumpy toes. "Can't hardly wait."

She laid there for a while longer, just basking in post-orgasmic bliss and taking in all the wonderfully new sensations that came with being a hermaphroditic dragonness. But soon, she grew restless. With both male and female sides thoroughly sated, the novelty of her tumescent belly had begun to wear off.

"Time?" she called out.

"Ten thirty-five, ma'am."

Oh crap, I need to get moving, she thought.

She rolled over onto her side with a reverberating bloosh. Back now pressed against the side of the bed, she reached up for the mattress with one densely-muscled arm and began lifting her body, providing assistance with the other. Her arm and shoulder muscles bulged with the effort, but ultimately bore the weight without significant difficulty. Once she'd reached the halfway point, she somewhat awkwardly slid her digitgrade feet into position, and managed to rise to a standing position.

"Whew!" she exhaled. Carefully, she shifted her weight from one foot to the other. Her sense of balance seeming acceptable enough, she set out for the closet door.

She quickly re-discovered that walking was not as easy as standing. After several steps her weight shifted toward her enormous belly, dragging her center of balance out of alignment. With a yelp, she half-stumbled, half-fell the rest of the distance, plunging partway through the doorway before catching the frame to stop herself.

Jade grunted, pulling herself upright again against her sagging forward ballast. In the darkness of the expansive closet, her eyes caught sight of the New-U kiosk on the opposite wall, its small screen glowing like a beacon. Not even taking a moment to collect herself she pushed away from the doorframe, lurching inelegantly in the terminal's general direction.

The lights automatically switched on with a click, revealing the room to be densely filled with racks of exotic clothing. They were arrayed into neat rows that seemed to stretch on further to Jade's right than spatially possible, like a TARDIS dedicated to clothing storage.

Densely packed as the closet was, she had a narrow path to her goal and, unfortunately, her stumbling feet and swaying midsection made it impossible to keep moving in a straight line. She bumbled into several dresses and a set of leather clubbing clothes along the way, yelping and swearing. By the time she reached her destination, several outfits lay in disheveled heaps upon the floor.

Her stomach hit the wall beneath the terminal with a bump and a heavy slosh, making her lurch forward with a grunt of displeasure. She had to fully extend her arms to reach over her vast, ungainly gut and touch the screen, almost falling short despite their length. Once she had, however, the process was simple. Only one avatar existed in her collection, so she easily selected it and tapped the "refresh" button. A confirmation prompt popped up, asking "ARE YOU SURE?".

"Yes, I'm fucking sure," grumbled the overfilled dragoness, poking the bit marked "YES" with annoyed gusto. A new popup appeared on the screen, reading "MORPH IN PROGRESS".

Jade felt the pressure in her stomach abating. It was deflating like a rubber inner tube, gallons of liquid weight vanishing into thin air, as incorporeal as the byte strings that comprised them. To her, it felt like relaxing a muscle that had been held taut for far too long, soothing and satisfying in equal proportion. She sighed a long sigh of relief, leaning sideways against the terminal. At the same time, a series of pointy, prickling sensations began along her muzzle's barren gums, heralding the return of her saurian dentition.

In a matter of seconds, the process finished. Her belly retreated into its initial flatness. Rippling abs once again poked through its taut surface, plainly visible in the closet's harsh florescent lighting. She couldn't see them thanks to her outsized bust, but instead verified their return with a slow caress from her right hand. She smiled and tested her teeth, making a few experimental chomps to hear them click together satisfyingly. Everything was back to its original state. There weren't even any stretch marks, although she couldn't think of how those would even happen to skin like hers. Utterly seamless, in a way that only a simulated reality could be.

She was, however, still filthy. Her scales felt thick and clammy from all the sweating, and here and there a few patches of crusty semen remained. She couldn't see all of her hair but from the few frizzy, disheveled clumps that dangled into her vision knew it had to be a total fright, bed head compounded by copious amounts of jizz and perspiration. And to top it all off, her better-than-human sense of smell could easily make out her scent, and it was pungent. She needed a shower, badly.

She walked out of the closet, making a sharp right for the bathroom door on the opposite side of the television. Pausing for a minute at the threshold, she stole a glance over her shoulder at the bedroom's condition. What she saw actually took her aback a bit; the dried globs of her stuff all over the bed, walls, ceiling, and windows made the place look like an orgy had happened there, one involving an entire football team on performance-enhancing drugs.

"Harlan? Um... Could you clean this up while I'm in the bathroom?"

"Consider it done, ma'am."

She sighed in relief. With that taken care of, she stepped into the bathroom and flipped the light switch. To her right, a series of vanity bulbs flickered to life, followed shortly after by a recessed light on the opposite wall. The latter cast its illumination down over an intricately tiled, multicolored wall that ran perpendicular to the door on its left side before making a concave curve inward. In this recess there was a combination spa and bathtub, raised slightly off the floor with a single rectangular stone step leading up to it.

Opposite, the vanity lights were placed above a mirror and wide counter, home to two sinks with gleaming stainless steel spigots and ornate crystal knobs. Underneath the counter hung a two-row deep set of drawers, one set on either side.

Past the sinks, a toilet hid inside a small recessed alcove. Jade didn't really need one - avatars in Tailesium came free of the obligation to eliminate that meat-space organisms needed to do to survive. It was the default behavior, unless the individual user desired otherwise; Jade did not. Still, her bathroom contained a porcelain throne simply because it would be odd for there not to be one in it.

Straight ahead, she saw what she was looking for. A sort of pathway on the tiled ground beneath her feet, designed to look like a flowing river, led the way to the shower chamber at the far side of the bathroom. It ran from one side of the room to the other, sealed off from the rest of the space by a wall of glass. In the center of this wall was an enormous sliding door, flanked on either side by a pair of crystalline, two-dimensional dragons that seemed to be embedded in the glass panels.

Jade walked up to the door and grabbed its handle, pulling it to the side. Inside, the shower looked more like the type one would find at a gymnasium rather than a residential location, even a lavish one such as this. There were two shower heads and sets of knobs on the far wall, with another set to the left and right. These each had their own soap and shampoo holders, as well as handles on either side for maintaining one's balance on the potentially slick floor. A pair of grated drains looked well capable of preventing a flood, even if all four faucets were running full blast.

She stepped inside, remembering to account for the floor being slightly lower than it was on the other side of the door. Her shower was larger than it needed to be, by far. But, given that the cost of materials and labor was effectively zero, she'd seen no reason not to go all-out. No telling how big her guests would be in the future, or how numerous.

"Hmmmm, shower orgy," she hummed to herself, thinking of the possibilities. Despite having just had two mind-blowing orgasms, her libido was already on the rise. With sexy thoughts running through her head, she sashayed across the shower room; full, pert bottom swinging from side to side, sinuous tail waving whip-like behind.

The emerald-green dragoness grinned, exposing her jagged pearly whites. Ren wants to take this grrl out on the town, eh? Let's see if it can handle me.

Tailesium - New Reality

The automatic door slid open, and Jacob stepped into the antechamber. Surrounding him were four solid walls of bleeping, whirring electronics, a sampling of the various ages of computing arranged like an abstract painting. He saw a confusing...

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