Jessie Raiye: Derrick and Kayden

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#6 of Jessie Raiye

Derrick shook his head, sending loose water droplets flying. He had already been out of the shower long enough to get dressed, but water always seemed to cling to his head spines. Slowly shutting his locker in the change room, Derrick let out a quiet growl as a wet towel struck him in the back of the head.

"What's been up with you today Derrick? You daydreamed through classes, and you could barely run during practice. Hell, I was running better than you at practice. And I'm one of the worst runners on the team," Leif chuckled, straightening a few stray feathers on his wings.

"Been really distracted, I guess," Derrick sighed, throwing the wet towel back at his avian friend. "I met this total babe yesterday, and she goes to this school. But I never saw her today."

"So, what's she look like? And what's her name?"

"She's this gorgeous young vixen with golden fur and auburn hair. And her eyes, her eyes are amazing. They're green with streaks of purple like exploding from her pupils. She is breathtaking, especially for only being 13. Oh yeah, and her name is Jessie Raiye."

Leif blinked. "Are you sure about her name?"

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Well, that I know of, there is no Jessie Raiye," Leif shrugged.

Derrick gave his friend a confused look. "What do you mean, 'there is no Jessie Raiye'?"

"Well, I grew up with the Raiye family, the only one that I know of in town. The women in that family are some of the hottest vixens around. I have always been a close friend of Lexi, the middle kid who's a year older than us. The eldest sister is Vivian, and they have a younger brother, Jake. Who's 13, with golden fur, auburn hair and strange eyes."

Derrick's eyes widened. "Wait ... you mean ..."

"That you have a crush on a guy in a dress. Yeah. Always thought that Jake was a little strange. Tiny, effeminate, and really liked to play with Vivian's old dolls." Leif shook his head, patting Derrick on the back before beginning to get dressed. "Oh well, there's many more babes out there for you."

"Yeah, I guess," Derrick muttered, grabbing his bag and walking out of the change room.

As Derrick walked home from school, his mind was lost in a haze. Could he really have a crush on a guy in a dress? If Jessie really was a guy, then she sure as hell didn't show it. Derrick hadn't seen a single hint of masculinity when he had sat beside Jessie at church, resting his claw on her soft paw. She had reacted to his appearance and actions just like a girl.

And besides, Derrick thought to himself, what exactly does a girl have that a guy doesn't? Breasts, a pussy and the ability to give birth. Well, in the day of fake breasts, having boobs wasn't a problem. And a pussy is just a hole that gives a woman pleasure. Gay guys do anal sex and seem to enjoy it, so once again, not a problem. And children ... well, it's a little early to think about that, Derrick chuckled. And besides, adoption is always an option.

So, could he really do it? Could he really be with a guy in a dress? Derrick shook his head. No, Jessie wasn't just a guy in a dress, to him, she really was a girl. And with that in mind, Derrick had decided.

"Might as well see it through. And if it doesn't work out, then I can chalk it up to a new experience that I never have to try again."

Stretching his ruined wings, Derrick grinned to himself. Perhaps he should look up where Jessie lived and stop by tonight, even just to say hi. Perhaps he might even be able to take her out for a bite to eat.


Groggily rolling out of bed, Kayden groaned, popping a few pills to quiet the pounding in his skull. He had drunk way too much Saturday night, and had slept straight through Sunday and most of Monday.

Realizing he was hungry, the older fox stumbled to his kitchen, fixing himself a quick sandwich. With his mouth half full of sandwich, Kayden noticed he had a message on his answering machine. Pressing the button, Kayden leaned back to listen.

"Kayden, I know it's been a while. A while ... jeez, nearly 14 years since I saw you that one time. But since then, I haven't stopped thinking about you. You've buried yourself into my memories, and I don't want to let you go. Then again, I do have something to remind me of you every day. Our daughter, Jessie. I probably should have told you about her before, but I was too scared to tell you. I don't know why, but I was. I talked to Jessie, and we both want you back in our lives. Please, call me back, soon. Amanda Raiye -"

Grabbing the answering machine and throwing it across the room, Kayden sighed angrily. "I have a 13 year old daughter, and she just calls me now? Jeez. Well, I guess I'd better calm down some and give her a call later."

Noticing his smashed answering machine, Kayden chuckled. "And I'd better get a new answering machine."

Finishing the last bites of his sandwich, Kayden walked back into his bedroom. He sure did remember Amanda. She had been the most attractive woman to talk to him, let alone sleep with him. She had haunted many of his dreams with her beauty. And now, there was a chance she might want him in her life. That was amazing! Grinning, Kayden flopped back down on the bed.

"Guess I'll call her after dinner."


"Finished in the shower!" Jessie called out, as she walked dripping wet into her bedroom.

"Okay. I guess I'll get started on dinner," Vivian yelled back. As she headed towards the kitchen, the doorbell caught her attention. Opening the door, she looked at the handsome young dragon standing in front of her.

"Hi. I'm Derrick. Is Jessie around?"

Vivian smiled knowingly. "Come on in Derrick. She'll be a few minutes."

Derrick nodded, slipping in past Jessie's eldest sister. Vivian pointed him towards the living room, before she skipped up the stairs to Jessie's room. Poking her head in the door, Vivian giggled at her younger sister's state of undress.

"Get dressed in the outfit you were supposed to wear this morning. And make sure you look nice. We have some special company."

Jessie nodded, grinning softly. As she began to dress, she wondered who the special company was.

"Sorry," Vivian grinned once she was downstairs again. "Jessie is just getting changed. She'll be down in a few minutes."

"That's fine. I can wait for her. Can't wait to see how great she looks."

Minutes later, Jessie pranced down the stairs and into the living room, wearing the outfit her sisters had picked out and looking like a young goddess.

"Wow Jessie, you are a total babe," Derrick grinned, looking at her.

"Oh my god! Derrick!" Jessie gasped, staring at him in surprise.