My little rich boy (part 3

Story by nictheman on SoFurry

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Sorry, im back. Ive been pretty busy lately but here is part 3 of My Little Rich Pony, i hope you all enjoy. My apologies for the slight shortness of this chapter. Ill be getting back in the grove now so dont give up on me yet, more great stories to come!

Sky blushes heavily as he looks at himself. He is in the girliest outfit he had ever seen, a very frilly, pink dress. And to top the look off he was put into a diaper too, could this get any more embarrassing. He knew right then and there, he shouldnt have asked himself that because it did get worse. Cindy talked about it havent to hold a lot, did she really expect him to use this crinkly thing? And why wouldnt his boner go down, was he actually getting turned on. No, he shook that thought out of his head, he wasnt getting turned on be something so gross and weird. He gulps when Cindy talks about the 'fun' that was about to start. Sky didnt want to admit it, but he was guessing what fun meant when Cindy said moments ago about the diaper holding a lot.

Cindy smiles and inspects Sky, making sure the diaper is snug around his waist and the leg bands and tail hole were in place so no leaks would occur. "What are you doing?" He says with a bright blush. Cindy smiles and pats Sky's crinkle behind, causing an eep to come from him. "H-Hey!" He stutters out. Cindy giggles and ignores Sky "I was only making sure everything was in place, it would be terrible if you had a leak." Sky's eyes widen "Leak? Wait you mean you want me to actually use this thing? Im not a baby!" He says with a glare, only causing cindy to give his butt a hard swat "Bad, dont you ever yell at me" Sky can only whimper softly at the swat and nod weakly. "But do i really have to use this? I mean its so weird and gross and humiliating" He says blushing hard, though if Cindy notices, something else is hard and he cant hide it. To his demise, Cindy does notice. "Your crotch says differently silly boy, why not give in an enjoy yourself?" Sky shakes his head "No, i wont, this thing is for babies and you cant make me use it" Cindy smirks "I cant?"

Sky knows as soon as he said that, things were about to get much worse. "No no, please i didnt mean that" Sky pleads, hoping Cindy will be nice. Cindy thinks for a moment "Will you use your diaper when i till you to then or use it on your own?" Sky hesitates for several seconds, but nods weakly again. Cindy smiles "Good!" Sky sighs, feeling relieved almost, it could have been bad if sky hadnt pleaded with Cindy. Sky's boner still hasnt gone down behind the confines of the soft, padded prison which still confused Sky. Cindy thinks for a second again before getting an idea. "You must be hungry Sky, you didnt have lunch after all. Whatever you did have, ended up in your pants moments later" Sky blushes "H-hey!" He says again, still embarrassed about that. Sky nods though, he felt very empty after that scene.

Cindy leaves for a second, coming back with a bottle and a bib that says "My little Princess" on it. Sky blushes but makes no attempts to stop Cindy from putting the bib on him, not wanting to take the consequences of denying her again. Cindy sits down on the ground, putting the smaller pony in her lap and popping the bottle in Sky's mouth before he can protest otherwise. It takes Sky a couple seconds but he finally starts drinking the bottle, his cheeks bright red from embarrassment. After several minutes, Sky has finished the bottle and lets out the cutest little burp. "Aww, How adorable" Cindy says causing Sky's face to turn as red as a tomato. What Sky didnt know is Cindy put the same powder in the milk but its not as strong this time. It only gives sky the need to use the bathroom, not make holding it unbearable. Sky leans again Cindy's breasts as he feels his eyes grow heavy, the milk and the days events have exhausted the poor little pony. When Sky wakes up, his tummy will be very rumbly and not because he's hungry.