The Hired Hand

Story by Stormcatcher on SoFurry

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By Stormcatcher

The raccoon came into the barn and made his way over to stand to the right of the work table near the back, hoping to catch Hiram's attention without saying anything. No luck. The big equine morph had been sharpening a lathe blade, and tended to get lost in his work unless something or someone got right in his face. Trent ultimately ended up having to clear his throat softly, and this made the horse do a double take at him, frowning a little.

"Whatcha want, Trent?" he rumbled, his thick shaggy brows furrowed.

The raccoon wet his lips a bit, then murmured lowly, "Mom n' Pop went to town."

The horse looked at him blankly, then shrugged and whipped his mane just slightly as he jerked his head to face the youngster more directly. "So?"

"Soooo.... I was...kinda... y'know, hoping that you'd..." The raccoon's voice was dry, and he swallowed and tried again, giving the big horse's groin a meaningful look before he dragged his gaze upward to stare at the equine. The raccoon eased back and forth on the balls of his feet, feeling stupid and small as he made himself blurt out, "You know, that...that thing, you promised."

Hiram blinked at him, then slowly grinned, his teeth showing broadly as he swiped a dusty brown forelock out of his face, the big shire snorting lowly as his large mottled and muscled frame moved closer to the ringtail. "Ohhhh, that!" he chuckled. "Yeah, okay... I reckon we can do that, but only if you keep yer mouth buttoned 'bout this, you got me?"

Trent nodded vigorously. "Won't say a word, I promise!" he gulped.

"Awright, then," the horse rumbled, looking around cagily at the barn door as if expecting it to burst open. "C'mon. We best not do this out in plain sight." He gripped Trent's right shoulder in a burly hand, steering him into one of the milking stalls nearby. He nudged the raccoon up against the wall, then gripped a hand onto the ringtail's crotch, fondling him there slowly as he smirked down at him. The raccoon sighed a bit and gripped the horse's fingers, grinding into them a little as his cock began to stiffen inside his overalls. "Still strikes me as kinda funny, though. I woulda thought that you'd be bigger, by now," Hiram smirked down at him.

The raccoon snickered a little, relaxing some as he enjoyed the feeling of work-calloused hands massaging his groin. "Hey, I can't help it that bein' short runs in my family. Paw didn't stop growing till he was nearly nineteen, though."

Hiram grunted again and unzipped Trent's fly, making the raccoon squirm a little as he worked at tugging down the raccoon's briefs, then carefully fished his cock out through the opening, the large equine sinking down onto one knee as he eyed the door one more time, his other hand lightly stroking Trent's hardening six and a half inches. "How much time we got?" he demanded.

The raccoon gasped as Hiram's warm and slightly rough fingers made a bit of his pre bubble up to his piss slit, and the horse turned back in time to see this, whiffing his big nostrils at it before slowly drawing his tongue across the youth's cockhead. "P-...probably about an hour or so, they d-didn't... Oooh! F-fuck, that felt good..." he groaned. The horse gave Trent's cock a jiggle of impatience, and the raccoon's eyes snapped open again, finishing his sentence. "Sorry! Usually doesn't take 'em long, and they're only hitting the hardware store."

"Hmmm," Hiram frowned. "Then we ain't got much time. We're gonna have to make this fast," he rumbled, as he unhooked the lad's overalls and slipped them down to the youth's ankles, then followed suit with Trent's underwear. He used two fingers to stroke Trent's cock while his tongue polished it all over, and the raccoon's smaller body quivered, the ringtail grateful to have the solid oak wall of the barn supporting him. The horse watched the raccoon intently as he finally popped the ringtail's cock into his mouth, and he slowly swallowed it to the hilt, making Trent's head loll back as the raccoon's shivering fingers spread themselves into the mane and tophair beween the horse's ears. He gave Trent's testicles a light tug with his fingers, making the youngster's body jerk firmly-but the groan that slid from the ringtail's lips encouraged the horse to start stroking his lips up and down Trent's length, the boy beginning to buck his hips in time with Hiram's mouth strokes reflexively.

Trent was in paradise. He'd managed to do his share of masturbation in private, but not even a palmful of baby oil slathered all over his cock could compare to the sensations that wracked his body now, thanks to Hiram's tongue. The horse's cleft plates dragged carefully over the raccoon's flesh, adding a bit of extra stimulation that made the raccoon's neckruff hairs stand on end with bliss. The horse slathered his long tongue further out on some of his passes to give the raccoon's ballsacs a glistening coat of drool, and after what seemed like only the forth time of such teasing, he felt them jerk even as Trent's body tightened up. Hiram sank his mouth down to the raccoon's hilt, keeping him swallowed whole as the young ringtail's body spasmed with the intensity of his orgasm. Thick, hot bursts of his Trent's cum spackled briskly against the back of the horse's throat, and the volume died off quickly as Hiram's fingers lightly rubbed the raccoon's nuts. 'Awww!' the older male thought to himself. 'That's almost cute, how he came so fast, like that. Reminds me of how I used to be, when I was his age. I was so jacked-up horny all the time, I could jerk a wad outta my crank that'd knock a farmer's hat off his head at fifty paces.'

It took Trent a few moments to get his wind back, and Hiram got back onto his feet and listened keenly for the sound of the raccoon's parents coming back in the rattletrap of a pickup truck they used. He unbuckled his belt, then unsnapped his pants and started to unzip his fly as the raccoon's gaze riveted onto Hiram's groin. At the sight of Hiram's nearly two feet of cock, Trent's mouth dropped open. He knew that the horse would be hung, but he wasn't expecting as much as he saw, Hiram's meaty pink balls looking as big as muskmelons as they flopped heavily forward.

The horse looked from Trent to the barn door, then back again, brows furrowing a little as he gripped his thick pink-black flare with one hand and smeared a thick glob of his pre into his palm, sliding a trail of the stuff across the raccoon's lips with his fingers as he grunted to him, "Well, what the hell ya waitin' for? Get down on your knees n' worship the fucker, boy. We ain't got all day."

A mixture of eagerness and trepidation washed over Trent's features as he slowly sunk to his knees, the earthy smell of dust and hay being displaced in his nostrils by the overwhelming scent of Hiram's oozing arousal. The raccoon licked some of the horse's pre off his lips and was amazed to taste how salty and textured it was, as sticky as runny jam. Reverently, he clasped both hands around the big horse's cockhead, nuzzling it with his nose, before looking up at the equine with uncertainty. "Damn, it's... just...huge...!" he breathed. "B-but Hiram, I don't think I'll be able to get the whole thing in my mouth-and no way would I be able to swallow everything you got in those balls," he added, eyes wide as he nodded at the horse's huge testicles.

Hiram lowered his head to stare directly at Trent, his eyes narrowed a bit at him as he gripped the top of the raccoon's head as easily as if he were gripping an apple. "So who said that you were gonna do either, boy?" he rumbled. "You ain't gonna be swallowin' my load. Yer gonna be wearing it." He pointed demandingly at his thick flare, then said, "Put as much of that flare in your mouth as you can, and suck the hell out of it-but mind yer teeth. Keep your muzzle flaps over your chompers as much as you can, and jerk me off with your palms on both sides."

Trent nodded, then began to lap his tongue all over the horse's thick flare, trying to swallow as much of the equine's seeping pre as he could-and what his tongue missed, his fingers spread slowly down Hiram's shuddering shaft, the horse's face registering a pleased and relaxed look as his tail whisked behind him a bit faster. He gave a half nod to indicate that the raccoon had the right idea, and Trent began to lick him more enthusiastically as Hiram's fingers gripped he top of the ringtail's head a bit more tightly. It didn't take the ringtail long to have most of the horse's upper shaft squishing softly with pre and his own drool, and he decided to try to go to the next step by engulfing the equine's glans.

Praying that his jawbone would be able to withstand the strain, the raccoon closed his eyes and opened his mouth as widely as he could, carefully feeding himself the horse's thick knob. It felt a bit like trying to swallow a giant jawbreaker whole as he felt the velvety warm flare start to leak heavily on his tongue, and he was just beginning to feel one of his teeth start to graze against the side of the equine's cock when he paused and remembered Hiram's command. He carefully adjusted his muzzle flaps so that the offending tooth was covered as best he was able, and he began to suck in earnest, Hiram's hips just barely easing to and fro as he used the ringtail's mouth, his deep voice groaning out to him, "Thaaaat's it, Trent... work that thick fuckin' knob over with yer tongue so's I can face paint you good..."

The raccoon kept a warm grip on both sides of the horse's cock, and he felt oddly very much like a vagina, the wet sound of Hiram's flare and upper shaft jutting in and out of his mouth only enhancing the feeling. It had been less than three minutes, and Trent could already feel his jaw start to ache. He tried using his tongue more vigorously to keep himself from having to tax his mouth as much, and he made his glistening palms stroke Hiram's cock faster, the horse clearly getting close to his climax from the way he was bracing his big feet firmly apart. Two big hands eclipsed the ringtail's view from everything but that heavy shaft, and the pain from his jaw started to manifest itself further in a muffled whimper as runny streaks of pre. Hiram's grunts and shuddering moans got louder, and he snorted firmly as he rumbled through clenched teeth to the ringtail, "Gonna cum... w-when I pull back, you t-take a deep breath, close yer eyes tight... n' breath with yer muh-..."

The horse didn't quite finish his words as his slick cock pulled back out of Trent's mouth, and the raccoon gasped as runners of pre and drool dribbled from the horse's cockhead to his lips. He quickly took in a deep breath, then screwed his eyes shut tight as the horse's hand clamped around both of his hands as he struggled to hold the slippery organ steady. Hiram's head jerked back and up and he let out a wild whinny of release as a gout of cum as thick as paint spurted out of the equine's piss slit, splattering Trent full onto the muzzle and across his face. The impact literally took his breath away for a few seconds, and he realized dimly that it was much like being squirted in the face with a garden hose, via a sneak attack. He caught almost all of the initial burst in his throat, and he coughed and sputtered a little as he tried to swallow it, his face getting assaulted wetly by more bursts of semen. The head bath continued for what felt like several minutes, and just as Trent was beginning to relish the feel of Hiram's spunk washing all over his face and upper chest, the smell and consistency of the flood changed, becoming much thicker and splattering him in shorter bursts as the equine's sealing gel smacked against his pelt. The heated smell of something like almonds flooded his nose, and the thickness of the jizz changed from runny to nearly gelid, the stuff mildly and oddly sweet on his lips as he caught some of it on his tongue. Trent held stock-still even as the flood began to peter out, and he sensed rather than saw Hiram gripping his shaft and glans and shaking them both firmly over the raccoon's muzzle, ridding it of the excess mess as the horse's hot breath washed down over him like the heat from a blow dryer.

Trent licked up as much of the horse's seed and gel as he could, and after he caught his breath somewhat, Hiram smeared the raccoon's eyes clear of the mess, his big grin coalescing in the raccoon's face as Trent slowly reopened his eyes, blinking up at him.

Hiram winked at him sleazily, giving his head a gentle shake. "Belated happy twentieth birthday, boy. It's about time something like this happened to you," he rumbled. "What did ya think?"

The raccoon coughed softly, and although his answer was low and fatigued, his grin seemed pleased, and he couldn't help but chuckle a bit as he replied, "Well...I know one thing, this birthday certainly tasted different from all the others I've had!"


The New Grind - Part Two

All characters referenced herein are © by me. THE NEW GRIND - Part Two By Stormcatcher Diedre really came through for me. The new bed felt fantastic, and for $400, that's pretty damn much what I expected. All the tossing and turning I...

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The New Grind - Part One

All characters mentioned herein are (c) by me. THE NEW GRIND Part One By Stormcatcher Sure is funny how we can all look at the same thing in different ways, ain't it? I mean, really, when you think about it....isn't life and how we...

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