The Escape (Part 2 of The Monster)

Story by LeoSilverWolf on SoFurry

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Hey Guys! This is Part 2 of The Monster.......... Enjoy! c(^_^c)

This story takes place when David jumped off the cliff, to escape from the monster, also meaning ending his life.

As David was falling to his doom, he was hoping that there would be a small chance that there could be a branch that he can grab onto. Of course, he knew that he would get hurt in the process, but that's better than being the monster's victim, isn't it? It seems like luck was on his side because he saw a nearby branch that he could hold on to. He grabbed the branch and was hanging there with death below him and the monster above him. What was really gross and disgusting was that while he was hanging, he could feel the monster's saliva dripping all over him. Yuck, the quicker I escape from the monster, the better He was hanging there for a moment, thinking about what he should do next. He then tried to put his feet on a foothold on the cliff, he hoped he could climb his way down without killing himself. He was able to climb down a couple of feet until his foot slipped and he was falling to his death (Again.....) He crashed through the trees and landed on a pile of leaves. Owww... One thing for sure, he was glad he was away from the hideous monster. Unless, there was also a monster that lived down here too, but the good thing was, there wasn't one. Now he just had to run and find the exit of the forest and he was FREE! The only bad thing about this is that there are mirages that could form and they could harm anybody, so he had to avoid them. The forest wasn't that big so it didn't take David that long to find his way out. When he reached the end, there was another surprise waiting for him. Separating the forest from freedom was a wall. A huge, marble wall. What? Who in their bright mind would put a wall here? Then he heard the voice of one of his classmate, Milly. David! Where are youuuu? Milly! I'm on the other side of the wall! What? Try to find the gate or the mirages will kill you! Mirages? No one told him that there were killer mirages here.... Then he started hearing voices behind him. Davidd... I'm coming nearer..... David started running along the wall so he could find the gate. He went left, but couldn't find a gate, so he went right. The right side of the wall was very very long, but he eventually reached the gate.The gate was locked, however. Milly! Go left! And so, a couple of minutes later,Milly arrived. David! Try to squeeze through the top! What? I'm not a kid anymore, I can't fit! He still tried to squeeze through the top with Milly on the side pulling him. He could get his top half through, but not the other half. Soon the mirages caught up to him. NO! Hurry Milly! Pull!! With that, Milly pulled with all her might and David fell on top of her. Oh, geez sorry Milly said David,embarrassed. That's alright, let's go back to the others. said Milly. They took on look at the mirages and turned around and went back to the group. When they got back to the group, the teacher was freaking out David! Where in the world were you? Well, you could say I got lost and Milly found me again Next time, STICK to the group,please! And the teacher led the group to the buses and they went home. On the ride home, David was thinking all about what happened. No one would believe me except Milly......


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