Teachings of the big bad wolf (Part I)

Story by ShiroUzumaki on SoFurry

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A selection of bits chosen from the log of the training of young Verde Okuro by his ninja master, Shiro Uzumaki.



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Teachings of the big bad wolf

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Diary excerpts of a mighty ninja

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Shiro Uzumaki

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January the 13th

Verde has started his training with me today. He was very excited, but he came too early. The path of the ninja requieres patience over all things. He also needs a tight firm grip, more than usual, I say, to unleash his hidden potential. I'm going to make sure he doesn't leave the dojo until he can please a female wolf completely. The training was as strict as usual, as for the first day: Starting from 4 in the morning I made him carry the buckets of water from the under of the fall, followed by two hours of full medidation under the same cold waterfall. After the session, He could not understand how I could keep such a hard on like that. Ah, the wonders of youth. "Sensei, why do I have to keep my cock like this all the time? It almost feels tiring..." said Verde. I surely didn't want to think he had come many and many miles, so I thought it was time to teach him the importance of how much load is the best for a female. I taught him how to grab his rod by doing it myself. He followed me doing it so and we were showing at each other how did we please ourselves. Not bad for a first time: Verdewanted to finish quick and was pressing his own tool too hard. He was shocked though, when I came much later but in a heavier, thicker and richer way than him."Whoa... will the training...?" asked Verde, with his eyes filled with curiosity. "Of course, Okuro. Just do not get too far and you will make progress" I replied. This boy has promise, I can feel it.


January the 15th

Okuro has started to show some progress today. We tried a new technique today, using mutual masturbation. He had to learn the importance of the grip so he could stimulate himself much more and quicker. As soon as I showed him the different amounts of pressure and the correct hand position, he soon became aware on how stores the momentum and makes orgasms not only much bigger, but also last longer and please better. At first, he wasn't able to sustain anything further than two shots, but today he showed some progress as we reached four consecutive shots. This boy sure shows promise, and only in his 3rd day at my tutelage. His feeble grasps from his fingers seemed to be shocked as he could feel my excessive amount of seed thrusting up like a jet, but his lack of stamina was something strange: Yet when he was at his third time, he was panting like a hungry puppy in the rain. I'm going to have to change his planning so he can last better and longer in further sessions with hungry-of-lust eager females. Younger ones are also the first targets in his case, so the priority for these exercises must be on top of my plan now. The wonders of youth... I could see him panting "Se...sensei... when can we stop?" when he was about to release his fourth and last orgasm. "We are done now, Verde. I am so proud of you..." as I said later. Let's hope I don't spoil him too much. The real training will begin sooner or later.


February the 7th

It is important for a lover to know how to keep his lust in control. That's what I am focusing on my training with Okuro now. Today, at breakfast, Okuro was so concentrated on his bowl of rice, his own cock forgot to remain hard and erect. This is important for a lover ninja, as it keeps us ready for any eventuality or sudden choices. As soon as I noticed him devouring his bowl like a starving raven, I cleared my throat. He stopped from eating, and as the squashed grains fell from his snout like snow from the clouds, Okuro could see my big member staying still, ready to please anything that crossed its path. I calmly explained "Remember, you must always be ready, or else..." Okuro quickly apologized as he repeatedly bowed his head softly "I am sorry, Sensei! I trained so much yesterday, I was starving!"

I know he is a novice in my school, but after three weeks of good results, I had to start on stepping up the level. His stamina has doubled in just two weeks, thanks to many concentration and weight lifting techniques, as well as using invigorating mountain walks and muscle workout sessions to build his body up. I didn't want him to think it was an easy training, as the word "Shinobi" means "persistence", so he must start to take this path seriously. I never imagined I would have to make the same work as my sensei did with me. I am beginning to understand it now, and it makes me so proud and happy. He (my sensei, of course) wasn't wrong choosing me... and so I expect from Verde.


February the 8th

I realized that Okuro's training was too focused in the practical side, so I decided to focus the upcoming classes on the theorical lessons today. A ninja must not only have to work his body, but the mind too, so they work altogether flawlessly, as my sensei clearly said once to me. Verde is surely a good student, as he never was bored or distracted while I gave the explanation to the lesson of today: The male reproductive system and its advanced mechanisms. He asked questions from time to time, showing his perfectly understandable hunger for knowledge. "Sensei, how can the male organs sustain more than one orgasm? I couldn't do that before I was here." Was the one that intrigued me the most. Of course, he didn't know that the answer was simple: it was a single orgasm, regulated by the inner muscles of the penis. As the seminal glands worked overtime, this creates an over than average amount of seed, like a faucet. The better training, the better control of this regulated huge orgasm can have. Okuro's nodding couldn't make me happier, as he greeted my lesson with his happy words "I see how I can handle it now, sensei". This boy is surely going to be an astounding alpha male, I can feel it.



February 16th

Today, I presented one of my old students to Okuro. Her name is Saki Nomura. I found her and his twin brother starving in the streets, some days after their family was brutally murdered by a rival ninja clan. I decided it was time for Okuro to give the next step in his training, as we totally explored every aspect of the male intimate parts. So for today, we chose to start studying the female reproductive system. I thought it was obvious to start with the outer face of it, so Okuro could understand and exploit all its secrets. Saki didn't mind, as she remembers the training she had with Reiko, my fellow tigress ninja companion and me. I also showed to Okuro the importance of the erogenous zones for a woman, such as the breasts or the sensitive skinny places like the armpits or inner thighs. As soon as we progressed into the real matter, Saki spread her legs under my order, I couldn't hold my blush as she didn't refuse to show her body to my apprentice. None of the less, her smile and positive attitude made the study easier to handle. While explaining to Okuro how the labia worked, how sensitive and protective could it be, the youth of Verde didn't stop him to poke her in the middle of that wonderful moist place the vagina is. I could feel how the three of us in that moment were blushing, unbothered by the circumstance on how eerie this kind of class this would be in a normal situation. None of the less, it was a productive day in the end, as Okuro seemed to be attracted to my old student Saki after the class for today was dismissed. Later on that day, Saki went to talk to me, and she honestly confessed how Okuro couldn't stop watching at her naked beauty, as the two walked naked through the dojo corridor and Okuro followed her as if he was spying on her. This boy surely needs to improve in subtlety and presenting to the females, my, my!


February the 20th

Okuro has shown progress on the researching the female body. Yesterday, we finished on the foreplay demonstration, using Saki as a test subject for Okuro's fiery curiosity. His performance was so outstanding, I decided to step ahead on this day, and I made sure that Okuro couldn't expect that. Of course, I explained to Saki what would be today's lesson, in case she rejected for anything, but she agreed due to her abstinence for mating lately. She was surely straight on as she licked my face just to see me getting hard for such woo. I couldn't avoid that either. So, when the class started and I swiftly explained the purpose on the lesson for today, Okuro went fast for Saki like if she was a prey. He quickly stimulated and prepared Saki for the real deal: He pounded her sideways, even before she could push him back, but as soon as I could blink, he already penetrated her, and his thrusts became exponentially faster and stronger with each time. He surely surprised me as his pelvic thrusts started to bloat Saki's belly due to all that stored momentum. That was surely a nice sign of excellent and fast progress. In less than a month, Okuro has been able to mount and mate with a female in an exceedingly fast time. I have seen other students taking less time for such progress, but that was thanks to former experience. Not bad for the boy, as Saki was panting and moaning like crazy each second the physical training lasted during the class for today. I will never be stopped to be amazed by the wonders of youth, and even less tiring me with its amusement. Indeed.


February the 24th

Verde went early to bed today. The poor boy was very enthusiastic for the training. His breath seemed fast but he never flinched or showed any exhaustion whatsoever. His progress is going well so far, as his body has developed and grown enough to boast some strength above the average lad, and he surely has started to think and mature better for a youngling of his age. He was more impatient for his results at first, but he has started to take a much calmer pace, which is obviously the first step every ninja must take. All he needs now is to improve and balance his own skills. I bet that his dreams, however, he is in like his older self: a relentless, curious, impatient funny pup with a will of fire, powering up the core of the Earth itself. That was his first impression on me the first time he appeared, begging and bowing in the floor like the blooming youngster he was. Who knows, maybe he imagines himself grown up, showing off his body, as if it was crafted by the kami, the heaven spirits themselves. Although those powers overcome a huge responsibility, something I must undoubtedly make him realize. Maybe I think I am getting too old, but all I can do is chuckle and let the things flow like they did. I hope Okuro doesn't drop his pace either, as it would turn him very frustrated. Let's hope that doesn't happen... maybe.


March the 3rd

Progress. That would shorten what happened today. Okuro has shown some change in these two months, as his body and mind have grown like only a farmer would like that to happen to his crops. This morning, he seemed very joyful to see him not that his muscle mass has grown, but also his manhood. He has been improving with huge leaps, and I thought he would quit by this time already because of the tiresome and exhaustive levels of effort the training has. If the training keeps up like this, who knows, he might become into a real wolf lover, able to please any kind of available female around. He needs to learn control and teamwork though, something I haven't given enough time to train for Okuro. When we saw at the mirror this afternoon, I could feel his proud boasting youth as if it was almost sweated out, but he still has a long way to perfect his technique now. This is a matter of the most important priority for me now. He must not fail or leave the dojo at any cost. It's a delicate situation.


March the 10th

Today I presented to Okuro to my former student, Yuki Nomura, the younger twin brother of Saki, of whom Okuro has already tried and perfected his talent on. I hope this encourages to Verde to use team work as an useful way to improve pleasure on females more eager than usual, and to meet more male techniques the same way Yuki already had after years and years of severe and still ninja training. They seemed to become friends quick, something very needed for such a bond between comrades. A ninja must never fight alone unless any other option doesn't seem possible, and that is something that my new wolf student must know and feel in each tissue of his body. I feel he should have been taught this before, but he became too focused on his own training, and he needed to receive the whole training of a few years in just two months. So far so good as I expect great results from Yuki as a companion. It is incredible how the ninja knowledge and arts pass from one generation to another. Even I can't think of how important was to have such responsibility in my hands. I am surely getting too old for this... maybe not.


March 15th

Yuki and Okuro's progress has been astounding. They have been giving a non-stop session of orgasms to Saki. Her screams for joy and moans seemed endless of pure primal pleasure as the two young males couldn't leave her alone and stimulate each and every nerve of her with pure pleasure. Yuki and Okuro undoubtedly tested their knowledge in sex and anatomy techniques on her. After their training session, Yuki was covered in her own fluids, mostly breast milk and nether juices, making her fur glisten wet and rustling messy. Okuro's progress seems almost unstoppable, as Yuki has taught him many weakpoints for a female wolf, and Saki isn't the easy kind of female to cause several orgasms easy. Also, there was enough seed spilt to breed hundreds of female packs. Saki always uses her contraceptive medicine for these cases, but I couldn't imagine what would have happened if she was really on heat and both Okuro and Yuki impregnated her. I hope they don't know the pheromone enhancing technique, I didn't teach to any of these two lads, in case they wanted to force females to become more receptive. The balance of nature is something you should not, must not tamper with, at any cost. This couple of males is really making me feel some fear after years... specially Okuro. This progress is almost impossible.


March the 20th

Yuki felt sick today, I guess the whole training made him completely fell of exhaustion after all. Still, Saki has been moaning all day and night. I can still listen to her screaming. Okuro was very nosey too, as he gasped loudly each and every time Yuki or Verde fell into that burst of pleasure an orgasm was. She has had eleven of them so far, while as Verde has survived to four in a row in their fourth session today. They are approaching to dangerous levels, but I can't do anything to stop them, the quest for knowledge of these youths, these three wolves, is too strong to just end it. This could even lead to more forbidden practices, and besides, Okuro has to meet his limits by his own, not just put him new hurdles to tire him up and stop his progress. This is a bad dilemma for a ninja master like me, and in just specializing this kid into one of the techniques I commonly master, the sex and body pleasure techniques. I have never seen Saki so lusty and horny either. I could feel her heat scent yards away, and she was naked all the time even on the public sites so she could get some cold to fight her obvious, maybe oblivious, heat. I hope these three know what they are doing. I know that with a great power, a greater responsibility must be taken, and if they don't... well, not even the mighty one knows what would happen, I guess. All that screaming makes me want to join them too!


March 30th

Finally, these three settled up, after many days of unbearable, unnatural and outstanding training sessions with mating and sex techniques. Saki seems pleased for a whole lifetime and Okuro's progress seems to reach to a certain peak. Yuki could take a breath steady today, as they toned down their training today, but they surely focused on pretty much what the threesome act means. I couldn't stop watching them playing mate at each other, as Saki was eager to know Okuro's weak spots and exploiting the ones she already know from his peeping tom and pervert twin brother Yuki. I can sleep well tonight, but this doesn't mean that Okuro isn't a master on the technique now. There is a long way to be climbed up now, and I shall teach him each way to cross it, with no shortcuts. This seems important, as after years of experience, I haven't met such disciple, with a crushing determination, earth shaking desire and unexplainable motivation. I wish I could had joined them... but this time, it wasn't my turn. I need more involvement with Verde now. This is a matter of the upmost priority. This progress will be not in vain for what I am going to show him now...


To be continued(?)

Characters belong to their owners

© Shiro Uzumaki, 2013-2014

Question, contact and queries to [email protected]

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