Team Violet 10: Infrared

Story by Vailarian on SoFurry

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#10 of Team Violet

Following the disbandment of Team Rocket, a researcher moves to Kalos and starts a new crime syndicate that uses carnal power rather than strength to meet its goals. The finale.

Note: Thank you for your patience and I hope you enjoy. Feedback please!

Team Violet Emblem by Empyreus, with gratitude.

I do not own Pokémon or its characters.

"It's been a while," the woman's voice echoed around us as we broke into the room. She sat backwards on a wooden chair, her cold eyes locked on our approaching figures. A Skarmory hovered near her head while a Scyther paced back and forth, staring us down. As she came into focus I pictured her as one of the Pokémon; she had the same monstrous gleam in her eyes and she had the look of a predator who had corned its prey.

"How long has it been, actually?" she went on. I saw she held a Pokécrux in each hand, and as she rose off the chair she punctuated the motion by abruptly kicking it away with a clatter. "Four, five years since I last saw Coel Erickson and Tenna Suko?" She brushed back her absurdly long hair and placed her goggles on her forehead, keeping her golden bangs out of her black eyes.

"Not long enough, Evelyn," Coel spoke in an even tone. "I'm not sure if you're aware, but we own this city. Whatever you hoped to achieve here has been for nothing. I won't let you live to see the sunrise." He slipped his hunting knife out of his sleeve behind his back, passing it to me. He glanced back briefly, giving me the smallest of nods as I took the weapon and moved it into the pocket of my jacket.

"It's just Eve now, asshole. And you? Kill me?!" she laughed. My grip on Junis' shoulder tightened at the sound. She was trembling like a leaf and I could feel her terrified eyes switching between myself and Eve. "You didn't kill anyone in Team Rocket and I doubt you could take a life today. I suppose next you'll rely on Bartlett Royce to put me away!" She grinned at us as her eyes widened. "He's dead. Along with the rest of Lumiose city council, according to plan."

"And what plan is that?!" I yelled, releasing my growling Arcanine from her Love Ball into the room next to me.

"Calm down, Tenna," Eve hissed, raising a hand to quell the irritated battle cries of her own Pokémon. "You want to know the plan?" her smile disappeared, leaving a vicious snarl. "Team Violet, dead and gone, and your head on my fucking mantle!" She screamed.

Coel's Jolteon barked and released sparks of electricity at the sound her yelling. "You're insane," I shuddered, staring daggers at the woman. "You should have disappeared along with Team Rocket."

"Team Rocket was an embarrassment to the Pokémon world, and it's high time it's sex-crazed little freakshow disintegrated as well!" Her voice suddenly lowered to barely above a whisper. "Do you think you have what it takes to run a city, Tenna? To run a country? To rule the world?"

I opened my mouth, finding that no words would come forth.

"How can you command an army when all you're worried about is when the next Pokémon cock will fill your pathetic body?" her voice began to rise again.

My hand clenched into a fist. "What did you--"

"KALOS IS MINE!" Eve screamed. "Team Rocket is dead, Team Violet is dead, and you're all going to die right here!" She pointed her blasters at us. "Skarmory, Scyther! Use Steel Wing and Night Slash!" The Pokémon rushed towards us at a startling pace, their respective wings and blades glowing with energy.

"Extremespeed!" I commanded to Arcanine as Coel shouted instruction to Noctowl and Jolteon. The Pokémon unleashed their attacks upon each other, letting out battle cries and elemental debris . At the same time Eve marched forward, aiming one of her Pokécrux blasters at me and letting off a shot. Green slime launched toward us, and I fell prone with Junis at my side to avoid the Venoshock attack.

"Stay behind Coel," I told Junis, reaching into my pocket and withdrawing my Ultra Ball. "Use Goodra if you need to." Her red eyes were huge and afraid, tearing slightly. "It will be ok," I tried to smile at her. "I won't let her hurt you."

I leaned towards her and pressed my lips to her forehead, wishing I could keep them there forever. I wanted to ignore the danger around us and disappear into the void with Junis in my arms. Though it hurt me to do so, I broke away from the girl and dashed away from her to draw the elemental attacks from her direction.

Arcanine was teaming up on Eve's Scyther with Jolteon, and though the bug-type was outnumbered both Coel and my Pokémon seemed confused as to what to do when avoiding the attacks from Eve's Pokécrux. "Discharge!" Coel shouted, pointing directly at Eve. Jolteon hesitated, turning her head between Scyther and the woman just long enough to receive a brutal X-Scissor attack from point-blank range. She yelped and staggered backwards, scratched and battered. The Scyther rushed forward, its long green blades raised to cut her down.

"Flamethrower!" I called out to Arcanine. She opened her mouth, releasing a column of orange fire directly into Eve's Pokémon, coating it in flames and drawing pained screams from its beak-like mouth. I ran around the perimeter of the room as Arcanine was, dodging the poison attacks that spewed like a broken fire hydrant. I looked to Junis, standing close by Coel and keeping her eyes locked on me the whole time. Coel said something I couldn't hear and gave me a thumbs-up, directing his Jolteon towards the remaining targets. Rage spread across the blonde woman's face as her Scyther fell to the ground, unconscious.

"Skarmory! Metal Sound and Air Slash!" she yelled to the armored bird who was wrestling and clawing at Coel's Noctowl near the ceiling of the cavern. The steel-type began rustling its iron feathers, creating a terrible high-pitched ringing that echoed around the cavern. Noctowl cried out in pain, frantically flapping its wings in a futile attempt to dull the noise. In its distracted and weakened state it could not defend against the ball of wind Skarmory had sent barreling in its direction, striking the owl and sending it crashing to the ground.

As the birds fought, Eve raised her stationary Pokécrux blaster, now glowing with luminescent energy. Arcanine bared her fangs, dashing towards the woman in the center of the room. She grinned and squeezed the trigger, unleashing a yellow shaft of blinding light with a ferocious sound. The Hyper Beam attack impacted Arcanine, throwing her into the rocky wall behind me and disrupting the ancient stones.

I cried out as the dust settled, revealing my conscious but badly hurt Arcanine looking at me with apologetic eyes. My fists clenched and I spun around, making a beeline for Eve and pulling Coel's knife from its hiding place. "You fucking monster!" I yelled, thinking of all the ways she had hurt the ones closest to me. She saw the blade and grinned, flashing her sharp teeth and letting her eyes go wide.

"That's more like it, Tenna!" she laughed maniacally, pointing a blaster in my direction and releasing another Hyper Beam attack towards me. I threw myself forward, rolling on my shoulder as the column of light blazed past me. I felt the white-hot heat of the attack on my exposed skin, but I had successfully dodged it and used the momentum from my roll to get close to Eve. She was three feet away, then two feet, and I pressed into the ground with my heel and sprung forward, knife held out in front of me.

Suddenly I was covered in liquid, green and thick. I reflexively brought my hands up to cover my eyes and mouth, dropping my attack stance. The poison from the Venoshock attack soon began to burn uncomfortably, not unlike a sunburn as it soaked into my flesh. I groaned and reeled back, dropping my hands to glare at Eve. She stood about a yard away, smirk on her face and Pokécrux raised, leaking drops of green sludge from the barrel. I took a breath and steadied myself, then threw the knife in her direction. She seemed to not anticipate that the weapon would ever leave my hand, and was unable to prevent the blade from tearing through her gray shorts and embedding itself in her thigh.

"Fuck!" she screamed, stumbling back. Eve raised her head from the wound, fury in her shadowy eyes. "Tenna, you goddamn--" I didn't let her finish her sentence. Body still poison-soaked, I lunged forward and separated the distance between us by driving my fist into her exposed stomach. She choked on her words and coughed, and as she stooped over I gripped the handle of the knife and pulled it from her leg. Eve cried out again as I drove the blade towards her face, but she saw my angle of attack and twisted away. As her golden mane came to a stop I saw a freely-bleeding slash under her left glaring left eye.

I made to strike her again, but my muscles began to burn and ache. I winced, seeming to feel the sludge corrupting my bloodstream as it sapped the strength from my body. I heard something clatter to the ground, looking down to see that Eve had dropped her Pokécrux blasters. Her hands were suddenly on my shoulders, and with a grunt she slammed her forehead into mine. Her crimson goggles shattered against my temple and I saw stars, losing all sense of direction. I cried out in pain, barely a second passing before another blow came to the side of my head, causing my ear to ring. I fell to the hard ground, coughing and gasping.

"You couldn't kill me if you tried," a voice came from above. Eve was standing over my body, hands pressed against her bloodstained leg. Her black eyes stared down with contempt and her mouth was twisted into a cruel smile that defied all notions of humanity. My grip tightened, finding that I had managed to hold onto the serrated blade during the assault. Eve saw the motion and pointed one of her weapons at my chest, releasing another Venoshock attack full force into my torso. I screamed as the toxicant flooded my body yet again, its vile essence polluting my organs without mercy. The strength sapped from my muscles and I dropped the knife, letting my head fall back as Eve bent down to take the weapon. "Hate to say I told you so," she whispered.

"TENNA!" I heard Junis call my name. I rolled on my side to see her standing in front of Coel, his arms keeping her back. Even in my blurred vision now filling with teardrops I could see the anguish in her face and I wished the distance between us didn't feel so endless. I wished to be before her, kissing her forehead softly. I wished to hold her in my arms and be away from this danger, this pain. My wishes crashed down on me, somehow hurting me more than my broken and poisoned body.

"Go, Junis," I gasped quietly and tried to reach forward, finding my arm numb and unresponsive. Something sharp and cold penetrated my chest, and the taste of blood filled my mouth. A fog filled my mind and everything felt heavy, and all color in the room began to wash out. My focus fell on the red of Junis' hair and eyes, and I saw her face in every day that I had known her. I could no longer feel the icy metal in my chest, and instead let myself be soothed by the memory of Junis's smiling face. I closed my eyes and mouthed three words I wanted her to know, and my life slipped away.


I watched Tenna go motionless, and the strength left my knees. "NO!" I screamed, struggling against Coel's grip. Tears burst forward from my aching eyes, but still I attempted to break from the hands that held me back. "Let go, she needs us!" I begged.

"It's too late," Coel spoke in a cracked voice, pulling me backwards. "We're outnumbered, we need to go." As he spoke we heard the call of a Zoroark from the hallway behind us, and Jolteon moved closer to protect us from the threat. Eve stood straight over Tenna and turned towards us, smiling as her Skarmory circled vulture-like overhead. The gesture both chilled me to the core and made my blood boil.

"We need to go," Coel repeated, whispering in my ear. "We need to live, that's what Tenna would want." He released one of my arms and tossed a Pokéball at Jolteon, returning the injured creature to its capsule.

I just shook my head, crying and repeating "no, no, no," over and over. I fell to my knees, my blurry vision fixed on where Tenna lay. I pulled Coel's jacket over my naked body, feeling more vulnerable and alone than I had felt in my entire life. I heard the sound of a Pokéball open followed by the cry of Coel's Tropius. His hands were soon on me again, pulling me onto the creature's back. As he did we heard a terrible roar, and every creature in the room turned to look where the sound originated. Arcanine stood once more, bloodied and battered and staring directly at Eve. She let out a mournful howl and dashed forward to confront her master's killer.

"Fly," Coel ordered quietly. With another cry the Tropius flapped its leafy wings, lifting off the ground with as Skarmory and Eve fought against the fire-type. "Solar Beam," Coel said, resulting in a white column of light ejecting from Tropius' mouth and impacting the rounded wall, revealing a large hole into what looked like a service drain. As we flew into the dark pipe, I looked back in time to see Tenna's lifeless body disappearing into the shadows of the catacombs, along with her murderer. I tightened my grip around Coel's torso and began to sob against his back, my cries lost over the roaring wind.


I awoke with a start, covered in cold sweat. Throwing off my sheets I breathed deeply, my chest rising and falling as I regained my senses. I turned my head and looked at the faint glow of the digital clock beside my bed, reading 4:17 a.m. Even though it was four months after my escape from the catacombs, I still felt frail and afraid of the world, and of late I was easily awoken by nightmares from what little sleep I had.

I sat on the edge of the bed, letting my head fall in my hands. Tonight's dream had been about the same as every other night, but nonetheless terrible. Images of Zoroark's grinning face flashed in my mind as the creature thrust into me repeatedly, followed by its grotesque mutation into Evelyn Valore. Her hair was like blonde tentacles, pinning my body down and forcing me to watch Tenna's death over and over within her pitch black eyes.

I hugged around my torso, tears welling in my eyes. The memory was still traumatic and painful, the mere thought of Tenna's violent end brought a chill to my body that had nothing to do with the climate. Coel had placed me in a safe house in Dendemille Town while he secured Sybil and made connections to potential assistance in Kanto. He understood that my apartment in Lumiose would be the most dangerous place for me to stay, so for months I was restricted to the cold countryside. According to the townspeople of Dendemille, Eve had wasted no time in establishing her rule over Lumiose City. There were Team Scarlet members placed in every corner of the Kalos region, including this town.

I got up from the bed and moved to look outside the window where snow had begun falling lazily around the windmill and buildings of the town. I faintly saw my own reflection, complete with weary red eyes and short but somehow unruly hair. Tears had begun to fall down my cheeks as I listed the things that had been taken from me. Tenna, my home, my city, my job, my safety, Ninetales. Coel had told me that he had not been recovered from the site of the demolished Lumiose Museum and Team Violet headquarters, becoming another of the countless lives lost there.

I choked out a sob at his memory, and at Tenna's, and at everything. I cried and punched the wall beside the window, causing the glass to shake. My lonesomeness clashed with my fear and grief, hollowing my mind and creating an empty pit in my chest that felt bottomless. Eve had taken everything from me. She had taken my life.

I turned from the window and moved slowly back into the room. It was bare and simple, the only defining features were my own clothes sitting in a duffle bag in the corner, and the Pokéballs resting on the table beside the large bed. I stroked over Floatzel's ball, unconsciously breathing a sigh of relief. She had been scooped up by a Team Violet grunt just moments before the building came down, and she had been returned to me by Coel. My hand then moved to the Ultra Ball that Tenna had given me before her demise. I picked it up and tossed it, followed by the materialization of her Goodra into the bedroom.

I faked a smile at him. "Hi, boy," I whispered, hardly recognizing my own voice. He smiled back and let out a low, sad cry. Together we wallowed in mutual misery for the loss of our friend, and over the weeks we had grown attached to each other's sadness. We were proverbial drinking buddies in depression, and with little human contact, he became the closest thing I had to a friend.

I moved close to him and rested my head on his round stomach, his skin slippery to the touch. "I can't sleep," I told him quietly, tugging the ends of my t-shirt. "Another terrible dream." The dragon leaned his head down, letting it sit gently on mine. His white flipper-like arms wrapped around me, smothering me in his pudgy body.

I laughed quietly, a tear sliding down my cheek. "Thanks, Goodra," I told him, hugging back as best I could. His body was so slick I found it difficult to properly embrace him, and his natural slime stuck to my exposed skin while soaking into my shirt. "You've been so sweet to me... I'm so sorry about Tenna," I managed to say before hot tears fell freely from my eyes.

Goodra cooed and I felt something warm and wet press against my face, and I looked up to see him licking my tears away. His big green eyes looked into mine, shimmering with tears but he smiled all the same. I returned the smile in spite of it all and hugged around his neck, rubbing my cheek against his before placing a kiss on his snout. A thought suddenly passed through my mind, only a flicker, but strong enough for me to take notice. I found myself thinking, what if I kept kissing Goodra? What if he kissed back, and what if we kept kissing? My cheeks burned red and felt embarrassedly flushed everywhere.

"Ah!" I gasped, feeling something bump up against my crotch just as I tried to bury the idea. I looked down, spotting Goodra's pink draconic member jutting out of his genital slit. It glistened with moisture, both from his body's mechanics of self-lubrication and from the clear fluid dripping from the tip. I looked at Goodra's face, finding it bright red and turned away from me. His eyes were closed, some tears escaping from their edges above the undeniable look of confusion painted across his muzzle.

I reached up and stroked my hand across his cheek, wiping his tears as he had done for me. At the motion he opened his eyes and looked at me, apology and shame in his gaze. "Goodra..." I whispered, letting my mind run wild again. I pressed my lips against him for a second time, kissing him on his purple mouth and closing my eyes. In his own awkward way he kissed me back, something I hadn't expected but was happy he had done. As we drew out our kiss I sat back against his slippery maleness, rubbing him against myself through my panties.

After a moment we pulled back from each other, gasping and huffing with excitement in our own respects. The white parts of his face were noticeably flushed a glowing red, and I knew I must have looked the same to him. His eyes, like mine, were still glistening with tears, but something inside me was urging me on, telling me that after weeks of misery this was the closest I had felt to happiness and enthusiasm. And by the way he looked back at me resting against his enormous length, I could tell he felt similarly.

"Goodra..." I spoke in a broken voice. For some reason I felt scared, as if I wasn't allowed to feel anything but sadness. I was tired of feeling weak, and tired of the hell Eve had put me through. With a sensation I could only describe as aroused defiance, I slipped off Goodra's lap and kneeled between his thick legs, resting both hands on his cock. "Is it ok if I do this?" I asked quietly, looking up at him and stroking him gently.

His head cocked and he purred the only way a dragon could, though the gesture was saturated in concern. "Yes, but are you ok?" he seemed to say. I had gradually told him the details of my imprisonment, and the treatment of my body by Eve's Zoroark. It was strange, though, how absent the memory was at this time. Before I had felt fear and shame for thinking about intimacy or my own body, but at this moment the only focus I had was on Goodra's desire and my own.

I nodded at the dragon-type and kissed him again, this time on the tip of his dripping penis. "I want to do this," I told him, rubbing up and down his length. He was now fully-engorged, a little under a foot long and thicker the closer it got to the base, ending in a handsome taper. He was warm to the touch and somehow wetter than before. I pressed my fingers against the center of my underwear, rubbing slightly and discovering my own wetness. In a few clumsy motions I removed my t-shirt and panties, letting them lay on the unmade bed.

From his reclined position I moved towards Goodra, climbing on his legs and making sure not to slip off. I rested my crotch against him, heart beating with near-virginal excitement. "Let me know if you need to stop, ok?" I gasped, leaning forward and kissing his muzzle. "I'll do the same." I took him in my hands and positioned his tapered head against my slightly parted labia, and started to sink down.

I cried out a as he began to fill me, discovering the multitude of emotions filling my breast battling with the sensation of the Pokémon plunging into me. I found myself wondering how Tenna would feel about my action, and felt both heartbroken and amused at the same time. I let out a strained laugh and a tear rolled down my cheek. Goodra saw and leaned forward, licking the droplet away and leaving my cheek covered in slippery slobber.

"Thanks, boy," I smiled and sniffed, holding around the back of his long neck. His arms held onto my waist and he thrust gently, filling my body pleasantly. "Does this feel good for you?" I asked, receiving a nod and an amorous cry from the dragon. "Me too," I gasped. I shifted my lower body against his, letting his warm penis slip deeper into my passage.

Over and over I lifted my body off his member and thrust myself back down, feeling my inner walls stretching to accommodate Goodra's considerable girth and length. Before long I felt the tip of his cock kiss against my cervix. It hurt a little and felt strange, but the thought of being able to take his cock all the way in my body filled me with joyous lust. I was in control again, and more than anything, I was enjoying the simple act of sexuality. I thrust downward again, pressing him back against the end of my passage. I looked at my Pokémon lover, the blush in his face wider than before and his mouth parted slightly, letting his tongue loll down. We kissed again, hard and deep as sweat dripped from my forehead and a tingling began where he rubbed against me.

I increased the velocity of my motions, causing sparks of friction between us as the dragon's penis disappeared and reappeared from my body. I groaned out, finding the flicker of pleasure grow into a fiery, needy rapture. In the middle of Goodra filling and stretching my body with bestial passion, Tenna made her way into my mind. I thought of how I kissed her and how she kissed me, and the sensation of her body against mine. I remember staring into her eyes all those days ago, and I remembered the words she had mouthed to me.

"I love you too, Tenna," I whispered, crushing my waist down against Goodra's with a high-pitched whimper. The Pokémon cried out as well, closing his large green eyes and scrunching his face as orgasm took him. I felt him pulsate inside me, followed by the warmth of his seed gushing within. I gasped and groaned, sensing his cum leak out around his still-spurting penis and onto the floor. "There's so much!" I cried as my own climax washed over me. My whole body tingled and shook and suddenly I was there, clenching around Goodra's still-gushing cock and feeling as if I had achieved a form of beautiful death in the best orgasm of my life. I lifted myself off his member, letting his trapped semen gush out of me with a gasp. I fell against his large, squishy body, hugging around his neck and suddenly feeling the need to cry.

"Thank you, Goodra," I bawled, finding my emotion to be not sad but somehow enlightened, as if I had been born again. I soon felt his arms moving to hug me back, and his large head rested on my shoulder. "I'm so sorry about Tenna," I sniffed, breathing hard. "I wish she were here..."

I'm not sure how long I laid against the dragon-type, sometimes crying and sometimes laughing and spitting out any thought that came into my head. Eventually I grew exhausted and passed out, sleeping deeply if awkwardly against the gooey Pokémon. When I awoke several hours later I kissed Goodra and returned him to his ball before showering, rinsing any remaining trace of slime and sex from my body. When I emerged from the water and steam I clothed myself in street clothes covered by a hooded cloak as Coel had instructed and left the house.

An inch of snow coated the ground, and some citizen were already outside shoveling their walkways. They waved to me but received little response as I made my way to the centermost windmill of the town. The cold air filled my lungs with a refreshing pleasantness. I climbed the stairs to the base of the windmill, and couldn't believe what I saw.

On top of the windmill, fluttering in the early morning breeze, a flag with Team Violet's emblem stood high and proud against the pale blue sky. I gasped and stared up at it, first confused and then amazed. It wasn't there yesterday, and Coel had not been here for months. A random citizen, or maybe a Team Violet employee in hiding, had the nerve to fly the banner of the opposition to Eve's rule.

At that point I stared to the East, towards the rising sun. Somewhere in the distance stood Lumiose City, confused and undergoing the tyranny of Team Scarlet. Somewhere in that city, the murderer of my beloved best friend was sitting comfortable, plotting her control over the country. I looked at the banner and couldn't help feeling a sense of pride and responsibility well up within me. If Eve thinks she can take everything from me, I thought, she should expect some goddamn retribution.

I lowered my hood and took in a deep breath of cool winter air, turning once again towards the sun. My name is Junis Lafayette, I said mentally. No more weakness... and no more hiding. I brought my hands to my breastbone and I clenched my fists. For Ninetales. A spark burned in my chest. For Team Violet. The spark ignited, flooding my body with a fiery spirit.

"For Tenna," I told the sky.