Favors of the First Ones - Chapter 16

Story by JakeXtraTall on SoFurry

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#16 of Favors of the First Ones

What follows is a work of complete fiction and contains some extreme adult sex themes in a science fiction setting.

This series tells the story of an ordinary man who's life is near its natural end, but who suddenly finds himself, at the moment of the unexpected destruction of his world, the victim of an alien abduction with a bizarre motive, that ultimately opens the entire universe to him and propels him into a life of adventure that he'd never imagined was even possible. He eventually finds himself thrust front and center into events that could, both figuratively and quite literally, change the shape of the entire known universe.

This series will include detailed descriptions of sexual encounters between a human male and other males from various alien and mostly furry races in a science fiction setting.

If this is not the type of story you would enjoy, please stop reading now.

If there is any reason legal or otherwise why you should not read such a story, please stop reading now.

If you are the type of person who has any difficulty whatsoever separating fantasy from reality, please stop reading now.

That said if you are still reading I do hope you enjoy the story.

This story is the property of the author and may not be reproduced in whole or in part in any way without my express, written consent. SoFurry.com has that consent.

Striss killed all thrust as he drifted toward the asteroid field in his light fighter.

He transferred most of the power to the shields, leaving just enough in thrust to work with the attitude controls to adjust his heading.

The Rapier's sensors were overwhelmed by the noise coming from the massive, hot nebula that obliterated the star field ahead past the seemingly endless field of large, drifting rocks.

His cockpit was filled with the orange glow from the radiation-rich stellar nursery and, though he knew there were two dangerous enemies out there somewhere, his sensors were unable to separate the signatures of their ships from the background noise.

Striss's Rapier squadron had been tasked to guard some shuttles on a routine salvage mission. The two enemy ships had attacked the squadron and managed to take out most of them but, when it looked like the tide was turning and they might be beaten, they turned their attention to the shuttles and took them out, and then they ran for their lives.

Striss and Trysslyn were the only two left alive from the defensive squadron and they'd chased the enemy ships to this location and there seemed no doubt that they were hiding somewhere in those rocks.

"I can't get a reading," Striss said over the comm system, "Can you see anything out there?"

"No," Trysslyn replied, "They're hidden in the roid field, I'm sure of it. There's nowhere else to go. Let's split up. They got here first so they're in a position to ambush us. We'll be harder to spot if we separate. Move slow, keep your thrusting to a minimum so they don't see the thrust jets, and spread out. Keep your eyes peeled for plasma cones. Switch your missiles to optical. It's the only way to get a lock on them with all the interference out here. You'll need to get in close before you fire."

"I don't know. It seems to me we stand a better chance if we stay together," Striss replied.

"We did it your way back at the derelict graveyard. If we'd done it my way then, we probably wouldn't have had to chase them all the way out here in the first place. They're bigger than us and they have raw speed out in the open and that helped them beat us here, but going into the rocks was a mistake and it's to our advantage that they finally made one. They're bigger and less maneuverable and it will be tough for them in the roid field. We're small and nimble and maneuverability is what counts in there. We'll split up and each take one out."

"Roger," Striss said, and he chose his entry point into the field of asteroids and pushed his thrust slightly forward and to the side to move further from Trysslyn's Rapier and he headed into the mess of rocks.

He moved slowly and carefully among the asteroids, craning his head in every direction looking for any signs of movement. If the enemy changed their position or direction even slightly, he would see their attitude thrusters light up and he might only get the one chance to spot them.

The rocks further into the field were much larger and that had to be where the enemy ships were. They couldn't hide well enough among the smaller ones.

Striss continued to move forward, adjusting his own heading only whenever he absolutely needed to in order to avoid collision with the rocks, or his own thrusters would give his position away too.

He did not like this. His stress level rose as he approached the larger asteroids. He was in the Rapier and he was supposed to be the hunter, yet even though he was the one actively searching for the enemy, he couldn't shake the feeling that he was the one being hunted.

He needed to find a safe position from which to observe further into the field so he could pick his path carefully in advance of exposing himself further. He would need to hide against the larger asteroids, darting from one to the next by kicking his thrusters only briefly while hidden from view and allowing his momentum to carry him to the next spot. They were looking for his thrust cones just as he was looking for theirs.

He spotted the perfect hiding spot in a very narrow gap between two large asteroids that were twenty times bigger than his own ship. He couldn't ask for a better vantage from which to look into the field to try to see the best locations for the enemy ships to hide. No one would be able to see him in the narrow slot between the two massive rocks.

He delicately adjusted his attitude control to move slightly sideways and then rolled his ship to the right to align the wings with the gap and then carefully plugged himself right into the narrowest vertical space between the rocks and brought the ship to a stop. There was just enough room in here to move forward and through to the other side, and there was no chance that he could be seen.

He peered out through the other side of the gap and couldn't see any movement at all, but much of the field was obscured by the large rocks he was hidden between. He'd have to get up closer to the edge and peek out.

Even before he could touch his thrust controls, his sensors began to light up and wink out quickly and repeatedly. They were picking up the faint signature of thrusters somewhere. It had to be the enemy he was searching for!

He tweaked and adjusted to try to cancel out some of the noise from the nebula and get a fix on their direction but by the time he locked on to the signals and realized what was happening it was already too late.

The thrust signatures were suddenly strong and they were coming from the other side of the large asteroids on either side of his ship. The enemy must have been hiding up against the outside of the massive rocks in wait and they were now thrusting hard against the asteroids using their shields to push them together!

He'd been stupid to fall into their trap. This hiding spot was just too perfect.

He transferred half his power to thrusters while keeping the rest to the shields to try to keep the rocks apart and slammed the thrust control forward to try to get the hell out, but he'd reacted too slowly. The gap between the rocks shrunk and they squeezed together, clamping on to his shields to lock his ship in place and pushing harder to try to crush him.

He couldn't possibly get out now. His shields were the only thing holding the two rocks apart so his only hope was to transfer every bit of power he had to them and hope he could hold out long enough until Trysslyn could come to his aid.

"They've got me trapped between two big roids! The bastards are pushing them together using their main thrusters to squeeze me. I'm gonna be mashed into a paste if you don't get here quick and take them out! Their thrust cones should be huge and easy to spot!"

"Roger, I'm coming! Hold on!" Trysslyn said.

It was too late. As Striss watched the display indicating his shield strength, he saw it rapidly dimming as the shields consumed the last of the available power in his antimatter buffer. They could not hold out against the massive combined thrust from the two larger and more powerful enemy ships pushing the rocks together.

As the shields gave out the two huge asteroids slammed together and the hull of Striss's ship was utterly crushed. The last bit of antimatter trickled into the buffer even as it cracked open, causing it to annihilate with the mass of the ship, exploding it into a fine spray of particles. Striss was gone.

The two enemy ships rapidly disengaged and separated and moved deeper into the field of asteroids and killed their thrust to become invisible once more, hidden by the interference from the nebula's radiation.

"Striss? Are you still there? Striss!" Trysslyn shouted.

"Shit!" he exclaimed as he realized he was too late and his friend was no longer with him.

Trysslyn killed his thrust again to make himself less visible and scanned ahead, looking for the two large rocks that Striss had been crushed between. He spotted them and saw the vapor and particles of debris floating out from between them from the destruction of Striss's ship.

He adjusted his heading slightly to move past them and flipped his ship sideways to face into the mass of larger asteroids so he could visually scan the rest of the field as he floated past the two rocks.

The enemy ships couldn't have gotten far yet. He should see their thrusters flickering on and off as they wove their way back into the field of rocks.

He gently nudged his attitude control to kill his sideways momentum and then added a touch of forward thrust to begin to slowly move deeper into the field, trying to follow an enemy he couldn't see, but that he knew had just recently passed just ahead somewhere.

His nerves were on edge as he strained his eyes, scanning the field ahead, looking for any sign of movement. They had managed to take out his entire squadron. He was alone out here now against the two skilled aggressors.

He set his two remaining missiles to optical targeting and switched them to 'fire and forget' mode. It was a risky thing to do with opticals as they could lock on to his own ship if they failed to find a target and came back around. The radiation from the stellar nursery would block his friendly-fire protection system and he would look like a valid target to his own weapons if he passed in front of their cameras while they were looking for something to lock on to.

He had to take the chance though, because with all the rocks flying around he had to keep dodging and he might not have the time to lock on to the enemy ships before firing. He was desperate to take out at least one of them to improve his odds. He needed to get the missiles out and on their way to the target and let them acquire their lock as they closed the gap to the enemy.

He flipped up the cover over the missile launch switch on the attitude control stick and hovered his thumb over it, ready to fire the moment he saw the cone of a plasma thruster anywhere.

He continued to drift slowly and stealthily forward. His only chance was to stay as hidden as they were, so he continued to keep his main thrusters off and flicked his attitude control only just slightly and briefly when he needed to. As long as they couldn't see him they couldn't kill him.

Suddenly he saw the brilliant blue cones of thrusters firing up ahead. He'd been coming right up the tail of one of the enemies parked tightly against a large rock and they had no choice but to kick their thrusters on to try to escape.

He grinned and squeezed the button and he felt and heard the familiar stereo clunk of the two missiles releasing from under the wings on either side of his ship, and then the dull roar as their powerful hydrazine motors kicked on and they began to rocket forward.

Trysslyn saw the missiles immediately turn slightly to face the cones of plasma as they locked on to the other ship. He had them, but he wanted to make sure, so he flicked his attitude control to aim his ship at the enemy and pushed his thrust control forward hard to begin to close in on it.

He squeezed off several rounds of his main guns that hit the enemy ship's shields and began to bleed them of energy so that the missiles could finish it off.

Just as his missiles were closing in on the ship it jinked behind a large asteroid while shutting down its thrusters. The enemy obviously knew how the missiles worked. The optical system on the missiles had locked onto the plasma cones and as soon as they were gone, so was the lock.

The missiles began scanning for another target and immediately locked onto the large asteroid that was passing in front of them. They turned toward it and raced in to explode against its side.

"Dammit!" Trysslyn shouted as he punched his thrusters hard to catch up to the enemy ship before it could hide again but almost immediately his panels began to light up and klaxons blared.

He craned his neck around and saw the tell-tale yellow plumes of rocket exhaust behind multiple swarming missiles that were racing in toward his ship from behind and above him.

He'd been tricked into giving away his position and the other enemy ship had been waiting quietly for him to reveal himself, using the first enemy ship as bait.

He slammed both his thrust and attitude controls forward and started a dive as he banked away but a fast moving asteroid drifted across his path and he slammed into it hard and bounced off it, dissipating a major part of his shield's energy and killing his momentum.

He realized immediately that he had no chance of outrunning the missiles now and he was doomed.

He quickly switched to open comms and yelled, "Kiss my oily butt hole you lucky bastards!" just as the first and second missiles hit and stripped the last of his shields away. Then the third one hit and blew him to bits, then the fourth hit and blew his bits to bits, and so on until the six missiles had reduced him and his ship to vapor.

Jake and Chet howled with laughter and then whooped and cheered their victory.

The trainer's voice came over the intercom and said, "Luck had nothing to do with that and you know it, Tryss. Admit it, these two are amazingly good as a team. You need to accept defeat like a man. They've beaten you and Striss and your merry band of cadets in two out of three long and hard scenarios today and you guys were in Rapiers and should have wiped the floor with them. They annihilated the cadets in five out of five yesterday and that's why I added two seasoned pros to the mix. To give them a challenge. I guess I'll have to try a whole squadron of veterans against them next time.

"Rimmer, Lightning, I don't know how the hell you two have managed to get so good in just four days in the simulator. This is another outstanding session going into your logs. You've shown you have the dogfighting down and it's time you start to learn the ins and outs of leading strike teams in complex missions. I'm recommending we jump you guys ahead to advanced tactics starting tomorrow. Keep this up and you'll both be certified in record time. Great work today. It's been a long session and it's time for a break. The first round of Blarp will be on Striss and Tryss. I'll see you both when you check in again tomorrow. Go and hit the showers."

"Thanks, see you tomorrow," Jake said, as the asteroid field ahead of his Juggernaut disappeared to be replaced by the soft glow of the simulator's interior.

The top hatch opened and he climbed up out of it with a huge grin that matched the one on Chet's face as he floated over to join him.

They latched on to each other and hugged and laughed and then they got on an elevator and rode it down to the main level.

As they opened the door to the locker room and entered, Chet said, "Your idea of using yourself as bait to draw him out while I hid in the rocks was brilliant."

"Not half as good as using two giant rocks to squish a lizard! That was some real creativity!" Jake exclaimed as he clapped the massive bear on the back.

"The two big rocks with the crack up the middle reminded me of Srythryn's Moon at first. Then I realized it would be a perfect hiding spot for me and I had planned on using it, but it occurred to me that they would see it the same way and we could use that to our advantage. They fell quite handily into the trap," Chet said, and laughed.

"Enough gloating you too," Striss said and chuckled. He was sitting on a bench and pulling off his space suit to hang in his locker.

"How can there ever be enough gloating?" asked Chet.

"Yeah, we've earned it. We're just fresh trainees in big, clumsy Juggernauts and we took out two seasoned jocks and a bunch of recently certified cadets in nimble Rapiers. I don't know how you managed to miss me so often out there. Were you just taking it easy on us because you like us so much or is it really that hard for you to hit something?" Jake asked.

Striss blew a raspberry at him and shook his fist.

Jake walked up to Striss and bent over and kissed him on the cheek and rubbed his head and said, "I'm almost sorry we had to kill you. It was really fun doing it though."

Striss smiled and kicked at Jake's ankles as he dodged away.

"Missed me again!" Jake shouted and Chet and Striss both laughed.

"You guys make an amazing team. It's like you're two parts of the same person or something when you're out there," Trysslyn said as he joined them.

"Agreed, Tryss and I have been flying together for years and we still question each other or disagree on tactics sometimes. You guys seem to think as one and act without hesitation. You're gonna be amazing assets to this crew when we get you certified. It's like you're plugged right into each other," Striss said.

"Well, I do like to keep myself plugged into Jake every chance I get, but that works best outside the simulator," Chet said and he smacked Jake on the ass and then went to his locker to strip out of his space suit.

The siskreths chuckled and Jake grinned.

"It's wonderful to see the change in you from when you first showed up in the mess hall, Chetichwal. Jake has obviously had a positive effect on you," Striss said.

"He has indeed. I am very fond of him and I am proud to be his wingmate," Chet said.

"Srythryn is gonna be blown away by how far you two have come in such a short time when he gets back. I think if anyone has a chance of beating him in the sim it will be you two," Trysslyn said as he hung his suit up and turned, naked, to face them.

"Srythryn has to be getting in to range of that stealth ship by now, it's been three days. Is there still no news from Thriststris?" Jake asked.

"No, nothing yet. They're closing in though. They'll be in range to launch torpedoes within an hour or two. It will be close but it looks like the rhuxus ship is not gonna make it to the edge to jump out in time, so Srythryn and the other squadrons should be able to vaporize it no problem and it will be back to the normal routine around here," Trysslyn said.

"Let's finish changing out of these suits, grab a shower, then go get a drink," Striss suggested.

Jake removed his helmet and gloves and placed them in his locker. He then proceeded to undo the fasteners on his suit to break the seals so he could unzip it.

The fabricators had completed their space suits the day before and Jake and Chet were still fairly new to them. It took some getting used to, with the helmet somewhat impeding their peripheral vision, but the additional HUD display on the inside of the visor was an asset. It fed them information constantly no matter which direction they were looking out of the cockpit.

It felt a bit odd working the controls with the thick gloves on, but they adapted quickly enough.

The most surprising feature that Jake didn't know existed until he went to put the suit on for the first time, was the waste elimination system. It turned out the suit itself was loaded with favors and the inside of it was designed so that his penis slipped into a slot at the front and he could actually urinate freely into it if he felt the need. The urine was sucked into bags in the legs and the favors would quickly break down the waste and move the purified water back in to the fresh water chillers built into the suit, while carrying the waste chemicals right out of the suit to be stored in receptacles in the ship. They'd tested the system out yesterday when they spent almost fourteen hours straight in the simulator and it was quite an interesting feeling pissing your pants on purpose while in the middle of a mission. The thought of sucking it out of a straw and drinking it down again afterward seemed odd, but the water tasted cold and pure and clean.

If he was desperate enough he could even evacuate his bowels right into the suit and the favors would take that away as well, though that would be uncomfortable until they could get it cleaned up. If he was trapped out in space or couldn't open his suit for some reason he could make use of that feature.

The Juggernaut was equipped for long range and as such it had its own vacuum waste system that allowed Jake to eliminate into a wide tube that would suck the waste in for the favors to deal with.

The suits and the ship's waste system enabled the sort of multi-day mission that Srythryn was on now. They could eat dry rations that were stowed aboard the ship, and the suit and the ship would deal with their waste and they could stay out for up to a week if they had to. The Juggernauts had the fuel capacity and range to go on extremely long missions.

The fabricators were still working on Chet's specially designed suit without the helmet, gloves, oxygen supply and pressure function but he'd been told it would be ready tomorrow at the latest. It was being built with an even more efficient climate control so it could be kept cooler than the normal suits to make Chet feel as comfortable as possible. That one should be much lighter and comfortable enough for the big bear to wear around the ship so he could go into the hot and humid living and entertainment sections. Jake was looking forward to showing Chet the jungle and the beach house, and the water park once they became crew members and Jake would have the insurance of a resurrection in case he showed his usual skill in zero gravity.

He was also looking forward to exploring the rest of the ship along with the enormously fun bear. He still hadn't had a chance to go and check out the entertainment section of the ship yet himself, so it would all be new to both of them.

He and Chet had grown steadily closer over the past few days. Jake had never enjoyed someone's company so much. They spent most of the day in the simulator until they were actually kicked out and then, when they weren't eating together and joking about their antics in the simulator or discussing ways to improve their strategies, they were in Chet's quarters screwing around or sleeping to get rested up for another long day in the simulator. They truly were almost joined at the hip. He felt that this was how close he would have been to Mak if he'd been able to spend more than just a couple of hours with him.

He'd grown to love Chet deeply, though he hadn't told the bear yet. Chet had said his people are very slow to come to love and Jake didn't want to make him uncomfortable or put him on the spot and force him to profess a love that he might not be truly feeling yet in order to spare Jake's feelings.

Jake was standing in front of his locker and he pushed the space suit down his naked body and he bent over to free his feet from the boots when a long, warm tongue suddenly snaked in between his legs and licked the back of his balls and then up along his sweaty butt crack.

He turned to look and saw Striss behind him with a grin on his face. He'd just finished taking off his own suit and had lifted his butt off the bench and leaned forward to sample the man's dark trough when it appeared in front of him so tantalizingly.

Jake smiled and backed into him, pressing his ass right up to the croc's nose and Striss put his hands on Jake's ass cheeks and spread them open and began to lick at his tasty, sweaty crack in earnest.

They'd all been cooped up in their suits and tense and sweaty all day and to Jake, the room smelled pretty damn good with four big, sweaty males stripping naked all at once.

Striss reached down and began to jack his cock while he kept one hand on Jake's ass to keep it steady and he did his best to jam his tongue far enough up inside Jake to lick his tonsils.

Jake moaned at the wonderful sensation of the tongue snaking around inside him and he grabbed his own cock and started working it too.

His eyes were closed and he lost himself in the pleasurable feeling of being eaten out when a hand suddenly came in and pulled his own hand off his cock. He looked down and Trysslyn was there grinning up at him. Jake put both of his hands against the locker and to brace himself while he was bent over with Striss eating him out and Trysslyn turned his head to slurp as much of Jake's cock in as he could.

Jake began to slowly move his hips backward and forward to hump at Tryss' face and while his ass moved forward it would pull itself off of Striss's long tongue. When he moved it back Striss would force his tongue right back up inside him. The sensation was wonderful and Jake built up a longer stroke to get the most out of it.

He suddenly heard Striss moan loudly and Jake looked back and, to his surprise, he saw Chet holding Striss's fat tail up and jamming his tongue into the croc's asshole.

This was the first time Chet had shown any interest in the siskreths for sex.

Striss was just as surprised as Jake and he was hugely turned on at being tongued by the massive bear. He moved his legs back to kneel on the bench and used Jake's ass as a brace while he leaned forward to give Chet a better angle and then he moved his face in again to get back to work on Jake's hole.

Jake continued to hump away at Tryss' face for a while and then heard Chet moaning lightly and he looked back again.

Chet was still behind Striss. He was holding the croc's fat tail up with one hand and had his tongue planted deep in Striss's anus and the bear's other paw had reached back behind himself and was trying to finger his own hole but it was too awkward to reach.

Jake loved the bear and as much as he was enjoying the treatment he was getting from Striss and Trysslyn, he decided he would rather help Chet feel his pleasure.

He stopped humping and put his hand down to gently push Tryss off his cock and he pulled his ass off Striss's tongue and he went back behind Chet.

Tryss stood and turned to present his cock to Striss and pushed it into his mouth while holding his friend's head in his hands and began to fuck his face while Striss continued to stroke his own cock.

Jake knelt down behind his big, beautiful bear and pushed Chet's paw out of the way. He lifted the short, furry tail up to expose the bear's sweaty anus and Jake moved in to lock his lips over it and begin to work it with his tongue. He licked at the ridges until the outside of the hole was completely clean and then put his tongue right at the bullseye and pushed it in.

Chet moaned again. Chet was a big fan of being rimmed. He'd taken to calling Jake by the callsign "Rimmer" in the simulator as a joke, and the highly sexual crocs they'd been training with loved it so much the name had stuck. Chet was becoming more of a fan of doing it himself too. Right now he loved the sensation of having it done to him while doing it to the dirty, sweaty, oily, musky hole of the siskreth in front of him.

He still didn't find the crocs particularly attractive but he'd discovered it was in his nature to greatly enjoy doing very dirty things. It was turning him on hard to plant his tongue in the disgusting hole of a siskreth.

He loved the feeling of the warm tongue probing at his anus and trying to push deeply into him too. He wished Jake's tongue was longer and he wondered what it would feel like to have something more inserted into his ass.

He stopped what he was doing and looked back at Jake and said, "Play with your finger in there. I want to know what it feels like."

Jake pulled his tongue out of the bear's ass and smiled and nodded at him.

He spat at Chet's hole to get it wet and then stuck his finger into his mouth and coated it with his saliva and then put it at the bear's sphincter and very gently pushed forward until just the tip went in. Chet moaned and held very still.

Like all of the other exposed skin on the bear, Chet's anus was jet black. It created a wonderful contrast against his pure white fur that Jake loved.

Jake pushed just a bit more of his finger into the bear's warm, tight hole and Chet moaned again but pushed himself backward to force the rest of Jake's finger in. Jake slowly pulled his finger outward and then pushed it back in and Chet moaned once more.

Jake smiled and began to slowly fuck the massive bear's snug, black asshole with his finger while Chet squirmed in front of him at the sensation of the sensitive nerve endings in his anus being excited and stimulated.

The bear turned his head back and said, "More. I want more."

Jake pulled his finger out and spat again to lubricate the bear more and wet another of his fingers and stuck two of them in at once to stretch Chet's hole wider and once again he began to slowly finger fuck him while the bear moaned his pleasure and plugged his big tongue right back into Striss's hole.

They kept on this way for a while and once more Chet pulled his tongue out of Striss's hole and turned back to Jake and said, "I want you to fuck me. I want my man inside of me."

Jake was thrilled and he needed no more invitation than that. He pulled his fingers out and spat again at Chet's hole and then he spat on his fingers and spread it around on his cock to get it was wet as he could.

He moved into position and lifted the short furry tail up again with one hand while guiding his cock head to the hole with the other. He pushed a little but there was too much resistance.

"Relax and push a little bit, Chet."

He sensed the bear relaxing and he pushed forward once more as the bear pushed lightly to open his anus and the big head of Jake's cock popped in.

Chet moaned loudly and tensed up a bit. Jake held completely still to give the bear a chance to get used to the feeling.

Chet turned his head back and said in a hoarse voice, "Don't stop. Just fuck me. I want more of you."

Jake began to push more of his cock into the big bear, going slowly at first and stopping once in a while to give Chet a chance to get used to it. Finally as he approached the point of having the full length of his cock pushed into him Chet became impatient and thrust himself backwards to impale himself the rest of the way on his man's long, stiff rod as he groaned his pleasure.

Jake held still and Chet pulled himself forward and then pushed back again and moaned at the feeling of having the hard tool shoved up his backside.

"You fill me up. This feels so good. I had no idea," he breathed as once again he pulled himself forward and pushed back while Jake began to move his hips backward and then forward to match.

Chet groaned again and said, "I love having you in me. Fuck me faster."

Chet then held still as Jake began to pull himself almost all the way out and thrust himself all the way back in until his hips bumped up against the bear's big, chubby rump.

The polar bear moaned and then turned back to what he'd been doing and plunged his tongue back inside Striss.

Jake was in heaven with his cock buried deeply inside his big, beautiful, white bear's warm, tight rectum and he moaned and groaned as the thrill of popping Chet's cherry began to send him over the edge. He moaned more and began to buck harder at his lover. He leaned over and spread as much of himself as he could over Chet's luxuriously soft fur to feel it against his naked body as he humped away with abandon.

Trysslyn was so taken with the sight of the muscular man rutting against the massive white bear that he began to feel his own orgasm build up and suddenly he cried out and grunted and slammed his cock hard at Striss's face and shot his load down the croc's throat.

The taste of his friend's thick seed on his tongue and the sensation of the bear's long pink tongue so far up his rectum combined to send Striss tumbling over the edge too, and he worked his own cock faster and harder and then grunted around Trysslyn's cock as he shot his own load out onto the floor.

Jake heard more moaning from the other side and he looked back and saw there was another pair of unfamiliar crocs back there. They'd walked in on the scene and immediately decided to have some fun of their own. One was holding up the fat tail of the other who was bent over and he was thrusting his cock in hard at his mate and humping away.

A few more crocs came in from the training area in space suits and their eyes widened and they grinned at the sight that greeted them. They quickly began to jump out of their suits to get busy with each other too.

The moaning and shooting of his friends was all Jake needed to push him the rest of the way and his balls began to tighten up until the skin was almost rigid as the storm of electricity exploded out from his center and his knees began to give out as he grunted and slammed his cock as deep as it would go into Chet's hole to plant his seed in him.

The bear's anus was so tight and his rectum so snug and warm that the sensation of it drove Jake into one of the most powerful orgasms he'd ever experienced. Again and again he pulled back and slammed himself forward into Chet and shot another volley of cum into his wingmate's bowels.

He clung and rubbed himself against the wonderful soft fur as he continued to hump and buck against his big bear, spewing his seed into Chet until there was finally nothing left, and he lay over the bear's back and sighed heavily as he held himself deep inside to ooze every last drop he possibly could into his lover.

Chet was so turned on by all that had been going on that his long, thick, hard, red cock was almost fully extended out of its sheath.

He pulled his tongue back out of Striss and pulled forward to free himself from Jake's cock and he quickly turned around.

The bear was so turned on he was losing control as he picked up Jake like he weighed nothing and turned and lay him on the bench face up with his head hanging over the end of it.

Chet maneuvered over top of Jake so his crotch was right at Jake's face and he thrust the hard, pointy tip of his red cock right at Jake's mouth.

Jake moaned and opened wide and relaxed his throat and jaw to let Chet go nuts fucking his face.

Chet didn't wait for permission of any kind and he leaned down onto Jake and wrapped his powerful fore legs right around Jake and the bench beneath him, and stretched his long neck along Jake's legs and thrust his hips forward to drive his cock down Jake's throat.

Tryss and Striss moaned and began working their own cocks as they watched the amazing sight. Several more crocs had entered the locker room of the training area and they all gathered around and watched as the bear lost all control and began to fuck Jake's face as hard as he could while moaning and grunting in his deep, rumbly voice.

Chet's back was curved and his fore legs were wrapped tightly around to the underside of the bench as his massive hind paws slipped on the floor while he grunted and thrust more and more of his fat cock down Jake's throat until it was all in, and his massive, furry balls began to bump against Jake's nose.

Jake loved the idea of the bear losing all control and he reached up and grabbed Chet's haunches and pulled to help him thrust harder into Jake's face while the man breathed the wonderful musky scent of the bear's furry balls through his nose. Chet couldn't even feel the assistance and he certainly didn't need it. He was fucking the only person in the universe he felt he would ever want to fuck again and he was completely lost in the act.

His eyes were closed and his big, pink tongue hung out the side of his open mouth as he panted and moaned, and his back curved more and he began to hump in shorter, faster and harder strokes as his oozing cock thickened and his orgasm rapidly began to build as he prepared to fill his lover with his seed.

He didn't last long and his massive balls hardened up and banged against Jake's face as they pushed the huge load of sperm they'd been building up the long, hard shaft of his penis and he grunted and slammed himself hard into Jake and the first long spray of semen shot out into Jake's stomach. He paused and held that position for a moment while moaning and then pulled back and roared as he drove his cock into his man again and held as it spewed another long jet of cum into him.

Striss and Tryss were so turned on by the show that they'd started working each other's cocks and at the sight of the big bear's pleasure reaching its climax they once again reached orgasm and shot their loads out onto the floor.

Other crewmen in the room had paired off and some were grunting and bucking and shooting their load into the backside of the croc in front of them while holding up their tails. One was using the face of another who was bent over being fucked from behind, while yet another was underneath him sucking his cock while he worked his own cock.

There was grunting and groaning and moaning and cumming all around as each person's orgasm triggered the next until they all reached their climax and the room was full of the scent of musk and sweat and cum.

Finally, Chet settled down as his orgasm faded and he spilled the last of his seed into Jake's throat and his cock began to pull back into his furry sheath.

Jake always hated this part as the wonderful tool disappeared again into the massive bear's body. He thrust his tongue up into Chet's warm sheath and took it into his mouth as he cleaned the inside of it with his tongue once more.

Chet was so taken with using Jake this way that a strange urge overcame him and he released his bladder.

Jake was shocked when the hot, acrid urine began to flow out into his mouth but at the same time he felt a sudden dirty thrill and he eagerly gulped it down, though it was coming so fast some leaked out the edges of his mouth and ran down his cheeks and onto the bench and the floor.

More crocs groaned as they realized what was happening and some began urinating on others. Some got to their knees and opened their mouths to become the target of others and arcs of golden liquid began to flow in all directions.

Chet moaned and pushed until his bladder was empty and Jake swallowed as much as he could down and he felt a mouth go over his own penis and wait. He realized it was Chet's own mouth and Jake pushed his bladder and released his stream of urine into the bear's eager mouth. Chet sucked on it like a cub drinking from his mother and drank it all until Jake was done.

Jake couldn't believe that this was the same bear who, when they'd first met, had said that he wasn't gay or even bi and that he wouldn't be interested in pleasuring Jake in any way. He thought how amazing it was how much a person could change once they let go and forgot their inhibitions. He'd certainly never drank anyone's urine himself before though it was something he'd fantasized about quite often. The reality was better than the fantasy. It tasted amazingly strong and good and he could feel the warm liquid in his stomach, and knowing it came from inside of Chet started his cock firming up once again.

The room was now full of the smell of sweat and musk and cum mingled with urine and several crocs began to get worked up again and a full on orgy ensued.

Chet was nearly oblivious to all that was going on around him. His only real interest was Jake. He'd come to realize he loved the man deeply and it drove his lust for Jake deeper than ever. His lust was accompanied by a strong desire to be close to him and care for him.

He moved off of Jake and turned around and started licking the man to wash him. Jake smiled and closed his eyes as he lay on his back on the bench and Chet's warm, wide, wet tongue began to wash him from bottom to top. Chet licked his feet thoroughly and forced his tongue between Jake's toes to get at the sweat there. He licked his legs all the way up and stopped to thoroughly wash his crotch. He lovingly licked Jake's belly and navel and continued up to his nipples, where he stopped and suckled for a while before he moved on to snuffle and then lick at Jake's arm pits to wash them clean as well. He licked Jake's arms up to his shoulders and then licked his neck. He cleaned the man completely from head to toe like a mother cleaning her new born cub.

Finally he reached Jake's face and he licked at his chin and cheeks, his nose and his forehead and even his eyes. Chet then rubbed the side of his face on Jake's cheek and sighed.

He pulled his face back and looked Jake straight in the eyes and said, "I love you so much, you wonderful man. I didn't know I was even capable of such feelings. You've brought them out in me and I thank you for it."

Tears began to well in Jake's eyes as his heart swelled with affection for the bear and he reached up and wrapped his arms around Chet's furry neck and said, "I love you too. I've loved you for a while now but I didn't want to tell you and put you on the spot."

Chet kissed Jake on the lips and then said, "I would like to get away from all of these rutting siskreths. I think I might join you in the showers this time. Sitting in the suit all day does make me feel a bit soiled and matted. Would you help me wash my fur?"

Jake smiled and said, "I'd love to!"

He got up off the bench and the two of them completely ignored all the sucking and humping that was going on around them as they walked over to the large communal showers and turned a couple of shower heads on and got under the hot spray.

It didn't take Jake long to lather up and rinse off and then he turned his attention to Chet.

He began to work the big bear's fur under the water and was surprised at how it shed the water almost completely. He wet the bear as much as he could and then turned off the shower heads and got some soap.

"I don't know what possessed me to do something so foul as to urinate into your mouth. I really do love you, Jake, and in hindsight I may have taken things too far. I should not have proceeded in that way without at least asking your permission first," Chet said while Jake began to lather up his fur.

"Are you nuts? I loved it! You turn me on so much I don't think there's anything you could do that I would feel took things too far. Don't feel bad about making me so happy. It was a huge turn on for me. From my perspective it was only just a few days ago that I was a man very near death who had lived a long, lonely and repressed life. I'd sworn to myself that I would try everything I possibly could as soon as possible now that I have a second chance. I'll admit that I may be over doing it a little but I feel as though I've been starving my entire life and now there is an endless banquet laid out before me and I can't get enough. There are still so many things I haven't yet tried that I've been fantasizing about for years. What you did to me out there was just one of them and I'm glad you did it. I suppose I should try to get myself more under control though. It probably wasn't really appropriate to start an orgy in the locker room. I don't want everyone to think I'm some sort of slut," Jake said.

Chet smiled and said, "As you said, you have only just awakened to your desires. If others can't understand that, then there is something wrong with them, not with you. I find myself in somewhat the same situation as you. For my entire life sex has been nothing more than a biological drive that I would quickly fulfill when the need became strong, and then forget about. Now that I have awakened to the idea of sex as an intensely pleasurable recreation I can't seem to get quite enough of it with you. I suppose I should try to get myself under control as well. There's never much time between when a thought enters my mind and the words describing it pass from my lips or it is turned into action. I had only just decided I would like you to fuck me moments before I asked you to do it."

"How did you like being fucked? I loved doing it to you. There's something about the mass of you and the fact that you could kill me with one swipe that makes it incredibly exhilarating for me to become the top and use you. I also love when you start to lose control and you use me hard like you did on the bench. Then there's times when you seem like this huge, huggable, cuddly love machine that I could never get tired of playing with. I love you, Chet, and I love being with you."

Chet chuckled and said, "I would be happy to be your cuddly love machine any time you wish. I was surprised at just how much I enjoyed your cock inside of me. Knowing that you were using me for your pleasure thrilled me and made me feel wonderfully fulfilled in a way I've never felt before. It is amazing to me to think of how much happiness and pleasure is available to me now that I am with you. I have never remotely felt this way before in my long life. I have never been happier in my more than three thousand years of living than I have been in the past four days with you. Each day I spend with you is happier than any I've spent before. That is how I know that I love you. That and the feeling that I cannot imagine my life going forward without you being a major component of it."

Jake had been enjoying lathering up the bear and had finally reached Chet's neck and he reached around and hugged him tightly, then continued to lather right up to his head.

He kissed Chet on the nose and then turned the shower heads back on to begin rinsing him off.

"You two are such an adorable couple," Striss said as he and Trysslyn came into the showers to clean off and he saw Jake lovingly cleaning his big bear.

"It's a real mess out there, Jake," Trysslyn said, "The favors really have their work cut out for them. I've never seen so much seed shot in so many directions at once, never mind the golden showers that are still breaking out once in a while. There's at least twenty guys all over the locker room going at each other and there are more trickling in as they finish their simulator time. Everyone's asking where the hell you went. They really want to get a shot at you. We're gonna have to be careful going back through after we get cleaned up. Something tells me that orgy is gonna be going for a couple of hours yet at least."

Jake chuckled and said, "I have to admit, I wouldn't mind being at the center of all of that just to see what it's like, but I've decided to try to tone down the sex just a bit."

"Well, I'm sorry to hear that. It's to the detriment of all the rest of us. You're the most sought after guy on this ship and only a few of us have had the privilege of enjoying you," Striss said.

Jake smiled and said, "Well, I'm not going to become a prude or anything. I just need to find a happy medium."

Chet said, "I am famished. Let us go and get something to eat."

Jake had finished rinsing off the big, beautiful polar bear so he nodded and turned off the shower heads and they walked back into the locker room. The smell there was amazingly rich. The air had never been so thick with the siskreth musk before and it began to get Jake a bit horny again, but he forced himself to keep under control.

There were siskreths deeply embedded in other siskreths in every direction. Tails were up and tongues or cocks were in assholes everywhere. There was sucking and grunting and pissing and cum shooting from one corner of the locker room to the other. Jake tried to thread his way carefully to his locker without getting any on him so he could get a towel out and then put his shorts on, but it was difficult with all of the rutting, sweaty, moaning and groaning bodies around.

He finally reached the locker and asked Chet, "Do you need me to towel you off?"

"No, my fur sheds water quite readily. Leave it to me," he said and then he walked further toward the exit and stopped.

He then began to shake his big body and vast sprays of water began to shoot off of him and naked crocs all around started yelling and laughing and running out of range of the cold spray. He shook again starting with his head, then his shoulders, then his back, and finally his big round rump and more sheets of cold rain sprayed any croc left standing within range.

Jake laughed as he quickly toweled off and slipped his shorts on.

A couple more shakes was all it took for Chet to get most of the water off him while clearing the road for Jake to come through to the exit.

They got on an elevator and rode it back to the mess hall and got out and went to the counter to get some food.

They proceeded to an empty table and Jake sat on a chair while Chet sat on the floor and they dug in.

Chet went back two times and ate his usual three large helpings of food before he felt satisfied. He let out a long burp and Jake chuckled and smiled at the big bear.

The Blarp had already been flowing for a while and the crowd was becoming loose and playful.

A single word was shouted at one end of the room and it began to spread as a chant throughout. "Rib-bing, rib-bing, rib-bing..." was repeated over and over again as the crowd waited to see who would go first.

Finally a large croc stood up and put his arms out to quiet them down, then he turned to face Jake and said, "I don't know about a ribbing, but I could sure use a good rimming right about now. What do you say, Rimmer? Care to show me some of your best moves and clean my hole for me?"

There were chuckles all around and at least a few nodded their own interest in such an undertaking.

Jake tried his best to think of a comeback and was having no success as usual when suddenly, to his shock, Chet decided to come to his defense.

The bear stood up and bellowed in a boisterous manner, "Jake's moves are best performed on a hole that is snug, firm and tight. A hole with the size and slackness of yours might better be serviced by a toilet brush or a floor mop!"

The crowd burst out laughing and several clapped and nodded their appreciation of the bear's first attempt.

Another croc stood and shouted, "I've been a bit low on energy these days. I think I could use a dose of White Lightning to pick me up. There's no reason why Jake should get all the juice. What say you plug that big fat power wand of yours into _my_receptacle for a change and charge me up?"

There were more chuckles but once again there were several nods of agreement at the thought of such an engagement.

"Your receptacle would not be up to the task. The sort of power I bring to bear would be well more than you could handle. It would be less dangerous for you if you stretched your hole over the nozzle of my Juggernaut's thruster and I pushed the throttle to full," Chet joked.

More crocs laughed and looked around to see who would go next.

Another male stood up and shouted at Chet, "My receptacle has had plenty of practice and as I've demonstrated to most of the men on this ship, it can store large tools in it all day. I think I could handle you. Plug yourself into me and let me see just how much power you have. Your meat would fit quite comfortably in my backside and I would love to try some bear juice for a change!"

More chuckling and this time several crocs licked their lips at the thought of sucking the bear juice from Chet's meat.

"If it's a change you're looking for, perhaps you could try not having a cock stuffed into your backside for just a few minutes and see what that's like!" Chet shouted.

The crowd roared with laughter and several crocs cheered the solid hit. Many were grinning at the big bear and enjoying the fact that he was finally acting more like one of them. Not only was he fitting in, he was well on his way to being the victor of his first ever ribbing.

Jake grinned at the amazing transformation the big bear had undergone over the last several days. He'd gone from being sullen and pensive, to relaxed and openly playful. The new demeanor suited him perfectly as far as Jake was concerned.

They were still only warming up, but the party was interrupted when three loud beeps came over the intercom and Thriststris' voice came next as he said, "Stand down from battle stations. Jake, to the bridge, immediately. Chet, you may accompany him if you wish."

There was much murmuring among the crowd and then there were more beeps over the intercom and the computer's female voice said, "Returning to standard acceleration immediately."

Suddenly Jake felt as though the floor went from the constant tilt he'd been feeling for the last several days back to level and he felt a bit queasy again at the change. It was like getting off a merry-go-round that he'd been on for days and as he stood to proceed to the elevators he had trouble walking a straight line at first.

Chet followed him and they boarded the nearest elevator and began the trip to the bridge.

"Srythryn must have finally caught up to the stealth ship and destroyed it if we're standing down and returning to normal acceleration," Chet said.

"Yeah, I think you're right. I hope it won't take much longer to get to him and pick him up. I miss him," Jake said.

Chet smiled and said, "I will miss you when you are back with your captain. We will need to make some sort of arrangement so that I can still sleep with you in my arms occasionally. I have grown to love it and it will be difficult for me to sleep alone now. Holding you is one of my favorite things to do and sleeping with you was the best way to get my fix over an extended period of time."

"I hadn't even thought of that. You wouldn't be comfortable in our house. There's no way you could sleep in that sweltering heat. I'm fine with it as long as the windows are open and the ocean breeze is allowed in but even that way it would be far too hot for you. I don't really want to sleep without you either any more. I love being wrapped up in your warmth in a cool room. There must be some compromise we could reach. Would it bother you if Srythryn were to join us?"

"Of course not. I would not be holding him though. I like the captain but I do not feel any sort of affection for him. We may have to settle for you alternating between us on different nights."

"That would seem a bit odd to me. I don't think I'd like it. I want you both with me. We'll talk about it when Srythryn returns," Jake said.

They rode in silence for the rest of the trip and finally the elevator slowed and rose up to floor level to let them off. They proceeded to the bridge and entered to see a solemn looking Thriststris waiting for them.

Jake immediately felt alarmed. All of the faces in the room looked solemn and they all looked at Jake. This was not the look of victory, or of faces ready to give him good news.

He faced Thriststris and braced himself.

"I'm sorry, Jake," Thriststris said, "but Srythryn has died. All three squadrons are gone. They didn't feel a thing so don't worry about that. They were all vaporized by that ship and their nanos stopped transmitting."

Jake's heart leapt into his throat. It took a moment to process what he'd been told. On the way here he'd expected to be informed that they'd destroyed the stealth ship and were on their way back to be picked up. The thought that the captain might be gone had never entered his mind as a possibility.

Srythryn was dead, but what did that mean, exactly?

"Does that mean they won't get resurrected?" Jake asked, remembering what the Lawkeeper had said.

Thriststris quickly put his hand up and said, "No, don't worry about that. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. They're all in the process already. The captain will be back here with you in just five weeks. It takes much less time for our race to complete the process than for most."

Jake breathed a sigh of relief. He was not looking forward to five more weeks without his sweet croc but the prospect of not knowing when or even if he might return would be far worse. It would be a long wait, but it would be much easier for Jake than it had been for poor Srythryn because not only was Jake's wait much shorter, he had Chet to keep him company in the meantime and he loved the big bear just as much as he loved the captain.

"The Lawkeeper said they were suspending all resurrections for those whose nanos simply stopped transmitting," Jake said.

"Yes, unless there was definitive proof of their deaths. We had our forward telescopes trained on the strike teams to observe. Take a look," Thriststris said, and he moved to some controls below a blank section of wall and tapped at the buttons.

A moving image came up on the wall of three squadrons of Juggernauts flying toward what looked like disembodied cones of plasma thrusters of a much larger ship well ahead of them. Each squadron was in combat box formation and one squadron was slightly ahead of the other two that were on either side of it.

Suddenly, the front ships in each formation launched two torpedoes each at the escaping ship.

The stealth ship's plasma thrusters then cut out completely, no doubt going dark to mess with the torpedoes' optical targeting systems. It was like the ship simply disappeared, though Jake thought he could occasionally see a star wiggle slightly right about where the ship should be. Occasionally he thought he caught brief flashes of retro rockets. It looked as though the ship were turning around to face the Juggernauts.

Suddenly, a small and intense light shot out from the stealth ship and rapidly grew in intensity as it raced back towards the squadrons of heavy fighters. It increased in brightness until it was nearly blinding and then suddenly it winked out, but as it vanished, a visible shock wave spread out in an expanding sphere from the point of detonation. As the front of the shock wave reached the torpedoes they all exploded.

The wave continued on and faded as it went, but was still faintly visible as it reached the three squadrons of Juggernauts and Jake saw them all suddenly jolt like they'd been rattled hard.

"That first hit stripped their shields completely," Thriststris said.

There was a pause and then another bright light shot out of the stealth ship and began to grow in intensity again and Jake saw all of the Juggernauts except the lead one begin to change direction and punch their throttles to attempt to accelerate away from it.

"That's Srythryn in the lead ship. I don't know why he's not turning like the others," Thriststris said, "He was at the front when the first shock wave hit and he may have been knocked unconscious. We weren't able to contact any of the ships at this point. It's likely that the weapon knocked out their QECH gear."

The light continued to grow brighter as it sped toward the three squadrons of ships and once again, just as it became almost too bright to look at, it winked out and again a shock wave spread out in an expanding sphere. As it reached Srythryn's Juggernaut the ship immediately exploded into a fine vapor that dissipated quickly into nothingness.

One after another as the wave swept across them, all thirty six of the Juggernauts were vaporized by the time the shock wave reached it's limit and faded completely.

Jake was in awe of the power of the weapon. The strike ships didn't have a chance against it. Srythryn certainly wouldn't have felt a thing, as Thriststris said. It was instantaneous.

"What the hell was that?" he asked.

"It's some sort of disrupter weapon. It has to be using a fair bit of power to be able to strip all of their shields in one pulse and then vaporize them all in one more. I'm guessing they dumped the better part of their antimatter buffer into those two shots. There's no doubt that ship is rigged with zeth technology. That weapon works just like disrupter mines that the zeths have used in the past, but those mines were much smaller this. They create a shock that literally separates the molecules of solid matter it passes through. The energy of the shock can't be focused since any sort of contraption you might try to use to focus it would be vaporized too. I've never seen one at this scale before. I don't think it would do much against the Slirkstrith though. Our massive antimatter buffer wouldn't even blink at the tiny amount of energy our shields would suck up to block it. We could squash that ship like a bug but we won't get the chance unfortunately. Not this time anyhow."

"Did it get away?" Jake asked.

Thriststris nodded and said, "Yes, it never powered its plasma thrusters back on but it didn't really need to. They were already right at the edge of the heliosphere and they just coasted across the heliopause while recharging their buffer just enough to make a short jump and they were gone. We have no way of knowing which way. For all we know they might have jumped just a few thousand miles to the side, but if they sit still wherever they are, we can't possibly find them thanks to their stealth technology. Now they have as much time as they need to charge up and jump towards their next destination.

"The life in the jungle and ocean has been stressed for too long already so I asked the Lawkeeper's permission to stand down and return our acceleration to normal for now. With the speed we've already built up we'll be out of the heliosphere in just a couple more days and we could use that time along with the extra power from shutting down the thrusters to start charging for the jump to get to the miquanowan system sooner. It's far enough away that we need a nearly full buffer to get there in one jump. The captain wanted us to make that system our priority if we failed here, so that's our destination. We'll be getting there a hell of a lot quicker than them so we'll be orbiting the planet and ready if they try anything there. Srythryn will be back with us before we arrive. For now there's nothing we can do. I'm sorry, Jake, but it looks like the tables are turned and this time you're the one waiting out the resurrection process and Srythryn will be gone for five weeks."

"I already miss him, but I have Chet so I'll be OK," Jake said and Chet rubbed his head against Jake's shoulder and Jake scratched him under his chin and smiled at him.

Thriststris smiled and said, "You two are the talk of the whole ship these days. Your antics and crazy skill in the simulator are getting attention. We've got people asking to review your scenarios so they can see how you did some of the things you pulled off. We've got a lot of people lining up to test themselves against you two. I'm hoping I get a chance to join you in there myself soon, though I'm pretty busy these days. I heard there was a bit of fun in the locker room earlier today, too. I sure wish I'd been there for that. Now everyone's talking about what a hot couple you are outside of the simulator too. I'm thinking they're all gonna start lining up for some of that action now. We'll have to provide you with some sort of system to allow people to take a number so they can proceed to get busy with you in an orderly fashion."

Chet chuckled, and Jake said, "I'm not quite as promiscuous as all that. It's not like I have sex with everyone I bump into when I turn a corner or anything."

Thriststris said, "No, I would never insult you by suggesting such a thing and I would be happy to throw anyone who did into the brig. I was only teasing. I know you wouldn't avail yourself to everyone on the ship, only the sexy ones, like me."

Jake smiled and said, "In any case, I'm afraid you've all missed your window of opportunity. Chet and I have decided to try to get our urges a bit more under control."

A look of disappointment crossed Thriststris's face and he said, "Well, I'm sorry to hear that, but I'm sure you must have your reasons. I certainly hope it isn't because anyone complained about the locker room. If so, tell me who it was and I'll have them spaced. We don't need people like that around here and there's no reason why the rest of us should suffer because of them."

"No, it's fine," Jake said, "The locker room showed us that things were getting a bit out of hand and we just thought it best to settle down a bit."

"Oh, well I'm still sorry to hear it. Anyhow, it's getting late so I should let you two go. I'm really sorry about Srythryn, Jake. I wish I had better news for you."

Jake said, "Thanks. I'll see you around."

They turned to leave but just as they were exiting the door Thriststris said, "Oh, one more thing. I got a message a few minutes ago that was intended for the captain. The fabricators finished the special suit he'd requested for you, Chetichwal. They had it sent to your quarters. It's there now."

"Thank you," Chet said.

Jake and Chet went back to the elevator and Jake directed it back to Chet's quarters.

"I am sorry, little one. I can see how upset you are that you will not be seeing your captain for so long," Chet said.

Jake smiled and moved over to hug him around the neck and said, "I have you to help me through it. I love you so much you big, beautiful bear."

"I love you too. It has been a long day, but I am anxious to give my new suit a quick test. Do you think we could go out to the jungle for a little while before we retire? I would love to see it."

"Yes, of course. I think I might like to go to the beach house for a bit. I can show it to you. The swell wall will be down now and the wave simulator will be turned on. You can see our beautiful ocean view," Jake suggested.

"That sounds wonderful," Chet said.

They rode all the way back and went into Chet's quarters and found his new suit sitting on a table against a wall. It was indeed much lighter than the space suit and looked to be made of thinner and more comfortable material. Since it wasn't built for pressure in the vacuum of space they were able to use a much more flexible fabric.

The bear quickly slipped into it and it fit perfectly. There was no helmet and no gloves and even his hind feet were exposed to keep him more comfortable. There was a snug seal against his wrists and ankles and his neck so it was likely water tight.

The suit was blue in color with black at the seals and the fasteners. Jake didn't want to say anything so as not to embarrass Chet, but the bear looked absolutely adorable in it. It sort of looked like a baby's sleeper. The massive, powerful polar bear looked ready to be tucked into his bed for the night in his cute little blue outfit.

The suit powered up immediately and Chet smiled and said, "It is even a bit cooler in here than it is in the room. I think I could actually engage in physical activity and still not be uncomfortably hot."

"Terrific, let's go to the jungle," Jake said.

Chet nodded and they went back to the elevator and Jake directed it to his home.

They emerged into the sweltering heat of early evening in the humid jungle.

Chet was absolutely amazed at the scale of it as they walked down the path towards the beach.

Jake explained everything he could remember about the size of the jungle, and the ocean beyond and how it was a perfect reproduction of Srythryn's world.

Chet looked all around and gazed up at the sky and marveled at the size of it all.

"This is simply amazing! I wonder if your captain would take me into the jungle for a hunt. Do they fish on the ocean as well?"

Jake smiled and said, "I knew you'd like it. Yes, they fish in small kayaks and the fish are so powerful they sometimes get pulled under. Srythryn has already offered to take me out hunting and I'm sure he'd love to take you too. How's the suit holding up?"

"It is perfect. I am quite cool and comfortable. I could live out here. I wonder if your wonderful captain could arrange to have a refrigerated abode set up for me in the jungle. I would quite like that instead of being kept in a storage room at the shipping bay."

"I think that's a great idea and I'm sure he will too," Jake said.

They came upon the beach and Chet gasped as he saw the sun setting over a seemingly endless ocean, and the waves crashing against the beach on the private cove and said, "This is stunningly beautiful. What a wonderful home you have!"

Jake smiled and said, "Let's go inside."

They walked across the sand to the stairs and went up into the house.

As they entered, Jake was immediately struck by how cold and dry the air was inside his home. It felt like the inside of a refrigerator.

"Something's changed in here. It's not normally cold and the windows are usually open," Jake said.

He moved about the house and it was very cool everywhere. He opened the door to the bedroom and to his surprise he saw that the large, comfortable bed was gone. It had been replaced by a much larger sleeping mat similar to what Chet had in his bedroom. The bed would never support the bear's thousand pounds but the mat certainly would. This had to be Srythryn's doing!

Jake grinned and shouted, "Chet, come and have a look at this!"

The bear came down the hall and looked into the room.

"I don't believe it! It has been set up for me! Do think your captain arranged this before he went out on his mission?" Chet asked.

"He's such a sweetheart. It's just the sort of thing he would do. I bet when he left us in the simulator on that first day to go and have our suits made he probably also ordered this little change and was planning on springing the surprise on us later. I'm guessing he was too preoccupied with the attack on your match's planet and then his strike mission to remember to tell us about it. He probably knew we would want to stay together after he saw how well we hit it off," Jake said.

"He truly is something special. I am impressed by his thoughtfulness. I cannot wait to see him again to express my gratitude. It looks as though we will not need to be concerned about sleeping arrangements when he returns after all. He has set the temperature to a very comfortable level for me but we could raise it considerably and I would still be fine, and the two of you would be more comfortable. I won't need to ask him about setting up an abode for me. I can simply stay here in your home."

"I think he quite clearly intended that this is now your home as well, Chet. Welcome home!"

Chet smiled and said, "Thank you."

"It's been a really long day and I think I'm ready for sleep. Should we test out the new digs?" Jake asked.

Chet smiled and nodded and proceeded to slip out of his new suit and hung it in the closet.

He walked onto the sleeping mat and rolled over onto his back with his hind legs splayed open and downward, exposing his crotch in the typical polar bear pose, and sighed his comfort.

Jake slipped out of his shorts and climbed on top of the warm, furry bear and held him tightly.

Chet wrapped his fore legs around Jake and sighed in happiness.

"I know we said we would try to control our sexual appetites more, but do you think we could start tomorrow?" Chet asked.

Jake chuckled and said, "Sure. Why start something today that you can put off until tomorrow? I didn't really mean we should cut down on our play together, just take it a bit easier on the extracurricular stuff. I sure would like to do what someone suggested earlier and suck the bear juice out of your meat if you don't mind."

Chet smiled and said, "Mind? I insist!" and he tickled Jake and pushed him off so he could get to work.

Jake chuckled and move around between Chet's big hind legs and said, "I want you to shoot all that seed into my mouth this time instead of straight into my stomach."

Chet smiled and nodded.

Jake's cock was already rapidly growing as he positioned himself between the bear's legs and looked at the wonderful sight before him. He never got tired of the bear's body. He loved the white fur and the contrasting black of the exposed skin at the nose, inside his ears, his lips, his anus and his big pads under his huge paws. He loved Chet's massive size and he loved the smell of him.

He moved his face in and rubbed it all over the fur of Chet's crotch and inhaled the wonderful scent of the bear. He kissed and caressed the massive fur covered testicles and moved up and kissed the thick, furry sheath.

The bear's thick, hard shaft was already well up into the sheath and the red tip was emerging from the end of it. Chet was so turned on by his lover that it never took him long to be ready when Jake began to work him over.

Jake placed his mouth over the hard, red tip of Chet's thick cock and began to suck it while he caressed his big, furry balls with his left hand and jacked the thick sheath up and down, sliding it along the thick, wet shaft of the bear's rigid tool.

Chet stared dreamily down at Jake as he worked on his cock and said, "I love you so much, my beautiful man. I will not last long. I will be giving you a great deal of seed. Be ready for it."

Jake moaned and sucked more of the hard tool in, and already Chet began to squirm beneath him and moaned. The idea that he was about to spray his semen into the mouth of his lover quickly raised the bear's level of passion and he could feel the electricity building fast in his loins even while his long tool was still making its way out of the sheath.

Jake sucked the pointed, thick, wet end of Chet's throbbing cock a little harder and squeezed even harder with his right hand and began to jack the sheath up and down faster and Chet groaned as his orgasm began to rise up in him.

His massive, fur covered scrotum began to stiffen and tighten up as it squeezed the load of sperm out of his balls to join the huge mass of fluid being produced by his large prostate and as the thick cum began to build and rush up the shaft of his hot, hard tool, Chet groaned and placed both of his large front paws on the back of Jake's head and held it tightly and grunted as the first thick and powerful stream of his seed exploded into Jake's drooling mouth.

Jake was amazed at the volume of it and it filled his mouth completely within seconds while the bear moaned and the stream kept coming. Jake had to start swallowing it down immediately as it was already starting to leak out the edges of his mouth there was so much of it.

The surge of cum finally slowed and stopped but even before Jake could swallow it all down Chet relaxed and then tensed and grunted again as another jet began to shoot into Jake's mouth. He was thrilled at the amount of it and he had never had so much semen in his mouth at one time yet it just kept coming. It was hot and thick and tasted lightly musky and sexy and just the thought that it was coming from the depths of his big beautiful bear's loins almost made Jake pop his own load he was so turned on.

Again and again the bear tensed and shot a jet of semen into Jake's eager mouth until finally he relaxed for the last time and stayed that way as the last bit of cum oozed out, and then his penis began to retreat back into his sheath.

Jake chased it in as always and he inserted his tongue into the sheath to clean the last of the cum left behind from the retreating tool.

He then sat back on his legs and smiled at the bear, who was still looking down at him dreamily.

"That was incredible!" Jake exclaimed, "You make so much cum. I feel almost full from it."

"I would not normally be able to create so much in such short order and so often. You are so incredibly attractive to me that my body is always yearning for your attention. You are the one responsible for the incredible volume of it. I could never get enough of you. I have never felt such a strong desire. Will you fuck me and make me yours again?" Chet asked.

Jake smiled and leaned in to the big bear's crotch again. This time he placed both hands behind Chet's large, furry hind legs and pushed them forward to bring his ass up a bit. He brought his face in and nuzzled and rubbed it at the wonderful stretch of fur between the bear's big balls and his anus. Jake then turned his face sideways and worked it in under the bear's short, furry tail to kiss and lick at his anus. This was Jake's favorite activity and he never tired of the taste of his bear.

Chet moaned at the delightful sensation of his asshole being tickled and probed by Jake's eager tongue.

Jake's cock was straining for attention and he felt like he was going to blow at any moment. He had to get it inside his bear's hole but it was a bit awkward to work while holding Chet's legs.

He looked at the bear and asked, "Could you hold your legs this way so I can fuck while you're on your back?"

Chet nodded quickly and then reached down with his front paws and hooked them on to his hind paws with their thick, black pads and pulled his feet a bit further back and more apart.

His big, round, furry rump was in the perfect position now and Jake moaned at the sight of his massive, beautiful, white bear lying on his back and holding his own feet apart and waiting to be mounted.

Jake quickly got in position. He had already wet Chet's hole quite a bit and now he spat on his fingers several times and spread it around on his cock head and shaft and then pushed it up against Chet's tight, black hole.

He pushed firmly and Chet knew now to relax and push a bit at his anus to let Jake in. His cock head popped in and Chet's wonderfully tight sphincter immediately locked onto his shaft with a strong grip and he moaned at the amazing feeling.

Jake began to push his cock further into his big warm bear's tunnel and Chet began to moan and squirm slightly at the sensation of his sensitive anus being rubbed by the shaft of Jake's thick tool.

Jake paused and then pushed again. It did not take long to plunge the full length of his cock into his lover and he took a breath and positioned himself just a bit better and then began to pull back and thrust forward and started to truly fuck his bear.

He was so in love with Chet and he was so turned on by him that the feeling of the bear's tight and incredibly hot rectum was already driving Jake to the edge. He leaned forward a bit and lifted his knees up and began to take longer and more forceful strokes as he pounded himself into Chet's hole.

In no time at all he felt his swinging balls begin to tighten up and his knees began to weaken as his orgasm crashed into him incredibly hard and he grunted and bucked against Chet and shot the first jet of his cum into the bear.

He moaned and groaned and bucked and thrust at the big furry bear's tight hole as he pumped more and more of his seed into Chet's bowels.

Finally his orgasm began to subside and his humping slowed and his strokes got shorter until he pushed himself all the way in one last time and collapsed onto Chet's warm belly as his cock oozed the last of its payload into him.

He rubbed his face around on Chet's furry belly as he reveled in his deep feelings for the bear and he finally turned his face sideways and lay there for a while, listening to Chet's heart beating beneath him.

"I love you so much, Chet, I could never describe just how strong my feelings for you are. You're amazingly beautiful to me. It brings tears to my eyes I feel so strongly for you."

Chet moaned and let go of his feet and lowered his rump back down and Jake crawled back up onto his chest and kissed him and then wrapped his arms around the bear's soft, furry neck and held him tightly.

Chet wrapped his fore legs around Jake tightly and whispered, "I love you too, my sweet little one. I am happier than I ever imagined myself being and I am thrilled to be in our new home with you. I hope that I can spend every day of the rest of my life with you and I hope that life will last an eternity."

They held each other quietly for a while longer, basking in their love for each other, and then finally Chet turned to his side while lowering Jake onto the sleeping mat. Jake turned to face away from him and then snuggled back into his furry, warm cocoon once more and they spooned in their favorite position once again.

As their minds were filled with thoughts of each other and the wonderful future in store for them, they quietly drifted off to sleep.