Dran and Mist - Chapter Twelve - Angel

Story by SevenWingedDragon on SoFurry

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#12 of Transcender: Dran

Hey. Hopefully this counts as me getting back into regular posting. This marks the twelfth chapter, unlucky thirteen is coming up... For once I have a sound plan but that never seems to work. I hope you like it anyway.

Dran and Mist - Chapter Twelve

Hiro: I press this handful of courage up against my heart, and with its strength live another day.

Xak closed his eyes, spreading his arms as he let his body go limp. He could feel the soft pressure upon his eyelids as he fell, hear the wind rushing past his ears. His hair had grown out somewhat, now flushed back as it and his partially torn clothing flapped wildly within the air currents. He brought his bow upright, the motion a slow one as he descended... His legs tensed, pulling back for a single moment before slamming into the building that blurred alongside him; the push twisting his body and propelling it outwards. His eyes opened, a flurry of arrows released into the heavens with a sharp screech of speed and power. As the Bio-Angels were struck, their blood and lifeless forms began to fall from the night sky and it began to rain gore. The man pulled himself upright as he landed, a shift upon the moment of impact cushioning his fall. He stared upwards, his gaze drifting up the tower block from which he had dived as gunshots rang out from the rooftop. In an instant he was airborne once more, twisting his body, pushing off the opposing buildings and walkways as he ascended, firing wildly into the masses circling above. For Xak, the world seemed to move in slow motion, blood spattering and running down his face as his sypher arrows cut upwards. A dull murmur caught his ears, a strange yet imperative noise forcing a strange bloodlust upon him. It faded after a few seconds.

He rose far higher than the building itself, his ranged attacks giving him a clear advantage over the dark creatures. They were slain before they could even get close enough to attack, yet he was tiring and their numbers failed to thin. A clawed hand struck from behind, raking across his back and drawing blood as it cut deep furrows into his skin. A wing hit his front, sending him flying downwards onto the asphalt covered rooftop. Bullets took care of his attackers before they could prepare a second assault. A man was standing alone, tall and thin, long silver-white hair cascading down his back and contrasting with his black suit. He turned, pistols identical to Xaks own in each of his hands as he continued to eliminate the creatures of London's sky. His eyes were dark, catching those of his son before flicking to the side, marking the course for his shots. Jason pulled himself to his feet, drawing his bow once again, "You... Why did you come here?"

The sharp crack of the twin guns ceased for a moment as the angels returned to circling, spreading out over the city, yet seeming to target mainly this building, the Arc Research Facility. "I have some words for Jason Xakrious..."

"Hmph..." He released more arrows into the sky, "At a time like this?" He paused for a moment to steady his aim, yet fatigue was already showing. Against such numbers, it was only a matter of time before they were defeated and Xak knew it, "Making peace before the Bio-Angels annihilate us? Sorry old man, but I don't plan to die here." He smiled, "I swore that I'd see it through to the end."

"Silence." The mans expression hardened. "Your digimon. It was killed, wasn't it?"

Jason clenched his fists, jaw setting; his dark humour pierced by shock. He looked away, "How do you...?"

"It left you behind didn't it? Crying and cursing your weakness." Xak began to grind his teeth together, holding his rebuke back, biting his tongue hard enough for blood to begin to trickle down his chin, mixing with that of his prior opponents. "It's an irony that it met the same fate your mother did... Killed by those pathetic monsters." His eyes snapped open, a flurry of shots forcing back a fresh wave of the beasts, "At least it didn't leave some weakling child behind as a constant reminder that I couldn't protect-"

"Shut... The fuck... Up..." Jason spat out the words with some blood, "'It' this, 'It' that... She had a damn name! Don't you ever put Ren down - and don't you ever compare yourself to me." His voice was surprisingly steady, "We are nothing alike. Blood is our only tie."

Seto continued, ignoring him. It was clear that he was enjoying himself, "You always hated them, and because of that we were always the same... Yet you became weak and came to love the creatures that took away my most precious thing," He pointed the gun at his child, "And because of that, I can never forgive you." His finger tightened on the trigger, and the other man brought his bow to bear, "But... You are all that's left of her... I have to protect the last fragment of my beloved." The bullet passed Xak by, drawing blood as it skimmed his cheek and passing through the neck of the Bio-Angel behind him. It fell, gurgling and spewing blood, "To protect the honour of our house... To protect her memory... I have always had to be hard: But this is my last chance to make it clear - my unbreakable resolve."

Jason blinked, a word slipping out, "Father...?" Seto moved in an instant, shifting in a forward line as his palm slammed into his chest, slamming his son against the wall. "Kah!" He fell to his knees, the pain of his injuries preventing him from moving as the angels began to mass for assault.

Seto turned, dropping his pistols, "I... Always hated you. Until the very end." He placed his palms together, running for the buildings edge as the wave of angels sped towards him, "FINAL ARTE:"


He pushed off the ledge, long hair billowing behind him as he shifted towards them, "ANGEL WING." His arms spread, the world seeming to freeze for that last moment before his body faded into light. White wings flashed for an instant, spreading outwards as light gathered within their folds. The energy was released in a single burst, the final moment of Seto Xakrious an explosion of light sypher as it engulfed the skies.


The sun rose, chasing the long shadows across London as its rays penetrated clouds of fluffy white. This skyline was bathed a magnificent blood red, the dawn reminiscent of the previous battle. Trine stared out from the window, her keen eyes scanning the sprawling mass of buildings and people as she discerned the damage caused by the maelstrom of Bio-Angels. Many of the taller buildings had taken a beating, the roads and pathways damaged by the fallen bodies of monsters that had simply been shot down. Although the battle was focused on the research facility, it was an inevitability that others would get involved, the remaining creatures decimated by governments anti-air units and the efforts of several tamers. Though the city had endured a state of general panic, it was now returning to normal after just one night, the press classifying the Bio-Angels as just another breed of dangerous digimon. It seemed that the battle had claimed only one life. *I just don't get it...* The gatomon turned away from the window, leaning against the wall as her gaze lowered *Mister Xakrious... How can someone throw away their life so easily? Do I... Do I have that kind of resolve?* Her eyes trailed skywards, the cat digimon staring into infinity. She took a breath, her exhalation a sigh as her thoughts began to stray, "Haze..." She fell back, sitting at one of the overlarge sofas that crowded the small waiting room. Eyes closed as she relaxed into the cushions, "How am I supposed to tell him that I'm..." A grin lit up her face as she imagined the reaction.

"Why are you looking so happy?" The renamon looked up from her side of the sofa, its tails curled up about itself as its blue eyes caught hers. Cuts covered her body, her tongue dragging across one of them now as she continued to lick her wounds. Having refused medical treatment after delivering her tamer, she winced as a little more blood leaked from one of them. She had carried his unconscious body from the park, fighting off the masses of Bio-Angels as her concern gave her a perfect focus. Dran had still yet to wake.

Trine swung her legs, in her gatomon form, they couldn't even touch the floor. She pulled them up in favour of a curl similar to her friends. "It's a secret." The fox stared at her questioningly, and she waved her arms, attempting to change the subject, "Anyway..." She sighed, "I'm surprised that you came here with me: Aren't you worried about your mate?"

Mist's expression seemed to become more serious as she pondered her next words, her cross pendant reflecting the sun as it found prominence in her chest fur, "Dran wouldn't die and leave me all alone... And I'm the same. We promised that we would always be together, no matter what." She looked up, smiling despite her obvious pain, "I protect him and he protects me." Their eyes met once more. "I don't need to worry about him, I just need to believe in that which holds us together."

Trine closed her eyes, silent as Mist seemed to wait for a reaction. "You know, you're impossible to figure out right?" A chuckle escaped her, "Sometimes, you're so innocent that it borders on the naïve... But others," She uncurled, twisting over the fabric as her claws allowed the cat to right herself, "It's like staring into the ocean... I can see why he fell in love with you."

The renamons cheeks glowed red, "Y-You're making me blush... Tch!" She winced slightly, her furred hand gliding to her thigh as she attempted to twist her body to lick at the wound. A paw knocked her arm away.

*Idiot...* A smaller tongue ran over the cut, "Let me help." The fox froze for a moment before sighing and beginning to tend to a scratch on her arm, *She refused treatment so that they could concentrate on Dran...* The fur was streaked with dried blood, brushed to the side as she set to her task of cleaning the larger digimon. Regardless of such a high regeneration rate, the creatures were still subject to illness: Back in the digital world, such tasks were a necessary part of a fighting life... Although some of the males could occasionally become overzealous with such things.

Trine allowed her thoughts to wonder, simply focusing upon the task at hand, moving up, parting the fur and tending to her as best she could. Before long, a sound caught her ears, a dull rumbling as her nose brushed against blood, buried within its metallic taste and scent. The cat flicked an ear, a memory of the prior night interrupted as the source was revealed through the movements of the renamons chest. She was murring softly, the sound ceasing as the gatomon looked up, "You're enjoying this way too much... Is your chest really that sensitive?" The white of Mists face fur became shot through with red, a whine escaping her as Trine allowed her tongue to trail upwards from a shallow slash and over a breast.

She grinned. Such playful notions were within her nature, toying with the renamon proving too difficult to resist as she squeezed softly, letting her tongue trace circles through the fur. She seemed to have forgotten about her wounds, a trace of blood across the cats nose failing to catch her eye as she lay back and groaned. "Why... Does it always end up like this?" A scent was slowly growing in intensity, that of both females as the cat rubbed against her thigh, her arousal obvious and denied as she left a trail of dampness. Her other hand snaked downwards, her fangs tweaking a nipple as a claw parted wet fur and just traced the slit. Hips bucked instinctively, a dull growl of need passing the renamons throat as the cats usual game of denial began to take form.

Trine was indeed one who liked to be in control of such things, last nights activities a rarity for her as she fell into her established role of sexually dominant. Her sandpaper like tongue teased Mists sensitive chest, her paw hovering tantalizingly close to the foxes heated sex as fingers just teased at the opening, drawing forth sounds music to her ears. She disengaged, pulling herself up the shuddering body as she came face to face, "Kiss me." She said simply. Mist looked at her quizzically for a moment before lips locked; light gasps escaping each of them as hands roamed the others bodies, the renamon going straight for the gold as she slid a thick finger into the gatomons dripping cunt. Trines body shuddered, her eyes widening and a dull crimson tinge crossing her cheeks as she was forced to submit, grinding her hips and letting loose a whine into their kiss.

The movement was sudden enough to surprise Mist, the cat pulling away from her, removing her cum soaked paw as she moved her body upwards, presenting herself to the waiting digimon, "Do... Do me first." She didn't need telling twice, her nose brushing against a revealed clit as Trine lowered herself over her friends face, a tongue passing over the wetness before softly penetrating her. A scream of pleasure tore itself free, the cat effectively riding her face as her clasping twat tried to pull the invading appendage deeper. "Fuck..." Her tail swished wildly, "You've gotten good - Ah!" A claw gently pushed against her ass, the fox licking and twisting her tongue within the moaning feline as the second penetration added a whole new pressure onto the cats sex. Her eyes closed for a second, her mind flashing back to another memory of the prior night, tied up and helpless as a far less gentle licking coaxed her to orgasm after orgasm. She could look down, watching Haze's face damp with her cum as he pulled her closer and pleasured her. This stimulus was all that she needed, her fantasy shattering as she finally came, a veritable tidal wave of fluids soaking the renamon that continued to lick and suck at her clit.

She groaned, continuing to gyrate her hips as the renamon guided her down, her finger was disengaged, arms hooking about her legs and making disengagement impossible Mist pulled her closer, seemingly unable to get enough of the gatomons taste as she dove into her twat with her vigour, drawing forth a blush and new moans of pleasure as the gatomon felt bliss anew. Her gloved hands slid up her chest, Trine cupping her small breasts, massaging one while twisting her neck to lick at the other, pleasuring herself as she was so accustomed to. Mist appeared to have learned well from their past encounters, or perhaps she already had experience? The cat mused, picturing the renamon with another of her kind, a new fantasy taking form as her minds eye placed them in the same position, larger breasts swaying as she would call out, riding an orgasm for the waiting muzzle of the more submissive female. Her overactive imagination was coaxing her to yet another climax, her moans finding a new pitch as the tongues tip flicked gently and repeatedly over a spongier section of her walls, the renamons muzzle penetrating her slightly in an effort to reach more deeply. Her second peak washed over her, a whine bordering on a scream released, though by now, she didn't give a damn who could hear. Hell, she would probably ask them to join in.

Mist released her, gasping for air as she slid a finger into herself, desperate for release of any form as her motions became feverish. Her offhand fondled a breast, the gatomon rolling off her and dropping to her lower body. Trine grinned, a little disoriented but determined to return the favour as she forcibly pulled the renamons hand away. Her mind swayed, passing back and forth on the idea of tormenting the digimon a little more. Her fur was soaked and matted, her thighs drenched as fluids dampened the sofa cushions. *This is the second time that we've fucked on a couch...* Her lips sealed about the opening, the cat engaging her heated sex in what was more of a French kiss than anything else as she revelled in the taste of the other woman. Her teeth brushed against the exposed flesh, the alternating sensations serving to further build the tension within the larger digimon, her teeth grit as she came, virtually squirting her pent up need over the gatomon.

Trine was yet to finish, a final idea taking form as she grabbed the fatigues renamons leg, looking her own against it and shuffling closer. A nymphomaniac to her very core, she burned for another release, pressing her soaking mound against the renamons as she ground gently. Slick flesh touched the same, gliding over each other as the pressure gave birth to instinct, Mist quickly adapting to this new posture as they pushed themselves into a grind. "Urgh..." The build up was slow, sweat building beneath their fur, stinging Mist as she became aware of her cuts once again, ignoring them in favour of a final release. Trine was purring softly, sliding over the soaked fur and cushion as she built up a pace, anticipation giving way to pleasure as the renamon bucked back. It was clear that she couldn't last much longer, yet she was determined to at least outlast the fox, desperately grinding. A new sensation cut through her, something moist and velvet sliding over her clit, her head snapping up in surprise as she saw Mist bent awkwardly, licking at the spot at which they were joined, tongue trailing across their combined sexes as an orgasm was forced from the cat. She moaned into the bliss, feeling the flood of the renamon not far behind, calling out as she finally fell back, spent.

"Fuck me... I wish I could bend like that..." She smiled, already thinking of something new as a sensation of heat grew once more. Mist chuckled. It was going to be a long morning.


Out of darkness absolute, a memory began to form. It was night, the sky filled with clouds of black and purple, a shower of sparks passing over the shade of a crescent moon as the fire cast smoke into the London air. "Brother...?" Dran was pinned against the tree, a hand pressed firmly against his throat as it lifted him from the ground. Flames ran along the arm, twisting about it, their lights dancing across the mans face. His eyes met those of his younger sibling, what was once an identical black now crimson, his gaze piercing. "W-..." He gasped for air, "Why?"

There was silence, his eyes closing for just a few moments as a breath of wind allowed his long brown hair to whip about his neck, "I'm sorry, Dran..." His off hand rose, something silver akin to a marble resting in his palm, casting off a dim white glow. His strike was true, slamming it into the younger's chest, hard enough for blood to be ejected from his mouth as the arms fire dwindled into nothingness. Dran slumped, barely conscious after this single strike, "You're going to forget... About me..."

He released the still figure, his brother sliding down to huddle at the tree's roots. Hiro turned away, staring at the distant orphanage, "We're the last of our race, Brother... And they will never stop hunting us." His gaze lowered, "Your memories... Your abilities... This seal is the best protection that I can give you."

He turned, giving him one final glance before turning away, "Live a happy life, free from conflict... I'll be thinking of you always, Dran - After all, we're brothers." Moments later, he vanished into darkness.

~ Heliotrope ~

As usual, it's not proof read or I'll edit it until 2020, I'm not happy with it (As usual), I just couldn't quite concentrate when writing so the f/f was a little forced... There was a lot that I wanted to add too, but I just couldnt get the wording: If I'm lucky, the next chapter will be better. Please rate, review, and comment - and thanks to everyone who has already. Your support helps me keep writing.

Dran and Mist - Chapter Eleven - A World Apart

So, it's late: In fact, it's very, very, very late. But hopefully this marks a fresh start, without anymore big breaks. Thanks to everyone for bearing with me for so long. I'm not 100% happy with this (as usual) but I'm trying to work back into doing...

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Dran and Mist - Chapter Ten - Artifact

This has been a lot later than I expected... I wrote it then was unhappy with the way it turned out, it's been idle in a folder for over a month - lost inspiration completely. Recently regained some flair and got through block to present the tenth...

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Dran and Mist - Chapter Nine - Float On

I think even 'better late than never' fails to cut it here... The size of my deleted scenes folder actually doubled with this installment, there were so many variations. In the end, I just grabbed the ones that made sense and mashed them together...

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