Poetic Night

Story by applebismuth on SoFurry

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Cause everyone needs one, every so oft.

T'was like the moon so high in the sky

a beautiful gem to behold in my eye

Night in and night out, it hangs in the sky

a soft gaze and a quiet light

Eternal like the eclipsed night

We look upon without much thought

But forever has it given us a delict spot

We view it to Cycle in and cycle out

So aptly does it's shine tell us that

So does it show us without a stare

such like life, it does so care.

I don't know a title for this.

Small twisted strands dancing from my fingers To a beat forever matched by my heart Round and round I make you spin To my words a vice and body as I watch with sick glee Together forever? only how you see it You're mine, not your's, my little toy...


Just a thought.

It's like a thought, high in the sky forever out of reach though in the corner of my eye We gaze upon it, in wonderous awe though in the back of the mind sits fear and doubt Why do we love things so far and grand but once we are close, we curse it...


Walks of Life

We all walk from far along Curious and beaten, some bruised and scared walk onwards towards different goals Towards different lights set out on our own with only hopes and dreams We all come from somewhere Terrible or grand, Good or bad We all...
