Next Encounters: Friends and Neighbors

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#2 of The Sexual Chronicles of Jacob

Disclaimer: It's not my fault, I swear! The Muse.... She torments me if I don't write what she wants! If she wants cubs, she gets cubs, I'm just the messenger!

Note: Was going to only post these to a certain cub-focused website, but figured Yiffstar's gotten everything else I've written, so why hesitate now? Contains graphic description of sexual contact between a human boy and a young furry male. You've been warned. If it's not your thing, don't read it. Likewise, individuals considered unfit to access adult material by the powers that be are advised to go away.

Feed back welcome. :)

Next Encounters: Friends and Neighbors

It was that eagerness that would, eventually, get me in trouble.

"Hey, Jake, you wanna blow me or what?"

"Huh?" I asked, stupidly, pulling my gaze up from the front of my best friend's swim trunks. In my eagerness to find my next cock to try, I had been checking out every male I knew for the past three days. While I wasn't exactly obvious all the time, and you can stare at adults for hours when you're a kid, and nobody would notice, I still had a lot to learn about being discrete.

"You keep staring at me, man. My bro told me a guy who stared at my crotch too much might be queer, and I should ask him if he wants to 'blow me'."

And I had been staring at Fynn a lot, because we hung around a lot. That day, we were dressed down for the heat, and had been playing in the sprinklers, which made Fynn's white soccer shorts cling to him. I could see the darker colour of the young hyena's pubic fur through the white fabric quite obviously, once we had stopped to sit in the sun and dry off. He had leaned back against the porch railing, one leg bent up and the other bent slightly out in front of him, pulling at the grass with his furry toes. I had lain on my belly on the grass, just over from him, stretched out, with my head, by unconscious will or accidental fortune, directly across from his crotch, so I could idly stare with out straining my neck.

"Blow you?" I asked, looking up at him and thinking I had learned a new term for what I had done to Jason, but not sure. Or maybe I was just clever enough to play dumb, even if I couldn't be discrete.

"Yeah, my brother says some guys will let another guy stick his thing in their mouth. Says it's called a 'blow job', and it feels real good."

I had met Fynn's brother, of course, and thought he was much less of a jerk than my brother was, but I had no idea he'd be a source of such titillating advice about sexual stuff for Fynn. "Did he say what you were supposed to do if someone said yes?" I asked, glancing down at his crotch again, before catching myself and pulling my gaze back to his face.

"Said yes, what?" Asked Fynn, cocking his head cutely in that way only family pets and gorgeous anthros can do.

"Said 'yes', when you asked them if they can blow you." I replied, my stomach starting to fill with butterflies. I figured that sucking Fynn off would be even better than sucking Jason off, since I liked him more, and he was around all the time. I wondered if I'd eventually get bored doing it, after awhile.

"Nope!" My Hyena friend replied, suddenly grinning mischievously, "He never told me, but I suppose even I could figure out that I should let them!"

"Oh." I said, uncertain all of a sudden, and wanting to ask, but not sure how after missing the opportunity of the original question.

Then: "Why?" Fynn giggled in the way common to his heritage, and asked again, "Did you want to blow me, Jake?"

He had still been giggling his barking hyena-laugh and I had plenty of time to just join him in his joke, and everything would have been just fine had it worked that way, as well. But then he noticed I wasn't laughing, but instead had dropped my gaze to his crotch again.

He stopped laughing abruptly, looking at me look at him. "Jake?"

"Uhhh...." I blinked twice, and then met his eyes again, "Can I?" I asked, hoping he would, at worst just laugh, but somehow knowing that such a question could be contrary to my personal well-being in some cases as well. Instincts aren't bred out of my species, just covered over by neglect and reasoning usually. I was blushing terribly, and terribly nervous.

Unlike with Jason, neither of us was much the elder, and neither of us had the social aplomb to know how to handle the situation. There was a definite moment of silence, a pregnant pause as they put it, and then Fynn's wide muzzle broke into a grin again, and he giggled much less certainly this time. He reached down and flashed himself at me, exposing his genitals by pulling the elastic waistband of his shorts open and down for a moment, before letting them snap into place, "What's that, Jake? You want to put this-" He flashed me again, "-in your mouth?" He giggled more authentically this time, and I felt like crawling into a hole. I hid my face, suddenly afraid (or ashamed?) to see his cock flashed at me again.

"C'mon, Jake, you've been staring at it for days, why not get a better view now, eh?" He teased.

"Shit up!" It was muffled by the grass, and didn't convey the true depth of the sentiment.

"Awww, man, seriously, you can't blow me if you won't look at it uncovered, can you? I'll stop flashing it, here, look.."

I looked up, and his exposed privates were right in front of my eyes, inches from my face, his swim trunks tucked up under his balls. His equipment was shaped much more human-like than Jason's, and actually resembled my own at the time, but for colour and fur. His skin was a dark charcoal gray where it wasn't covered in the rich, dark fur the colour of chocolate that covered most of his crotch to various lengths, and came just slightly up his cock. His foreskin was somewhat short (or his cock was slightly tumescent) and I could see the dark burgundy tip of his glans poke from beneath it.

I'm not sure how long we sat with me staring at his package, before he spoke, "So, were you serious then? You want to put it in your mouth?"

I nodded.

"Well, go ahead then." I looked up at him, and saw he was smiling his familiar friendly smile again, not teasing or mocking, but happy and interested. Then I looked around, seeming to just then realize we were on my front lawn, in broad daylight, with very little to shield us from passer-bys and neighborhood snoops. I think, in the quick glance around, I did see Mr. Edwards' curtains fall back into place, but at the time, I had thought we were lucky to be essentially alone on the hot afternoon sun. And I knew we couldn't push our luck.

"Let's go inside," I said, which seemed to remind Fynn where we were as well. He glanced around nervously too, and tucked himself away, and then we both went inside.

My mom asked us if we were done already, and then sent me outside again to turn off the water. When I came back, she asked me when we wanted to eat. I just told her "later!", and my Hyena friend and I hurried up to my room, and closed the door behind us. When I turned my attention back to Fynn, I found the young anthro somewhat tense-looking and sitting at the edge of my bed.

"What's wrong, Fynn?" I asked.

"I dunno... Jake, are you sure we should do this?"

"Ummm... Sure. Unless you don't want to, I guess."

"I don't know." He looked up at me standing by the door, "Why do you want to do it, Jake?"

"Well... You're brother said it would feel real good, and I want to make you feel good, I guess. We're friends, right?"

"Friends don't do this kinda thing, I don't think, Jake... Do they?"

"I dunno... Maybe. But I want to, and if you don't like it, I'll stop." Fat chance of that happening, I thought, if Jason was any example. He seemed to think about it, for a few, then agreed. "Stand up then, and get undressed." I said.

He stood up, but hesitated, "What if your mom comes up?"

"She won't," I promised, wondering how they guy that was flashing his hyena-bits at me on the lawn could suddenly be so shy. "When was the last time she ever interrupted us playing video games?"

That convinced him, and he took off his shirt, as I watched. Being an anthro made him much leaner by that age than I was, and his body already had a sleek toned look underneath his golden-bronze fur. He saw me eyeing his form, and seemed to sense I was seeing him differently than I had a week ago. He hesitated a moment, watching me watch him, before he slid his trunks down and stepped free.

"Why do you look at me like that?" He asked.

"I dunno." I said. Because you're hot, is what my feelings were saying, and we'd both come to understand that in the years to come. "Sit down on the bed."

He sat, and I knelt in front of him, and my face was once more inches from his genitals. He was still flaccid, but my anticipation had made my own young cock rigid and straining in my shorts again. I leaned over and inhaled whatever scent my human nose could detect, and found only a faint musky scent, that still managed to add to my arousal. I must have waited too long, because just as I had reached out to stroke my Hyena friend's cock for the first time, he started to say, "Um, Jake, I -"

He stopped as soon as my hands had touched him, and while I had intended on 'playing' with him until he was hard, I decided to go right at him with my mouth, in an attempt to avert any more potential protests. I was thrilled by the fact I could fit his entire soft member into my mouth, and began suckling it gently as I started to move my lips and tongue against the still-pliant flesh of his shaft. I marveled at the way Fynn's cock seemed to gain life, as it grew in my mouth, his foreskin sliding back as his glans pushed its way forward, his shaft stiffened to a rigid tautness. I heard him moan as I ended up mostly working just the end of his cock in my mouth, my tongue exploring around the sensitive cockhead. Then I decided to see how much of his completely erect length I could get back into my mouth, and was happy to find I could actually get his whole length in my mouth still, if I did it right - The bulbous tip of his slick length just slightly nudging the back of my throat, when my lips were tight around the very base of his cock, my nose pressed into his pubic fur and his fuzzy balls brushing against my chin.

Fynn, of course, was experiencing his first blowjob with rapt attention by this point, his fascinated gaze watching every moment of his rampant hyena-cock sliding between my human lips. I think he only missed the moments when his eyes would close in pleasure, and he'd moan and grunt as my tongue stumbled over a particularly sensitive spot, and when I stopped for a moment mid-way through such a moment, his eyes snapped open to look at me with wonder. "Why'd you stop?" He asked, sounding almost annoyed.

I wiped the drool from my lips with the back of my hand, and asked, "So was your brother right?"

"Hell, yeah! This feels awesome! Suck it some more!" I think that was the first moment I realized that someone demanding I service their cock was a turn on. I happily returned my mouth to his cock, and a few seconds later Fynn had added yet another new thrill to my budding list of turn ons - He started to thrust up into my mouth as I sucked him. While not exactly face-fucking me, the initial experience of having my friend hump himself at my mouth to increase his pleasure definitely struck a cord with me even early on.

After he started humping, it wasn't very long before I brought him to a moaning, grunting and growling climax with my mouth, his member twitching and pumping in my mouth as he squirmed and twitched. Like me, of course, at that young age, he was shooting blanks too, so there was no sticky pay-out like there was with Jason, which I found slightly disappointing.

Fynn didn't seem to notice, being too excited about the pleasure I had brought him, "That kicked ass, Jake! But, uhhh... Does this mean you're queer?" He asked, now looking all serious.

"I don't know. Maybe, I guess..." I answered, "I liked doing it, though."

He nodded, "Yeah, well I liked you doing it, so I'm glad we tried it, even if you're not queer."

I just blushed, and suddenly felt awkward, "Well, at least we didn't try it late at night, you're kinda loud when you finish."

The Hyena just grinned, "Sorry, I'll try to be quieter next time, okay?"

I never answered, distracted with the thought, Next time? I was happy that he wanted a next time, and had some inkling that my life was going to be somewhat more interesting after that point, or at least more sexual. Of course, I was right, but I had no idea how far it would go.


It turned out 'next time' came sooner than I expected - We told my mom that we were ready to eat, and had no sooner scarfed down some sandwiches and a glass of milk each before we were back up in my room to 'play video games', which apparently meant giving Fynn head while he tried to play video games without getting too distracted. His in-game death-rate was huge, but for once he wasn't complaining. I wasn't either, since distraction meant his climax took longer, letting me try wanking myself as I bobbed my head in his lap. I got myself off moments after getting him off, with his cock still in my mouth, and it was the most intense orgasm of my young life to up that point.

He spent the night that night, and I sucked him again before we actually went to sleep (he muffled himself with a pillow, to keep the noise of his pleasure from reaching my sleeping parents, or worse, my brother in the next room), and once more the next morning. I certainly wasn't getting bored of it - to the contrary, I found just slipping my furry friend's cock between my lips gave me an instant erection - But that afternoon he was leaving for the weekend to go visit some family.

Though I found out later, that he'd had himself some sexual fun on that trip, at home without my best friend (and his cock), I was left to my own devices for entertainment. I was never the most popular kid, but even if I was more popular, most the kids in town had already been sent to summer school or summer camp (the latter of which Fynn and I would be heading to soon as well). I passed the time drawing and reading, but by the time Sunday rolled around and I finished sitting through Church daydreaming about sucking the cocks of various older (though who isn't older, at that age?) anthromorphs in the congregation, I was almost feeling desperate enough to actually approach one of them, given the chance. They may even have accepted to offer, had it been made, since I got the opportunity to go down on a few of them at a later date. At the time though, there seemed no easy way to get my fix, and I was resigned to wait until tomorrow when Fynn would return.

I met him at his house upon his return, and was eager to get him back to my house where we could have some privacy - Some anthros still seemed to have the 'litter' idea in mind for family planning, and Fynn had 5 siblings already at that point, all of them older than him. He roomed with his older brother, while the eldest had a room of his own, which is one of the reasons we were always at my house. His mother always seemed happy to get rid of him to my house too, but this time, wouldn't let him come over until the van was unloaded and unpacked. I lent a hand, and as I helped haul stuff into the house, I noticed his older brother kept staring at me. As Fynn passed his Eldest brother on the way out, his brother deliberately banged into him, and muttered something that I couldn't here. Fynn just turned back, and shrugged with a grin. When we left, I noticed his elder brother was giving us a strange look as we walked away.

"What was that all about?" I asked.

"Jealousy, I guess." Fynn snickered.

"Huh?" I asked, not getting it.

"Nevermind, I'll tell you later. Race to your house!" Fynn took off and I chased.

As we came around the corner towards my house, slowing down and out-of-breathe, we noticed Mr. Edwards, the old donkey across the road, was standing on his lawn, looking at us intently. He called out as we got closer, "G'afternoon, boys!"

"Hi Mr. Edwards!" we called back, slowing further and coming to a stop in front of my house.

"I win!" I said.

"Maybe," Said Fynn, giving my a sly grin, "But you still suck!"

We both giggled, and were turning to head up the lawn and inside when Mr. Edwards called again, "You boys got a minute?"

Fynn and I exchanged glances, then turned to look at the old equine (he was maybe 45 or 50, but that's ancient to a boy). He waved us over, and we went.

"Okay, what would you like?" I asked, wondering what we'd did to attract the attention, since Edwards had never said more than Hi ever before, to me, though he sometimes talked to my dad.

"You boys want to make some money?"

"How much?" Fynn asked.

"For what?" I asked, almost at the same time.

"Twenty dollars each, for mowing and raking my lawn... I hurt my back yesterday, and don't think I can do it, though it needs doing. What do you say?" We glanced at each other again, and thought about it. $20 wasn't a lot, really, but seemed a good deal to a couple of kids, especially to me, who didn't get an allowance, or have a paper route like Fynn.

"I'll do it," I said, and Fynn took my agreement as his as well, nodding to the guy.

"Great! I'll have some chips and pop ready for when your finished, too."

Fynn followed Edwards around the house to get the mower and Edwards' rake, while I ran across the road to tell my mom where we'd be, and get our rake too. We took turns mowing, and then both raked, goofing around and throwing grass at each other as we did it. When we were done, we knocked on the door to tell Mr. Edwards, and get our money. We already had plans for pizza and game rentals for later.

"C'mon in, boys, I'll go get my wallet." We waited in the dimly-lit hall, and waited for the old anthro to show. We could see flickering light from a TV down the hall, and could barely hear some strange noises from whatever he was watching - cries and grunts, and bad music. When the old donkey returned, we was wearing just a bathrobe, loosely tied, which we thought strange but didn't comment on, since he was holding his wallet. "Here we are, boys." It took but a moment from him the extract two twenties from the stack of bills in it, and he offered them to us, one in each hand. We took them, and were turning to go when he said, "Now how would you like to earn fifty more?"

We looked at him, then at each other, not feeling at all comfortable with a near-naked older male offering us more money for something unknown. "For what?" I asked, nervously.

Mr. Edwards smiled a winning smile, "Oh, don't look so worried boys, nothing bad..." His emphasis on the word convinced me it wouldn't be anything entirely good, either. "... Just something you'd be doing, anyway." He continued. "Or have been doing, at least."

"What?" I asked, sounding more curt than I had intended.

"I've seen you boys, I've been watching you..." I felt a moment of fear climb up my spine, "Watching what you boys do. Or what you..." He looked pointedly at me, and I gulped, "... Like doing to your friend here." He looked now at Fynn, who seemed fairly unfazed by the whole deal.

We waited, not bothering to deny or confirm anything, just waiting for him to get to the point. I was already thinking the wrong thoughts, wondering what was under the robe, wondering what Fynn's role in all this would be. Wondering whether Edwards was just planning to tell on us if we didn't agree, wondering how my parents would react...

"I like watching," Said Mr. Edwards, finally." I just want a better view." I looked up at him, startled by that (I was staring at his crotch, before, naturally). "I want to watch you guys, and I'll give you fifty bucks each for the privilege." He chuckled.

He was going to pay me, to suck Fynn? And pay Fynn to get sucked. Just so he could watch. "Really?" I asked.

"Really." He replied, "You boys ever watch porn?" He turned and started walking down the hall, tail swaying lazily, then noticed we hadn't followed, "C'mon, boys, there's chips and pop as promised, at the very least."

Fynn and I looked at each other again. "Well?" my look said. A moment later, he nodded, and we went to join the old Ass in the living room.

There was a couch and a recliner situated facing the TV in Edwards' living room, and a coffee table in the middle, but pulled closer the the couch that afternoon. Edwards sat in the recliner, and adjusted his rather short bath robe for decency, and we sat on the couch. On the coffee table, there were chips and two cans of coke , and under each can was a crisp, clean fifty dollar bill. On the TV, there was a large-breasted brunette squeezing her ample bosom around what at first I didn't recognize, but was soon revealed to be the cock of a rather brawny (if not very good looking) zebra anthro. That particular male seemed to be enjoying the sensation of sliding his length between the slick cleavage of his human lover. The woman was also panting and grunting in passion, though I didn't see why.

Then the shot changed to a wider view in which a rather largely endowed (for a feline) Lion was holding her legs in the air as he roughly banged his cock into the woman's sex. With every thrust, he would grunt, she would gasp, "Oh!" and the Zebra thrusting between her tits would follow a moment later with a rather nasal neighing-grunt of his own. Then the shot changed again, to a more over head view, with the Zebra's hunching back visible for only a moment as the camera zoomed in on the Cat's pumping cock gripped tightly in the folds of the woman's cunt. And as the camera lingered there, I lost interest - Not enough cock to see for me.

"Have a drink, Jake, " Said Mr. Edwards quietly, "It looks like your friend is still enjoying the film."

I blinked, and looked over at the Donkey, who was apparently watching our reactions to the film, and then at Fynn, who, as Edwards said, still seemed interested in the action on the screen. Really interested, if the bulge in his trunks were any indication. Whereas the cock-between-the-breasts had managed to make my arousal stir slightly, and my young cock to plump slightly in response, the whole deal seemed much to Fynn's taste, since his cock was clearly straining against the fabric of his soccer shorts, and tenting his jockeys beneath.

"Go ahead, have a drink, and then give your friend a hand..." The old equine's voice seemed like silk, softly and smoothly prompting action, seeming almost like he was trying to put me in a trance. I opened my coke, and took a long drink, then moved closer to reach between Fynn's legs. I squeezed his cock through the fabric, and got and appreciative "Mmm..." in response. I began to stroke and massage his stiffness slowly, as Edwards whispered more unneeded encouragement.

"Oh, yeah, you horny little bitch, get his cock out..." I paused, unsure about him calling me things like that, but then continued stroking Fynn for a moment, before reaching up to undo the draw string of his shorts. I got it undone, and tagged at his waistband, which seemed to draw his attention away from the screen for a second. The young Hyena looked at me, then over at Edwards, giving the equine a strange look, before returning his gaze to the screen while he leaned back in the couch to lift his ass and help me pull his shorts and underwear down his legs. His young, rampant cock sprang into sight and into my hands.

I started stroking Fynn's foreskin up and down his length, pulling it up over his cock head and squeezing gently, as I adjusted myself to bring my head closer to his crotch. I heard Mr. Edwards moving behind me, and muttering, but was too concerned with having my friend's cock back in my hands to worry about it, until he said, "Why don't you get on the floor, between his legs? I could see better."

I looked up to see the old equine standing by the couch, trying to peer around me to see what I was doing to Fynn. The front of the old anthro's robe hung open, and his briefs bulged obscenely under his rubbing hand. I had the sudden urge to see what the Donkey's cock looked like, let free from the confines of his underwear, and felt somewhat guilty at the thought. I got on the floor with a shrug, and slipped between Fynn's legs, and found myself once again in the same position I had first been in when I first sucked the Hyena - His genitals inches from my face, as I knelt between his knees. The difference this time was the audience and the audio-addition of 'oh-oh, ah-ah' from the porn video. And the fact that Fynn was busy watching the screen, rather than intently watching me go down on him.

My Hyena friend did give me an encouraging, somewhat lecherous grin, though, as my lips first wrapped around his cock again, before his eyes returned to the action on screen. I was in heaven as I took him completely into my mouth, my nose nuzzling into his pubes, smelling his scent. I barely noticed the equine sit close by on the couch, stooped over to watch as closely as he could as my mouth slid along my best friend's shaft. He watched silently for the first few minutes as I worked Fynn's length in and out of my mouth, with Fynn's appreciative moans and gasps blending surprisingly well with the sounds from the TV. Then the old Ass started talking again, in that low, smooth voice, "Yeah, you're a great little cocksucker aren't you boy? You love that dick in your mouth..." Almost as if it was him I was sucking, which, I guess, was probably the case in his own mind. It was my first experience with anyone being so verbal during a sex act, and later I discovered it actually enhanced the experience with some people. At the time though, when I noticed it, I found it more annoying than arousing, and spent most of the time tuning him out.

Until he started giving me ideas. "You ever lick his balls?" Mr. Edwards asked. Fynn's cock slipped from my mouth, and we both looked at him. I shook my head. "Try it, " He said, "Some males love it."

So I tried it. Suddenly all Fynn's attention was on me, again, as I first gave his sac a few tentative licks, then progressed to a more serious lapping of some Hyena-balls. The Hyena in question definitely liked it, and I found the experience of giving another part of my friend's intimate anatomy some oral attention almost as arousing as giving head. I even provoked an actual growl of pleasure from Fynn when, under the equine pervert's instruction, I sucked first one fuzzy nut into my mouth, and then the other, holding each in my mouth as I gently tongued the pliant, velvety skin of his scrotum.

I lost complete track of time in the experience, but for however long it was, I spent the time getting an education from the old closeted Donkey in the more diverse methods of pleasuring a male orally, and Fynn was happy to be the subject for me to experiment on that afternoon. I was glad it was Fynn I was bringing so much pleasure to, as well, and had only the barest hesitation to try anything with him that the old anthro suggested.

"Lick him there... Suck on it... Nibble right there..."

For Fynn's part, he seemed to take the opportunity to groan, moan, growl and whimper as loudly as as much as seemed appropriate to him, knowing there was nobody to hear or interrupt his pleasure. He was very uncertain when Edwards suggested he lift his legs so I could tongue his ass, as was I, but I knew he had showered earlier, and was pleasantly surprised by the lack of offensive odor or taste once I had worked my way between his hairy buttocks, even when my tongue was probing and pushing at his anus (later I would learn that Fynn and his family were exceptionally clean, by most standards, but especially compared to other Hyenas, some of which took pride in their species' mostly-unfair reputation for filth). By the way Fynn put to shame the porn-stars audible expressions of pleasure, I guessed he found riming an enjoyable experience as well.

When I pulled my tongue from his ass, and he all but shoved his cock in my face, I figured Mr. Edwards' show was about to end. I took his cock to the base, his still moist balls rubbing against my chin as I began to earnestly suck his cock. He was grunting and groaning, and rubbing my head and my face as I went down on him. I was bobbing and lapping at his rampant flesh as he urgently pumped to meet my every movement, until finally he achieved orgasm once more with his cock between my lips, letting out a series of incredibly loud grunts and growls with each dry-pulse of his cock in my mouth.

Then when we could hear again, both panting, Fynn going only slightly limp, my cock still painfully hard and confined, but unnoticed in my jeans, we heard Edwards' own braying grunts of climax, and turned to see the last of his copious load splatter over his hands and against his belly.

Looking directly at Fynn, he said, "You're a lucky male, sonny, you could fuck that kid's face outright and he's take it and happily thank you when you were done."

We said nothing, though I blushed, knowing it was true. I think I'd have let Fynn do whatever he wanted with me, even at that point in my life. At that moment, however, we were both feeling somewhat uncomfortable I think, and after catching our breathes, and dodging the equine's questions - "Will you be back?" "Do you think you'd let Fynn fuck you in the bum?" - We got our money and got out.

We did go back though, when we wanted money, or needed a place to get off without fear of anyone overhearing Fynn's grunting climaxes. The old Donkey Anthro seemed happy to pay up, to watch whatever it is we wanted to do.

And latter that same night, Fynn did fuck my face; pumping his cock forcefully into my mouth and throat as he stretched over me, face down, his muzzle buried into a pillow to muffle his grunts.