Love and Lycanthropy - Chapter 4

Story by JakeXtraTall on SoFurry

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I wanted to wait up for Elias after our first meeting as man and wolf.  I was

so looking forward to watching the videos with him and giving him his

first real view of himself in that form.  I was emotionally and

physically exhausted though, and I knew he'd be too tired when he got

home to look at them anyhow, so I went to bed.  I was out like a

light the moment my head hit the pillow.As had happened when he

first came back to me weeks ago, I was sleeping so deeply that I didn't

even wake when Elias came home and slipped into bed with me.I

woke later on to the sound of him snoring deeply.  The room was still dark

as all the blinds were kept tightly closed all the time now, and the heavy curtains were drawn shut.  I looked at

the clock and saw it was getting close to 9 AM already.  I

carefully got out of bed so as not to wake him.  He would have

been sleeping only a few hours after having been a wolf for almost the whole night and he still needed a lot more rest.I

had a simple breakfast of cold cereal with milk and some toast and I

made myself a big cup of coffee with a couple of shots of espresso

using the Jura machine I'd bought a week ago.  I bought it so that

Elias could make himself a cup of really strong coffee late in the

evening with just the press of a button, to help ensure he doesn't get

sleepy and doze off before the change happens.  He'd never really

drank coffee before but he fell in love with the taste and aroma on his

first cup.  The machine grinds the beans from a big hopper it has

built in, draws the water from an internal tank, and makes your coffee

to order on demand in just seconds.I sipped my coffee while I

surfed the Internet to read the news, then

I puttered around the house for a while doing laundry and generally

cleaning up.  I went outside and mowed the lawn.  I went back in and showered, then I got started getting a

breakfast ready for Elias.  It was late afternoon and he would be

getting up soon.  He always tried to get at least eight hours

sleep so he'd be less likely to drift off just before he needed to

leave the house to go change into a wolf in the woods.  He usually

ended up getting closer to nine hours of sleep.  I can't stay in

bed for long once I wake up in the morning but he seems to have no

problem just rolling over and going back to sleep.Construction

would begin on the panic room the day after tomorrow.  I knew it

would mess up his schedule if they did it during the day so I'd asked

the contractor if they would mind doing the work in the evening.

 They had absolutely no problem with that.  I would have had

to wait longer for construction to begin otherwise as they had other

jobs lined up ahead of me, but those jobs would be done during the day

so they could come and work my job in the evening and they appreciated the extra income.  This way there

wouldn't be any racket in the house until after Elias had got his full


we'd crossed over to the part of the lunar cycle where Elias would be

sleeping later into the afternoon, I had tried to time it so I would

get supper ready by the

time he woke up so we could simply have a much earlier meal and then he

could snack later before going out, but that didn't really work for

him.  To Elias it

felt like breakfast time and he was thinking about eggs, bacon,

waffles, or cereal, not roast beef or steaks or pasta or mashed

potatoes and gravy.  I switched

to making him a small breakfast, then making supper for us much later

when he'd be hungry again.  He'd remarked once how much he loved

to wake up to the smell of bacon frying so I was happy to oblige him.

 I love cooking for him but he would have to figure out how to do

it for himself before long.  I was going to have to go back to

work eventually and that would mean for the last half of the cycle

I'd be leaving for work shortly after he got home and went to

bed, and not getting back home until hours after he'd got up.  He

wasn't worried about that and said that he'd just have cereal or


contacted the IT consulting firm I work for a few days ago to let them

know I'd be taking another two weeks.  They were OK with it so

long as I didn't request any more.  There were a couple of big new

client contracts being hammered out and they wanted me to take the lead

on the projects once the contracts were signed.  That should work

fine for me.  The extra two weeks would mean we would have a fully functional panic room, gone

through a full lunar cycle, and worked out as many kinks as possible

before my days would be occupied by work again.As expected, the smell

of the bacon I was frying along with the eggs coaxed Elias out of bed

and he came into the kitchen wearing a big grin.  "Good morning, sexy!"

he said, "Thanks for last night.  It was incredible!"He

slipped into my arms as I turned to greet him and we hugged tightly for

a few moments, then I kissed him and patted his butt as he went to get

the orange juice out of the fridge."I think I got the best part

of the deal last night," I said, as I plated his breakfast and added the

buttered toast I'd prepared and brought it over to the table.He grinned as he sat down at the table and started to eat."You're

so incredibly beautiful in that shape, Elias.  I wasn't ready for

just how amazing you would look.  I'm so glad you decided to

proposition me.  I hadn't given any thought to that possibility

before but it turned out to be the best experience I've ever had by a long

stretch."He blushed a bit but grinned more as he said, "I

didn't really think about it before either, but when I'm in that shape

I feel so incredibly alive I couldn't resist.  I'm so turned on by

you in my normal shape but I'm the one who wasn't ready for how much

I'd be attracted to you when I was the wolf.  As soon as you

told me how beautiful I was and you started to touch me I started

feeling randier than I've ever been.  I suddenly wanted you so

bad.  I had to try fucking you.  I couldn't resist.""Well,

like I said, I'm really glad you did.  I think if I'd thought

about it too much beforehand I might have laid down the rules that we

wouldn't try that.  In my head it would have seemed like

bestiality.  For the first few moments last night when I was about

to get started it really seemed sort of wrong to me even though

I wanted to try it.  I just had to look in your eyes and see

that it

was really you and then I realized I wasn't going to be having sex with

an animal; I was going to have sex with the love of my life.  It

was you, not a wolf."He smiled and nodded, "Yeah.  It's

me, but it's a wolf too.  I think the same way when I'm that shape

as I do when I'm this shape,

and I remember everything I am and everything I've done as a boy when

I'm the wolf, just like I remember everything I've ever done as the

wolf right now.  I'm pretty much the same guy when I'm that shape.

 I like and hate the same things, and have all the same feelings,

but everything seems amplified by the wolf.  Everything smells way

stronger, and tastes way better.  Sounds are louder and darkness

seems brighter.  Even feelings in general, like the way I love

you, feel stronger.  I feel way more alive.  The wolf's

feelings are mine, and mine are his.  We aren't really like two

separate beings inside the same body though; it's more like he's an animal

side of me that runs on instincts.  It's just easier for me to

think of him as a separate mind, but really we're both the same person.

 Whenever I want to do something the wolf isn't familiar with,

like when I scratched out that message in the dirt or when I wink or

nod, stuff that wolves just don't do, he lets me take over and do it.

 Whenever I do certain things that

I had no experience with as a boy, like taking down a deer or tracking

a scent, it's like the wolf shoulders me aside a bit and takes over.

 As soon as I got into position to mount you it's like the wolf

decided it was his turn to run things and I was along for the ride and feeling everything right along with him.

 He showed me how to fuck you properly, yet it still felt like I

was the one taking you.  The orgasm I had was mind blowing.  I

can't even describe it to you.  That was the first time I've ever

fucked in that shape.  It was incredible, Jake.  I want to do

it some more."I nodded and smiled back at him, "Oh yes, we're going to be doing that a lot more."He grinned and said, "Good.  I'm getting turned on just thinking about it.  I can't wait to watch the videos.""Everything's

set up downstairs on the big screen.  I put the 3D glasses on the

charger and they're ready to go.  Once you're done eating we'll go

have a look."He smiled and nodded and then turned back to

eating his breakfast while I made us some coffee.  As soon as he

was done eating we took our cups and went down to the basement and

settled in on the sofa in front of the plasma TV.  We put on our

3D glasses and I hit the button to play the video and in no time Elias

was watching himself step out into the clearing and walk up to me."Fuck,

I'm so big!" he exclaimed as his wolf form came right up to me and put

his head on my shoulder while I dropped to my knees, and he could see his

size in relation to me."Yup, you're huge, and so fucking beautiful.  I still can't believe it."He

leaned against me and I put my arm around him as we watched the meeting

play out.  It got to the part where he'd first laid down on his

side and I was scratching his chest and belly."Right then I

looked over at your big balls and saw your cock peeking out and I

suddenly got the urge to be fucked by you," I said.He chuckled

and said, "The same thing was already going through my mind as soon as

you put your hands on me.  I was hoping you'd go to town between

my legs right then and there but you backed off.""Yeah,

it didn't seem right to go there without talking to you about it first

and I wasn't used to the idea yet that even when you're in that shape I could just talk to you and you

would understand every word."We continued to watch as the wolf

got up and ran around, then came back to be measured and weighed.

 Elias gasped as he saw his wolf-self put his front paws on my

shoulder and stand up along with me and towered over me in height."How the hell can I weigh 238 as a wolf when I'm nowhere near that as a boy?" Elias asked."I have no idea.  It goes against the laws of nature, but so does turning into a wolf in the first place."The

wolf then started posing for the camera and was ordered to sit still

for a minute.  Elias laughed as he watched me calling him a "good

doggy" and then the wolf gave me the "fuck off" gesture."I

was trying so hard to show you my middle finger," he chuckled, "I

didn't know a wolf can't turn his wrist around that way and can't

control the toes separately either.  I couldn't even do the under

the chin move right, because I couldn't turn my paw to show you the

back of it.""I got the message anyhow," I laughed.We

watched the rest of it play out until it got to the part where

Elias-wolf had propositioned me for sex and I'd agreed, then the video

stopped.  I used the remote to switch to the second video file and I

hit the play button.Elias moved in closer to me and as I

watched myself beginning foreplay with the massive, beautiful wolf, I

started to become really aroused.  I heard Elias begin to breath

more heavily too and his hand came over and began to rub at my growing

erection through my sweats.  I moved my hand to his crotch to do

the same for him and found that he was already fully erect.  He

was turned on and rock hard at the scene we were watching.As

things heated up on the screen I could hear Elias almost panting next

to me in sync with the wolf in the video.  His breathing would stop briefly and then start more

quickly and shallowly as he watched, and he moaned and started working

my cock harder as he saw the massive wolf mount me on the TV.  The

shot was perfectly framed from the side and we could clearly see a couple of inches

of thick, red, hard meat slipping out of the sheath and poking at my

backside as the big wolf wrapped his powerful front legs around me and

pulled me into him.  Elias groaned long and loud as we clearly saw


beautiful tool find the target and the wolf pushed into me hard and

penetrated me.  The wolf began to lay into me as he curved his

back more and

began to fuck me hard on the screen and Elias's hand came off my crotch

and slipped down the front, inside my underwear, to grab my now

throbbing cock and I moaned as he began to work it harder.  I did the

same with my hand, but before long Elias stopped and pulled my hand out

and said, "I want you to fuck me.  I want to feel your big cock

inside me while I watch me fuck you on the screen.  I want to sort

of relive it, but feel it more the way it must have felt for you."He

pushed the coffee table away from the sofa, pulled his t-shirt off, and got down on his knees

and pulled his sweats and underwear down and then leaned over the table

and waited as he watched the wolf pounding away at me on TV.  I grabbed

the remote and rewound the video back to where the foreplay was

starting to get heavy.  I got down on my knees behind him, whipped my t-shirt off, and

pulled down my sweats and underwear and quickly spat on my fingers to

wet my cock a bit and then spat some more to spread some on his tight, warm anus.

 I watched the video as I worked some more saliva into his hole

with a finger and he moaned.I

got ready and placed the tip of my stiff cock right near his hole and

began to poke at him all around it like the wolf was doing to me on the

screen, then just as the massive

wolf's red tool found the target and he plunged himself into me on

screen, I thrust hard into Elias and my cock spread his

anus wide."Oh fuck, yeah!" he shouted as I forcefully pushed

more of my tool into his rectum just as the big wolf on screen was

doing the same to me.I

wrapped my arms around Elias and pulled him up against me so he could

feel my body hair against his back like I was a furry wolf, then I

started to buck at him in short jabs,

trying to match my rhythm to the quick thrusts of the huge, magnificent

wolf on the screen, and Elias moaned and groaned and reached up under

himself and began to work his own cock hard."Jesus, that feels so good.  Fuck me hard," he moaned as I began to take longer, deeper, faster strokes.Elias's young, fit body is so amazingly tight I could never get enough of fucking him  He

was so into this that it was driving my lust for him to new heights and

it was no time at all before I could feel the familiar tickle of

electricity building between my legs.  My breathing became more

ragged and my head began to spin as my balls started to tighten up and

the orgasm rapidly boiled up and exploded from my loins, pounding me

with wave after wave of ecstasy.  The thick load of cum rushed up

my shaft and the head of my cock expanded and I grunted loudly as I

thrust myself deeply into Elias and shot into his snug, hot tunnel.Just

as the

powerful orgasm crashed into me, Elias shouted out, "Aww, fuck!"

and I felt his anus clamp down hard on my pulsing dick as his

orgasm hit him and he shot

his thick wad out onto the carpet.  The sensation of his tight

ring of

muscle clamping down hard on my cock and then beginning to pulse out

the waves of his orgasm sent me reeling again, and I moaned and groaned

as my orgasm reached an even higher level and my body spasmed and shot

spurt after spurt until my balls completely emptied themselves


him.I could feel the pulsing of Elias's anus slowing while

my own orgasm began to wind down and I slowed my humping to a stop and

pushed fully into him.  He was still watching the video and the

big wolf on the screen had just shot into Jake and was now fully tied

to him.Elias reached back and grabbed my ass and pulled me into him harder and huskily said, "Stay in me."I

held my position and didn't move while my pelvic muscle pulsed a few

final times and settled down.  I continued to hold him tight

against my furry body, pretending to be tied to him, while the last of

my cum

leaked out into him.  We stayed that way for quite a while, even

after my cock went completely soft.  We waited for the

massive wolf on screen to finally pull out and then I pulled out

of Elias, pulled my sweats and underwear back up, and sat back on the

couch.  I took off the 3D glasses and put them on the table.

 He took off his glasses, pulled up his clothes, got up and turned

with a huge grin on his face and tears welling in his eyes.  He

pushed me over so I was lying on the couch and he moved to lay

down on top of me."Fuck, I love you so much!  I can't believe how lucky I am," he said as he moved in for a kiss.I kissed him back and held him tightly and said, "I'm just as lucky as you are.  I love you too, Elias.""No,

you're not as lucky as me, not even close," he said, almost sounding

frustrated, "I need you to understand just how I feel about you and how

much you mean to me.  I was living outside before.  Not

just outdoors but outside of society, outside of the world, outside of everything!  I was so lonely.  I was gonna

live forever that way and it sucked so much.  Now that I met you

everything has flipped around.  You've been so good to me and

we've been having such a great time together.  That was the last

thing I was worrying about, how you would take it seeing me in that

shape.  You were so great!  It's such a relief to know you

love me completely and you want me, no matter what I look like or how

fucked up all of this is.  I always sort of felt like I was on the


before and I had to always look over my shoulder and I couldn't trust

anyone.  Now I can forget about all of that and I feel like I have

a home and a reason to come back to it every day.  There's nowhere

on Earth I would rather be.  I have everything I need or could

ever want with you.  I trust you

completely and you make me feel safe, like I have absolutely nothing to

worry about anymore and never will again.  You have no idea how

great that feels to me or how important it really is because you never

had to live that way before.  You make me feel so

happy and wanted and loved.  Suddenly being alive is so amazingly

good that the idea of living forever is exciting.  I could've

never imagined myself being this happy before.  Nobody could ever

do that for me but you.  There's no way I could ever find anyone

better for me than you.  It scares me to think of what my life

would have been if I didn't meet you at the train station.  Now

I'll never have to know how bad it would have got and it's all because

of you.  I love you more than you can imagine."My heart swelled with love for him and tears welled in my eyes as we kissed again and then held each other for a long time.As

we lay there and I thought about the wonderful things he'd said to me,

I suddenly realized

something.  I don't think he'd made the connection yet that he was

potentially going to live forever, but I wasn't going to.  He'd

have to watch

me grow old while he stayed a supernaturally healthy fourteen year old.

 I would eventually die right in front of his eyes.  The

thought had crossed my mind occasionally over the past weeks but I'd

brushed it aside as something unpleasant I didn't want to dwell on.

 I assumed he'd thought of it too but didn't want to talk about

it.  Now I saw that with the usual short-sighted enthusiasm of

youth he hadn't thought that far ahead yet.  Now that he was so happy he

didn't need to look too far into the future and could just live in the


 I didn't want to say anything right now and spoil his great mood,

either.  Sooner or later it would dawn on him and I don't think he

would take it well.  We'd deal with that when the time came.

 For now I just wanted to let him keep being as happy as he can be."It was so cool seeing myself that way.  I'm really glad you got the idea of taking a video," he said."Yeah,

I'll be watching it a lot of times I think.  I'm still blown away

at the sight of it.  I'm glad we captured the first moment that I

got to see you that way."He lay quietly a bit longer and then asked, "Do you think we could take a video of me changing?""I don't see why not.  Are you sure you want to see it?""Sure,

I live through it every day so you don't have to worry about me.

 I basically black out a little ways into it so I really can't

remember what exactly happens even though I can remember the pain.

 I don't start to be able to remember things clearly again until

I'm pretty much done changing into a wolf.  I'm curious to

watch the whole thing from start to finish.  You might not like to

see it though.""I

think I might be OK to watch it too, though I

can't say for sure until I try.  It might be hard to watch you

going through that, but I see you now and see how well you handle

the fact that you had to live through that much pain, and you shrug off

the fact that you're gonna be going through it again and again.

 You have so much

strength that I think I could feed off that and I could handle seeing

it.  I think if you were right here beside me watching it too, I'd

be OK.""How could we do it?  I won't be able to handle the

camera as a wolf so you'd have to start the recording, but I can't have

you around anywhere near there though.  I don't know if even the

scent of you nearby would be enough to set me off when I'm the monster

in between the boy and the wolf.  We'd have to be really, really careful," he said."The only safe way

would probably be for you to do the recording yourself.  You can't

handle the camera as a wolf but you could start the recording while you're still a boy.  You could take the camera and

tripod out with you and get it all set up when you head out there alone

before the change.  Then you'd just have to undress, hit the

record button, and then move out in front of the camera to wait for the

change to hit.  Actually, I think I'd like it better if you hit

the record button, and then went out in front of the camera to undress so I

could watch you strip in 3D anytime I wanted to," I said, and he smiled as I

continued, "You'd be all alone with nobody around and no scent of me or

anyone else.  I could come there a little bit later and you'd

be waiting for me as the wolf.  I'd shut the recording off and

take the gear back out with me, after you've had a go at fucking

me again, of course."Elias grinned and said, "Yeah, that would

be perfect!  We could do it tonight!  The moon won't rise

until a little after sunset but since I'll already have the camera

set up and ready for the moment I change, there should be just enough light

left to catch it good enough.  I really want to see it.""I

don't think we'll get so lucky tonight.  It was starting to cloud

up a bit while I was outside mowing the lawn earlier.  I checked

the weather forecast when I came in and it's supposed to get completely

overcast by evening and start to rain sometime in the night.  It will be

getting dark even before sunset.  I think it'll be too dark to see

anything with the camera unless you want to use a bright light, but

that would be way too risky.  Someone might see it and go

investigate.""Yeah, you're right.  If it's cloudy it won't

work and we sure as hell can't take chances with a light in the woods.

 I guess we'll have to wait for the next full moon and hope for a

clear sky," he said."We

don't have to wait right up until

the full moon; just a little ways into the next cycle should be fine.

 For the first two weeks you're changing at sunset for longer and

longer periods of time before you change back.  We just need to be

sure you'll change right at sunset with plenty of time for us to screw

around a bit before I take off with the gear.  With that many

nights to choose from at least one of them is bound to be perfectly

clear and still light when the sun sets."He nodded and

said, "Yeah, I guess you're right.  It was sort of overkill to

wait for the full moon last night even.  I was just so worried and

I wanted to be sure there was as little chance as possible that

anything could go wrong.  Will you come out and meet me tonight

even if it's cloudy, so we could mess around?""Hell yes.  I want to be mounted by you again.  I doubt that would ever get old for me," I said.He

grinned and said, "It sure as hell wouldn't for me.  I can't

really communicate well when I'm that shape so I want to tell you now,

anything goes out there.  I feel so fucking horny and alive with

you that I want to try everything.  Could you fuck me

tonight?  I want to feel you in me when I'm the wolf.""Christ,

I wish it was sunset right now.  Of course I'll fuck you.

 God, now that's all I'm gonna be able to think about all day," I said.Just thinking about getting in there and fucking Elias as that huge, magnificent creature was already starting my cock stirring.Elias

chuckled and tickled me and said, "I can feel you getting hard again under me.

 I want you rested up and reloaded before tonight so no more

screwing around.  Let's get up and go ride our bikes, OK?"I

acquiesced and we changed into shorts and headed out to hit the trails

on our bikes.  The weather forecast had been accurate and the

clouds got thicker and heavier as the evening wore on.  It wasn't

raining yet but it looked like it was going to start soon and it would

likely stick around for days.  We rode home and had a light

supper.  It still wasn't raining when sunset approached so I told

Elias I'd head to the clearing a little while after he leaves and wait

for him there so we could screw around.  He went out first on his

own again

and I followed a little while later.  I didn't bother to bring the

camera this time.  With the cloud deck being so thick the light

level was too low to get anything.

 I just wanted to get busy with my wolf again.  I couldn't

wait.I rode out then walked through the woods into the

clearing and sat cross-legged in the grass and settled in for the wait.

 I didn't have to wait very long before Elias crashed out

of the bushes and raced over to me and put his big front paws on my

shoulders and

pushed me down onto the grass on my back.  I laughed as he lay

down on top of

me and started to lick my face, tail wagging like mad.  He started

to lick at my lips and I immediately sucked his tongue right into my

mouth and we necked for a bit.  Then he pulled back and moved

downwards and began to snuffle at my crotch.  I hadn't taken my

clothes off yet.  For some reason it would have felt strange doing

it alone and just standing around naked in the clearing by myself, so I'd waited for him to show up.  He

pushed his wet nose up under my t-shirt and started to push the

shirt up my waist.  He stopped and began to lick at my exposed

belly, then started to push the shirt up higher and then switched his

focus to

licking at my nipples.  The sensation was fantastic as he locked

onto one, then the other and suckled at them like a pup.  I

squirmed underneath him at the wonderful feeling of electricity that

pulsed through me as he played with my nipples.He finally

stopped and pulled back and then stood up on all fours and looked me up

and down.  I could see the red tip of his cock had already emerged part way from his

sheath.  He was horny as hell.I moved to get up so I could take my clothes off but he put his massive paw on my chest and pushed me back down."Don't you want me to get undressed?" I asked, but he shook his head no.He

came back towards my face and opened his jaws and moved in.  It

looked for a moment like he was going for my throat, but he gently and

carefully began to nip at the neck of my t-shirt until he caught it in

his teeth.  I knew right away what was up.  He wanted to

undress me himself.  He moved around over my head and pulled the

shirt up over my chin then over my face.  I lifted my arms up

and tried to lift my shoulders off the ground a bit as he began to pull

harder.  The shirt began to slide up and before long he'd pulled

it right off and tossed it aside.  He came back and snuffled at my

arm pits on either side, seeming to enjoy the scent of me.  I

remembered what he'd said about everything smelling stronger and

better.  He

began to lick me there until he'd washed off any sweat and scent he

could find and he'd washed my pits completely.He then lifted

his head and looked me over again.  He moved to my feet and I

watched as he carefully nipped at the laces of the shoe on my right

foot until he caught the end of one in his teeth and pulled.  The

laces came untied.  He repeated the process with the other shoe.

 Now he turned his head sideways and gently locked his jaws down

on the heel of my right shoe and pulled.  The shoe came right off

as I smiled and watched him work.  What a sight this would be if

someone were peeking at us from the bushes right now.  They'd be

watching a supernaturally massive, dangerous, monster of a wolf tenderly undressing

his man so he could have sex with him.Elias

then took off the

other shoe and dropped it on the ground.  It landed upright and he

looked at it a moment, then shoved the end of his muzzle right into it.

 He breathed in and out with enough force that I could see the

shoe lift up off the grass as he inhaled, then drop down and his cheeks

puffed out as he exhaled.  My feet are relatively clean from

showering earlier though we did ride hard through the evening and I

sweated a fair bit, but my shoes are definitely smelly from constant

hard use

in the summer heat while I ride my bike.  He seemed to love it.

 He snuffled at the shoe for a bit and then he pulled his muzzle

back out and turned back to my socked feet.  He snuffled at them a

bit and rubbed his muzzle on them.  He then gently locked his

teeth down on one of the socks right at my toes, and began to pull

back.  Once his teeth had pulled the end of the sock past my toes

he clamped down hard and pulled to slip the sock right off my foot.

 He repeated with the other sock, then began to snuffle under the

toes of my big feet.  He started to lick my feet and ran his

amazingly long tongue through the gaps between my toes.  He

settled right down onto the ground and continued to lick at the top and

bottom of my feet, under and between my toes, with his eyes

half closed.  He seemed to be enjoying cleaning my feet with his

tongue.  He went at it for quite a while before he finally got up

and moved up to my crotch.I was wearing athletic shorts that had an elastic waistband.  There was no button, zipper or tie

to deal with.  He nipped to grab the bottom of the right leg and

pulled until the shorts started to move down on the right side, then he

did the same for the left.  He alternated back and forth until he

had them down around my knees.  At that point they slid down

easily enough that he just took one side and pulled them all the way

down my legs and off and he dropped them in the grass.He


back up and snuffled at my underwear.  I was fully aroused by now

at being slowly stripped by this massive beast, and the anticipation of

what was to come.  He nuzzled my thick

cock through the briefs.  I was so fully erect that the tip of my

cock was starting to peek out the top of my underwear and leaking

precum.  He turned his head sideways and began to lick at the top

of my underwear, his long tongue flicking across the tip of my cock and

lapping up the precum that oozed out.  The sensation of his tongue

as it wiped repeatedly across the sensitive glans made me moan.

 He was getting me more worked up and I wished he would finish

stripping me down so we could really get busy.He tried to work his nose in under the

waistband but they were too snug against me.  He approached from a

different angle and went to try to nip at the cloth around my balls so

he could get a grip and pull the underwear down, but I tensed as he

approached.  I wasn't comfortable with the possibility of those

huge white fangs coming down on my tender bits by accident.  He

saw me tense up and he looked up at me and winked, as if to let me know

I had nothing to worry about.  He opened his jaws again and turned

his head and deftly hooked one of his big canine teeth right at the gap

in the "Y" on the front of the briefs and gently pulled until the

briefs started to slide down.  I lifted my hips so he could slide

them down more easily and he kept on going.I was really

getting turned on now.  I wished we could have had the camera

going for this.  It was hugely erotic to see this massive,

dangerous wolf so carefully and lovingly stripping his man down.  I

would love to watch him pulling my briefs off with his teeth and stripping me naked.

 I'd probably watch it over and over again.  There was enough

light that with my eyes fully adjusted I could see fine, but the camera

would definitely not do well.  It might be able to take still

pictures in night mode, but not video.The briefs came off past

my feet and Elias tossed them aside and moved back up to my crotch.

 He snuffled at my balls and began to run his long tongue through

the gap between my balls and my inner thigh.  I brought my knees up

and moved my feet closer to my ass and further apart to give him more

access.  He pressed his muzzle against the underside of my thigh

and pushed hard then looked at me, then at both my knees, then back at

me again.  He'd said he had a hard time communicating in this form

but I thought he was doing just fine.  I had no problem understanding

what he wanted and I put my hands behind my knees and pulled them up

and back to expose myself fully to him.He wasted no time and

set to work washing every inch of my crotch with his tongue.  He

licked at my big sack, then all along the shaft of my cock to the

pre-cum oozing tip, then he licked at my pubes, then again at the

places beside my balls where they met my thighs.  I'd been

sweating as we rode our bikes earlier and a lot would have accumulated

there.  He seemed to love the smell and the taste and he just kept

switching between sniffing around until he smelled something good,

then licking at the spot until it was completely clean.  Once he

had my crotch fully cleaned he moved his focus to my asshole.  He

licked at it thoroughly and probed at it harder and harder with his

tongue.  I relaxed and pushed a bit to open myself up and his

tongue began to go right in past my sphincter to lick at my rectum.

 He was cleaning my insides with his long tongue and the sensation

was incredible.  My hands were tied up pulling my knees back so I

couldn't do what I wanted and grab my cock and work it while he licked

me there.  It felt so amazingly good I would have reached orgasm in seconds.He

was getting fully aroused too and he moved forward over top of me until


brought the pointed red tip of his semi-erect penis right near my

asshole.  He wanted to fuck me while I was on my back.  He

worked his hips in closer and I held still to let him find the mark.

 It wasn't the natural position or angle for his body to find my

hole, so he was having

trouble.  His slick red tool was sliding around in the right area,

but it wasn't quite pointed in the right direction.  I carefully

hooked one of my feet over his back so I could let go of my knee and

free a hand.  He recognized what I was doing and stood still as I

reached down and took his cock in hand and maneuvered the tip right to

my hole and nodded up at him.  He gently but firmly lowered

himself downward so that his cock plunged right into my hole.  I

moved my hand back to my knee to hold it as he shuffled his paws to

push himself further into me.  His cock did exactly as any other

canid's and as soon as it sensed penetration it began to rapidly

inflate to full thickness and length and pushed its way further out

from his sheath and deeper into me.  The sensation of him

spreading my anus with his massive tool was fantastic as he pushed more

of his cock

into me.He was now pushing into me so hard that I was able to

hook both my ankles over his back and hold onto him that way while he

began to hump at me in jabbing motions.  He was hovering over my

face, panting and drooling and his eyes were glazing as he lost himself

in the sensation of fucking his man.  I loved being able to watch

his face and see how much he was enjoying it.  It sent my own lust

even higher as I tried to clamp my anus down to give him as much

sensation as possible.  He moved his face closer and began to lick at

my mouth again and I sucked his tongue in.  We necked with passion

as he pounded at me and then suddenly I could feel my anus stretching at a


more rapid pace as his humping increased in force and


 He was about to reach orgasm and his knot was beginning to grow,

but with the odd angle that he was coming in he wouldn't be able to

push into me far enough to tie.  With my butt bumping against the

front of his legs due to my own legs being spread out wide to grip him

around the waist, he couldn't plug into me as deeply and perfectly as

he could if I were on my hands and knees in the proper position to be

his bitch.  The way we were lined up now, his knot would tear me

apart if

he didn't pull it out.  I took in a sharp breath as the fire began

to build quickly and I said, "You're

not in far enough.  You can't tie."He

recognized the

problem immediately and pulled back just in time.  His knot popped

out and my anus clamped down on the shaft.  I didn't want him to

lose his orgasm so I quickly reached down and grabbed his still growing

knot with my hands and pushed it against me and held it hard to try to

simulate the sensation of tying inside me.  He immediately grunted

and thrust hard and held it as I felt him begin to twitch.  His

orgasm hit him hard and he started pulsing his massive load of semen

into me while I continued to hold his big knot firmly against me.  He

held that position for a while as his orgasm peaked and then leveled

off, then he suddenly pulled back and slipped out of me while

his cum was still spurting.  He turned around and

presented his ass and looked back at me and whined.  Once again

he'd made his wishes clear.  He wanted me to mount him while he

was still feeling his orgasm.I

got up and moved behind him and

lifted his big bushy tail.  His asshole was still pulsing out his

orgasm so I wasted no time.  I spat on it quickly and spat on my

fingers to wet the head of my penis and I placed it up against his

tight hole and gently but firmly pushed.  He relaxed and groaned

as my cock head spread his sphincter wide and entered him.  He was

tight and had a powerful muscle there so the sensation for me was

fantastic as I slowly pushed more of myself into him and his anus

alternated between powerfully gripping my shaft and then slightly

relaxing to the beat of his orgasm.  He thrust

himself backwards onto me like he just wanted me to fuck him hard, so I

obliged him.  I smoothly ran the full length of my cock into him

and then I leaned onto his back so I could enjoy the sensation of his

fur on my naked body.  I wrapped my arms around his waist and I

started to buck at him.  His anus continued to pulse as he spilled

the last of his seed out onto the grass and the feeling of it squeezing

at my cock as I fucked him was tremendous.  His hole was tight and

slick and felt much hotter than any guy I've ever fucked.  It

drove me right to the edge fast and I started to fuck with longer and

faster strokes as my orgasm began to build.I heard Elias let

out a long and deep moan as his head went down and his anus clenched

down on my cock hard.  It was all I could take and I was suddenly

wracked with waves of electricity as my scrotum tightened up and my

balls began to unload into my big, beautiful wolf.  The orgasm

pounded at me and my pelvic muscles began to spasm while I groaned and

grunted as I pushed hard into him repeatedly, pulsing a jet of cum deep into his

bowels with every thrust.  I bucked and thrust my naked flesh against his furry body and grunted until

finally the orgasm began to fade back down and I slowed to a stop.

 Once again I held onto him tightly as the last of my cum leaked

out.  I reached further down beneath him until my hands found his

thick, wet cock and big knot, still hanging on the outside of his sheath.

 I grabbed onto it and held on to let him feel tied.We

held that position until I felt his knot begin to shrink in my hands.

 When it was finally small enough to slip back inside his sheath I

let go and pulled out of him.  He lay down on his side and looked

back at me with what almost looked like a smile.  I grinned and

walked over to him and sat right by his chest and leaned in and kissed

his big nose.  He licked at my face and his tail thumped against

the ground.  He began to rub the sides of his muzzle against my

cheeks and I reciprocated.  He then put his head down on the

ground and I stretch out over top him as he continued to lie on his side.

 I scratched at his neck and chest, enjoying the feel of his thick

fur all over my body."God, I could do this every night for the rest of my life.  I love it!" I said.His tail thumped more and he whined his agreement.Suddenly

I felt a cold, wet drop hit my back, then after a slight pause, another

one hit.  It was getting ready to start raining now.  I should

get back to my bike and ride home as quickly as I could to avoid getting

drenched.I sighed and got up off Elias.  It was starting to get darker now and it was a bit difficult to find my underwear in the

long grass but I managed and I slipped them on then I pulled on my shorts.  I found my socks

and shoes with some effort and was tying the laces up when Elias came

over with my t-shirt in his mouth.  I went to take it from him but

he growled and pulled as I tried to get it.  I laughed and pulled

harder and he started to shake his head back and forth and whip the

t-shirt around playing tug-of-war while his tail wagged.  It cracked me up to see

this gigantic wolf acting like a playful dog and I laughed more as I

shouted, "No!  Mine!  Bad dog!  My shirt!  What a

bad doggy!"He growled and yanked hard enough that the shirt slipped out of my hands, then he turned and ran off into the bushes."Hey, come back here with that!  It's starting to rain!"I

waited for him to come back but there was only silence, cut by the

occasional snap of a twig somewhere out there.  I heard a low

growl come from the dark woods, then silence again.  Then a bush

rustled in a different place.  He was on the move and I was having

trouble tracking him.  Suddenly there was a blur coming from my

left and just as I turned I was bowled over by a massive, t-shirt

wielding monster.  I laughed as he ran on past me and back into

the trees again.I felt more drops hit my shoulders and could

hear fat rain drops hitting the leaves and grass around me as the rain

began to build."Come on Elias, I need that shirt.  It's getting cold out here!" I shouted.I heard another low growl.  It was clear he was teaching me a lesson."All right, you win, I take it back.  You're not a bad dog!  You're a good doggy, such a good boy!" I shouted.Another growl came, louder this time.I

laughed and said, "I'm sorry Elias, I just can't help it.  You're

my big, beautiful doggy and I love you to bits.  You can keep my

shirt if you want.  I can get home without it, but you won't

change my mind.  You're my big, furry, cuddly-wuddly, cute little

puppy doggy and you always will be!"He whined and came out of

the woods, still carrying my shirt, and walked up to me wagging his

tail.  He sat right in front of me and I reached up and took my

shirt from his jaws."Look at that!  You slobbered all over it!  Bad boy!"He

growled but his tail was still wagging and I laughed and slipped the

shirt on, then dropped to my knees and reached up and wrapped my arms around the

massive wolf's neck."I love you so much, Elias.  I can't tell you

how great this is.  I'll see you when you get back home tomorrow.

 You should go find shelter for the night or you'll get all wet."I kissed him on the cheek and he wagged his tail as he stood to get ready to leave."Holy geez, mister!  Your dog is huge!"I

nearly jumped out of my skin at the sound of the voice.  I turned

and saw a small boy standing at the edge of the clearing.  What

the hell was he doing out here at night?He started to walk

towards us and Elias quickly went down on his belly as if to try to

make himself look smaller.  It was too late though.  The

damage was done.  The kid had already seen him standing beside me

and knew just how big he was.  Who knows how long he'd been

watching us from the trees.  My heart skipped a beat as I thought

of what Elias and I had been engaged in earlier when I had my cock buried deep in his tight, hot hole.  I hoped to God

the kid hadn't seen that!As

the boy walked towards us I noticed he had a fairly pronounced limp.

 He didn't look injured or anything.  His clothes were clean

and looked undamaged, so he hadn't taken a fall as far as I could see.

 He was thin and sort of frail looking, but otherwise seemed

unhurt, other than his limp."What are you doing out here so

late at night, kid?  How long have you been watching us?  Are

you OK?  Did you hurt yourself?""Naw, I always limp now.  I'm OK, I guess.  I

was heading back home on the trail.  I heard you yelling at

your dog so I came this way to see what was going on.  I'm Cole.

 Who are you?""I'm Jake, this is Elias," I said."That's

a weird name for a dog.  You should have called him Wolf or

something.  That's what he looks like.  He's so cool!"Elias

wagged his tail at the compliment and I said, "You really shouldn't be

out here this late.  It can be really dangerous at night.

 You can't be more than ten years old.  Your parents must be

out looking for you.""I'm eleven.  My mom's at work, like

always.  I'm supposed to be home in bed but I always stay out late

during summer vacation," Cole said."Doesn't she have a babysitter for you?  You're way to young to be alone!""I'm

not a baby!  I don't need anyone watching me.  She can't

really afford a babysitter anyways.  She has to work a lot just to

keep us going.  She trusts me to take care of myself.  I've

been doing it for almost a year now.""No

offense, but I don't think you've been doing such a great job.

 You really should be home in bed.  Someone your age

shouldn't be out wandering alone.""I don't care.  I can do

what I want so long as my mom doesn't find out.  She calls me at

around nine, at my bedtime.  I just need to make sure I'm back by

then.""It's almost that time now.  You're not gonna make it, buddy," I said.He

shrugged and said, "I know.  The chain broke on my bike so I have

to walk it back or I would've been home a while ago.  It's gonna be a lot longer yet.  She'll

freak out when I don't pick up the phone, but I'll just tell her I fell

asleep on the couch.  It happened before.""Doesn't she

send the neighbors over to check on you are anything?  Don't you

have aunts or uncles or grandparents who can check up on you?""Why are you so nosy, mister?  I do just fine."I

chuckled and said, "Sorry, I'm not trying to pry.  I'm just

worried about you is all.  Your mom would be too if she knew what

you were up to at night while she's at work.""I know she would, dummy, that's why I don't tell her," he said.I

laughed.  I vaguely remember what it was like being that age.

 To him it probably seemed like he could handle pretty much

anything and he didn't know what the big deal was.  To me it seemed like

neglect to be leaving such a young kid by himself, but I guess if they

don't have the means and mom has to work to keep them going they don't

have a lot of options.I felt a few

more rain drops hit me and I realized if he was going to have to walk

his bike, he might get caught in the downpour.  I'd have to help

him get home, so I'd be drenched too.  We should get going."It's getting late and it's time for me to go home too.  Would

you mind walking with me on the trail, Cole?  I know you're OK by yourself but

I might get scared alone out here in the dark and I could use your company."He

laughed and said, "I'm not that dumb.  I know you wouldn't get

scared, but you can walk me home if it will make you feel better."I chuckled and said, "OK, you caught me.  I can't leave you out here alone.  I need to make sure you get home safe.""Can Elias come too?"I

thought about it for a moment.  As I'd thought earlier, the damage

had already been done so there was really no harm in Cole seeing him

now.  If we saw anyone else on the trail Elias could just jump off

into the woods.  It should be safe enough just this once.  I could leave it up to Elias."He'll come if he wants to.  He has a mind of his own.  He's really smart," I said.Cole looked over at Elias and said, "He just looks like a regular dog, but super huge.  He doesn't look so smart."Elias

growled and I laughed and said, "You have no idea how smart he is.

 He's so smart we have to keep it a secret from everyone or they

might take him away and I'd never see him again.""Really?  What can he do?  I won't tell anyone, I promise!""You swear to keep it a secret?" I asked."Honest, I swear!""Good,

because he's so smart that if you ever did try to tell anyone about him

they'd probably think you were crazy and lock you up," I joked."Aww, come on.  He can't be that smart.  Now you're just pulling my leg," Cole scolded."Nope, I'm not.  Go ahead and test him yourself.  Ask him anything," I suggested.Elias sat up facing Cole and waited.The boy thought for a moment and then said, "OK.  Elias, are you really so smart?"The massive wolf nodded and barked."Are you sure?  You aren't just another dumb dog?"Elias shook his head no and growled.Cole

took it all in stride as he rubbed at his chin and tried to come up

with a better test.  I don't think he even realized yet that no

dog should ever be able to nod in the affirmative or shake his head in

the negative in answer to an abstract question that only an intelligent person

could even make sense of.  I chuckled as I watched him trying to

come up with more questions."How old are you?" Cole asked.Elias

stood and used his front paw to start thumping at the ground.  It

took a while but Cole counted along and finally said, "Wow, seventeen?

 That's really old for a dog!"I chuckled again.  The

kid didn't even realize how odd it was that this "dog" understood his

question perfectly and answered it.  He was more interested in the

answer itself."Those questions were easy.  Here's a harder one.  What's ten times ten?" Cole asked.Elias

rolled his eyes and lifted his paw and started to beat out the answer,

then shook his head and stopped.  He looked around and found a

bare patch of dirt.  As he walked over to it he saw it still had

the message "HUMP U" scratched into it and he quickly rubbed it out as

Cole and I followed him over.  He then deliberately and carefully

scratched "100" into the dirt."Wow, he really is smart!  I didn't know dogs could do arithmetic.  That's so cool!"Again,

he'd given no thought to the fact that the "dog" could write.This was hilarious, but it was probably not a good idea to take

it any further.  We should be pretty safe since anyone listening

to an eleven year old kid talk about a dog that could do math was going

to chalk it up to a boy's imagination, but it was probably best to stop

and head out before the rain started in earnest."I told you he

was smart.  You promised to keep it a secret though.  It's

really important not to tell anyone," I said."Don't worry, I won't.""Good man.  Let's get going.  How far do you live?" I asked him."Not too far.  It would only take like ten minutes to get there if my bike wasn't broke," Cole replied."What kind of bike is it, how many speeds?" I asked."Twenty-four, I think.  It's a mountain bike."It

must be an older mountain bike to have twenty-four speeds.  Most

had twenty-seven or thirty now, some had thirty-three.  I should be able to repair it


I can fix your chain.  I keep tools for stuff like that under the

seat of my bike in case I break down.  My chain tool can pop the

pins on the more common chain sizes," I said."Cool.  That would be great if you could fix it.  I can't walk that great and I need my bike to get around easier."I didn't want to pry about his injury but it must be an old one.  He seemed used to living with it.  I

let him lead me to his bike, which turned out to be a half-rusted,

beat-up looking old mountain bike.  It must have been the best used bike his

mom could afford on their tight budget.  I led him over to where

I'd locked mine against a tree.  I fished out the chain tool from

the nylon tool bag under the saddle and turned the light on on my bike and left it

propped against the tree so I'd have a light to work under."Maybe you should stay back in the woods until we're done or someone might see you, Elias," I suggested.He turned and headed off into the trees to keep from being seen in the light."Is he shy?" Cole asked."Yup, he doesn't like anyone to see him unless he really likes them.

 He must like you a lot or he would have run away," I said.Cole grinned and said, "I hope he likes me.  I really like him."I

smiled and nodded and went to work on the chain.  It took just a

few minutes to pop the pin on the broken link and put the chain back

together by driving the pin back in to the good links and Cole watched

closely to see how it was done.  I hooked the chain back over the

sprockets and the bike was as good as new, or at least

as good as the rusted old piece of junk it was.  It was functional

at least."Awesome!  Thanks, Jake!""No problem.

 You should put some oil on that chain.  It broke because

it's starting to rust pretty bad in spots.

 You should do regular maintenance on it to keep it running better and safe to ride.

 Clean the chain and oil it so it'll be less likely to break.

 Keep the tires inflated at the right pressure.  Make sure

the brake pads are still good and the brake wires aren't rusted, and keep the tire rims clean so the

brakes will grab better.  Stuff like that.""I

don't really know how to do that stuff.  Nobody showed me.  I

just have my mom and she doesn't really know about that stuff either.

 Could you show me sometime?""Sure, I could do that.

 I think maybe I should get you a kit like I have for under your

seat too.  I don't think it's a good idea for you to come so far


on your own with no way to fix your bike if you break down.  You

should always have patches or a spare tube, a multi-tool for the screws and nuts, a chain tool,

some band aids and ointment in case you wipe out, stuff like that.

 It can save you hours of walking by yourself if you're somewhere

far out when you break down.""I

don't think my mom would like it if you gave me that.  She doesn't like me talking

to strangers and she sure wouldn't want me taking things from them.""I

doubt she'd even notice you had it.  I think your safety is more

important than what she'd think about you taking stuff from me.  In fact, I think I'll just give

you this one right now in case we never bump into each other again," I said.I undid the fasteners that held

the bag under my saddle and attached it under his, and then I undid the

plastic clamps that held the hand pump to the frame of my bike and

attached it to his frame."Holy!  Thanks a lot!""It's

no big deal.  I'll buy new ones for my bike tomorrow.  You'll

need to learn how to use the tools though.

 You saw how easy it is to fix a chain.  It's not hard to

patch a tire or change a tube either.  Maybe I could show you how

someday if I see you down here

when it's actually light out.  You need to be able to handle the

more common things that can happen if you're gonna be riding alone.

 I wish you wouldn't even come down here by yourself, especially

not so close to night time.  It's just not safe.""My mom

says the same thing.  She said there's a monster down here that

can kill a whole deer and eat it, and it could eat little boys even

easier.  I think she just says that to scare me and keep me from

coming here, but I'm no chicken.  I like riding down here.  I

think she just made the monster up.""Yeah,

you're probably

right," I said as I switched off the light on my bike and the

supernaturally massive

wolf that was Elias emerged from the trees and loped over to join us,

"There's no such thing as monsters, but there's lots of other reasons

not to come down here.  There could be bad people, or you could

wipe out and get hurt down here where nobody might find you to help

you, or you

could break down and get stuck like you did tonight.  If you

insist on coming here I can't stop you, but you should only do it in

full daylight and stick to the areas where there are more people

around.  Don't go far off by yourself and especially don't be

around here when the sun is getting low.  It could be really,

really dangerous.""OK, OK, I get it," he grumped."Good.  Let's go," I said.We

still had just enough light to follow the trail back up to the street.

 It took less than ten minutes to get there.  I stopped and

got off my bike just before we came up to the street and I knelt and gave

Elias one last big hug."I love you.  I'll see you later," I said.He whined and turned to go."Wait!  Isn't Elias coming with us?" Cole asked."No, buddy, he's really shy, like I said.  He doesn't like going where there are people.""Does he live down there?  Doesn't he come to your house?""He likes the woods.  I go down there to visit him.  He likes to be alone at night.""Aww, that sucks.  Bye, Elias!" Cole said as he waved at the big wolf.Elias

wagged his tail and raised a big paw and moved it up and down like he

was waving back, then turned and ran off into the woods.We

got lucky and while the rain drops increased in frequency briefly,

they'd eased off again.  It would still be a little while before

the rain really got going.  I rode

next to Cole as he led us the rest of the way to his house.  It

was a smaller home in an older neighborhood and it didn't look very

well kept up."This is my house.  Thanks again, Jake," he said."No

problem.  It was good to meet you, Cole.  Take care, little

man," I said and I watched him go around to the side and through the

gate to the back yard, then I turned and headed back home.I


my bike in the garage and went into the house and collapsed on the

sofa.  I couldn't believe how close we'd come to getting caught

having sex by a little kid.  That alone would have been bad

enough, but what if instead of Cole it had been an older person

who'd stumbled upon us in the clearing?  Someone who would have

immediately recognized that Elias was no dog, and that he

was more enormous even than a wolf could ever possibly get.  We'd

be screwed.We were already starting to show some of the

complacency I knew would creep up on us eventually as we became more

comfortable with our situation.We'd have to be a hell of a lot more careful about messing around in the woods in the future.