Stripes and Chains 11 - Letting go

Story by Silversmith on SoFurry

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#13 of Stripes and Chains

Just let go.

Let your instincts do all the work.

Let your mind relax.

Give in.

Don't worry about reason.

Don't worry about cares.

Just take it.

Take what you desire.

Just let go.

Original Concept: avatar?user=67748&character=0&clevel=2 DragonTalon

Inspiration: Fates of the Unicorns Fates of the Unicorns


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Soft notes and gentle strings. The steady but quiet beat of a drum the constant pulse of a heart woke Benjamin from his sleep as though an inverse lullaby. Lute, Violin, Flute, and Drum played in a corner of the room next to a light fire place. Kelsura was seated in a simple wooden chair, her feet up on the back of Harp, who was on her hands and knees.

"Did you sleep well?" the dragon asked, smiling as she thumbed a page, speaking with out even looking at him.

He had, more soundly than any night in the past year. He looked to the table, the pine box that had held the skin was empty, over turned and the milky preservative cream leaking out. He knew he would have to clean it.

"Slave. I asked you a question."

"Yes Mistress. I slept well." he murmured, blinking the sleep from his eyes and stretched. The bed had been cleanly made, even with him in it. The blanket spread smooth and even over him and the pillows properly placed and fluffed. He yawned.

"Get up. Girls, finish your set and then take your sister here and go wash. Slave, I said up." She snapped her fingers and Benjamin slid out of the bed.

He had, in his dreams, been back home. A loving mother and father seeing him off to his post at the Imperial Foreign Affairs Office. It was a lie. His parents did not love him. They had given him away. Their signatures on papers officially disowning him. He let him self sink to his knees, crawling after his Mistress.

"What do you think happened last night?" She asked, curling her tail around his neck as she lead him from the room and down the hall.

He thought on it. What happened last night was obvious. He had had an orgy with four very horny female lions. He assumed that's not what she was referring to. "I don't know." he said, looking up to her, his eyes telling her he was searching for the right answer.

"A gift." She said, taking him into a door not too far away. The inside was a steam bath. There was no running water here, at least none that he could see. Pipes on the ceiling though periodically billowed great puffs of hot, wet air.

"A gift?" He stood in the middle of the stone room, the walls sweating. Wood benches were set on ever wall. Kelsura smiled as she nodded, pulling her shirt up over her head after she unfastened the shoulder set claps, pulling the jewels and pendants out of her hair and handing them to a female unicorn he had not noticed standing right next to the door on the inside. She bowed as she took them, folding the dress up and setting it all away in a cupboard.

"I gave them to you, just as I gave you to them. You enjoyed your self? Every ounce of joy in your life is mine to give and take away. Even the joy you feel when serving me is a gift." She explained, sitting naked on one of the benches. "Washer. Clean my slave, make it enjoyable." The dragons lips curled into a seductive smile.

The unicorn called washer clopped forward on the stone floor. She smiled and bowed. Benjamin noticed she kept her head tilted up and her horn pointed it up. "If you would, please sit on one of the benches?" She asked softly, her voice disarmingly sweet.

He blinked, a little confused as he sat down, preferring to take a place next to his mistress. He figured sitting next to her would be to her liking. He hadn't guessed wrong, as she smiled and nuzzled into his head while placing an arm around his shoulder and behind his neck. She smelled like lavender. Washer knelt down in front of him, lifting one of his legs up. How was she going to clean him with out water and soaps. Oh... She ran the broad flat of her tongue under his heel, up along the under side of his foot. It wasn't like the seemingly universal act of apology. Her licks were akin to those of an animal grooming another: slow, long, and deep. She took several laps over each spot of his foot before moving to his ankle, wetting every strand of fur with a single light pass before lapping once again with a deeper, longer stroke to draw the dirt away. She swallowed every so often, fur and grit gone from her mouth.

She cleaned his legs using her mouth. With every inch closer she got to his crotch his mistress tightened her hold around his neck. Heat flushed in his cheeks as the unicorn mare's attention touched the inside of his legs. He suppressed the urge to squirm. A taloned finger hooked under his chin, tipping his head back. Lips pressed to his and a long, thin tongue pushed into his mouth. Kelsura pushed a hand over his sheath, covering his privates. The mare looked on in confusion for a moment before simply licking over the hand and continuing up.

"Why do you resist?" Fingers stroked along his sheath, claw tips circling the opening at the tip. Lips brushed over his chest as soft hands pressed on his knees. "If I give her to you, will you take her?" Kelsura whispered into his ear. "If I gave you that gift, would you enjoy it?" She stroked his shaft, pulling up softly and stroking down slowly. Washer was blushing, the pink of her cheeks showing through her white fur as the dragon spoke. If she had been offered a gift like the tiger whose neck she was now cleaning she would suck her masters toes until they gleamed, though she did that any ways.

"I...I'll do...what ever you want." He yipped, orange hands closing around his balls. He jerked, nearly putting an eye out on Washer's horn; as dull as it was.

"That is NOT what I asked slave. Will you take her?" Kelsura snarled. She turned to glare at the unicorn who had stopped grooming the tiger. "And I did not tell YOU to stop." Washer, wide eyed, nodded and continued, licking up under Benjamin's chin.

"Yes." He gasped, eyes crossing from the pain. She let go. He wanted to curl up but Washer's hands on his knees and horn in his face prevented that.

"Why?" Kelsura asked, blinking as she drew her claws up and down his chest as if they hadnt just been dangerously wrapped around his balls.

He blinked. Seriously? Why? Because he wanted to. His breath caught in his throat with the realisation. "Is that all it is? Because I want to, and because I can?"

Kelsura tapped a finger on his nose, a teasing smug look on her face. "Its been over a year and you finally catch on. At least, it would be if you weren't a slave. The 'why' is because you want to and because I say you can. But, you have the gist of it"

"Thats..." He was going to say deplorable. A pair of lips touched his before he could finish. Washer licked at the inside of his mouth, her blush very deep. A growl from his mistress made her finish faster than she had intended or wanted to and she began lapping over his head.

"Its better than what passes for romance among you furs. All that ceremony, the pomp, the teasing. Playing 'hard to get' you call it." She rolled her eyes and giggled at the look of consternation on his face, the mare really getting his face good. "If a dragon likes another dragon, she'll make it to the point. Gifts are still exchanged, and if the affection is reciprocated she'll claim her prize. Of course a dragon of superior stature can simply claim who ever she likes of lower stature. Its often an honor to be so noticed that you're seen as physically desirable."

He just sat there. She poked him on the nose once more.

"So. I'm offering you the sisters. Harp, Drum, Violin, Lute, Flute, all of them. Not yours, yours."

"I understand." He said, looking at her askance, the mare making him jump with each pass of her tongue now that she was at his ears.

"You do?" She mocked an expression of surprise. "What do you understand?"

He took a breath. "You're offering them to long as you say so. Not...I'm a slave, so are they but..." he struggled for the right words. "I out rank them?"

She half nodded, considering his words. He understood well enough but obviously could not explain why, yet. "Like Claudius and Juno." he continued.

"Yes, exactly." She pat his head patronizingly "And that's Chief Claudius and Captain Juno."

"Yes Ma'am, sorry. Chief Claudius and Captain Juno. But..." he closed his mouth and shook his head.

"But?" She offered him the chance to continue. Kelsura rarely liked to be questioned, but today was a learning day for her tiger. Students were expected to ask their teachers questions.

"But...why? Why give this to me. I would think...I don't deserve it."

"You're starting to adopt a very good mind set. That pleases me." Her smile brightened even more, her hand once more stroking over his sheath. She didn't stop until he was starting to poke up out of the curry covering of his prick. "No, you don't deserve it. You don't deserve any thing. Deserving suggests you have a right, or a privilege. You have neither. For the sake of discussion though, why would you say you don't deserve it?"

For the sake of discussion? For the sake of discussion he was a slave. Every thing he had was given at her discretion. The meager belongings he had didn't even belong to him. His collar, a pillow and a thin sheet of a blanket back in her lair set a top a pile of straw he slept on. His meals, his 'room' (which was actualy a large open cave like area large enough for more than just him self. As far as deserving any thing went he could think of nothing he had done that was impressive. All he did was follow orders, for the last year he had done so with out hesitation or complaint. "Because I'm a slave. Nothing is mine. I have nothing to give and have done nothing of note." he said with a tone of defeat.

"Wrong." Kelsura sounded almost angry. Her tone was haughty and agitated. She scoffed at him and rolled her eyes as she tapped the back of his head reprovingly. "You came to sit on your knees of your own will, you bested two of Remus's chief guards, you're learning to trust and embrace your instincts. Even now you show you understand. In the last week you've done many things of note. You have pleased me, impressed me, and I say you deserve a reward. One that I know will last and impress on you further lessons. Do you want them? My lions? Every night, every morning, every day?"

Every day? Night? Any time he wanted? The sex had been glorious. It wasnt just some screw like it had been with Jetta or Diane, who treated sex like a domination game. They had fawned on him, dotted and complimented him. They treated him like a lover, not like an object. They had cuddles him and had bent over or laid back when he was ready for more. They whispered sweet words to him, told him he was the only person in the world as far as they were concerned. Kelsura's fingers wrapped tightly around his shaft when it fully exposed him self, hardened with his thoughts. "Do you want them?" she asked again, squeezing him.

"Yes." he said, biting his lip. He was run his claws through the wood if one was not pressed against him by Kelsura's form and the other being cleaned by Washers tongue.

He shivered as she ran her hand up along her belly and over his chest. Fingers traced over the gauze on his neck "What and who are you?" she asked, purring almost like a cat.

"I'm a slave, your slave." he sighed. He could feel his chest tighten, his head swim as she ran her claws over his neck. He leaned into her hand. His mistress could be so soft, so gentle and sweet. Until last night she had been his only source of affection. Often she would take him from his room in the dead of night to her suite, just to cuddle. When he was taken to the bath house she would some times join him, scrub and wash him. He couldn't believe he was up set with the idea that that might stop. He was attached to her now, she had made her self such a part of his life he couldn't imagine it with out her.

"Please." He whispered, feeling more of his world shatter and fall away. Her image replacing what had once been there. He didn't WANT it to stop. He wanted to be held by her; feel her breath on the back of his neck as she held him like a stuffed animal while she slept, the message of her claws working his scalp as she shampooed his hair with lavender scented detergents, the approving gleam in her eye as he mastered a dance step, the clap of her hands when he finished a set on his bamboo dizi with not a single note out of place. She had encouraged him to pursue talents his very own parents had frowned upon. She had set him up to succeed, more than that: perfect, even if she was the only one to enjoy it

He shuttered, choking back tears of realization. Kelsura- Mistress. She had said more than once that she loved him. Until recently he had rolled his eyes at that when ever she wasn't looking. She had shown him more love in the past twelve months than he had known his whole life and he had been an ass to ignore it. She had let him be him. A dancer, a musician, a soldier, now she offered more. If all she wanted was his adoration and obedience in return then he really was the insane animal she must have perceived him to be by shutting her out. "Please don't stop."

"Are you speaking to me or Washer?" she asked archly.

"You, Mistress." He replied, turning away from Washer, pulling his arm from her hands and leaning against the dragoness. "I've been a fool. Blinded by a life of lies and insanity."

Kelsura hmmed and noddded "So then what do you want, slave?"

As little as it mattered, he wanted to be hers. "To stop resisting as I have been. To let go of false ideas and inclinations to-"

"Then do it." She rose, standing in front of him. She cupped his chin, a hand waving Washer away. The unicorn backed off, sitting on her knees back a bit. "Stop resisting. Stop believing in lies. You knelt before me, now give your self to me."

With a tremulous hand, slowly moving to his neck, he pulled the bandage off. He unwrapped the linen cloth and removed the gauze. There was a sharp gasp. Kelsura shot cold eyes at the unicorn who swiftly lowered her gaze. Benjamin's neck was a massive bruise of black and purple with fades of milky yellow. The soars where Kelsura's teeth had pierced flesh were puckered and scabbed over. He inclined his head, bearing his neck fully, offering himself and his life.

She smiled, setting a hand on top of his head. Her lip curled back and for a moment she considered giving into her lust. Instead she pushed his chin back down and hooked a finger through the ring of his collar. As beautiful as it was around his neck, it was still an ugly lump of iron with sharp edges and a rough, unpolished finish. She traced a finger along the side of it, sighing with contrition. The white and burnt brown striped fur would have accented silver and diamonds beautifully. "I'll have to settle for black with rubies."

"Mistress?" his voice was concerned

She smiled and flicked his nose, making him snort. "Black metal with rubies. Polished until they shine. Smoothed around the edges and formed to fit." Was all she would say before grabbing the unicorn by her horn and yanking her forward. "You missed a spot." she smirked, pushing the mare nose first into the tiger's crotch.

Washer eeped as her nose was mashed up against the skin of the tiger's cock. He had smelt of sweat and sex, she was used to that smell. She was used to being covered in that smell. But the pure, unfiltered stench of it, the scent of several different females and the hint of cream; she found the smell foul and just a bit arousing. She was fleshed when she nuzzled her nose into the cleft between his balls, licking her own lips as she balanced the orbs over her muzzle.

Benjamin didn't know when he took hold of the girl's horn, but he held it firmly and keeping her pressed to his privates. This wasn't cleaning. As her tongue passed over his balls she did so with a soft, pleasurable lick, tucking her nose into the space between them and his sheath, inhaling deeply. She shuddered as she turned her head, sucking the suck of his sack and making him shake.

"Slave." he heard his mistress call from above him. He looked up. She had climbed with out him noticing to stand with her legs on either side of his knees atop the bench. Her crotch was in his face, her pussy lined directly with his mouth. The back of his mind told him that she shouldn't have had to do any thing of the sort, to exert any amount of energy for him. He pushed his mouth forward with out hesitation, lips sucking on her folds and tongue parting them to taste her tangy juices. She gasped softly as the rough pad of his tongue tugged with tiny hook at the thin layer of skin covering her clit and puled it back with several swipes. As Washers lips kissed up his shaft and then suckled on the tip of his prick her did the same to his Mistress's sensitive button. She moaned softly, biting her lower lip as she braced her hands on the wall.

Washer had pulled his prick into her mouth, her tongue undulating along its under side. She couldn't help but be turned on by the strong left over taste of sex and sheepskin covering. She ulped in panic when she was suddenly yanked down, his shaft crammed to the back of her throat. With the length of her muzzle he couldn't exactly deep throat her, but he could certainly tickle her gag reflex. She struggled in his lap, trying to push away instinctively only to have her head violently shook by her horn. "Put your hands behind your back." She heard him gasp through a mouth full of his Mistress's cunny. The dragon chuckled above both of them. "Now." he growled.

She didn't find his voice very commanding. It wavered, even with the added force of his predatory snarl. Nothing like Master Remus or the other dragons who worked in his lair and mines. Now THEY knew how to use a commanding presence. She was ready to roll her eyes when she caught the piercing blue eyes of his mistress looking down at her form over the dragon's shoulder. Suddenly humbled she did as the tiger ordered, pushing her arms behind her back and suddenly glucking nosily as his hips began punching up, pushing his cock forcefully in and out of her mouth. She kept her lips tightly sealed, half rolled around her teeth. She was glad for a moment that she wasn't one of Master's suck sluts, their teeth all pulled to leave nothing but bare gums.

Benjamin moved with an eagerness he hadn't shown before. Kelsura felt her nethers grow from moist to dripping wet, and not just with his saliva. She closed her eyes, tail tip twitching as she rode the waves of pleasure each rough swipe of his tongue brought. Whimpering, she began grinding her hips on his face, she could hear the unicorn moaning around his prick. The vibrations of her throat must have been getting to the tiger, he was moaning into her snatch.

A cry, a cough, sputtering, then choking. Benjamin growled softly, licking his lips clean of his mistress. He panted as he held the struggling unicorn, throat working swift and hard to swallow the load. He wasn't about to let her just pull off and make a whole new mess. A predatory grin spread over his muzzle, it would be fun to watch her do that though. He blinked, blushing, suddenly feeling guilty for the thought. What was coming over him?

Kelsura took hold of his head, tiger forgetting the task at hand. She pushed him into her folds, practicly fucking his whole face as she rode over his nose. Once more his mouth opened, pushed between her pedals. His tongue pressed up inside of her, lapping deep. Months of practice had given him an intimate knowledge of her intimate parts. He knew where each sensitive bundle of nerves hid. Kelsura tensed, biting down on a finger. Right now he was putting that training to good use. His tongue danced around her sensitive insides, moving to and fore like a rapidly thrashing snake. All of it to tease her just to her cusp. Just when she snarled for him to finish it his tongue tip folded up and began moving in hard strokes along the front of her wet insides. She dripped around his whiskers and gasped, struggling, then moaning a cry. She practically sobbed in pleasure as she came and gushed over him, a full spray of her juices right down his throat.

The first few times, Benjamin had hated the taste of her femcum. A tangy, bitter, metallic mouthful. Always overflowing. Kelsura was what many refereed to as a 'squirter.' Every single one of her orgasms was met with a spray of her pussy juices, and if they weren't covering his crotch they were being pored down his throat. Like with all things experienced regularly, he had first grown to tolerate te taste, now he enjoyed it. He gulped as though seized by a great thirst. To him that bitter fluid was like sweet Ambrosia. Two big gulps and he licked his whiskers clean, turning up to clean the out side and around her puffed up pussy lips. He blushed when he looked up and saw she was looking down with her approving smile. "T-thank you Mistress." he stammered.

"Washer." Kelsura called, rubbing a wayward bit of a drool from her cheek as she stepped down. "Finish cleaning my boy and then give him directions to Remus's personal dining hall."

Benjamin thought it unconventional to leave him there. He obviously was not being given to Washer to be taken care of in her absence. It had to be a matter of trust and obedience. She expected him to not embarrass her, to rely on what she had taught him over the months. Washer finished up, licking the last dregs of cum and spittle from his balls, shaft, and sheath. She wiped her mouth before leaning up.

"Do you want me to polish your collar?" She asked, his mouth already inches from it. "Master's dining hall is where he, his guests, and his friends dine."

If Remus was going to be there, as well as those he considered close, it was likely a black tie affair. He nodded. "Please." He tilted his head back to let her work. Some how she produced a cloth, seemingly from no where. A trick of her own training most likely. With every lick she buffed his collar. The lumpy metal looked only moderately better once done. "Thank you." she bowed as he stood, by now fully tucked away and as presentable as possible. A black tie dinner in his birthday suite, there was a joke in there some where.

The directions Washer had given him were direct as possible. Remus was like most other dragons and had his lair built on personal principal rather than practicality. The halls meandered and curved in dizzying curves, hair pins, and switch backs. He was growing disconcerted and confused, having stopped at an intersection. "Was I supposed to go right, or left? Straight ahead, maybe if I turn around and head back..."

"Hello." He practically jumped out of his fur. His tail shot straight out, the fur standing on end. His hackles having arched. "That's very unbecoming, slave."

He recognized the voice. Natasha, the blue dragon doctor from the infirmary smiled down at him. Her coat was gone and she wore a single piece backless blue dress. The color matched her scales. Scales that he could now see with out her white doctors coat and smock. The way they light reflected off of them had a shimmering effect that made her appear as though cut from ice. Her hair was a stark white and combed back, held in place by a blue head band. "Lost?" she asked.

He stammered for a moment, catching him self starring and closed his mouth. "S-sorry. Yes Ma'am." he said, shuffling, smoothing down the fur on his tail. "My Mistress said I was supposed to go to Re-I mean Master Remus's private dinning hall."

Natasha gave him a curious, questioning look. "Hmm. I'm headed there my self. The entire lair staff was invited tonight. Must be something big. Come along." He gaked as she looped the point of her tail t through the d-ring and practically yanked him forward in step with her. She smiled back at him, his blinked and flushed, looking down as he followed. He was adorable when flustered.

Counting his steps and trying to keep a sense of direction, Remus's dinning hall would have been much closer if the halls had been excavated in normal proportions. It would have been a straight walk from where Natasha had found him instead of the long one taken due to all the curves and bends. Two large dragons, wearing kilts and leather chest straps, broad swords hanging from their hips guaarded the doors. They each gave Natasha a cordial smile, Benjamin was given half interested look before the doors were pushed open.

"AH! And there's the last guest...oh! Guests of the evening." Remus, master of the lair and a dragon of such a dark shade of blue it was almost black stood with a glass raised. "To the good doctor." he said in toast and drank. Natasha feigned a smiled.

"Oh Master, you're to generous. I'm but a humble healer." She said, striding forward, sitting down next to Benjamin's Mistress. She yanked him down forcefully to his knees and then down to his shoulders to bow on the floor between them. "Found him lost in the halls." She said to Kelsura.

The orange dragoness frowned down at her slave, he cringed at the look of disappointment. "My Thanks, and my appologies."

Natasha shook her head. "None necessary. Master Remus's lair is large, and a labyrinth. New house slaves have to be guided and then tested on its knowledge before allowed to work here. Its not his fault. That lies with who ever gave him directions. Whom ever it was should have shown him directly."

"Washer." Kelsura said, her own tail wrapping around her tiger's neck, tail ending in a spade and too large to fit through the ring. "Thank Miss Natasha for showing you the proper way." she told her slave and then tilted her head. Benjamin was already under the ice blue dragon's feet, licking away between her toes. Natasha smiled at Kelsura, giving her toes a wiggle. "Well...good boy." She chuckled.

Remus tapped his empty glass with his claw to call attention, the crystal goblet ringing and sounding for quiet. Every one ceased their conversations as he stood once more. He spread his arms out. "It is not often that we can all be here. Usually it is my self and my most trusted friends and slaves. Today though is a very special day. As most of you know, my dearest and closest friend Kelsura, who I have known since weeks after hatching, who has been a confidant and source of support in the trying times when I was still young. When the miners guild in the commerce clan threatened to claim my mines in the name of the Empire it was her quick thinking that put in place plans that not only allowed them to stay in my possession but increased productivity. The extent of her tutelage can not be understated, and as a result the mines are now producing at a rate that exceeds others of the same size. It is for that reason that tonight we celebrate he accomplishments. With out her the Remus Mines would simply be another set of Imperial assets, not the shining jewels they are today. None of you would be here, prospering justly from it's profits." He held his glass aloft, a unicorn that had been at his side the entire time held her hand over it. With a grimace her wrist was pricked by Remus' claw, the wound bled freely and filled it, she moved from glass to glass, filling or topping them off.

"In your honor Kelsura, we drink." he quaffed deeply then, followed immediately by the other dragons. Kelsura was blushing.

"You give me far too much honor Sir." she mumbled, trying to hide her smile.

With a clap of his hands a group of Unicorns carried in a large platter, big enough to hold a fur. When they removed the silver top Benjamin saw with shock, horror, and disgust that it was a fur. A male antelope. He was old by the wrinkles on his face, but had more than enough muscle still on him to serve as a fine meal for the gathered guests, many of whom did nothing to hide the hungry looks on their faces. The antelope's horns had been cut from his head to make room for him on the platter. He was garnished with cuts of other meats. Benjamin looked on in horror as a dragoness pressed a claw to his neck, his face didn't even twitch as she stabbed into his jugular. His hand was brought up to hold the blood flow down to keep from splashing every where. He would never forget the way the life just drained from his eyes, the corners of his old mouth spreading into a smile. in the world could he be happy. He had to know what was about to happen to him. At least...

Each dragon dug into the fur, claws rending flesh from bone, or taking the flesh on the bone. His chest was torn open with bare claws, sternum split with and ribs pulled open. Benjamin looked away at this point, fearing he would heave on the table and ruin the meal. Why that worried him...he knew why. He feared they would turn on him and he would embarrass his Mistress. I they didn't eat him she likely would.

The antelope's heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, every thing in side him was pulled out, shared and devoured by the hungry alpha carnivores. Even his stomach, which was filled with scraps of meat from various animals, was devoured. Despite the mess in the middle of the table the dragons ate with a refinement. While they used their fingers, claws to cut meat, they took small bites, enjoying and savoring each bite.

Benjamin only looked on as dragon after dragon tore away at the dead, disturbingly smiling fur. "Would have been better if he had still be alive, I prefer when they kick and scream." one dragon said.

"Dont be rude," said another, nudging him as he plucked on of the now lifeless eyes from the antelopes skull. "Sulla wanted it this way, its her slave she can serve him how she wants." he said, popping the eye into his mouth.

Kelsura leaned forward, tearing a smallish hunk of meat from the dead fur's flank. "He's fresh enough to bleed. No complaint here" she said, setting the meat on a dish and then pulling one of the loose preset cuts on a plate to set before her tiger. He had no way of knowing if the cut came from an animal or another fur. He erfed as he looked down at the bloody slab of marbled meat. "Eat...unless you want to insult Sulla, Remus, and my self."

He looked down sullenly as she munched, cracking open a rib bone and sucking the marrow from it. Her eye watching him from their corners. He hesitantly opened his mouth and took the smallest bite he could and was greeted by a nose and a pair of pretty blue eyes staring at him. The sweet, rare taste in lingered in his mouth. Even raw the meat seemed to melt. "Unicorn" she whispered, smirking as she turned around, waving her ass at him and teasing him with a giggle before tucking her muzzle up under a kilt, eliciting a moan from the kilt's owner.

"Dinner and a show!" the voice exclaimed. "All of this for a friend?"

Benjamin suddenly felt sick, looking down at the hunk of unicorn, just imagining where it had come from. How the mare now across from him under the table could be so blasé about it, even teasing him with the knowledge. She looked back at him with her mouth stretched around a length of dragon cock, winking at him. "If you don't eat, you get nothing else. Whoever that came from obviously didn't die for it." she said. She rolled her eyes in frustration as he just stared at it. She picked a chunk from it and held it to his mouth. "Eat, or I take a chunk out of you and force it down your throat."

Benjamin took the bleeding scrap from her fingers with his mouth. He knew she was serious. Kelsura was kind and even handed but would bring the hammer down. The look in her eyes told him all he needed to know. Despite its sweet taste and smooth, even texture he choked it down. His tongue telling him it was delicious, his mind telling him it was evil. He could hear the chortles of dragons, even the mare, who was now wiping a copious bit of spunk from her muzzle, was laughing at him. The unicorn crawled forward, smiling as she looked up at Kelsura. She opened her mouth, with a smile Kelsura plucked another shred of the unicorn meat onto the mare's tongue. She closed her mouth, chewing vigorously as she turned and looked directly into Benjamin's eyes. She leaned closer, nose touching his and then swallowed, opening her mouth, lifting her tongue to show she had swallowed it. She then gave his nose a lick and tottled off on all fours.

"Ah." he heard, his mistress holding another piece. He swallowed, opening his mouth the same way the unicorn had. Once more he choked down the meat, each successive piece becoming easier and easier to swallow until their was no hesitation. "Better." she said, serving him another raw steak. He took a long breath. Mistress said who ever this had come from had not died. Unicorns were amazing healers, even the most traumatic wounds disappeared in days or weeks. They could even survive the lose of certain vital organs, regrowing them entirely. Short of decapitation or total blood lose it was very hard to kill a Unicorn.

He hated himself as he wiped his chin on his arm. It had been delicious, he allowed himself to enjoy it. He reasoned that it wasn't cannibalism because no one died for it. The mare had returned, now sticky with cum, likely having just finished pleasuring every dragon cock she could. That damned smirk on her face. She took a quick look left and then right, sneaking one up at his mistress who was deep in conversation with the dragon across the table. She thrust her lips forward, clapping her hands on either side of his face as her tongue pressed into his mouth, her tongue and something else. She rushed away as he choked on it. She sat at Remus' feet under the table, laughing sardonically. His eyes widened and he felt his stomach turn over. She had forced the antelope's flesh down his throat. He felt his legs tense, his shoulders flex and his claws extend. His lip curled in a snarl. The unicorn blanched at the deathly look on his face. He was ready to pounce, to beat the life out of her, to clamp his fangs down around her neck and just-

"Stop it." Kelsura pushed her fingers through the hair on his head. He felt a sense of ease wash over him, like water rolling down his back. The unicorn gave him another wink, sticking her tongue out at him and waving her hands over her head. He simply turned away from her, tail flicking lazily behind him. He didn't know exactly why but he set his head in his Mistress's lap. She pet the back of his head softly, scratching softly behind his ears. He closed his eyes and began to pur, he forgot about both the unicorn and the antelope rather easily. With the soft hand stroking all the right spots on the back of his neck he was content to forget. He would have been grateful that he hadn't looked up on the table. There was little of the fur left as the plate was carried away by haggard looking, messy furred slaves.

Another ring. Remus once more tapping a claw on his glass. The unicorn from before raised her arms once more. Remus held a hand out and shook his head, smiling though as he gave the girl a pat and motioned for her to sit back down. "All of that," he said, gesturing as the leaving slaves. "The fine food, the fresh drink. Friends, and good times. All of that for...some one," he turned, his hand now offered to Kelsura. "For some one I hope is more than a friend."

Kelsura blinked. She stopped petting Benjamin who groaned softly and wondered why. She blushed as she put her own hand in his. He turned his palm in hers, lacing his fingers with hers. "A friend who has been and means more to me than these mines." He pulled her up from her seat, Benjamin grunted as he was forced to lift himself from her soft legs. "Who was there for me when I needed them." He pulled her close, wrapping an arm around her lower back. "Who I hope will always be there. Kelsura. The world could stop turning. The war could end. The furries could come crawling on there knees and beg the Empire to show them their errors. I could be the richest, most powerful, most influential dragon in the world...and it would all be meaningless if I had no one to share it with. I know your answer, I know you as well as I know my self. I want all assembled to hear the truth in your voice. Kelsura, stay with me. In this life, and what ever may come next?"

The room was silent and still. Benjamin looked on. Remus was proposing to his Mistress? He looked around. Every one else was on the edge of their seats in rapt attention. Some literally. Kelsura blushed and bit her lip, looking away for a moment. She looked to her tiger, the smirk on her face the broadest he had ever seen. The excitement building in the room must have been contagious because he felt it in himself, leaning forward in expectation of her answer.

"Natasha?" She said, turning to gaze longingly at Remus.

"Yes Miss Kelsura?"

"Make sure Benjamin is seen to tonight." She smiled, tracing the back of her hand lovingly along Remus's cheek, the blue dragon growling possessively in response.

Natasha smiled softly and bowed after she stood, looping her tail tip into Benjamin's collar again. "Yes Mistress."