Typical Friday Night

Story by Stargate525 on SoFurry

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A little change of pace for me. This is the exploits of Sam, Tim's sister. While he was blessed with producing copious amounts, Sam... well, read and find out how the female equivalent of that works. ;)

I appreciate critique and comments. Enjoy!

Sam twirled the straw of her rum and coke idly, eyes rolling across the bar scene with an equal mixture of mild curiosity and lazy boredom. Her drink could use a little more rum, and her gaze could have used a little more curiosity, and a little less boredom. Too small, too girly, she wasn't even sure if that WAS a guy...The dragoness was currently without a boyfriend; her previous guy leaving her and taking a job across the country. He didn't want to try the long-distance thing, and she wasn't going to really press the issue. She'd had fun with him, yeah, but after three days of mulling it over, she realized that the businessman fox (MISTER Eric Handworthy, Associate Executive!) was never really marriage material.

She dated for marriage material first. Sure, she loved sex as much as any other girl (some would say quite a lot more), but that wasn't what she looked for in a companion. She wanted to be friends with him, comfortable and at-ease during the evenings with him, happy to wake up with their arms entwined. Sex came second and, if he wasn't very good... she could educate. Or bring in a third party. But she wasn't here looking for a date. No, she'd been taken for a year. She wanted to have fun, scratch itches that Eric hadn't been able to, deprogram herself from some of the habits she'd gotten into. She never had understood why he insisted on being called 'Mister Handworthy' in bed, though she imagined that it had something to do with his secretary. Tonight, Sam was on the prowl.

She'd donned one of her favorite outfits; Low-cut jeans that hugged her womanly hips and round posterior, lying just low enough to let careful watchers peek at her V-cut thong beneath. She'd found a bright green t-shirt that was perhaps just a little too tight for a bust of her size, and would ride up ever so slightly to expose her near-washboard belly if she didn't keep tabs on it. Over that was a leather jacket, holes cut for her wings and long enough that she could easily hide her other midriff-exposing garments. She could be alluring, but only when she decided she wanted to.

"Hello..." She murmured to herself as she spotted the newcomer. He was a stallion, though no one would probably ever call him that to his face. Tall, nearly six feet judging by the doorway, but about as thin as the door he'd walked in through. He looked almost malnourished, were it not for the clear outline of muscle that she could spot around his open collar and bare arms. No, he was just made that way. She snorted a little, imagining that she could probably break him in half if she wished. His face was bookish, thin glasses mounted on his short snout, and a mane that told her his morning regimen was less to make himself handsome and more to make him not bedraggled. None of that, though, was what had made her eyes lock onto him instead of continuing to roam. That pleasure sat firmly between his legs. He was wearing business slacks and the loose tie, unbuttoned top dress shirt that was the universal symbol for 'desk-jockey on leave.' But his pants were big. Too big. The legs veritably billowed around his overlarge hooves as he walked, and his belt cinched the waistband in far enough to force pleats into the fabric. No, only one part of those pants fit; the crotch. It was well-hidden, but Sam had seen her brother Tim hide his gifts in exactly the same way. She was polite enough not to stare, but from her guess, the horse was packing something truly immense. Perfect to scratch that itch she'd come here to satiate.

She waited until he'd chosen a seat, grabbing his beer and sliding into a table away from the crowd at the bar. Sam stood up and swayed towards her prey, hips setting off a sway that made her long tail wag alluringly. He wasn't watching, but it wouldn't do for her to turn on the charm only when she'd arrived. With a subtle twitch of the shoulder, her jacket fell off of her bosom, going from partially hiding her double Ds to drawing attention to them. With a barely-audible thrum, she came up besides the horse, standing closer than the crowd really demanded, smiling winningly at him. "Is this seat taken?"

"Uhh..." He was staring at her breasts instead of looking up at her face. It was adorable, and it only took him a moment to bring his face upwards. "Uhm, no. No... please." He gestured to the seat across from him. Sam slipped into the seat beside him, leaning onto the table and still smiling at the horse. He blinked, then swallowed. Perfect.

"I'm Sam," she said, holding out her hand sideways for him to take.

"...John." His hand was hot, slightly sweaty. How cute. She wondered absently if, maybe, she was the first one to hit upon such a gifted man. "So, what brings you here?" He asked, swallowing again. Sam guessed either accounting or... no, definitely accountant. She couldn't help but giggle a little as her mind's eye put an old style green plastic visor and pencil in his ear.

"Oh, nothing much..." She purred, running a finger along the top of her glass, gathering up condensation and sucking it off of the digit. "Just a girl back in the market, looking for some fun, you know?" She didn't wait for him to answer before continuing. "You know where I could get that?" She asked, licking her chops. John blushed furiously, looking down and muttering something that sounded vaguely like a put-off, though instead of gazing at the table, his eyes landed once more on Sam's breasts. She giggled again and gently put her finger beneath his chin, drawing his face back up to look at her. "Wanna touch 'em?" She asked bluntly.

That had definitely not been what John was expecting to hear. He blushed hotter and was halfway through a 'Sorry, I didn't mean to' before what she'd asked registered in his ears. "-What? Touch...?" Sam rolled her eyes and giggled, nodding. She turned in her chair to face him, arching her back for him, making her breasts swell against the stretched cotton of her t-shirt, bra creaking slightly from the added strain. "Uh..." Sam's finger kept his muzzle up, but his eyes drifted back down. His hand went off his beer, approaching, hovering, pulling back an inch. Surely, this was a trap...

After a few seconds of patience, Sam took his hand in hers and pressed it against her left tit. She felt his hand clench slightly, groping. She purred, leaning in intimately. "Listen," she said, "I like you. You're cute, and..." Her hand went from his chin to his thigh, rubbing just high enough for her to pinch a fold of the straining fabric and tug it knowingly, eliciting a shocked jump from the horse. "...THAT really intrigues me. So, what do you say to an evening... Or a weekend... of some no-strings-attached fun, helping a poor dragoness get over a recent breakup?"

Yup, John had never been hit on this abruptly in his life. He was adorably, furiously red by this point, turning his white fur a strange shade of pink. "You, I, uhm... I'm..." He looked away, but his hand on her breast didn't move. "I'm a bit... messier... than..." Sam grinned conspiratorially and put a hushing finger across his lips. Once he stopped his protesting, she took the finger and hooked it around his loosened tie, tugging him up to stand along with her.

"Your place or mine?"


They decided on her place. She didn't mind that. As she drove, she eased up on the flirting and began to ask a little more about him: She'd caught her prey, but she definitely wanted him to have as much fun as she was planning on having. To do that, he had to be comfortable. She had been right: accountant. At a firm she even recognized. She asked about his day, what he did, if he enjoyed it, what he looked forward to... She had always been good at conversation. Being insatiably curious helped in that regard. By the time she pulled into the parking lot of her building, she'd managed to get him laughing at a semi-autobiographical story about her, a bucket of paint, and an ill-timed phone call. She pressed herself against him as she led him up to her apartment, and she was pleased as his arm went easily around her waist to rest on her hip. He had large hands. They made Sam feel comfortable.

She unlocked her door and hooked his tie again, laughing gently as she pulled him in. Her apartment was a studio, literally. The bed was pressed up against the far wall, away from the kitchen, and separated from it by the small dining table, her computer, television, and her art supplies. During the night, a trip to the bathroom involved a memorized dance around two easels, a cabinet of paints and wire, a half-finished statue and the sharp metal bits lying around it waiting to be attached, and one very badly-placed hat rack. She tugged him along, turning to place herself with her back against the kitchen wall, pulling him against her with a laugh. "Now that we're alone..." She cooed, winking, taking his hand and putting it back on her breast, "I imagine you want to do a lot more than this."

John blushed, nervousness sneaking back into him. "I, uh..." Sam tutted a little and tugged his jaw, pulling his muzzle back to face her. She reached up and gently pulled his glasses away, leaning in to kiss him. He had clearly not done this often, and wasn't expecting her to do it. The surprise took a while to get over, and the reluctance even more. He even tried to pull away, but by then she had his lip gently locked between her teeth. A small whine of disappointment put a stop to that, and after a few minutes he was finally getting into it. Her hands hugged him loosely, resting on his tight butt and keeping him pressed against her. Once she felt his hands go from awkwardly splayed in the air, to against the wall behind her, to running over her waist, she broke the kiss. With a thrumm of pleasure and arousal, she nosed him gently, guiding him slowly through towards the bed.

The two weaved through her apartment, Sam grinning wickedly, and John with the slightly-dazed look of one who was still unsure that this was really happening. Sam sat heavily on the edge of the bed, her head now right near his groin, and looked up at him. There was no 'well-hidden' now. If she wished, she could trace the veins of his erection through his slacks, the median ring of his cock clearly outlined along his pant leg. That bulge... She'd expected a lot of it to be his sheathe. Now that she could trace his cock through the fabric (and, with a slight giggle, she did just that), she realized that almost none of it had been.

She hushed his stuttering protests and worked at his belt. "This IS what you want, isn't it...?" She asked, waiting for a nod before continuing. Sam undid his belt and, to her surprise, didn't even need to unbutton his pants as they dropped around his waist. With a small tug to dislodge it from hanging on his package, she left him standing before her in his briefs. .They were totally, utterly inadequate. The fabric strained around his equipment with as much protest as Sam's shirt, and then some. A foot-long penis, three inches wide, straining to come erect against the fabric of his long briefs. Between his legs, held against his body under strong protest, were balls. And such balls. Each was as big as both Sam's fists together, straining against the fabric, twitching and shifting with each embarrassed breath of their master above him. "H-holy..."

"I-it's okay..." John said, completely misunderstanding Sam's exclamation, "I know I'm too-"

Sam was having none of that. With a growling purr, she gripped the elastic of his waistband and pulled, freeing him eagerly. His cock sprang erect with a gasp from John, slapping against Sam's cheek. She purred, nuzzling against it. Her ear frill twitched as she was rewarded with an arc of pre. Sam giggled. "My eager, pent up Johnny..." She gave his balls a tender caress before going to her shirt. She pulled it up and over her, tossing it aside, looking up at John and wiggling her chest, drawing his eyes away from hers and to her long line of cleavage. "How do you want it first?" She was hoping to get him to take the initiative, to really get into it.

"Uh... B-breasts..."

Sigh. Well, it was a start, anyway. She smiled up at him, reaching back and unhooking her bra, letting it fall to her lap before kicking it off to fall to the floor. She wiggled her rump backwards, drawing him forward and guiding him onto the bed, kneeling atop of her topless body. He could feel Sam's encouraging thrum through his balls, which were now resting heavily on her belly. "Put it right here, hun..." Sam cooed, spitting into her cleavage, lubing them, and rubbing them together invitingly. She needn't have bothered. the sight beneath John was utterly arousing, and as he lowered his cock between her folds it began to jerk and twitch, coating Sam's long neck and chest in his precum. She purred and scooped up a fingerful of the stuff, examining it before putting it into her mouth and sucking it clean.

Her eyes went wide and she looked up at him. He was delicious. Salty, musky... She could feel her loins heating up as she savored the thick pre. Her nostrils were filled with the scent of him; alone, it was strong and masculine. With the taste of his seed, it was irresistible. John flinched back at the almost accusing look that Sam gave him. "You..." She murmured at him before diving her head down. His wide, flaring head was still easily able to fit inside Sam's maw, and it vanished inside, along with two inches of his length. She sucked hard, drawing out another spurt of pre, and another as she pressed her breasts against either side of his remaining length. She was loathe to let any of it escape, especially now that it was giving her that wonderful tingle she had gone to the bar in hopes of getting... But she - reluctantly - let some of it dribble from her mouth and into her cleavage, enabling her to properly service his length.

John moaned and whinnied softly, looking down at the suddenly ravenous dragoness. His hands hovered just above his knees, torn between taking over the titfuck, holding her head... So many choices. To Sam's approval, they eventually decided to finish taking care of his clothing. His tie went first, tossed aside carelessly. Button after button of the dress shirt came off to growing purrs of encouragement and pleasure. By the time John had revealed his torso (not muscular, but not thin... Lithe was the word that Sam eventually settled on), Sam was gorging on a nearly constant stream of pre, which she swallowed loudly and eagerly. She took his hands and placed them on her heavy breasts, which allowed her to grab his rump and pull him down and in. She wanted him sitting on her belly, wanted those balls pressed against her diaphragm, as much of his cock between her cleavage and in her mouth as possible. With gentle prods, she got him to begin bucking. It forced her head back to give him space, and then forced her off completely as he finally, gloriously took over. Sam kept her snout out of the way of his rutting cock, and was only occasionally able to get a lick or sideways kiss in along it as it slid against her cheek. John's eyes were closed, panting, as he used her breasts as a cocksleeve, those heavy orbs of flesh rubbing against each other and his cock. His pre was coming out in great shoots now, splattering across Sam's head, neck, chest... She was an utter mess, and it was perfect.

"Ngh... I'm... I'm gon-" Sam responded by scooting up and opening her jaw wide, invitingly, in front of his head. She left nothing to the imagination as to where she wanted him to finish, and he was more than happy to oblige. With only a passing thought and a tiny, fleeting stab of worry as to whether she knew what she was asking for, John squeezed her breasts hard and thrust a final time. His head flared wide, cock jerking strongly as the first of John's cum shot into Sam's waiting maw. She gacked a little, unable to not twitch in surprise as it hit the roof of her mouth, but it was shortly followed by the second and third spurts. Sam couldn't see his cock, could barely see him at this angle. But, she could feel her mouth filling with his cum. It was hot, it was thick, it was sticky and, as she risked a fast swallow, it was drunkenly heady. If his pre had been good, this was better. She could feel it tingle her flesh as it traveled down her throat, feeling cool like mint as she was hit with another two shots across her snout while she had it closed. She clamped her jaw around his flare, swallowing, desperate to keep up as the first of his cum hit her belly and exploded.

She moaned loudly as the tingle quickly spread throughout her body. Her legs rubbed together, thong and jeans soaked utterly in the crotch, and her entire body flushed with need and arousal. Her nipples surged to rock-hardness, and John could feel (though didn't yet register) the flesh between his hands slowly surge in size, adding another soft cup size to Sam's already impressive bust. She grunted as the thong bit into her hips, the denim of her jeans protesting slightly as they stretched. But, he wasn't done... How could he not be done? A dozen, two dozen powerful shots of cum kept coming into her waiting jaw as she struggled and failed to keep up. She lost count, the cum she couldn't get in her spilling and spraying out her jaw. Her eyes rolled in her sockets as the tingle turned to pure pleasure, and her first climax with John was done entirely without him doing a thing.

After some minutes, John slumped to his side on the bed, panting. She had taken it all... Well, near as made no difference. Her jaw and neck was covered in cum, the bedsheets around her thoroughly soaked as well. But still, he had dumped nearly a gallon of cum into her, and... He looked down briefly, only to moan in pleasure and avert his eyes. Yes, she was actually licking him clean. Sam, for her part, was equally surprised, but not at her appetite. Rather, at his production. He wasn't kidding that he was messy. She shifted, and giggled as her once-flat belly sloshed, trailing after her motions by a fraction. It was swollen, distended, like she'd eaten a massive meal and had let herself go a tad. Well, she had eaten, hadn't she? Once she was satisfied with the state of his cock, and certain that she wasn't going to miss a final shot of his cum, she wiggled out from between his legs, scooting up to join John on the bed more properly.

Her face appeared in John's field of view. She was more white than red now with his cum across her face, and she looked oh so satisfied about that. "You little sneak..." She cooed, smiling at him. "How many of those have you got?" Her hand groped his balls gently and, to her surprise, they didn't feel lighter or more slack whatsoever. She wiggled her hips quickly, eager to get her pants off and get to the real fun.

John couldn't help but chuckle a little. "I've never run out, and I've tried." To his surprise, he didn't get any incredulity. He didn't get shock at all. He didn't even get sympathy. What he got took him a moment to identify, it had come around so seldomly. He got eagerness. Sam's face lit up at his statement. She had chosen him because he was cute, geeky, well hung, and clearly needed a good lay. Apparently, she had also won the lottery.

She licked her lips greedily, cleaning off a little of the cum from her visage. "You. Are. Mine." She rolled him onto his back and threw a long leg across him, straddling his midsection. From below, John was treated to a wonderful view. Wide hips and strong thighs pressed against his sides, a tight belly with a slight paunch below a pair of gravity-defying, lush, gorgeous breasts. He blinked as he took in Sam's breasts. "Uh, Sam..." He blushed at even asking the question.

"...Yes, hun?" Sam was rubbing his cum into the small scales on her chest, making them shine and glisten as if wet. Occasionally she'd scoop up a heavy dollop of it and pluck it into her mouth with a moan of pleasure.

"Are your... I mean... Have your...? It's just, from here they look-" Sam cut him off with a well-timed rock of her hips. his cock slipped along her rear, nestled warmly between buttock and tail as she looked down at him.

"Mmhmm..." She grinned devilishly, putting a teasing finger on his muzzle to shush him. "And once you give me another of those wonderful loads, I just might tell you how." She rocked her hips slowly, luxuriously against his crotch and cock. Her hands ran along her body in a show-offy little performance for John, and she grinned down at him as she felt his cock surge to hardness behind her. "Mmm... ready for round two?" She cooed.

John could only swallow and nod as his gaze followed her softly swaying chest. The dragoness giggled and took his hands. "C'mon John..." She said encouragingly. "Indulge yourself!" She lifted herself up onto her knees and leaned forward, pressing his hands into her chest as she lined herself up with his cock. She waited until he was comfortable playing with her tits before she sank down with a heavy moan. Inch after inch of his length sank into her, and her moans of pleasure were joined by his. "Sobig..." She murmured, eyes lidded. Her descent slowed, but didn't stop until their groins met once more. She could feel every veined, throbbing bit of him filling her to bursting. He could feel her body and tunnel shifting, clenching around his rod in a subconscious need to get more comfortable.

Sam shook her head slightly, clearing it. It was getting hard to concentrate now that that tingle was centered in her sex. "Mmm... Play with me..." She cooed, rocking her hips. John's face was soon full of dragoness as she leaned forward, putting her hands on his shoulders, riding him ever so slowly. She wanted to fuck him silly, bounce on his cock until he unloaded another of those delicious climaxes straight into her womb, but her passage was just not big enough.


It took a few moments, but the horse beneath her began to take advantage of his position. She felt his muzzle first brush, then press into her cleavage, leaving an almost hesitant kiss there. Sam nodded and cooed encouragingly, rewarding him with a sudden drop of her hips that made him whinny, and her cry out. She could feel herself getting used to him, getting acclimated to that rod inside her now...

John had no idea how long they were at it. It was slow, sensual; Sam opened her body up for him, and he took advantage of it. Unlike the first, almost desperate sex they had had initially, this was much more slow. He got the impression that she was taking her time, building him up, enjoying herself while letting him indulge in the simple sensation of a willing woman atop him this intimately. He didn't even realize how close he was, or how much he had been leaking, until Sam began to moan intelligible words into his scalp, where she had been lavishing him with kisses for the past while. "Don't you dare pull out..." She was rocking in earnest now, matching pace with John's bucking hips (when had that started?). Each gyration was accompanied by a wet smacking noise as the growing puddle of their sexual fluids was ground in by his ass and her knees.

He had just enough presence of mind to protest her. "It's too much..."

For his trouble, he got his head mashed into her chest, every sense but his hearing overwhelmed with the flesh of two large F cups on either side of his face. "Don't. You. Dare..." She growled, moaning loudly. An accompanying spurt of liquid onto his already soaked groin announced yet another climax from his bed partner.

With an almost apolegetic whinny, John let himself go.

Sam roared. The first shot of his cum into her had taken the pleasurable flame of their lovemaking, doused it in gasoline, closed the door, left the house, then bombed it. With napalm. Every bit of her body was aflame with pleasure. It exploded anew with each of his massive shots into her. John could feel her belly bloat with his cum against his stomach, and it only seemed to egg her on further. Her tunnel clenched and milked him, rippling in waves along his length and coaxing ever more from him. She hugged him to her body, pressing him into the bed, threatening almost to suffocate him beneath her growing body. Yes, despite the pleasure John could clearly feel it: Sam was growing. Those pillowy breasts expanded in fullness around his muzzle, and her ass and hips seemed to follow suit as her belly surged and churned to store his virility.

He gasped slightly when Sam relaxed and let him breathe again. She, like he had their first time, slumped to the side, breathing heavily. John stared at the ceiling as his body rode the high of his climax, electric tingles running along his side and chest where Sam lay draped across him, thrumming deeply. He was thirsty. He could feel his heavy balls churning, unused to being taxed so much. "Sam...?"

"Mmm?" She nuzzled his cheek, further spreading the mess across them both.

"I, uh, need a drink."

She giggled and murred. "Glasses are right above the sink, stud..." Reluctantly, the stallion disentangled himself from Sam's limbs and body, leaving her purring contentedly on the bed. They had been too busy to bother with a light, so John's journey back to the kitchen involved a few near-misses with the cluttered studio and accompanying giggles from Sam as he almost knocked things over. He stepped into the kitchen and grabbed a glass; Sam could see him by the light of the oven clock. He was... cute. So thin, but wiry in a way that was attractive to her from its change of pace. A nice face, strong body... and that COCK!

John could make out her silhouette in the bed, shifting about. He cocked his head, shrugged a little, finished his glass, and braved the trip back towards the bed.

She was waiting for him. She had shifted onto her belly, which now looked a good six months pregnant, and her enhanced curves splayed against her body, giving him a marvelous view of her breasts from behind. Her rump was in the air, tail lifted and swaying in time with her hips over spread legs. Their mixed fluids utterly coated her groin, falling in heavy drips onto the already-ruined bedspread. "Welcome back, John..." She cooed, looking over her shoulder. "Ready for round three?"

The only answer she received was a pleased whinny and the feel of her folds being spread once more. She moaned and clutched the sheets; this was going to be a great weekend.