With a Touch

Story by Blake_Foxx on SoFurry

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#3 of Mind Control

William had a grand idea. A new method for his art. Ever the entertainer, he needed to find a new subject to test his technique on. Would he be able to find a new subject to test his craft on? What new craft could it be? What sort of test was to be run?

As always feel free to leave comments/feedback/critique/ect...

With a Touch

The lapine sighed softly, gently running a soft white furred paw against the expensive material of his suit. A stray bit of dust casually brushed away to return the bunny's outfit to it's usual pristine glory. He had been spending weeks now on a theory of his, a new way to break the defenses of the mind to implant thoughts. It was a bit different, but he hadn't found a fitting subject for his tests just yet. It wouldn't work on just any stranger. No, the process took too long and he needed a certain personality type. At least until he could work out the finer details.

It was going to be a pain. He had gotten fairly good at reading people, but finding a test subject would still be hard. It was rare that someone would be fitted to his new idea. Not very many people reacted well to having their personal space violated, and most of the ones who did wouldn't need his influence. He didn't give into despair though, he'd just have to keep his eyes open and wait.

"Your tea" came the soft voice of delicate otter girl who casually placed a cup on his table, his eyes straying down a brief moment to watch steam roll off the cup before moving back to the girl. She looked to be in her early to mid twenties. Her soft blue eyes drew the lapine's attention for a brief moment before she cast them nervously to the side. The girl's posture was timid, and she seemed a bit reserved, maybe even shy. The bunny had a thing for the shy types. His eyes briefly scanned over the little outfit the cafe had her wearing: a cute little black uniform that danced along her curved figure, a skirt bottom which stopped just at her soft rear drawing the lapine's attention there a moment, and of course a cute little apron draped along her front which clung to her small figure rather nicely.

"Thank you my dear" he spoke. His voice rolling off his tongue with a hint of sophistication. The lapine always carried himself with the swagger of someone upper-class. He'd never bothered to invest in frivolous things, but he carried himself as if he did. The performer in him ever present at the surface of his personality. A charmer, and a good one too.

She nodded politely at his words and turned to deal with the flow of other customers. As she slipped away, he took a moment to stare at her. The way her hips swayed back and forth, the way her tail swished with every step, everything about her was hypnotic. The lapine admired that. He only wished to know more about her. She had gained his interest.

His eyes perked up a moment as something caught his eyes. A gruff looking canine had reached out a paw and groped the otter girl's ass. It was a lewd gesture, and he waited for the inevitable slap to the face. Nothing, not even a shout in protest. She seemed to completely ignore it. That struck a chord with him. Maybe she'd be perfect for his new experiment. Yes, he was certain he'd have to try it on her.

For the time being though, he had his tea to worry about. The lapine smiled and gently brought the cup to his lips and took a sip. He hadn't even bothered to allowed the liquid to cool, but it seemed to have no effect on him. Without care he sipped at his tea, his eyes roaming over the young waitress as he enjoyed his drink. William seemed rather smitten with her, and every so often he'd notice an unfriendly hand groping at the young woman. It was strange to him the way that she allowed their touch without complaint, but to him it was perfect. As he finished his tea he found himself now certain she was the perfect subject.

As the sun set, the young waitress was in the process of wrapping up her shift. With a warm smile she waved to her boss and slipped out of the door. It was a bit chilly outside, but the young otter didn't seem to mind. Her thoughts having completely strayed away to fantasy as she walked the streets on auto-pilot. It was a habit of hers, the otter girl prone to day dreams. Not always the safest option at night, but she'd never had any troubles before.

Her thoughts were quickly snapped back to reality when she felt a soft set of paws touching against her belly. The sensation caught her off guard, and she could feel one of the paws slowly teasingly along her lower belly and trailing ever downward. Her body tensed at the sensation, and she struggled to attempt a word of protest to the invading touch.

"Good evening dear" came a rather soothing and enticing voice. Her body felt a sense of ease at his voice, though her defenses still held strong, "You been selected to help me out with a bit of an experiment. I know it would have been polite to inform you before hand, but unfortunately this experiment requires the subject to remain unaware." he added as his fingers gently edged lower and lower, getting dangerously close to being between her legs.

"W..who are you?" she muttered her body heating up at the teasing touches, though her mind was racing with fear and confusion. "What do you mean experiment?" she added feeling her thoughts racing around inside of her head making her tense further, though it didn't seem to stop the lapine's touch at all.

"Oh now, that is a surprise my dear" he spoke sweetly, "All you need to do for me is relax" he whispered the last word right into her ear.

As the word hit her ear she felt his fingers dipped under her skit to tease her against the soft fabric of her panties. The sensation mixed with the words made her feel scrambled, her mind struggling to keep up with what was happening around her.

"It's alright my sweet little otter, you're safe in my control. You belong to my touch, I can feel the heat against my fingertips. I know that you wish to surrender control to me. I know you long to simply relax and follow my words" he spoke his fingers lightly stroking along her panties, still teasing her sex.

"O..oh!" she moaned softly and his words mixed with the sensations of his touch causing her body's tension fading. She felt herself relaxing back into the male who was holding her. Her body felt so much more at ease, and her mind was struggling to keep its defenses up, his words soothing her nerves and making her feel a strange sensation of comfort.

He could feel her panties getting wet at his touches. The warmth against his paw quickening the pace of his own heart. Everything was going so well, there was minor details to work out, but he was satisfied with the results overall. She was falling into his touch, becoming a victim of his words. The otter girl completely helpless as he mixed his soothing words with the touch of his paw.

"It feels good to relax, doesn't it?" he offered as his free hand moved up to grope one of her perky breasts. Gently he began to massage the mound of flesh and fur. Her lips offered another soft moan, the otter's body being supported solely by the bunny himself, "Such a good girl, you long for more don't you? It's a pleasure to listen and obey. You long to give up control to me."

"Yes..." she moaned out softly. Her legs were quivering under his touch. The sound of her breathing getting heavier. As her control faded her arousal grew. It felt so good to give up control. The more she submitted to the bunny's touches and words the better she felt. Her body and mind surrendering themselves to the bunny.

"Such a good girl" he praised before slipping his hand under her panties to directly work his finger against her heated sex. At his touch she gasped aloud her breathing was so heavy, and he could feel the heat she was giving off as her arousal grew. William smirked enjoying every moment of his play, letting the girl's mind fade further and further away.

"Such a good girl..." she repeated back to him between a few soft moans.

"Yes, you're submitting to me. You're giving me control, and you like when I have control. It feels so good to give yourself away to another. It feels good to trust another to think on your behalf" he whispered into her ear his finger dipping into her folds, gently working them inside of her.

"F..feels soo good to give up control" she moaned out her thoughts going numb, and her legs starting to feel so heavy as it became harder to support herself.

"Yes, you love every moment of this. You are mine now, from this point on you will give me control and do as I say" he spoke as his fingers continued to work inside of her. His other paw massaging and teasing her breasts still as he gently nipped at her ear a bit, "Such a good girl. I can feel your body, I know your body. You're going to reach climax soon...when you reach climax you will be completely mine, won't you?" she spoke softly.

"I will be yours" she whined out heatedly her body completely relaxed into his touch as her moans grew louder and louder. She was edging closer and closer to climax, her thoughts becoming less and less as her focus dulled into the lapine's words.

"Good Girl" he praised once more as his fingers continued to work her. His thumb moving to lightly tease and play with her clit. The sensations drew a surprised gasp from the otter girl's lips. Her body squirming against him now as her pleasure was building and building. It was mounting towards her peak, and she couldn't contain herself any longer as she cried out in pleasure and climaxed against the lapine's fingers. William smirked playfully as his fingers were drenched in her juices, and he withdrew his paw from her panties before holding them up to the otter girl's lips, "Why don't you have a taste?"

As her climax washed over her, the otter girl felt her mind fade completely to black. Her body felt completely relaxed and her breathing was starting to return to normal. Her eyes were glazed over with lust and pleasure as her gaze met his dripping paw and the otter girl heard his words. Without thought she leaned up and began to drag her soft tongue along his paw cleaning her own mess off of him. Her body tingling as she found it felt good to listen to the bunny. She was his, completely and totally his.

There was now only one thing left for the bunny to do. He needed to test out the new toy. With a playful smirk he scanned around the darkened city before finding a bar. Perfect! He found himself thinking. Looking down to the otter girl completely under his command he decided to have a bit of fun with her.

"Come now stand up tall for me." he spoke and she stood herself up completely, he was surprised to find she was just a hair taller than himself. It was a bit offsetting, but as a lapine he was rather used to people being taller than himself, "You are now a charming seductive young thing. You know that you have the body to seduce any man, and the confidence to draw them in. You long for nothing more than to go into that bar and show one of the men inside the best time of their lives." he commanded of her.

She looked to the bar and smirked to herself as she confidently made a stride towards it. Her hips were swaying into a tantalizing motion as she walked. Before long she'd stepped into the bar. The smell of alcohol was strong against her nose, but her mind was only focused on one thing. She was going to show one of the men inside the time of their lives.

Her eyes looked across the bar. It was a pretty typical setup: There was a pool-table, a few gruff looking men hanging out near the bar, and a handful of friends hanging out at the tables set up for groups. She didn't have to wait long to find interest as a hand came and smacked her ass. She turned her head and spotted a familiar looking gruff canine.

"Hey there sweetheart, did you miss me while I was away?" he teased. The brown furred mutt smirking in her direction. The otter girl returned his confident look with one of her own and moved to set next to him, skipping formality completely as she gently trailed the tips of her fingers along his shirt moving steadily up as her kept locked onto his.

"No, but I was thinking that maybe you've been missing me" she teased. She could tell by the look in his eyes that he was into every moment of this. Her thoughts were focused on pleasing the lapine and showing the gruff canine the time of his life. She could thing of nothing else.

"Oh? Well you got me" he offered playfully, "I've been missing that fine ass of yours" he spoke not seeming to care for formality himself.

"Maybe you'd like to get better acquainted with it then?" she teased and gently leaned up pressing her lips to his. The taste of alcohol was strong on his lips, but she didn't mind as he pressed his lips back to hers a moment before pulling away.

He didn't say a word, instead he took her paw into his own and pulled her away towards the restrooms in the back. She didn't have much time to think as she found herself pushed into the men's room and looked around a moment. The smell of the room was unpleasant, but she still felt only a compulsion to pleasure the male before her.

"So what kinda girl are you?" he questioned, "You the vanilla type, or a wild girl?" he asked, his question seemed to be leading to something, but she wasn't sure what.

"I'm whatever type of girl you want me to be" she offered in a soft seductive tone up to him which only made him smirk wide.

"My favorite type of gal!" he praised, "Now how about you help me out of these damn pants?"

She complied rather quickly moving onto her knees, gazing up at him with a lust filled stare. Her soft paws working his pants off quickly, watching them fall around his ankles. The mutt kicked them quickly away and she found herself face to face with thick throbbing canine meat. The girl offered a playful smirk up to him.

"Well how's about you get yourself a taste sweetheart?" he offered, growing ever more heated with every passing more. The otter girl didn't take long to comply, her soft tongue trailing up along his shaft. The canine offered a soft moan of pleasure his paw stroking through her hair as he let her explore every inch of him with her tongue.

Her tongue continued to explore a moment longer before she heard a soft gasp from his lips, as those supple lips of her own wrapped around his throbbing length. Her nose filled with the scent of alcohol and musk as she suckled on the head of his cock, savoring the taste of the canine. His paw continuing to stroke through her hair.

"Such a naughty thing" he praised moaning softly his hips rocking up a bit as she began to work her lips up and down his shaft. The motions drawing out more moans from his lips. The canine savoring the sensations of the eager otter girl tending to his arousal. The pleasure growing with her lip service as he gently gripped into her hair as he held her head in place suddenly.

"I hope a girl like you doesn't mind a drink before the fun really begins" he teases as he relaxes himself and she suddenly finds her lips filled with the taste of the canine's urine. The warm musky liquid filled her lips and her mind raced a bit. She began to drink it up for him, moaning against his cock as he offered her the strong taste of his piss. It was shocking, but her mind eased into the action as it dulled into William's command. Her only thought on giving the canine the best night of his life.

She moaned and drank more and more not spilling a drop as she managed to keep up with his flow. The taste was lingering on her tongue and she savored it as she gulped up his urine. Before long the stream began to tapper off and the mutt pushed her completely from his shaft.

"Now that my newest favorite bitch is done having a drink, let's get on with the real fun" he teased offering her a playful wink.

Before she had much time to think about anything the mutt was already between her legs. The otter girl laying on her back in the public restroom as he wasted little effort working her panties down her legs and tossed them aside with his pants, "I hope you don't mind bare-backing" he teased playfully.

"Mm not at all" she moaned sweetly giving the canine all the encouragement he needed. Without much thought he crawled completely over top of the otter girl grasping her hands into his own pinning them above her head as he pressed his lips to her own kissing her roughly while his thick size grinded up against her heated sex, teasing her senses and drawing light moans from her lips.

With his lips locked against her own the canine gently began to work his cock into her tight sex, moaning feeling her walls wrapped around his size. The sensations were pleasurable and he moaned heatedly starting to work his lips into her dripping sex, feeling his shaft inching into her cunt.

The otter moaned heatedly and whined out in pleasure her back arching as his hips worked against her. She could feel his thrusts picking up and her breathing began to race with every thrust inside of her. She moaned and whimpered into the mutt's lips feeling his thick size slamming into her sex, the pleasure growing more and more as she whimpered and whined out her need to him.

"mmmm" she groaned out and whined in pleasure. The girl shivered and groaned in lust and need. He was already balls deep inside of her with his thrusting as their breathing grew heavier, each slam of his hips leaving his balls to slap against her thighs. The otter moaning aloud and whined out in lust, lewd sounds of pleasure echoing around the restroom in the back of the bar.

He broke the kiss and smirked down to her, "Better get ready bitch, I'm about to fill you up" he growled playfully to her and started working harder into her tight sex as he gently leaned down and nipped along her neck a bit. The otter girl's moans filling the room as his lips left hers. Her body dripping with sweat and her heart racing in her chest as he slammed himself into her sex.

Suddenly she gasped out feeling the canine's teeth sinking into her shoulder. The woman cried out aloud as her body hit climax her walls squeezing against the canine's shaft as her juices flowed over his shaft. Her body feeling drained from her second orgasm. The canine himself slamming himself deep inside of her as he growled into her neck and began to pump his sticky seed into her needing cunt.

"Damn girl, that was fun. I'll have to get you do that again for me sometime" he muttered as he pulled out of her, leaving her cunt gaping and dripping with his cum as he moved to collect his pants once more.

As the canine disappeared out of the restroom, the door opened once more and the bunny sauntered in smirking to the mess of an otter girl before him. He smiled softly as his cotton tail wagged behind him. He seemed to have a pleased look in his eyes at the sight of her.

"Such a good girl" he praised as he gently stroked along her cheek, "So eager to do exactly what I want" he added, "Now you've been a wonderful subject, but I'm going to have to return control to you. I have no place for a common whore in my home" he spoke. With that he whispered something into the otter girl's ear and walked away, leaving her to awake from her daze.

Promotion: First Day

Sam was excited. It was his first day as Mr. Lawson's personal assistant, and the black furred mutt was eager to please. He'd been getting very intimate with the boss over the weekend, and he was confident he'd be able to handle his new job position...

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Entranced (Commission for EOS_Kitty )

Entranced (Commission for EOS\_Kitty ) It was the beginning of the spring season. A young feline girl drew in a breath of fresh air, savoring the warmth of the weather. The soft breeze brushing along her short gray fur relaxing her. Eos was ecstatic...

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