My New Best Friend Chapter 6: A Dirty Fight and a Sweet Embrace

Story by Andy232000 on SoFurry

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#7 of My New Best Friend: a riolu fanfiction

Heres chapter six, no current artwork for this part in the story, enjoy. I will start writing part seven tonight. Credit to liki wolf spirit for editing the story again.

"What do you mean with pride?" said the puppy.

" don't now by now?" although it was stating Riolu´s ignorance, the jackal pokemon made it sound understanding.

"No....I don´t..." The puppy said sadly in a way

"Well... it means that he values you, he feels that you´re worth it. Its his pleasure to have you..." The jackal eyes somewhat watered...

"He really thinks that!!!???"

"Jaja, yes....he's proud...." The voice started fainting, getting quieter. "Farewell young one!"



"Who are you? You never told me and its been the third time I hear or see you!" the puppy started to get very eager.

"I told you you would know...just not now." the voice said.

"When is now exactly!?"

"When the time comes you´ll find out." the voice fainted once again.

"NO! WAIT! Stop it!!! Grr!!!"

"Growling at a voice in your head wont work...besides, its getting late, go with your master, his waiting for you."

"I really want an answer! Why can't you just say it!?"


"Please, answer me..."

"Riolu? Whats wrong sweetie? I heard you growling...thought something happened!"

"Rio? Ri ri!" The blue dog shook his head. Everything was fine.

"Sooo, why were you growling? Are you losing it or what?" the human laughed trying to lighten up Riolu.

"Maybe I am loosing it...*sigh* I don't even know... thought the pokemon.

"Oh well...I guess it was nothing then..." said Alex a little concerned. He then turned to see the other human, Rodrey. All this time both had briefly introduced themselves. As we know, Alex is a 16 year old teenager with dirty blond hair and a mature trainer;while Rodrey is a 13 year old fellow that works as a babysitter for pokemon.

"So, Rodrey....why were you wandering in the woods so late?" asked Alex.

"Well, you see, this little guy here," he pointed at Caterpie, "likes to eat the forest leaves...for some reason he doesn't like pokemon food nor the berries we give, long story short, we came here looking for food when those Murkrows attacked.

"Oh I see...well I'm glad I got to help you."

"Me too! I would have gotten killed if something happened to any of our pokemons!" Rodrey sounded relieved, then continued,"Hey...and what are you doing here? I mean, in the middle of the Woods?"

"I'm a trainer continuing his journey across Sinnoh! I left Canalave City just today!

"Really! Do you have any badges?" Rodrey inquired.

"Yes, four up till now. I first got the "mine badge" when I battle Byron in Canalave. And then I got the "coal", "forest" and "cobble"badges.

"Cool! And were are you going now. What gym are you challenging next?"

"I was planning to travel to Hearthome City and challenge the gym there..."

"Wait...Hearthome is quite far from here...why don't you take other gym challenges that are closer to you?" Rodrey was a little bit confused.

"Because I will always have to go back to Hearthome eventually..."

"Well...I guess that makes sense..." said the 13 year old.

"Hey, um, do you want me to take you home? You live in Celestic Town right?"

"Yes! I would appreciate it if you guide me. Im not sure if I can get back in the darkness..." the boy said shyly.

"No problem. I want to go heal Staraptor and Ponyta anyway...just let me pick everything up ok?"

"Sure take your time!"

"Ok, common sweetie help me put away the tent."

"Rio!" exclaimed the puppy.

After 20 minutes of disarming the shelter and packing up all the stuff, the gang was ready to move on. Alex carried Riolu in his arms...he was fast asleep and exhausted by the previous battle (also he got hit on the head by one of the poles that made the tent stand. Poor thing )

After a half hour, finally all of them, incredibly tired, managed to reach Celestic Town.


Rodrey and Caterpie had said their goodbyes and headed back to their house, which was located a little further ahead. Meanwhile, Alex and Riolu entered the big white building with a big "P" on it, and head for the counter.

"Ok, Riolu, I'm just gonna drop off Staraptor and Ponyta. If you want you can wait here on the chairs" said Alex, "Unless you want to get a check up?"

"RIO!" the puppy shook his head in disgust. For being just about a month old, he had spent a lot of his live in hospitals being taken care off. He didn't like it much anyway.

"Ok...but if you feel weak tell me!" said Alex. It was almost like a command.


"Hi excuse me...nurse Joy? Suddenly a pink-haired woman came from a room.

"Oh hi! May I help you?"

"Yes, I would like to drop my pokemon for care!"

"Sure, are you gonna wait here or should I call you later?"

"Um, I actually need a room too. So I would like you to call me. About how long will it take them to heal?"

"Well, its about 9:30 so, at 10:00 the latest." Replied nurse Joy.

"Ok, its a little late but I don't mind!"

"Ok! I´ll give your room....does the second floor sound good?"


"Alright, here´s your key, just sign here." Alex signed the registration papers, gave both of his pokemon and headed for the waiting salon for Riolu.

"Lets go pup, time to settle down!"

"Rio!" the puppy barked.

Both, human and pokemon headed for the elevator. Unluckily, it was out of order for the time being...

"Looks like we have to take the stairs...well, lets go. Im very tired to complain at this point."

Both headed to their left, towards the stairs. Alex would give anything for a nap right now...


" 55.....room56.....there! Room 57!! FINALLY!!!" exclaimed the human as he slid the open card in the slot. The room given to them was pretty decent. It had one bedroom, one sofa, personal bathroom, balcony, and a TV and DVD set.

"Wow! I didn't expect the room to be so big...and look a that view! You can see all the city lights!"


"Its beautiful isn't it?"

"Rio Rio!" the puppy nodded and smiled, looking at the panorama. Riolu grabbed Alex's leg and purred and nuzzled him. Alex, wanting to hug the dog, grabbed him from the waist and put him on his shoulders. The next moments were quiet. Silence overtook the room. Both just gazed at the amazing view. But the peace was soon interrupted by Riolu's tummy growling.

"jajaja, looks like someone´s hungry! Want to grab a bite?" the puppy nodded as he held his belly. Alex went inside while Riolu stayed watching the city. The human looked in his stuff and pulled out some pokechow and Riolu's special Medical food he had bought. He also grabbed a pokeball. A certain penguin´s pokeball...

"come out buddy!" Alex said as the capsule opened and a water type emerge from the blue light.

"Hi Prinplup!" Alex was happy to see his starter pokemon. "care to eat something?"

"Prim!! Plup plup!!!" the penguin was pretty exited. Maybe because he hadn't notice a blue dog in the room. Alex then handed him some pokechow which he devoured happily. Alex then grabbed a spoon and proceed to feed Riolu.

"Riolu sweete come here!" as soon as the dogs name was mentioned, Prinplup made a deathly glare, which made the puppy uncomfortable...

"Ok! I hope you like this special food..." Said Alex. He had Riolu sit in his laps, and he was about to give him a spoon full of food when the phone ringed. Alex got up and answer it.

"Its probably Joy"..he said before picking up.


"Hi, Alex? Its Nurse Joy. Im calling to inform you that your pokemon are ready and at full health!"

"Perfect, I´ll be down in a minute! Bye and thanks!"

"Your welcome!"

"Um, Riolu sweetie, I'll go pick up the guys, you go ahead and start eating. Prinplup, your pokeball is in the bed in case you want go to bed right after dinner. Meanwhile take care of Riolu..oh! and if I hear one scream coming from here...if you guys start fighting, both of you are going to be in very much trouble! I'm warning you!!!"

And with that last set of words, Alex left the room. Riolu was a bit nervous to be alone with Prinplup. He knew that Prinplup would obey Alex´s order. But still, he felt intimidated...

the doggy carefully, and kind of fearfully, approached the plate of food. Prinplup of course noticed this.

(pokemon speech:)

"I don't bite, if thats what you´re thinking." He said.

"You don't bite but you can hit..."said the puppy.

"Trust me, if I wanted to hit you, I would have done it a long time ago. Besides. Im not the one to disobey our master´s order.

"So now its our master?"

"You are part of the team, aren't you?"said the penguin

"Well.....yes..but I thought you wanted me out..."

"I never said I wanted you out. I said I wanted you out of my way!"

"What do you mean with your way?"

"It means, don't bother me, don't annoy me, don't distract me, and don't replace me!" the Penguin said rather relaxing than aggressive.

"Replace you?" the puppy was confused.

"Don't act like you haven't thought about it...I´ve seen your species. Always loyal, strong, protective, always taking the lead....always being the number one pokemon on a team...." Prinplup munched and munched his food.

"Wait, is that what all of this is about? fearing I become the lead pokemon...but I'm way weaker than you!" the puppy shouted a little.

"That doesn't mean you cant improve!" the penguin silenced the dog.

"Look....I know I'm a baby...and I know I can get stronger...but I don't want to bother you...neither take your glory"

"Thats what you say, not what you mean, all kids lie!" another comeback silenced the puppy.

He looked at the water type with compassionate eyes. He had never thought he could be a match against Prinplup...but Prinplup clearly did. "Does Prinplup think I'm strong? No... it cant be! " There was silence in the room for about a minute or two. But when Riolu was about to answer back, Alex came in.

"Well, I didn't heard any shouts nor disturbing sounds so...I'm taking it as a good sign!" said the trainer as he closed the door behind him. Prinplup then nodded confirming a fight hadn't taken place. Alex put away Staraptors and Ponytas pokeballs in his bag so they could rest (they were still quite tired) after doing this, Alex then headed towards Riolu to feed him. He soon realized the food hadn't been touched.

"oh Riolu, you haven't started? Its gonna get cold, come on, eat this!" Alex dropped a spoonful in Riolus snout. What happened next was quite a he munched down the special food, Riolu felt a bitter ugly taste from in his mouth. He soon spit it out and made a disgusted face!

"eww Riolu thats not nice. Its ugh eww! Come on, you have to do this! Doctors orders!!!! Alex then proceeded to drop another spoon full on the puppy´s mouth. He was more than disgusted this time. The after taste the food left was driving him could this be called food!?!?!

"I'm sorry sweetie...I get that it doesn't taste good...but I cant do anything about have to eat it...its for your own good."Alex was sincere when he said this. He continued to grab another spoonful of food. But this time Riolu wouldn't let him feed him. He started shaking violently and hitting and kicking in all directions. He could not escape Alex tight grip however...

"Riolu!!! Stop moving, its not so SAID STOOOOPPPPPP!!!!!!" Alex was getting angry...

Even with his trainers frustration screams, the dog wouldn't stop moving. He wanted to escape so badly. But the human was stronger and persistent. There was only one thing he could do...suddenly Riolu, purposely, kicked Alex in his manhood as hard as he could!

"OWWW DAMIT STUPID DOG!! FUCK!!!! Alex immediately let go of the dog and whimpered in pain. But that wasn't the end of it. As Riolu jumped quickly to get away, he accidentally threw the food plate, which, as you can imagine, fell on top of the human. Alex´s face was full of baby food and all his shirt and pants were dripping from all the mess. Things just got ugly for the baby dog...


Riolu was fearful, he not only heard his masters screams but he could see his anger in aura waves. It was awful. Suddenly Alex grabbed Riolu and spanked him in his rear, and position him harshly on the bed.

"YOU STAY HERE! AND DONT MOVE!" Alex's screams also startled Prinplup, who was still in the room. Alex stormed out and entered the bathroom. The door slammed behind him, shaking the walls. The room was silenced immediately. And the pup laid on top of the bed with watery eyes, but his "about-to-come" whining was interrupted by the water type.

(Pokemon speech:)

"Great job you idiot!" He said with a smirky tone."you had to set him off!"

"I didn't mean to....I just...I-"

"You are surly the most stupid pokemon I've met. Nobody reacts in such way. Your just an infant! Master may not see it but you are only slowing him down. All your complaints, your crys, your whining! You think that doesn't cause trouble?


"Of course you don't!"

"It tasted ugly! And he wouldn't let go!" The puppy cried hysterically.

"So? Since when was kicking and punching your master the solution?" The penguin ask. "If he gives you food, you eat it! If he tells you to do something, you do it! Thats how it works! We are here to support him, and obey him when he needs us!"

"You wouldn't talk like this if you were me moments ago...." Said the puppy shyly and almost faintly.

"No you're right, instead of talking I would be eating!"

The puppy fell silent again.

"I didn't mean to..."

"Sadly....I know thats true..."

"You believe me? Why?"

"Because why would you lie?

"I thought you didn't like me!" Said the puppy, a little surprised.

"You're right, I don't, I would kill for you to go away! But what Alex said, moments ago....we shouldn't fight....and it occurred to me that, at this point nothing will drive you away...after all, if you love something you set it free...if it comes belongs to you....and thats what happened with you and master..."


What the hell is going on! Is this the same Prinplup I knew? No. It cant be him. He is too...too compassionate...I really thought he would shout at me...but he isn't....and why is he suddenly acting this way? Somethings not he lying? Maybe...I don't know...why would he....?


"Let me tell you something about our master. He has a short fuse. He's easily annoyed and frustrated. He also carries a lot of stress, so pretty much everything has the potential to set him off. So, if you really mean what you're saying, you need to understand that you're not the only one with complaints or problems."

"I guess you are right..."

"I am!"

"Yes...thanks a lot Prinplup, I really didn't think you were so wise and intelligent!

"Are you calling me stupid!!!?!?!????!?!?!?!?"

"WHAT?! No!"

"You better not!"

Riolu then chuckled at Prinplups last comment, and then jumped out of bed and approached the penguin. Riolu then wrapped his paws around the water type and pulled him for a hug--

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!" Screamed Prinplup. *SLAM* it only took Prinplup one slash to sent the dog flying. He impacted on the wall and fell on the bed again.

"Why did you do that!" Riolu rubbed his head trying to ease the pain.

"What gave you the idea that you could touch me! Gosh stay away!"

"I'm sorry if it angered you."

"Ugh kids...always doing stupid and ridiculous stuff...I'm going to bed!" Prinplup said with an annoyed tone and approached the bed to grab his pokeball.

"Oh and one last thing! If you want him to forgive him that you're sorry!"

And with the last set of words, The penguin pokemon pressed the white bottom in the capsule. A red laser wrapped his entire body and Prinplup soon disappeared inside the pokeball, leaving Riolu alone.


In the bathroom. Alex was inside the shower cleansing and taking the dirt and food off his body. The room was full of steam andthe hot water soaped his toned body. He was about to rinse out when a little someone opened the door. He did not notice this though. He continue to remove the shampoo off his hair as the puppy headed towards the tube. Riolu wanted to talk to Alex, and he had to do it now. He couldn't bear the fact that the human was angry at him...he was getting closer and closer. However this time he was sure to make Alex know he was there. He didn't want to repeat the shower incident back then...(chapter two for more info!) Riolu was standing in front of the bathtub now. He made a faint noise...but he wasn't heard.


"......nothing....." To be more clear, Riolu was trembling...he was scared that Alex would scream at him again...he totally hated it when he scolded him...

"Umm Rio!!!"

"Huh? Riolu? Is it you? Wait,don't come in!" Said the trainer as he peaked throught the shower curtain."Oh! Looks like you are already in..." He said.

"Rio rio..." Riolu's eyes watered and he made that cute noise one makes when crying. The running water stopped, and Alex wrapped a towel on his waist. He then got out and reassured the puppy.

"Sweetie its ok! You don't have to feel bad about it."

"Rio rio lu lu rio lio rii! rio Riolu! RIO!!!!" Again, Alex could not understand a thing Riolu was saying...but somehow, he completely knew what he wanted to say.

"Its ok...I usually don't like medicine ether. Hmmm....why don't you look inside my backpack? I think I have some chocolate andprotein bars in there. Meanwhile I'll dry myself and get ready for bed ok? Alex ran his fingers across Riolus cheeks and whippedout a couple tears running down his face.

Riolu exited the bathroom and searched for Alex's bag. He found it near the couch. He grabbed it and looked for food, as hismaster had told him to. In no time he found some protein bars and some milk chocolate. He ate a protein bar, but soon decided he deserved his dessert. Riolu was halfway down with his third milk chocolate bar when Alex entered the bedroom in his Pj's (this was weird to Riolu because he always saw him sleep in his underwear. Maybe he was chilly...anyway!)

"Hey hey! Don't devour all the sweets. I can barely put up with the normal you, I don't need a hyperactive pup in the room!"

*chuckles* (riolu)

"No I'm serious! Thats enough chocolate for you! Besides I bought them for me too! Leave me something at least!!!" Exclaimed Alex as he nuzzled Riolu's tummy. This made the puppy laugh. Alex then took away Riolu's chocolate(he didn't mind)and grabbed his backpack to put everything away. As the human stuffed the protein bars and the remaining chocolates back in his bag, he saw the clock.

"What its 11:15! No wonder I'm so tired! We should really go to bed, what do you think sweetie?" He asked. Riolu didn't answer,but instead yawned and looked at him back with tired eyes.

"ok! Lets got to bed! I'll just lay my clothes for tomorrow on the bathroom, be right back!"

"Rio!" The puppy nodded in understanding.

When Alex came back after a minute of two, he found out that Riolu was already undercover, waiting for him.

"*sigh* Riolu sweetie you know I don't like sleeping with others...I know its been a long day for both of us...but could you please sleep on the couch tonight? I really need my sleep back...just this time!" Alex pleaded.

"Riolu!!" The dog pouted and made a puppy face. He hated sleeping alone. He never really liked it, and he used to sleep outside tied to a tree...he really needed the company more than what he wanted it...but instead of complaining, Riolu thought it would be best if he obeyed Alex's wishes. He quickly got out of the comfy bed and laid on the rock-hard, Alex grabbed some blankets and wrapped Riolu in them so he would be warm.

"Sleep tight sweetie!" He said as he planted a kiss on the dogs forehead.

Alex waited until Riolu felt drowsy for him to go to bed. As he was about to lay down on the pillow, he noticed something on thebed stand. It was a book. The trainer picked it up and read the tittle:

"Aura pokemon guide: how to raise your Riolu!"

"Oh its the guide Riley gave me..." Though Alex as he opened the blue book. He glanced a few pages and read the table of contents. It contained everything from "appearance to breeding and family". It was quite a book. Alex was about to close it and put it away when a tittle of a chapter caught his eye.

"Riolus: Behavior and Personality!"

"Behavior and personality! Hmm sounds intriguing." said Alex to himself. He read a couple of pages of the chapter. The book pretty much stated that Riolus were very energetic and loved to play. They would usually steal stuff from their trainers to get their attention, and things like that that Alex had already noticed before. He kept on reading about what to do when the behavior is inadequate (he was paying a lot of attention to this part) when he heard a whining come from Riolu. He glanced to his right, inthe direction of the sofa, only to see a asleep puppy turning and turning around. He also heard a moan here and there once in awhile.

"God know what he's dreaming" said Alex. He then continue his lecture when he saw a paragraph that he thought as a wake up call. The passage said the following;

"Don't be surprised if you wake up in the morning or in the middle of the night to find out your Riolu has crawled into bed with you! Riolus like to be held at some extent, mostly at night when they feel vulnerable. In the wild, they would usually sleep in groups with Lucarios to feel protected. Be sure to put your Riolu to sleep and held him tight before he goes to bed. Letting it sleep occasionally on the bed with you its ok, but don't make it a habit; the most recommended is to buy a big dog bed for it to sleep in. Position this bed near you so the pokemon feels accompanied. Riolus are also easily submitted to suffer from nightmares. Try not to send negative aura waves when your puppy is sleeping, in order to avoid bad dreams."

As Alex finished that last paragraph, he looked at Riolu, he was shaking a little and wouldn't stop turning around. He seemed very uncomfortable and lonely. It really made Alex heart ache somewhat...

"*sigh*fine...I guess the book is on to something..." He said as he stand up and went toward the couch. He grabbed Riolu by hiswaist and pulled him tight towards his chest, the puppy was too fast asleep to notice this, but he became more relaxed. Alex held him firmly and could feel his pulse slow down and his breath become more relaxed. By the minute, Riolu stopped moving and cuddled on his trainers arms. Alex laid down on the bed and went under the blankets, Riolu still on his arms. When he was comfortable and ready to sleep, Alex pulled the blankets to his chest, almost entirely covering the dog, except for his snout.

"*chuckles* he surly looks adorable when he sleeps" said Alex. "It surprises me that he calmed down so fast...I guess he reallyneeds to be held tight....*sighs* looks like I'm gonna have to get use to cuddling..."

Alex continued to pet the dogs tail and back. He started feeling his eye's become heavier and heavier, and by the minute, he fell asleep,with little Riolu cuddling in his chest...

(To be continued)

My New Best Friend chapter 7: a perfect water pulse and an aroused puppy!

It was early in the morning when the light penetrated thought the curtains of the hotel room. The room was filled with peace and silence. It seemed like the whole building was deserted, except for the human and Pokemon laying on the queen sized bed....

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My New Best Friend Chapter 5: A Battle in the Darkness

Riolu and Alex were standing in the middle of the alley, hugging each other. After apologizing, Alex carried a slightly red-eyed Riolu(from crying) in his arms. As both exited the alley, a voice echoed inside Alex's head. It was Riley's...

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My New Best Friend Chapter 4: The Candy Maniac

My New Best Friend, Chapter 4 : the candy maniac What just happened? Did...did Alex saved me? Where am I? Everything is so...foggy...thats it! Its fog! But, we are in the middle of summer, there's almost no humidity in town. Where did all this fog...

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