How Many?

Story by ShingetsuMoon on SoFurry

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#5 of National Poetry Writing Month

Another poem for National Poetry Month. This one is about bulling.

Have you ever been told something

that you knew wasn't true? Had the

words spat at you with hatred and


You're ugly.



No one likes you.

You'll never have any friends.

No one would miss you.

You don't belong here.

How many times have we told

ourselves it wasn't true? Told

ourselves that they were lying.

Jealous. Angry. Bored. Mean.

Anything other then telling

the truth about us.

We pretend to ignore their

comments and tell ourselves

it doesn't bother us. Doesn't get

to us. Doesn't affect us. We're better

then that. They don't know us.

Don't let the bullies win.

How many times do we tell ourselves

that with tears in our eyes?

How many times do we choke out

those words while a razor is pressed

up against our veins?

How many times do we pretend they

don't matter while numbing the pain

with a bottle to our lips?

Their words beat down on us for

so long that we finally accept them

as fact. We don't dispute their words

or try to argue otherwise.

We accept the pain they

have caused despite the

words of our loved ones

telling us otherwise.

We drive ourselves to insanity

with their lies. Still living in

the past while they move on

without us.

We tell ourselves not to listen

instead of doing something about

it. We tell others it isn't true while

leaving them to sit in anguish.

Kids will be kids.

It's nothing serious.

You know it's not true.

Ignore them and they'll go away.

It's only words.

Just deal with it.

How many have to hang themselves

before we realize that "deal with it"

just isn't good enough?

How many will try to carve the

pain out of their arms before we

accept their feelings as real?

How many have to die before

we realize that we aren't doing enough?

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