Eyes of the Eagle
Soaring through the clouds with wings as strong as steel. Eyes as bright as the sun capture all that goes on beneath. Great winds and pounding storms are but child's play for the mighty feathered wings. All others bow beneath the shadow of...
Improve The Silence
* * * It was once stated that you should not speak unless you can improve the silence. So many of us speak out into the silence writing lines of poetry that others will never see, never hear, never get even the smallest glimpse of. Some of...
Rage of the Sea
* * * Silent king of the depths. The bane of all sailors who dare to travel near his great halls. Each one more arrogant than the last. Each one believing that they shall be the ones to finally kill the Kraken. Sail your ships and mark your...
Check a box. Boy? Or Girl? You can't have both. Just pick one or we'll pick it for you. Don't forget to play the part. Dress appropriately. Boys don't wear skirts. Girl changes your outfits. Cut your hair shorter you look like a girl. Grow...
* * * I read a book once when I was a little girl. A group of teenagers were chosen to go around the world and pick out the best qualities of humanity. They had to find those who were kind, merciful, honest, creative, patient, loving. They...
Clockwork: City of Gears
A city made up of gears. Small ones that could fit in your palm. Large ones that stand as large as towering skyscrapers. There are no buildings or homes here. At least not the kind that you would be thinking of. Gear driven machines tangle...
* * * Broken down. Broken apart. Broken in ways I didn't even know where possible for a person to break. Shattered into a thousand nice little pieces all of them fine and razor sharp. Black and blue eyes to go along with a black and blue...
* * * What is it that defines a best friend? What separates them and sets them apart from all of the other people who have entered and left our lives? Why are we drawn to them and why do we hold onto them while letting others drift in and out...
* * * Angry. Irritated. Fed up. Sick and tired. ENOUGH. You try and try to follow directions for something that seems so simple to others only to end up with dead ends and useless rewards. Around and around in circles wracking your brain...
In The End
* * * We are who we choose to be. At least that's what we believe while we are alive. But after we are dead and gone how will we be remembered? When others tell the story of our lives will we be the hero we imagined ourselves to be? Or the...
* * * It seems to me that people have such a love hate relationship with labels. We love them. We hate them. We get angry when people don't use them. We get angry when people do use them. We get upset when they are used incorrectly. We...
The Imperial Throne
* * * Beware the Jade Emperor sitting upon his golden throne. Do not be fooled by his detachment or his disinterest. Nothing gets past the celestial dragon. Ruler of the empire. Nothing escapes his notice or passes by unobserved. Mock his...