Gates to Misery CH: 6

Story by dusk102 on SoFurry

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#6 of Gates to Misery

Sorry this one took so long.

Everyday was the same. We woke up, Snivy looked and picked missions, Tepig trained, and everyone else was at post town. I was the loner at the waterfall, practicing my magic, except when Zorua visited me. She's asked me to show her some magic I new. I used my power to stop water from falling down the waterfall once. When I released my hold, the water came down so hard, it broke the nearby bridge! So I had to fix that before Gurdurr saw what I did. I can tell he hates me, so I'm trying to get on his good side.

Anyway, Pokemon started to get used to me and seem more friendly, but they always seemed a little sad and scared when I'm around. I asked them and they all say they don't know. The only ones who gave me a different answer were Lillipup and Swadloon. They told me that every time I was around they could feel some sort of energy and every time they felt it, they couldn't help but feel sad in even the best days. Is the power they're feeling my magical aura? I s my magic effected to my emotions? If so then I'm the reason why everyone's upset. I don't want that, but no one will leave me alone. I guess I'll have to try hard to be happy for everyone. Some say that I'm too selfless and too kind for my own good. I don't know if I am, but that's not a bad thing. Is it?

Anyway, Zorua didn't come visit me when she usually does. She didn't always, but I was getting a little paranoid. I feel eyes watching me. It wasn't that bad though.The feeling was only a few minutes, then Oshowatt came to get me for a mission. Once he was in talking range, he looked scared and insecure. That's exactly how I feel. This was enough to confirm my suspicions. I walked up to him and leaned my body on him. Being close to someone I could trust made me feel more safe and in return, made him feel safe too. "Come on, Oshowatt." I told him, calmly, trying to be more courageous for both of our sakes. "Let's go."

The mission was simple; we went to save a Leafeon that was trapped in Tempting Path. Nothing special, but what was going to happen tonight was. Someone was throwing rocks at my direction to wake me up and get my attention. Zorua was in front of the entrance! "Zorua?" I called out, quietly, half not believing that she was here right now. She didn't answer. She walked in the direction of the waterfall. Knowing that she wanted to talk where we wouldn't wake anyone, I went outside and saw her waiting for me to make sure I was following before going on her way. I followed her to the waterfall and lost sight of her once I was there. "Zorua? Where are you?" I called out to her, but there was no answer. I was about to leave until someone knocked me off my feet and pinned me down. "Where. is. she?" An angry Pokemon asked me. I had no idea what was going on and I was terrified. "W-who are you?" The way my attacker was holding me down, I couldn't get a good look. Hearing my response, a clawed hand presses to my neck, letting me know what will happen if I didn't cooperate. "Where's my daughter?" It was Zoroark. "Zorua? I don't know where she is. I swear I-hmmph!" Pressing down on my neck, she makes it harder for me to breath. "You disappear from those awful woods, then my little girl dissapears and you think I'm going to belive that? Tell me where she is before you loose your neck." I was so horrified, Zoroark must feel the same fear. She didn't show it though. Could she even feel it? Or was she too furious to notice? "I don't know... She visits me sometimes, but she never told me where she lives or-hrrk!" She was choking now. "You better not be lying. I'm keeping my eye on you and if I don't see her, you won't see anything again. Got it?" Still unable to breath, I could only nod to show her I understood. She let go of me and dissapeared before I got up and looked at where she was. What am I going to do? Zorua hasn't been visiting recently. What will her mother do if she doesn't come tomorrow?

Mourning came and the other three who lived with me looked worried about me when I woke up and saw them. "Umm... Good mourning?" I'm a little uncomfortable waking up to so many eyes on me. "Why is everyone staring at me? Did I do something wrong?" Snivy decided to speak up now. "No. It's just that... Eevee? Are you OK? Something about you makes us feel like somethings... upsetting you." It must be my magical aura effecting them. I was scared the whole night and they must of felt it the whole time. "Yes... I'm fine. I know I don't show it, but... I'm really grateful for everything you've all done for me. Thank you." They weren't convinced. Snivy just smiled and walk outside. The next to follow was Tepig, but he didn't leave without giving me an angry glance that made me flinch. Oshowatt was last to leave, but before he did, he gave me another worried look. "If anything is wrong, you can talk to us." "I know..." I replied. Once everyone was gone, I made my way to the waterfall.

I waited for hours for Zorua to appear, but she didn't. I can feel a pair of eyes on me the whole time. That didn't help at all. I have to find a way to find Zorua before Zoroark gets impatient. I was a little impatient to. I haven't seen my friend in days. Did something happen? Maybe if I could learn more magic I could find out. Opening a portal to the distortion world, I go to see my former master. "Hello, master." I make myself noticed by him. I couldn't see him and he was nowhere near me, but I know he would hear me in his own realm. He flew towards me, coming from my right and landed in front of me. "Master, could I have some books to study?" He didn't say anything. Instead, he made some magic books appear in front of me. With my magic, I levitated the books to carry them and turned. I was about to leave, but I realized my other reason for coming back here. "Master..." I spoke to him without turning my head to face him. "Thank you." To my surprise, he spoke. "YOUR THANKING ME? FOR WHAT? FOR THE MISERY I PUT YOU THROUGH?" It was clear that he was still upset with himself over that. I know what he did was wrong, but I forgive him. "No. I mean for the wish." I explained, still not facing him. "I know you felt guilty about taking my wish. Especially when I voluntarily gave it up to you, so you used the wish for me. Thank you." He didn't say anything. He just stood behind me. I think he was going to cry soon, so I excused myself. "Um... I guess I'll be going then."

I'm back at Paradise and I was greeted by Oshawott, who was worried sick about me. "Eevee! Where did you go? What were you doing? I was watching you to try and see what was bothering you and you go through portal to somewhere! Where did you go?" It was him? What a relief. I thought it was Zoroark spying on me. "I went to the distortion world to get some books." I think I'll leave out the last part. "So I can get better with my magic. Sorry I worried you." Satisfied with my reply, he calmed down a bit. "Oh. Did you have any problems with Giratina?" "No, but he had a problem with me..." I was once told that I'm too kind. Maybe I am, but that's not a bad thing. Is it? "Well, want the day off so you can some work done?" the water type asks me. I was really grateful for the offer. "Really? Thank you, Oshawott. I would like that." Hearing my words of gratitude, he became more happy and relaxed. "Sure thing! I'll just let everyone know!" and with that, he walked away. Making him happy made me feel warm inside. I can't explain it, but I know I've felt it before. It was almost like a far off memory. I don't have time to loose though.

I went back to our home and started studying. At noon, I found the spell I was looking for. A spell that can track anyone down from their spiritual energy. If I can't find her, then it can only mean she's dead, but hopefully that won't happen. Eager to try the new spell, I ran back to the waterfall and cleared my mind. I closed my eyes and turned off my five senses to find my friend. I let her fill my mind and guide me to her. I didn't even notice that I was walking, but when I opened my eyes again, I was inside a small cave hidden behind the waterfall. So this is where she's been hiding. If I go further in I'm sure I'll find her. So I made my way further in. No one ever told me about this place. Did they even know? Anyway, after a while of walking in this cave, it suddenly split into two paths. I took the right path and found a note. "Eevee, if your reading this, then I already left. I know my mother's looking for me and I don't want to go home. I love my mother. I really do, but I don't want to be around someone so negative! It isn't just about you, it's everything! I can't do a thing without her criticizing me and I can't play with my friends without her watching me. She tells me that it's because she wants me to be at my best and she wants me safe, but she's too much for me! I've told her and she doesn't listen. Don't worry. I'll be back someday."

I was too distracted with the note that I didn't notice someone approaching me from behind until I was done reading. Suddenly hearing something, I turn my head quickly, but not quickly to see a clawed hand coming at me until it was too late. The impact made me drop the note and fly off to the wall of the cave. Zoroark picked up the note and read it. From the look on her face, I could tell she was not happy with it. "How DARE she! After everything I've done for her and this is how she repays me?!" Her attention suddenly returns to me. "You! This is all your fault! Her whole life, she's behaved and then you come along and she does all this!" She lunges herself at me for an attack. -clink- The restraint around my neck falls off and I make a force field to protect myself. It helped a little, but I wasn't strong enough to keep it up with the way she was hitting it. With it down, she used punishment on me then grabbed me by the neck again. -clink- A restraint from my front left leg came off and an earthquake started. Zoroark started loosing her balance and she let me go. Somehow, I had no problems standing. Some rocks started to fall and threatened to cave us in. I grabbed my two restraints and ran off to the part of the cave I hadn't explored yet. I knew I wasn't going to make it out going the same way I came in, but maybe there's another way out through here. Luckily, there was! I made it out just in time for the cave to collapse! But, Zoroark... I know she tried to kill me, but that doesn't make her a bad person. And she's my best friend's mother. There's nothing I can do for her now. I can't sense her and even if I could, she would try to kill me again. It was obvious that she was dead or she was going to die. "I'm sorry."

Getting back home was difficult. I ended up in a wasteland that I wasn't familiar with, but it gave me time to think. I think the spell only led me to where she was living because she lived there long enough for her spiritual energy to somehow effect the place. I'm not sire how to explain it, but if you were thinking about it the same way I was, it would probably make since to you too. Finally home, I see that my friends are back too and were looking for me. They asked where I was and I told them about the cave, Zorua, Zoroark and the cave in. I thought they would be mad at me for what happened to Zoroark, but they weren't. They told me that they weren't and that I didn't have a choice. I know that already, but that doesn't make it right. I life is a life and I took her's away. And what will Zorua think?

Gates to Misery CH: 7

I overslept. After everything that happened to me last night, I guess everyone thought I deserved the extra rest. I woke in an empty house and walked outside to find the three that share the same roof with me and I found out why we're here. Everyone...

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