Gates to Misery CH: 7

Story by dusk102 on SoFurry

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#7 of Gates to Misery

I overslept. After everything that happened to me last night, I guess everyone thought I deserved the extra rest. I woke in an empty house and walked outside to find the three that share the same roof with me and I found out why we're here.

Everyone found out that Snivy and Tepig were human and that we were brought here by Munna to save this world. I guess I should have listened to her. But then again, she's the reason why I'm so sad...

While we waited for them and Oshawott to return with Munna, we did a mission at Dream Island. I didn't realize it at the time, but I was about to discover something that would bring me emotional pain. I wish a hadn't gone, but I did.

During the mission, I saw a shiny Milotic there! Seeing another shiny made me glad. I could finally meet someone that could understand me! I was wrong. Before I even thought of going to her, an Marill and a Vaporeon came to greet her. They were clearly her friends. I new she would have a caring family, but friends too? Why? Why didn't I have that?

This was too much. I went back to Virizion, Emolga and Dunsparce. The three that came with me. "Eevee, what's wrong?" Dunsparce asked. "What happened?" "I saw a shiny." I told him, honestly. "She was happy. I don't know why." My answer didn't make them feel any better. Emolga tried to comfort me and tell me why. I know he means well, but his reply didn't help me at all. "Eevee, I know about the story about shinys, but it's been so long and nothing bad has ever happened where a shiny was the bad guy. Most Pokemon have their suspicions, but not all Pokemon think that shinys are bad. In fact, I lot of Pokemon want to see what shinys look like." "Then... Why does everyone hate me?" I was crushed and my eyes started to swell up, threatening to release tears at any moment. "Eevee." I heard Virizion say, weakly. "I know you're upset, but please calm down. Your sadness if effecting us." Her words calmed me down.

That must be it. Everywhere I go, I bring my sorrow with me and I recently discovered that my magic is linked to my emotions, so everyone around me felt what I was always feeling. That means everyone was trying to get rid of me by ether hurting me physically or emotionally so I would never come back. They were trying to protect themselves. And now my friends are enduring my pain to try to help me. And if being around me was hurting them and they won't hurt me, then... "Um... I think I should go back. I'm sorry." They didn't seem to mind, so I went home.

By the time they got back, it was raining. If I stay somewhere long enough, my sorrow effects the weather and this is what normally happens. I went to my favorite spot; the waterfall to think. I'm hurting everyone I'm near. Would it be better for everyone if I just disappear? No. I can't do that. I have to save the world first. But Snivy and Tepig are here. Can they do it themselves while I save everyone from myself? Maybe, but... I have to give this more thought. I'm tired. I'm going to bed and I'll think about this later.

"Go to the Scorching desert." A voice called out while I was asleep. It wasn't a mean voice or anything, but hearing that out of nowhere scared me. I thought I was imagining it and went to sleep. Everyone else must have heard it because I heard that Emolga and Duncparce went to the desert and found the three team members injured. they were brought to the nearest spring we could find to heal. We gathered there and learned the truth about Munna, Hydreigon and the glacier.

The Bittercold is some sort of crystallized negativity made by the negativity of Pokemon and we were brought here to stop it from destroying the world. I don't want this world to be destroyed. The thought of it makes me sad. I think my sorrow is effecting everyone because I heard Umbreon saying that trying to destroying it was pointless and that it would be created again. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. It got worse. Everyone started to agree with him and my sadness grew from it. No... I can't take anymore of this! I just made friends that care about be! I don't want them to disappear! I ran back home. I just had to get away from all of this.

Back at the waterfall, I was thinking over this Bittercold... This... thing... is everyone's misery. If I can balance it out, then maybe it won't ever come back? I don't know how I'll do it, but if it means risking my life, I'll happily give it away. The thought of it made me... happy inside... A sudden realization came over me. It was like I just remembered something I forgot.

Snivy, Tepig and I held the elements of hope: Truth, courage and happiness.

Snivy always wanted to understand and learn things and he's always been able to see past lies. He must be truth.

Tepig was always helping and risking his life. Even if he was scared, he never let that drag him down he must be courage.

Happiness had to be someone that could be happy even in the worst of times and at the same time, smile the brightest. No one can smile brighter than a sad and lonely person like me. No one can be happy in a time like this except me. I must be happiness and right now, I feel like I can finally be useful to everyone. I'm finally happy and I'm happy because I can help make everyone happy by saving the world. But I can't do it alone... Could I? Maybe, but I might have to do something big if I have to. Like... I'll do it.

My thoughts were stopped by the sound of Umbreon's voice. "Eevee! We thought you would be hear. Are you OK?" I wasn't and he should know that by now, so I ignored his question and asked one myself. "Are we going to stop it?" "No." He answered with a hint of regret in his voice. "We're not. Even if we destroy it, it'll come back. There's nothing we can do. I'm sorry..." "Then..." I turned around and immedeatly jumped on him without warning. "I want to spend any time I can with my friends!"

He flinched as I jumped on him and gave him a hug. He's never seen this side of me before, so I can understand why he'd be so surprised. "Eevee? Are you OK? You've never acted like this before." "Yes." I lied. "I'm fine. can't you tell?" Even though I was happy to help everyone, I was still sad that I wouldn't see them again. "I guess so... Come on. Everyone is waiting for you." On our way to the rest of the team, I was able to steal his Entercards and the little device he puts them in. If no one else will do anything, they'll try to stop me from doing anything myself, so this has to be a secret.

I spent the whole day with my friends. One by one, I spent time with them. I have to find a way to steal Espeon's Entercards. Her fur is sensitive enough to predict the weather, so I'll have to be careful. She was the last one I spent time with. I asked her if I could be alone with her. She didn't know if she should or not, but everyone encouraged her to. I never seemed happy before, so they probably think this is how at least one of them will find out. They're right.

Once we we're alone at the waterfall, she asked me "Why are you suddenly so happy, Eevee?" Good question. This is very out of character for me, but for a good reason. "I just want my last moment with all of you to be a good one. Just something to look back to..." "What do you mean? It's not like the world is going to end tomorrow or anything like that. We still have time together and..." She stopped. After a few seconds, she hugged me. "I'm sorry, Eevee. None of us thought of what you thought about all of this. This is probably effecting you more than anyone else. You just made friends and now, you have a limited time with them. We'll spend as much time together as you want." I was really grateful for her kind words. "Thanks, Espeon, but I can't afford to waste anymore time. I have to go now."

"What? What do you mean? Where are you going?" She asked with a voice filled with concern. She took a few steps back so if I do anything, she'll be able to see it all. "The Glacier Palace." I told her calmly. "Someone has to save everyone and no one else will do it." Espeon looks at me with great concern. "Eevee, I know you have magic, but the Bittercold will come back. And there needs to be three humans. How will you do it alone?" She has a point, but I think I have a solution. "Well... I think I know how to do it alone. If it works, then the Bittercold will never come back."

Now she was giving me a look of determination. "I know there's more to it than that. What are you not telling me?" I'm a little scared now. "Espeon... I didn't want anyone to worry, but I guess I can't hide it anymore. My plan comes with a price. If I succeed, the world will be saved, but... I'll never be happy again." That was something she just couldn't accept. "No..." Her face changed to a more aggressive look as she readied herself to battle me. "I'm sorry, Eevee, but this is the first time you've ever been happy. I can't just let you throw it away!"

I sighed sadly at her response. "I was afraid you would say that." I told her as she became drowsy. "Wha... Eevee... why?" She couldn't say anymore. She passed out, giving me a chance to take the Entercards from her. As I touched them, the memory of her swiping me flashed back in my mind like I suddenly remembered. I don't know if she can hear me, but I'll answer her question. "Espeon, I care too much to let everything perish. For my friends... my enemies... For everyone I haven't even met yet and never will... If it means saving even one of you, I'll continue to suffer for you all."

I've wasted enough time here. Time to stop that rock. I saw someone in the shadows crying. It was too dark to make out who it was and I didn't have enough time to find out. The palace was already in the air now, so I have to be quick. I placed the Entercards in and right when I was about to put the last one in, the crying Pokemon stopped crying and came up to me. It was Zorua.

Gates to misery ch: 8

I completely lost my composer and cried myself. "Z-Zorua......I'm sorry..." I told her with a shaky voice. I could tell my sudden apology surprised the dark type and she drew closer. "Sorry? What what?" Each step she took to me made me back up from...

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Sexual Predators

Camping out in Route 13 wasn't something they wanted to do, but the sun had already set, so it was probably best to set camp until mourning came. The two Pokemon stayed until Silk got bored. "You know what? I think I'll take a look around for a bit....

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Gates to Misery CH: 6

Everyday was the same. We woke up, Snivy looked and picked missions, Tepig trained, and everyone else was at post town. I was the loner at the waterfall, practicing my magic, except when Zorua visited me. She's asked me to show her some magic I new. I...

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