A New Life - Land of Magic Series - Chapter 12

Story by TaoHowling on SoFurry

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#12 of FanFiction - A New Life - Land Of Magic Series

Chapter 12 :: Another Magician


"Aww Toothless, It has been a long time. The last time we where together you where no taller than my hip" The strange man's words seemed to roll off the tip of his tongue with ease. Like he had prepared for this day. "Areo.. How can you be alive.. You died.. In the fire.." Areo chuckled low and deep. "I'm your creator, you think I would burn from a simple dragon fire?" Toothless gulped, with him here everyone was in danger. He needed to find Hiccup and escape as soon as possible. "Why are you here? Why now?" "Tisk Tisk, so many questions." Areo swung his hands in an annoyed fashion. "First of all I'm here to kill you, take back what you took from me. My lover." Areo snapped his fingers, his expression was of realization. "That's right! You have someone you care about here also. A specific Dragon, named Hiccup?" Toothless growled in frustration and terror, ready to tear at Areo's arms and legs. "You will not touch him!"

"But my dear Toothless, you killed my love, it is only right that I return the favor!" Areo hissed pushing his hand down. The large battle axe flew to the floor slamming Toothless down pinning him. "First I will rip his wings of and watch you wither as your Hiccup screams in pain!" Areo spat on Toothless and fell to the floor. Still pinned, Toothless watched as Areo left the arena blowing the gates open with a swing of his arm. Toothless was helpless, he could not move, act or protect his love. "Hiccup run! Leave me just Run PLEASE!" Toothless screamed but slowly his throat seemed to seize and he could not speak.

Hiccup please, run. Don't try to help me I will find a way out. I don't want you to get hurt. Please!


Burrows and Hiccup ran down the corridor halls toward the arena. It was still a good distance away but at the pace they were going they would be there soon. There pace had quicken when they heard the announcer speak of the first battle. It was going to be hard to escape when Toothless was restrained but they would manage. The plan was to retrieve Burrows staff, which was held in the armory close to the arena. It was ironic to Hiccup how close the two where to each other. Hiccup and Burrows jolted into a sprint when a large crack sound came from the arena. Something had just broke, and it was very large. "Your mate is ether really strong or is doing a very poor job." Burrows huffed. Hiccup hissed at the thought of Toothless losing. "He would never give up, nor would I. He saved my life once, no twice. I owe him." They took a sharp right turn entering into a garden. It was a beautiful sight, a marble stone fountain stood high in the middle of a small field of grass. Two large oak trees grew from either side, it was all well kept. Flowers of red, blue and white where dotted around the garden. Hiccup thought about how Toothless would love this place, its small but meaningful beauty. "Ya very Romantic, stop slowing down" Hiccup pulled himself away from the scene and wondered if Toothless and Him would ever be able to live in peace. He imagined them both living a long and loving life far on a distant island away from all humans and dragons alike. All alone for themselves.

Burrows jumped for joy when the Armory room came into view, they had tried many doors sense the garden but none of them held the staff Burrows needed to help save Toothless. "When we are done with this, I will make both you and your mate the happiest dragons on this earth." Hiccup wondered what Burrows meant by this, whatever it was he looked forward to the day when they would receive the gift. The armory room was large, weapons of all types where stacked on the floor and hung on the walls. It would be hard to find the staff in a place like this. A red bead in a pile of millions of white would be easier. "I know what you're thinking, but it will be easier than you think, I just have to get close to my staff and I can call it to my hand." "How will that work?" Hiccup assumed it would require magic, but the staff was the thing that channeled the energy. "As long as I am close I can control the flow of power. I still have a lot to teach you about magic, years of information and that's only the start." Burrows slid down a ladder to the lower half of the Armory room, his hands fumbled over small, large, tall, thick and all other types of deadly spears, axes and swords. Hiccup also began to look but he honestly had no idea what it would look like so he just seemed to browse the inventory for interesting things. Once and a while he would find a sharp sword with strange writing on the blade, he would wonder what it had been through. The battles it had seen.

The craftsmanship of the weapons varied from poor to superior and expert. Some even reminded him of his own work when working with metal. Although this was long in the past, he still wondered if it was his or how it had even come to this place. "Try this on" Burrows tossed a large slab of concaved metal to Hiccups feet. "How?" Hiccup pushed it around in question of what to do with it. "Your head, I think it will fit your head, it has that shape you know." Hiccup nodded and flipped the helmet over, practically upside down. Hiccup placed the top of his head to the floor where the helmet lay, it seemed to fit perfectly around his large head shape. When he lifted it however the weight surprised him. "How do I look?" Burrows threw a stack of spears to the side and glanced at Hiccup. "Looks like a piece of metal, it will keep your head safe though" He resumed his digging. Hiccup liked the helmet and wondered what Toothless would think when he saw them. A warrior dragon thought Hiccup.

"Found it!" Burrows said with joy. "Where?" Hiccup jumped to the lower floor avoiding the sharp blades. "About two feet deep under all this junk." He pointed straight down below his feet. "I'm going to try to bring it to me, you might want to step back." Burrows pointed his hand. Hiccup watched as he concentrated on pulling the staff to the surface. Slowly the pile of metal began to shift and slide, rising a little as if something was trying to get out. Hiccup noticed that on Burrows cheek a symbol began to glow blue. It was strange and unknown to him but he wondered what it meant. The staff was a dark cherry red with a small jagged blue stone at the top. Hiccup was surprised at the color and shape, he had imagined the staff differently. Whatever shape or size as long as it did what it was meant to do Hiccup was happy.

"Burrows" a slick voice came from the entry way. Burrows stood still. "Areo" Areo let out a sly smile. "You remember me?" "How could I ever forget, traitor." Burrows spat at the floor in disgust. "Why are you hear Areo!" Burrows was angry, Hiccup only watched this strange quarrel. Whatever it was he did not want to be involved. "I'm here for the dragon, he is my revenge tool" Burrows grabbed his staff and stepped in front of Hiccup. "Not while I'm here you don't, I won't let you use him for anything." Areo gave a low laugh, his eyes where covered by a black hood. He tossed it back revealing his face. Areo was small, about five feet tall. His face was strangely altered from what looked like burns of some kind. His eyes where dark with evil, the color of which Hiccup knew not. Only a small pigtail of hair was attached to his head. "Looking good as ever, are we?" Burrows chuckled at his small worded jab. Areo sneered at his comment. "I am taking the dragon." Areo hissed. "Over my dead body!" Burrows stood at the ready, preparing for an attack. "We will see" Areo thrust his hand to the side and Burrows followed. He slammed against the wall falling on a stack of bows and crossbows. He then pointed at a large pile of bolts swinging his arm pointing at Hiccup. "No!" Burrows yelled slightly dazed.

Hiccup prepared for the end, thousands of bolts had been lifted into the air and hurtled toward him. The weapons at his feet and bent to hold his feet in place so that he could not move. There was nothing for him to do. The only thing that came to mind was Toothless and what had happened to him. All Hiccup cared about was Toothless's safety. The idea of Toothless being free calmed Hiccup of his upcoming fate, as long as Toothless was safe he could die happy. He did not want to die though, but if he could he would with a smile. H thought of the night they had many times before. The love they shared. His heart began to beat heavily in remembering as the blood rushed to his cheeks at the personal parts. He loved Toothless with every fiber of his body and he would do anything to protect him. They where mates, not officially obviously but in their minds they where a joined couple.

"What!" Areo's screams made Hiccup open his eyes in wonder. To his surprise Areo was forcing his hand forward, the bolts he had controlled stopped inches from Hiccups body. "Hiccup it's the helmet!" Burrows yelled in relief. The helmet was glowing a dark blue. "I thought it was more than just a piece of junk, its ancient magic. Not even Areo can fight against it." Areo screamed in frustration. "If I can't have you, than I will take the next best thing!" Areo rushed down the hall to the arena, his robe flapping behind him. "Hiccup go after him, there is no doubt that he is meaning Toothless, protect him! I will be right behind you!"


Toothless bit the handle of the large axe as hard as he could trying to break the hard wood. With no luck he became very angry. The crowed was still watching eagerly, Toothless did not know why though. The fight was over, the opponent had left what could they possibly want to see now. The announcers where the amusement of Toothless for a few minutes. There control of the arena had gone to the wind and now they were trapped no way of escaping. All thanks to Areo. Oh Areo

Toothless reached back deep in his memory, remembering the day when he came to the world. The very beginning.

"It's time my dear Night Fury, for once I will do something right." Areo the lesser stretched his hands over the dark pool of black. His mouth shifting to different positions speaking a language not known to all. The pool of black began to rise in the middle forming the shape of a small dark figure. Its body resembled that of a lizard, wings so small stretched from its back, a tail was grown with two fins attached to the end. The liquid bubbled as slowly the figure began to take features. The arms where topped with paws, the head reminded Areo of a salamander. "Live my child" Reaching deep within himself Areo pulled part of his sole apart and gave it to the form. Life sprung to the creature like a flame. Gasping for breath Areo collapsed on the floor in exhaustion, this magic had taken a large amount of concentration. Making a living thing was above his experience and took a large amount of energy.

Toothless moaned in pain as the weapon pushed harder against his chest. This was getting annoying to Toothless he needed to escape and try to help Hiccup but nothing he did worked. It was then than Toothless saw something he never expected. Areo was running at Toothless as fast as he could robes flapping behind him. This was not what surprised Toothless, it was the fear on his face that made him wonder. Areo pulled the large weapon into the air jamming Toothless to the far side of the arena in the process. It was then on the floor that Toothless saw Hiccup rush through the gate of the stadium and bolt towards Areo. Toothless's heart jumped for joy at the sight of his lover and he tried to stand but his muscles would not respond. Something was stopping him. Areo! Toothless tried to speak but the hold on his words still grasped him. Toothless watched as Hiccup charged Areo head first. Be careful Hiccup, you have no Idea how strong he is.


Areo was in Hiccups sights, a large mace like weapon was lifted in the air by his magic. Hiccup dodged left and right as it slammed into the floor with brutal force. Hiccup dove at Areo in anger tackling him to the ground. With inhuman strength Areo lifted Hiccup in the sky with his hands throwing him a good three yards away. Hiccup slammed into the floor the air rushing out of his lungs. Hiccup saw Toothless in the distance on the other side of the death pit and sighed in relief. At least you are safe. Hiccup rolled to dodge another attack from the large mace. It slammed into the floor harder than before. Hiccup heard a crack of metal only dragon ears could hear. This would mean that the weapon was soon to shatter and could cause a large amount of shrapnel. Hiccup rushed at Areo again, this time jumping to take the advantage. Areo did not expect this maneuver and fell in surprise. Hiccups jaws locked on Areo's leg blood seeped through Hiccups teeth and he squeezed harder. Never try to hurt my Toothless again! Areo screamed in pain jabbing the pole of the mace into Hiccups face. Its wood handle caused sharp pains and bruised his skull. Blood slipped down his face. At the breaking point Hiccup released his hold, gasping for air and whimpering in pain.

Hiccup limped to a far corner away from Areo who had now recovered and healed himself with his magic. The mace came down at an alarming rate and then stopped before smashing into the floor in front of Hiccup. Burrows stood at the gateway his staff glowing blue with what Hiccup assumed was his magic. Toothless rushed to Hiccups side now released by the magic. "Hiccup!" Toothless crooned in worry. "It's just my head, its fine.. really" Hiccup was dazed and it hurt to concentrate on anything. Toothless came to Hiccups side pulling his head close to Toothless's chest. His barbed tongue removed the streams of blood from Hiccups forehead. "We have to fight Toothless" Hiccup tried to pull away but Toothless's grasp on him was too strong. "It's already over, your friend chased him off" Toothless purred. "I don't understand, I just got knocked down, Burrows just got here. How could he have won already."

Toothless looked into Hiccups eyes with worry. "Hiccup it's been over for almost an hour." Hiccup tried to think back but again a throbbing pain stabbed his mind. Did that tie really pass so fast? Hiccup was puzzled but whatever happened he was with Toothless now. Back in his arms, his loving warm arms and vibrant chest. This was where he belonged, all he wanted. It soothed his thoughts and warmed his heart. I just want this all over, to be alone with you. Hiccup lounged in Toothless's arms enjoying his hold.

A New Life - Land of Magic Series - Chapter 13

Chapter 13 :: A Long Goodbye -Toothless- "So you helped Hiccup Escape? In addition, you both are friends... And somehow you know Areo?" "Exactly" Burrows had been with Toothless in the cave alone for most of the day explaining his standings. They had...

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A New Life - Land of Magic Series - Chapter 11

**Chapter 11: Chapter 11 Deep Power** * * * Chapter 11 :: Deep Power "Burrows I can't let them take Toothless!" "Don't worry, he will be fine. He is a big Dragon and all. From what you have told me he can handle himself." Burrows fiddled with his...

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A New Life - Land of Magic Series - Chapter 10

**Chapter 10: Chapter 10 Announcing a Funeral** * * * Chapter 10: Announcing a Funeral -Hiccup- Boom, a large gong like sound rattled the cages where every gladiator sat waiting. Boom, it rang again, this time followed by an announcer. His voice...

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