Love and Lycanthropy - Chapter 7

Story by JakeXtraTall on SoFurry

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As soon as we arrived back home the morning of Cole's first change,

I'd shown Grace which rooms they would use and she'd gone straight

to the bath and then to bed.  Cole went to bed too, as did Elias

and me.  It had been an incredibly long night for everyone and we

were all completely exhausted, both physically and emotionally.I

woke late that day to the sensation of my cock being sucked slowly and


 My eyes opened and I looked down and saw Elias's head bobbing up

and down as he worked my tool with his mouth.  He must have got

out of bed and opened the curtains and blinds because the sunlight of

early evening was streaming into the room.  I was laying on my

back and he'd pushed the blankets down to the foot of the bed and moved

in between my legs to work my 'morning' wood.I had a long

stretch beneath him and I sighed at the wonderful sensation of his

mouth sliding up and down as it sucked me in.  He took his mouth

off my cock and looked up and smiled when he saw I was awake.  He

crawled back up and lay on top of me and we necked for a while and then

he turned his head and put it sideways on my chest and said, "It's

getting late.  We slept pretty long.  We should get up soon.

 We need to get some supper and we have to get Cole ready for

another change tonight."I rubbed his back and kissed the top of his head and said, "Couldn't we finish what you started first?"He looked up at me and grinned and said, "Well, duh, that comes first of course."He

tickled my sides and I laughed and grabbed his hands to stop him and

said, "No tickling allowed!  I just woke up and that's kind of a

shock to the system.  You might make me pee all over you if you keep that up."He

grinned wickedly and said, "That sounds really hot  We should try

that sometime.  I'd love to have you pee all over me."I chuckled and said, "I'm open for anything, but let's save it for another time, OK?  I'm still a little groggy.""Oh, I'm sorry, were you looking for more of a

slow and intimate approach today?  Say something romantic to me then,

lover," he said as he leaned in to kiss me again, then pulled his face

back and waited expectantly.I smiled up at his gorgeous face and said, "Sure, OK.  What did the one guy say to the other guy at the gay bar?""I don't know, but it better be romantic," he said, "What did he say?""May I push your stool in for you?"Elias busted out laughing and then he said, "I'd like to meet that guy some day!  That sounds like an awesome idea!"He

moved off me to the side and got on his hands and knees on the bed and

waited while he grinned and winked at me and he said, "That reminds me of

a joke one of the guys told me years ago when I was at that youth camp.

 You work with computers so you should get this one.  What command

made the gay computer programmer giggle every time he typed it in?"I smiled and said, "I don't know, what?"He said, "C: <Enter>"I

laughed and he chuckled and said, "Get

to work, mister computer programmer.  There's a colon back there

waiting to be entered, see it?"I smiled and got up and maneuvered behind him and said, "Oh fuck yes, I see it."No

matter how many times I see this sight, it will never get old.

 Elias is absolutely beautiful to me.  He's fit and smooth

and young and fresh and he's always in the mood.  I briefly

enjoyed the view of his firm bubble butt and the

slightly dark trough between his cheeks with his tight, inviting

hole waiting to be invaded.  His knees were slightly apart and his

big, beautiful, heavy balls hung between his thighs.  I could see his

incredibly stiff cock bobbing up and down beneath him as his body tried

to pump even more blood into it.  He was turned on hard and he

wanted me in him.I moved my face in to enjoy one of my favorite

activities.  I licked from the base of his balls right up past his

tight pucker to his tailbone.  The smell and taste of this boy

always pushed me right to the brink.  My toes curled up hard and I

moaned as I licked him again and again.  Elias moaned too.

 He loved the intimacy of being rimmed and he knew how much I

loved doing it so he was not the least bit shy.  He rested his

head down sideways on the bed so he was supporting himself with his

shoulders and then reached back and pulled his ass cheeks apart to open

his hole up invitingly."Taste me," he said.I moaned

again and pushed my tongue hard against his butthole and jammed it in

as deep as it would go.  He squirmed and moaned some more, pushing

lightly with his anus to open himself up completely as I drooled and

wiggled my tongue around against the silky walls of his rectum.  I

loved the taste of him and I could never get enough.  I continued

to eat him out for a while to loosen him up and get him wet and ready.

 I pulled back a few times and spat at his hole and pushed the

saliva in deeper with a finger as I worked him more.  I worked my

finger far enough in to find his prostate and he moaned and pushed

his butt back a bit as I assaulted the organ with the tip of my finger.

 He was horny and ready."Fuck, I want you in me so bad," he breathed, "Fill me up."I

wasted no more time and moved into position on my knees behind him.

 I spat on my fingers a couple of times and rubbed it around on my

cock to wet it, then I pushed the big head against his sphincter and

paused to relish the moment, then I pushed forward and he groaned as

his hole stretched wide to accept me.  The sensation of his strong

anus sucking the head of my cock right in and then gripping my fat

shaft tightly made my head spin.  Elias moaned some more as I

pushed steadily forward until my hips bumped against his ass and I was

buried completely inside him.  He was so wonderfully warm and snug

and it felt so great to be inside him again.  I pulled back slowly

until I was almost all the way out and then thrust a bit quicker into

him and he groaned louder."That feels so good!  Fuck me harder!"I

pulled back again and grabbed onto his hips and thrust into him much

faster and my balls slapped forward against him, adding even more

sensation for me.  I started to lose control as my powerful desire

for him made my body go into overdrive.  I pulled back and grunted

as I thrust even harder into him while pulling his hips back into me

again and again.  He groaned some more, and then moved his knees a

bit further up the bed to raise his ass even higher.  I followed

him forward.  I moved my knees further out to the sides and went

right over him and put my hands down on the bed on either side of him

so I was now thrusting downward into him and I grunted and moaned

repeatedly as I built up a faster and deeper rhythm, every thrust

plunging my cock as deep into him as it could possibly go."Fuck, I'm gonna cum!" he almost shouted.I

reached under him with my right hand as I continued to thrust into him

and I began to pump his stiff young cock hard and fast.  He moaned

and I could feel his anus start to clench in light spasms as his orgasm

began to build.  His big balls tightened up against his body so

snuggly that my balls were now slapping against them as I hammered

myself into him and that sent him spinning right over the edge as he

cried out and his whole body convulsed.  He grunted and shot a

massive load of cum out onto the sheets as I continued to jack his

cock.  He grunted and squirted again as his body jerked beneath

me, wracked with the powerful spasms of his deep orgasm.  He was cumming so hard I could

feel the force of his ejaculate as it zipped through his shaft while my

hand squeezed it and pumped it.The

sensation of his intense pleasure fed right into my own and I felt my balls

begin to tighten and the powerful electricity rapidly built up between

my legs as my orgasm crashed into me.  I cried out and plunged

myself as deeply into him as I could go and pressed hard against him as I shot the first thick volley

of cum deep into his bowels.  I held the position just briefly as

I felt the load of seed gushing out of my slit, then I pulled back and

grunted and thrust forward again as I felt another shot rush up through

my shaft and into him.  I bucked against him a few more times as

the powerful orgasm played my body.  I shot everything I had into

him as he emptied his big balls out onto the bed.Finally I

slowed down and pushed deeply into him to savor that last little bit of

my seed leaking out into the love of my life.  I leaned forward

and kissed the back of his neck and his cheek as he sighed his

contentment."I love you so much," I said.He smiled and said, "I love you too.  I wish I could keep you inside me all the time.""That was so cool!  Doesn't it hurt?

 What's all that white stuff you squirted on the bed, Elias?" Cole

asked from behind us.My heart nearly exploded from the shock

and I pulled out of Elias and spun around to sit on the bed.

 There was Cole, just a couple of feet back.  He'd been right

in the perfect position to watch everything right up close from between

my legs."What the fuck are you doing in here?" I yelled, more surprised, shocked, and embarrassed than actually angry.Cole

immediately got a scared and hurt look on his face and I realized right

away my reaction was too strong.  It wasn't my intention to

traumatize him.  His lower lip quivered as he meekly said, "I'm

sorry.  I heard you guys laughing and I came to see what was going

on."He looked like he was about to start crying from me yelling

at him.  He turned to rush out of the bedroom and I said, "Wait,

Cole!  Hang on.  Come back."He stopped and I quickly grabbed the blankets at the foot of the bed and

pulled them up over Elias and me to hide our nudity, and I moved

back and sat up against the headboard and Elias did the same.Cole

turned and slowly walked back to the foot of the bed.  He was

wearing only his underpants so he must have come straight from his own

bedroom.  I saw that he was completely erect inside them and there

was a wet patch right where the tip of his stiff cock was.  He

was subconsciously rubbing his erection through his briefs even while

he waited for me to speak.  Clearly he was aroused at what he'd

seen.  The 'curse' had rapidly advanced his little body right up

to the point of being near the end of puberty and he probably wasn't at

all used to what he was feeling right now.  It hadn't come to him

slowly like it would to most boys so it was probably a bit overwhelming

and confusing.  I briefly wondered if all that wetness was just

pre-cum, or if he'd actually had a full-on orgasm in there.  I found

myself wanting to just go and check for myself by pulling those little briefs forward and looking inside, but I quickly gave my

head a shake and pushed those thoughts aside.He looked at me like he was waiting for me to lay into him again and I felt like a complete ass."First,

I want to apologize for yelling at you.  It was the wrong thing to

do and I'm sorry.  I'm really not mad at you, Cole.  Not even

a bit.  Don't worry about that.  You didn't do anything

wrong.  Please don't feel bad.  I just overreacted to the

shock of you being there and seeing that.""I thought you guys

were wrestling or something.  I wanted to have fun too.  It

felt really good to watch you.  You didn't have to yell at me," he


know, I'm an ass.  I'm sorry.  I didn't mean

to make you feel bad.  We should have taken precautions to make

sure you wouldn't see anything you shouldn't.  We're not used to

having anyone else in the house and I guess we just forgot we weren't

alone.  We should have wedged the door shut, or put a do not

disturb sign out, or at least stayed under the covers.  I'm just

really embarrassed you saw that, but it's not your fault at all.

 No hard feelings?"He smiled and nodded."Good.

 I guess we'll have to lay down some simple rules.  No going

into each other's rooms when the doors are closed without loudly

knocking first, and then waiting for whoever's on the other side to say

'come in'.  Deal?"He nodded and said, "OK.  I promise I won't walk in anymore.  I didn't know I wasn't supposed to see that.""Just how much of it did you see?" I asked."Lots.

 I saw you with your mouth on Elias's bum.  You pushed your tongue right in his hole.  It looked so

weird, but I wanted to try it too.  Your bum was right in front of

me.  I wanted to put my mouth on it and see what it was like.

 I saw you put your thing in Elias's hole too.  I didn't know

guys did that stuff.  I never even saw anyone naked before.  Your

wiener is so big!  It looked so awesome!  I watched you

pulling it out and pushing it in again and I heard Elias saying how

good it felt and it made me feel funny.  I want to try it too.

 Couldn't you put your thing in my hole?  Maybe I could put

mine in Elias's hole?  Could I put my mouth on your bum?


was rubbing at himself even more intensely as

he talked and it was hard for me to keep my eyes on his face.  I

could tell he was getting more and more aroused by his self-frottage as

his hips began to move slightly forward and back in rhythm with his

rubbing, and I was starting to feel my own erection beginning to build

again from seeing him do that and hearing him talk that way.

 I was tempted to let him go ahead and finish while I watched, but

it just didn't seem appropriate.  We'd be up the creek if his

mother came looking for him right now and saw him doing this.

 He was so absorbed with playing with himself through his

underwear that I don't think he quite understood what he was feeling

and didn't

even realize he was still rubbing his crotch.  He was

staring right at me while he was doing it."Cole, you

shouldn't really touch yourself down there while we're talking.

 Feel free to do that all you want in private but it's not really

right for you to do it in front of me, OK?"He got a bit of a

startled look on his face as he looked down at what he was doing, then

he moved his hand away and looked sheepishly back at me and said,

"Sorry.  It felt really good.  I'm not supposed to do that?"I

smiled and said, "You can do it all you want, but it's more appropriate

for you to do it when you're alone, or when you're being intimate with

someone, not when you're just standing around having a


 I think you might enjoy

exploring yourself and finding out what your body can do for you now

that it's changed, but keep it to your bedroom with your door closed.

 Maybe even keep it under the blankets in case your mom ever walks

in on you or something.

 You shouldn't really talk about doing those things that Elias and me were doing either.  You're still just


little kid and you're a bit too young to be doing that sort of thing

with anyone.  It's OK to think about them though.  You don't

have to feel any guilt about it or anything.""If it's OK to think about those things, then why can't we just do them?" he asked."It's a bit complicated.  I

think we should maybe have a long, private talk about the differences

in your body now and what it means for you.  You're gonna feel

things you never felt before, and things like what you saw us doing are

gonna suddenly seem really interesting to you.  Your body is gonna

react to those thoughts and you're going to feel some needs you might

not have felt before.  It's what's making you hard between your

legs and it's why it feels so good to touch yourself there.  I'll

talk to your mom and ask her permission to have that discussion with

you.  I think we need to get you up to speed so you don't feel too

confused about what's happening to you.  She might want to have

that talk with you herself since you're her boy.""Couldn't I just talk to you

about it?  I don't think I want to ever talk to her about that.

 You're not gonna tell her I watched you and Elias playing naked are

you?  Can it be our secret?" he asked."It's

not really

appropriate for you to keep those kinds of secrets with an adult.

 You're just a little kid and what we're talking about is sex.

 There are rules around that sort of thing that we have to observe

if we want to be members of society.  Don't worry about your mom

finding out that you saw us.  There was absolutely nothing wrong

with what we were doing, and you did nothing wrong by watching us.

 You didn't know it was meant to be private.

 It was just a mistake.  She might be a little upset that it

happened, but I don't think she'll be mad at you any more than I am.

 It would be a lot worse if we tried to keep it a secret from her

and she found out on her own.  It would threaten our relationship

and she would lose any trust she had in Elias and me.  It would

probably make her want to take you away from here right away.  I

wouldn't like that.  I think we should both tell her together.

 I think she'll understand that your body has gone through an

important change and it's something you're gonna have to get used to.

 If she doesn't understand, I'll do my best to help her get there,

OK?"He shrugged and said, "OK, I guess.  I don't want her to take me away either.  I want to stay here with you guys."I

nodded and said, "Good.  That's what we want too.  Go on back

to your room and get dressed.  We'll talk again later, OK?"He smiled and said, "OK."He turned and ran from the room."Close the door please!" I shouted to him as he ran out into the hallway.He turned around and came back and smiled sheepishly again as he closed the door.Elias

chuckled and said, "You handled that pretty good.  He could've

been scarred for life from your first reaction to what he saw if you'd

let him just run away.  He'd probably think it was just wrong or

something and then he'd wonder why we were doing it if it was so bad.

 Then he'd wonder why he liked it so much and think there was

something wrong with him.""He's a pretty good kid," I said, "I think he's probably just been alone so

much he just needs a bit of practice at giving people privacy in a more

crowded house.  I shouldn't have yelled at him right off.  It

was just a gut reaction.  I was angry at my own embarrassment, not

at him."Elias kissed me on the cheek and said, "You have

nothing to be embarrassed about.  You gave him an awesome show.

 Now he knows what it looks like when a manly man takes his mate."I chuckled and kissed him back and said, "He's a bit too young to know what that looks like, don't you think?"He

shrugged and asked, "Is he?  How young is too young?  How old

would old enough be?  His body's obviously ready.  Shouldn't

his mind hurry up and catch up?  I'm barely fourteen, am I ready?""You're seventeen and you know it.  I think of you that way anyhow.""Sure,

but you know me, so to you I'm seventeen.  To Cole I look like I just

turned fourteen.  To his mom, too.  That's how old I am to

them.  Think about Cole.  What happens to him when he's

seventeen?  He'll still look like he's eleven.  What about

when he's twenty or thirty?  What then?  How about when he's

a hundred?  What will he know by

then that's different than what he knows now if he's always kept

sheltered from it because he looks like he does?  If he's always

treated as an eleven year old then he'll never gain the sort of

experiences a kid would have as he grows up that would ease him into

the idea of being an adult and a sexual human being.  When he's

thirty, he still won't have had any sexual experience, unless we give

it to him.  His body has needs now, Jake.  That won't go

away.  How is he gonna fulfill those needs so he can feel happy

like me?""I

never really thought about it," I said, "I guess it will be hard for

him.  It's not like we can set him up with an eleven year old girl

so he can have some age-appropriate nooky.  From a sexual

perspective it would be like hooking up an eleven year old girl with a

fourteen year old boy.  His junk is really big for a kid his age

and he's ready to go all the way but a little girl wouldn't be."Elias

chuckled and said, "I don't think it would be a good idea to get him a

hooker, either.  But you saw how he was.  He was hard as rock and almost

ready to cum in his pants.  I don't think he's into girls.

 He wants to put his mouth on your butt for fuck's sake.

 He's as gay as you or me right now.  Maybe that'll change

some day, I don't know.  I doubt it though.  He was really

into what he saw.  He's gonna be thinking about it and replaying

it in his head from now on.  It's gonna be eating away at

him and

he's gonna get really worked up over it and his frustration will build.

 He's gonna eventually ask again to play with us I think, and he'll

be hurt and confused every time we say no.  We might be able to

hold him back for a few years, but when do we decide to help him enjoy

his body?  He won't be any more ready then than he is now.

 If we do it now he would at least avoid all that frustration and

hurt feelings and rejection, and he could start feeling happy and

fulfilled right away.""What exactly are you saying?

 You're not suggesting we mess around with an eleven year old kid,

are you?" I asked, somewhat taken aback.He

shrugged again and

said, "Is it so wrong?  This isn't a normal situation, Jake.

 He's never gonna really 'grow up'.  He won't be slowly going

through puberty along with his friends like normal kids do.  He

won't be talking about it with them and eventually experimenting a bit

and slowly gaining experience as he grows up.  We gave him a

chance at life he never would have had, but nobody said it would ever

be a normal one.  He can't make friends like a normal kid.

 They would continue to grow really fast and it would become

obvious in a hurry that he's not aging or changing at all.  Questions would

eventually be asked that we couldn't answer.  The only people

he'll ever have that he can be really close with is us.  This sort of thing

has never happened to an

eleven year old kid before, so we can't use the same rules everyone

else does.  It just wouldn't make sense.  He's as ready for

sex right now as he'll ever be for the rest of his life, and now that

he's seen it he's gonna be obsessed with it more and more until he gets

to really experience it.  Sexually, he doesn't have the body of an

eleven year old.  He's all the way through puberty almost.""But,

he's just a kid!  We can't start messing around with an eleven

year old kid.  His mom would drag him out of here faster than we

could blink and who knows what would happen to him without your

guidance to help him adjust to his new life.  We need to make sure

she doesn't fly off the handle and take off with him.  We're his

best chance at adjusting to this change as quickly and safely as

possible."Elias said, "That's what I'm talking about, helping him adjust to this change.  His body is different now.  Ignoring it or telling him he can't do it isn't gonna help him at all.  He's a sexual animal now.  His mom will have to get used to the idea too.

 To her he might always look like her little boy, but eventually

she'll have to realize he's not.  He has needs and they'll have to

be met or he'll become really unhappy in a hurry.  She'll have to

understand that or he could get really messed up.  She can't

withhold it from him forever, and neither can you.  He wants you

and you're all he's gonna think about now until he gets you.""I

can't believe we're having this discussion, but I guess what you say

makes sense.  I make love to you because you're a seventeen year

old young man to me and I love you deeply.  Hell, I made love to

you the first night we met even when I thought you were only fourteen,

because you made it obvious you wanted it and were ready for it.

 At some point he'll be

seventeen too, even though he'll never look it.  If he wanted it

then and felt ready for it then, it wouldn't make sense to hold him

back.  I suppose by that logic if he wants it and he feels ready

for it now then it makes no sense to keep him from it.""Exactly.

 In a sense he'll be no different then than he is now.  I

started messing around with some friends of mine and even boys in some

of the foster homes I went through back when I was only twelve.

 He's almost that age now, but his body is

even further along than mine was back then.  He's almost done

puberty and he's about the size of someone who's fourteen down between

his legs, just like I'm the size of an adult.  I'm

guessing he's gonna shoot real cum.  He won't be shooting blanks.

 His balls were filling out his briefs really nice.  He's

ready, right now.  His body is, anyhow.  I don't know what it

might do to him to force him to ignore his needs or to make him always

hide away alone in his bedroom and jack off under his blankets like sex

was some sort of nasty thing he has to keep secret.  It might


mess him up.  He's craving sexual touch now and he needs it from

someone else, not just his own hand.  Wouldn't it be best if it

came from someone who cares about him?  Someone who's really

looking out for him and wants him to be happy?  That's you, Jake,

and me too."I chuckled and said, "It

almost sounds like you really want to do that with him, like you're

using his emotional health as an excuse to 'help' him meet his

needs.  You've got the hots for him, don't you?"Elias

smiled and said, "So what?  I think he's a great looking little

guy and I like him a lot, and I would love to get intimate with him.

 It only has to be really light stuff, at least at first.  He

seems like an adventurous kid and he's not shy.  I think he'd love

it and it would make him really happy to share that with us.

 Would it be so wrong to mess around with him a bit and make him

feel good?""I really don't know," I said, "I'd have to think about it.  I guess I'm a bit surprised that you feel that way.""Do

you think less of me?  Am I a perv for thinking that way?

 Are you jealous that I think of him that way too and not just

about you?""I

don't think any less of you at all and of course

I don't feel jealous.  So long as you're happy, I'm happy.  I

couldn't be jealous of you wanting to play with him.  I like him

too.  Honestly, when I first saw him naked after he changed back

this morning, I had pretty intense thoughts about him and my cock

sprung right to attention.  I can't deny that my body wants him.

 He's a beautiful boy.  Being with you has sort of opened my

mind to the idea a bit I guess, but I'm still stuck with the morals

that have been drilled into me since I was young.""You

said almost the same sort of thing about that first time we had sex

when I was the wolf.  You said you had a hard time going there

because society would judge you as having sex with an animal, then you

realized it was me you were having sex with and that we love each other

and it was right to enjoy each other that way.  Don't you see that

it's the same with Cole?  Society says it's wrong to have sex with

a kid, but what if that kid was fully sexually developed and feeling

powerful needs?  What if he really wanted to do it and it would

only make him happy?  We care about him and want him to be happy,

and we'd be careful to make sure he never did anything he would feel

bad about.  It would be loving and beautiful and all of us would

be willing and eager.  How the fuck could it make sense to deny

him that?  It would have the opposite effect from what we want.

 He would feel bad about himself and unhappy if we kept pushing

him away.  It just doesn't make sense to me."I thought

about what he'd said.  He was right in a sense.  I had a lot

of trouble right at first when a wolf had propositioned me to have sex

with him, until I realized it wasn't some dumb animal, it was Elias.

 Then it was easy and natural and incredibly enjoyable to go

there.  Was it really so different with Cole?  He's a human

being with needs and desires and feelings.  He won't have a lot of

options going forward to fulfill those needs and enjoy the beauty and

pleasure of sexuality and feel completely happy and fulfilled.  We

would be his best chance for that and he'd shown a clear and undeniable

interest in us."It's still a bit hard

to think of really

going there him, though it's a lot easier than it would have been

before you and I got together," I said, "I just think we need to tread

really carefully.  Give it as much time as it needs.  I think

I'm open to the idea of helping him enjoy his body.  You're

completely right that it wouldn't be fair to withhold it from him

forever, and he'll never advance physically from where he is, so I guess

it sort of makes sense to start right away before it affects him

negatively to be rejected and denied over and over again.  I don't


it would ever sit right with his mom, though.  But like you said,

she'll have to cave eventually or she'll have a thirty year old kid on

her hands who's completely confused about what's OK and what's not, and

wondering why he can't do what he wants to do with his own body.

 Society's rules will eventually have to bend for him, a lot.

 It would be completely messed up to make him ignore his desires

forever just because he'll always look like he's eleven years old


nodded and said, "Exactly right.  He'll always look like he's

eleven, yet he'll be walking around with junk that's closer to a

fourteen or fifteen year old's between his legs.  It's a bit

messed up, but he's still a human being with needs and feelings.

 I think we should help him if that's what he wants.  I'm

glad you're open to the idea.  The outline of his little cock

looked amazing in his briefs and I really wanted to get on my knees in

front of him and suck on that wet patch.  I know I'm gonna be

thinking about it a lot from now on."I chuckled and said, "You and me both."He leaned in and kissed me again."You're

such an awesome guy, Jake.  I'm glad I didn't end up stuck with

someone who was too rigid and caught up in stupid rules that just can't

always apply.  I suppose I would never get stuck with someone like

that anyhow, I would have just walked away and never come back.  I've had a lot of

time to think about things like this so I guess that's why it's so easy

for me to go there.  I knew it would always be a

problem for me because I look so young and would always look that way.

 If you were one of those uptight people you never would have

fucked me that first night, and we would have gone our separate ways.  If you were just some lech who was after a young boy to use I would have used you right back, then walked away and never come back.  You're not like that.  You're an incredible, open-minded guy and it's one of the things I love most about you."I think a long time ago, tens of thousands of years, before

society really got in the way of

living right, as soon as kids started getting boners they probably


started playing with each other and the adults probably just smiled and

watched.  They probably even got involved sometimes and showed them how to do things right.  It just

seems right to me to let a kid explore openly and learn, and not try to

make him

think it's wrong or bad.  Sex is the most natural and awesome

thing that everyone gets to enjoy.  It's just wrong to try to

control it so much and tell Cole he's not allowed to enjoy his own body

any way he wants.  Society is just stupid as far as I'm

concerned and they mostly forgot what it means to be alive.""I

like the way you think, Elias.  It still blows my mind how much

better my life is with you in it.  It's like I never really

started living until you showed up.  You're the best thing that

could possibly have ever

happened to me."He smiled and said, "It works both ways.

 My life was shit until I came into yours and now I can't imagine

anything ever being better than this.  I

think Cole should count himself lucky that he ended up here with you


 Even his mom should feel nothing but lucky that he's here with

you.  Like I said

before, we sort of gave him a life he never had a chance at even if

it's not gonna be a normal one.  Now his mom's gonna have to learn

to let him do what he wants with his new life so he can be as happy as

he can be.  I know you'll do the right thing and handle it

properly.  We'll figure it all out eventually.  I don't think

I want to be there when you talk to her about it though.  She sort

of rubs me the wrong way somehow.""You've only just met her.  Give yourself time to get

used to her.  You're still upset because you saw her as judging us

harshly for being a couple," I suggested.He shook his head and

said, "I don't care what she thinks about me.  I honestly don't

think she was judging me, or even us as a couple.  She was judging you

though, and I won't put up with that.  She probably thinks you

somehow wheedled me into your pants.  She probably thinks you took

advantage of me and my situation.  I could see it in her eyes when

you told her we were a couple.  I was the one that convinced you

to screw around.  You fixed my life in every way possible, you

didn't do anything wrong to me at all.  I love you and if she

can't get used to that

idea she can take a long walk off a short pier for all I care.  It

wasn't even just that.  When she said that, I could see right away

she was gonna treat Cole wrong.  I was already thinking that Cole

was gonna have needs and she was already warning us that she would

never let us help him explore them.  She was one of those people

who would stick to the rules whether they made sense or not.""Wow,

you saw a lot in her eyes in just those few seconds.  Try to give

her a chance.  Maybe you were just projecting things you've been

thinking about society onto her.  It might just be your own

frustration that you felt for those years you were bounced around

foster care coloring

your perception of her.  She seems really nice to me.  I just

don't see her being that judgmental.  Her maternal instincts were

kicking in and she reacted to them.  I don't see anything wrong

with that."He

shrugged and said, "Maybe I just don't like women.  I've never

had a good experience with one since my mom died.  The foster

parents I went through were horrible.  They were just in it for

the money and to get free labor to keep their houses clean and do

their laundry and mow their lawns.  They didn't give a crap about

me and they just liked to rule over me.  I guess I

should give her a chance and not just lump her in with the rest.

 I have no choice really.  At least, I

don't if I want Cole to stay with us.  I like that little guy and

I don't want her to take him away.  I suppose if she was a bad

person Cole would never have turned out as cool as he is.  I'll

try to cut her some slack."I

nodded and said, "Good.  Let's go

shower and then go work on getting supper ready.  I'll have a talk

with Grace about Cole catching us in the act and I'll ask her

permission to have the big talk about sex with him.  She'll

probably want to stay and make sure I don't put any ideas into his head

or anything.  She might insist on having the talk with him

herself.  Anyhow, it has to happen, and soon.  Hopefully

getting that worked out will put us on more solid footing for the time

being and she'll see we can be trusted and we want what's best for him.

 It will get her started thinking of him as a fully functional

sexual human being too.  She'll start to realize for herself that

he has needs and that we can't deny him forever.  We'll

have to figure out the logistics of the two of you changing every night

from now on too."He nodded and got up out of bed and headed

towards the bathroom.  I followed him and we enjoyed a long,

leisurely, hot shower together, then got dressed and headed down to the

kitchen.Cole was already there and he was sitting at the

kitchen table, fully clothed in a t-shirt and long athletic shorts, socked feet swinging under the chair he was sitting in,

while he messed with the camera that I'd left on the counter when we came

in from the garage earlier."Be careful with that, buddy.

 I don't want you accidentally deleting the photos and movies on

there.  They're important to me and I haven't got around to

backing them up yet.""It's OK.  I figured out how to work it.  I was watching the movie of when Elias bit me.  It was so cool!"I

rolled my eyes and chuckled and said, "I guess I should have known

you'd have no problem with that.  Didn't it bother you to see

Elias rip a piece off you, or see yourself falling out of that tree and

hitting the branch and breaking ribs on the way down?  It must

have hurt like hell when it happened.  Doesn't it freak you out to

watch that?""Naw,

it was neat to see it.  That wasn't the

coolest part though.  Elias started out taking his clothes off and

showing you his bum, then he started playing with his thing.  He

rubbed it faster and faster just like you did with it using your hand

underneath him while you were on top with your wiener in his bum when I watched you guys in bed before.  He shot

that same white stuff out of it in the video.  It looked like it

felt really good for him so I decided to try it out.  I rewinded

it and I put my hand down in my shorts and rubbed like he did while I

watched him doing it again.  It felt so great!  I had to run

and change my underwear again though.  I didn't know I would shoot

so much of that gunk too.  It felt so awesome, like I was gonna

explode or something.  It made my head spin.  I want to try

that again later on."Elias

laughed and said, "That's awesome!  You're a really quick learner,

little guy.  Just don't tell your mom, OK?  I'm pretty sure

she'll blame me for your sudden depravity."Cole asked, "What's

'depravity'?  Did I do something wrong?  Should I keep it a

secret?  I thought you said those kinds of secrets were bad, Jake."I

sighed and said, "No secrets, please.  What you did was absolutely

fine, Cole, just like it was fine when Elias did it, and every time I

do it.  All guys play with themselves that way sometimes and

it's completely normal and good.  It's your body to enjoy any way you like

and nobody should ever tell you otherwise.  Just don't overdo it,

OK?  I wouldn't want you doing any damage to that beautiful tool

of yours.  You shouldn't really talk about it around your mom


 You don't have to keep it a secret, it's just not something she'd

want to know about is all.  It's not the sort of thing moms and

their boys talk about.  Get it?"He nodded and said, "Yeah,

I don't think I'd want to tell her about that anyhow.  I like

talking about it with you guys though.""Feel free to do so any

time you want.  I can tell already I don't need to tell you not to

be shy.  It's pretty obvious you'll say or ask whatever's on your

mind and that's perfectly great by me.  I like it.  I want

you to feel comfortable talking about anything with Elias and me.

 We're your best buds from now on and you're ours too."Cole

grinned and put the camera down and got up and ran over and hugged me

around my waist.  I knelt down and hugged him better and he held

on tight for a while."Thanks!  I'm so glad I get to stay here with you guys now.  I hope I can stay here forever!" he exclaimed.I rubbed the top of his head and said, "I

hope you can too.  It's great having you here.  How about you

help us get supper ready?  I bet Elias would love to show you how

to peel potatoes, even if only so he won't have to do it himself

anymore."Elias grinned and nodded and led Cole around as he got

out the potatoes, a peeler, and a pot to put them in and they set to

work.I had taken some ground beef out of the freezer and put it

in the fridge to thaw the day before so I got it out and started

turning it into a meat loaf.While we were busy working in the

kitchen Grace finally got up out of bed and shuffled into the room in

her housecoat and slippers.  She looked completely frazzled, with her hair tangled and

sticking out in all sorts of ways, and her eyes were still a bit puffy

and baggy from the long sleep in a strange bed."You guys could have left that

for me to do.  You shouldn't have let me sleep so long.  I don't mind cooking.

 It's the least I can do in return for you letting us stay here.  I don't mind saying I'm a pretty good cook,"

she said."Don't worry about it, Grace," I said, "You don't need

to feel like you have to be the maid and housekeeper to all of us guys.

 We've been taking care of ourselves just fine and we have no

problem doing the cooking.""Well, don't let me stop you then,"

she said, "I'll just go grab a shower while you boys have your fun if

you don't mind.  I feel a little rough around the edges still.""You look really rough everywhere, mom, not just around the edges," Cole said.She

chuckled and said, "I love you too, sweetheart.  I'm glad you're

so open and honest with me.  I think we just need to work on when

you use that wonderful skill, and when you just keep it to yourself."She winked at him and Cole giggled.She shuffled off out of the kitchen and back upstairs towards the main bathroom to take her shower.Elias chuckled and said, "I think I could get used to her.  I just need to give it time.  She seems pretty cool."I smiled at him and Cole said, "You mean mom?  She's awesome!"Elias nodded at him and said, "I guess she probably is if you think so.  You seem pretty smart to me."Cole grinned at him and we got back to work.Once

we had supper cooking we went down to the basement to watch a bit of TV

while we waited for our meal to be ready.  Cole freaked out when

he saw the pinball and arcade machines and he wanted to try them out.

 We took turns on the MAME machine and played Asteroids Deluxe,

Centipede and Galaga.  Cole thought they were pretty fun games but

he didn't

get why they made the graphics so bad.  We played for a while and

then Cole expressed an interest in trying the pinball machine.

 Elias showed him how to use it while I went to sit on the couch

and flicked the TV on and tuned it to the news.  There was a story

about some strange tracks and blood being found down in the river

valley and a news woman was on the scene.  My heart started

beating faster as I sat up and turned up

the volume.Elias heard what was being said and came over to

stand next to me and we watched the news story.  It showed the

clearing we'd been using and the news person was walking back towards

the tree that was still covered in Cole's blood.  The tree had a

lot of its bark chewed off at the base by some sort of raging animal


large teeth and a massive bite pattern.  She showed the dark

patches all over the dirt around the tree and said they were all

blood from what looked like some sort of attack by a very large animal.

 The police had been on scene and determined that there had been a

scuffle and it looked as though it involved a small child and a large

animal, though there appeared to be the tracks of an adult, likely a

large man, at the scene as well.  The camera swept down to the

ground and zoomed in on some

footprints in the soft dirt around the tree.  Some were obviously

made by small feet and some were the prints of a very large animal.

 The news lady crouched down so that she was back in the picture


she put her hand near one of the paw prints with the fingers spread

wide.  Her hand looked tiny in the middle of the huge print.

 It showed how the animal that made it must have been absolutely

massive.  It was clearly from Elias.  She also pointed out a

set of smaller prints that looked to be about the size of a full grown

wolf.The news woman went on to say it was unknown whether this


was done by the same animal that had been responsible for killing the

deer near the river earlier in the summer, but it seemed quite likely

given the size of the prints and the large bite pattern on the tree

trunk.  There also appeared to be another, smaller animal in the

area.  The two may be traveling together in a pack and they had

spent a great deal of time running around in the clearing very

recently, likely just after the attack had occurred.  They talked

about how the

animals appeared to be moving closer in towards the city from where the

deer had been taken down, and that everyone using any of the river

valley recreation areas should be on their guard at

all times.  The city was going to be bringing someone in to

investigate the tracks to determine what sort of animal might have left

them.Everyone was urged to keep their eyes open and report any

unusual wildlife to the city immediately.  Most importantly,

anyone who knew of any small child who might be missing or injured

should come

forward immediately.  There was no sign of the child's tracks

leaving the area and there was some fear that the animals may have

taken them away, though it was felt that it was likely the large man

who carried the child out.  Police wanted to hear from him as soon

as possible.  They'd found a very small strip of flesh at the

scene that showed the child may have been hurt badly, but there was not

enough blood to show that he might have succumbed to his wounds, and no

blood trail was left behind indicating which way the child may have

been taken.  They were checking with area hospitals to see if any

child had been brought to any emergency ward with wounds that looked

like an animal attack.  A child's mountain bike had also been

found abandoned near the

scene, though the rusted condition of it suggested it might have been

there a long while.The scene then shifted back to the news desk and

the anchor shook his head dramatically and said he hoped this mystery

would be solved soon.I slumped back into the couch and put my hands over my face and groaned."Don't

worry about it," Elias said, "It'll blow over soon enough, just like

the carcasses did.  They'll probably just think whoever did the

original prank with the deer was just raising it to the next level to

shake everyone up again.""I

hope you're right," I said, "I don't think it will be so easy this time

though.  There was blood and signs of a small child being hurt.

 They'll take that shit seriously.  I think for the time

being, it's best for you guys not to go down there to change anymore."Elias

said, "I don't usually go anywhere near there when I'm alone.  The

spot I usually use is far away from there.  I can still go down

there.  I'm smart enough not to get caught.  I'm just another

kid on a bike right up until the change so if somebody sees me it's no

big whoop.  I'll be a hell of a long

way from that clearing when it's time for my change.  It's not

some dumb animal

they're looking for, but they don't know that.  I'll know they

might be searching for me so I'll be on guard.  I doubt they'd do

it at night anyhow.

 They wouldn't have any clue that the animal they're looking for

doesn't even exist in the daylight.  They'd be scouring the area

all day when they can see well to spot any tracks, not at night.

 I'll make sure not to leave any tracks they can find from now on

and I'll only head outward further away from the city when I'm the


 Even if they did have someone out there at night, if anyone was

ever anywhere near me I'd know it

long before they could get any closer.  Cole should definitely

change here at home though.  At least for now, until they find

nothing and the whole thing dies off again.  It wouldn't be any

good for him to be out there with no experience being a wolf when

someone might be out there trying to track us down."I nodded

and said, "You're right.  He should use the panic room and just

stay here, at least for the rest of this cycle and the start of the

next."Cole had been listening to us and said, "Aww!  I

don't want to stay in the house when I'm a wolf.  Can't I go with

Elias and run with him, please?""I'm sorry, Cole, but I just don't think that's a good idea.  Not right now anyways," I said."Jake's

right.  I don't think you should be out there just yet.  It

won't be long before they forget about us and we can both be out there

together.  You need to be responsible and careful now.  This

isn't a game.  Your mom, you, me, Jake, we all depend on us not

getting caught or doing anything stupid.  Once it blows over we

can go back to being wolves together, OK?""Can't you stay and change here too, then?" Cole asked, "Can't we be wolves together here at home?"Elias

shook his head and said, "Not right now.  We only have one safe

room and it's not even completely finished yet.  There's no safe

way for both of us to stay at home and change here."  He turned to

me and said, "Should we look at getting another panic room set up?"I

shrugged and said, "I don't know which one we could use.  There

were only two other rooms and Cole is in one now and Grace is in the

other.  I suppose if they were OK with sharing we could convert

another one.""I don't want to sleep with my mom!  Can't I sleep in your bed with you guys?"Elias smiled.  I knew he would be all for that.  I would be too I suppose, but I doubt Cole's mom would be on board."We'll

have to think about this," I said, "Having the contractor build us a

panic room was completely normal in this day and age.  Having him

come back to build a second one would be more than a little bit odd and

would definitely raise eyebrows.  They would wonder if we might be

planning to use them to keep people prisoners in our house or some

weird thing like that.  I don't think it would be such a good

idea."Elias shrugged and said, "It'll only be an issue for a

little while, like I said.  After a few weeks of their search for

this animal turning up nothing and no kids being reported missing or hurt, they'll go right back to thinking it

was all an elaborate prank.  Let's just stick with the first plan.  I'll go down

to my usual spot way further back along the river valley outside of the city and Cole will

change here in the panic room.  It will only be for a couple of

weeks, then we can switch to a better routine.  Do you think you

could handle being cooped up in the house with Jake for two weeks of

changes, Cole?  You'll be a wolf for a shorter and shorter time

anyways until the new moon comes.  Then we'll both be boys for

three whole days."Cole shrugged and said, "I guess it's OK, so long as Jake is here with me."I

smiled and said, "I'll be here.  I guess I might have to tell my

employers I'll need some more time.  I suppose I could work from

home for the next couple of weeks through our VPN.  If they try to

say anything about it I'll just remind them how much money I've made

for them over the years and how many other companies would love the

opportunity to make as much.  That usually shuts them right up."Elias smiled and nodded.That

settled the routine for the next couple of weeks at least.  Even

beyond that, the change would be so brief for the first week into the

next cycle that Cole would still likely have no problem staying at home

through it.  I would only have to stay up with him for a little

while until he changed back and then be off to bed so I could work in

the morning.  It shouldn't be much of a problem at all.

 After that much time the 'monster' in the woods would likely have

been declared a hoax again and we could go back to normal.  Or at

least, we could then figure out what the new normal should be for us.I sighed and shook my head.  This situation was getting more complicated every day."Let's go back up and finish getting supper ready," I suggested.We

went back upstairs into the kitchen and I showed Cole how to tear up

some lettuce while Elias chopped some vegetables to make a

tossed salad.  Grace came back out fully clothed and looking much

less rough around the edges than before.  She pitched in by

mashing the potatoes and getting the meat loaf out of the oven and

making a nice brown gravy for it while the boys set the table.We

all sat down and enjoyed our first meal together as a family of sorts.

 We told Grace about the news story we'd seen and our decision

about how the change would be handled for the next couple of weeks.

 She was fine with it since it meant Cole would be right here at

home when he changed.  She was excited to see him tonight.

 He would change a little while before she left for work and she

would get to see him as a wolf and spend a bit of time with him before

she had to leave.  She'd decided to keep the job that paid the

best and it meant she would be working from midnight to eight in the

morning most nights.  She decided she would probably get in the

habit of staying up in the morning to be with Cole during the day and

then go to sleep in the afternoon to wake up rested and ready for work

in the evening.  Cole would have Elias around for the short time in

the early morning and in the late afternoon that I would be at work so

he'd never really be alone again if he didn't want to be.  It

seemed like it should work out just fine.We

finished up our meal and relaxed and chatted for a bit, then I

mentioned to Grace that I wanted to talk with her about Cole.

 Elias took that as his cue to vanish and he excused himself and went down to the basement.

 Grace and I started clearing the dishes away while Cole sat at

the table and watched."I need to talk to you about something

that happened earlier today while you were sleeping," I began, while we

put the dishes in the dishwasher and began dealing with the leftover

food."Is it something serious?  Did Cole break something?" she asked."No,

he didn't break anything.  It's serious in a way, I suppose, but

not in a bad way.  Just something that requires attention.""Go on," she said."Elias

and I were being intimate in our bed.  The door was closed.

 We made a bit too much noise though and Cole was curious.""Oh God, I was worried about something like this.  He walked in on you two, didn't he?""Yes, he did.  He's fine with it though, and so are we.  We had a

short talk about it.  He really didn't do anything wrong.  He

just thought we were fooling around and playing so he came to join in."She started to turn a bit red.  I don't think she was angry, just embarrassed by it."I'm sorry if he embarrassed you.  Did he see much?  Did you understand what you saw, Cole?" she asked."I didn't see a whole lot, mom," he lied, "They were under the covers.  I thought they were wrestling."I

didn't see any reason for him to lie to her, but I supposed this one

little white lie to spare her any more embarrassment wouldn't hurt.

 Cole knew his mom better than I did and if he felt this was the

best approach I may as well play along with it.I

sighed and

said, "He heard us say some things while we were deep in the act and he

saw enough to know that we were doing something he'd never

seen before and that it looked like something really good, and he was full of questions.  He was obviously

aroused and that was probably something completely new for him too.

 I told him I would ask

your permission to have a detailed talk with him about the changes that

have happened to his body and what it would mean to him now.""What sorts of things did he hear you say, exactly?" she asked."They

kissed and they told each other how much they loved each other.

 It was awesome, mom.  I wish someone would love me that much

some day," Cole said."He heard a few more graphic things before

that," I said, "I won't repeat them but I'm sure you can imagine what

type of things we might shout in the throes of passion.  I wanted

to get the chance to explain to Cole what they meant, but not without

getting your permission first.""You could have told Cole to

keep this a secret, and so long as he did I would never even know it

happened.  The fact that you chose to tell me speaks volumes about

you.  It sounds like you handled it well, but are you asking to

have the sex talk with my boy?  Do you think you're the right

person to be doing that?"I

turned a bit red myself, but I realized again that she was simply

acting on motherly instinct and wanted to protect her boy.  I

stayed completely calm and said, "Maybe I'm not, I can't honestly say.

 I'm simply offering to help in any way I can.  I only want

what's best for him.  He's a male and what he

really needs to know is how things have changed for him from a male's

perspective.  If you do agree to let me have that talk with him,

we won't be getting into a lot of detail except where we need to, and

any details we

do go over will be fairly clinical and I'll try to stay within the

accepted standard of

sex between a male and a female who love each other.  Obviously he

might have questions about guys with guys since that's what he saw

today and I won't hesitate to answer them honestly.  I'm not

looking for new recruits for our side if that's what you're worried

about.  I prefer people make their own decisions about what team

to play on.  I would recommend you have a

talk with him too and tell him whatever you think he should know from a

female's perspective."She thought about it for a while, then

she turned to Cole and asked, "Did you like what you saw, Cole, or did

it make you feel bad?"He blushed a bit and said, "I liked it a

lot.  I really wanted to try it with them but Jake wouldn't let

me.  It made me feel good to watch them.  I didn't say anything to them so they wouldn't stop and I could keep watching.  Something happened

to my underwear."He looked a little flustered like he

wanted to explain his erection and discharge to her but he wasn't at

all comfortable talking about it to his mom.She smiled and

said, "You don't have to go into any more detail about it if it makes you

uncomfortable, honey.  I know what you're talking about and I

understand what happened to you.  Do you know what sex is?"Cole shrugged and he said, "Not really.  I know people get naked and play together.  That's about it."She

looked at me and said, "I couldn't afford to keep our Internet going

because of the medical bills.  I even had our cable disconnected a

long time ago.  He was out of school a lot due to his condition

and the medical procedures he's gone through.  He really hasn't

had any of the exposure most kids

his age would probably have had, but do you really think he needs

this talk right now?  He's only eleven.""He's eleven now,

but look

at him and try to imagine what it will be like when he's twenty or

thirty.  He'll look exactly the same.  He'll be sitting there

just like that, dressed just like that, and looking at you just like

that.  Physically, he won't advance any more than he is now but

like I told you this morning, the change has affected his body.

 He's jumped ahead sexually and he's nearly at the end of puberty

now in his development.  He's completely functional down there.

 He has needs

now and his body will push him to fulfill them, but he hasn't grown

into them slowly like most kids would have done so it's gonna be really

confusing and overwhelming for him if we don't give him all the facts

right away and help him understand exactly why he's feeling the way he

does."Elias and I had a long talk about it after Cole left our

room this morning.  He explained a lot to me about how his life

was different because of the same leap forward in sexual development

that happened to him when he first changed, and the fact that he knew

he would 'grow up' without ever really growing up.  He would

always look like he'd only just turned fourteen.  He explained to me how hard that was going

to be for Cole and how confusing it would be to have these needs but

only be an eleven year old kid that nobody would ever want to get

intimate with sexually.  He warned me that it might really be hard

for Cole and he would need as much help as he could get to deal with

it.  You haven't had any time really to think about this yet but

you need to start right away.  What age will be the right one to

allow him to begin exploring

his sexuality?  Keep in mind that he'll never look older than he

is."She began to turn red again as she thought about it.

 I think she hadn't even given this a moment's thought before now,

and it was all beginning to sink in."My poor baby.  He'll never know love and intimacy with anyone, will he?  He'll never get to explore his romantic side, or know what it's like to just lay with someone who he shares every intimate aspect of his life with.  He'll never really know what it means to love someone that way and have a full, romantic, intimate relationship." she said."That

depends somewhat on you.  Elias has found intimacy and love and

he's a completely

satisfied and happy guy now.  I'm proud of who he is and I love

him deeply.  He's a complete person with absolutely no major

hang-ups or issues and he has an amazingly positive outlook on life.

 He's the best person I've ever known and likely the best I will

ever know.  Cole could be the same, but it would

require a pretty radical change of attitude on your part and a complete

departure from what society would consider acceptable," I said.She flashed a look of anger at me and said, "I'm as open minded as anyone can be, but he's only eleven!"I

kept my voice completely calm and soothing and said, "I

understand that, but think about it.  What will change for him

between now and when he's twenty?  If you keep him sheltered and

deny him his needs he won't be one iota further along sexually than he

is right at this moment.  He'll still be the same, though he'll be

confused and frustrated and unfulfilled from years of denial of his

basic needs.  Will you

still deny him then?  If not, then do you really see any reason to

make him go through all of that?  Does it make sense to force him

to wait for completely artificial reasons?  Will he benefit from

that in any way you can think of?"She

started to look flustered, then she

went to the table and sat down and said, "This is all so much to take

in.  I hadn't realized this was going to be an issue until now.

 I'd already gotten used to the idea that he would be my little

boy forever and I was alright with that, but you're telling me he's

already past that in a way.  I see that you're right.  He'll

keep growing emotionally and learning and having experiences that will

for all intents and purposes change him into a man with all of the

needs of a man.  It's only his body that will never change and if

what you say is true, physically he's already feeling those needs but doesn't know how to cope with them.

 I need to think about this for a

while.""You can't put it off for too long, Grace.  He has

those needs right now, like you said, and he's already expressed an interest

in being

intimate with Elias and me.  I explained to him that it wasn't

appropriate for someone his age, but I've come to realize I might have

to change my own thinking on that some day.  For now though, we

need to explain to him what sex is really about and what has happened

to his body to help him understand the things he's going to be feeling

from now on.  He's going to be having some carnal thoughts and his

body will respond to them and we have to help him understand that those

things are natural and healthy and not in any way dirty or wrong."She

thought about it some more as she took in what I'd said.  She kept

looking over at Cole as she seemed to wrestle with the idea of her

little boy suddenly being a fully realized, sexual person with all of

the needs that go along with that, but without the knowledge or the

means to do anything about it.  I could see a sudden shift in her

attitude as she came to some decision, then she looked straight at me

and said, "You told me

back at our house that he was safe with you and I believed you.  I

still believe you.  I've seen how you

are with Elias, and with Cole.  You're nothing but respectful and

kind and careful with them.  I really think I can trust you.

 I see you're only interested in what's best for him.  I

think I do want you to have that talk with my boy.  I can't think

of anyone who would do a better job for him.  I will talk to him

after though, and ask him what you've said and if he understands it all

and if he has any questions that I might help with."I nodded

and said, "That would be for the best.  He needs a female's

perspective too, like I said before.  I just think it's best to

explain it all now and let him soak it all in for a while and get used

to how things have changed for him.  I'll warn you though that I

will openly and honestly answer any questions he might have, even if I

have to get a little graphic to do it right, though I probably won't


anything that he hasn't asked about that is more advanced than I think

he needs to know just now."She smiled and said, "I trust you'll handle it perfectly.  I can honestly

say I wish you weren't gay.  You'd be a hell of a catch.  I

think you'd make a terrific dad for any kid.""What's 'gay',

mom?  I only ever heard kids say that in a bad way, like calling

someone a name.  Why do you think Jake's gay?" Cole asked.She said, "I think that's a good question for you to ask Jake as part of your talk."He shrugged and said, "OK."I

smiled at Grace and said, "I have to admit, I thought you'd be a lot

more upset than you are.  Most moms would likely not be so calm

about all this."She

said, "I lived a really wild life in my

youth like I told you this morning.  Cole was the one who brought

me back down to Earth and kept me grounded.  I still carry all

those experiences with me and I know they defined and shaped who I am

now just as much as Cole has.  I don't think I turned out so bad.

 I've seen and done a lot of things

I would never want to tell anyone about.  I've had things done to

me, too, even when I was just a little girl.  Anyhow, I've had

enough experience with men who were simply after

something young and innocent to play with that I think if you were one

of those guys I would know it without a doubt.  I just don't see

it in you.  Not in the least.  You're a good man and I know I

can trust you with my boy."I think what you said before was


and I will have to get used to the idea that Cole is old enough for sex


now, even though he just doesn't look it.  My first experience was

when I was about his age, a year younger actually, though it wasn't by

my choice.  I was abused for several years by someone I had

previously trusted and felt safe with.  He even brought other men

in.  I came

out OK in the end, but it did mess me up for a while and was the cause

of my wild

behavior for a lot of years afterward.  That behavior led me to

have a lot of experiences that I enjoyed immensely even at a very young

age, experiences that I would never want to forget and wouldn't

trade for anything.  My experiences have shown me that all that

really matters for my son is that he never have to endure things being

done to him against his will.  I wanted to shelter him from

anything like that."I

have no problem with him doing anything that he really wants to do with

anyone he wants to do it with if it will make him happy and won't hurt

him in any way.  I trust you, like I said, and I trust Elias too.

 I don't think either of you would ever do anything to make Cole

unhappy in any way.  Just the opposite.  It's obvious you'd

go out of your way to make him as happy as he can possibly be.

 How could I ever have a problem with that?  I would never

want him to

have to go through any of the bad things I've experienced sexually, but

I know that you would do everything in your power to protect him from

them too.  I do want him to have all of the same good experiences

that I've had, and I can see that he might just have those some day

with you or Elias.  I have no hang-ups about homosexuality.

 I think everyone should be free to enjoy what they enjoy without

anyone judging them or trying to change them.  If my son turns out

to be gay I certainly won't mind that, so long as he's happy."I

think your approach is the best.  We

need to teach him what it all means and let him think about it and stew


it and maybe develop more informed opinions of his own about what he wants

to do.

 I don't know if I'd ever be truly OK with the thought of you or

Elias being intimate with him, but that would just be the mother in me

not wanting to let go of her little boy.  I'd feel the same way

about him being intimate with a woman.  Honestly, if it ever came to you being intimate, I'd rather not even know about it."She turned to her boy and said, "You don't have to keep it a secret, Cole, and you shouldn't think of it as anything you need to be ashamed of or embarrassed about.  It's just something that should be kept private between you and whoever you share it with.  It's something special and wonderful between you and them and it's not for me to know about.  You only need to ever tell me if somebody does something that makes you feel bad or makes you scared or unhappy or asks you to do something you aren't sure is right or you feel uncomfortable about.  Understand?"He nodded at her, then she turned back to me and said, "I know for sure if his first experience is

with you it would be a much

better introduction for him than I ever had.  I know in my heart

his interests

would be the primary concern for you and you'd treat him with respect.

 I can't imagine him ever being in better hands.  I'm not really giving you permission to start being intimate with him, I'm just saying I trust you to handle it right if it ever comes to that.  I'd prefer if you put it off for long enough for him to be sure it's what he really wants and he's not just reacting to the hormones suddenly flowing through him and trying to control his actions."I think I'll need some time, too, before I

can accept it as something he simply needs and will always need.  Something I can't in

all fairness deny him.  I think if my life had been a bit more

normal I'd be railing hard against this, but I know how messed up a person

can become when things aren't done right, and in a sense simply denying

him would be a way of not doing things right.  It could cause him


problems and make him unhappy.  I want you to talk to him and tell

him everything.

 Do it tonight, right now, if you feel ready.  I wouldn't

mind going for

a walk back to my house to get a few more things I need."I smiled at her and said, "You're quite a woman, Grace.  You almost make me wish I wasn't gay too."She chuckled and said, "That's the best compliment I've had in years."She

stood and walked over and gave me a hug.  Then she went over and

ruffled Cole's hair.  Finally, she turned and went to the back

door to put on her shoes and just before she left she said, "I'll be

back in an hour or so."Cole said, "Bye mom!" as she went out

and closed the door behind her, then he turned to me and said, "I told

you she was awesome."I smiled and nodded and asked, "Are you ready for that talk now?"He grinned and said, "Yes!"