A Late Night Interruption

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#39 of Commissions by Gruffy

Dr Sanmer really likes working late at night. Seems that some other members of the staff are also up late. What could happen?

For avatar?user=48788&character=0&clevel=2 Sanmer

The fursona of Sanmer is his, obviously.


Sanmer had always thought that at the moment of an orgasm, time seemed to stand still. Such a sublime, perfect moment, something that almost seemed to fight against the very nature of linear time, ever chugging forward at a more or less steady base, at least here upon Earth. Somehow an orgasm seemed to contain the key into cracking that particular code, the fox thought, standing there quietly, clad in his white coat, a pair of high magnification goggles casually over his forehead while he watched the twitching tiger suspended within the tank.

He didn't have to look at the bank of monitors off to the side, muted for the moment, though each recording everything that was going on even now, as the tiger floating in the murky liquid, suspended with cables and tubes, seemed to be trying to swim inside his containment unit.

Needless to say, Sanmer was fully hard in his fine Italian pants, under the hems of his lab coat, as he stared at the tiger who had been once again forced to cum by the devious combination of devices placed upon him. A prostate-stimulating plug, a sucking machine, nipple teaser, pheromone sprays, endless pornographic images in his virtual reality headset...everything combined into a series of near-endless sexual stimulation.

He watched, and gently rubbed the front of his pants, even if he managed to spare an eye to the graded tube on a nearby stainless steel platform, connected to the large containment unit with coils of hoses and wiring, and even now the machine spurted dribbles of feline spunk into the ever-filling tube.

With a little smirk, the fox looked at a large LED number counter sitting on top of the bank of computer monitors, where the red, glowing 87 turned into a solid 88. The arctic fox felt happy. His experiments were finally paying off...the trial run was proving itself, and soon he could start further series in his experiments...but this was something to savor for now. All the hard work was paying off, and this brave tiger was showing that the system did work...and would soon reach even better results, too, he hoped.

Oh well...the spectacle was over for now, though, the fox thought, his tail flicking ruefully as he shuffled over back to the small table with bright overhead lamps, spread with electronic components and circuit boards and strewn with micro-tools. The fox settled onto the chair and landed with a little bounce, arranging his tail and his knees as he pushed himself over to the table and leaned back over his latest piece of work. It would be another 25 minutes before the tiger would be brought into another climax by the automatically set program which would maintain a certain rate of sexual stimulation and orgasms throughout the tiger's experimental stay in the containment tube. The arctic fox might have been eager to finish up his latest tinkering project, but he did not want to miss any of the...collateral pleasures that could be had, such as watching the tiger trash in his goopy voluntary prison while the fox's machines teased his juices out of him.

"Hmmmr...another diode..." the fox mused, peering down at the circuit board through his loupe goggles and consulting his mental plan on what do to next.

He'd just only picked up the soldering iron from the table when a noise perked his ears. The door had been opened, accompanied with the rush of air that was inevitable while staying in the clean facility, designed to keep their fine electronics dust free and their biological samples uncontaminated by germs.

The fox's tail bristled. He did no like interruptions as a principle, let alone when it was past midnight and he had reached the true Zen of his work, in the silence of the lab that was mostly deserted for the night. Sanmer's private laboratory now only held himself, the tiger whom was most unaware of his surroundings, and...his visitor...whom the arctic fox spotted as he swiveled in his chair.

"Doctor Brent," the arctic fox rumbled, one paw rising to flip up his goggles, "an unexpected pleasure."

The badger was standing near the doorway still, looking a bit flustered and studying the laboratory with his watery eyes. His tie seemed a bit awry, and he looked tired...and perhaps not very happy, either. The fox often teased the badger that he ought to relax sometimes or he'd get an ulcer...and perhaps he already had one, judging by the smell of stale coffee that surrounded him.

"Doctor Sanmer," the badger rumbled, walking towards him, one paw clutching his ever-present data pad.

"What brings you here at this ungodly hour?" the fox stepped smoothly off his stool and faced the badger at his full height, which did not meet the challenge, but nonetheless, the fox managed to project such an air of confidence that the bespectacled older male barely dared to meet his eyes.

"I was running some of the data from the SPI-4-X-571 series, it took longer than expected and I wanted to see it through," the badger replied, sounding moderately pleased with himself.

"Such dedication!" Sanmer declared with a smooth amusement that hid his derision. The badger really was a talented number cruncher and had the patience to test the countless chemical compound their laboratory had to go through to find anything worthwhile, but he lacked in other things, such as imagination, and sheer...bon vivant spirit, the fox thought, feeling the need to swirl a glass of fine wine in his paw as he gave such thoughts. The badger's tie might appeared a bit loose, but that was surely accidental...he'd never release it to be so at work...surely not. "Where would I be without you?"

"Thank you, sir," the badger appeared somewhat flustered upon hearing such compliments form the boss, chairman and the primary owner of Sanmer Pharmaceutical Industries, standing in front of him and looking calmly up to him.

"Don't mention it!" Sanmer spoke flippantly. Bored with pleasantries, he instead turned about, tail swishing a he took a few steps over so that he was standing directly in front of the tank where the tiger remained in suspended animation. It was quiet except for the gentle whirr of equipment, and Sanmer's ears could pick the delicate noise of the sucker working again, slowly teasing the tiger's well-drained tool towards yet another orgasm.

"Come on here, Doctor Brent!" the fox waved his paw. "Do come here!"

He could hear the badger approach and he did, indeed, stepping over to his side. Sanmer looked over to the badger whom seemed to study the fox's creation, the containment tube, with something of a detachment. The fox snuffled to himself.

Straight furs... he thought, amused quietly as the badger shied from the sight of the tiger semi-floating in his stupor state in the sex tube. What could there be not to love about such a sight, a helpless fur encased in complete high tech sex bondage with a no chance of escape.

That suited him just fine.

"It is fantastic," Sanmer opined, his tail swishing behind him, making the hems of his coat rustle, "everything is going exactly as we planned, Doctor."

He looked at the badger again and saw those watery eyes still attempt to look a the tube, though nonetheless, he seemed to be mostly concentrated on the layout of the machinery, rather than the fine specimen...of...male...specimen floating in his jelly bath and enjoying himself, if the little bucks of his hips were anything to go by. It was not quite the time yet...and this cat was punctual when it came to blowing his load, the fox thought. The adaptive sensors were truly working, measuring the level of arousal to the highest degree of accuracy, and changing the stimulation program accordingly. It was working perfectly so far, and he expected it to do so as well.

"After so many trials, yes, it should be, Doctor," the badger said, "but these figures..."

Sanmer glanced at the badger's pad and snuffled to himself. Why couldn't the scientist enjoy a moment's break from his stupid calculations and just admire their paw work? Even Doctor Brent had contributed to the experiment undergoing beyond their very eyes, too, his laboratory had done work on the pheromone agonists that were even now being sprayed into the tiger's muzzle mask to maintain his constant level of arousal. That alone was a remarkable feat in itself, one that the fox intended to commercialize to wonderfully lucrative effect, eventually. Such casual invention of a possible treatment to sexual disinterest was truly something to behold. And there was the badger, only seeing his numbers and...pipettes!

"What about the figures, then, Doctor Brent?" the fox asked, putting on his most polite voice.

The badger's eyes seemed to light up with a measure of interest, as he tipped the tablet to show it over to the fox, tapping on the screen to bring up a graph.

"Well, the radio assay on the test subjects showed receptor activations on the E sites we were hoping to agonize but the muscarinic system is also being stimulated, and the test subjects are experiencing some cholinergic effects. It might become a dose-limit side effect."

While the fox was usually most concerned about such things, considering it was what kept his Cayman Islands bank accounts burgeoning with money, tonight he could not give a fuck about some random compound and its possible effect of making a few poor college students drool and leak snot over their muzzles. There were so many more exciting things to consider, such as the blinking light on the console nearby that told that the electro-probe had just been initiated to zap the tiger's well-milked prostate. Maybe that was why his tail was swishing inside the jelly filling the tube, as the striped cat slowly swiveled about in his willing sex prison.

The bulge on the front of the arctic fox's pants throbbed beneath the modest front flaps of his own lab coat. The tiger was truly captivating. The badger was an eye sore, and a distraction.

"So run the next compound, see if that has less cholinergic activity. Or try an antagonist to counter the effects."

"But polypharmacy - "

"Synergy, Doctor Brent," the fox rumbled, "I need a drink of coffee, now, I think. Would you care to enjoy some with me?"

The badger appeared most surprised.

"But the laboratory rules - "

"Are written by me, and are to be broken by me," the fox chuckled as he sauntered over to the little table holding the coffee maker, "I know, I know, contamination danger. But why? The tube is sterile, nothing we do here can affect it, and the sampling system is completely enclosed, too. Nothing that is in there can pose a danger to us, either. So why not?"

He measured water and coffee into the machine with quick, efficient paws and hit the button on the silvery piece of equipment with flair. The badger looked uncomfortable.

"But at such a late hour..."

"I thought badgers were creatures of the night," the fox replied sharply.

"Well...I do have a habit of staying up late, seeing the latest PCR results from the biolab..."

"Hence it won't do you any harm now, will it?" Sanmer spoke in his sweetest voice as he fussily took out two cardboard cups from the shelf above the little table and put them onto the stainless steel surface. "Now I trust you take yours black, because I don't have any milk here. Can't bring biological contaminants into the lab, and nothing is filthier than milk."

"Oh well, quite true..." the badger was rubbing his muzzle absently, "black is fine, Doctor."

"Excellent!" Sanmer smiled. "Very, very good indeed. Now, I need spoons..."

He fussed some more with the coffee set-up, and soon produced two steaming cups with plastic spoons sticking out of them, one of which was provided to the badger.

"To science!" Sanmer toasted, his white tail swishing playfully, his eyes fixed onto the tiger who was most oblivious to their very presence.

"To science," the badger replied warily, before taking a sip.

"Oh yes," Sanmer smiled over the rim of his cup, "the wonderful science we make here."

The tiger looked like he was struggling. Sanmer glanced at the clock. It was almost time.

"And it seems that another cycle is just about complete...yes...lucky number 89...and he's still not tired, I assure you, all the bio data says that he is in excellent shape, considering the level of exertion he's been put through."

Sanmer enjoyed watching the badger appear so bashful, looking at the somehow offending tube where the tiger was now bucking his hips, as if that would provide further stimulation to his enclosed genitals, while rings of electricity, vibration and suction dealt with the rest. The fox could imagine the helpless moans...almost roars, perhaps, that would be heard if his muzzle wasn't stuffed like that.

The fox took a celebratory sip from his coffee and prepared for it.


"Here we go...orgasm threshold warning..." the fox observed dryly, just to rub the badger off the wrong way, while the computers beeped and recorded all the data, and the tiger in the tube shook and shuddered, and a green light came on as the suction cleared the main tube and suddenly a healthy trickle of white seed poured into the large collection vessel standing on its own pedestal. Sanmer licked his lips at the sight of such a nice addition into the mass of musky fluids in their container. The tiger's balls were prodigious, the fox thought, with amusement, and lust.





The fox turned quickly to look to his right, just where the badger was standing, now staring at the tube intently, his eyes open wide and large, his muzzle slightly ajar, too, his paw held up as if he was still keeping that coffee in his paw, even though the cup now laid down on the once spotless laboratory floor. A puddle of dark coffee was spreading rapidly, and Sanmer was glad that it hadn't spoiled his shoes.

He'd taken the effort of stepping away just enough to be safe.

"Well, Doctor Brent," the fox spoke in an amused tone as he took a further sip from his coffee, just as the big number display turned from an 88 into 89. "What happened there?"

"I..." the badger blinked, his voice low and almost mumbling, "I don't know..."

"Allow me to explain," the fox murmured, watching the badger's strange, gawking, oddly vacant expression, "you see, while I employ you to test sexual enhancement drugs for commercialization purposes, there are some things I like to keep...shall we say...up in my own sleeve...well, not literally this time, even though that could have been a possibility, considering that I did have to conceal the compound when I was putting it into your coffee mug..."

The badger blinked, but showed no other signs that he was even listening, at all, simply staring at the nude tiger in the tank.

"Yes...I'm afraid I have spiked your coffee with something...let's call it Sanmer's Special Brew, shall we? I'm afraid it does not have one of those dreary compound names you use in your laboratory...I like to keep this one rather more private..."

"Uhmmm..." the badger rumbled.

"Oh, do not worry, Doctor Brent, it is rather harmless for you, though side effects may include dry mouth and difficulty to urinate...some of those lovely...muscarinic effects you were talking about before," the fox spoke in a mock lecturer voice, "and I'm afraid it has a rather dissociative effect...and your department's policy certainly would consider that to be an unwanted side effect..."

The fox rumbled, and rubbed his groin while he watched the quiet, lumbering, statuesque badger simply stand there.

"...but as for now...I think it is more than appropriate, don't you?"

The badger didn't answer.

"...the defense contractors might think otherwise, but I believe this substance might break the Geneva Convention if used for purposes such as interrogation..."

The fox chuckled.

"But I really don't see what's the harm...considering that you won't even remember a thing afterwards...my dear Doctor..."

Sanmer patted the badger's shoulder and chuckled.

"I think you need a better drink. Just wait a moment."

The badger seemed to be drooling a bit as he just stared in front of him, looking at the tiger in his case.

Sanmer walked over to the coffee maker and picked up another cardboard cup from the stack. He considered stopping for a pair of gloves from a dispenser on the nearby chemical experiment table, but he decided that he'd done this often enough without, he didn't want to bother.

"Something to really soothe those boring nerves of yours."

The fox was almost painfully aroused by the time he reached the pedestal with the collection vessel standing on it. He placed the cup under the extraction port and turned a switch, causing a trickle of pure tiger cum to dribble into the cup he held beneath the hole.

"I'll just mark this into the record as extra sample recovery for testing purposes, I think there is more than enough to spare," the fox giggled as he watched more and more of musky spunk filling up the cup slowly.

The cup grew heavier, and it felt warm in his paw - the vessel was warmed to keep it at perfect consistency and viscosity - and once he turned the tap to close the tank again, the cup was almost filled to the brim.

"Now, Doctor Brent, here's a much more agreeable drink for you, I think," the fox stated as he held the cup out, "drink it."

The badger accepted the cup without questioning and brought it mechanically up to his muzzle.

"And be careful, you probably don't want to spill any of that good stuff," the fox instructed.

The badger's slightly shaky paw was raised, and as the muzzle fell open, the scientist dipped the cup and poured a healthy serving of tiger cum down his gullet. The fox watched with rapid attention how the badger's pudgy throat bobbed with the act of swallowing.

"Down the hatch, my friend," Sanmer patted the badger's shoulder.

The badger let out a strange noise, a deep sigh, and it seemed that his paws were still shaking.

"Much better for you than that stupid coffee," Sanmer chuckled, "now, you shall go home, take a bottle of wine out of your wine cabinet, pour it down the drain and then you go to bed, and next morning you wake up thinking that you drank all that to relax after a long day at work, and that's why you feel a bit out of sorts."

"I...I'd like some wine...it's been a long day..."

"Oh, hasn't it?" the fox replied courteously. "Why don't you call it a day, Doctor Brent? I shall just update my log book and go too."

"That is a...a good idea..." the badger replied.

"I'd think so," the fox patted the badger's shoulder, "goodnight, Doctor!"

"Goodnight, sir," the badger replied.

"Goodnight indeed!" the fox repeated as he watched the badger lumber out of the laboratory on somewhat unstable paws.

The fox smirked as he himself went over to his computer and pulled out a file labeled "SNMR-EXP-54901", just like the badger's dull work on the floor below. The fox flexed his paws and began to type.

Experiment 9

_ _

Sixth time infusing subject B with the compound. Appears completely docile and subject to suggestion, shows no resistance nor recollection of previous exposure to compound. Acknowledged commands and performed accordingly. Side effects apparent but controlled. Test series shall continue further at another time. Increased complexity of suggestion to follow.

_ _

Sanmer smiled a little as he saved and then closed the encrypted file. Everything was going sp well within his wicked plans, and he was enjoying himself immensely.

"Now..." the fox mused as he got up again, stretched out his paws and walked over to the tube where the tiger was floating, moving quietly about in his jelly bath while the devilish computer program utilized his body for the fox's wicked purposes, "my dear friend...how about we make it to 90 together, shall we?"

Sanmer unbuttoned his coat and then pulled out his hard, swollen cock, which felt warm and wonderful in his paw, as he slowly began to stroke himself, staring intently at the tiger in his sexual bliss.

Being a mad-ish scientist was wonderful indeed.


A Heart of Glass or a Heart of Stone

\* **_Appropriate fan art is by [![avatar?user=227879&character=0&clevel=2](https://www.sofurryfiles.com/std/avatar?user=227879&character=0&clevel=2) Frosted\_Fur](https://frosted-fur.sofurry.com/ "Frosted\_Fur") today - I can't...

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How It All Started

** ** _**Classic cover art is today by [![avatar?user=73499&character=0&clevel=2](https://www.sofurryfiles.com/std/avatar?user=73499&character=0&clevel=2) kensukethecat](https://kensukethecat.sofurry.com/ "kensukethecat") - ohhh yes!**_ \* ...

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Licensed to Pleasure

Now, this is something I wrote a long time ago, when I wanted to write something futuristic...so I came up with this fun little story...well, it's not very little, since it's 8,000 words so far...and I've decided to post what I have so far, so...

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