Little Relaxation

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#40 of Commissions by Gruffy

For avatar?user=48788&character=0&clevel=2 Sanmer

*Sanmer is Sanmer's. *


Sanmer stared down onto the town sprawling beyond the view obtained through the panoramic windows of his penthouse apartment, occupying the top of a very exclusive building indeed...and the fox was happy. The trickles of cars along the streets...the lights...everything looked so little and insignificant from his sky view perspective.

As if he could reach out and flick a building down with his mere fingertips.


He tried doing that for the high-rise on the horizon, and smiled to himself, his tail swishing cozily against the silk of his pajamas as he let out a content rumble.

"Hmmmm..." the arctic fox rumbled to himself, softly, enjoying the quiet peace his apartment offered.

The silk did feel lovely against his tail, the fox thought. Real stuff, not the synthetic stuff his factory in Laos was churning out at an industrial rate and selling at a great price to the fashion market, claiming that it was indistinguishable from the genuine article.

He could tell, but just about. There was something wrong with the smell, but the scientists at the fox's laboratories were working on that still. A few enzymes here and there and it would be perfectly fine.

Silk always did it for him, indeed, every movement was a gentle caress over his body, his furs and skin, letting nice tingles to roll through him. It had the inevitable effect of making him feel aroused, too, and a paw quite naturally fell down to squeeze the growing bulge on the front of his relaxed pajamas.

"Oh really now?" the fox murmured to himself, enjoying the caress, the subtle pressure obtained from years and years of experience with such things.

He knew that he would not be able to sleep before that would be dealt with, and now his mind turned to the many things that could be done to relieve such...pressure. His body wanted it, his mind wanted it, and there were ways to accomplish the pleasurable outcome...and while he continued gazing into the city, idly playing with himself, he had the perfect idea of what he could do. The thought gave him a thrill...for it was something new, something he had barely experimented with yet, and that meant that it would be...exquisite.

The fox turned about and took a relaxed stroll through his room and flopped down onto to the great bed, indeed covered in silk sheets. He sprawled down, tail, limbs, everything relaxing as he settled onto the bed, paws moving to stroke over his body. His nipples hardened on his chest and felt wonderful under his palms, and he rubbed them earnestly, letting the silk add to the stimulation. The warmth increased with each touch, his paws moving lower, over his flat tummy, then onto his swollen, heavy sheath, complete with his member, growing and pulsing in equal measures, adding to the pleasure.


He was content to just tease himself for a few moments, just let his body get used to the pleasures of being touched again and again, slowly, enjoyably, until his body was needing something more, something better, something...

...something he had snuck out of his private laboratory, and which was now conveniently hidden in his nightstand. The arctic fox smirked to himself briefly as he pulled open the well-oiled drawer and then took out the glass container, filled with clear fluid and with a heavy shiny metallic cap with several buttons on it. Sanmer grinned as he shook the bottle, briefly, watching how the small, black coil within in floated about in the thick fluid.

"Hello there..." the fox grinned, tapping the bottle with his fingerpad, simply because he was a curious creature by nature, and because he loved watching his newest toy float there like that, dormant for now.

That would change quickly, though, the fox thought with a smile, as he fondled the buttons on the top of the bottle cap.

The effect was instant. The black coil made a corkscrew shape, bounced against the walls of the glass bottle and the cap before settling onto the bottom, slowly unmoving there.

"Hmmm...let's get you out and play, shall we..."

Gently, the fox turned the cap to the left, pressed, and then turned to the right to release the locking mechanism, and he put the cap down onto the bedside table, and then the bottle down as well. His heart started to beat more excitedly as he reached, carefully, with his paw, to dip his middle and index fingers into the cold, thick liquid.

"Come on, friend..."

The fox's fingers had sunk into the fluid up to the first knuckles, when the worm noticed his presence. It swam heavily through the thick liquid, touched the fox's fingertip, a sensation that was almost ticklish, before making a brief detour around the bottle and then nudging onto the arctic fox's fingers again.

"Come on...come on," the fox coaxed, his cock throbbing.

The worm allowed itself to be picked up between his fingers, and now that it was fished out of the bottle, Sanmer quickly dropped it onto his open palm. The black worm coiled and curled there, exploring its surroundings with curiosity in the "cup" of the fox's paw, its head bumping against joints, brushing through the furs in a very ticklish sensation. The fox grinned, liking the powerful feeling he got from holding something on his paw that he knew to be worth possibly more than the entire floor of the building he occupied. Something so, almost weightless, indeed...fullerene was such a light substance, after all...

"Well, well...there you are, little one," the fox crooned, resisting the urge to pet his so-called friend...he knew that he could not break it, but it would be rather silly to do, perhaps. the microprocessors wouldn't mind, they'd just be curious about the sensory input provided by its inbuilt ultrasound and infrared tracking systems. Having it on his palm had the effect of warming it, briefly, though, which was nice and useful. Cold things were sometimes a turn-on, but more often not, and hence, warming things up was preferable.

"I bet you're eager to play, aren't you..." the fox crooned, very well knowing that there was nobody there to really listen to him, but he could have his fun. He was certainly ready to play, and his friend was ready, too...always ready, especially after recharging in the electrolysis jelly for the day.

"Oh yes...let's see..."

Sanmer wriggled his butt as he used his free paw to unbutton his pajama buttons and then to push them down, too, over to his knees so that everything that was needed was exposed. His cock flopped out, red, hard and pulsing, his knot fully formed too as it throbbed there eagerly. The tip glistened, and a drop was oozing out even as he watched himself leak.

"Pretty cock.." the fox rumbled, with delight as soon as he capture himself by the base and lifted his proud shaft up to point into the ceiling. The motion made the heavy drop of pre to dribble over all the way to his knuckles, "and wet enough, too...good...very's see..."

He titled his paw so that the wriggling robotic worm settled near his fingertips and then, with a flick of his wrist, he gripped its "tail", gently, so that he could dangle the toy over his dick. He moaned when he felt the head of the worm tickle his tip, and he let out a gasp, the sensation quite pleasurable as the warm presence teased his tip, spreading the pre-cum around all over the tip.


The slightly curved, mostly rigid object sought out his cum slit and nudged its head there, seeking what laid beyond and knowing somewhere in its most fuzzy logical circuit that it had found its place, and now it was time to perform its primary program. Sanmer held gingerly onto the tail while the tip poked around at the very opening of his piss tunnel. The tip was rounded and perfectly smooth, almost ticklish, in a way, though as it wriggled, it stretched him out a little, sending out new, interesting sensations through his twitching shaft. He held himself upright, not really for the sake of the toy, but because it was simply more thrilling to watch it that way, how the black worm played with his piss slit, teased with it, made him rumble and his tail swish against the soft red sheets.

"Ohhhm yes...yes..."

His ears flicked back and forth against the luxurious pillows, his fingers still holding gently onto the tail of the toy while it slowly began to burrow into his pre-slickened opening and the tube that laid beyond. The feeling of having his cock stuffed with something he could not describe nor even tried to, it was simply something to enjoy and to savor, a curious probably alien, most certainly unnatural a sensation created by the slowly mobile, gently playful toy plunging into his hole. Pre oozed out, forced from his urethra by the volume of the robotic teaser making its way inside him.


He felt confident that the toy was settled deep enough, being at least two inches or so within him, and he let go of it, then, so that he could fold his arm over his chest, for comfort and pleasure to play with a nipple, idly, perhaps, while he concentrated onto the feeling coursing from his stuffed dick.

He was no stranger to such play, he had tried them all, curved, straight, bent, stainless steel, silicone, vibrating, you name it, but nothing had been quite like his latest toy. It was both rigid and malleable, meaning that it entered smoothly, following the natural contour of his body's tunnel without forcing it into the shape of the sound. It moved on its own accord, too, meaning his paws were not needed to control the depth of penetration, or its fact...that added level of movement just made it better, not knowing what would happen next was quite the thrill, and he savored every moment.

The strange, full sensation kept growing, moving deeper into him, the coiled worm reaching depths not usually allowed for such play. His prostate was tickled by the round, bulbous head, pressing back and forth against the spongy tissues of the gland and making his cock throb so hard, trying its bets to leak out pre-cum, but prevented from doing so for now...and still it teased him, moving so deep, wriggling itself back and forth in a subtle motion...nothing like the slow slide of a solid steel rod into him, rather, this felt like something alive was in there, as if simply intending to enter his body and stay there...and it would, for as long as he wanted to.

"Uhh...little friend..." the fox grumbled, submitting willingly to the toy's ministrations. He resisted the urge to stroke himself off while the toy teased him from within, it was simply...he just wanted to concentrate on the feelings and let it all happen to him, let the play that he had such an...autonomous friend to do it for him.


The fox rumbled and yipped, even, feeling the worm begin to vibrate, as per its program, and pulse, somehow, adjusting its diameter so that it felt like he was being slowly stretched and then released again, skin surfaces that were usually never touched giving such sensations that they were almost incomprehensible to his brain, limited by its past experience. Well this was giving him some new material alright...he felt almost guilty for not attaching a sensor or two, to record his reactions...that MRI machine at the laboratory would've come in most useful...but it could not be all work...he needed play, too.


The worm felt as if it was pulsing inside him, teasing him so mercilessly, the fox's toes began to curl and he knew...he knew, as his scrotum tensed and pulled close to his body, it was simply happening...right now..


The worm was designed to sense the muscular contractions and act accordingly, becoming hollow just in time for the spurts of cum to exit the fox's member, huge spurts that caught his muzzle, the sheets, going everywhere as he orgasmed in a series of rapid pulses that left him covered in new white streaks of his own.


The arctic fox's tongue lolled out of his muzzle while he panted, quietly, oblivious to the world beyond him...even to the wriggle of his friendly new toy coiling against his spunky tummy.