Episode 00 - Part 2 - Chloe's Training Days

Story by Sennia on SoFurry

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#2 of Episode 00

Written for Agent 47's annual WAM Anime Funland contest, which was based on the idea of training for a messy game show with possible humiliating and sexual elements! Chloe is chosen to participate, with her chaotic and silly personality coming into play.

This is still part of my 'prequel series' to the furry-themed game show I've been planning to write, which will get a whole lot messier, with audience/reader betting and interaction as to what may happen to the contestants.

As always, all feedback, commentary, or suggestions are very much welcome! Even if you're just showing an interest in the subject matter, it's all good. <3

WAM Anime Funland Contest - March 2014

Episode 00 - Part 2

Chloe's Training Days

by Sennia/Lonuria

Chloe (aka 'scarycrayons' or 'paintedjezebel') is a character owned by Chloe Brockie, and is used and abused with personal permission. ([email protected])

Character image references!




http://i.imgur.com/o6EPrOU.jpg (NSFW)

http://i.imgur.com/L03rpWt.png (NSFW)

The Meeting

Sennia sat behind her office desk, wearing a crisp blue jacket with a tight lilac top underneath, and a smart black skirt. She ran her own TV studio, and tended to draw out some of the more eccentric members of public that want to appear on television shows, but this time around, it wasn't her own show that the meeting was for.

"You got me a place on an obstacle course show?! Woo! Yeah! I'm gonna wreck the heck out of the opposition!" Chloe exclaimed, grinning wildly. She did seem a little... unstable, but Sennia figured she was the best girl she knew who would be able to win the prize, netting both Chloe and herself a decent reward... or failing that, at least giving her studio some good advertising! Judging by the photos that Chloe sent with her resume, covered in ridiculous amounts of makeup, body paint, and submitting even nude photos, it seemed line nothing would faze her! Of course, she might not quite being expecting the level of mess, either...

Sennia smiled. "Sure did! I saw a perfect opportunity for you. I've been looking over your, um, interesting application letter---"

"C'mon, get to the point!" Chloe interrupted, laughing happily. "When do I start! What do I have to do!"

"Well, it's a messy obstacle course!" replied Sennia, feeling Chloe's enthusiasm. It certainly was infectuous. "Y'know, navigating your way through a path filled with challenges, racing to the finish, with some slimy stuff thrown in to cause people to hesitate or stumble!"

"Slimy stuff, huh? Hmm!~ Cool! Like those kids shows, right?!"

Sennia felt a tinge of excitement, happy that the girl was so eager, but the real potential hurdle in getting her to participate was just about to come up. "Well, it's not exactly like a kids show. The audience for this kind of thing will definitely want to see someone sexy and open minded, willing to give the people a good show!"

"Ahaha! I can't be sexy at all!" exclaimed Chloe, not seeming to be very self aware when she talks, and just happily saying whatever comes to her mind. "You've seen those photos! I'm built like a pixie stick!"

Sennia blinked, not sure what to say. It seemed like anything she could respond with wouldn't give a very good outcome! "Ah, um, well! You, um. Well, you seem to be comfortable with exposure, and the body paint photos indicate that you'd be okay with having your body covered with paint and the such! And I'm sure lots of people would find that sexy! It's okay if you find that embarrassing too, we just need to get you prepared for anything that could happen, and you'll be good to go!"

Chloe laughed ditzily, again seeming to respond purely by instinct, and Sennia noted that she naturally responded to every single thing as if it sounded hilarious to her. "Pssshh, those photos are just what I do as a hobby! I get a bunch of watercolours and paint myself different colours! It's fun and makes me look cool!"

Sennia stared at Chloe, wondering what the heck went on in her mind. "You... what? For fun? Um, okay. That's fine! Really! But we're definitely gonna need to get you used to mess. It's probably going to get a little more intense than you imagine, and I really need that prize! Wait, that didn't come out right, I mean, you really need to be ready in advance, so nothing throws you off! There's just one last thing we need to cover." Sennia placed a form on the desk in front of Chloe, and handed her a pen. "For legal reasons, we need to establish any limits you migh---"

Chloe grabbed the pen and signed it in giant childish scrawl before Sennia could even finish. "No worries! I'm gonna do this!" Sennia tried to object, "Wait, I really need to clarify, you might have to---" Chloe interruped once again, grinning like crazy once more. "What ever it is, I'll do it! For sure! Worries are not worth thinking about! Just gotta go with the flow! Vrooom! Like a car on jetskis!"

Sennia raised an eyebrow, and then nodded, smiling. "Okay! In that case, come by the studios in the morning, and we can get your training started! The event's in three days time, so we need to get on the ball with this, we only have two days to prepare. Oh, and bring a swimsuit, okay? We won't want to get your clothes dirty!"

Training Day 1

Sennia was standing in front of several barrels that were set on the floor, looking over some quick memo scribbles she had written earlier on a notepad, when Chloe entered the small wood paneled studio. Sennia looked over Chloe, who was in a tight yellow top, and white shorts, and didn't appear to be carrying any bags with her. "You did remember the bikini, right?" Sennia asked.

"Yup! Wearing it under my clothes! Much easier that way! I do it all the time when I go swimming." Chloe responded.

"Excellent!" Sennia replied, walking over to Chloe while carrying a few small items in her hand, the most notable being a blindfold. "Okay, let's get right into your training! We really don't have much time until event day! I've made some notes on some test run footage of the course that I'd been provided with, so I have a basic idea of what you'll be attempting!"

Sennia quickly slipped the thick black blindfold over Chloe before she had a chance to see what was in the barrels. Chloe shifted around on her feet as she slowly became used to the concept of not being able to see. "Oooh, you're gonna keep it a surprise?!"

"Mhm! That's the only way you'll get used to any unexpected events in the real thing, after all!" Even before Sennia interviewed Chloe, Sennia made a conscious decision not to show any potential contestants the test run of Kallen and Shirley's experience, feeling that they'd fare better if they felt they had to try their absolute best in adapting to any obstacles that came their way, instead of learning the course and being caught completely off guard when anything unexpected might happen.

Sennia, leaving Chloe standing in the studio blindfolded, went over to a computer in the corner of the room, and after tapping a few buttons and clicking a few keys, picked up a folded tripod and video camera that were lying on the desk, and setting them up at the side of the room. "Okay Chloe, you're on the air! I've got you streaming to the internet! Now, if you could strip to your swimsuit, we'll be just about ready!"

"Huh?!" Chloe exclaimed, while Sennia fiddled around with camera settings, getting a clear broadcast of Chloe's full body. "Wait, who are you showing this to? Am I gonna be famous already?!"

"Only a few dozen people! Right now, at least... jeez, these broadcasts always start off with so few people!" Sennia sighed.

"A few dozen showed up just to watch me in a swimsuit?!" Chloe responded, looking around clumsily, not knowing where the camera even was.

"C'mon, it's not that bad! You're gonna have way more people watching you at the actual event! Now hurry up and strip already!"

Sennia saw Chloe finally blush for the very first time, as Chloe awkwardly pulled her top over her head, revealing a small yellow bikini top covering her breasts, the bumps of her nipples being very visible in such a tight fitting fabric. Sennia noted that Chloe's body was a pale white, and she at first thought that she must naturally have whitish skin, until she realised that Chloe really had coated her entire body in foundation 'for fun.' Sennia shook her head, and went back to focusing on the settings on both the camera and the PC.

Chloe dropped her top to the side of her, and then after a moment of hesitation, bent forwards as she boldly tugged her shorts down her legs. Standing back upright, placing her hands on her hips with a reborn confidence, she proclaimed "Woo! Aw yeah, I can do this! Throw what ever you have at me, I'll do it no problem!" grinning proudly.

"Oh, there we go, the viewer rating just doubled--- Ah! CHLOE!" Sennia went wide-eyed as she noticed that Chloe, in her blindfolded state, just pulled down her bikini bottoms along with her tight shorts, leaving her completely bottomless, her cute white sex completely visible from the front! "You, um... you pulled down your---"

"Yeah! I pulled down my shorts before you even noticed!" responded Chloe proudly. Shaking her head, she quickly ran over to Chloe, kneeling down and hastily pulling the yellow bikini back up Chloe's legs herself!

As Chloe felt the fabric yanked back up her thighs, pulled uncomfortbly high into her slit by Sennia, she suddenly squeaks as she realised what happened! Chloe's hands rushed down to her hips, accidentally hitting Sennia in the face as she did so, hastily tugging the bikini back into its proper place, and NOT digging into her poor pained labia.

A few awkward moments passed, both Sennia and Chloe blushing furiously, before Chloe suddenly spoke up "Okay! It's okay! I'm ready now! Let's get on with the training already, everyone's gonna get bored!"

Sennia quickly nodded, not that Chloe could see, and tried to forget that particular embarrassing incident... though, the more that the faux pas crossed her mind, the more she realised that Chloe really might be perfect for the show after all, and... maybe she should have not told her about the costume slip after all. It'd certainly make the actual event interesting if she ran through it half naked without even realising!

"Um, right!" said Sennia, taking Chloe's arms and pulling them behind Chloe's back, snapping some handcuffs onto her wrists so that they were locked behind her. "The first part of the obstacle course will involve you in some restrictive gear, and you're going to have to get a key to unlock yourself! So, if you would just open your mouth, I need to give you a ring gag."

Chloe opened her mouth wide, letting Sennia push a metal ring gag between her teeth. Sennia saw that while Chloe's bright red lipstick usually made her look cute, she certainly did end up looking sexual with her bright red lips in an O shaped expression!

"Okay! Now follow me, and I'll lead you to the barrels!" Sennia took Chloe's hand, and led her to the other side of the room, walking clumsily and nervously not being able to see where she was going. "We're here! Feel the barrels in front of you?"

"Unh-huhh!" Chloe said, not actually being able to feel them with her hands of course, but she certainly felt the cold rim against her tummy. "One of these barrels has a key in! So... get to finding it! And remember, you're gonna need to work as fast as possible in the real event!"

Chloe bent fowards, trying to figure out how best to get the key out. She planned to just tip the barrel over, but it seemed far heavier than she expected! "Anh! I hee! Ny heet!" Chloe suddenly exclaimed, as she realised that she could get the key out with her toes by putting her leg inside. As she cautiously lifts her leg up, feeling against the rim with the sole of her foot, she steps inside--- only to feel her foot, leg, and thigh suddenly submerged in a thick, clammy, and sticky substance!

"Eh?!" she gasps through her gag, then remembering the whole point of the training, to get used to messy substances! She tries to ignore the disgusting feeling unknown liquid sloshing around her upper thigh as she feels around the bottom of the barrel with her toes, and then, while trying to move her other foot that was outside of the barrel to change her position, she stumbles and trips forwards, sending her falling straight onto one of the other barrels!

With the force of her whole body flailing as she flops across the barrels, they both tip over completely, sending a huge wave of nasty tasting gunk over her body and into her opened mouth.

"Bleeueah!" Chloe wriggled around on the floor, now completely coated in the goop, not even knowing what it was. Sennia sighed and puts her palm over her face, watching Chloe flop around and panic on the floor, completely covered in mayonnaise.

Sennia let Chloe struggle for a moment longer, hoping that she might eventually regain her composure and start looking for the key again, but after a couple of minutes of her rolling around on the floor and clattering barrels together, she finally came to the conclusion that this training might be harder than she thought, and stopped the video feed on the camera. "Um.. okay Chloe, calm down there. We'll give some different training a shot tomorrow, okay? Maybe I just had you try too much, too soon."

Chloe stopped wriggling and squelching around on the floor, whitish goop completely coating her already-pale body. She eventually splutters with a mouth full of mayonnaise, "...Ohkay!!! Yeaah! I feeh rike I lerhnh a lort toray!! Yaaey!" grinning all over again.

As Sennia uncuffed Chloe with a spare key, she wondered if Chloe had any chance at all in the real game, making a few mental notes to herself... "Well, she certainly has energy... maybe she can just go the rest of the course handcuffed? Or maybe I can get her to pounce on another contestant and steal their key once they get it... yeah, that could work! ...Maybe."

She looked again at Chloe as she took her blindfold off, looking at her wildly and unnecessarily happy and eager expression, given how badly she did. "Either way, it definitely seems like unpredictability and enthusiasm are her main traits!"

Training Day 2

Chloe arrived at the studio the following day as arranged, looking happy and eager as ever, this time entering wearing just her yellow bikini in the first place, rather than just under her clothes. "Okay! I'm here! What've you got for me this time?!"

"Well--- wait, you can't drive, can you?" Sennia asked, curiously.

"Nope! Why, is there a driving section?! Like the Fun Kart Grand Prix?! I loved that! Even though they went at, like, 1mph!"

"No, I was just wondering how you got here, given that you didn't bring any other clothes." Sennia responded.

"Oh, I left those at home. I just walked here in my bikini! Easier that way! I do that all the time when I go swimming!"

Sennia stared, once again caught off-guard that Chloe just happily walked about six miles through a busy financial district in just a bikini and far too much makeup and powder on her body. "...Ah, okay, that makes sense! Yes. So. Today's training! First of all, I've been looking at the next obstacles, and I need to ask you a few questions. First of all, how confident are you in your upper body strength?"

"I have no strength at all!" exclaimed Chloe proudly. "I'm all curves!"

"...Curves?" Sennia asked.

"Hahahaha! Just kidding! I'm built like a water bottle!"

Sennia paused for a moment. There was definitely a bizarre culture clash between both of their personalities, but Chloe's happiness over nonsensical things was certainly interesting and comical, if nothing else!

"Right, well, anyway! There's a climbing section---"

"I'd suck at that! Like, super suck! Like a lemon enthusiast!" interjected Chloe.

"...right, which is why we need to discuss alternative routes. The, uh, skill based ones don't seem to suit you well, given how long I had to mop the floor last night, but the course in the event will have the option of shortcuts."

"Why the heck wouldn't everyone take the shortcut?!"

"Well, that's the thing... you see, how comfortable are you with, say, being nude in public?"

"I'm already half way there!" Chloe replied, laughing madly to herself at the previous nights events, seemingly unabashed that it happened at all now. "Wait. Are you saying I should strip in the show? Flirt with the organisers and get a shortcut?!"

"No, nothing like that!" replied Sennia. "It's just that... the shortcuts are less skill based, but way more embarrassing. An example would be using a vibrator to continue, and avoid any hard sections."

"Wah?!" Chloe's hands crossed over her crotch as she listened to Sennia's explanation. "No way! No way no way no way! I was kidding about the flirting thing! And I didn't think you actually meant I'll have to intentionally get naked in the event! Though that would be kinda crazy!" Chloe began blushing hard, a rare sign of nervousness coming from someone normally so happy and upbeat.

Sennia pondered. "Well, you said you wanted to totally beat the opposition, right? Would you, say, strip and get covered in gunk, if it meant you'd beat them for sure?"

Chloe thought about it for a moment... then her trademark smile appeared once again on her face. "Totally! I'd do freaking anything ever ever ever to win! Forget the audience!"

Sennia nodded, "Excellent!"

"BUT! BUT BUT BUT! I'll try to avoid it! I don't want anything... in... me! And I don't want to go naked on purpose!"

Sennia raised an eyebrow, given that Chloe just moments ago paraded her half-nude body around town on the way to the studio without even thinking about it. "Well, given that you aren't that great at physical obstacles at all, it's your only real option..."

"THEN I'LL USE THAT VIBE WITH ALL MY MIGHT!" exclaimed Chloe, eyes wide with intensity.

"I-I'm glad!" said Sennia, exasperated by the sudden and conflicting extremes of opinions coming from Chloe. "I'm not entirely sure that intense passion will come across as sexy, but, well, you definitely need to go for it! In the course, always pick the doors, got it?"

"Got it!" smiled Chloe.

"Okay! So, this time around, we've gotta get you used to running fast. Time will be the most important thing when you take part! So I've prepared this treadmill!"

Sennia led Chloe over to the treadmill, which was located near a large quantity of buckets sitting beside it, clearly part of Sennia's plans. The treadmill had its handles and front upright section removed, leaving just the conveyor belt itself, which was much longer than a typical treadmill, around five meters in length. Chloe stepped up onto the belt, and Sennia stood at the front end of the treadmill, facing Chloe.

Sennia activated the treadmill via remote control, putting Chloe at a brisk walking pace. "Right. You're going to need to run towards me. The closer you get to me, the faster I'll set the treadmill to, making it far more difficult to get further! As soon as you're able to run forwards off the edge, you'll have succeeded! But if you fall off the back of the treadmill... I have something embarrassing in store for you, that'll make you feel real sexy and naughty~ So try your best to avoid it!

At those words, Chloe broke into a run! And, in response, Sennia simply pressed a button that made the treadmill speed up to match her pace. "That's the spirit! Try to win!"

Sennia picked up a nearby bucket, filled with a mixture of dirty water and old mayonnaise that she had left out from having to mop it up the previous night, and threw it straight towards Chloe's face.

"Ghaalphhph!" Chloe explained, feeling its disgusting substance splatter over her head and the front of her body, some getting into her mouth as she panted breathlessly from running, feeling it soaking into her hair and trickling down her chest, some of it sliding into her bikini top. But that wasn't the key thing on Chloe's mind, the worst part was that it was making the treadmill slippery, making her chance to beat the speed of the treadmill even tougher!

Chloe increased her pace with a sudden burst of energy, hoping to catch Sennia out while she was picking up another bucket, but right as she was nearing the edge to win, Sennia quickly throw the second bucket of old watery mayonnaise over her! Chloe gasped and her concentration lapsed, losing her footing on the slick treadmill, falling face first as she was flung all the way backwards off of the back of the belt.

Panting exhaustedly on the floor, covered in an icky mess, Chloe saw Sennia walking towards her, bucket in hand. "Sorry, you know the rules!~ Your penalty is... losing your clothing!" Chloe looked up at Sennia with wide eyes. Sennia stated "C'mon, you need to remember that drive to win!" pointing towards the far end of the treadmill. Chloe nodded, and suddenly started grinning again, pulling off her bikini without a second thought, revealing her soft pale breasts with light pink nipples, and exposing her pussy once again.

"See, I knew you had it in you!" responded Sennia, dumping the bucket straight onto Chloe's nude body, sticky watery mayonnaise splatting directly onto her milky white breasts and running down between her legs, over her puffy pinkish slit.

Sennia then picked up the bikini... and threw it in a nearby trash can.

"Hey, wait!---" Chloe exclaimed! Sennia smiled, feeling an evil streak come across her, "I did say you'd lose your bikini, didn't I? Now you've gotta walk home like that! But only after you beat the treadmill!"

Chloe jumped back up to her feet, her attention focused on winning once more! She lept onto the treadmill... and after just a few seconds flew backwards, finding that her legs were completely exhausted from her earlier sprint, geting sent straight back to lying sprawled on her back on the floor, arms and legs spread out, giving a rather lewd view. Chloe breathlessly said "Gaaah.. it's going way too fast!" Sennia sighed, picked up another bucket of nasty slimy mayonnaise, and dumped it over Chloe's body once again, watching the lumpyish mixture splatter hard against her sensitive skin, leaving her whole body covered in the whitish goo, the substance trickling between her thighs and leaving a large puddle beneath her.

"I really should have made sure you were fitter before signing you up to this... but you still need another penalty for falling off again. You can't lose your clothing twice, after all! Which is why I ordered this, just in case."

Sennia walked over to a cabinet nearby, and took out a roll of black tape, and a small egg vibrator, which was connected to a control box with a wire. Kneeling down to Chloe's tired panting body, she tried not to look too directly at Chloe's exposed pussy, and took the vibe and clumsily pressed it between her legs, touching and pressing awkwardly into Chloe's labia, until she finally pushed the egg vibrator into Chloe's tight sex. Chloe gasped, almost in shock at a girl touching and pushing something into her, but at this point, considering the earlier conversation, she kind of knew she'd have to deal with something like this eventually.

Before Chloe could fully get accostomed to the situation she was in, she let out a sudden moan, as Sennia increased the slider on the control box, making the vibe come to life inside her body! As Chloe let out embarrassed panting sounds and quiet moans, this time from arousal rather than exhaustion, Sennia pressed the control box to Chloe's upper thigh, taping it to her leg, with the tape locking the slider on the highest setting.

Chloe crossed her legs, squirming around on the floor, trying to ignore the buzzing inside her, but clearly failing. "U-um.. what... so what do I do now?" Chloe said, between gasps.

"Well, you clearly can't handle the treadmill, and your body is totally exhausted, so I think you need to go home and rest! The remainder of your training will be getting used to what embarrassing things could happen to you in the obstacle course, so... you'll be going home like this. No showers, no rest until you push yourself to walk the six miles home, and most importantly, no removing the vibe." Sennia could feel herself getting excited just thinking about what she was asking Chloe to do... she thought to herself that she could get used to this kind of thing!

Chloe let out a deep sigh, through disappointment of not being able to finish either of her training days, or perhaps from the vibe buzzing inside her pussy, Sennia couldn't tell. Chloe then smiled, stood up, and gave Sennia a sudden and unexpected hug and kiss on the cheek, and happily said "You got it! Now this is something I can do! I'll make you proud, don't you worry!"

Sennia watched as Chloe stumbled out of the exit door, a huge smile on her face once again, while completely naked, covered head to toe with lumpy slop running down her body, and with her legs trembling and shaking on each step. Yet, Chloe still boldly went out, determined to finish the task she had been set. Sennia smiled, wiping off the slimy white kiss mark that Chloe had planted on her cheek... "Maybe there's still a little bit of hope in her, after all."

Two hours later, Sennia received a text message while she was still mopping up the studio floor. It read "Heya Sennia, which way is my home again? I went left right right left left left right, and that was definitely the same directions I came here in! But that took me through a forest and now I'm gonna sleep over at that big park until you get here. You know the one. Come pick me up to take me home, okay?! By the way, how long do these batteries last? I can't even nap like this, and I'm totally sore!"

Sennia shook her head. Only Chloe could manage to end up like this. Sennia knew exactly where she had ended up, and it was the complete opposite direction to Chloe's home address. Though Sennia did set out to drive to her straight away, and get her cleaned up and rested for her big day tomorrow, Sennia chuckled to herself and decided to play one last trick on her, typing "I'll come get you in the morning. Sweet dreams." Chloe did need to get used to that sense of expecting some impending discomfort, after all.

Episode 00 - The Planning Stages

# Episode 00 # The Planning Stages ## by Sennia * * * Reference images! Sennia \* [http://i.imgur.com/hd8q9xr.jpg](http://i.imgur.com/hd8q9xr.jpg) Chloe \* [http://i.imgur.com/mFv2QcD.jpg](http://i.imgur.com/mFv2QcD.jpg) * * * "No, it's not...

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