Winter Games

Story by Michael Deltair on SoFurry

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Yea... it's been a while since I've posted something, but I haven't stopped writing.

Here is a request for someone on FA. I spent a lot of time on this one, and my editor DarkBear spent just as much time. As always, comments and ratings are appreciated.


Disclaimer: This is a completely fictional story. Characters that appear in this story are mine and no one elses. This story contains M/M furry sex. If you are under the age of 18, do not continue. If you do not like the idea of furry sex, do not continue. If you do not like M/M sexual situations, do not continue. Otherwise, have fun!


"Come on! This is the last one, bro! You can do it! Push harder!"

The large, white bear bellowed through the gym as he finally pushed the bench bar straight up from his chest to its resting place. His canine partner grabbed the bar and pulled it over to the rest, allowing the large polar bear to rest his tired arms and chest.

"Jack! You did it!" exclaimed the dog. "You benched three hundred pounds! Three forty-five with the bar!" The polar bear couldn't respond. He had exhausted himself from the workout. He just smiled up to his friend as he huffed and puffed for air.

The black and white Malamute dropped a towel on the polar bear's head as he took a drink from his bottle of water. He was outfitted in a gray tank top that looked a size too small for his body but it did a great job of showing it off as he stood. His arms - already normally large - now looked even larger and well sculpted from the strenuous workout he and his friend had gone through. The top of his muscles were etched in black fur, while the underside was a pure, snow white. The white went from his paws, down to his chest and stomach, which just barely showed from the tank top. His legs were covered in regular, black sweatpants. At the end of them, a splash of white could be seen from in between his sneakers and the ends of the pants. His face had similar coloring. His head was almost completely black, except for the white splash underneath his muzzle. What stood out the most were his piercing brown eyes. They were a sign that he came from a long line of Malamutes., and they shined in a brilliant amber. After he was done killing the bottle of water, he felt a wet, sweat drenched towel smack him in the face.

"You're an ass," said the canine.

"But I'm an ass who just beat the school's lifting record, Mark. So, I like being an ass," chuckled Jack.

The large polar bear stood above most. He was clear over six feet as he started to stand from the bench. His plain, white tee bulged from his eminent size. Each of his white arms looked like cannons and it seemed like they held a lot of power behind them. That quality extended to his body also. Jack's shirt looked like it would rip from his stature. His chest was made of large, strong muscle that looked like it could deflect a bullet. Lower on his shirt, some rips could clearly be seen from where his stomach bulged out. The round tum pushed out, over his waist. That appeared to be the bear's only weak point, since the rest of his body looked as solid as rock.

Mark looked back at his friend with a smirk on his face. Now his face was covered partially by a towel that was drenched in the bear's sweat. He laughed as he threw it back at his friend.

"Well," started Mark. "I'm a dick. And dicks fuck asses."

"You stole that from a movie!" laughed Jack.

"It's still true!"

"Hehe, I'm too big an ass for you to screw, you dick."

"Don't flatter yourself, you ass," Mark looked at the three hundred pounds worth of weights that were still on the bar. He sighed a little has he turned back to his large friend.

"Does your lazy ass want to help me put these back?" Jack only shook his head.

"Nah, I'm good. I'm still a bit winded from that last set anyway." Jack sat down and looked at Mark with a smirk. The dog looked back with a pleading look, but the bear's gaze was unfaltering.

Mark rolled his eyes at the bear. He turned and proceeded to remove the bar clips and take off the weights. Mark was grumbling to himself. He didn't mind cleaning up after lifting with Jack, but he could at least offer to help once in a while. He was always being a lazy, fat bear, but Mark would not dare say that to Jack's face. The polar bear would crush him without realizing it.

Mark bent over and began to place the removed weights back on the weight rack. He thanked God that it was not too far away. He was tired himself from his own sets. He didn't feel like he had the energy to walk back and forth from a farther rack. He didn't even know if he had the energy to drive himself home at this point. He had beat his previous bench limit, although it was nowhere close to Jack's max. He felt himself hunch over for a good ten minutes, lifting and placing the heavy weights back, then moving on to the lighter ones, until it was all done.

Mark stood up and cracked his back, letting out a low grunt of relief. He looked back at Jack and his black ears went down against his head. The white bear was staring at some bunny girl, and completely ignoring him. He walked over to his friend and patted him on the shoulder.

"Bro, all done. Let's get outta here. I'm beat."

"Alright man," replied Jack. Mark felt the polar bear lean on him for support. It was a thing easier said than done, as Jack was enormous. He winced as the bear shifted some weight around, but breathed a little easier as he got up.

The pair walked out of the room and went outside into the cold, winter weather. The cold was very refreshing to the pair. Steam rose from their bodies as they slugged along. They were both very tired at that point and didn't want to do anything but sleep. They just wanted to get to their own beds without any problems. Unfortunately, there was something barring their path to rest in the form of a few figures sitting on Mark's car.

Mark dropped his bag on the pavement next to a snow drift and growled toward the figures he did not know.

"Get the fuck off my car, asswipes!" yelled the canine. He was tired and was not in the mood for some idiot wannabe-thugs to boot.

The hooded figures began to dismount the old car, letting the snow become imprinted with their boots as the leapt down. As soon as the last figure was down, they began to walk toward the pair. They all walked behind the biggest one, who was clearly their leader. As soon as he was face to face with Mark, he began to remove his hood, to let the malamute see who it was. Mark was not all too surprised to see the horned face that stood in his way.

"What the fuck do you want, Jarrod?" snarled Mark.

"None of your business, you damn husky," retorted the rhino as he kept his stance aggressive and deterring. The comment made Mark furious. His eyes narrowed and he barred his teeth more. Mark went to lunge at the rhino's throat, but a pair of brawny, white arms held him at bay, and kept the rhino just out of reach. In the back of his mind, Mark was thankful that Jack could read him so well, but at the moment, all he could do was snarl and reach at his target.

"I'm not a fucking husky, you douchebag! I'm a malamute! Get it though that thick hide of yours!" screamed Mark.

Jarrod had backed up a bit so he was at a somewhat safe distance, but his shock was written all over his face. The rhino was as big as Jack, except he didn't have the gut. His huge muscles were hidden underneath the thick layers of clothes he wore to protect himself against the cold. Even though he was bigger than Mark, the amount of rage on the malamute's face scared him a bit.

"What do you want, Jarrod? Shouldn't you be getting ready to lose tomorrow?" shouted Jack, still trying to wrestle his friend down and calm him.

"Heh, lose? Doubt it. We are going to win tomorrow no matter what. You guys aren't going to the state semi's. We are. Your poor ass school couldn't keep up with ours even if you had a slight chance," said Jarrod. He was trying to remain tough, but Mark had scared him a bit. He turned to his friends as he put his hood back on.

"Let's get outta here." he called out to his crew. They all walked off to an Escalade next to Mark's car. They all got inside of the vehicle and race off into the cold night. Mark could still see the ugly, blue neon of the rich boy's truck.

Mark took a few deep breaths as Jack held him down. The cold helped him cool off quite a bit, and soon he was calm again.

"I'm alright now ... you can let go, Jack ..." The polar bear let go of his friend and patted him on the shoulder.

"If I hadn't been here, you'd be going to jail and miss the game."

"Well, that prick would have missed it also," countered Mark.

"True enough. Still don't get why you always get upset for being called a husky," said Jack.

"It's the principle, bro. I'm not one. It's like if someone called you a black bear."

"Yeah, that never happens. I'm white, dumbass," chuckled Jack.

"Whatever.... Let's get outta here. It's cold and we need some sleep for the game." Mark began to walk to his car, fishing his keys out as he walked.

"Right behind ya!"

Mark walked over to the old Buick and unlocked the passenger side, then walked over to his own side. The pair threw their stuff into the back seat as they started to sit down. Mark turned on the engine and put the heat on for a bit as he waited for the car to warm up.

"You know... you're supposed to let the engine warm up first, then put the heat on," commented Jack.

"I'm cold, so I don't care," said Mark dryly. He was still partially ticked off and it showed.

"I'd be nice if we had a car like Jarrod's though ..."

"No. It wouldn't."

"Dude, at least you wouldn't have to warm up the engine all the time. Or unlock the doors with your key." Mark sighed a bit. He turned to face his friend with sad eyes.

"I know ... I'm sorry if I'm a little pissy. That ass always gets me in a horrible mood. Just because he's a rich boy and we aren't doesn't mean he has to try and mock us." He didn't get a laugh or anything out of Jack, only a pat on the shoulder.

"I know, bro. We've been friends since kindergarten, and we're in our senior year of high school now. I know you pretty well. We're better than him, even if we don't got the cash to show it. He only comes around here flaunting himself because he can't play ball for shit." Mark smiled at his friend. Jack started rubbing his shoulder and the canine felt a lot better. Jack always knew how to calm him down.

"Thanks, bro. Let's get you home."

Mark began to pull out of the school lot and started driving the distance to Jack's house. They both stayed quiet through the ride, mostly from being tired. After a little while, Mark pulled up in front of Jack's house and put the car in park.

"Thanks for the ride, man," said Jack.

"Anytime, bro."

Jack reached unto the back of the car and started getting his things. Once he was done, he got out of the car and smiled down at Mark.

"Later bro. Tomorrow's Saturday, so sleep in 'cause it's gonna be a long day" The polar bear closed the car door and walked up to his home. Mark smiled as he watched his friend walk in and close the door. He looked in the back of his car and chuckled as he saw a towel on the floor. He already knew it wasn't his own.

"Stupid bear ... he always takes my towel instead of his own ..."

Mark reached down and grabbed the damp cloth. He brought it to his muzzle and took a deep breath. He tossed his head back a little as he inhaled, loving the scent from the towel. He clutched the towel to his strong chest as he let out a whimper-ish moan as he exhaled. His mind flooded with images of Jack. He took another deep breath of Jack's scent. He moaned a bit more as he exhaled, clutching the fabric for dear life.

"Why ... why does he have to be so damn nice ... so damn sexy ... so damn perfect ... so god damn straight ... ?"

Mark put his car into gear and started to drive to his own home. It may have been a small apartment, but it was home. As he drove, he continued to clutch the towel of his friend.


Mark woke up when the sun started to shine in his eyes. He was clutching the towel to his head like it was a safety blanket or a plushy. He lazily opened his tired eyes and looked at the clock on his nightstand.

"Ugh ... One already? And the game is at four ..."

The canine took in a deep breath and still smelled Jack's scent from his towel. The only difference was that now his own scent had washed in. He didn't mind so much. That was a scent he dreamt about. His own scent washed in with his friend's after a long night together. He sprawled himself on his bed and stretched, loosening his tired muscles a little. He dropped the towel and sat up on his bed, only wearing a pair of blue boxers.

"Ok ... need to shower... then pick Jack up ..." Mark said to himself.

He walked out of his closet like room and looked at his house. The space was small, but the scarce furniture made it look bigger than it was. Mark walked over to the kitchen to try and find any sign of his mother. All he found was a small note in front of the stove.


Sorry baby. I have to miss your big game. I got called into work today. They needed a nurse to pull a twenty-four hour shift, and we need the money. I made you some bacon and eggs. They're on the stove. I left you some money for gas and if you and Jack wanted to do something later on. I promise I'll make it up to you soon.


Mark sighed as he finished reading the note. He crumbled it up and threw it in the nearby trash.

"She's always sorry ... At least she left me some gas money ..."

Mark walked into the shower after that. He quickly washed up and dried off. He got dressed in his football jersey and a pair of regular blue jeans. After he made himself look presentable, Mark ate the food his Mom had left. He was still upset that she was missing the game, but he needed to eat for energy, and he needed the money for better things than buying food. After he was done, he reached for the money that his Mom had left, and was shocked by it a bit.

"A hundred bucks?! Well ... I guess she's off the hook this time."

With that, Mark grabbed his keys and ran out of the house, eager as always, to see his friend.


The loud blaring of the horn could have woken anyone up, but it was apparently not heard by a certain polar bear. Mark stared at the door, slightly annoyed that Jack had yet to come outside.

"Fucking ass. It's already three; we need to get there by three thirty or the coach will kill us...."

Mark honked hard a few more times. He kept staring at the door, as if to force Jack out by sheer force of will. After a few more minutes, a large figure with a duffel bag and a football jersey ran to the car. The bear jumped in the car quickly and sat down. He looked flushed all over, as if he had been running for a lot longer than the short distance from his door to the car.

"Dude! What took so long?! I've been here waiting for a half hour!" shouted Mark. Jack looked back at him with a slightly tired look on his face.

"I'm sorry, bro... I was running around the house looking for some of my gear ...", huffed the large bear.

"Ugh ... you need to stop this. Every morning we're almost late because you misplace something. I'm starting to think you do it just to irritate me. Let's go. Coach will have our asses if we're not there soon."

Jack nodded to the malamute as the car was shifted into drive. The tires squealed as the car raced down the street. Mark was clearly in a rush and was breaking a few laws, including speeding, at this point.


"Owww ... That rhino may me a complete ass, but he hits hard!" groaned Jack.

Mark and a few other team members pulled the bear up from the ground where he was completely laid out.

"Jack! Are you okay?" said Mark. The bear grabbed his head a bit, still woozy from the hit.

"Y-yeah... I think so ..." Jack pulled off his helmet and rubbed his temples slowly. Out of the corner of Mark's eyes, he saw a big, brown bear run in.

"Jack! Are you alright, son?"

"Y-yea... I'm good coach..." Jack wobbled a little, trying to walk.

"Can you keep playing?" asked the coach.

"Yea .. No way I'm letting that asshole take me out now..."

The coach went and signaled a timeout. While his teammate's helped Jack to the bench, Mark just glared at Jarrod. His fists were clenched tight, and his brow went down in rage. Once everyone was on the sidelines, Mark stomped toward the huge rhino.

"Hey asshole!" screamed the malamute, tossing his helmet to the ground.

"Awwww ... The doggie upset about his teddy bear ..." sneered the rhino.

"What the fuck was that, Jarrod? That was the 3rd down, we got the the ten yard line, and the time stopped 10 seconds beforehand. What the hell were you doing sacking Jack like that?! The play was done, you asshole!"

"Do you think I give a shit? I don't know what miracle you guys whipped up, but it ends here. The score is 24 to 22. I am NOT about to let some half-wit team make my team miss the semi's this year. I take out one of the star players, I have less worries." With that the rhino walked away to the water cooler, laughing about his act.

Mark snarled loudly. He just glared at Jarrod, his rage too much to hide. Mark walked back to his sideline and sat down at the first empty spot he saw, huffing to himself.

"Fucking rhino... Gonna make sure he gets it ..." A large paw on his shoulder snapped him out of his angry muttering.

"Don't go crazy, Mark." Mark turned and saw Jack, smiling at him.

"That ass sacked you after the ref called the play! Why aren't you upset?" questioned the malamute.

"Because there are only thirty seconds on the clock, and we're on the ten yard line. Jarrod knows we're gonna win. And I'm not gonna let him change that fact. He'll get his when we win."

Jack dragged out his arm and showed his fist to Mark. Mark looked up at his smiling friend, a little shocked from the bear's mentality. He was calm, and had everything in control. Mark smiled back.

"You and me, bro," said Mark as he pounded his friend's fist. Jack chuckled back.

"You and me. Just look out for the pass. I'll make sure you get it."

Mark nodded to his friend, a little amazed at his resolve. He looked out onto the field, seeing the other team starting to get up. The referee came onto the field and signaled that the game would resume. Mark got up himself, and joined his teammates at the ten yard line. He took his position at the far end, preparing to make a dash toward to goal post.

'Ten yards... we're so close... just ten yards...' thought Mark, the words echoing through his head. He had to hold back his own frame for dashing out, keeping an eye on his team's quarterback, and the other on his goal to where he would win the game. He couldn't hear anything besides his own thoughts. He couldn't see anything besides the line he would take to get to the goalpost.

'Not going to lose ... Just ten yards ...'

As quickly as he thought that, he saw the hand off to the quarterback. Mark raced as fast as he could. A brown bear on the other team dove at him. Mark jumped over the hulking mass, stepping on his ass as he kept going. He raced as fast as his legs could carry him, dodging the defensive line along the way.

Mark reached his destination, and no one was there to greet him. The rest of the defense was busy with everyone else, leaving him wide open. He locked eyes with the lion quarterback on his team. The lion threw the ball, its final destination being Mark's open arms.

In the corner of his eye, the large malamute saw a huge rhino rushing him, about to sack the daylights out of him and attempt to run the ball to his own goal.

'No! I dodge and we lose! I try to catch and we still lose!' screamed Mark in his head. The ball was moving in slow motion for him, as was Jarrod. He couldn't react to the rhino and the ball at the same time. He kept his arms open, ready to receive the ball, and his body ready to receive a devastating blow.

The ball fell into Mark's arms, and he clutched it hard, expecting to be crushed. All he heard were cheers, and no touch came. He opened his eyes and saw Jack huffing next to him, where Jarrod should have been. He looked at the ground and saw a pissed rhino, writhing in pain.

"You... fat fuck..." hissed Jarrod as he grabbed his ribs in pain. Mark looked at Jack a bit puzzled.

"What happened to not going crazy?"

"I told you not to go crazy. And I also said I wasn't about to let him take our win. Not my fault he got in the way of three hundred and fifty pounds of bear," smirked the large polar bear. Mark smiled at his friend as he heard the crowd cheering.


"And did you see the look on Jarrod's face when we won? That made my year!"

The two friends were laughing about the game they had won. They decided to ditch the after party and just chill alone. They didn't want to get drunk with a bunch of furs who were pretending to be their friends because of their game. They were happy getting drunk alone in Mark's empty apartment. They still had their football jerseys on, which reminded them of their victory.

"Yea bro..." said Jack drunkenly. "That faa..... fucker had it coming for all the fucking bullshit he gave us..."

"Haha, you are such a freaking lightweight, you fat ass bear!" laughed Mark.

"Hey! I'm not drunk! You're drunk!"

"I had two beers and a shot bro. You had one beer, three shots of vodka, and 2 Jagerbombs. Plus you're cursing. You only curse when you're on your way to being tanked. You've been gone since you took that first shot!"

"Hehehe, what do I care! We just kicked ass tonight! And it's a Saturday night! Woooooo!" screamed the bear. Mark laughed at his friend. The bear had always been a lightweight when it came to holding his liquor. Mark knew he was getting there himself, but he would be awake longer than his friend at this point.

Jack reached for his bear and growled a little as he shook the can.

"Grrr.... what the fuck? It's empty!"

"You drank it, genius," chuckled Mark. Jack began to get up from his seat on the couch and started shaking even then. Mark only laughed on the floor as he sat nearby.

"I'm..... I'm gettin' anotha bur..." slurred Jack as he tired to walk. Mark was enjoying himself as he laughed at his friend. His laughing quickly stopped as his eyes went wide. Jack was wobbling too much. He looked like he was going to fall.

"Dude... Be careful ... Just sit down and I'll get ya another- SHIT!"

Mark cried out as a huge white bear fell on top of him, completely engulfing his body. He groaned out loud as he felt his friend on top of him. Jack's head was right next to his own, and he was just hoping that the bear had not passed out on top of him.

"Ughh... fucking lightweight..." complained Mark. He nudged his friend a few times, hoping to get him off, or at least awake enough to get himself off.

"Dude? Jack? Buddy, you still there?" asked Mark. He heard the bear breathing and thanked god for that at least. He started to feel a little movement and hoped Jack was good enough to get off.

"Jack, can you get off me now?" The bear murred and took deep breaths at Mark's neck. It sent shivers up and down the dog's spine. Mark was slowly starting to realize the position he was in. His best friend, whom he wanted more than anything, was on top of him and breathing at his neck. Mark began struggling a little more.

"Jack! Get off!" screamed Mark. The canine began to struggle and squirm as much as possible with his eyes shut tight. He could already feel him becoming more and more aroused by the second.

"Mmmmm ... You know how good you smell ...?"

Mark's struggling came to a halt as he heard the words. He just stared at the ceiling, trying to figure out if it was Jack who said it, or if it was a trick of the wind.

"Wh-what ...?" stuttered the malamute. Jack responded by nuzzling the confused canine's neck. Mark could only whimper in response.

"D-d-dude ... Wha-what are you doing...?"

"Mmmm ... and your fur is so soft ..." moaned the bear.

"Jack .. You ... you don't mean that ... You're drunk ... Let's... let's get you in bed and sober you up ..." The polar bear only shook his head and kept nuzzling.

"I know I'm drunk ... That doesn't stop me from thinking how sexy you are ..."

Mark gulped hard, whimpering from the thought in his head.

"Jack ... you're not gay... You're just drunk..." Jack only ignored Mark's words as he continued.

"Do you know how long I wanted you, pup ...?"

"Wha... what?"

"All those times ... when I had you put the weights back so I could stare at your hot ass ... Those times I took your towel after the gym ... so I could fall asleep to your scent... Having to jerk off for a half hour because I knew I'd see you ..." said the bear softly.

"Jack ... you .... you don't mean all that ... You're just drunk ... It's the beer talking ..."

Jack pulled himself out of Mark's neck and stared him in the eyes. The bear looked at him with hunger as he almost touched the dog's nose with his own.

"Yea ... I'm drunk ... I''m drunk enough to tell you finally ... and I'm gonna do something before I sober up and pussy out," stated the bear.

"What are yo- MMMM."

Mark's sentence was left incomplete as Jack dove in for a rough kiss. Mark's eyes almost came out of his head as he felt the bear's rough lips against his own. He felt the bear barge right in and take over. Mark felt the polar bear's tongue slid in and lick all over his mouth. Mark stopped struggling and began to return the kiss, using his own tongue to wrestle with the intruding one. He raised his arms, and ran his paws through the bear's head, scratching and rubbing through his fur.

Jack broke the kiss and began to nibble on the malamute's muzzle, working his way down the neck, ruffling the white fur and leaving his toothmarks underneath. The polar bear's large paws began roaming all over Mark's body, groping him through his football jersey. Mark could only moan from the treatment. Jack's hands worked and snaked all over the covered body, molesting and teasing the poor dog. He kept on biting and licking Mark's neck, keeping the dog moaning too much to protest any longer.

Mark's body had stopped listening to his brain at this point. He could only respond to the sensations that he was feeling. It felt so good having the big bear manhandle him like this. He just shut his eyes and embraced everything that was being done to him. Mark kept moaning until he heard a loud snap and felt his tight jeans suddenly become very loose.

Jack moved down the aroused doggy's body, nuzzling and biting along his descent. The button from Mark's broken jeans let out a loud sound as Jack's belly pushed it onto the ground. The polar bear slowly slid the pants off his friend. When the bear finally stopped, he was greeted by the sight of a very tented jockstrap.

Mark looked down and saw a very big bear, nose to tip with his bulging crotch. He could feel the polar bear's strong breath inhaling deeply, absorbing his scent. Mark let out a whimper as he felt the bear's face rub against his bulge. He tossed his head back and started panting hard, his tongue hanging out. The panting became a sharp gasp, as Mark felt something caress his dripping tip.

Jack heard the gasp as he finished licking the pre covered part of Mark's jockstrap. He moved one hand to the malamute's sack and began to massage it slowly, while the other hand stroked the shaft with only two fingers. The more the bear did, the more pants and loud moans he heard. Jack drank in the sounds as if they were a reward. He moved both his hands aside, and gave one, long lick, from the malamute's sack to his tip. He then moved the crotch of the jock aside, freeing the hard member from its prison.

Mark's head was swimming. No one had ever worked him over like this before. He could almost taste the amount of lust and wanting that his lover was emitting. With as much strength as he could muster, Mark picked his head up and looked down, only to see a hand grasp the base of his cock, and a warm mouth cover the head. Mark's head fell quicker than it had risen, his body tensing up and him moaning as he felt the hand work itself up and down.

Jack lapped at the drippy head in his mouth, his stroking making more and more pre flow out. He drank in as much of it as he could, his tongue wanting more of the taste. As he stroked, his head started to bob in time with his hand. He started going down further and further onto the cock, until his lips touched his hand. He moved both his hands and grabbed the canine's tight ass, squeezing and groping it as he pulled the rest of his friend into his mouth. He started massaging Mark's ass, fingering the furry asscrack and he began to bob and swallow the dick in his mouth. His tongue lapped at the shaft furiously, wanting all the dog could give him.

Mark's speech had become only loud moans and groans at this point. He felt like he would burst from pleasure at any moment, but it wasn't coming. He felt his ass and crack played with and teased, which only elevated his pleasure. Once he felt the big fingers begin to prod his hole, his moaning stopped. What came out was only a loud, orgasmic scream that filled the entire apartment.

Jack felt the dog shoot hard into his mouth. He moved his friend's cock from the back of his throat to his tongue, wanting to taste what that for which he had he worked so hard. He sucked hard on the shaft, wanting to empty the malamute's sack completely. Once the shot stopped completely, he pulled his head up, only to see Mark panting like his life depended on it.

Mark had never cum so hard before. He felt wonderful from such an intense experience. He was startled as his hips were elevated and his own ankles shown to him, his pants and shoes apparently removed while he was trying to recover. He looked up to Jack, who was smiling down at him with the same drunken grin he had been wearing all night.

"Hold these, will ya?"

Mark reached forward and grabbed his ankles. The polar bear was clearly not done with him, but he didn't mind in the least. Jack moved his hands to the malamute's thighs, spreading them open and showing off the dog's still-hard cock and pink tailhole. His jockstrap was still on, but it had been pushed aside and long forgotten by the lusty bear by now. The possibilities were rolling through Mark's head. He whimpered as he exposed himself, not knowing what his drunk friend was planning.

Jack moved one of his hands to the malamute's sack and began to massage it again, gaining a groan of approval. The large, head had moved downward once more, but went down past the hard, dog cock. His head drifted down to the set of tight cheeks, as the polar licked up the crack.

Mark felt the large tongue slurp over his ass. He let out a loud moan as he felt the wet appendage rub against his hole. Mark's head started reeling again. Another of his most sensitive areas was being assaulted mercilessly. He felt the tongue lap and lap until it finally slipped in. Mark almost lost grip of his ankles from the feeling of having something big and wet push inside of him. He couldn't even hear the licks and slurps that were coming beneath him over his own moans. After what seemed like hours, the tongue withdrew, leaving the malamute whimpering and almost in tears from the loss of feeling in his tail.

Jack withdrew his head. He removed his own pants as he saw Mark looking at him with pleading eyes. He moved his jock out of the way, allowing his own, rock hard, bear cock to slip out. He positioned himself at the slick opening, rubbing his pre all over the canine's hole, causing Mark to whimper more. Mark eyes kept staring at the bear's dick, moaning for the teasing to end and for the thing he desired to be in him. After a few moments of absorbing the dog's pleading, Jack grabbed the dog's strong torso and shoved himself in.

Mark screamed from the initial penetration. He felt Jack spear him completely, grinding his crotch flush against the furred rump. The bear's thick cock was completely inside of him, spreading him wide open. Mark panted hard from being taken. He felt so full that he thought he was going to break. He felt Jack grind himself in his tight tailhole, drinking in the taut, warm feeling.

Jack let go of Mark's torso as he pounded himself in. The polar bear dove forward and buried his face back into Mark's neck, licking and biting him again. He gripped the dog's back as he began to slid himself in and out of his friend.

Mark felt every inch of the bear slide out slowly. The pain was going away, and the sensation it left was amazing. He let out a howl of pleasure as Jack thrust back in hard. The bear hit something inside him, making him whimper pathetically from the pleasure. He gripped Jack's large back tight as the white bear began to pound him, as if urging him for more.

Jack began to growl and grunt, thrusting himself in and out of the malamute's ass. He could barely hear his friend's moans, his own mind engrossed in the pleasure he was feeling. He had started going completely feral, biting harder at Mark, driving into the dog further and further. As he thrust, his large tummy rubbed against the dog's leaking member.

Mark was moaning like crazy. From the biting on his neck, to the huge belly rubbing him off, to the rod fucking him and hitting his sweet spot every time, he was getting very close. The drunken bear was working him over in every way possible. Every nip, every thrust, every grope and squeeze was bringing him closer to the edge. As the thrusts came harder and faster, he could tell Jack was feeling the same way.

Jack's head was swimming in his own pleasure. It felt so good to have Mark underneath him, moaning and squirming in pleasure. It was driving him to mount the malamute harder and harder. He felt himself getting ready to unload himself completely. His own extended lust and arousal too much to bear.

Mark's moans could have woken the dead. They were getting louder and louder from the huge gut rubbing his cock. His knot had come out, and was being squeezed hard. He couldn't take anymore and he howled out. He creamed all over the polar bear's jersey, drenching his as he continued to shoot his load between the two football jerseys.

Jack felt his belly get very wet and Mark's tailhole become very tight. His eyes shoot open as he let out a loud growl. He clamped down onto Mark's neck with his muzzle, letting out his own seed, filling up the tight, canine tail. He kept thrusting throughout his orgasm, extending it as long as he could. After he was done, he felt all his energy drain away. His eyes drifted to Mark's face, seeing his closed eyes and smile. His own eyes began to close, that being the last thing he saw.


Jack began to stir from his rest. His eyes stayed closed as his mind began to awake. He didn't know what, but he felt really good, and something very warm was holding him close.

'That smell is familiar ...' thought the bear. He began to nuzzle the warm and soft thing holding onto him, as he held back tight. He kept this up until he heard a very familiar murr of pleasure. His eyes shot open as he looked beneath him, only to find his best friend, half-naked and sporting a huge smile. Jack backed up a bit, not letting go of his friend, but not nuzzling him anymore either.

"I ... couldn't ... have ..." stuttered the white bear. He slowly began to replay the night before in his head. The game, getting drunk, and giving into his lust after a very long time.

"Oh no ... I did ..."

Jack saw Mark's eyes slowly open and focus on him. He froze up completely, not knowing what to say.

"Morning there," yawned Mark. Jack looked down, surprised at the reaction he got from the awakening malamute.

"Mark ... I ... last night ..." Jack tried his best to get his words out. It felt like they were bottled up in his throat. His eyes tiered to the side as he began, unable to face Mark, too afraid of what he had done in his drunken stupor. Before he could get more words out, the polar bear felt himself being yanked down by his jersey, and his lips hitting someone else's.

Jack was shocked as Mark gave him a deep kiss. He felt Mark's paws scratching his head softly, while the dog's big, brawny arms kept him close. He began to melt into the kiss, holding onto Mark as best he could. After a while, Mark broke the kiss and give the shocked bear a lick on the check.

"We need to get you drunk more often," said Mark softly. Jack chuckled a bit, the smile on his face too big to get rid of at this point.

"I guess we do."

Jack felt the malamute roll him off to the side. Jack lay on his back, with his arms propping him up. He saw Mark get up, only having his jersey and jockstap on. He bent over to pick up his jeans, which had been tossed aside the night before. Jack felt a little blush play across his cheeks as he saw the dog's cum-stained tailhole, knowing that he was the one who had made it that way.

"Where are you going?" asked the bear.

"Well, for starters, I need a shower. Gotta empty what you put in me." Jack blushed harder now, the white fur on his face barely able to cover his blush.

"Then, I think we need some breakfast. I'm starving, and that diner down the street should be open now," said Mark.

"But ... what about ...?" Jack was a little confused. He had just had sex with someone he liked for a long time, but that someone was his best friend. He wanted to know where this was going to take them.

"Well, we always hangout together anyhow. Don't see why anything has to change. Just change the 'best' to 'boy',"

Jack smiled as he saw Mark walk towards the bathroom. He was a little surprised when he saw the big dog turn back around.

"What are you waiting for? I said I needed a shower," said Mark, giving a cocky wink and a smirk. Jack scrambled to his feet, almost crawling after the malamute. He chased after the malamute that was going into the bathroom, and at that point, Mark lifted his tail to show off his cream-filled hole.

Edited By DarkBear


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